Vocabulary of Invertebrates PDF

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Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Unit 1. Invertebrates
English Espaol
1. Invertebrates
Characteristic Caracterstica
Invertebrate Invertebrado
To eat Alimentarse / Comer
Living things Seres vivos
To move Moverse
Oviparous Ovparos
Egg Huevo
Internal skeleton Esqueleto interno
Sponges Esponjas
Jellyfish Medusas
Worms Gusanos
Arthropods Artrpodos
Molluscs Moluscos
Echinoderms Equinodermos.
Group Grupo
External skeleton Esqueleto externo
Body Cuerpo
Leg Pierna
Land Tierra
Water Agua
Air Aire
To live Vivir
Insect Insecto
Head Cabeza
Thorax Trax
Abdomen Abdomen
Antennae Antena
Wing Ala
Arachnid Arcnido
Cephalothorax Cefalotrax
Thorax combined Trax combinado
Natural Science / Vocabulary / 4th Grade Primary School Colegio La Presentacin de Granada

Crustacean Crustceo
3. More invertebrates
At the bottom En el fondo
To fix Fijar
Hole Agujero
Pore Poro
Food Alimento / Comida
Starfish Estrella de mar
Urchin Erizo
Small feet Pies pequeos
Ocean Ocano
Dangerous Peligroso
Poisonous Venenoso
Tentacle Tentculo
To hunt Cazar
To defend Defenderse
Long Largo
Soft Suave
Ring Anillo
Terrestrial Terrestre
Aquatic Acutico
Muscular body Cuerpo musculoso
Shell Concha
Valve Valva
Snail Caracol
Squid Calamar

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