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Robin Hood Case

Principles of Management

(A) There are more issues and strategic thinking in this case than first appears. As Robin
Hood's most trusted advisor (and as someone knowledgeable in the ways of crafting and
executing effective strategies), please prepare an action plan for Robin Hood's
consideration. It is your job to convince him to pursue your proposed plan; hence your
report should include full justification and arguments to support your recommended
course of action. As Robin Hoods most trusted advisor, and one knowledgeable in
crafting and implementing effective strategy, he has called upon you to advise him on
how to proceed in light of the situation.


Type your responses using 12-point font, double spaced. Use the questions as headers in your
paper. You are expected to incorporate course concepts in your answers. You will be graded on
the depth and content of your answers. Point values are shown for each question.

(B) Since you are Robin Hood's most trusted advisor and are most knowledgeable about
crafting and implementing effective strategies, he has called upon you to advise him on
how to proceed in light of the situation. Within the next few hours, Robin Hood expects
you to provide him with:
(a) A rundown of the issues he needs to address (see #1 below)
(b) An appropriate action plan that includes (see #9 below)
- a mission,
- a set of performance objectives,
- a strategy for dealing with the issues/problems he confronts, and
- the action steps that will need to be taken to implement the strategy
Please provide supporting analysis and persuasive argument for your recommended
course of action (you must convince him to do what you suggest!) and you need to be
specific about what to do and how to do it.

(C) Assignment Questions:

1. (40 pts). What problems does Robin Hood have? What issues need to be addressed?
2. Discuss how these concepts impact Robins band of Merrymen:
a. (10 pts). Division of labor
b. (10 pts). Unity of command
c. (10 pts). Centralization
d. (10 pts). Discipline
e. (10 pts). Esprit de corps
3. (45 pts). What Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats are inherent in this
4. (20 pts). What concepts of motivation theory could Robin use? Discuss how each might
be employed effectively.
5. (15 pts). What issues of ethics and social responsibility are involved with this case?
6. Explain these changing environmental elements:
a. (10 pts). Economic forces
b. (10 pts). Socio-cultural forces
c. (10 pts). Political and legal forces
7. (30 pts). Which leadership model do you recommend Robin to employ? Why would it
be most effective?
8. (10 pts). How can Robin improve communication?
9. (50 pts). What is the overall action plan? Mission? Performance objectives? Strategies?
Action steps for implementation?
10. (10 pts). Overall format, grammar, style of paper.
300 point maximum

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