Correlation Between Central Receiver Size and Solar Field Using Flat Heliostats

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ISSN 0003-701X, Applied Solar Energy, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 258266. Allerton Press, Inc., 2017.


Correlation between Central Receiver Size and Solar Field

Using Flat Heliostats1
V. Venkatesh*, Badri S. Rao, Gopalakrishnan Srilakshmi, N. C. Thirumalai, and M. A. Ramaswamy
Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Bangalore, India
Received May 1, 2017

AbstractIn Central Receiver Systems (CRSs), thousands of heliostats track the sunrays and reflect beam
radiation on to a receiver surface. The size of the reflected image and the extent of reflection from the helio-
stats are one of the important criteria that need to be taken into account while designing a receiver, since spill-
age losses may vary from 2 to 16% of the total losses. The present study aims to determine the size of an exter-
nal cylindrical receiver, such that the rays reflected from all the heliostats in the field are intercepted. A
dimensionless correlation with respect to tower height and receiver size (diameter and height) as a function
of heliostat size and its position is discussed in the paper. This correlation could be used as a first-order
approximation to estimate the receiver dimensions. When applied to the Ivanpah Solar Electricity Generating
Station (ISEGS) plant, the correlation yields satisfactory estimation of receiver dimensions.

DOI: 10.3103/S0003701X17030124

INTRODUCTION using simpler convolution methods such as the one

Solar Tower (ST) technology is one of the major described in this paper before embarking on a detailed
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. At study using ray-tracing techniques.
present, it ranks second in comparison to the well- To estimate the size of the image reflected on to the
established Parabolic Trough technology in terms of receiver surface, either convolution methods (which
plants under operation and plants under construction consider cone optics) or a ray-tracing (statistical or
worldwide [1, 2]. In the ST technology, heliostats con- Monte-Carlo) method can be used [8]. Since the opti-
tain number of facets [3], track sunrays and reflect cal losses of an ST using central receivers contribute
them onto a receiver located at the top of a tower. This around 40% of the total losses [9], it is essential to esti-
technology allows higher operating temperatures (typ- mate the receiver size using these methods for ST plant
ically of the order of 550C) and higher power block design and optimization. Some of the ray-tracing tools
efficiencies [4]. However, designing the receiver and that are available are SOLTRACE, TONATIUH
optimizing the solar field are the key challenges of the (open-source) and STRAL, HFLD (commercial) [10,
ST technology [5]. 11]. The software mentioned above can analyze the
Receiver sizing is an important task in the ST tech- optical performance of any CSP system. SOLTRACE
nology and it is worthwhile to approach this in stages. and TONATIUH use Monte-Carlo methods [12],
The parameters to be considered while designing the whereas STRAL and HFLD use convolution methods
receiver are plant capacity, hours of thermal storage, [13, 14].
type of heat-transfer fluid, mass flow rate, flux Since a number of heliostats track the sunrays and
impinging on the receiver, convection and radiation reflect the beam radiation on to the receiver surface,
losses, etc. The flux impinging on the receiver surface one has to find the maximum extent of reflected
depends on the heliostat size and number, field layout, images from all the heliostats. However, neither the
tower height, tracking errors and spillage losses, etc. literature nor the tools provide a clear relation between
Typically, spillage losses contribute between 2 and receiver size, heliostat size, and field boundary and
16% of the total losses [6, 7]. Hence, to minimize spill- tower height.
age losses, one has to consider the size of the image The present study aims to arrive at the size of an
reflected on to the receiver surface due to all heliostats external cylindrical receiver, such that the rays
in the solar field. While several software are available reflected from all the heliostats in the field are cap-
which can analyze the optical performance of a CSP tured. Flat heliostats are considered for the estimation
system, it is advantageous to estimate the receiver size and reflection and tracking errors are not considered.
The azimuth-elevation tracking method is used to
1 The article is published in the original.
determine the ray reflected on to the receiver. A


(a) (b)

Zg , Yr Yr

Xr Xrm
t) T Xrp Xr
X g (Eas
Yg Xrpm
h ) R

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the (a) reflected image of a heliostat (b) enlarged view of the receiver plane.

dimensionless correlation is developed to estimate the axis, normal to the heliostat position is considered to
receiver size based on heliostat size and position, and estimate the reflected image. Since the heliostat is
tower height. Further, this correlation also considers located far from this plane, compared to the cylindri-
the conical effect of the sunrays. This correlation cal surface, the error due to the imaginary plane
enables preliminary sizing of the receiver, which could instead of the cylindrical surface is negligible. It is a
then be subjected to detailed study. The receiver good approximation to estimate the cylindrical
dimensions thus obtained have been compared for an receivers diameter and height.
existing plant. Tracking errors and mirror slope and specularity
errors neglected: In general, heliostats will have some
tracking errors and also will have slope and specularity
Reflected Image of the Heliostat
The procedure involves the following assumptions:
Figure 1a shows a schematic representation of the
The centers of all heliostats in the field are in a reflected image of a heliostat and Fig. 1b shows an
horizontal plane (reference plane): In practical cases, enlarged view of the reflected image for the corner
the slope of the land and the slant height of the helio- points of the heliostat and a generic point T inside
stats will be considered while calculating the heliostat the heliostat.
tilt angles. Since the principle of tracking is to reflect
the principal ray from the center of the heliostat to For simplicity of formulation, we may adopt the
center of the receiver, it will not make a difference if all following two coordinate systems:
centers are considered to be in the same plane. Global Coordinate System (GCS) (refer to Fig. 1a)
Flat heliostats: The heliostats used in ST plants defined such that the origin O ( 0,0,0) is on the tower
are either flat or slightly curved. To estimate the max- axis at the reference plane. X g is towards East, Y g is
imum reflected image, flat heliostats are considered towards North, and Z g is in the Zenith direction
for this study. However, the receiver size will be less (upwards). It may be noted that X g , Y g and Z g are
when curved heliostats are used instead of flat ones.
made dimensionless with respect to tower height
An imaginary vertical plane that is always per- ( H T ) . The coordinates of the target point (T ) are
pendicular to the heliostat location: Since the objec-
tive is to determine the size of an external cylindrical (0,0, Z t ) , where Z t = 1. The coordinates of the helio-
receiver, an imaginary vertical plane on the cylindrical stat center (M ) in polar coordinates are ( Rh , ) .


260 VENKATESH et al.

The tracking principle usually followed is that the Y r , respectively. Detailed expressions for these are
principal reflected ray from the center of the heliostat given in the second section of the supplementary
(M) will impinge on T . The tilt angles of the heliostat notes. They may be simplified without much loss in
are given in the first section of the supplementary accuracy using the following expressions:
notes [7]. The derivation of necessary expressions to
find the reflected image of the heliostat on the image
plane is given in the second section of the supplemen- X rm =
( 2) ( Rh2 + 1 ),
1 ( 2)
tary notes. The comparison of the reflected image 2

with SOLTRACE is presented in the third section of (1)

1 ( 2 ) + ( 2 ) Rh
the supplementary notes.
Y rm = Rh 1,
Figure 1b shows an enlarged view of the reflected
image due to a flat heliostat. As shown in this Fig. 1, ( Rh 1 ( 2 ) ( 2 )
the reflected image can be separated into a principal
reflected image and a conical image. Therefore, we where is 9.6 mrad.
have derived separate expressions for principal It may be seen from the expressions above that
reflected rays and conical rays. these parameters are only dependent on the radial
position Rh .
Principal Reflected Rays
Rays from the center of the sun reflected from the Variation of Xrpmax and Yrpmax with Rh
heliostat are called principal reflected rays. These rays
when reflected on to the image plane form a parallel- As explained in the previous section, X rp max and
ogram (see Fig. 1b). X rp and Y rp denote the coordi- Y rp max correspond to the maximum values of X rpm and
nates of the principal reflected rays in the image plane. Y rpm , respectively, for a given Rh . It is important to
These coordinates depend on the heliostat tilt angles. emphasize that the principal image is strongly depen-
At any instant of time, the maximum values of X rp and dent on the heliostat size. Therefore, we have pre-
Y rp are denoted by X rpm and Y rpm , respectively. The sented X rp max d l and Y rpmax d l . Note that d l is the
maximum values of X rpm and Y rpm for all instances of heliostat diagonal non-dimensionalized parameter
time over a year are denoted by X rp max and Y rp max , and AR is the heliostat aspect ratio (hw hl ).
respectively. Figures 2a, 2b show the variation of X rp max d l and
Y rpmax d l with Rh for various AR s. In general, the
Conical Rays heliostat AR varies from 0.5 to 2. Hence, AR values of
Conical rays are formed due to the suns disc which 0.5, 1 and 2 have been considered for the analysis. It
forms a cone with a subtended solid angle of 9.6 mrad. was found that these variations were identical for lati-
tude angles of = 16, 26 and 36. It may be seen that
The extent of spread of the conical rays ( X r , Y r ) at
the image plane depends on the distance from the X rp max d l is further independent of AR . It is constant
heliostats center to the target. As shown in Fig. 1b, at a value of 0.5 for all Rh . However, Y rpmax d l
X rm and Y rm are the maximum values of X r and decreases with Rh for all AR values. Note that the vari-

(a) (b)
0.520 0.8
AR = 0.5 AR = 1.0
0.515 0.7 AR = 2.0
Xrp max/dl

Yrp max/dl

0.500 0.5
0.495 0.4
0.490 AR = 0.5 AR = 1.0
AR = 2.0 0.3
0.480 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Radial distacne, Rh Radial distacne, Rh

Fig. 2. Variation of X rp max d l (a) and Yrpmax d l (b) over Rh .



(a) (b)
0.05 0.05

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Radial distacne, Rh Radial distacne, Rh

Fig. 3. Variation of X rm (a) and Yrm (b) over Rh .

ation of Y rpmax d l is steeper for AR = 0.5 as compared and Y rm with Rh using the correct expressions (refer
to AR = 2. The data for different AR s are converge for to the second section of the supplementary notes) for
low values of Rh and spread as Rh increases. a heliostat with dimensions of hw = 0.1 and hl = 0.1 for
= 26 were determined (but not shown). It was
found that the maximum difference between the
Variation of Xrm and Yrm with Rh detailed computation and Eq. (1) was less than 3% at
Figures 3a, 3b show the variation of X rm and Rh = 0.5 and decreased to 0.15% at Rh = 10. The very
good agreement indicates that Eq. (1) is sufficiently
Y rm with Rh [refer to Eq. (1)]. The variations of X rm accurate.

Table 1. Plant data of ISEGS Determination of the Size of the Receiver

Plant name ISEGS
From the graphs in Figs. 2 and 3, the maximum Rh
Tower height, HT, m 140 used in the heliostat field, the values of X rp max d l and
Rhmax 10 Y rpmax d l , and X rm and Y rm are interpolated for the
Heliostat type Flat given AR . Then the receiver diameter (DR ) and
receiver height (H R ) are determined by the following
Heliostat width, HW, m 5.3 expressions:
Heliostat length, HL, m 2.65
Receiver type External rectangular DR X
= 2 rp max d l + X rm ,
Receiver width, WR, m 16.5 HT d l (2)
Equivalent receiver diameter, DR, m HR Y
2 16.5 = 23.3 = 2 rp max d l + Y rm ,
Receiver height, HR, m 20
HT l
Heliostat normalized width (hw) 0.0378
where H T is the tower height.
Heliostat normalized length (hl) 0.0189

Application of the Method

Table 2. Results of the present approach
This method was applied to the Ivanpah Solar
Equations (given From Fig. 2 Electricity Generating Station (ISEGS) plant. This
in Appendix B) and Fig. 3 plant uses an external rectangular receiver; therefore,
Receiver diameter, DR, m 19.03 19.01 there are limitations in applying the method to this
plant. Table 1 gives the details of the ISEGS plant
Receiver height, HR, m 16.42 16.42 [1517].


262 VENKATESH et al.

From Table 1, it can be seen that hw is 0.0378 and hl 0.08

is 0.0189 at AR = 0.5. The ISEGS plant has an Rh max 0.06
value of 10. These values are considered in order to

Image plane Y axis (Yr)

estimate the receiver dimensions using the method. 0.04
The receiver dimensions estimated from the cor- 0.02
rect expressions and the graphs from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 0
are shown in Table 2.
The value of receiver height (H R ) obtained from
the method is 16.42 m compared to 20 m using plant 0.04
data. The value for receiver diameter (DR ) obtained 0.06
from the method is 19 m. The horizontal dimensions
of the receiver are 16.5 and 23.3 m along the diagonal. 0.08
0.08 0.04 0 0.04 0.08
It appears that the plant has multi-target points, one 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.06
on each rectangular face. Though the present method Image plane X axis (Xr)
may not be strictly applicable, the receiver dimensions
obtained from the above method compare reasonably Reflected image SOLTRACE
with the size adopted. Conical rays at all comers
Total image boundary from method
CONCLUSIONS Principal image boundary from method
We have presented a methodology to compute the Fig. A1. Validation of the model with SOLTRACE.
size of an external cylindrical receiver needed to cap-
ture the images of all the heliostats (flat) in a solar field
at all times. To facilitate easy estimation of the size of APPENDIX B: DEVELOPMENT
the receiver without computation, graphs (Figs. 2 and 3) OF EQUATIONS
with expressions [Eqs. (1) and (2)] have been pro-
vided. Figure 2 corresponds to the reflected image due Determination of Heliostat Tracking Angles
to principal reflected rays, whereas Fig. 3 and Eq. (1) In this section, the azimuth-elevation tracking
account for the conical reflected rays. Eq. (2) is the method is discussed. Details of the method for deter-
expression to estimate the receiver diameter and mining these angles are given in [7, 18]. However, for
height. easy reference, the equations are given in brief.
From this analysis, a major inference drawn was The Global Coordinate System (GCS) ( X g,Y g, Z g )
that the maximum width of the images formed by the
heliostats due to the principal reflected rays is equal to is defined such that the origin O ( 0,0,0) is on the tower
the diagonal distance between the corners of the helio- axis at the reference plane. X g is towards East, Y g is
stat. It was found that the maximum width of the
image is independent of both Aspect Ratio ( AR ) and
the location (i.e., latitude) of the plant. Also, the max- Table A1. Inputs to SOLTRACE software
imum height of the images due to the principal Sunshape
reflected rays was slightly dependent on the AR of the
heliostat, but completely independent of latitude. Sun direction (0, 0, 100)
Sunshape parameters Pillbox: 4.65 mrad
Optical properties Heliostat Receiver
Reflectivity 1 0
The comparison of the mathematical model with Slope and specularity 0.0001 0.0001
the SOLTRACE method [9] is discussed. The inputs error
to the present method, namely, , N , t, Rh , , are 26, Error type Pillbox Pillbox
180, 12, 1.414, and 45, respectively. Table A1 gives
the input data to the SOLTRACE software. System stages
Center (1, 1, 0) (0, 0, 1)
Figure A1 shows the comparison of the reflected
image from SOLTRACE with the present method. It Aim point (0, 0, 2.73205) (1, 1, 1)
may be seen that the reflected image using the present Z-rotation 45 Rectangle 0 Rectangle
method compares well with that obtained from SOL- Aperture (width, height) (0.1 m, 0.1 m) (2 m, 2 m)
TRACE. In the present method, we also distinguished Surface Flat Flat
the reflected image due to the principal reflected rays
and conical reflected rays. Interaction Reflection Reflection



Zg (Zenith), Yr Solar azimuth angle ( AS ) :

Image plane Principal reflected ray from the
1 sin cos cos cos sin
A = cos (
Zr T
centre of the heliostat cos s
if sin > 0, AS = 360 A ,
Xr Reflected cone from Suns disc (2)
else AS = A .

Zm H Reflected ray altitude angle:
kg 1
H S R = sin
( X + Y + Z )
j Yg (North) . (3)
g 2 2 2
Ym h h t
ig Rh
S North Reflected ray azimuth angle:
Xg (East)
AR = + h ;
Xm (4)
East AH if( AR > 2), then AR = AR 2.
Angle of incidence is half the angle between the
suns ray (S ) and the reflected ray (R ) and is given as
Fig. B1. Schematic representation of heliostat sun tracking i = 1 cos 1 ( cos S sin AS cos R sin AR
mechanism. 2 (5)
+ cos S cos AS cos R cos AR + sin S s in R ) .
Heliostat altitude angle:
sin R + sin S
Zg (Zenith) H = sin 1 . (6)
2 cos i
Heliostat azimuth angle ( AH ) is calculated as fol-
Parallel to Yrl lows:
1 cos R cos AR + cos S cos AS
Find AH' = cos ,
2 cos i cos H
Yg (North) North
cos R sin AR + cos S sin AS
Yrl and sin AH =
Parallel to Xrl 2 cos i cos H (7)
M AH = AH' if sin AH 0,
kg Pl
AR AH = 2 AH' if sin AH < 0.
Rh Xrl
Xg (East)
0 (0, 0, 0) ig Estimation of the Reflected Image on the Receiver Plane
A Mirror Coordinate System (MCS) is defined to
Fig. B2. Schematic representation of reflected ray coordi- represent a point on the heliostat, from which the
nate system. reflected image of the impinging conical rays from
suns disc is considered. Figure 1 shows the impinging
and reflected cones from the center of the heliostat.
towards North and Z g is in the Zenith direction The same is valid for any point on the heliostat. Matrix
(upwards). The unit vectors in the direction of X g , Y g transformations to represent the mirror coordinates in
GCS are performed. In order to identify a particular
and Z g are ig, j g and kg , respectively, as shown in conical ray among the bundle of conical rays in the
Fig. B1. reflected cone, a Reflected ray Coordinate System
(RCS) is defined. Subsequently, matrix transforma-
Solar altitude angle: tions to determine the direction cosines of this conical
ray in GCS are performed. The impingement of a par-
S = sin 1(sin sin + cos cos cos ), (1) ticular reflected conical ray from a particular point on
the heliostat on to the image plane and its coordinates
where is latitude, is declination of the day and is in GCS is considered. Through matrix transforma-
hour angle (morning ve and afternoon +ve). tions, its coordinates in the image plane are deter-


264 VENKATESH et al.

mined. Considering all relevant points on the heliostat to Z rl with an angle of ( AR ) . The direction cosines
and the reflected conical rays from them, the reflected of the reflected ray from local RCS in GCS are
image is determined.
cos rg = cos AR cos rl sin AR sin R cos rl
Mirror Coordinate System (MCS) + sin AR cos R cos rl,
M is the origin of the MCS ( X m ,Y m , Z m ). Z m is in cos rg = sin AR cos rl cos AR sin R cos rl (10)
the direction of H . Y m is perpendicular to Z m towards + cos AR cos R cos rl,
the upward direction. X m is perpendicular to both Z m cos rg = cos R cos rl + sin R cos rl.
and Y m , forming a right-handed coordinate system as
shown in Fig. B1.
Let Pl ( X m ,Y m ,0) be any point on the mirror in the Coordinates of the Intersection of the Reflected Ray
MCS. The coordinates of the same point in the GCS with the Image Plane in GCS
( X mg,Ymg, Z mg ) can be found using coordinate rota-
tions. The mirror coordinate system is first rotated The image plane which makes an angle of with
about X m in the anticlockwise direction by an angle of the X g Z g plane is shown in Fig. B1. The direction

( 2
H )
. Then it is rotated anticlockwise about the cosines of the image plane normal in GCS are
(sin ,cos ,0) . Therefore, the equation of the image
new Z m direction by an angle of ( AH ) . plane in GCS can be written as follows:
X mg = X h cos AH X m sin AH sin HY m
sin X g + cos Y g = 0 . (11)
+ sin AH cos H Z m ,
Y mg = Y h + sin AH X m cos AH sin HY m (8) The equation of the reflected ray from the point
+ cos AH cos H Z m , Pg ( X mg,Y mg, Z mg ) on the heliostat [corresponding to
Z mg = Z h + cos HY m + sin H Z m . Pl ( X m ,Y m ,0) and conical ray and ] is expressed as
Reflected Ray Coordinate System (RCS)
X X mg Y Y mg Z Z mg
For the RCS ( X rl,Y rl, Z rl ) , Pl ( X m ,Y m ,0) is the ori- = = . (12)
cos rg cos rg cos rg
gin and Z rl is in the direction of the principal reflected
ray. Y rl is perpendicular to Z rl and pointing in the The coordinates corresponding to the point of inter-
upward direction. X rl is parallel to the reference plane section of the reflected ray and the image plane
and perpendicular to both Y rl and Z rl such that it forms ( X rg,Yrg, Z rg ) can be found by solving Eqs. (11) and (12):
a right-handed coordinate system as shown in Fig. B2.
The angle made by the ray with respect to Z rl is X rg = X mg + K cos rg,
denoted by . The angle made by this plane containing
Y rg = Y mg + K cos rg,
the ray and Z rl with the X rl Z rl plane is .
varies from 0 to 4.8 mrad and varies from 0 to Z rg = Z mg + K cos rg, (13)
2. Therefore, the direction cosines of the reflected where
ray defined by the angles and can be written as fol- ( sin X mg + cos Y mg )
lows [8, 18]: K = .
( sin cos rg + cos cos rg )

cos rl cos where
cos = sin , 0 2 , (9)
Coordinates of the Intersection of the Reflected Ray
( )
cos rl 1 2 0 2
with the Image Plane in Image Plane
Coordinates System (ICS)
where is the angle subtended by the cone of suns
rays (9.6 mrad) at any point on the earth surface. Coordinates ( X r ,Y r , Z r ) of ICS are defined as
The direction cosines of the reflected ray in the shown in Fig. B1 (also in Fig. 1 of main text). To deter-
GCS can be found using coordinate rotations. The
mine the image in ICS, the GCS is shifted up by Z t ,
first rotation is in anticlockwise direction about X rl by
( )
rotated clockwise about X g by 2 and then rotated
an angle of R and then clockwise with respect about the new Y g anticlockwise by an angle of .

X r X rg cos X rg sin Y rg ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Y = R R Y = Z rg Z t This paper is based upon work supported in part
r 2 1
under the US-India Partnership to Advance Clean
Z r Z rg Z t sin X rg cos Y rg Energy-Research (PACE-R) for the Solar Energy
cos X rg sin Y rg Research Institute for India and the United States
= Z rg Z t . (SERIIUS), funded jointly by the U.S. Department of
Energy (Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sci-
0 ences, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Solar Energy Technology Program, under Subcontract
As can be seen in Fig. 1b, every coordinate in ICS DE-AC36-08GO28308 to the National Renewable
( r ,Yr , Z r ) can also be represented as follows:
X Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado) and the Govern-
ment of India, through the Department of Science and
X r = X rp + X r , Technology under Subcontract IUSSTF/JCERDC-
Y r = Y rp + Y r . SERIIUS/2012 dated 22nd Nov. 2012.
The authors are thankful to Dr. Anshu Bharadwaj,
The expressions for X rp,Y rp and Z rp , the coordi- Executive Director, CSTEP, for his constant support
nates of the point of impingement of the principal and encouragement. We are also thankful to Prof.
reflected ray, are obtained by substituting the values of V.S. Chandrasekaran for reviewing the manuscript
X rg,Yrg, Z rg , respectively, in Eq. (15) corresponding to and for valuable suggestions to improve the quality of
the manuscript. Thanks are also due to Shaswat Rao,
X m ,Y m and = 0 (see Fig. 1b). intern at CSTEP, for providing the illustrations for the
ray-tracing concepts in Solid Works. Thanks to Abhijit
X rp = 1 (( sin AH X h + cos AHY h ) X m Chakraborty for improving the English language in the
Rh manuscript.
+ ( cos AH X h sin AHY h ) sin HY m ) ,

Y rp = 12 Z h Rh2 + Z t ( X h cos AH Y h sin AH ) X m (16) REFERENCES
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