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Group 23, Redbirds for Vets, 11/9 Minutes

Meeting time; 5:00pm

Specific meeting location: Pub II

Call to order (when did the meeting actually begin): 5:00pm

Members present: Shannon OHalloran, Janessa Draper, Andrew Schwenk, Austin Mueller, Ben Taylor,
Travis Sherman
Members absent

Review and approve minutes of previous meeting: Minutes form the last meeting were reviewed and
approved by the group

Member Reports

Historian (Janessa Draper)-The historian compiled information from the organization and started
keeping records of the interactions we have with them, did inventory of the items raised form the
item drive.
Liaison (Austin Mueller)- Met with Patty Franz and got more information from her about what
they need and when we can drop the meeting off.
Treasurers(Ben Taylor) (Travis Sherman) totaled the amount of money we `raised from the item
Webmaster (Andrew Schwenk)- Updated the website and keep information posted
Recorder (Shannon OHalloran)- The recorder made agenda and posted the minutes on time.

Old business (any ongoing topics, issues, concerns): We talked about the item drive and who and when the
items will be taken to Patty.

New business: We discussed that Andrew is going to take the items to Patty on Monday, and that he is
going to make sure he doesnt forget the totes because they are Jenessas. We then discussed the Project
Runway paper we have to write next week. We decided that we all should come to the meeting next
week having already watched the episode so that we can get right to writing the paper.

For the next meeting:

Liaison- Talk to Patty about when we can bring the items to her from the item drive

Historian: Keep track of the interactions that we have with the organization.

Webmaster: Update the website with the new agendas and minutes, find out how much money was
raised in total

Recorder: Have agendas posted on time and make sure minutes are complete

Treasures- Come to the next meeting with a total about the items that we raised and total money.

Next meeting The next meeting will be on November 16th

Adjournment: The meeting ended at 5:30 p.m.

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