Spring 2009 Shropshire Master Composters Newsletter

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Shropshire Master Composters Newsletter

Spring edition

Young children inspired to compost with WRAP has been

Darwin’s Worms project subsidising home
composting bins since
As part of the Darwin 200 celebrations, nearly 30 2004. In 2004, the
wormeries have organisation was
been delivered to subsidising around 75% of
nurseries and the cost of a £30 bin. Over
playgroups in the years, this has gradually
Shrewsbury. The reduced to a 30% subsidy,
children aged 2 to with WRAP currently selling
5 have enjoyed the bins for around £20.
handling the worms
before putting them However, they have now
into their officially confirmed that from
wormeries. They September 2009, they will withdraw from the
have learnt how to market altogether and provide different support.
look after them and
are going to feed Philip Ward, director of local government
them on their own services at WRAP stressed: "This is not 'WRAP
fruit and vegetable waste. abandons its home composting programme' -
that is not what we are doing.
By interesting these children when they are
really young, we are hopefully setting them up to Fortunately the PFI contract requires there to be
accept recycling as a regular daily activity and a home composting bin scheme in place, so we
help make a genuine reduction in waste. Charles are working with Veolia on getting a replacement
Darwin himself was fascinated by worms and scheme organised soon. As a result, we will
would surely have approved of this project. very likely see changes to the bins on offer, the
prices and the whole structure of the scheme.
It is hoped that more Nurseries will take up this We are talking to other local authorities about a
opportunity – the scheme is now being rolled out possible joint scheme and will keep you informed
across Shropshire, and a similar scheme is of progress in sourcing another supplier. We
being started in Telford and Wrekin. cant guarentee we’ll get the full range of bins
For more pictures, see our website that WRAP were able to offer, but we’ll try to
www.shropshirecomposters.co.uk, arrange a few different types and we would
welcome your input and ideas on this front.
Cheryl & Val
Recycling rates in Shropshire keep growing
Changes to compost bin scheme
With the assimilation of SABC completed in
WRAP is to stop subsidising home composting October 2008, all municipal waste in Shropshire
bins altogether to focus on a more advisory role is now managed by the Shropshire Waste
in the wake of 2008's budget cuts from Defra. Partnership through its long term fully integrated
PFI contract with Veolia.
The practical effect of this is that the service now However, much of the work is also round
managed by SWP in a typical quarter: redesigning packaging so that it still protects the
product, but uses less material, and/or stacks
• Makes around 2.5 million waste collections better. One example was M&S meat joints,
where the packing is now a sort of deep plastic
• Collects around 10,000 sacks of clinical tray with a film lid – although the ‘which one
waste and over 100 sharps boxes for safe would you buy?’ question fell rather flat – as far
disposal from householders as I could tell, hardly any of us eat meat!
• Receives about 200,000 visitors to the Val
Household Recycling Centres
New Co-ordinator for MC group
The main aim of this contract is to achieve high
rates of diversion from landfill and it seems to be Sue Jelleyman has got a new job, developing
doing the trick! It’s estimated that for the end of after school clubs, although she is still working
2008/9 financial year, recycling rates in for SC. And she is still a Master Composter –
Shropshire will be 48.2% which well exceed the and will no doubt spread the message to the
contract target for the whole year of 46.7%. schools she works with.

Meeting at Shire Hall: December 2008 So now you’ve got James Thompson, who is
Waste Prevention Officer for SWP. Some of you
As you may know, since Veolia Environmental may know me already from my time as Recycling
Services took over the collection and disposal of officer at S&ABC. You can contact me on 01743
waste in the county, they have also been part 210714, or by emailing
funding the Master Composters. Those of us james.thompson@shropshire.gov.uk
from the first 2 groups had a meeting with Veolia
when the change occurred. What can Master Composters do?

VES are very keen to roll out the MC scheme So far, we’ve concentrated on attending fairs,
(they have organised 2 more training weekends events etc. This is definitely working in terms of
since then!), but also discussed with us whether convincing people to take up composting but
we would like to take on a wider role of there are plenty of other innovative ways with
promoting recycling/waste min generally. some volunteers organising community
Most of us were keen to do so, but thought we composting schemes, press releases,
should have some training. The meeting in competitions and quizzes and lots more.
December brought in someone from WRAP, who
talked about the work they are doing with There are many things we can do, many of the
manufacturers to reduce the amount of ideas coming from a conference held a couple of
packaging – this is the subject that we find most years ago. If you want to see the whole list, and
annoys people we speak to! A lot of work is lots more info, go to
being done around thinning glass & tins, which www.homecomposting.org.uk. Log in as shrops,
not only reduces the amount of material used, password shr3dd3r, or log onto the yahoo group
but the fuel needed to carry them. Personally, I shropshirecomposters, where it is one of the
find it irritating that a lot of the plastic packaging files.
is used for bottled water or soft drinks – totally
unnecessary, since we’ve got taps full of water!
Yahoo group and composthelpline Feedback from WRAP

This is a private group, no-one can look at it if Following an upgrade to the call centre, I just
they’re not a member, and you can only be a wanted to inform you of a change in telephone
member if you’re invited. number for the home composting order line and
customer care line. Effective immediately, the
It contains a calendar, which you can update new telephone number is 0845 076 0223. This
yourself, with space for information about venue, replaces 0845 077 0757 for sales and 0800 107
who is going etc. It means we always have the 3798 for Customer Care. This will bring the two
most up-to- facilities together and offer a complete service to
date our callers on the same number. There is a re-
information – direct facility on both old numbers until the end of
assuming March.
you’re on
email. If Fleeces
you’re not,
then you can Fleeces/polos have arrived for new Composters
get a web based email account free of charge and are available from James Thompson,
and use the libraries if you don’t have a home Shropshire Waste Partnership (01743) 210714.
PC. If you can pop by and collect, at your
convenience. I know a lot of folk raised the issue
The group website also contains various files of that they were pretty super-sized, and we did ask
information – lists of display equipment held at WRAP if more slimline versions were available
various venues, pictures of as many of us as I but I’m afraid they won’t change them.
can find, quiz sheets you might want to use if
you’re working with groups, photos..... Telford talk

We also have a website, Telford & Wrekin have been doing a trial with
www.shropshirecomposters.co.uk. At the Green Cones. Trevor has been to a progress
moment, Val is keeping this up to date, but there meeting and there was general agreement
is no reason why you can’t amend it as well. If among the 'guinea pigs' that they were working
you have any problems using the group, or well and causing no problems.
would like to update the website, please contact
Val on 01743 260971. The trial cones had all been professionally sited /
installed so the potential for water saturation
We’ve got a mobile phone which is advertised wasn't an issue. Melanie was disappointed; hers
on some of our literature. We’ve only ever had 3 had flooded almost immediately but Anne H had
calls, so it’s not onerous! but it can be passed to met with great success.
various members if needed. Number is 07780
740172. Some of us have business cards to give The Cones, which digest cooked food including
out, if people want details for arranging talks etc. meat aerobically, would seem to have a place in
If you want a sample, can you get in touch – you the Master Composter portfolio. Maybe the next
can get your own from Vistaprint, free except for time we have a joint meeting this could be a
postage, but it makes sense to use the same topic for presentation?
format/picture even if your details are on it.
The Johana is similar to a regular bin but they attentive to our needs during the fair. The venue
claim its design allows it to work at 25 degrees was excellent with an opportunity to see the
above ambient for faster production and it can gardens & to have a quiet lunch by the lake -
also be used for bread & cooked vegetables. away from the hustle & bustle of the fair.
Carola was also trialling a ‘Green Johanna’ and Attendance, which included many people from
was pleased with the initial results. Shropshire, was excellent even on the damp
Sunday. One person was interested enough to
Magic compost sign up to train as a MC – Anne Hendrie from
Oswestry! People asked questions without being
The magazine Organic Garden and Home has prompted - this was a novelty because usually
an article this month on Quick Return people have to be approached at the Oswestry
composting. This uses a herbal activator made area events. This was the Oswestry area’s most
from nettles, dandelion and oak bark. The successful event to date which hopefully will be
compound has been on sale since the 1930s, repeated because James has given his
and was invented by ‘Queen of Compost’ Maye permission for attendance at this year’s event on
Bruce. The method is to build a heap of 4” 5th & 6th September.
layers, each being sprinkled with dilute
compound. The heap should have good MCs attended the very first Blackberry Fair in a
drainage, shelter, heat retention and aeration. It cold, draughty Market Hall in Whitchurch.
claims to produce compost in 6-8 weeks in Barbara, Malc & Rob manned the display while
summer. I Linda had the strange experience of speaking to
don’t know the whole hall via a microphone while the
about you, ‘audience’ continued their buying, selling,
but I think chatting (most disconcerting!) however the
this isn’t organisers were happy & Anne Nagle (Trevor
far off what Bell’s WRAP colleague from Staffordshire who
you would was manning the ‘lovefoodhatewaste’ display)
get if you was impressed. New MC Lyn Hall came along to
paid as lend her support & MCs who have trained since
much the event introduced themselves. Hopefully,
attention to some Whitchurch area MCs who will be able to
the layers, dampness etc of a normal heap, do this event in 2009 to save on transport costs.
without the magic mixture. Anyone got the
interest/ self discipline to try an experiment Walford College
comparing the 2 methods?
Jane led the final session of her Walford &
OSWESTRY MC AUTUMN EVENTS North Shropshire College horticulture class’s
topic on ‘Soils’ with a powerpoint presentation.
For the first time MCs attended the annual Linda, Rob, Tracy with newly trained MCs Anne
Welsh Food Fair at Glansevern Hall near Hendrie & Brian Knell (at their first event)
Berriew having had permission to cross the supported the students during a virtual compost
border! Linda, Barbara, Jane & Jenny talked game and by answering questions particularly on
informally to around 250 people over the wormeries, green cones & bokashi bins. It
weekend & with an additional 70 people at seems that those students, who were not already
Linda’s three talks & demonstrations. The event composting, have been persuaded to start,
was planned efficiently and the organisers were especially one who burnt everything!
Car stickers Soil Association Training Day

Garden Organic have been working with

Oxfordshire composters to produce a car sticker Are you interesting in doing a Soil Association
for MC’s. Might be a nice idea? Let us know organic gardening course locally in Aston on
what you think? Clun? There are already about 12 people
showing interest, we need to get more.

You had to provide your own lunch, bring a

sample of your own soil, and wear suitable
outdoor clothes. The course costs £24 each.

If you are interested contact

j.miles@wnsc.ac.uk who is getting a list of
Training interested people together.

We are organising some training in the first week Upcoming Events

of April surrounding food waste prevention and
the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign • Mon 2/3/09 7.30 p.m. - next meeting of
www.lovefoodhatewaste.com the Oswestry area MCs at 45 Cabin Lane,
Oswestry - new MCs can see the
Date and time is currently TBC. displays, equipment etc that we have in

• Sat 14/03/09 – Wem Green Fayre

• Sun 29/3/09 10 - 4 Walford College

Spring Open Day (organiser Jane Miles)

• Tues 5/5/09 10 -12 Talk to Oswestry U3A

• Sat 4th July – Shrewsbury Green Fayre

• Sun April 26th Fordhall farm food fayre

• Sun July 5th 11-4 Fordhall farm farmers


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