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766 Alignment Template

Nicole Beveridge

KCC students take Freshman Composition either during their first or sophomore year. This writing intensive

English course will be offered as a hybrid (blended) course with the major theme being Sustainability. Many students at

KCC lack the skills necessary to write college -level prose. In this writing-intensive course, we will examine the

conventions of academic discourse in writing. Course readings will focus on sustainability and environmentalism and how

they are shaped and defined through a variety of literary, scientific, political, and popular texts. Class discussions will also

trace the roots of sustainability in environmental writing; students will analyze the diverse debates surrounding

sustainability, and will consider local, national, and international texts about sustainability. Students will interact with

invited guest speakers, conduct field research on sustainability in local communities and institutions, and create their own

narratives and scenarios for sustainable futures based on their findings and speculations. Students will develop written

communication skills for diverse audiences as well as learning how to write across several genres - including memoir,

autoethnography, popular history, and theoryhelping them and others to question, formulate, challenge, and re-

formulate its notions of what it means to "lead" and be "civically engaged."

Terminal Objective: Learners will distinguish between credible/supported and superficial arguments in a variety of
texts, verbally and in writing.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Students will Team Based Read characteristics of Group Quiz Locate an article of
differentiate between Learning Facts and Opinions in your choice in New
facts and opinions in Group Quiz: assigned text York Times and
assigned readings with True/False discuss whether the
100% accuracy. Independent Quiz arguments
represented are facts
or opinions and why.
Student recognizes the Critical Analysis Read: Brendan Do some research on Critical Analysis:
authors use of Discussion of types of Smiths Article- The Ocean Farms?
rhetorical appeals and fallacies, claims and Coming Green Wave: Written response-
is able to describe proofs. Ocean Farming to What are the Provide a summary,
common fallacies with Fight Climate Change possibilities and analysis, synthesis
a 90% accuracy. challenges of ocean and evaluation of the
farming? Which type article.
of ocean farming
seems most logical or

Presentation: Present
this information to the
class in your assigned
Student will describe Class Project: Reading, Group Work Students will work in Reflection: Review
what constitutes a Argument is and Class small groups of three (1) of each Newspaper
credible and Everywhere discussion: What or four and list the and magazine articles,
supported argument makes a good characteristics that bumper stickers,
based on assigned argument? Students make these arguments advertisements,
course readings. will read and analyze effective. movies, television
two short arguments programs and music.
and discuss what Indicate in your
makes them credible reflection whether
and successful or or not they fulfill
superficial and the requirements
unsuccessful. of an argument.

Terminal Objective: Learners will critically review and edit writing for accuracy and clarity.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Students will apply the Summary Writing Read and annotate- Learners will Tourism is a major
rules of grammar and Activity How the BP oil spill complete multiple economic factor in the
style to correct errors affected the Gulf Coast choice MLA Gulf coast region
in writing. article. quizzes ad affected by the oil
complete spill.
Click hyperlinks in the worksheets filling
Course documents on in appropriate in- Conduct some
Blackboard and watch text citations. research on how
the videos pertaining the tourism
to the BP oil spill. Write a reflection industry has
on the BP Oil Spill. addressed these
Review MLA Power problems in a 2-3-
Point Presentation page paper and in
an audiovisual
Student will clearly Argumentative Follow links on Writing Conference Research paper 4-
express their Research Essay Blackboard for and Outline for 6 pages.
arguments verbally or Sustainability: Research essay
in writing based on Connection to local Thesis must be
evidence of research and urban carefully outlined.
and assigned readings environment
Select course
materials must be
incorporated in the
research project.

At least 1 source must

be a journal article, 1
must be a magazine
article, and 1 must be
a newspaper article.
Do not exceed 8
sources total for the

Students will evaluate Research Project- Follow the links on Visit public spaces and Written
their own arguments Prompt: Choose a Blackboard in the conduct fieldwork- Argumentative
based on the evidence way in which a public Course Documents (Observations, research paper (5-6
or experience of space in New York click the hyperlink and Interviews and pages).
applying new City has changed or is watch NY77: The surveys). Conduct
knowledge verbally or being changed and Coolest Year in secondary research on
in writing. argue for your point of Hell your preferred public Annotated Works
view on the effects you space. Cited List
think the change has
had, is having, or Oral Presentation- Sources should show a
could have. Students will range that includes
prepare and some combination of
Select a focus from present an the following: the
one of the areas listed
below. You can choose audiovisual history of the space,
an example listed presentation the economic impact
there or something discussing their of the change, the
else, but regardless, preferred public social impact of the
you need to be specific space. change, the
about the change to a environmental impact
physical space in NYC of the change, and/or
in your essay. demographic impact
of the change
World Trade Center,
Barclays Center,
Willets Point, Times
Square, Coney Island,
Greening NYC:
Community Gardens,
Bike Paths or trails,
city parks, greening
roof top spaces, other:
Gentrification of a
neighborhood: e.g.,
Bedford Stuyvesant,
Harlem etc.
Governing or
policing of public
spaces: Policies and
laws that govern
public spaces (e.g.,
sidewalks or privately
owned public spaces
(or POPS, as they
are known, such as
Zuccotti Park in
Manhattan) that can
affect quality of life

Terminal Objective: Students will take compositional and intellectual risks

Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Learners will write Capstone Assignment Read Aloud: In Class- Computer Capstone written
fluent, unified, Essay Students will each lab (With an assigned Essay will be
coherent, and well- read a section of a partner write down submitted via the LMS
developed essays with model research paper the textual evidence (Blackboard)-
vivid, explicit and that was distributed in supporting your view. dropbox. (6-8) pages.
effective details class. Students will Sharing of research in Review Capstone
identify all the sources preparation for Essay Checklist.
present in the model Capstone Essay
research paper.
A formal cover
page is required

All papers must

be double-

Size 12 Times
New Roman

No big spaces

Give your essay
a title
Ensure there is
a thesis
Use MLA style
to cite sources
citations are
No more than
2-3 quotations
from each
Summarize and
rather than
copy it directly
from your
Insert page

You are
expected to
include two
articles in your
final papers- (at
least one per
essay). Refer to
at least three of
the course
readings and
Include a
minimum of at
least three (3)
sources (never
used in class) in
each research

Works Cited

Include a
separate page
for your Works
List all your
sources that
you used in
your paper-
your work cited
page should be
in alphabetical
Use MLA style
Synthesize Graded Discussion Read Assigned Post a summary Review the discussion
information from Posts Articles in the and reflection of the post rubric in the
several sources to Course Documents reading to the Assessment schedule
support a written on Blackboard and assigned dropbox. folder.
thesis statement watch video clips that
connect with the Written discussion
article you read. posts at least (3)
Incorporate evidence
of external research to
support your
arguments and make
connections to self,
text, and world.

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