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SPE/DOE 27791

Screening of Oils for In-Situ Combustion at Reservoir Conditions

via Accelerating Rate Calorimetry
D.V. Yannimaras and D.L. Tiffin, Amoco Production Co.
SPE Members

Cqyr!gh! 1994,Socbly of Pe.oleum Engineers,1..

mm paper wasprepared for Premntdion x tn. SPEIDOE Nnm Symrmslum.. hmx.avti 01! Recoveryheld in TU13.,Oklahoma, U.S.A., 1740 April 7994.

This paperwas selec!ed for presentationbyan SPE ProgramCmmniltea followingrwEw of Mormatim canlat.ed f. an abs!ractsubminedby lhe Wthor(s).Con!ent*of chepaper,
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Abstract 6. spontaneous oil ignition and complete oxygen utili-

This paper introduces a new method to screen crude oils zation,
for applicability of the air injectlonfin-situ combustion pro- 7. operation above the critical point of water with pos-
cess. Testing is performed at reservoir conditions, up to sible superextraction benefits,
6,000 psig, utilizing a specially modified Acc@erating Rate 8. near-miscibility of the generated flue gas and the
Calorimeter (ARC M). For four medium and high API grav- oil.
ity oils, ARC results are shown, combustion tube data is [terns 1-5 have received most of the attention in the tech-
presented and air injection field data is discussed and nical literature, while 6-8 have not been investigated
compared as well. The continuity of the ARC trace is inter- extensively. Recent publications offer In-depth analysis of
preted to tie in kinetics results, combustion tube results currently active high-pressure air injection projects 3.
and field air injection results. A method is thus available to
deliinit the envelope of applicability of air inJectiorr/in-situ l-b. Importance of In-Situ Combustion Kinetics
combustion to those oil reservoirs where the probability of The study of the in-situ combustion kinetics is undertaken
technical and economic success is greatest. in order to:
l-a. Introduction, Air Injection for Crude 011 . Obtain modeling parameters suchas the Arrhenius actk
Recovery vation energy (EJ, order of reaction (n), and pre-expo-
nential factor (A). Such values are needed for numerical
Air in@ction can offer unique economic and technical
modeling studies and can also be used to calculate igni-
oPPoflunities for imProved oil recovery in many candidate tion energy requirements or the ignition induction
reservoirs. Air injection is an efficient oil recovery process,
since only a small amount of the in-place oil is consumed
while the rest is displaced, banked and eventually pro- . Identify the reaction regimes of a particular crude oil.
duced. It has been often applied to heavy oils (for viscosity Two temperature intervals are distinguished in the liter-
reduction due to heat release) and also to light oils. Con- ature, Low Temperature Oxidation (LTO) and High
centrating on the economically advantaged class of light Temperature Oxidation (HTO). LTO starts at the ignition
oil reservoirs, potential process benefits includel temperature of the oil and extends to approximately
1. excellent displacement eficiency and mobilization 300-250C. HTO follows LTO and may extend to
of extra, combustion oil, 400-500C for light oils, or up to 700C for heavy oils
and tars.
2.. reservoir pressurization,
3. flue gas stripping of the reservoir oil, . Determine the possibility of spontaneous ignition, if the
crude oil is kept In contact with air at reservoir condi-
4. oil swelling,
5. injection gas substitution.
This study only peripherally addresses the three issues
For air injection into high pressure, hot reservoirs, addi- discussed above. Aithough data and graphs are pre-
tional benefits may accrue

References at end of .mmer.

. ~



sented from which the kinetics parameters previously dis- of a trace over a temperature interval indicates a region of
cussed may be Inferred, what is developed is exothermic reaction, while no reaction is indicated by the
. A method of obi~nlng and interpreting crude oil oxida- absence of experimentally recorded points.
tion kinetiCSreSU[tS,so as to be able to select oils most IL The LTO/HTO Reactions and the ARC
suited to air injection. Testing of Pure Hydrocarbons
Thus, for the first time, kinetics results are tied directly to Previous low and medium pressure studies of in-situ com-
combustion tube and field data, apart from reaction mod- bustion kinetics have utilized primarily the Differential
eling, and technical insights are gained which address the Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) (as well as the Differential
basic question of technical suitability of various reservoir Temperature Analyzer, DTA, and the Thermogravimetric
oils to air injection. Analyzer, TGA).
l-c. The Accelerating Rate Calorimeter The DSC, as well as the other instruments, operates by
The Accelerating Rate Calorimeter is an instrument devel- imposing a constant heat flux to the sample and to a refer-
oped in recent years4 for studying reaction kinetics by fol- ence, and collects data on the positive deviation in heat
lowing reactions adiabatically. It is the only currently flow from the crude oil sample as compared to the refer-
available instrument capable of determining Idnetice ence. For crude oils, two peaks are seen, one for the LTO
parameters over an extended pressure range (O-10,000 reaction and one for the HTO. The relative size of these
psig). It was described and introduced into the air injectioti two peaks varies with the nature and API gravity of the oil.
in-situ combustion literature in 19911, when crude oil comb- Since a mnstant heat flow is imposed on the sample, the
ustion kinetics data at Ihighpressure were presented for baseline temperature is constantly increasing with time.
the first time. The continuity of the transition between the LTO to the
Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC) tests are run to HTO reaction cannot be observed due to the imposed high
obtain the Arrhenius activation energy, pre-exponential base heat rate (of the order of 1-1OC/min). The Acceler-
factor and order of reaction (as long as a one-reaction ating Rate Calorimeter operates quite differently. It follows
model may be fitted to the data5), along with the starting a '`heat-wait-search-adiebaticaIly-follow-exotherm'' algo-
temperature and extent of the main exotherms. This adia- rithm4,5 that lets the crude oil react at its inherent burning
batic testing is done at reseryoir pressure, stating at res- rate. Moreover, it does not impose a constant baseline
ervoir temperature and up to 500C (932F). Results for heating and, as will be seen in the following paragraphs, it
two crude oils at medium and high pressures may be reveals the continuity, if any, of the LTO/HTO reactions.
found in 1I. The existence of two distinct series of reactions means
The ARC consists of a small (1 in. I.D.) spherical sample that there exists a temperature region in which the rate of
holder into which the reactants are placed under very the first reaction decreases as the temperature increases.
accurate temperature and heat supply control, which is the ThLs region is celled the zone of negative temperature
key factor in the design and construction of the ARC. Once coefficient6 and detailed mechanistic explanations have
a self-heat rate is detected (limit Is 0.02C/min or higher), been proposed to account for it.
the sample completes ik thermal spiral adiabatically, with An understanding of the existence of two overall reactions
automatic collection of time, temperature and pressure In the oxidation of hydrocarbons and crude oils can be
data. The two ARCS used in this study have been exten- gained by examining Figures 1 &2, which show results of
sively and specially modified for reliable operation up to ARC testing high-purity n-octane and n-hexadecane in
6,000 psi, while tracking highly exothermic combustion mntact with air. As the hydrocarbon ignites, a fraction of it
reactions, and use special, Amocodeveloped, sample burns, while the reef pyrolyzes into smaller molecules.
SEIJ! li~at RatE
A crude oil sample is usually subjected to closed ARC
system testing, i.e. fixed amount of air, initially at reservoir [ .. ....... .
pressure, over the oil sample and near-perfect adiabatic ...
inn: .,,
operation. We have also developed the capability to do ,,
flowing type ARC testing, i.e. with the oil sample under a
continuously replenished stream of air at reservoir pres- in,
sure and quasi-adiabatic operation. The constant pres- /
sure, flowing system test is a more complex experiment it ;
can be operated up to .6,000 psig, with very small flow i .?
rates and with effluent gas analysis provided by dedicated ,,;
sensors and mass spectroscopy. In all tests exotherm ini- ,
tiation detection limit is usually set at 0.025C/min and the .i -
instrument is drift-checked and calibrated before each run.
The experimental results are presented as the log of ,,. , i
the rate of exothermic heat release ~C/min) vS. temperat- .q~.
2 4nn 5nn
ure. Since the reaction is followed adiabatically, once TEMP%WE C 1?%
combustion is underway no heat is allowed to cross the Figure t Ocmne & Air ARC Run, Closed System, Prnltiaj = $,S00 pdg.
system boundaries. Thus, in the ARC plots, the presence


These smaller molecules have a higher ignition tempera-

ture and the result is the formation of two peaks. The
superposition of all such traces of the many compounds
~f E
that make up a crude oil results in the LTO and HTO reac-
tions. The creation of two peaks is also aided by the fact
that most long-chain hydrocarbons asymptote to similar
ignition temperatures.

Self hat Rate


flgums ExOOwmE xhlbltrngn LargeOreaki nConUnultY,O llA,Clo.$ed

ARC Run, PI,I#aI 1,800 F@.

Ill-b. The Caae of an Oil Suited to Air Injesfion

Figure 4 shows ARC results for a light N. American crude
in contact with air at reservoir pressure (5,400 psi). This oil

auto-ignited at reservoir temperature (121C) and then

Flgum2. Hexadecane ARC R.n, Air Fkawing @lsccJmln, P=t4.7pnL mu

Srslf t!~at Rate

Ill. ARC Screening of Oils for Air Injection

Technical literature references suggest that in-situ com-
bustion has equal applicability to many types of oil reser- j
voirs, given a minimum oil content per unit reservoir
volume and favorable reservoir quality. lo
The research results presentad here indicate otherwise,
that some oils are more equal than others in their suitabil- ,-
ity for air injection. To understand why some oils are better
candidates forakinjedlon than most, results will bedis- /
cussed from Accelerating Rate Calorimetry testing of cer- ,p-
tain crude oils in contact with air, as .detailed in Table 1. .i
.,, >
Table 1: Wpe of Oil & Date Available
nil ~~n 3no 5 ID
50 !m .400

& Origin
A, N. America

x x -
Figure 4. Exotiwm
pInIUd = 5r400wm.
Exhrblti.g Good ConUnully, 011 S, Olosed ARC Run,

B, N.America 36 5,400 121 x x - exhibited a strong, continuous exotherm to 380C. This

C, N.America 2s 1,500 3s x x x final temperature Is high enough to sustain a combustion
D, Middle-Esst 29.5 2,000 79 x x - front. Subsequent testing in Amocos high-pressure corn-
bi.istion tube confirmed reliable ignition and propagation of
Ill-a. The Caaaofan Oil Unsuited to AirlnJactlon the in-situ combustion process.
Figure 3 shows ARC results foroil A,amedlum gravity Ill-c. Two In-Between Cases
North American oil, in contact with air at 1,800 psi. This oil Figure 5 shows ARC results for oil C, a medium gravity
ignites at 115C, feachJng a peak temperature in the ARC North American oil for which ARC, combustion tube, and
system of only 245C. There is no further exothermic air injection field data exists.
activity until the temperature is raised to 450C. Oil A failed
topropagate a combustion front in subsequent combus- Testing was done at 1,500 psi. This oil shows an exotherrn
tion tube experiments. discontinuity at 300-350C. In combustion tube testing,
peak temperatures In excess of 300C were achieved Only __..
by substantially increasing the injected air flux7. In the

*-, .



field, where such an opfion is not avdlable, the peak tem-

perature was 300C. It is enough to propagate a combus-
tion front but insufficient to mobilize all the extra
combustion oil.

100 ,

E ;.
g io

x /

Em Mu Mm m im
/ Distsnc!Alongth8
!:~~ Y* Figure 7. Combustion Tubs Testing of 011D, P. 2,000 PsIg.
50 100 200 300 400 500
TEMPERFmRE *O (iA) IV. Reeulting Oil Selection Criterion &
Figure 5. Exothonn Exhibiting aSmall Break [ri Continuity, 0[! C, Closed
ARC Run, Pln[uaf n t ,500 PSIIJ.
For a crude oil to burn smoothly in situ, ARC results are
Figure 6 shows ARC results for oil D, a 29.5AP[ gravity needed that show continuous, or piecewise continuous,
oil. The ARC results at reservoir pressure show a break in exothermicity between the onset of the major exotherm
exotherm continuity at 280-300C. In subsequent adia- and its end temperature. This end temperature needs to
batic combustion tube testing, the combustion front be above 300C.
appeared to stall at 280-300C (see Figure 7, disregard- The ARCs operational mode makes detection of such
ing the first, forced-ignition zone). HTO combustion front behavior possible. A relatively simple laboratory test is
propagation was achieved only by increasing the air flux thus sufficient to limit the applicability of air injection to only
by 26/6.The increaeed air flux, and consequent increase those oil reservoirs where the probability of technical and
in the reaction heat rate release, enabled the oil to bridge economic success is greatest.
the LTO-HTO gap shown on the ARC plot and enter the
The scaling requirement that ties together results from the
HTO reaction.
ARC teat and the combustion tube or field project is that
the thermal inertia of each system be of the same order of
iDUO Self HEat Ratz magnitude. Thermal inertia, 0, is defined for the ARC sys-
tem as
0 = 1 +(MhCJ/(MsCJ, (1)

where M ia the mass, C the specific heat and the sub-

scripts h and s refer to the sample holder and sample
respectively. Obviously, for the combustion tube system
an analogous equation can be written, with the sand
matrix substituting for the sample holder.
The reservoir matrix materials and clays can affect certain
aspects of the reaction kinetics significantly. However, for
the purposea of this discussion, if used in the ARC exper-
iments, they only need to be accounted for as an extra
additive term in the numerator of the fraction of the equa-
tion given above.
ma 200 m 40U au Often there are significant differences in the LTO/HTO
transition, depending if the experiment ia run in the closed
Figure 6. ARC Results, 011 D, Closed Run, Prnlt. 2,000 pslg.
or flowing ARC system mode. It is recommended that the
closed system experiments be employed to screen oils in
their potential for air injection applications. The air fluxes
used in typical combustion tube testing, and even the low-
est ones used in the flowing ARC system testing, are not



field-achievable, except in the near-wellbore region of the Moore, via a contract from Amoco Production Co. to Hycal
air injection wells. Energy Research Laboratories Ltd.
Although the same considerations apply to both light and References
heavy oils, it should be kept in mind that there are two pos-
1. Yannlmaras, D. V., SUfi, A. H., & Fassihl, M.R., The Case
itive factors for heavy oil in-situ combustion. First, heavy for Air Injection Into Deep Light Oil Reservoirs; Proc. of
oils release considerably more heat in the HTO reaction the 6th Euro. Symposium on IOR., Sfevanger, Norway,
than in the LTO. Second, the usually high, and continuous, 55-64, 1991.
oil saturations encountered in heavy oil reservoirs ensure
2. Erickson, A., Legeraki, J. R., & Steace, F: V., An
operation in the HTO mode, once the process is started by Appraisal of High Pressure Air Injection Results from
high-temperature, forced ignition. Lean zones, however, Deep, High-Temperature,High-Gravity 011 Resewoirs:
could present difficulties, if the LTO-to-HTO transition is Fiftieth Anniv. Field Conf., Wyoming Geol. Aaaoc. Guida-
discontinuous. book, 259-270, 1993.
The question arises if it is possible to predict the ARC test- 3. Kumar, V., Fasaihl, M. R., & Yannimeres, D. V., Case His-
ing results given an oil analysis, i.e. what compounds in tory and Appraisal of the Medicine Pole Hills Unit Air
the oil are responsible for a smooth LTO-to-HTO transi- injection Project, SPE/DOE 27792, Proceedings of the

tion. Crude oils are mixtures of hundreds of compounds SPE/DOE Ninth Symposium on IOR, Tulsa, OK, 1994.
and the most detailed GC analysis lumps these com- 4. Townsend, D. i., and TOLLJ. C., Thermal Hazard Evalua-
pounds, by boiling point, Into sixty groups. The ARC tion by an Accelerating Rate Calorimeter, Thermochim-
results discussed teach that for the oil to burn smoothly ica Aofa, 37 (1980), pp. 1-30.
in-situ it should be made up of species that exhibit contin- 5. Accelerating Rate Calorimeter Instruction Manual, Colum-
uous exothermicity as. the. temperature increases. The bia Scientific Industries Corp., 9/87, Austin, Texas.
reacting species may do so directly or through the creation 6. Deohaux, J. C., The Negative Temperature Coefficient in
of intermediates that they themselves react. Thus the the Oxidation of Hydrocarbons, in oxidation snd Com-
analysis problem compounds quickly in difficulty, particu- bustion Reviews, Vol. 6, C. F. H. llpper, cd., Elsevler,
larly since various hydrocarbon species may have the Amsterdam, 7%1 10, 1973.
same autoignifion temperature. 7. Tzanso, E. T., Moore, R. G., Belgrave, J. D. M., & Ursen-
It Is suggested here that the absence, or presence, of exo- bech, M. G., laboratory Combustion Behavior of Count-
thermlc continuity between the LTO and HTO reactions is ess B Light Oil, JCPT, Vol. 30, No. 5, 43-51, Sep.-Ott.
important, not the fact that there is a negative temperature 1991.
gradient regions. The results from a relatively simple ARC 8. Moore, R. G., Belgrave, J. D. M., Ursenbach, M., Leu-
test are directly applicable to any further combu#lon tube reshen, C. J., & Ke]la XI, Some Insights Into the Low-
or even field air injection testing. The ARCs differentiating Temperature and High-Temparature In-Situ Combustion
characteristic, i.e. its heat-wait-search-adiabatically- Kinetics, SPE/DOE 24174, Proceedings of the SPE/DOE
follow-exotherm mode of operation, reveals the oils Eighth Symposium on EOR, Tulsa, OK, 1692, 179-189,
make-up and thermal potential.
V. Conclusions
The Accelerating Rate Calorimeter provides data that cam
1. Determine in-situ combustion kinetics at reservoir
conditions up to 6,000 psig.
2. Provide insights explaining the occurrence of the LTO
and HTO reactions in in-situ combustion.
3. Screen crude oils for the aoolicabilitv of the air iniec-
tionfin-situ combustion pro~ess: baaed on file dnfi.
nuify of the resulting plot trace In the region between
the LTO and HTO reactions. A method la thus avaii-
eble to delimit the envelope of applicability of air
injectionfin-situ combustion to those oil reservoirs
where the probability of technical and economic suc-
cess is greatest.
The authors wish to thank Messrs. L. G. Huitt, E. M.
Joseph and M. F. Spencer, Amoco Production Co., for
their significant contributions in constructing and operating
Amocos high-pressure ARC and Combustion Tube sys-
The temperature profiles in Figure 7 were obtained in 1989
at the Univ. of Calgary, under the direction of Prof. R.G.


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