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Area of Concern Needs Projects-Action Plan Evaluation Competency

Assessment Addressed
Dismissal: 95% of our There is a concern Devise a more efficient plan to Comparison 009
students live within 5 minutes with parents and dismiss students by bus and of the two
of the school and 95% of staff, as bus riders daycare van. Badges will be systems. I
those students travel by bus, are being placed on distributed by the front office will
daycare van, or car. This is a the wrong busses. during the last 30 minutes of the compare
result of being no sidewalks Additionally, there school day. The badges for bus timing,
with a 5-mile radius of our is no system in place riders and van riders will have the occurrence
school. During previous school to determine if the students name, bus of lost
years, students have been children will ride the route/daycare name and teachers students,
placed on the wrong bus bus or a car home. name. Badges will be collected as and teacher
routes. It is imperative that a students enter the bus/daycare feedback.
system is established that van.
allows administrators,
teachers and students to be Car riders will be given tags that
knowledgeable of: are color coded based on grade
1. How the students will get level. The tags are to be hung from
home. the car that will be picking them
2. If traveling by bus/daycare up. The tag includes the students
van, the correct bus or van to name, teachers name and grade
take. level. will create color-coded
3. Ensuring that the students dismissal tags for car, bus and
are leaving school according walkers.
to their paperwork.
Area of Concern Needs Projects-Action Plan Evaluation Competency
Assessment Addressed
4th grade STAAR writing scores 4th grade STAAR Analyze data from state mandated MOY and 001
writing scores BOY assessments and snapshot EOY 002
plummeted last scores to pinpoint areas of assessment
year. Snapshot data concern within 4th grade writing scores
must be analyzed instruction. Based on analysis of
and used to create data, construct KPI and CIP in 4th Snapshot
new KPI to improve grade writing. scores
4th grade writing
instruction. STAAR
Area of Concern Needs Projects-Action Plan Evaluation Competency
Assessment Addressed
Attendance rate of students For the past seven Contact parents of students who Increase of 008
has dropped. years our overall miss 3 or more days per month to campus
attendance devise a plan to get the students attendance
percentage has to school daily. rates
fluctuated between
95 and 98%. We Students who attend school daily
need 100 percent of for an entire month will have a
the students to be special invitation to eat a treat
at school 100% of with the principal.
the time. The classes with the best
attendance rate (per grade level)
will be featured on a monthly
incentive bulletin board.

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