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UL:Upa pada Lagna:This is the arudha of the 12th house.

The arudha

as given by Jaimini states that for each house an arudha pada can be

calculated.The arudha of the 12th house is seen for married life.This

is so because the 12th house apart from alot of other things also

deals with giving.Marriage is a commitment and hence in a marriage we

give,this giving could be our word of commitment ,love,sharing our

life and material comforts etc.Hence,even though the 7th house and

lord are seen in a chart in some matters regarding the spouse, to

know about the spouse the upapada is seen.The lord of the upa pada

shows us alot about our spouse.The UL also shows us about our

marrige.The 8th house from the UL shows the success or failure of

marriage in the long run. Similarly, the indications of the 2nd house

from the Upapada will even more vividly indicate the outcome of

marriage.The relationship between the UL and the AL also gives us the

picture about the relationship or quality of the marriage. So, UL

becomes very important when we want to see the married life as it is

the arudha of our commitment of marriage.However,this concept can be

a bit flexible when we look at the various varghas,for example, the

UL in D 10 will show what our colleagues think of our spouse.

> [Rath:] The concept of Upapada has been explained in the

incarnation of dattatreya. http://srath.com/hindu/datta_upanisad.htm

Basically, human beings (manushya) are selfish and cannot give. They

have to be taught to give and this giving is the essence of spiritual

learning for a manushya. Giving is seen from the 12th house. The

manifestation of giving or 'who will you give to' is seen from the
Arudha pada of the 12th house. By the way, this is given both in

Parasara and Jaimini sutra. In fact it is Parasara who has dedicated

a whole chapter to this. When reckoned form lagna, the upapada will

represent the spouse and the fifth therefrom will represent the

children to whom you give.

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