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‘3012017 “She was magi, that gi was just magi” | Bryant Archway “She was magic, that girl was just magic” Dy kay cranam «0/2620 When Jessica Sultaire sat down for her interview forthe Bryant Academic Advising office fve years 290, the other advisors knew there was something genuinely different about her. "She was so Intelligent, witty, and empathetic" describes coworker Chris DaCosta, one of Jess's close friends who interviewee her that day, Jess got the job in July of 2012. Immediately upon starting at Bryant, it was clear that she belonged in the community, not just because of her advising skills but Because she created an environment of rust and friendship with everyane she met, "It was never just a meeting where I would go in, pick classes and leave,” says senior Kelsey Wikinson. “Jess remembered everything going on in my Ife whether it was school related, clubs, or about family anc friends.” Four months after starting her career at Bryant, Jess was diagnosed with stage 3C epithelial ovarian cancer. Immediately folowing her clagnosi, she began treatment which included a surgery in early December Being forced to take time off from work, Jess spent most ofthe months following her clagnosis in the hospital, trying to figure out the proper way to navigate Ife with cancer: During her frst few visits to the hospital, Jess created a blog page surrounding the topic of her disease, Titled “The Cancer Chronicles: My ‘account of the bole, bald, battle, the page allowed Jess to communicate about her cancer in a way that continued to show her personality and spin, Starting as early as her fist entry, where she explains her type of eancer and what the doctors have recommended so fer, her blog focuses on the support and upliting attitudes of those around her, allowing readers to feel the postive outlogk she had during atime of fear and pain. "Keep the postive thoughts going because I sure am. (on the morning of February 16th, Jess passed eway among her mother, father, brother Adam, and long-term boyfriend Corey, all of whom had been with her and provided her support and strength throughout her battle, Immediately upon being learning about Jess's passing, the Bryant community was struck with sadness and appreciation for the time Jess had glvan them. "There's a hole in advising" DaCosta describes. "I feel like I can say anything, but it won't be enough. It won't do her justice” hntplbryantarchway.convshe-was-magletha-g-was-ust-nagi! 18 ‘3012017 “She was magi, that gi was just magi” | Bryant Archway ‘There is no doubt that Jess let a lasting impact on the Bryant community, as well as everyone and anyone who was lucky enough to mest her throughout her 23 years. In 2015 Jess was award the "Rising Star in Academic Advising” award forthe National Academic Advising Association, OF NACADA. This award embodies her sprit and impact es an advisor who truly betteree the lives of every student that came into her office UUpen learning of her passing, NACADA has renamed the Rising Star award after Jess, which they describe as a small effort to honor someone whe has done so much for the advising community. Jess's passion for glving is also shown in her dedication to the Izzy foundatl participate in galas and other fundraising events. The Izzy foundation, created in Hasbro hospital, is a group whe helps chiléren with ebiltating diseases. Jess spent time with the children the I2zy foundation helped, oftentimes asking her friends and family to come with her {and give back by giving some of ther time as well. It was heartbreaking, but important,” says DaCosta, who visited the foundation with Jess, n, where she volunteered hours of her time to visit ehildren and and proceeded to decide to donate the money he raised training fora hal-marathon to the children at the Izzy foundation. "Even if you didn’t lice hospitals, she made it comfortable” Jess enjoyed many things outside of her career and her disease, especially If it Involved being physically active. She loved running, and participated in color runs and other read races with friends beth en carpus and off Jess even persuaded DaCosta to sign up for a half ‘marathon, and on the days when he cid feel like running he was inspired to push through training because of her. One day when he tried to skip a long run, Jess's personality got the best of him. "She saié to me, "What, €o you have cancer? Cause I do, and I'm going to the gym.” ‘moments lke these that define Jess's spunk and humor that made her cancer manageable, Her unwavering determination to not let her disease work as an excuse to be treated diferently was a feature that inspirad all those around her. hntplbryantarchway.convshe-was-magletha-g-was-ust-nagi! 218 ‘wison017 “She was magi, that gi was just magi” | Bryant Archway Having been @ nanny in her past, Jess loved working with kids, and hoped to someday adopt kids of her own with her boyfriend Corey. She was working on putting together a book for young people with cancer, hoping that it would send @ message of unity and the idea that "you're not 1 chance to complete her book, her ‘alone in your journey, Ym going through this and I am doing just fine”. While she may have not ha passion for helping children no doubt helped to comfort those who were also fighting the battle IIs hard to know that there will be students the come to Bryant's campus and do not get the opportunity to meet Jess. No one will ever compare to her upiting spirit and uncanny ability te make you laugh when she had every right to be sad, There was no doubt she was scared of what her future would hold, but there was not a second that she let her cancer arevent her from doing anything she wanted to do. In her final blog entry in early February of 2017, Jess admitted how tired was feeling, but lways followed up with a positive remark. "I just need to remember everything else Ihave overcome in previous years, when I go to that place of defeat In my head. None of It was easy or quick, and tall took work and patience. This is no diferent": This passion, determination, and underlying positivity through fall; this is Jess. Funeral arrangements have been set for Friday March 3rd at 2pm inthe Interflth Center. The Bryant community, her fiends, family, and colleagues are welcomed and encouraged to attend, Additonal funeral arrangements have been scheduled by her family for Saturday March 4th, with calling hours at 1pm and a service at 2:30pm. The services will be held at Carpenter Jenks Funeral Home in West Warwick Rhode Island. Bryant University encourages students in mourning visit Counseling Services; you can make an appointment at (401)-232-6045. A faculty and staf Employee Assistance Program is avalleble at 1-800-445-1195, Kaitlyn Graham hntplbryantarchway.convshe-was-magletha-g-was-ust-nagi! 38

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