Gov. Sandoval Letters To Congressional Delegation Re: CHIP

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(One Hesonas Ons Nos Canon Smarr (Cason Cr, Neva 89701 (Once: 775) 84-5670 ac No (75) 6845683 Tas Vacas, Neon #9101 ‘Onmce: (702) 86-2500 aa Na (702) 486-2505 Office of the Governor November 28, 2017 ‘The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto United States Senate 204 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 Dear Senator Cortez Maste, | am writing in support of continued funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Nevada CHIP provides medical insurance to children who might otherwise go without ‘medical care due tothe prohibitive cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments that are part of commercial insurance, even those with subsidies avaliable through the Health Care Exchange for low income familie. In Nevada, CHIP is a combination program, both a Medicaid expansion program and @ ‘separate program known as Nevada Checkup. In both CHIP models, Nevada provides the Medicaid benefit plan where coverage emphasizes each child's unique needs. Some of the children currently enrolled are receiving treatment for serious medial concitions. if CHIP tends or there are eligilty disruptions, that treatment is jeopardized, Nevada projects that our current funding will run out on or about December 15, 2017. ‘Medicaid staff are requestirg redistribution funds, which will allow the program to continue for ‘an additional 2 months. Staff have recently received emails from CMS indicating Nevada should received approximately $5.6 additional funding in both December and January at a {99.03% FMAP rate. At this point the situation is critical, The authorization ofthis funding is, urgent. CHIP Caseload: ‘The separate Nevada Che:kup program covers over 27,000 children on each month. The ‘Medicaid Expansion (MCHIP) covers an additional 13,000 children per month. Children under 18 can enrol if their family nas an income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level, Health Savings Initiative (HS! ‘The Nevada CHIP program is on the forefront of innovation in health policy. On November 23, 2016, CMS approved Nevada's State Plan Amendment for a Health Services Initiative 555 East Wasco Avene SereS100 (HS), Nevada CHIP Is using the HSI to take a population based health approach to ‘behavioral health and early intervention, targeting at risk youth withthe goal of preventing the onset of future behavioral realth diagnosis. This initiative funds services for approximately 600 atrrsk youth betweer the ages of ten through eighteen. The program includes an evidence based curriculum and outcome measures. The outcomes of the HSI wil pave the Way for CMS to allow Medcaid State Plan inclusion of pre-diagnostic services to Nevada's, vulnerable youth population. If CHIP funding ends of is redistributed, the HSI may be eliminated. This wil directly impact the 600 children and end the chance to prove a population ‘based approach to addressing this issue. We will lose the opportunity to prove that intervening ‘early with this population can prevent negative outcomes and halp these childran become productive citizens, | would lke to thank you fer this opportunity to share information regarding CHIP and urge you to act to preserve this ctcal program. fi Governor Co: Senator Heller, United States Senate Congresswoman Tits, United States House of Representatives Congressman Amodei, United States House of Representatives Congresswoman Resen, United States House of Representatives Congressman Kihuen, United States House of Representatives Marta Jensen, Admhistrator, OHCFP Richard Whitley, Director DHHS (Oss Huxonso Ovt Nom Canc Sacer Can Cir, Nitaon_ $9701 ‘Omnce (775) 6 5670 Fax Nos (775) 664-5683, 555 Bast Waawocrow Avenue Sum S100 Las Visas Neon $9101 ‘Ones (702) 4862500, | ax No(702) 486.2505, Office of the Governor November 28, 2017 ‘The Honorable Dean Helle United States Senate 324 Hart Senate Office Buiding Washington DC, 20510 Dear Senator Heller, | am writing in support of continued funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Nevada CHIP provdes medical insurance to children who might otherwise go without medical care due to the protibitive cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments that are part of commercial insurance, even those with subsidies available through the Health Care Exchange for low income families. In Nevada, CHIP is a combination program, both a Medicaid expansion program and a separate program known es Nevada Checkup. In both CHIP models, Nevada provides the Medicaid benefit plan where coverage emphasizes each child's unique needs. Some of the children currently enrolled are receiving treatment for serious medical conditions. If CHIP ends or there are eligibility disruptions, that treatment is jeopardized | Nevada projects that our current funding will tun out on or about December 15, 2017. Medicaid staff are requesting reaistribution funds, which will allow the program to continue for ‘an additional 2 months. Siaff have recently received emails from CMS indicating Nevada | should received approximately $5.6 additional funding in both December and January at a {99.03% FMAP rate, At this point the situation is critical. The authorization of this funding is Urgent. | ‘OLIP Caseload: The separate Nevada Checkup program covers over 27,000 ctldren on each month. The Medicaid Expansion (MCH P) covers an additional 13,000 children per month. Chidren under 48 can enroll f their family has an income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level. Health Savings Initiative (HS): ‘The Nevada CHIP prograr is on the forefront of innovation in health policy. On November 23, 2018, CMS approved Vevada's State Plan Amendment for a Health Services Initiative (HS). Nevada CHIP is using the HSI to take @ population based health approach to behavioral health and early intervention, targeting at risk youth withthe goal of preventing the onset of future behavioral health diagnosis. This intative funds services for approximately 600 atrisk youth between the ages of ten through eighteen. The program inciudes an evidence based curriculum and outcame measures. The outcomes of the HSI will pave the way for CMS to allow Medicaid State Plan inclusion of pre-diagnostic services to Nevada's ‘winerable youth population. If CHIP funding ends of is redistributed, the HSI may be eliminated. This wil directly impact the 600 children and end the chance to prove a population based approach to addressing tis issue. We wil lose the opportunity to prove that intervening ‘carly with thie population ean prevent negative outcomes and help these chiliran hecnme productive citizens. | would lke to thank you for this opportunity to share information regarding CHIP and urge you to act to preserve this crtical program, Abie Governor Ce: Senator Cortez Masto, United States Senate Congresswoman Tilus, United States House of Representatives Congressman Amosei, United States House of Representatives Congresswoman Rosen, United States House of Representatives Congressman Kihuen, United States House of Representatives Marta Jensen, Administrator, DHCFP Richard Whitley, Director DHHS (Ove Hunonen xt Now Cason Sete ‘Ganson Cry Nevion_ 89701 (rnc: (775) 684-5670 Fax No: (75) 6845683, TisVinis, Nene 89101 ‘Onc: (702) 86.2500 No (02) 486-2505 Office of the Governor November 28, 2017 ‘The Honorable Dina Titus United States House of Representatives 2464 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC, 20515 Dear Congresswoman Titus, | am writing in support of continued funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Nevada CHIP prosides medical insurance to children who might otherwise go without ‘medical care due to the prohibitive cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments that are part of commercial insurance, even those with subsidies availabe through the Health Care Exchange for ow income families. In Nevada, CHIP is a combination program, both a Medicald expansion program and a separate program known as Nevada Checkup. In both CHIP models, Nevada provides the ‘Medicaid beneft plan where coverage emphasizes each child's unique needs. Some of the children currently enrolled are receiving treatment for serious medical conditions, If CHIP tends or there are eligibilty disruptions, that treatment is jeopardized, Nevada projects that our current funding will run out on or about December 15, 2017. “Medicaid staff are requesting redistrbution funds, which will allow the program to continue for fan additional 2 months. Staff have recently received emails from CMS indicating Nevada should received approximately $5.8 additional funding in both December and January at a 29.03% FMAP rate, At this point the situation is critical, The authorization ofthis funding is urgent. {ctP Caseload: ‘The separate Nevada Checkup program covers over 27,000 children on each month. The ‘Medicaid Expansion (MCHIP) covers an additional 13,000 children per month. Children under 18 can enroll f their family has an income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level. Health Savings Initiative (HSI ‘The Nevada CHIP program is on the forefront of innovation in health policy. On November 23, 2016, CMS approved Nevada's Stale Plan Amendment for a Health Services Initiative 555 East Wastnczon vin, Sur S100 (HS). Nevada CHIP is using the HSI to take population based health approach to behavioral health and earlyintervention, targeting at risk youth with the goal of preventing the ‘onset of future behavioral realth diagnosis. This inlitive funds services for approximately 600 atrisk youth between the ages of ten through eighteen. The program includes an evidence based curriculum and outcome measures, The outcomes of the HSI will pave the way for CMS to allow Medcald State Plan inclusion of pre-diagnostic services to Nevada's, vulnerable youth populaticn. If CHIP funding ends or Is redistributed, the HSI may be eliminated, This will directly impact the 600 children and end the chance to prove a population ‘based approach to addressng this issue, We wil lase the opportunity to prove that intervening ‘sary with this popillation can prevent negative outcomes and help thes children become productive citizens. | would like to thank you fer this opportunity to share information regarding CHIP and urge you to act to preserve this ertical program. Sincerely, [Asecsncomn. Governor Ce: Senator Cortez Masio, United States Senate ‘Senator Heller, United States Senate Congressman Amo¢ei, United States House of Representatives Congresswoman Resen, United States House of Representatives Congressman Kinuen, United States House of Representatives ‘Marta Jensen, Administrator, DHCFP Richard Whitley, Director DHHS. (One Hons Ove Non Canon Sec ‘Cason Cry, Neon 89701 (Orn: (775) 84-5670 ae No. (775) 684-5683 555 Rass Wasuncion Avs, Si5100 as Vecns,Nevioa #9101 ‘Oc: (702) 486.2500, a No (702) 486-2505 Office of the Governor November 28, 2017, “The Honorable Mark Amode United States House of Representatives 332 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC, 20615 Dear Congressman Amodel, |Lam writing in support of continued funding for the Children’s Health insurance Program (CHIP). Nevada CHIP provides medical insurance to children who might otherwise go without ‘medical care due to the prohibitive cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments that are part of commercial insurance, even those with subsidies available through the Health Care Exchange for low income families. In Nevada, CHIP is a conbination program, both a Medicaid expansion program and a ‘separate program known as Nevada Checkup. In both CHIP models, Nevada provides the Medicaid beneft plan where coverage emphasizes each child's unique needs. Some of the children currently enrolled are receiving treatment for serious medical conditions. if CHIP tends or there are elighily disruptions, that treatment is jeopardized, Nevada projects that our current funding will run out on or about December 16, 2017. Medicaid staf are requestirg recistribution funds, which will allow the program to continue for ‘an additional 2 months. Siaff have recently received emails from CMS indicating Nevada should received approximately $5.6 additional funding in both December and January at a {99.03% FMAP rate. At this point the situation is critical. The authorization ofthis funding is. urgent. cuir ce ‘The separate Nevada Checkup program covers over 27,000 children on each month. The Medicaid Expansion (MCHP) covers an additonal 13,000 children per month. Children under 18 can enrol if their family 1as an income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level Initiative (HS! ‘The Nevada CHIP program is on the forefront of innovation in health policy. On November 23, 2016, CMS approved Nevada's State Plan Amendment for a Health Services Initiative (HS). Nevada CHIP is using the HSI to take a population based health approach to behavioral health and early intervention, targeting at risk youth withthe goal of preventing the. onset of future behavioral health diagnosis. This initiate funds services for approximately 600 atrisk youth between the ages of ten through eighteen. The program includes an evidence based curriculurr and outcome measures. The outcomes of the HSI will pave the way for CMS to alow Medicaid State Plan inclusion of pre-diagnostic services to Nevada's ‘vulnerable youth population, If CHIP funding ends or is redistributed, the HSI may be climinated. This will directl impact the 600 children and end the chance to prove a population based approach to addressing ths issue. We wil lose the opportunity to prove that intervening ‘cary with thie population ean prevent negative outcomes and help these children become productive citizens. | would lke to thank you for this opportunity to share information regarding CHIP and urge ‘you fo act to preserve this =tical program. corey, Cc: Senator Cortez Masto, United States Senate Senator Heller, United States Senate Congresswoman Tus, United States House of Representatives Congresswoman Rosen, United States House of Representatives Congressman Kihuen, United States House of Representatives Marta Jensen, Administrator, DHCFP Richard Whitley, Director DHHS (Ove Hort Ove Nor Casson Saser ‘Canes Cin, Nevo 9701 ‘Ov (775) 64-5670 ae No: (775) 6645685, 585 ast Wastncrow Avevur Sur S100 ‘Ove: (702) 486.2500, x No (702) 486-2505, Office of the Governor November 28, 2017 ‘The Honorable Jacky Rosen United States House of Representatives 431 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC, 20615 Dear Congresswoman Rosen, | am writing in support of continued funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Nevada CHIP provides medical insurance to children who might otherwise go without ‘medical care due to the prohibitive cost of premiums, deductibles and co-payments that are part of commercial insurance, even those with subsidies available through the Health Care Exchange for low income families. In Nevada, CHIP is @ combination program, both a Medicaid expansion program and a separate program known as Nevada Checkup. In both CHIP models, Nevada provides the Medicaid benefit plan where coverage emphasizes each child's unique needs. Some of the chitdren currently enrolled are recelving treatment for serious medical conditions. if CHIP tends or there are eligibility isruptions, that treatment is jeopardized, Nevada projects that our current funding will run out on or about December 18, 2017. “Medicaid staff are requestirg redistrbution funds, which wil allow the program to continue for ‘an additional 2 months. Staff have recently received emails from CMS indicating Nevada should received approximately $5.6 adkitional funding in both December and January at a {99.03% FMAP rate, At this point the situation is crtcal, The authorization of this funding is. urgent CHIP Caseload: The separate Nevada Che:kup program covers over 27,000 children on each month. The ‘Medicaid Expansion (MCHIP) covers an additional 13,000 children per month. Chikdren under | 418 can enroll their family has an income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level. | Health Savings Initiative (HSI ‘The Nevada CHIP program is on the forefront of innovation in health policy. On November 23, 2016, CMS approved Nevada's State Plan Amendment for a Health Services Initiative (HS), Nevada CHIP is using the HSI to take a population based health approach to behavioral health and early intervention, targeting at risk youth withthe goal of preventing the ‘onset of future behavioral realth diagnosis. This intiative funds services for approximately {600 atrisk youth betweer the ages of ten through eighteen. The program includes an ‘evidence based curriculum and outcome measures. The outcomes of the HSI will pave the way for CMS to allow Medicaid State Plan inclusion of pre-diagnostic services to Nevada's vwinerable youth population. If CHIP funding ends or is redistributed, the HSI may be

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