Cuin6320 Resume

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Houston, TX 612.718.



Montessori School of Downtown
Houston, TX | Aug. 2016 July 2017

As lead teacher, I was responsible for creative supplementary lesson plans to complement the
existing curriculum. I worked hard to create an upbeat and safe environment for 22 two and three-
year olds while using mostly singing and physical interaction. Although we focused on the basics
like counting, phonics, and the alphabet, we also explored deeper subjects like the scientific names
associated with the weather cycle, insects and Spanish vocabulary. A highlight of my time was
creating an open line of communication with the students parents.

Little Acorns Montessori School

Santa Cruz, CA | Aug. 2015 Feb. 2016

As toddler teacher, I created themed-based work while focusing on toilet training and changing
diapers. I encouraged movement and engagement through song & dance. When necessary, I
substituted our lessons with language-based ones to encourage language development. While
there, I was also the school closer which meant creating afternoon
art lessons for both the toddlers and preschoolers.

Les Petites Bilingues

Paris, France | Aug. 2016 July 2017

To complement my French teaching experience, I took on a role as lead teacher as LPB, a

supplementary weekend and after school program for French children learning English. My
responsibilities included maintaining a creative work environment, facilitating cultural exchange
and encouraging the more reserve children to engage with the class. It was important to have fun
lessons that were relevant to the students in order to encourage language
exploration outside of the classroom.

Le Dpartement de lEducation
Deuiil, France | Sept. 2011 June 2012

Through the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF), I taught English as a second language
under the title assistant de langue (language assistant). I developed and facilitated hour-long
lessons plans focusing on French & American culture, music and games, in order to inspire my
students to continue learning through cultural exchanges outside of the classroom. Additionally, I
was responsible for conducting frequent evaluations to measure progress
for each of my 540 students.

University of Houston Goucher College LUniversit Paris-Sorbonne
May 2019 // Houston, TX May 2011 // Baltimore, MD Jan. - May 2010 // Paris, France
Masters in Education B.A. French & B.A. Psychology B.A. French

References available upon request.

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