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Incident: An unplanned, undesired event that hinders completion of a task and may cause
injury, illness, or property damage or some combination of all three in varying degrees from
minor to catastrophic. Unplanned and undesired do not mean unable to prevent.
Unplanned and undesired also do not mean unable to prepare for Crisis planning is how we
prepare for serious incidents that occur that require response for mitigation

Accident: Definition is often similar to incident, but supports the mindset that it could not
have been prevented. An accident is the opposite of the fundamental intentions of a safety
program, which is to find hazards, fix hazard, and prevent incidents. When we accept that
accidents have no cause, we assume that they will happen again.

Incident can refer to any event big or small, good or bad, intentional or unintentional.

An accident is a bad event caused by error or by chance. Accidents are always unintentional,
and they usually result in some damage or injury.

Accident prevention refers to the plans, preparations and actions taken to avoid or stop an
accident before it happens. Accidents can be classified as unplanned and unexpected events
giving increased risk of injury, ill health, death and loss of property, damage to environment
or any combination of thereof. Accident prevention includes all measures taken in an effort
to save lives, escape from injury, lessen the degrees of injury, reduce loss of properties,
treatment and compensation costs, production and time loss, and morale loss of the
concerned organization.

Injury prevention is an effort to prevent or reduce the severity of bodily injuries caused by
external mechanisms, such as accidents, before they occur. Injury prevention is a
component of safety and public health,

An unsafe act violates the premise of law, where actions are defined and prescribed as safe

Unsafe condition is an unsatisfactory physical condition existing in a workplace

environment immediately before an accident that was significant in initiating the event. It is
a condition where something exists that varies from a normal accepted safe condition and
can result in injury, death, or property damage, if not corrected properly

A hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target. The
terms "hazard" and "risk" are often used interchangeably. However, in terms of risk
assessment, these are two very distinct terms. A hazard is any agent that can cause harm or
damage to humans, property, or the environment. Risk is defined as the probability that
exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence, or more simply, a hazard poses no
risk if there is no exposure to that hazard.

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is equipment worn to

minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These
injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical,
mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items
such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or
coveralls, vests and full body suits.

A safety policy or health and safety policy of an organization is a recognized written

statement that states an organization's commitment to the protection of the health and
safety of the employees, as well as the society in the immediate surrounding neighborhood.
It shows the details of all occupational health and safety elements with the policy to protect
the employees life and health up to or surpassing what is required by the laws, regulations
and practices in the relevant industry.

JSA a special analysis that involves identifying hazards and making recommendations to
eliminate or control the hazards, it also identifies and controls operating hazards in the

JOB-SAFETY ANALYSIS: "Job Safety Analysis is identifying hazards in the workplace and
controlling them

a safety audit is a structured process whereby information is collected relating to the

efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability of the total health and safety management system of
a company. Safety audits are conducted in compliance with legislation, and are used as a
guide for designing plans for corrective actions within a health and safety program

A safety inspection (or safety audit) is a formalized and properly documented process
of identifying hazards in the workplace. Safety inspections come in all different forms
depending on the environment being tested, but they generally compare results against
acceptable standards to ensure that a given environment falls within acceptable safety

An audit is a systematic and independent examination of books, accounts, statutory

records, documents and vouchers of an organization to ascertain how far the financial
statements as well as non-financial disclosures present a true and fair view of the concern

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