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TPACK Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning Objective K.2 The student, given a set containing 15 or fewer concrete objects,
a) tell how many are in the set by counting the number of objects

b) write the numeral to tell how many are in the set; and
c) select the corresponding numeral from a given set of numerals.
Activity With this lesson, the instructor will have students work to understand
the functions of the whiteboard.
-The instructor will show the students how to drag and move objects
across the board.
-The instructor will show the students how to use the marker tool to
write the correct numbers in the correct boxes.
Once the students have an understanding of how the whiteboard
works, the instructor will continue to:

Now that the assignment is on the board, the instructor will go to the
second slide and explain to the students the instructions.
-Move all of the same color gumballs in the same area. Then, mark off
how many there are above each color on the graph.
-Next, the instructor should have the student counts out loud
together as to how many boxes are shaped for each color.
-Finally, the instructor should ask the class Which color has the most
After completing the slide together, the instructor should have

students take turns coming to the board and working together (with
the other students and the instructor) to complete the other slides.


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