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Social 10

Reflection Questions After Listening to Blanche Bruised Head

You have had the experience of listening to stories from Blackfoot knowledge holder Blanche
Bruised Head about her experiences at residential school. It is now time to reflect and respond
to her teachings by answering the following questions. You must respond to two of the
questions in Section A, and the first question in Section B along with one other from Section B.

You must write a minimum of a small paragraph for each prompt. However, it is recommended
that you take the time to reflect, and fully write out your thoughts.

This assignment is due by the end of the class period.

Section A
1. How did you feel listening to Blanche?
2. Is there anything you would have liked to say to Blanche after hearing her stories?
3. How did you find learning by listening to Blanches stories in compared to our regular
classroom activities?
4. Did any of her stories stand out to you? Which one? Why?

Section B
1. What is the relationship between Canadas residential schools and historical
globalization? *You must respond to this prompt*
2. Did any of Blanches stories stand out where she dealt with the negative impacts of
cultural contact (marginalization, assimilation, eurocentrism)
3. How are Blanches experiences the legacies of imperialism?
4. Can you see any ways that Blanches experiences at residential school have affected her
identity today?

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