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Apples iPhone 8 questionnaire:

On a scale ranging from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree please fill in the correct circle
that corresponds with your answer to the following questions (1-3).

1. The news conference about Apples iPhone 8 answered all of the questions I had
concerning the new product.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

2. The iPhone 8 offers something new to me or to customers in general.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

3. The iPhone 8 is a product I am interested in preordering/buying in the future.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

On a scale ranging from Highly satisfactory to Highly unsatisfactory, please fill in the correct
circle that corresponds with your answer to the questions (4-5).

4. How would you rate your overall experience with Apple products thus far?

o Highly satisfactory
o Satisfactory
o Neutral
o Unsatisfactory
o Highly unsatisfactory

5. How do you feel the iPhone 8 has met your expectations compared to other Apple
products, from the information we have given you today?

o Highly satisfactory
o Satisfactory
o Neutral
o Unsatisfactory
o Highly unsatisfactory

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