P.M.Falion-Cookbook For Volunteers (FIJI AND TUVALU) PDF

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This is the third edition of the Peace Corps Cookbook. The first book was called How and What to Feed
Your Body Book and was originally for the South Pacific. This edition is Fiji/Tuvalu specific and the recipes
are based on items that can be obtained in Fiji (and Tuvalu, though the Tuvalu Volunteers need to come to
Fiji for supplies).

There are a great many differences between this edition and the previous one. The first difference is that this
one actually has a logical order, as well as only one recipe for tuna casserole instead of three. We took out
how to boil water, and added a great many curry recipes, along with many other recipes. A vocabulary list of
cooking terms is more comprehensive than before. The recipes also follow the same format and have
measurements instead of just a bunch of something (as much as this was possible) .

The greatest difference is that of variety. We tried to add enough recipes so that a volunteer could actually
have fun cooking, as well as be able to have a healthy diet without getting bored. Some recipes are fairly
complex while others are quite simple. Some take a great deal of time and effort and some only a few
minutes. Vegetarians will be happy to note that it is very much so possible to have a healthy diet and still
have some variety to their meals.

This book will hopefully inspire people who have never cooked before to give it a shot and not just eat at
your neighbors' houses. We hope that it will also give experts some new ideas. Maybe you will even want to
take this book home to the States! Forgive us our mistakes and enjoy!
MH and CF


From 1977
Eileen McKinley, Editor
Mary Jane Williams, R.N., PCMO
Mark Odegard, Artist
Gip (Charles) Kemp, Printer

Torn Owen Winna Dever Karen Olmsted Lorene Dykstra

Kathy Schalk Kathy Hoffman David Read Surij Florian
Winnie Kelley Sandra Crispin A.S. Fish

From 1993
Michelle L. Heady, Editor
Charie Faught, Editor
Peter Falion, C.D.
Wainiu Caginiliwalala, R.N., PCMO
Ed Kim, Artist

Kristen Lavery Ellen Twiname Nick Chaplin Alex Feltus

Richard Fulford Teri Lysak Amy Ratcliffe Melissa Mueller
Pat O'Connor Paul Nanian Bob Alexander

Dedicated to Rich Bailey who had to leave early


This cookbook would never have been started let alone finished without Michelle Heady and
Charie Faught, Peace Corps Volunteers, Fiji 72. They chose to take it on as a secondary
project/activity. They have my deep gratitude and appreciation for all their efforts. In doing so, they
took time from their busy schedules, including Sundays and school term breaks, to complete this
text for you and for future Fiji and Tuvalu volunteers and others to use and to enjoy. Many of these
recipes they tried out personally to make sure they were worthy of selection. One valuable addition
they made to this edition, not found in earlier versions, is providing a section within the cookbook
on where locally to find the ingredients and supplies mentioned within.
Thanks, too, must also be given to .all the contributors to the cookbook. They gave some great
recipes and suggestions. Thanks also to volunteer Ed Kim for his wonderful illustrations.

Enjoy this cookbook

Peter M. Falion November, 1993

Director -Fiji & Tuvalu



Good nutrition is necessary for good health and concern with food is important if certain
illnesses are to be prevented. What is NUTRITION? It has different meanings. Many people
identify it with that portion that arouses their own interest. To some nutritionists, the subject is
only biochemistry. To nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, and physicians, nutrition may mean meals
for the sick in terms of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. To the
layman, it represents food or it may mean a special diet'. By one definition, nutrition is the
combination of processes by which the living organism receives and utilizes the materials (food)
necessary for the maintenance of its functions and for the growth and renewal of its components".

Cooking/preparing meals, to some of you may be a somewhat painful task if one is used to
eating fast food. Unfortunately, fast food services are not available at all volunteer sites.
Preparing your own meals can be rather imperative. It is imperative to know the local foods and
their nutritive values. Local foods will look and taste different but what is important is to be able to
obtain adequate nutrition from foods available locally.

In this recipe book, you can simply put together nutritious vegetarian and non-vegetarian
meals. Remember1 you need to eat right in order to maintain good health.
Well, folks, I do hope you enjoy using some of these recipes and I think half the fun is trial and

Vinaka vakalevu.

Wainiu Caginiliwa1a1a

PCMO-Fiji & Tuvalu November 1993


Table of Contents

1. Basic Cooking Terms and Methods of Cooking... 6

2. Shopping List... 12
3. Places to Obtain Supplies. ...14
4. Seasoning. ...15
5. Metric Conversion Table.... 21
6. Basic Dietary Information ...22
7. Breakfast Ideas.... 25
a) oatmeal
b) pancakes
c) eggs
d) miscellaneous
8.Soups ...28
9. Salads.... 32
a) vegetable
b) fruit
c) pasta
10.Rice Dishes... 37
a) vegetable
b) meat
11. Vegetable Dishes. ...41
a) curries
b) entrees
c) complements
12. Meat Dish as Main Course ...52
a) Fish and Seafood
b) Beef and Mutton
c) Chicken
d) Indian
l) beef (hee!hee! )
2) chicken
3) fish
4) mutton
13.Condiments ...64
Breads, Pastries, and Savories ...69
a) breads b) pastries c) savories

15.Desserts and Sweets....72

a) cakes b) pies c) cookies d ) pudding
e) sweets
l) European 2) Fijian 3) Indian
16. Drinks....93
a) fruit b) hot


Basting -moistening meat, poultry, or game during roasting by spooning the juices and melted fat from the
pan over the meat. This prevents the meat from drying.

Beating -vigorous whipping of a mixture circular motion of a spoon, fork, or whip.

Binding adding a mixture of liquid, eggs, or melted fat to a dry mixture.

Blanching -For all intensive Peace Corps purposes, blanching is plunging food into boiling water to remove
its skin, such as skinning a tomato.

Braising -a method of cooking is a combination of roasting and stewing. This is accomplished by addiI1g
cuts of meat to a pan with a tight fitting lid and allowing the moisture to evaporate from the meat. Make sure
that the temperature of the pan is low.

Browning -Cooking a substance until brown- get real, folks!

Creaming -Beating together fat and sugar to achieve a whipped cream in colour and texture.

Folding In -A method of combining creamed mixture with other ingredients so that it retains its lightness.
This is accomplished by slowly pouring in the creamed mixture into the dry ingredients by slowly upward
circular stirring.

Frying -There are two methods of frying, deep frying and shallow frying. Deep frying is having the food
completely immersed in hot oil. Shallow frying is using only a small quantity of oil in a shallow pan, such as

Glaze -a thin coat of sugar or other sweet substance on sweets and meats.

Grating- shaving of food such as cheese or carrots.

Grilling -the process of cooking food by direct heat under a grill or over a hot fire.

Kneading -working a dough firmly, using the knuckles for bread making and finger tips for pastry making.

Lukewarm- about blood heat, in other words you can stick your hand in it without any sensation of pain.

Marinate -to place food in a sauce for an extended period to induce flavouring.
Paring - peeling or trimming vegetables, in other words thin slicing of vegetables.

Poaching- cooking in an open pan with rapidly boiling water order to cook food quickly, such as
Rubbing In -a method of incorporating fat into flour, used in making short crust pastries, plain
cakes, and biscuits. This is accomplished by adding fat into the flour using the fingertips to rub the
oil evenly throughout the flour.
Saute - food tossed in hot shallow fat
Searing -browning meat quickly before roasting or grilling
Simmering- keeping a liquid just below boiling point. This is accomplished by boiling the liquid,
then lowering the heat.
Thickening- to give body to soups, sauces, or gravy by adding flour or corn starch. WARNING -
use no more than one teaspoon of corn starch to two cups of liquid.
Many of the methods of cooking are described in the terms of cooking.

Ways of Steaming: -

Steaming in a saucepan with a wooden or coconut shell stand or pieces of sticks on the bottom. The
food is placed on the rack and the water is placed in the bottom of the saucepan so that it does not
touch the food.
The saucepan has a small amount of water n the bottom. The food is put into the coconut shell or
bowl, covered with a leaf or lid and placed in the saucepan of water. The lid is placed tightly on
the saucepan.
To cook 2 lots of food at a time -2 sticks are placed across the top of the first bowl, and another
bowl of food placed on the top of top of this.


Food is placed in the saucepan with a small amount of water, The food covered by the water will be
boiled and the food above it will be steamed. Usually the food is wrapped in a clean leaf. This will
stop it from mixing with the food to be boiled.
The food is put on a tin or enamel plate and covered with a lid, another plate or leaves. The plate is
placed on top of a saucepan of boiling water. This method is good for fish and eggs. Other foods
can be boiled in the saucepan underneath.

The food is placed in a tin with holes in the bottom or in a steamer. The steam passes up through
the holes and cooks the food. Other foods can be boiled in the saucepan underneath.


Baking means cooking with dry heat in an oven. Meat, fish, vegetables, cakes, scones, bread,
biscuits, pudding and pies can be baked in an oven.

Roasting means cooking in fat usually in an oven. Type of Oven: Lava



Frying means cooking food in hot fat, oil or ghee. It is a quick way of cooking food. It is suitable
only for foods which take a short time to cook. Fried food is not easy to digest. It should not be
eaten too often or given to very small children or sick people.
To fry food the fat must be hot or the fat will soak food and it will be greasy.
Be careful that the fat does not get too hot and burn. Do not put water into the very hot fat

To tell if the fat is hot enough.

1. The fat is quite still-not bubbling
2. A small piece of food, e.g. bread will bubble and go brown in a minute.


1. Shallow Fat Frying-The food is browned and cooked in a small quantity of fat. Such foods as
eggs, sausages, whole fish, meat, tomatoes can be cooked by this method.

2. Deep Fat Frying-The food is completely covered by the fat during browning and cooking. This
is a quick method of cooking and can be used for pieces of fish, potatoes, bananas, bread, fritters
and any foods that have been already cooked.
Food which is fried is cooked at a high temperature. To prevent it from becoming overcooked on
the outside it can be protected by coating it before cooking with one of the substances listed below.
Some foods which are only cooked for a short time are not coated, for example sausages, tomatoes,
dalo, egg, etc.
Substances used to cover food are:
2.Flour, egg and breadcrumbs
3. Batter - To cover food with flour. This method is used for meats such as liver, and fish
1.Mix the flour with some salt
2.Dip the food into the flour
To cover food with flour, egg and breadcrumbs -- This method is used for meat, fish, rissoles,
bananas, cakes.
1.Mix the flour with some salt
2.Beat the egg, extra milk or water can be added.
3.Make the breadcrumbs.
4.Dip the food into flour, then into egg and then into breadcrumbs.

To cover food with batter, use the following recipe:

1 cup flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp, salt.

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Gradually add milk; beat until smooth. Beat egg; add.
Dip in food to be coated. (This will cover approximately 2 cups sliced fruit, vegetable, etc. When
coating fruit, add sugar to batter if desired.) Fry in shallow fat or salad oil heated to until delicately
brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve hot.


Every PCV in Fiji craves a cake, cookies or a pie once in a while, and they wished they had an
oven. All you need is a roti iron or thick frying pan. Heat the roti iron then lower the heat. place
large pot on top and add the cake mixture and cover with a lid. If the top appear undone but the side
are brown remove the pot from the heat and place the hot roti iron on. Let cool. Most cake take
about 35 minutes.
1 Never heat ghee in a wet pan, or it will splutter. Before frying make sure that the ghee is very hot.
Before you put in the food wait till the fat begins to smoke, then reduce the fire. Transfer fried food
to a piece of absorbent paper before serving, to drain off excess fat.
2 If food gets burnt, remove the top immediately into another pan, and leave behind the burnt
3 Good cooks never wash frying pans after use. To clean, sprinkle a little salt in the frying pan and
keep on the fire till it is just hot; then wipe with paper.
4 Boil water before adding meat or vegetables. Use only as much water as is required to make the
food soft.
5 When boiling vegetables add a little salt, and a few drops of lemon juice or a pinch of cooking
soda to ensure that they have a clear colour.
6 Add salt, and sour things like tamarind, dried mango or tomatoes last as they tend to toughen
7 Onions finely cut take less time to cook when frying. so lower heat when frying.
8 To make a rich meat curry, use approximately ten tbsp melted ghee for every kilogram of meat.
9 If your curry or soup is too salty, put in a whole peeled potato. This will absorb some of the salt.
10 Salad leaves, coriander and mint etc., should never be cut with a knife, but should be plucked
leaf by leaf in order to preserve their juices.
11 Cut a small piece from the top of cucumber and rub the two will disappear.
12 Dhals should be soaked in water for an hour or two and the cooked in the same water. Do not
stir, or the dhals will take longer to cook.
13 To protect spices from insects, store them in air tight tins or jars with a few salt crystals and
14 To keep biscuits crisp longer, line the bottom of the tin with blotting paper.
15 Canned food should never be left in the tins after they have been opened, as there is danger of
This shopping list is mainly intended for volunteers on the outer island or in remote villages. I am
sure other volunteers might find this section useful as well, because some items may be found only
in Suva. Some of these items may seem expensive, but you will only need to buy many of them
only once, or use in small portions, such as olive oil. For some items it is worth spending the extra
money to get the best. Like everything in this book, these are only suggestions, BUT if you don't
spoil yourself, who will?
bay leaves ground cloves ground cinnamon coriander cumin
chili powder ground ginger baking powder tabasco sauce nutmeg
onion salt paprika parsley flakes soy sauce tumeric
vanilla salt worcestershire sauce baking soda cornflour
custard powder tomato sauce garlic vinegar
mustard seed pepper
The next list is a compilation of two lists sent in by Melissa Mueller and Ellen Twiname, people
who live way out in the bush. They come into Suva and buy their supplies, and whoop it up, of
course! Here they are:
MELISSA'S LIST (no refrigerator)
powdered milk, skim and full- great for cooking, such as thickening sauces
canned whole tomatoes
processed cheese- keeps 3-4 days after being opened, just enough time for one person to
consume a block
tuna fish- great with mustard and spices
ramen noodles- among its many uses, can be soaked in cold water for 1/2 hour instead of being
breakfast crackers- Punjas are better than Lees
dried beans
carrots and onions
green beans- keeps up to three days
eggs- keep for months
peanut butter and jam
honey- lasts a long time
rolled oats
dry cereal
rice cakes- an alternative to crackers
brown and white rice
spices: oregano, dill, mustard seed, cumin seed, coriander seed, tumeric, masala, curry powder,
black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger
cocoa- Lees is gross. Go for the good stuff- Nestle's or Cadbury
baking powder
soy sauce
salt, oil, sugar, etc.- ghee can be used instead of butter
ELLEN'S LIST (refrigerator- Tuvaluan Volunteer)
1.tomato paste
3. pepperoni- MH deli counter
4.cheese- wrap up and freeze for long distance trips
5.spices like curry, cinnamon, Italian, etc.
8. dried peas
9.all the fresh fruit and vegetables you can carry
10.parmesan cheese


Let's face it- Fiji does not have all the wonderful luxury items that America has. This includes such
items as frozen yogurt, marshmallows, or even gyros' As time goes by, many of these cravings for
things that just aren't available will subside, but every once and a while spoiling yourself with a
European delicacy is worth it.
There are some excellent locations to obtain such food supplies in Suva, if not elsewhere in the
country. We decided not to take the time or effort to give a list of other items- we do have a life,
you know! But here are some places you might like to try:
1. MORRIS HEADSTROM- this is the most obvious and convenient place to obtain many items
which are not available elsewhere. The prices for many local items are more expensive here than in
other supermarkets ( New World, for example) but it has the variety other stores do not. The MH in
Lautoka is also a very nice place to get supplies, especially cat food for all of you on the Western
2, APTEDS- This store is located way down MacGregor Street towards Samabula. The place is a
disaster mess, but it does have many food items not found elsewhere, and the prices are pretty
good. We found octopus, squid, a wide variety of alcohol including Wild Turkey and Absolut
Vodka, many dried goods, salad dressings, spaghetti sauces, and even semisweet baking chocolate!
This is a worthwhile place to check out before heading to your site.
3. TROPICANA DELI- You think you have it rough! The Tropicana is a new store which makes
living in Fiji bearable. It is located up Princess Road. Just take the pink Tamavua bus to get there. It
is as close to American paradise as you will find. It has got a great selection of dried goods, canned
goods, candy, tofu, juices, cheese, pasta, and it's incredible! The prices are better than MHs, but it
doesn't have the wide selection. Go there anyway. You deserve the best.
Of course, for most of your shopping needs, you will be buying things at your nearest store at your
site. You may be one of those people who say "I want to eat only local food and live like the locals
do". This is fine, of course. Eating European foods can become quite expensive. I personally
bought myself what I consider a luxury item - french mustard- and I love it. It's the little things like
this which can help you keep your sanity.
It is wise to underseason until one is confident in the use of herbs and spices. Ground spices and
herbs give up their aroma more quickly than their whole counterparts. For this reason these should
be added near the end of the cooking time in a long cooking dish, otherwise add with the salt.
whole spices are added at the beginning of cooking and for convenience, often tied up in a piece of
cheesecloth. when using unfamiliar spices and herbs 1/4 teaspoon per pound of meat is an average
amount to experiment with; remember that 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh is equal to 1/2 teaspoon
of dried or 1/4 teaspoon of ground herbs.
Pot roast: allspice, ginger, marjoram
Stews and casseroles: basil, bay, leaf, celery, seed/salt, chili powder, cinnamon, clove,
cumin, mace, mustard, nutmeg, oregano, parsley, poppy seed, savory, thyme.
Steak: garlic, monosodium glutamate
Oxtail: bay leaf, celery salt, garlic
Heart: bay leaf
Liver: caraway, cardamon, cinnamon
Corned-beef: bay leaf, clove, peppercorn.
Kidney: bay leaf, caraway
General: black pepper, cayenne pepper, coriander seed, mace, mustard, sage, tamarind, soy
sauce, dill
Casserole and stews: thyme
Breaded: marjoram
Stuffing: parsley, sage, savory, thyme
General : paprika, parsley, tarragon
Roast: caraway, clove, coriander, fennel.
Chops: cinnamon, paprikaclove, mustard
Ham: General allspice, cardamon, celery seed/salt, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, sage, savory,
soy sauce, apple, orange, pineapple, other acid fruits, onion, vinegar.
Lamb chops: basil, cinnamon, dill
Stuffing: savory
Roast: celery seed/salt, garlic, rosemary
Lamb stews and casseroles: bay leaf, garlic, thyme.
Mutton: caraway, marjoram, thyme.
General: marjoram, mint, paprika, parsley
Baked : clove, coriander, marjoram, sage, savory, thyme
Grilled or fried or boiled or steamed : marjoram, rosemary, savory, thyme clove, dill,
fennel, marjoram, tarragon, mint
Sauce : allspice, bay leaf, cayenne pepper, celery salt/seed
General: mace, parsley, tumeric, white pepper
Crayfish: tarragon
Crab: mustard seed, garlic
General : cumin, oregano, paprika, sweet basil.
Stuffing : coriander, marjoram, oregano, poppy seed, sage, savory, thyme
Stewed or fricasseed: bay leaf, celery seed/salt, thyme, marjoram, mace
Roasting or grilling: garlic, marjoram, savory
General: basil, garlic, ginger, mace, monosodium glutamate, nutmeg, paprika, parsley
pepper, rosemary, saffron, sesame seed, tarragon
Beans : basil, cumin, chili powder, curry powder, cinnamon, dill, garlic, clove, mint
Chocho: cinnamon. dill, garlic, mace, marjoram, mustard, nutmeg, paprika, parsley, savory.
Duruka: caraway seed, celery seed/salt, chili powder, dill, mint, mustard, paprika, savory.
Eggplant : allspice, anise, bay leaf, chili powder, coriander, garlic, parsley, sage.
Creeping spinach :
Indian spinach: basil, dill, nutmeg , tarragon
Bele :
Chinese cabbage:
Taro leaves: basil, oregano, rosemary, tarragon
Sweet potato or pumpkin tops :
Water cress : basil, dill, parsley , tarragon
Ota gourds: basil, garlic, marjoram, mustard, savory, thyme.

Kohirabi : chili powder, dill, mace, mustard, nutmeg, tarragon.

Okra : bay leaf, basil, celery seeds/salt, chili powder, curry powder, garlic, mustard, parsley, thyme.

Pawpaw, green breadfruit, cooking banana : allspice, basil, cinnamon, clove, ginger.

Dalo ni Tana : mustard, paprika, parsley, poppy seed.

Kumala, Kawai : allspice, cinnamon, clove, ginger, mace, nutmeg, poppy seed.
White radish : caraway, mint, mustard, oregano, parsley, poppy seed, rosemary, sage.


Aniseed Saunf Mace Javitri

Asafoetida Heeng Mustard seeds Sarso
Bay leaf Tej Patta Nutmeg Jaiphal
Cardamon Illaichi Mint Podina
Chili Mirch (mircha) Parsley Ajmoda ke patte
Cinnamon Dalchini Peppercorns Kali mirch
Cloves Laung Poppy seed Khaskhas
Coriander Dhaniya Saffron Kesar
Cummin Jeeri (zeeri) Sesame Til
Fegugreek Methi Tamarind Imli
Garlic Leshsum Tumeric Haldi
Ginger Adrak

5. METRIC CONVERSION TABLE (approximate amounts)

Volume Weight/Mass Temperature


1/4tsp.=1.25 ml 1/2 oz.=14 g 275 135

1/2 tsp.=2.5 ml 1 oz.= 28 g 300 149
1 tsp.=5 ml 4 oz. ( lb) = 113 g 325 163
1 tbsp. {1/2 fl.oz.)=15 ml 8 oz = 226 g 350 177
2 tbsp. {1 fl.oz.)=30 ml 12 oz = 340 g 375 191
1/4 cup(2 fl. oz.) = 60 ml 16 oz (1 lb) =454 g 400 204
1/3 cup=80 ml 1 lb = 680 g 425 218
1/2 cup=120 ml 2 lb = 908 g 450 232
1 cup {8 fl.oz.) = 240 ml 5 lb = 2.27 kg 475 246
4 cups(l qt.)=950 ml 10 lb = 4.54 kg 500 260
525 274
550 288

To change to Multiply by
ounces {oz.) grams (g) 28
pounds {lbs.) kilograms (kg) 0.45
teaspoons {tsp.) milliliters (ml) 5
tablespoons (tbsp.) milliliters (ml) 15
fluid ounces {fl. oz) milliliters (ml) 30
cups liters (l) 0.24
pints {pt.) liters (l) 0.47
quarts (qt.) liters (l) 0.95
gallons {gal.) liters (l) 3.8
degrees Fahrenheit degrees Celsius 5/9 after subtracting 32

3tsp.=l tbsp. 4tbsp.=1/4 cup 2 1/2 cups= l pt. 2pt.=1 qt. 4qt.=1 gal.


1 3/4 cups water 1/4 tsp. salt
1-2 tbsp. cinnamon 1/4 cup raisins
1 1/3 cup oats 1 cup milk
1-2 tbsp. honey fruit
Boil water. Add salt, cinnamon, raisins while it boils, then add oats. Lower the heat and cook until
water is absorbed.
Serve with (or without) milk. Add honey and fruit.


1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 tbsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt
1 egg, beaten 1 tbsp. oil
1 tbsp. honey 1-2 bananas, well mashed
1 1/2 cups milk 1/4-1/2 pkg dates, sliced thin
Mix dry ingredients, then add others, while stirring.
If you don't know what to do with the batter, then eat toast.


1 cup flour 1 egg (optional)
1 tsp. baking powder 3 tbsp. sugar
mashed banana (optional) milk 2-3 tsp. oil (optional)
Combine all ingredients. Use enough milk to make batter as thin as you want it. If oil or melted
butter is added very little fat is needed for frying.


1 egg 1 tbsp. ghee or oil
1/2 cup milk 4 slices bread
Spices (optional, or in any combination)
1/2 tsp. cloves 1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup ginger 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Beat egg and milk and spices. Dip slices of bread in the mixture.
Fry with oil until golden brown. Turn and fry other side.


1 cup brown (Fiji) sugar 1 tsp. of vanilla
3/4 cup water 2 tbsp. of butter
Bring sugar and water to a boil. Add butter. Boil 8-10 minutes.

CRUNCHY GRANOLA {making granola is a half day project or two nights)

2-3 lbs. rolled oats 1-2 cups almonds
12 cups wheat germ 1 1/2 cup sugar .
2 cups grated dried coconut
1. Mix in a large bowl and set aside.
1 cup oil 1 cup honey
2/3 cup water 1 cup molasses
1 tbsp. vanilla 1 cup coconut milk
2. Mix together and heat gently until well-blended. Add to first mixture and thoroughly mix.
3. To your taste sprinkle cinnamon and powdered ginger.
4. Spread on pan and bake 1/2 hour stirring often. Remove when golden brown.
5. Cool and add 1 cup of nuts and 1 cup raisins.


Put enough water in a pot to just cover the eggs.

Heat water so that it is just simmering below the boiling point.
Put room temperature eggs in the water. {cold eggs will most likely crack)
Cook: 3 to 5 minutes for soft- cooked eggs; 5 to 10 for medium;
10 to 15 for hard-cooked eggs


1 egg 2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. butter 1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
Beat the egg a little. Add milk, salt and pepper.
Melt the butter, then add the egg mixture to the hot butter. Stir while the egg is cooking on low


3 eggs 2 tbsp. milk
1!2 tsp. salt pepper butter or oil
Put the butter in the pan. Beat the eggs with the salt, pepper and milk until well mixed.
Heat the butter until melted, then add the egg mixture. Reduce the heat the a low flame. When the
bottom appears light brown, then fold in half. Cook each side for about a minute until the center is
To spice up the omelette: add cheese, cooked meat, cooked veggies or spices into the middle of the
omelette before folding.


Fill a saucepan 1/4 full with water. Butter two teacups, then set into the saucepan.
Break an egg into each teacup. Bring the water to rapid boil, then add a lid to the pan and reduce
the heat. Cook until the whites are set. Serve on buttered toast.

DHAL SOUP (Soup from a dhal! )

1 cup dahl 1 tsp. curry powder
2 cloves garlic 2 small chilies (optional)
1 small onion 2-3 curry leaves
1 tsp. curry powder 1 tsp. sarso
1 tsp. jeeri ghee or oil
Soak the dhal in water overnight. Boil the dhal in four cups water until soft (l hour, when most of
the water is gone). Put dhal aside. Heat approximately 2 tbsp. of ghee or oil in a pot.
Add sarso and jeeri until they pop, then add onion and curry leaves. Fry until soft. Pound garlic and
chili leaves together, add. Once the onion mixture is soft and light brown, add curry powder. Add
the boiled dhal to the spice mixture. Add salt to taste and bring to a boil for about two min.

12 kais 1 1/2 cups water
1/2 tsp. margarine or butter 1/2 onion
1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. lemon juice
Boil kai until shells open. Pull kai out of shell and thoroughly separate meat from the rest of the
kai. Chop or mince the meat. Add seasoning, water, and finely chopped onion. Bring to a boil.
Add lemon juice and margarine. If desired add 2 tsp. of flour to thicken. 1/2 cup milk or coconut
cream may be added as well.


1/2 cup peanuts 1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup milk shake of pepper
Put peanuts in hot oven for ten minutes. Remove and rub off skins. Put through mincer. Add milk,
salt, and pepper. Stir till boiling. Simmer gently about ten minutes.


1 lb. fish 3 tbsp. butter
1 cup water 2/5 cup water
1 bay leaf 3 cups milk
1 clove 1 tbsp butter
13/5 cups peeled, sliced potatoes
1 tsp. salt 3 tbsp. chopped onion
1/2 tsp. pepper
Simmer fish very slowly with bay leaf and clove in water for ten min. Remove fish, skin and bone
it and set aside; strain fish broth into a soup kettle. Cook potatoes and onions in 3 tbsp. of

butter for five min., add water and cook for five min. longer. Combine fish, potatoes, and onion
with broth and simmer for five min. or until vegetables are tender; add milk and bring to a
boil. Remove from heat, add butter, salt and pepper. Stir and then serve.


1 packet soup (almost any variety)
tinned meat/or fish or sliced vegetables
one or two eggs fresh meat
Prepare soup according to directions. Add vegetables or meat or eggs (or any combination thereof)
and cook until vegetables are soft and meat is thoroughly cooked.

COCONUT SOUP (4-6 servings)

1 oz. or 2 tbsp. butter, fat or oil
1 pt. or 21/2 cups milk
1/2 tbsp. curry powder
1 tbsp. tomato paste or 1 raw sieved tomato
1 oz. or 3 tbsp. flour
salt pepper Thick coconut cream from two coconuts
Melt the butter, add flour and cook for 2-3 min. until it begins to bubble. Gradually add the milk,
then add salt, pepper, curry powder, and tomato paste, stirring constantly until boiling.
Allow to boil for a few minutes, and add the coconut cream just before serving.


chicken, beef, pork, or mutton pieces along with bones (parts are parts!)
salt water
Place meat into salted water and soak for one hour (use 1/4 tsp. salt for every cup of water)
Simmer mixture for five hours. Strain and cool. Remove fat before using the stock.
May use beef or chicken bouillon cubes or bouvrill as a fast substitute.



1 cup stock 1/4 cup finely diced vegetables

1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tbsp. rice
1 tsp. chopped parsley
Add vegetables to stock. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 min. Add washed rice, salt, and pepper.
Simmer until soft ( 15-30 min.) and add parsley just before serving.


1 cup diced or grated vegetables 2 cups water
1 cup milk 1/2 tsp. salt
2tsp. margarine a shake of pepper
1 heaped tsp. flour cold water
Grate or dice vegetables. Melt fat in saucepan. Add vegetables and seasoning. Cook for three
minutes, stirring all the time. Add water Cook until tender (15-20 min) .Add milk and heat.
Thicken with flour mixed to a smooth paste. Heat


1 cup grated dalo 1 small onion
2 tsp. salt 2 cups milk
1/4 tsp pepper or chopped chili 2 cups boiling water
Scrub the dalo well and peel it. Grate the dalo and chop the onion. Place both into boiling salted
water, and add the pepper. Cook until tender (15 min.)Add the milk (or coconut cream).


1 medium eggplant 1 tbsp. chopped green pepper(may be omitted)
1 cup thin coconut cream 1 chopped tomato
1 small chopped onion 2 tsp. fat or oil
11/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. chopped garlic
Fry the onion, garlic, and green pepper in oil. Add the tomato, salt, and water. Bring to a boil. Peel
and cut the eggplant into small pieces. Add the eggplant and cook until tender. Add the coconut
cream and heat without boiling.



1/2 medium breadfruit 1/2 ripe coconut

1/2 onion 1 tsp. salt
2 1/2 cups water tin of corned beef
1 1/2 tsp. curry powder or 1/2 pawpaw (can be omitted) pepper
Peel off the skin of the breadfruit, take out the core, and cut the rest into slices. Boil water and add
salt. Chop pawpaw and onion. To the boiling water add the breadfruit, meat, onion, ,and pawpaw.
Grate the coconut and squeeze in the coconut cream just before serving.


4 stalks chinese cabbage 8 oz. any kind of meat
1 tbsp. salt 2 tsp. sliced ginger
11/2 quarts boiling water 1 onion
1/2 tsp. cornflour 1 tsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. sugar 1/4 tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. oil
Slice meat into thin small pieces. Also chop onion, ginger, and cabbage, keeping each separate.
Boil the water. Heat the oil, ginger, and salt. Cook for one min. then add onions. Add the boiling
water, and cabbage, simmer for ten minutes. Add meat and simmer covered for 15 min. Add pepper
and soy sauce after ten min.


1 clove garlic, split
5 ripe tomatoes or 1 large can whole tomatoes
1/4 tsp. pepper 1 1/2 cups cold water
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 cup chopped green pepper
4 ice cubes (optional) 1 onion
2 tbsp. olive oil 1/4 tsp. paprika
1 1/2 tbsp. vinegar 1/2 cup chopped cucumber
1 1/2 cups cold water (only 1 cup if used canned tomatoes)
Crush garlic and salt. Add all of the above together. except cucumber, green pepper,
and bread crumbs. Let sit for 1 hour. Crush through a course strainer or mash. Taste and add
seasoning to taste. Stir in bread crumbs. Divide into four bowls and add an ice cube to each. Serve
and pass cucumber and vinegar to sprinkle on.

By the infamous Teri Lysak!

1/2 small pumpkin 1 cup milk
1/2 tsp. ginger 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. clove 2 tbsp. sugar
Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Place in a pot and add water until pumpkin is well covered. Bring to a
boil, then lower heat. Simmer until the pumpkin is soft. Drain excess water from the pumpkin, then
add sugar and spices. Mash pumpkin using a fork, l then add milk and bring to a boil. Serve hot or


4 med. potatoes, cubed 1 sm. onion
3 cloves garlic 2 celery sticks (optional)
1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tbsp. mustard
black pepper salt
Boil potato cubes until soft. Drain the water let cool. Cut garlic and onion in very small pieces and
slice celery. Add to potatoes, then add mustard, mayo, and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.


6 med. potatoes 1 3/4 cups plain yogurt
1 1/2 cups grated coconut 1 tbsp. ghee
1 tsp. black mustard seeds 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
1 fresh minced chili 2 tomatoes
several sprigs of parsley
Boil the potatoes until soft. Peel them, cut into cubes, and place in a bowl. Refrigerate. Mix
together the yogurt, salt, and grated coconut. Heat the ghee in a small pan, then toss in the
mustard seeds. Cover the pan immediately so as to avoid the seeds from jumping out. When the
seeds finish popping, add the ginger and chili. Stir for a for seconds. Empty into bowl of yogurt,
drop the potatoes in and toss gently. Serve with a sprig of parsley and a wedge of tomato.


1/2 cup grated cheese 1 apple
2 tbsp. lemon juices 1 cup long beans, cut
1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 tsp. salt black pepper
Cube cheese. Core and chop apple. place in a bowl with lemon juice. Cook long beans until tender
but still crisp or about five mln. Allow to cool. Toss beans, cheese, and apple together, then add
mayo. Season with salt and pepper.


2 cups long beans french dressing
1/4 tsp. dried basil
Wash, cut, and cook long beans until just tender (4-5 min. ) Drain and allow to cool. Toss in french
dressing, sprinkle with basil and serve.


1 can butter beans, drained

1 can Red Kidney beans, drained
1 can corn kernels, drained
1 stick celery, chopped
1 small onion, sliced
1 cucumber, sliced
1 capsicum, chopped

2 tbsp. oil 2 tbsp. french dressing
1 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped 1 tbsp. dry mustard
1 tbsp. lemon juice ( all ingredients is found in any MH's)
In a large bowl, combine all salad ingredients and mix well. In a jar, combine all dressing
ingredients and shake well. Pour dressing over the salad and mix well.


1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sugar 1 sm. cabbage
1 grated carrot
Mix mayo, vinegar, and sugar. Shred cleaned cabbage and add carrot. Mix with dressing.


1 sm or med cabbage- shredded or chopped
2 ripe bananas 5 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tsp. lemon juice salt to taste
mix cabbage with other ingredients. Serve.


1/2 cup diced pawpaw 2 tsp. finely chopped onion
1/4 cup finely chopped chinese cabbage or lettuce
1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. salad dressing
1/4 cup grated cheese (optional) 1/4 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Mix all ingredients together. Serve on lettuce leaves or put in pawpaw shell.


1 lb. dried navy beans or great northern beans

2 onions 2 celery ribs (opt)
5 tsp. strained lemon juice 1 tsp. salt
fresh ground pepper 3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
3 tbsp. capers 3/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme or rosemary
Place the beans in a large pot, cover with water and bring to boil. Add the onions and celery ribs.
Cover the pot and cook beans for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until they are tender. Discard onions and
celery and drain the beans. Whisk together the remaining ingredients to make a dressing and pour it
on beans while hot. Toss carefully, cool and serve at room temperature.


4 cups dried navy beans/ great northern beans soaked overnight and drained
4 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tsp. spanish paprika
2 whole cloves salt and cayenne pepper
1 tbsp. olive oil a pinch of cumin
Add enough water to the beans to cover them, and cook over medium heat 1 1/2 hour or until
almost tender. In a mortar, pound garlic, pinch of cumin, paprika, cloves, a little salt and
pinch of cayenne pepper to a paste and add the olive oil. Mix with beans about 20 minutes before
they are completely tender.


1 cup dried mungi beans soaked an hour 1/4 cup olive oil
2 medium onions, chopped finely
1 garlic clove, chopped 2 tbsp. capers, chopped
1 large lemon, grated the peel and strain the juice
1/4 cup chopped parsley (sub. dhanyaa)
In a covered pot cook the beans in the soaking water for 40 minutes, drain if necessary. Heat the oil
in saucepan over low heat. Mix in onions and garlic and cook until soft. Stir in beans, capers and
lemon products. Mix in parsley before serving.


2-3 cups bean sprouts 1/2 grated carrot
vinegar and oil (or another salad dressing) onion
Wash bean sprouts and dry. Put in a bowl and add carrot and onion. Toss with oil and vinegar.


1/2 tsp. cumin seeds 2 med. cucumbers 1 1/4 cups plain yogurt
1/2 tsp. garam masala 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper 2 pinches asafetida (optional)
Dry roast the cumin and grind them into a powder. Wash the cucumbers and grate them through the
large holes of a metal grater. Squeeze out the excess liquid and combine the cucumber with all the
other ingredients. Toss and serve chilled.



1 large banana 2 tbsp. salad dressing 2 tbsp. chopped nuts
Cut bananas in quarters lengthwise. Dip in salad dressing then in chopped nuts.
Serve on lettuce leaves.


1 avocado pear 1/4 cup pawpaw, cubed
1/4 cup pineapple,cubed 1 tbsp. grated coconut
Cut avocado in half and remove the seed. Remove flesh and mix with pineapple and pawpaw.
Replace in the avocado shell. Sprinkle with grated coconut.


1/2 cup finely chopped Chinese cabbage
2 tbsp. freshly grated coconut 1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar 1 tbsp. chopped nuts
1/2 tsp finely chopped green pepper
Mix all together. Serve on lettuce leaves.


A variety of fruits lemon juice heavy cream sugar
Peel the fruit. Cut into dice or even-sized pieces. Mix the fruit with enough sugar to sweeten with
the heavy cream. Add lemon juice. Serve in 1/2 orange skin, pawpaw shell or glass dish.


Sliced apples raisins cubed pineapple nuts
honey olive oil lemon juice
Mix first four ingredients. Mix with honey, olive oil, and lemon juice to coat the salad.


1 lb. cooked kumala 4 ripe bananas
1/4 cup lemon juice 2 tbsp. oil
2 tsp. curry powder 2 crushed cloves garlic
1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/4 chopped onion
Cut kumala into cubes. Slice bananas and marinate in lemon juice. Heat oil in saucepan. Saut
curry powder and garlic in oil. Cool and combine with mayonnaise, combine kumala and banana.
Fold in curry dressing and onion.


Top of the cooker method for plain boiling rice:

(Any size cup can be used provide it is the same one for measuring both rice and liquid.)
1 cup rice
2 cups water
1 tsp. salt

Put rice, water and salt into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir once. Lower heat to simmer.
Cover pan and cook about 15 minutes without removing lid or stirring: Test rice by biting a
few grains and if not quite tender, or if liquid is not completely absorbed, replace lid and cook for a
few minutes longer. Remove from heat. Turn immediately into serving dish and fluff the rice
lightly with a fork.

Oven method:

Put rice and salt into an casserole dish, add boiling water and stir. Cover with lid and cook in a
moderate oven for about 40 minutes. Test rice and if not quite tender, or water not absorbed
completely, cover and cook for another few minutes. Fluff rice lightly with fork.

Fried rice:

Melt 1 oz. butter in a large saucepan. Add 1 finely chopped onion and stir in the cup of rice. Fry
over moderate heat, stirring well until rice is golden brown. Add 2 cups boiling water and 1 tsp.
salt. Bring to boil, stir once, cover tightly and simmer for 15 minutes.

Flavouring rice:
There are many ways to enhance the flavour of rice. For instance:

Chicken or beef stock: in place of water and salt.

Orange juice: instead of water.

Tomato juice: use equal quantities of water and tomato juice with a dash of Worcestershire sauce.

Clear onion or vegetable soup: in place of water and salt.

Buttered rice: add a thick slice of lemon while the rice is cooking. Just before serving remove
lemon and fork 1 to 2 oz. butter into the fluffed rice.

Herb rice: prepare as for buttered rice but add 1 heaped tbsp. each of fresh parsley, chives (or
spring onion) , all finely chopped.

Golden rice: to every 8 oz. rice add 1/8 tsp. of powdered saffron. When dry and fluffy, fork in 1 oz.
butter and 2 oz. coarsely chopped toasted walnuts or almonds.

Curried rice: Fry 1 tbsp. of finely chopped onion in 1 oz. butter. When soft stir in 1 tbsp. curry
powder. Add water and rice, cook until tender. Fluff the rice using a fork, then add 1 oz. butter.


Don't wash or rinse cooked rice. Valuable vitamins and minerals are lost. In Fiji ALWAYS wash
rice BEFORE cooking.

Don't peep when cooking rice. It lets out steam; lowers the temperature.

Don't stir rice during cooking. This mashes the grains and makes the rice sticky.

Don't leave rice in the pan in which it was cooked for more than 10 minutes or it will stick together.

Do use a fork or perforated spoon to fluff rice after it is cooked. It helps to keep the grains separate
(to fluff rice, toss it gently).

Do add a little butter or oil to the water for boiling rice; it will help separate the grains. If the heat is
too heat, the oil will also help to stop the rice from boiling over the pan.


Cooked rice keeps well, and reheats to its first freshness. Rice keeps perfectly for three days in a
cool larder and up to a week in the refrigerator.


To reheat rice put cooked rice with a few tbsp. of water into a covered saucepan and stand over a
LOW HEAT. Shake pan now and again and in a few minutes rice will be as hot and fluffy as
freshly cooked rice.



Make coconut cream, boil rice in this instead of plain water, adding salt if for a side dish; sugar if
for a sweet dish.
2 cups boiling water 1 1/2 cup pineapple, crushed
1 cup rice 2 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. salt
Add salt to boiling water, then add rice. Boil about 15 minutes, stirring with a fork. Drain, blanched
in cold water. Add butter and pineapple. Cover and return to heat and steam 10 to 15 minutes. Turn
over lightly with a fork.

1 1/3 cups raw rice 1 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
2 tbsp. butter 1/2 tsp pepper
3 cups water 1/3 cup raisins
Wash and drain rice. Melt butter; saute rice in butter for 3 minutes. Add water and bring to boil;
lower heat; cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Add remaining ingredients; toss until raisins are

1 1/3 cups hot water 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
1/2 cup raw rice 2 tsp. melted butter
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 1/4 tsp. curry powder
1/3 cup chopped onion
Pour hot water over rice; keep warm, without cooking, 45 minutes. Blend in remaining ingredients
and bake in moderate heated oven 1 1/2 hours with occasional stirring.

1/2 cup sliced onion 2 cups hot water
1/3 cup chopped green pepper 2 5-oz. cans tomato paste
2 cups rice 1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup butter 1/2 tsp. pepper
Saute onion, green pepper and rice in butter. Add the rest and mix. Bring to a boil reduce heat and
simmer uncovered for 5-10 minutes.


1/2 lb sliced mushrooms 1 cup peeled, chopped tomatoes
2 tsp. butter 1 tsp salt
2 green peppers, chopped 1/2 tsp. paprika
1 chopped onion 1/2 tbsp. melted butter
1 1/2 cups cooked rice
Saute mushrooms in butter; add remaining ingredients and blend well. Put into a buttered casserole.
Cover and bake in a moderate heated oven for 1 hour.

1 clove garlic 1 lb. fresh spinach
1 onion, chopped 1 cup raw rice
4 tsp. butter 2 cups boiling water
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Wash and drain spinach. Saute garlic and onion in butter until onion is soft; remove from heat, stir
well and lemon juice. Chop spinach finely and put half over onion in pan; add rice; then top with
remaining spinach. Pour in boiling water, cover and cook over very low heat for 20 minutes.


3/4 cup raw rice 6 cloves
1/4 cup ghee 2 piece of cinnamon
1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. jeeri
1/2 mixed frozen vegetable 1/2 tsp. turmeric
( soaked peas & sliced carrot) 2-3 cloves garlic
2 cups hot water 2 chili
2 tsp. masala
Clean rice, then soak for 1/2 hour. Crush garlic and chili together. Heat the ghee with jeeri,
cardamon, cloves and cinnamon, until the jeeri pops. Add the rice, salt, tumeric and masala to the
hot ghee and fry gently for 3 minutes. Add the hot water and bring to a boil quickly. Turn the heat
low and simmer for 30 minutes until rice is soft and all the water is absorbed.



Vegetable Curry

1 cup diced vegetable (potato, carrot, beans, yams, dalo, cauliflower, breadfruit, green pawpaw, or
1 tbsp. oil 1 small onion, sliced
1 tsp. salt 2-3 cloves garlic
1-2 chilies a small piece of garlic
1 tsp. curry powder 6 curry leaves
1 tsp. jeeri 1 tsp. sarso
1 tsp. masala 1/2 tsp. methi
1/2 warm water
Crush garlic, chilies and ginger together, then make into a paste with the curry powder, masala and
salt. Heat the oil, then add jeeri, sarso and methi and heat until they pop. Add the onion and curry
leave, and fry until soft. Add the garlic paste and diced vegetable. Fry for about 2 minutes, then add
the warm water. Simmer until the vegetables are tender.


2 1/2 cups diced okra 1 tsp. jeeri
1 small diced onion 1 tsp. sarso
2 tbsp. oil 1 tsp. salt
2-3 cloves garlic 1 tsp. masala
2 chilies
Crush garlic and chilies together, then make a paste with salt and masala. Heat the oil with jeeri and
sarso allowing them to pop. Add the onion and fry until soft and transparent. Add the paste and fry
for one minutes, then add the okra. Fry until the okra is tender and the onion is brown.


2 cups thinly sliced English cabbage
3/4 cup grated carrots 2 tsp. jeeri
2-3 cloves garlic 2 chilies
1 tsp. sarso 1 tsp. salt
1 small onion, sliced
Crush the garlic and chilies together with the salt. Heat the oil with jeeri and sarso, until they pop.
Add the onion and fry until S~tt and transparent. Add the remaining ingredients and fry on medium
heat until the cabbage and carrots are tender.
Great with dhal soup and roti.

This dish is common at weddings and other religious functions in the Indian community.
2 Potatoes, cubed 1 tsp. methi
2-3 eggplants, cubed 1 tsp. sarso
1 onion, diced 2 tsp. jeeri
3 tbsp. oil 1/2 tsp. tumeric (haldi)
3 cloves garlic 8 curry leaves
3 chilies 1 tbsp. masala
a small p1ece of ginger 2 tsp. salt
warm water
Crush together garlic, chilies and ginger, then make a paste with the masala, haldi and salt. Heat the
oil with methi, jeeri and sarso until they pop, then add the onion and fry until soft and transparent.
Add the curry leaves and garlic paste and fry for a few minutes. Add the potatoes and eggplant with
enough water to cover all the ingredients in the pot, then bring to a boil. Cover the pot and simmer
for about 20 minutes on medium to low heat with occasional stirring. Remove the lid and cook until
potatoes are tender and it is a desired thickness.



2 potatoes, cubed 1/2 tsp. sugar

1 small head of cabbage salt to taste
1 cup tomatoes, cubed 1/2 tsp. clove powder
3 tbsp. butter little water
1 tsp. tumeric powder 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp. ginger powder 1/2 tsp. cardamon powder
1 tsp. chili powder
Shred the cabbage. Heat the butter and fry the potatoes a pale brown. Drain and keep aside. Fry the
cabbage and add the tumeric, ginger and chili powder stirring well. Add the tomatoes, potatoes,
sugar and salt and cook over gentle heat about 20 minutes. If required add a little water. When
cooked sprinkle with clove, cinnamon and cardamon before serving.


2 tbsp. oil 1 small onion, diced
2 cloves garlic 2 chilies
1 small bundle Chinese cabbage
1 tsp. salt
Heat oil. Add onion, garlic and chilies. Fry till light brown. Add cleaned, finely chopped cabbage
and salt. Stir well. Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes. Other vegetable such as churaia, silver
beet, pumpkin leaf tops, mustard leaves, young dalo leaves, etc. ..may be cooked similarly.

2 cups pumpkin, peeled and chopped 1 tbsp. curry powder
1/4 tsp. sarso 2 tbsp. oil 2 tsp. salt
1/2 onion chopped 1 tsp. jeeri
2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 chilies, crushed
Heat oil and fry sarso, onion, garlic and chilies. When golden, add curry powder and stir well; add
pumpkln and salt. Cook until tender, with stirring.


Stir-Fried Vegetables

3 tbsp. oil garlic, crushed
1 tbsp. cornflour fresh ginger, crushed
2 tbsp. soy sauce fresh vegetables -any kind
1 onion, chopped 1/4 cup water
(If using carrots slice lengthwise very thinly and with Chinese cabbage use stalks and leaf.)
Heat oil, add onions, garlic and ginger. Heat until soft. Add vegetables, fry for a few minutes with
the lid on. Be careful not to cook too much the vegetables should be crunchy. Then add
soy sauce and cornflour mixed with the water. Keep the flame low, stir until sauce thickens. Total
cooking time 6-7 minutes.

Stuffed Vegetables
Suitable vegetables are: artichokes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, kholrabi, cucumbers, marrow,
1. Cut the vegetables in halves lengthwise or crosswise.
2. Scoop out the flesh from the centers.
3. Mix the flesh with the stuffing.
4. Put the Stuffing back into the vegetables.
5. Bake, steam or boil in a little water until cooked.
Stuffing: To each 1/2 cup vegetable pulp add:
1/2 cup chopped drained bread or biscuits
1/4 cup grated cheese or tofu
2 tsp. grated onion
1/2 tsp. garlic powder (or fresh crushed)
1/2 tsp. dried basil and oregano
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
tomato sauce
Mix all the ingredients well with enough tomato sauce to moisten.
2 cups cooked or tinned vegetables 1 1/4 cups milk
3/4 cup grated cheese
3 tbsp. flour salt to taste
2 tbsp. butter pepper or chilies to taste
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the flour and heat until mixture bubbles, do not allow to
brown. Remove from heat and add the milk, gradually stirring all the time. Return to the heat,
stir all the time until the sauce thickens. Add the vegetables, salt and pepper. Heat until the
vegetables are hot, then remove from heat and add the cheese.
Variation: Put the vegetables in a pie dish. Pour the sauce over and sprinkle with grated
cheese and breadcrumbs. Heat in an oven until the top is brown.


1 tbsp. prepared mustard 1 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. butter 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. vinegar
cooked green beans
Mix first four ingredients in a saucepan; heat slowly, stirring well. Add lemon juice and vinegar.
Stir well, pour over cooked green beans and blend well.


Coconut cream 1/2 lemon to each cup coconut cream
dalo leaves 1 small onion to each cup coconut cream
salt and chilies (to taste)
Prepare thick coconut cream. Add the chopped onion, lemon juice, salt and chilies. Take about 6
dalo leaves; make into cup shape and pour in a cup of liquid coconut cream mixture.
Fold over to stop the cream from coming out. Place on a breadfruit or banana leaf and tie up. Place
in a hot oven about 1/2 hour, or steam 1 1/2 hours.
Variation: add tin mutton, beef or fish to the coconut cream mixture.


Put in a saucepan: Cook 10 mins. Add:
1/2 cup oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 eggplant, cubed. 2 large tomatoes, cut in 1/8
1 onion, chopped flnely 1 can tomato paste
juice of 1 lemon

Simmer 15 minutes. Add salt to taste.



2 eggplants 1/4 onion, chopped
1/2 coconut 1 chili, chopped salt to taste
Peel and slice the eggplants. Put in pie dish. Prepare coconut cream using a 1/2 cup of water. Add
onion and seasoning, then pour over the eggplant. Bake slowly in a moderate oven until the
eggplant is cooked.


1 eggplant 1/2 cup grated cheese
salted water 1 small onion, grated
1 cup white sauce 1/4 cup dried breadcrumbs
Peel eggplant; slice it and cook in boiling salted water until just soft. Drain. Add 1/4 cup grated
cheese to the white sauce plus the onion. Place eggplant in baking dish, pour over sauce,
sprinkle with breadcrumbs mixed with 1/4 cup grated cheese. Bake until brown in moderate oven
Variation: Layers of tinned fish between the eggplant can be added.


4 eggplants 1/2 cup lemon juice or white vinegar
2 1/2 cups water 1/4 cup oil
small bunch fresh herbs 1/2 tsp. crushed coriander seed
1 tsp. salt bay leaf 1/2 cup currants
Peel and dice eggplants into 1/2. cubes. Put water, oil, coriander, salt, lemon juice, herbs and bay
leaf into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then add eggplants and simmer until just tender (must not be
mushy) .Remove eggplants and boil liquid until only half remains. Strain. Add currants, Simmer for
5 minutes. Pour over cooked eggplants.


1 cup cooked lentils 1 onion, chopped finely
1/2 cup breadcrumbs 1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup wheat germ 1/4 tsp. celery seeds
1 tsp. yeast 1 tbsp. oil
Mash lentils. Mix all ingredients together well, except flour and oil. Make into burgers and coat
with flour. Fry in oil in a frying pan.

1 lb. grated veggies 1 egg beaten
1/4 cup milk or tomato juice pepper and salt to taste
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Mix all together well and make into patties. Fry in oil. If they all apart call it hash.
Veggies: carrots, celery, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplants, pumpkin, etc...


1 cup dried peas 2 tsp. ghee
1/2 tsp. mustard seeds(sarso) 3 hot chilies
1 onion 1/2 tsp. haldi
1/2 tsp. paprika 12 peppercorns
1 inch cinnamon stick 4 cloves
2 green cardamon pods 1 tsp. strained lemon juice
1 tsp. salt
Soak peas for one hour and drain. Finely chop the onion. Stem, seed, and chop the chilies. Break
cinnamon into pieces. Boil the split peas in two cups of water for forty minutes or until soft and all
the water is absorbed. In a frying pan, heat ghee and fry sarso until they sputter. Add onion and
chilies and fry until golden. Stir in haldi and paprika or chili powder. Crush peppercorns,
cinnamon, cloves, and cardamon in a mortar and add to fry for two minutes. Stir into split peas.
Add lemon juice and salt. Mix well and simmer for a few minutes. Serve hot.


1 cup dried chick peas 3 tbsp. olive oil
2 medium sized capsicum 4 chilies
1 large garlic clove 3 tbsp. strained lemon juice
Soak peas overnight and drain. Seed, de-rib and dice capsicum. Stem, seed and chop finely. Finely
chop garlic. Place chick peas in large pot- cover them with water. Cover pot and cook for three
hours or until tender. Drain. Heat the oil in a skillet over low heat. Stir in capsicum, chilies and
garlic: cook five minutes. Add chick peas. Cook until just showing signs of browning. Pour in
lemon juice and let bubble. Serve as soon as possible.


4 cups cooked peas 1 cup oil
1/4 cup wine vinegar 1 cup whole garlic cloves
1 medium onion 1/2 tsp. salt cracked or ground pepper
Thinly slice medium onion. Combine all ingredients and mix well, then place in a jar. Cover and
put in a refrigerator. Remove grarlic after one day, but continue to pickle beans up to two weeks.
3/4 cup cooked lentils chilies to taste
cup cooked lima beans 1 onion
3/4 cup grated cheese 1/2 tomato sauce
3/4 tsp. sesame seeds 1 cup cooked rice
2 celery sticks 1 tbsp. barbecue sauce
2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 green pepper, chopped
Mash lentils and lima beans with barbecue sauce. Add remaining I ingredients and mix well. place
in a baking dish and bake for 40 minutes.

FALAFEL: serves 4
2 1/2 cups dried chick-peas soaked overnight & drained
1 tsp. ground coriander seeds 1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp. ground cumin 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper salt
1/4 cup flour oil for deep frying
Grind chick peas fine and mix with coriander, garlic, cumin, cayenne pepper and salt. Add flour
and mix thoroughly. From resulting dough make small balls (3 cm) Pour oil into pan and heat it to
375 F (hot) A few at a time, deep fry balls 2-3 minutes until golden.

1 pie shell 1 small onion 1 lb. mushrooms
1/2 lb. cheese, grated 1 cup milk
4 well beaten eggs 2 tbsp. butter
1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. oregano 1/4 tsp. parsley
Make crust. Chop onion and mushrooms and saute in butter for 5 minutes, then add salt, oregano
and parsley. Mix well and place in pie pan on top of the crust. Place cheese evenly on top of
vegetables. Beat eggs with cream and pour over veggies and cheese. Bake for 45 minutes in a
moderate oven.
Variation: Use cauliflower, or eggplant, or carrots and peppers, instead of mushrooms.

1 cup cooked chickpeas 2 cups crushed tomatoes
(or 1 cup cooked peas canned)
1 cup cooked kidney beans 1 green pepper, chopped
1 large onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp. chili powder 1 tbsp. powdered cumin
1 bay leaf salt and pepper to taste
Place all the beans in a large pot and add 2 quarts of water and the bay leaf. Cover and bring to a
boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add to the pot the veggies and seasoning.
Cover and simmer for 1 hour, till the beans and veggies are tender. To make the chili spicy add
fresh chilies to veggies.

Cook peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes and drain. Sprinkle with salt. Cool. Fill generously
with filling. Cover with grated cheese or breadcrumbs. Bake for 15 minutes at a moderate oven
temperature, till the tops are brown.
Standard filling: In 2 tbsp. butter, saute 1 small chopped onion, 1/2 ground beef (or tofu
mixed with breadcrumbs) and 2 peeled and diced tomatoes (or 1/2 cup canned tomatoes). Add 1
cup cooked rice and season with salt and pepper. Topped with grated cheese.
Variation: Add mushed cooked dhal in place of meat.
Stuffed Pawpaw: Cut pawpaw into 11/2" to 2" thick, scooping out the seeds, then fill each slice
with the stuffing above. Cook in butter or oil until tender.


1 onion, chopped 1/2 lb. okra, diced
3 cups canned tomatoes 3 tbsp. butter
salt and pepper to taste
Saute onion in the butter, add okra and fry 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cover and
cook for 15 minutes. Remove cover and simmer 5 minutes longer. If you like add chopped green
pepper to the onion, and process as instructed.



Use 6-12 leaves of one of the following: bele, bittermelon, chinese cabbage, spinach, dalo leaves,
English cabbage, water-cress, swamp cabbage. Wash well. Cut into small pieces. Place in saucepan
with 1/2 cup boiling water (or lolo) and salt to taste.
Cook quickly with lid on till tender, about 5 minutes.


Boil rice, Keeping the lid on the pot the entire time. When rice is cooked place carrots, or peas, or
chinese cabbage, or pumpkin slices, or long beans, or sliced eggplant on top the UNDISTURBED
cooked rice, quickly replace the lid and take the pot off the stove. In a few minutes the veggies will
be completely cooked.


Duruka lolo sal t and pepper
Remove the outside sheath of the duruka. Lay the pieces side by side in a saucepan or pie dish.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then pour 1010 over until it is covered. Boil or bake until duruka is

2 med.-sized potatoes 1/2 tsp. salt
pepper to taste 2 tsp. flour
2 tsp. butter 1 cup milk
2 tbsp. chopped onion 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs
Peel and slice potatoes. Place half in a pie dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Repeat with
half. Heat milk, add butter and onion, then pour over the potatoes. Cover and bake in a moderate
oven for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake till brown.


1 small dalo 2 tsp. butter
1 cup milk 1/2 cup grated cheese
salt and pepper to taste .
Clean dalo and slice thin. Place in a pie dish and layer the dalo, then butter, milk, and cheese. Add
salt and pepper. Bake in oven until crispy brown.


2 cups grated raw potato 1 tbsp. flour
2 eggs, well-beaten 2 tbsp. grated onion
11/2 tsp. salt oil for frying
pinch of baking powder
Drain juice from potatoes, then add all ingredients except oil and blend well. Heat oil, plenty, and
drop potato mixture by spoonfuls into the hot oil, then flatten into thin cakes. Cook until brown on
both sides.


kumala milk
flour nutmeg
salt butter pepper
Peel kumala and cut in 1/8 slices. Shake kumala in bag with flour, salt and pepper. Arrange slices
in a baking dish. Pour over milk just to cover the kumala, dot with butter and sprinkle with grated
nutmeg. Bake in a moderate oven until soft, about 1 hour.

2 cups cooked cassava 1 beaten egg
2 tsp. chopped parsley salt and pepper
2 tsp. grated onion flour
Mash cooked cassava and add remaining ingredients, except flour, and mix well. Form into patties
and roll in flour. Fry in hot oil until brown on both sides.


1 small dalo juice of 2 lemons
2 chilies, chopped 1 grated onion
salt to taste
Peel and cut the dalo into 6-8 pieces. Put in a pot of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove
from heat and grated the partly cooked dalo. Add onion, chilies and lemon juice and mix
well. Serve with meat or fish.


1 med. head green cabbage dash pepper

1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. paprika
1/3 cup butter 1 small onion
Wash and shred cabbage and onion. Cover with water and simmer 10-15 minutes. Drain off most of
the water add salt, pepper and butter. Steam 15 minutes longer, remove from heat and garnish with

1 cup dried pinto beans 1 tbsp. chili powder
1/2 cup dried kidney beans 2 tsp. cumin powder
1 onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 bell pepper, chopped 4 chilies, chopped
1 tsp. oregano salt and pepper to taste
Soak the beans in warm water over night. Rinse the beans well, then put in a pot of water and boil
until soft. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until onions are tender and most of the water
has evaporated. Remove for heat and mash down the beans with a fork. Great for tacos and

spinach (Any soft green leafy vegetable may be used.) pepper to taste 1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup milk 1/3 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/4 cup grated cheese 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
Melt butter in saucepan, add onion, garlic, spinach, salt and pepper. Cook with lid on until veggies
are tender. Remove lid and cook until moisture has evaporated. Combine veggies with milk, put in
baking dish and cover with mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese. Bake for 45 minutes.


4 boiled sweet potatoes, diced 1 tbsp. grated orange rind
1/2 cup brown sugar 3 tbsp. melted butter
2 tbsp. parsley juice of 1 orange
Combine all ingredients in a pan and shake over high heat until hot. Serve.


Peel bananas and cut lengthwise, place in a baking dish. Add 1 tbsp. butter and bake slowly until


Cut a slice of pumpkin of desired size. Scoop out seeds. Dot with butter and bake in a moderate
oven for 20-30 minutes till tender.
Pumpkin Fritters
1 cup cooked pumpkin 1/2 cup flour
salt to taste 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 egg or milk
Mix flour, salt and baking powder together well. Add beaten egg and mashed pumpkin. If mixture
is dry ass a little milk. Heat oil until smoking hot. Cook in spoonful until golden brown. Turn and
cook on other side till golden brown.

Boiled Pumpkin (used in baking cakes, cookies and pies)

Boil peeled and cubed pumpkin in enough to cover the pumpkin pieces until tender. Drain off most
for the water and mush with a fork until smooth.


1 bundle spinach 1/2 cup grated cheese
1 tbsp. butter 1 cup breadcrumbs
Cook spinach, drain well and chop finely. Add cheese, butter and enough breadcrumbs to make a
stiff mixture. Shape into a roll and bake in a greased dish in a moderate oven for 30 minutes.
Fish and Seafood



1 tinned tuna fish, drained 1/2 tsp. salt

3 oz breadcrumbs pepper to taste
1 onion, chopped 1/2 pint milk
2-3 oz. grated cheese 8 oz. mashed potato
2 eggs
Mix together the breadcrumbs, onion, cheese and seasoning and pour hot milk over. Allow to stand
for a few minutes so that the breadcrumbs can swell and absorb the liquid. Add the beaten eggs and
fold lightly flaked tuna. Turn into greased dish and bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes. Pipe
round mashed potato and brown gentle for 5 more minutes.



2 cups cooked rice 1 can of tuna

1 tin of tomatoes 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 tbsp. butter 1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Chop tomatoes into small pieces. Melt butter in a saucepan, then fry the onions until transparent.
Add the tomatoes and tuna, reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Season to taste. Put rice in a
dish, then pour tuna and tomatoes over the rice and spinkle with parmesan cheese.


1 cup macaroni 1 tsp. salt 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1 cup grated cheese 1/4 cup chopped onion 1 can tuna, drained
2 tomatoes, sliced 1/2 cup mixed vegetables
Cook macaroni according to package directions; drain and combine with all the remaining
ingredients, except half the cheese and the tomatoes. Toss until well blended and put into a greased
baking dish, then sprinkle with the remaining cheese and place the sliced tomatoes on top. Bake in
a moderate oven until the cheese is golden brown, about 30 minutes.


1 can tuna fish 1/2 cup milk 1 cup cooked potatoes
1 tsp. prepared mustard 1 hard boiled egg, sliced salt and pepper to taste
4 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. green pepper, chopped
Combine all ingredients except 2 tbsp. butter, mix well. Melt 2 tbsp. butter in a large frying pan;
add the fish mixture and flatten out in the pan. Cover and cook over low heat until
bottom is browned. Fold over and serve.


1/2 cup fish, chopped 1 tbsp. butter 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 cup coconut cream 1 eggplant, sliced 1 potato, cubed
1/2 tbsp. curry powder pepper to taste 2 chilies, crushed 3 cloves garlic, crushed
Melt butter, add onion and fry a little, then add garlic and chilies and fry a little more. Add potato,
eggplant, salt, pepper and curry powder and cook a few minutes. Add fish and coconut cream and
simmer 15-20 minutes.



4 tbsp. oil 1onion, finely chopped 1 tsp. jeeri 1/2 tsp. sarso
6-7 chilies, crushed 2 tbsp. curry powder 1 small tin fish
4 cloves garlic, crushed salt to taste 1/2 bundle cabbage, chopped
Heat oil in a pot, add onion jeera and sarso, fry until golden brown. Add curry powder, garlic and
chilies and fry a little more. Add fish, cabbage and salt and cook for 3-5 minutes.



1 medium fish or 1 tin mackerel 1 tsp. salt 1 small onion, chopped

1 1/4 cups thick coconut cream 1-2 chilies, chopped
Pour a little of the coconut cream into the pot. Cut the fish in two and place in the pot. Add the rest
of the coconut cream, then add the remaining ingredients and slowly bring to a boil.
Cook slowly until the fish is cooked, about 15-20 minutes. Serve hot with lemon juice if you like.


3 tbsp. butter 1 cup tinned fish
1 green pepper, chopped 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1 onion, sliced thinly salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp. flour 1 1/2 cups milk
Melt butter in a pan, add green pepper and onion, and cook until soft. Stir in flour and blend until
smooth. Add milk and cook and stir until thick and smooth. Add fish, breadcrumbs and
seasoning, heat with stirring until whole is well-mixed.


2 cups tinned fish few drops onion juice 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. finely chopped parsley dash of pepper 1 cup white sauce
1 tsp. lemon juice Bread or cracker crumbs oil for frying
Mix thoroughly every thing except crumbs and oil. Use enough sauce to keep the mixture soft, but
stiff enough to hold its shape. Form into small balls or patties. Dip in crumbs and fry until golden


Tinned fish milk 4 cooked potatoes salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. butter bread or cracker crumbs 1onion, finely chopped
1 egg, beaten (to coat cakes) (or 2 tbsp. flour)
Mash potatoes, add onion, butter, egg and enough milk to bind the mixture; must not be to soft.
Add fish, then shape into cakes. Dip into egg or milk, then into crumbs. Fry in deep or shallow oil
until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with tomato sauce or wedge of lemon.


1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. minced onion salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp. flour
2 cans tuna, drained and flaked
Combine egg, mayo, lemon juice, onion, salt and pepper mixing well; add tuna and flour mixing
well. Drop tuna mixture by large spoonfuls into small amount of oil at medium temperature in fry
pan. Flatten tuna mixture with back of spoon to form a patty. Brown on both sides.


tinned fish 1 egg, beaten 1 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. cream
3 tbsp. flour salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup milk
Melt butter, stir in flour and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and gradually stir in milk.
Return to heat and stir until sauce thickens. Remove from heat and stir in fish, egg, cream, salt and
pepper. Grease a large fry pan; three quarts fill it with water and heat to simmering point. From fish
mixture into oval pieces, put in pan and simmer for about 10 minutes, basting well, until the
quenelles are swollen and just set; Remove from pan and serve with a well-flavoured sauce.


Mixed fish 1 cup flour veggies 1/2 tsp. sugar

1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup milk oil for frying
Any kind of white fish, prawns etc. .., carrots, onion, sweet potatoes, green beans, radishes and so
on can be used in this dish.
Cut fish into strips about 1/4-3/4 inch thick and of even length; leave prawns whole. Wash veggies
and cut into strips about same size as fish. Make a batter with the remaining ingredients except the
oil, adding enough water if the batter is too stiff. Dip the fish and veggies pieces into the batter and
fry in hot oil.



2 lb. yams 2 green peppers, chopped salt and pepper to taste

butter or oil 3 onion, sliced 1 1/2 lbs. fish fillets (or tinned fish}
1 lb. tomatoes, skinned and sliced
Peel and slice the yams and cook immediately in boiling salted water until just tender; drain. Heat
the butter and saute the onions until clear, then add the sliced peppers and cook 5 minutes more.
Skin the fish and cut into chunks. Lightly oil a shallow dish. Place half the yams in a layer on the
bottom, cover with the fish and top with the onion-pepper mixture, seasoning well with salt and
pepper. Finish with the remaining yams and tomatoes. Brush with oil and bake in moderate oven
for 25-30 minutes.



2 large avocadoes 1/4 tsp. thyme

lemon juice pinch pepper
2 tbsp. butter 1 can tuna, drained and flaked
2 tbsp. flour 1 hard-boiled egg, chopped
1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. chopped onion
4 tbsp. mayo
Cut avocadoes in half lengthwise; remove pits, rub inside surfaces with lemon juice and set aside.
Melt butter, blend in flour and gradually add milk, stirring continually over low heat until sauce
smooth and thick; add seasonings, fish, egg, onion and stir until well-blended. Heap mixture in
center of avocado halves and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven , top
each with 1 tbsp. mayo and bake for 5 minutes longer.


1 vudi 2 pieces fish or tinned fish

1/2 cup lolo 1/2 onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped salt and pepper to taste
Peel and slice vudi. Wrap vudi and fish in a banana leaf; place in a dish. Add other ingredients and
cook till fish is tender, about 30 minutes.


1 mature coconut, husked chopped fish or corned beef
green veggies grated coconut
coconut cream salt
Remove the top off the coconut. Remove most of the flesh with a grated. Mix together the fish,
veggies, grated coconut and coconut cream with salt to taste. Fill the nut shell with the
mixture and replace the top, tie on if necessary, and steam for 1 hour.


fish fillets 1/2 tsp. salt milk
1/2 tsp. curry powder 1/3 cup flour oil
Cut filleted fish into servings and dip in milk. Mix flour with salt and curry powder. Dip the fish in
this flour mixture and fry until golden brown in hot oil.


Take small whole fish and wrap each in a young banana leaf. Grill on the embers. When removing
the fish from the leaf do not waste the liquid which will have collected.

fish 1 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. lemon juice salt and pepper
Put fish in baking .pan and add about butter, lemon juice, pepper and salt and bake 20 minutes in
moderate oven.


Cut fish into small fillets. Wash carefully as many very young dalo leaves as needed. Moisten each
fillet well with 1010. Wrap each moistened fillet in a dalo leaf. Place the fillets in a shallow pan
with enough lolo to cover and stew gently until leaf is well cooked. Instead of stewing may be fried
in very hot oil.

2 cups fish {walu) 1/2 small onion, chopped salt and pepper chives
2-3 lemons 1 tomato, chopped small green pepper, chopped
1 carrot, grated 3 coconuts
Clean the fish, remove all the bones and skin and any dark flesh. Cut up fish into even sized pieces,
then cover with lemon juice and plenty of salt, leave until tender and white {about 1 1/2 hours)
Make coconut cream. Drain off the salt and lemon juice from the fish when ready. Add the coconut
cream to the fish, taste, include more lemon juice if necessary. Chill. Just before serving add the
prepared veggies. Serve cold.


2 lbs. raw prawns 1/4 cup oil 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. salt
1/4 butter 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. chopped parsley 2 tsp. basil
Peel and clean prawns and place in a shallow pan. In a separate pan saute garlic for three minutes in
butter mixed with oil, add remaining ingredients and pour over prawns. Grill about three inches
from heat, for 5-6 minutes, turning prawns once.



2 lbs. beef steak 1/2 tsp. thyme 1/4 cup seasoned flour 2 tsp. tomato paste
2 tsp. hot butter 1 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. oil 1 cup beer
2 lg. onion, sliced 1 bay leaf 2 tsp. sugar 1 clove garlic, minced
Cut beef into 1/2" X 2" pieces. Dip these in seasoned flour and brown in a mixture of hot butter and
oil. Remove from pan and place into a casserole dish. Saute the onions in a pan; sprinkle with
sugar. Add onions to the beef. Mix remaining ingredients together well, then pour this sauce over
the beef and onions. Cover the dish and cook for 2 hours at moderate heat. When done the beer
should have evaporated.


1 can corned beef 1 sm. head of English cabbage 2 carrots, sliced thinly sliced
3 tbsp. soy sauce 1 onion, chopped 2 tsp. jeeri 1 tsp. sarso
1 tsp. black pepper 3 tbsp. oil 3 cloves garlic, minced
Heat oil and add onion, jeeri and sarso. Cook until onion is soft, add carrots, garlic, pepper and
cook until the carrots start to become soft. Add corned beef, cabbage and soy sauce, if necessary
add 1/4 cup water. Simmer till cabbage and carrots are tender. Serve with rice or cassava.

1 egg, beaten 1 cup breadcrumbs 2 tsp. salt 1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup catsup (tomato sauce)
2 lbs. ground beef
Mix all ingredients together well. Pat into a greased loaf pan.
Bake 1 hour in moderate oven.


1 1/2 lbs. steak, thinly sliced
3 tbsp. seasoned flour salt and pepper
2 tbsp. butter 1/2 pint soured cream
1onion, sliced 1/2 lb. mushrooms, sliced
Beat the steak, trim, cut into strips 1/4 II by 2" and coat with the flour. Fry the meat in 1 tbsp. butter
until golden brown, about 6 minutes. Cook the onion and mushrooms in 2 tbsp. butter, season to
taste and add to the beef. Warm the soured cream and stir into the meat mixture. Serve with rice or


1 1/2 lb steak 1 clove garlic, minced 3 tbsp. seasoned flour
1 can stewed tomatoes 2 onions, sliced 1/4 cup oil
3 tbsp. tomato paste
Trim the meat, cut into 8 portions and coat with seasoned flour. Brown the oil slightly for about 5
minutes in half the oil; remove them form the pan. Add the rest of the oil to the pan, brown the
steak on both sides for 2-3 minutes and reduce the heat. Add the garlic, tomatoes, paste and onion,
stir, cover and simmer very gently for 2 hours.


4 tbsp. butter salt and pepper
21/2 lbs. chuck or round, cut into 1/2 cubes beef broth
3 tbsp. tomato paste 2 lbs. onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tbsp. cinnamon
Brown beef in butter over high heat. Add tomato paste, garlic, salt and pepper. Add beef broth to
barely cover the meat. Bring to boiling point and lower heat. Simmer, covered, over low heat for
about one hour. Add onions and cinnamon to the meat. Continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes, till
meat and onions are tender.

1/4 lb. minced meat 2 green chilies
1onion juice from 1 lime .
1/4 tsp. salt ghee or salad oil
Grind onion, chilies and salt. Mix with meat and lime juice. Heat a skewer and bind a portion of the
mixture round the skewer. Smear with ghee. Place in fire or under griller. Turn frequently. When
cooked slide kabab off skewer. Serve garnished with raw onion slices and tomatoes.


1 large onion 1 tsp. butter
1/4 tsp. salt a shake of pepper
1/2 tbsp. cooked minced meat 1/2 tbsp. breadcrumbs
Partly cook the onion in boiling water. Drain well. Remove centers and chop finely. Melt butter and
mix with other ingredients. Put into onions. Cook in hot oil, basting well.


1/2 cup minced meat 1/4 cup grated yam
1/2 green pepper 1/4 onion
1 beaten egg salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients together. Shape into balls. Fry in very hot oil. Drain well on soft paper.


1 lb. meat cut in strips 1 tbsp. cornstarch
2 tbsp. soy sauce 4 cloves garlic
1 tsp. salt 1 piece ginger
oil for frying vegetables (carrots, onions, etc. ..whatever you have around)
1 cup water
Crush garlic and ginger together. Heat pan. After the pan is hot put in oil and then add one
vegetable with some of the garlic- ginger mixture. When tender remove from the pan; wipe the pan
and repeat the procedure until all the vegetables are cooked. Then brown the meat and add the rest
of the garlic and ginger with the water; allow it to come to a boil. Add soy sauce, salt, and
cornstarch mixing well. Add all the vegetables to the meat and cook together for one minute.

1 tin meat salt coconut cream from 1 coconut
young dalo leaves
Mix the tinned meat, salt and coconut cream. place on young dalo leaves and wrap carefully in the
leaves. Place inside banana leaves, and bake, or boil, or steam until the meat is heated through and
the dalo leaves are cooked, about 1/2 hour.


1 can of tin meat 2 cups cooked mashed root vegetables
salt and pepper to taste
Grease a pie dish. Put the meat in the bottom of the dish. Add tomato sauce, and chopped onion if
you like. Add a little water. Spread root vegetable over the top of the meat and cook the pie in a hot
oven until the top is brown.


1 can of baked beans 1/2 tsp. mustard
2 tbsp. tomato ketchup 1/2 lb. frankfurters, sliced
Combine all the ingredients in a casserole dish and bake uncovered in hot oven for 30 minutes.


2 lb. potatoes, peeled 2 oz. oil
salt and pepper 1 can baked beans
1 onion, chopped 1 can corned beef
Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for 20 minutes, until soft. Drain and dice them. Fry the
onion in the oil until pale golden brown. Add the potatoes and continue to fry until they golden
brown, then add the remaining ingredients mixing well. Add to a casserole dish and bake in a hot
oven for about 20 minutes.


1 can corned beef salt and pepper to taste

1 onion, sliced 2 chilies
4 potatoes, thinly sliced
3 cups hot water 3 tbsp. oil
2 tbsp. flour
Saute the onion and potatoes in the oil. Add the flour and brown lightly. Add meat, seasoning and
water. Simmer for 20 minutes.


4 oz self-raising flour 2 tsp. mixed herbs

1/2 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. butter
5 tbsp. oil 1/2 cup grated cheese
4 tbsp. water 1 onion, chopped
1 can tomatoes, drained and chopped
Mix the flour and salt and stir in on tbsp. of the oil and enough water to mix to a fairly soft dough.
Roll out into a 7 inch round and fry on one side in the remaining oil in a large fry pan. Meanwhile
make the topping by frying the onion, tomatoes and herbs in butter, turn the dough over and spread
with the tomato mixture and the cheese. Fry until the underside is golden and place under a hot grill
until the cheese is brown.

Crust: 2 cups flour Sauce: 1 sm. can tomato paste
1/2 cup warm water 1 can tomato
2 tsp. yeast 1 tsp. sugar
2 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. mixed herbs
1/2 tsp. salt anything else you want like onions, garlic,
Topping: anything you like, such as lobster and fresh basil, and, of course, grated cheese.
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water. Mix in the flour and salt. Knead until smooth and
shape into a ball, then put in a warm covered place to rise for 10-30 minutes. Combine the sauce
ingredients in a pot over low heat. Bring to a simmer and let it simmer till the veggies are tender.
Take the dough ball and squeeze all the air out. Roll it out until it's the size and shape of your pizza
pan. Lightly grease the pizza pan and place the dough into the pan. Cover the dough the sauce, then
sprinkle your topping and the cheese even over the sauce. Bake the pizza in hot oven for 20
minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown.


1 tbsp. oil 1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed 250g minced meat
1 can tomatoes 1 can kidney beans, drain
2 tbsp. tomato paste 1 tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin powder 1 tsp. dried chilies
12 taco shells 2 cups shredded lettuce
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced 1/2 cup grated cheese
Heat oil in a pan, add onion and garlic cook until onion is soft. Add the meat and brown. Add the
canned tomatoes, beans, tomato paste and the seasonings. Bring to a boil, then lower the
heat a simmer for 10 minutes till the liquid has evaporated. Assemble the taco and serve.

1 chicken, cut into parts 1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 cup sour cream or yogurt
1 cup chicken broth 2 tbsp. paprika
salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp. butter
Wash the chicken. In a large skillet melt the butter and add the onion and garlic, saute for 5 minutes
on low heat. Add chicken and brown for 10 minutes. Add broth and paprika stirring well. Cover
and simmer 25 minutes. Add the sour cream, salt and pepper mixing well. Heat but do not bring to
a boil. Serve with rice or noddles.


375g meat 1/3 cup ghee
2 onions, chopped salt
3-4 tomatoes, chopped 1 1/2"cinnamon
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder Grind to a paste: 4 cloves garlic, 2 red chilies
2 onions 3 tsp. masala 1 1/2 " ginger
Heat the ghee and fry the chopped onions till they turn a golden brown colour. Reduce heat and add
the ground onion and spice paste. After three or four minutes, add the tomatoes, salt and turmeric
powder. when the ghee rises to the top, add water and meat, and simmer till tender.


375 gms. boiled meat 1 tsp. tumeric powder
2 tomatoes, chopped 2-3 bay leaves
1 1/2 tsp. coriander powder 1 cup water
8 tbsp. ghee salt
Grind to a paste:
3 onions 1 tsp. cumin seeds
1/2" fresh ginger 1 red chili
1/2" cinnamon 1/2 caraway seeds
3 cloves 1/2 tsp. cardamon seeds
Heat the ghee, add the paste and stir for two or three minutes. Add the tomatoes, coriander and
turmeric powders and bay leaves. Cook on a low fire for five to seven minutes, stirring
occasionally. Add water and the boiled meat and mix well. Cover and cook for about five minutes.


250 gms. meat 2 tbsp. pounded jaggery, soaked

1 tbsp. tamarind water, 6 tbsp. ghee
Coriander leaves, chopped fine
Grind to a paste:
2 onions 1/2 tsp. coriander powder
1 green chili 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4" fresh ginger 1/2 tsp. tumeric powder
1 tsp. cumin seeds 1 red chili
Heat the ghee and fry the paste. Keep stirring till the ghee rises to the top. Add the meat and mix
well. Add 1 cup water. Cover and cook on a low fire till tender. Add coriander leaves, jaggery and
tamarind water, and simmer for a few more minutes. The gravy becomes thicker after removing
from the fire, so add more water than appears necessary.



250 gms. boiled meat 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder

2 tomatoes, chopped fine 1/2 tsp. salt
112 tsp. coriander powder 1 /2 cup water
8 tbsp. ghee
Grind to a paste:
1 bunch coriander leaves 3 garlic cloves
few sprigs mint leaves 1" fresh ginger
few spinach leaves 1 onion
1 green chili
Heat the ghee and fry the tomatoes for five minutes. Reduce the heat and add the paste and
powdered spices. Keep stirring for five to seven minutes till the ghee rises to the top. Add water,
cover the pan and simmer till the curry thickens. Add boiled meat and cook for a few more minutes.
Boiled eggs, paneer, stale chapattis or bread can be used in place of the meat. These should be
added to the curry and heated gently for five minutes just before serving. For bread or chapattis, a
little extra water is required.

2 tbsp. cumin seeds 2 tbsp. black mustard seeds
2 tbsp. fennel seeds 1 tbsp. methi
Mix all the spices and store them in an airtight jar in a cool, dry, dark place. Shake the jar before
each use to make sure the spices are evenly distributed.


4 tbsp. coriander seeds 2 tbsp. cardamon seeds
2 tbsp cumin seeds 1 tbsp. whole cloves
2 tbsp. black peppercorn 2 cinnamon sticks
Dry roast each of the spices separately in a heavy cast-iron frying pan. When all the spices have
been roasted, grind them together to a fine powder in an electric coffee grinder(or take the spices to
the local market and have the grains vendor grind them). Keep in an air tight container.


3 tbsp. oil 1 sliced onion
2 crushed cloves of garlic 1 can tomato paste
2 cans tomatoes 1 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper
oregano and basil to taste
Add all ingredients together in large sauce pan and simmer at least one hour.


1/2 cup of butter 1/2 cup of flour
3 cups milk 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
In a pot melt the butter. Add the flour, stir to make thick paste. Add milk and stir until smooth. Heat
slow, until the sauce thickens. Add the salt and pepper, then remove from the heat.


1 cup grated coconut 1 cup water
1 tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 onion, diced
salt chili
Pour the water on the coconut mixed with the onion and lemon juice. Squeeze together, then strain
the sauce. Add salt and chopped chili to taste.
1 onion, minced 1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water 1 tsp butter
2 tsp. curry powder 1 tbsp. powdered milk
1 tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 cup chili sauce
Saute onion in the butter until brown. Stir in curry powder, chili sauce, milk and water, then heat on
a low flame until it becomes thick. Add the lemon juice and powdered milk.

12 tomatoes 1 medium onion
0-3 chilies 3 tbsp. chopped coriander
Chop tomatoes finely, Place in bowl and sprinkle with salt. Let sit until salt has pulled juice from
the tomatoes. Use clean hands to squeeze the tomatoes (don't blame me, that's what Amy
wrote! CF) Chop onions finely and add to tomatoes. Chop coriander and add to the rest. Chop
chilies very finely and add gradually, testing constantly for desired hotness.

1/2 cup thick coconut cream 1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. chopped onion
Mix all ingredients together


1 cup soy or olive oil 1/3 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp. honey 1/4 tsp. oregano
1/4 tsp. basil 1/4 tsp. thyme
1/4 tsp. garlic 1/4 tsp. paprika
Mix all together and beat well.

1 sm clove garlic 1 tsp. salt
dash of pepper 1 tsp. sugar
1/4 tsp. vinegar 3/4 cup salad oil
Crush garlic in salt, add pepper and sugar. Beat in vinegar and then the salad oil. Store in a bottle
and shake well before using.
French herb dressing -add 1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh herbs to 1/2 cup fresh dressing just
before serving.
Curry Dressing -add 1 tsp. curry powder to 1 cup dressing.

1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup tomato juice
Mix all together and beat well.


2 tbsp. almonds{ flaked very finely)
1 tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. olive oil
3 tsp. caraway, aniseed, or mustard seeds
Mix together almonds and lemon juice, then add olive oil and beat into a cream, then add seeds.

1 tbsp. flour 1/2 tbsp. margarine
1/4 cup milk 1/2 tsp. sugar
1/8 cup vinegar 1/4 tsp. salt
Melt margarine. Add flour and milk gradually. Stir over heat until boiling. Cook five minutes. Beat
well, then add sugar, seasoning, and vinegar.

1 egg yolk 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 tbsp. vinegar 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1 cup salad oil
Beat egg yolk with salt, pepper, dry mustard and sugar. Add vinegar and continue beating. Slowly
add salad oil drop by drop, blending thoroughly. Thin to desired consistency with a further
1/2 or 1 tbsp. vinegar after mixture thickens. Store in a covered jar. Will keep well if refrigerated,
but without refrigeration use immediately. Makes about 1 1/4 cups.

4 lbs. tomatoes 2 oz. garlic
1 oz. chili powder 1/2 oz. ginger powder
1 tbsp. salt pint malt vinegar
1 lb. sugar 8 oz. raisins
Place tomatoes in boiling water for two minutes. Peel the skin off the tomatoes. Cut into quarters.
Chop garlic finely. Cook tomatoes, garlic, chili, ginger, and salt until the tomatoes are pulpy. Add
vinegar, sugar, and raisins and cook until thick. Cool and bottle.

6 med green mangos salt to taste
4 cloves of garlic 1 oz. fresh ginger
6 large red dry chilies 1 pint malt vinegar
2 oz. almonds 12 oz. sugar
4 oz. raisins
Peel and slice the mangoes and sprinkle with salt. Grind the garlic, ginger, and chilies to a paste
with a little vinegar. Blanch and chop the almonds. Boil the vinegar and add sugar and mangos and
cook for five minutes under low heat. Add the garlic, ginger, and chili paste and cook for ten min.
Add the almonds and raisins and cook for five minutes more. Add salt to taste. Cool and bottle.


1 cup shredded coconut 3-4 green chilies
1/2 tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. chopped fresh ginger 1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
1/2 tsp. mustard seeds{sarso}
Blend all ingredients together well using electrical blender or grinding stones.


12 cucumbers 6 onions
1/2 cup salt 2 cups vinegar
1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. mustard seed
2 tsp. celery seed 2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. ginger 1 tsp. tumeric
Slice the cucumbers and onions, add salt, cover with water and let stand two hours. Drain. Add the
rest of the ingredients and bring to the boiling point. Pour into clean, hot jars and cover.
Many varieties of pickles may be made by varying the vegetables and spices used.

1 cup sliced carrots 1 cup sliced celery
1 cup sliced bell 1 cup green beans
1 cup sliced cabbage peppers
1 cup cauliflower 1 cup sliced onion
4 cups water 4 tbsp. pickling spice
4 cloves crushed garlic 4 crushed chilies
4 tbsp. non-iodized salt
In large sterilized pot {non-copper} or plastic bucket with a lid, add all the ingredients and mix
well. Keep in a cool place and refrigerate if possible.

1 kg. cauliflower 1 tsp. powdered methi
20 green chilies 2 tsp. tumeric
2 small ginger pieces 1 tsp. asafoetida
salt to taste 1/2 cup lemon juice
Wash and break cauliflower into florets. Mix in finely shredded ginger and chilies, then mix in all
other ingredients. Lasts for a week. If placed in vinegar it will last much longer.

20 raw mangoes 1/4 kg. red chili powder
1/4 kg. salt 50 gms. tumeric powder
50 gms. methi powder 1/4 kg. powdered sarso
1/4 kg. mustard oil 10 gms. asafoetida
50 gms masala
Clean mangoes, cut into fairly big pieces and place in a jar. Mix salt and tumeric and keep for 4
days stirring once a day. On the fourth day spread the mango pieces on a cloth and keep in
the sun for a few hours. Boil the mustard oil. Put in a large dish sarso, masala and asafoetida. Stir in
oil and the rest of spice ingredients, then add the mango pieces and mix well. Return to the jar and
store a dry place.


1 kg. kamrak 2 tbsp. red chili powder
200 gms. jeeri 1 tbsp. tumeric
100 gms. anis seed 200 gms coriander seeds
100 gms. sarso 1/2 bottle mustard oil
100 gms. chopped ginger salt to taste
Cut kamrak into pieces and dry in the sun for 2 days. Dry roast all spices expect ginger and grind
coarsely. Heat a little oil and mix in all spices including ginger with the kamrak pieces.
Bottle and cover the pickles with the remaining oil.


1/2 kg. large green chilies
2 tbsp. tamarind 1 tsp. tumeric
2 tbsp. garam masala 1/4 cup sugar
Oil for frying
Slit chilies lengthwise. Prepare mixture with all the other ingredients except oil. Stuff the chilies
with the mixture and shallow fry in oil. Cool and keep in a bottle.

6 tbsp. butter 1 heaping cup flour
2-3 tbsp. ice cold water
Blend butter and flower well with a fork until it is the consistency of small peas. Add water a little
at a time until everything sticks together. Roll out. Makes enough for a one crust pie.


Using a fork, prick the sides and bottom of the pie shell thoroughly to prevent large bubbles from
forming, or bake blind by filling with dried beans placed on a sheet of greaseproof paper. Place in
oven under high heat until lightly brown, watching closely to prevent burning. Cool and add cold


Prepare double the amount of the pie crust dough. Using 1/2 the dough, prepare the shell by rolling
out the dough and forming it to the bottom of the pan and cutting the excess dough around the edge
of the pan. Place in filling. Roll out the second half of the dough until it is about two inches wider
than the pie pan. Fold in half and cut a design to let air escape. Moisten the rim of the shell with
water and unfold the second half on top. Trim to within 3/4 of the pie pan and gently fold the top
crust under the bottom. Finish the edge as directed in the recipe above.


1 3/4 cup flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder
3-5 tbsp. milk 1/2 tsp. salt
2/3 cup butter
Sift the flour and mix with salt and baking powder. Cut in the butter with two knives and blend.
Add milk slowly, tossing the mixture together lightly and use only enough milk to hold ingredients

1 cup mashed and sieved cooked breadfruit
1 tbsp. margarine or fat 1/2 tsp. salt
Sieve cooked breadfruit. Add softened margarine and salt, mix thoroughly until well blended in.
Turn unto a floured table, knead lightly and roll into the desired shape. Bake in hot oven until
lightly browned. May be used in place of pastry for pies or tarts. Grated cheese may be added to the
mixture and cheese biscuits made.

1 egg 1/2 tsp. salt 2 cups flour
Lightly beat egg with salt. Mix in flour to make a very stiff dough. Knead five minutes on a lightly
floured board. Roll paper thin. Cover with a towel and set aside twenty min. Cut into strips of
desired width. Spread on a table to dry. Store in a tightly covered jar.

1/4 cup butter or margarine 1 1/4 cups flour
2 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt 2/3 cup milk
Heat oven. Melt butter in a square pan. Remove pan from heat. In a bowl, stir together flour, sugar,
baking powder, and 1 tsp. salt. Add milk. Mix with fork until dough clings together. Turn unto a
floured board. Knead lightly about ten times. Rollout to 1!2" thick and 8" square. With a floured
knife cut in half, cut each half into nine pieces. Dip in butter. Bake 15-20 min. Sprinkle with salt.
Serve hot.

1 cup flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. butter 1/3 cup milk
Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl. Rub in butter. Using a knife add milk to make a
soft dough. Turn out and knead on a lightly floured board. Quickly shape and cut into six scones,
brush with milk. Place on cold oven tray Bake near top of oven on high heat.
Cinnamon pinwheel. Brush flattened dough with melt butter, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp.
cinnamon. Moisten edges with water, roll up and cut into one inch slices. Turn onto side on tray to
Cheese: Add 2 tbsp. grated cheese and 1 tsp. finely chopped onion before adding milk.
1. Instead of baking fry the scones in hot oil.
2. Leave out the fat.
3. Mix the scones with water or coconut water and 2 tbsp. milk powered to the flour.
4. Sweet scones-add 2 tbsp. sugar.
5. Fruit scones-add 4 tbsp. currants, sultanas, chopped dates, chopped raisins or chopped dried
banana, and 1 tbsp. sugar.
6. Pawpaw scones-add 3/4 cup mashed pawpaw and 2 tbsp. sugar.
7. Banana scones-add 2 mashed bananas and 2 tbsp. sugar.
8. Peanut scones-add 1/2 cup ground roasted peanuts.
9. Dhal scones- add 1 cup cooked mashed dhal.
10. Vegetable scones- add 1 cup of any cooked mashed vegetable such as pumpkin, sweet corn,
dalo, potato, cassava, and 2 tbsp. finely chopped raw onion to the mixture.
11. Leave out the fat and milk and mix with coconut cream.
12. Add 1 egg and a little less milk to the mixture.

1 3/4 cups flour 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. sugar
1/4 cup butter 3/4 cup milk
Mix all ingredients together and knead for about one minute.
Form into rolls. Bake in a greased pan for 10-12 minute on high heat.


1 cup flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
milk to moisten oil
Mix flour and baking powder and add just enough milk to moisten the mixture. Dough should be
very stiff. Grease the frying pan with a small amount of oil. When the pan is hot drop the biscuits
by teaspoonful on to the pan. Turn and flatten. (A cover helps get the insides done if they are not
flat enough).

2 cups flour 3 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt 2 tbsp.sugar
1 or 2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup milk 1/4 cup melted butter
Mix together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Blend together eggs, milk and butter. Pour the
egg mixture over the flour mixture. Spoon into buttered tins; leaving them about 2/3 full.
Bake on high heat about 10 minutes. Makes 12.

Coffee cake: add extra sugar to the batter. When mixed, pour half the batter and sprinkle with
cinnamon-sugar. Repeat with remaining batter. Add nutmeg to cinnamon-sugar if desired.

1 1/2 cups flour 1 tsp. yeast
1 tsp. sugar 1/2 salt
1/2 cup warm water
Sift flour and salt into a large bowl. Mix sugar, yeast and warm water and stir in small bowl until
dissolved. Add yeast mixture to flour and mix to a light dough. Beat until it does not stick to spoon
or bowl. Knead on a lightly floured board. Roll dough into a ball. Leave covered for 15 minutes.
Turn dough over. Knock and press down; repeat 4 or 5 times. Fold into a neat loaf shape and place
in a slightly greased tin. Cover lightly and allow to rise over warm water until double in bulk. Bake
in a hot oven for 25 minutes or until cooked. Test by hitting bottom-a hollow sound should result.

Milk 5/8 cup Butter 2 Tbsp
Compressed yeast 2 tsp Sugar 1 tsp
Flour 2 cups Salt 1 tsp
Heat milk with butter until butter is melted. Remove from heat. Use when luke warm. In small
bowl mix yeast with sugar until smooth. Sift flour and salt into a larger bowl, Make well at
centre an pour in yeast mixture and remainder of milk. Beat vigorously with a wooden spoon until
smooth and springy. Turn onto a floured board and knead. If sticky use plenty of flour.
Return to bowl, cover with a clean cloth, leave in warm place to rise for 20 minutes. Knead on
lightly floured board. Divide into rolls by breaking off small pieces of dough. Work torn edge
underneath and place on a warm tray. Cover and leave 15 minutes to rise in a warm place. Bake 15
minutes at high temperature.

BREAD (Morovian Loaf)

1 1/2 c. milk 1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp salt 1/2c. Margarine or butter
1/2 c. warm water 2 pkt flour
(raisins, currants, chopped nuts, candied citron: optional)

Scald milk. Stir in sugar, salt and margarine. Cool to lukewarm. Measure water into a warm bowl.
Sprinkle in yeast and stir until dissolved. Stir in lukewarm milk mixture and three(3) cups flour.
Beat until smooth. Stir in enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Turn dough onto a lightly
floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 mins. Place in a greased bowl turning to
grease all sides. Cover; let rise in a warm place free from draft until doubled in bulk (45mins) .
Punch down. Turn out onto lightly floured surface. Knead the dough. Add any optional ingredients
Divide dough in half; shape each into a loaf:; place in a greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan. Cover; let
rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk (1 hour) .Bake in a preheated oven at 375 for about 30
minutes, or until done.

Mix: 4 ripe bananas -mashed 4 tbsp butter, melted 2 eggs, beaten

Sift together:
2 cups wholewheat flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder
and add 3/4 cup honey
Add two above mixes together. Add chopped nuts or mixed dried fruit. Beat together well. Batter
should be thick, but not immovable. Grease and flour pan and pour in batter. Bake at 350 for 1 hour
or until top is toasty and edges are pulling away from side of pan.


1 fresh coconut, grated (save water) 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs 1/2 cup butter 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and blend well. Mix coconut in. Sift dry ingredients and add to
coconut water to make a soft dough for kneading. Knead lightly on floured board; divide in half
and shape into loaves. place in greased loaf pan. Let rise 30 minutes. Bake in a low oven one hour.
If there is not enough coconut water for mixing flour into a soft dough, use approximately 2/3 cup
milk as a substitute.


Wash and peel the cassava. Grate and tie up in a piece of muslin or fairly loosely woven material.
Squeeze and thoroughly wash in a basin of cold water. When all the white milky fluid has been
squeezed out of the tapioca let the water stand until the white starch settles. Pour off this water, add
more, and stir up the starch again before allowing it to settle. Do this twice more during the day.
Pour off the water when settled the third time. Leave the basin in the sun till the starch is quite dry.
Roll and sift the flour. (Use for thickening soup, sauces, gravy or with wheat flour in biscuit or


tbsp flour 3 dessertspoons sugar

1 cup water potato peelings (or yam, taro, tapioca)
Mix all together. Put into a bottle (one with an inverted base is the best) .Put a cork in the bottle and
tie it on firmly. Leave overnight. Next day empty the bottle, but do not wash it. Make a new
mixture of flour, sugar, water and peelings. Leave overnight. Next day empty the bottle again, but
do not wash it. Make a third mixture of flour, sugar, water and peelings.. The next day or the day
after that the yeast should be ready to use. Do not wash the bottle if you wish to make yeast
regularly. The next time you make it you will need only one mixture of flour, water sugar and
To Use: Use 1/6 cup liquid yeast to 1 cup flour. Less liquid will be needed for mixing the dough.

3 tbsp flour 1 cup water

3 dessertspoons sugar about 8 drops lemon jui.ce
Method same as for potato yeast
To Use: Use 1/6 cup liquid yeast to 1 cup flour. Less liquid will be needed for mixing the dough.

1 half-ripe coconut 1 tsp. sugar
Cut top off the nut. Add the sugar to the water inside the nut. Cover with a cloth and leave till the
yeast cells start to grow and the juice has frothy appearance. {1- 2 days)
To Use: Use 1/6 cup liquid yeast to 1 cup flour. Less liquid will be needed for mixing the dough.

2 cups of sharps, attar, whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup of boiling water. 1 tsp of ghee.
Mix sharps with the boiling water. Let cool until able to handle. Knead until smooth, add more
water if necessary. Knead in the ghee until the dough is no longer sticky. Form the dough
into small hand size balls. Flour a small ball well then roll out to desired thickness. Cook on a hot
roti iron until brown on both sides. If desired brush small amounts of ghee or butter on each side.

I spent a year learning how to make roti and felt very exhilarated when my roti puffed up on the
griddle and tasted and felt like the "real thing'. .Many Americans are more used to making piecrusts
than baking bread. Pie crust dough must be treated very gently and gingerly. Bread and roti dough
however have to be kneaded, punched and worked over until they are pliable and not sticky -5
minutes of effort perhaps. I use atta {whole wheat flour) when available instead of sharps as it
is more nutritious. If your dough is pliable enough, after you put a roti on the griddle, turn it once,
pat the top side with a little oil, it will puff up. That is the key, I think. If it puffs up, your roti will
be flexible and soft, not brittle and you're in for a mouth-watering treat. An Indian friend of mine
who makes fantastic roti, literally has to fight with the roti when she takes it off the stove, to punch
all the air out. I wrap the cooked rotis in a dish towel. If you have left over roti you can warm them
the next day by putting them on top of freshly steamed rice and replacing the lid of the rice pot. Or
wrap roti in grease-proof paper and put on top of a curry you're cooking, again putting the lid on the
Many Volunteers will visit your site and either praise or condemn your roti. "Wow, its like a
pillow" or "why don't you add more ghee?" I usually hear the latter, and this has caused much
distress so my advice to Volunteers is to make rice.

Prepare dough as for rotis. Rollout to 1/8 inch thickness and fry in one inch of ghee. Immerse in fat
by holding down with fork. Fry 30 secs., then turn and fry on other side. (Will puff up as they fry.)


2 oz. butter 1 Tbsp. sugar

3/4 pint of milk, scalded 1 oz. fresh yeast
1 lb. 4 oz. flour, sifted Warm water
1 Tbsp. salt 2 eggs, beaten

Melt the butter in the scalded milk; cool until lukewarm. Sift together the flour, salt and sugar.
Sprinkle or crumble the yeast on to a little warm water and stir until dissolved. Mix half the egg and
the dissolved yeast with the lukewarm milk. Next mix in the flour mixture, a little at a time; beat
until well-blended. Sprinkle about 1 Tbsp. flour over the dough, cover with a clean cloth and let it
rise in a warm place until doubled. Grease two baking trays. When the dough is doubled in size,
turn it on to a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Roll the dough into a 12-in. roll, then
cut it into 12 equal pieces. Rollout each piece between the palms of the hands and tie in a loose
knot, tucking the ends in. Lay two pretzels at a time in a large pan two-thirds full of boiling water.
Let them sink, then rise to the surface of the water and lift them out with a slotted spoon; place on a
greased baking tray and gently press into the original shape. Brush the top surfaces with the
remaining egg. Put the pretzels to rise in a warm place until doubled in size. Bake for 15-20 min. at
high heat.


1 cup whole wheat flour 1/4 cup melted butter

1 cup milk 1/2 cup wheat germ
2 eggs (optional) 1 1/2 tsps. baking powder
1 cup grated carrots 2/3 cup brown sugar or 2/3 cup molasses or 2/3 cup honey
1 tsp. soda 1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 tsp. salt

Mix all the dry ingredients together. Stir the milk, eggs, butter and honey/molasses if used with the
dry ingredients. Foldin the carrots and nuts. Pour into a buttered loaf pan. Bake at high heat for
approx. 1 hour.


1 package or 1 tbsp. yeast 6 cups flour

2 1/2 cups warm water 1 tsp. salt
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water.
Add remainder of water (same as above), the salt and stir in the flour. Work the dough with your
hands until no more flour is needed; turn onto a floured board and knead for 10 mins. Let
rise in an ungreased bowl until doubled, approx. 1 hour. Divide into tow pieces and work each into
a long loaf. Place on a greased cookie sheet and slash the tops with cuts. Let rise until double.
Preheat oven Bake for 15 mins then for 25 more mins.
Option: If you would seasoned bread, chop up whatever you like (onions for instance or garlic) and
add to the dough.


3 cups flour 4 quarts boiling water

1 tsp, salt 2/3 cup warm water
4 tbsp. sugar 3 tbsp. oil
3 eggs 1 package or 1 tbsp. yeast
Put flour, salt, and 2 tbsp. sugar into a large mixing bowl. Dissolve yeast in 1/3 cup warm water.
Add yeast to flour mixture. Add oil to the remaining water and stir into the flour mixture. Add
eggs, mix dough into a ball and add enough flour so dough can be kneaded. Knead for about 7
mins, and then place into a buttered bowl and let rise until doubled. Punch down and let rise again.
Punch down and knead until smooth. Divide the dough into 12 equal parts. Form each ball into a
strip 6 inches long and 3/4 inch wide then pinch the ends together to form a ring. To the boiling
water, add 2 tbsp. sugar. Drop the bagels into the boiling water -as many into the pan as possible -
allowing the bagels space to double in size. Let boil on each side for 3-4 minutes; place on paper to
Put on a greased cookie sheet. Bake until crisp, approx. 25-35.mins.
Optional: Bagels can be flavoured before cooking with onions garlic, etc. by adding to the dough.


1 cup powdered dhal (basen) 1/2 onion, chopped finely

1/2 cup flour 2 chilies, crushed
2 tsps. baking powder 1 cup finely chopped Chinese
2 tsps. salt cabbage or spinach leaves
2 cloves garlic (crushed) oil or fat for deep frying
3 tsps. curry powder water to mix
Sift together basen, flour, baking powder, salt and curry powder.

Add garlic, onion, chilies and chopped leaves and mix with water to a paste. Heat oil or fat and put
the mixture in spoonfuls and deep fry until golden brown. (Fry about 5 to 10 spoonfuls at a time.)
Serve with morning or afternoon tea


Once you've tasted a good samosa, you'll understand why samosa are the most popular of all Indian
savories. For variations, mix fresh paneer into the filling and try different blends of spices.

4 cups (400g) white flour 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds

1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp. grated fresh ginger
1/2 cup (100g) melted butter 1 tsp turmeric or ghee
1/2 tsp ground coriander(or fresh leaves)
2/3 cup (150ml) cold water 1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 1/2 cup of mixed frozen vegetables 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 tbsp ghee or vegetable oil 2 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp pepper
ghee or vegetable oil for deep-frying.

Put the white flour and salt in a bowl and dribble the melted butter or ghee over the top. Rub the
butter or ghee into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Slowly mix in the water and gather the flour together to make a dough. Knead vigorously for 5
minutes, until it is smooth and soft but doesn't stick to your fingers. Gather the dough into a ball,
sprinkle with a few drops of water, and cover with a damp cloth while you prepare the filling.
Peel the potatoes and dice them. place a large frying pan over medium heat, and fry the cumin and
fenugreek seeds in 2 tablespoons of ghee or oil. When they begin to darken, toss in the grated
ginger and the powdered spices and fry for a few seconds more. Now put in the potato cubes; stir-
fry for 3 or 4 minutes, then add the mix vegetables. Stir-fry for another 3 or 4 minutes. Add 2
tablespoons of water, cover, and cool for about 15 minutes, until the vegetables are tender (watch
closely to prevent burning) .Sprinkle in salt and pepper.
Dust the rolling surface with flour. Form the dough into 10 balls. Roll out each ball to make a 6-
inch (15cm) circle. Cut each circle in half. Take each half-circle and moisten the edge of its
straight side from the center to one end. Bring the two ends of the straight side together to make a
cone. Firmly press the dry side over the wet side to seal the cone tight. Stuff the cone to
two-thirds with filling. Then close the opening by pinching and folding the two edges together to
form a pleated top. Heat the ghee or oil in a deep-frying vessel over medium heat.
Fry a few samosas at a time (as many as will cover the surface of the ghee in one layer) .Fry them
for 10 to 15 minutes, turning them often until both sides are golden-brown. Remove and drain.
PAKORA (Vegetable Fritters)

2 1/4 cups (225g) chick-pea flour 1/4 tsp. asafetida

1 tbsp. kilinji seeds 2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1 cup (250ml) cold water
2 tsp ground coriander 1 1/2lbs (675g) trimmed vegetable
2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp turmeric ghee or vegetable oil for deep-frying
Sift the chick-pea flour into a large mixing bowl and add the spices, salt, and baking powder.
Slowly add the cold water and whisk until you have a smooth patter, thick enough to coat the
vegetables. Cut all the vegetables before heating the ghee. You may need to parboil large
cauliflower florets. Use other vegetables raw.
Put the ghee or vegetable oil over medium-high heat. The ghee is hot enough when a drop of batter
put into it rises immediately to the surface and sizzles. Now put a handful of cut vegetable into the
batter and coat them well. Put in one type of vegetable at a time -you're going to fry each type
separately. Take the coated vegetables out of the batter one by one and put them quickly into the
hot ghee until the pakoras are golden-brown and crisp, then remove them and let them drain.
Fry all the pakoras in this way, never putting in more than one layer at a time.

Chick-pea-flour noddles

2 cups (200g) sifted chick-pea flour 1 1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 cup (125ml) cold water
1 tsp.turmeric ghee or vegetable oil for deep-frying
Mix together the chick-pea flour, spices, salt, and cold water to make a smooth, thick paste.
Heat the ghee or oil over medium heat. Beat the paste a few seconds. Then use a spatula to
force a spoonful of paste through a large-holed colander into the ghee. Now run the spatula of the
colander to scrape any remaining batter back into the bowl. Force another spoonful of
paste through the holes into the ghee. Repeat until the surface of the ghee is covered with noodles.
If the paste is too thin and falls in elongated drops instead of noodles, thicken it with more chick-
pea flour. Turn and fry the noodles until only slightly browned -they will continue to darken after
being removed from the ghee. Drain
You can also use a cloth icing bag with a small hole to make spirals or loops. If these noodles are
too large, you can break them into pieces after they drain.

Quick-Mix Cake
Sift together into a mixing bowl:
2 cups flour 1/4 cup cornflour
3 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt
11/4 cups sugar Add: 1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup milk
Stir until the flour is dampened, then beat at least 50 strokes. Add: 1/2 cup milk 2 eggs (omit the
eggs, add 2 tsp. baking soda) 1 tsp. vanilla or 2 tsp. grated lemon rind
Beat another 100 strokes. Pour into ungreased pan. Bake about 30 minutes at moderate oven
temperature. (Cake is done when straw thrust into the middle comes out dry or cake springs back
when touched in the middle.)

1 cup sugar 1/4 cup cornflour
1/4 cup butter 2 tsp. baking powder
1 beaten egg 1/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup flour 1 1/2 cup boiling water
(Omit the egg, just add 1 tsp. baking soda.)
Cream sugar, butter, vanilla, egg and baking powder together well. Sift flour with cornflour and
cocoa. Fold dry ingredients, alternating with milk, into butter mixture. Place into greased pan and
bake for 40 minutes in a moderate heated oven.

1 cup raw rice 3 tbsp. sugar
1 coconut 3 tsp. baking powder
Soak the rice overnight, then dry in the sun and grind to a paste. Mix with sugar and baking
powder. Mix to a moist cake batter use coconut cream prepared from the coconut. Half fill a
saucepan with boiling water. Tie a cloth over it. Place a banana leaf on top. Pour the mixture on top
of the leaf. Cover with a lid and steam for 45 minutes. Serve hot.


2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup thick lolo
1 cup sugar 1 tbsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. cornflour 1 tsp. salt
1 cup flour
1 CUp grated coconut 3 tbsp. melted butter 1/4 cup sugar
Beat sugar, eggs and vanilla together until thick and light. Sift flour, cornflour, baking powder and
salt together. Slowly add to egg mixture mixing well after each addition. Heat coconut cream to
boiling point, but do not allow to boil. Fold into mixture. Bake in a greased and floured pan at
moderate temperature for 40 minutes. Prepare topping by mixing all three ingredients and spread
evenly over the hot cake, then place under grill or under a flaming stick, until topping is brown.
Let cool.


2 cups flour 1 tbsp. baking powder
4 OZ. butter 3/4 cup sugar
1 cup lolo 1 egg
Combine all ingredients well. Pour into a greased and well-floured loaf pan. Bake for 30 minutes in
moderate heated oven.

GINGERBREAD (without eggs)

1 cup sugar 1 tsp. nutmeg/allspice or cinnamon
1/2 cup syrup 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
2 cup flour 1 tsp. ground ginger
1 cup sour milk (or 1 tsp. vinegar added to 1 cup milk and allow to sit 10 min.)
Put butter, sugar and syrup into a pot. place over heat until it melts (do not boil) .Dissolve baking
powder in milk and add to mixture. Sift flour and other dry ingredients and add to mixture. Mix
well. Put in a well-greased baking pan and bake in a moderate oven about 30-40 minutes. Done
when pressed in centre will spring back. Leave in pan until cool.

2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. nutmeg 6 tbsp. butter
3/4 cup milk 1/3 cup sugar
Heat oven to high temperature. Butter a cake pan (9 ). Sift together all dry ingredients. With a
blending fork or fingers work in 4 tbsp. butter. Stir in gradually the milk until dough is soft. Turn
out on a floured board and divide into two parts. Pat or rollout into 9" rounds. Put one round in the
pan and spread lightly with 2 tbsp. butter. Place the other half on top and bake 12 minutes. Split
carefully with a fork. Put prepared fruit between layers and on top.
Fruit: crushed canned strawberries or raspberries
warm applesauce sliced and sugared bananas
canned peaches or apricots
pineapple crushed and sweetened

3 cups flour 1/2 lb. butter
1 cup honey or sugar 3 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs 1 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla 12 oz. chocolate chips, crushed
Heat the oven to a moderate temperature. Cream butter, honey, vanilla and eggs together. Sift dry
ingredients and add to butter mixture a little at a time, alternating with milk. Keep beating. Add
crushed chocolate chips to mixture and mix well.
Pour into a well-greased and floured pan and bake for 1 hour.


1 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup oil
11/2 cup pumpkin puree 4 eggs
3 cups flour 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 cup raisins (soak in water first to plump up-then drain)
3/4 cup chopped walnut (optional)
Heat the oven to a moderate temperature. In a large bowl, mix sugar, oil and pumpkin, and beat
until blended. Add 1 egg at a time, beating before adding each egg. Sift dry ingredients and
add slowly, mixing well. Then stir in raisins and nuts. Bake in a buttered pan 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

TOMATO SOUP CAKE (An old Faught/Barrett Recipe/)

1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar
1 beaten egg 1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/3 cup flour 1 can tomato soup
1 cup chopped nuts or dates optional
Cream butter with sugar. Add egg. Add soup alternately with flour which had been sifted with salt,
soda, and spices. Add nuts and dates if desired. Be sure to do all the mixing by hand and don't
overmix -believe me, it does make a difference/ Bake at 350 F (right/) for one hour or until done.
I have personally tried this recipe with Wattees Soup and it tastes really good- just don't tell your
neighbours what it is made out of until they try it/ CF


2 eggs 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 3 cup flour 1
1/4 cup oil 2 cup sugar 2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts (optional) 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. salt
3 cup finely chopped apples (about 4 apples)
Beat eggs, add oil, sugar and vanilla and beat until creamy. Sift in flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon.
Mix well. Add nuts and apples. (Dough will be very stiff.) Pour into greased and floured pan and
bake for 1 hour.

FUDGE CAKE (no oven required)

1/4 lb stale biscuits 2 oz. butter
1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup peanuts
1/2 tbsp. 1/2 tbsp. coconut, grated
1 egg 1/2 tsp. vanilla
Heat peanuts. Remove shell and cut up small. Break biscuits. Melt butter and sugar together over
low heat. Add beaten egg and stir for a few minutes over the heat. Remove from heat and other
ingredients. Mix well and put into a greased pan. Press down well. Leave to set. Ice with chocolate


Heat the oven to a moderate temperature
Sift together: 2 cups flour 1/4 cup sugar 2 tsp. baking powder
Cut in 1/2 cup butter, using two knives.
Break in a measuring cup, 1 egg and fill to 1 cup level with milk. Beat egg and milk
and add to the dry ingredients with 1 tsp. vanilla. Pour in a greased pan and cover with glaze, then
bake 25 minutes.
Glaze: Bring to a boil over low heat: 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup honey or syrup
1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup crushed nuts 1/4 cup butter


Melt in a heavy frying pan or cake pan 1/4 cup butter.
Add 1 cup brown sugar -spread evenly.
Put in drained, sliced pineapple
Sift together: 1 1/2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 cup sugar
Mix: 1 egg, well beaten 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup melted butter
Stir this into the flour. Pour over pineapple in the cake pan. Bake at high temperature until the top
is brown and crusty (about 35 minutes: Turn over on a serving dish.

1 cup sugar 1 cup boiling water
Put sugar in a small heavy pan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar melts and
a slightly brown. Add boiling water slowly, stirring constantly. Boil 6 minutes. Cool.
To make slightly less sweet use: 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup coffee instead of 1 cup water

Mix: 1 cup sugar 3 tbsp. Thick lolo
1/2 cup grated coconut 2 tbsp. melted butter
Spread over a warm, freshly baked cake and set under the grill (or a flaming stick) for a few
minutes until delicately brown and bubbly.


1/2 cup sugar 1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 cup boiling water 2 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Mix in a small saucepan sugar and cornstarch, and add, stirring constantly, the boiling water. Boil
for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and add remaining ingredients.
Lemon: Omit vanilla and add 1 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice.
Orange: Use orange juice in the place of water.


3 tbsp. butter 1/2 cup milk
3 tbsp. cocoa 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup sugar
Put butter and cocoa in a small, heavy pan. Stir over low heat until melted. Add sugar and milk.
Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce is as thick as you like it, then add vanilla.

Desiccated Coconut
Grate a ripe coconut. Put the grated coconut meat into a dish and put in the oven. Cook very slowly
on low heat 2-3hours. Stir often so that it will dry evenly.


1 tsp. butter 1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 tsp. vanilla
Melt the butter in a pan and add the milk and sugar. Heat to the boiling point and boil until the
mixture begins to thicken. Cool and beat until thick and creamy enough to spread. Add the
For Chocolate Fudge Frosting: Add 2 tbsp. cocoa and increase the sugar to 1 1/2 cups.


pie crust as in pastries
2 cups puree pumpkin 1 cup honey or sugar 5 oz. can evaporated milk
3 eggs, beaten 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. powder ginger
1/2 cloves 1/2 tsp. allspice 1 tsp. vanilla
Fill a pie pan with the crust. Mix all the filling ingredients together real well. Pour into crust. Bake
at a moderate temperature for 1 hour.


6 sweet potatoes butter
(boiled in salt water) 1 tsp. brown sugar
1 can (or cup) crushed pineapple 1 tsp. cinnamon
Drain and peel the potatoes and mash with the pineapple with 3 tbsp. of pineapple liquid. Put into
9" pie pan, dot with butter and sprinkle with brown sugar, mixed with the cinnamon. Bake in high
heated oven for 20 minutes.

4 cups sliced tart apples 1/2 cup water
3/4 cup flour (or 1 cup crushed cornflakes) 1 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 cup butter
In a buttered deep baking dish add the apples and water. Mix in a bowl with a fork the remaining
ingredients, and spread over the apples. Bake at moderate temperature until the apples
are tender (about 30 minutes) .
Instead of 3/4 cup flour you can use 1/4 cup powdered milk, 1/4 cup rolled oats and 1/4 cup flour.


1) Sauce:
1 cup sugar 3 tbsp. cornflour
1 1/4 cup water 1 egg
1/3 cup lemon.juice 1/2 tsp. lemon rind, grated 2 tbsp. butter

Combine sugar, cornflour and water. Stir and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes or until thick
and smooth. Beat egg. Slowly beat in a little of the cornflour mixture, then add to remaining
mixture in pan. Cook over low heat for 1 minute, then remove from heat and cool slightly. Add
lemon juice, grated lemon rind and butter and stir.
2) Fruit:
banana etc...
Cut fruit into pieces. Place in bowl and pour sauce over it.
3) Topping:
1/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup flour 2 tbsp. butter
Mix sugar, flour and butter together and bake in hot oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown. If
crumbs stick together, roll when cool. Serve with crumbs sprinkled over the top of the fruit


COOKIES (no bake)

1/2 cup honey, syrup, or molasses 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter 2 cups corn flakes
Boil sugar and syrup. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. Drop by spoon on a sheet and let cool
(or refrigerate).


3 tbsp. butter 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs 3 tbsp. sugar 1/4 cup cocoa
drinking chocolate powder or grated coconut
Gently melt the butter, stir in honey and peanut butter. Pour over breadcrumbs, sugar and cocoa
mixing well. Form into small balls and dip into chocolate powder or coconut. Refrigerate if

Beat together: 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar
Add: 1 cup flour 1 cup fresh grated coconut
Mix well (best method by using hands). Pat into 1/2" high flat slab. Cut into finger length pieces.
Bake in a moderate heated oven for 5 minutes or until golden brown.

2 eggs 2 cups grated coconut 2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cut crushed nuts 1/2 tbsp. vanilla 6 tbsp. flour
Beat eggs until foamy. Beat in sugar and vanilla. Stir in coconut and nuts. Add flour over the batter
and stir lightly. Spoon into a buttered pan. Bake 30 minutes in moderate heated oven. Cut in
squares while still warm. Cool and remove from pan.

3 tbsp. butter 3 tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 egg 4 tbsp. desiccated coconut
Cream butter and sugar together, then add beaten egg. Beat well. Sift flour and baking powder and
add to other ingredients. Place spoonfuls on a greased tray. Press with a fork. Bake in a moderate
oven 10-15 minutes.


1 cup rolled oats 4 oz. butter 1 cup sugar
Melt butter in saucepan, add the sugar and when thoroughly blended add the oats, mixing well.
Press into a small baking tin and bake in moderate oven until golden brown. Cut into squares
while still warm. Let cool, then turn out.


1 cup oat meal 1 cup flour 1/4 cup milk 4 tbsp. butter
1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. vanilla
Sift flour and baking powder, then cut in the butter using 2 knives. Add sugar and oat meal. Add
sufficient milk to make a stiff dcugh. Rollout on a lightly floured board to 1/2" thickness.
Cut into 5 lengths, 1/2" wide. Place on a greased baking tray and bake in a hot oven for 15-20
minutes. Sprinkle with granulated sugar or mixed nut before baking is optional.


1/2 cup shortening 1/4 cup sugar 1 egg, beaten 1 cup flour
1 cup oatmeal 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. nutmeg handful of raisins 1/2 cup milk
Cream together shortening, sugar and egg. Mix in well the remaining ingredients. Optional to a add
nuts or grated coconut. Bake in a medium oven for about 25 minutes.


21/2 cups flour 1 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tbsp. milk
Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until fluffy and smooth. Stir in flour and milk, then beat until smooth.
Pat on a sugared board and shape into cookies or a large cake. Prick with a fork all over. Bake in a
moderate oven on ungreased tray until lightly golden brown. Let cool.

1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla 1 1/4 cup flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate chips 1/2 cup crushed walnuts (optional)
Preheat the oven to a moderate temperature. Cream together sugar, butter, vanilla and egg until
fluffy and smooth. Add flour and baking soda and mix well, then mix in chocolate chips and nuts.
Spoon onto a buttered tray and bake for 15 minutes or until golden.


3/4 cup shortening 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cloves 1/4 cup molasses 1/2 tsp. ginger
1 egg 2 tbsp. baking soda 2 cup flour
Cream together sugar and shortening. Add molasses and egg, beat well. Mix in remaining
ingredients and chill (or let set) for an hour. Form into 1" balls and roll in granulated sugar, then
place on a greased tray 2" apart. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 8-10 minutes.


3/4 cup butter 2 3/4 cups flour 2 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup molasses or syrup 3 tsp. ground ginger mixed with cinnamon and nutmeg
Cream together butter, sugar, eggs and molasses. Mix in well the remaining ingredients. Place
spoonfuls on a greased tray and bake for 12 minutes on a moderate heat.


2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. salt 3 eggs, well-beaten
Mix all ingredients together and knead until all flour is mixed in. A little water may be added if
absolutely necessary, but dough should be an adhering mass and get as stiff and as dry as possible.
Shape dough in a loaf and start kneading hard. The more you knead the more elastic the dough and
the better it is. Roll thinly and make 4" by 2" strips. Slit and bring one end up to twist. Fry until
light brown. Coat with syrup.
Coating: 2 cups sugar 3 cups water
Boil until thick enough to coat cookies.

1/4 cup syrup 1/2 cup powdered skin milk
1 tbsp. vanilla 1/4 cup chopped nuts
Mix all ingredients well by stirring with a knife. Pat into a ball and put on a board sprinkle lightly
with sugar, then knead until creamy. Let stand until firm enough to shape into 1 balls.
Roll in sugar.



1 3/4 cups sugar 2 tbsp. butter 1 cup flour
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate 2 tsp. baking powder or 3 tbsp. cocoa
1/2 cup milk 1/2 tsp. vanilla 4 tbsp. cocoa
Melt together over hot water (double boiler) butter and chocolate. Mix together flour, 1/2 the sugar
and baking powder in a large bowl, then add butter mixture and blend well. Stir in the remaining
sugar, milk, vanilla and cocoa, then add the mixture to a dish and pour over 1 1/2 cups water. Bake
for 40 minutes in a moderate oven. Let cool


1/2 cup raw rice 2 tsp. sugar
2 1/2 cups milk or coconut cream 1/2 tsp. salt
Wash the rice and put in the milk and salt in a large saucepan. Cook the rice over a low heat until
soft and most of the milk is absorbed. Stir often. Add the sugar and stir until all is dissolved.
1. Add raisins and almonds.
2. Caramel rice pudding -Brown 3/4 cup sugar in a pan. Add it to the milk.
3. Chocolate rice pudding -Add 1 tbsp. cocoa to the milk.
4. Add chopped ginger to the milk.
5. Add grated coconut.


3 cup milk 1 tbsp. butter 1/4 cup grated cassava
1 tsp. vanilla 1 egg 1/4 cup sugar
Heat 2 1/2 cups milk and add cassava. Cook until cassava dissolves (about 30 minutes) , with
constant stirring. Beat egg with 1/2 cup milk, sugar and add slowly to the cassava, mixing well.
Cook 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, then add the vanilla and butter.
1. Add 1/2 cup cocoa and 1/4 cup sugar.
2. Add 2 mashed bananas.
3. Add 1 tsp. grated lemon rind and leave out the vanilla.
4. 1/2 cup grated coconut.


2 cup milk 3 tbsp. custard powder
3 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla or chocolate or lemon juice
Combine all ingredients and cook over medium heat. Do not let it boil rapidly, stir constantly. As
mixture begin to thicken, remove from heat and stir for 3-5 minutes, or until smooth. Let cool.


Quick Fudge

4 tbsp. Butter 4 tbsp. vanilla 4 tbsp. cocoa 2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups powdered milk 3/4 cup milk
Combine the butter, cocoa, sugar and liquid milk, cook over medium heat, stirring constantly.
When it starts to boil stop stirring and let it boil for 2 minutes, then put a lid on and remove from
the heat. Let it cool for 5 minutes, then add the powdered milk and vanilla. Mix until smooth
quickly. Spread on a greased tray and let stand until harden.
Variation: Omit cocoa, use peanut butter instead.


2 cups sugar 2/3 cup milk 6 tbsp. cocoa
Combine all ingredients in a heavy saucepan. Cook until the soft-ball stage (until a test drop forms
a soft ball in a cup of cold water) .
Remove from heat and stir to cool. It will thicken as it cools. Put on a greased tray when it begins
to set. For flavouring add 2 tbsp. butter and 1 tsp. vanilla when it is removed from the heat.

2 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. sugar 2 tbsp. vinegar
Put all ingredients into a saucepan. Stir until they come to a boil. Boil for 30-40 minutes. To test:
drop a little mixture from a spoon into a cup of cold water. When toffee is ready it will form a small
hard ball. pour into a flat greased tray. Leave to set, when nearly set mark into squares. When cold,
break into pieces and store in an airtight jar. For Peanut Brittle: add 1/2 cup peanut before pouring
into a tray to set.

1 small green pawpaw 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water

Cut pawpaw into slices. Pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes. Strain off the water and
dry the pieces in a cloth. Dissolve sugar in 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil. Add sliced pawpaw.
Simmer until transparent or cooked (about 30 minutes). Take the pawpaw out, lay on a dish.
Sprinkle with sugar and dry well in the sun. Keep in a jar or a tin with tight fitting lid.


Pineapple sugar
Peel and slice the pineapple thinly. Lay the slices on a dish and sprinkle thickly with sugar. Dry
well in the sun (7-8 days) keep turning.


1 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk 1/2 tsp. butter 1/4 cup dried grated coconut
Mix sugar, milk and butter well. Bring to a boil stirring well. Boil 10 minutes. Add coconut. Boil 3
minutes. Beat till nearly set. Pour into a greased saucer and leave till cool. Cut into pieces.


3 cup grated coconut 1 tsp. cinnamon or ginger 1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup milk 1 tsp. powdered cardamom 2 1/2 cups sugar
Mix coconut, milk and sugar in a deep frying pan, and brown in low heat stirring all the time. When
golden brown and beginning to harden, add remaining ingredients quickly and set it on a greased
tray. Cool and cut into pieces.



2 cups grated cassava 1 cup grated coconut
1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
1 tsp. powdered cardamom (optional)
Mix all the ingredients together well, then wrap in a banana leaf and steam for an hour.

1/2 cup water 2 tbsp. sugar
3/4 cup pawpaw, ripe and sliced or 2 bananas, sliced or 2 mangoes, peeled and sliced or 1 small
pineapple, sliced thinly.
Add sugar and water in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Boil 2 minutes, then add the sliced fruit and
cook until tender.

VAKASOSO (Ripe Vudi)

2 Vudi 1/2 coconut, grated 3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 cup water
Cut one end off vudi. Make a hole in the vudi, with a skewer. Stuff with grated coconut mixed
with the sugar. Place in a steamer and add the water. Steam 3/4 hour.


6 bananas juice of 1 lemon
1 cup water 1/2 cup sugar
Place bananas in a tin with water, lemon juice and sugar. Bake until soft.



3 cups powdered milk 2 tsp. baking soda
11/2 cups sugar 2 tbsp. ghee
1 cup water 2 tsp. powdered cardamom food colouring (optional)
Mix together well milk, baking soda and cardamon, then rub in ghee well. Prepare a thick syrup
with the water and sugar by boiling about 15 minutes. Test the syrup by adding a drop into
cold water, if a ball forms the syrup is ready. Add the syrup to the milk mixture and blend quickly
until smooth. Pour the mixture into a greased tray and let cool. If you want colouring add the food
to the mixture right before pouring onto the tray.


1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup rice flour 2 cups water
1 cup plain yogurt 2 cups sugar
warm water oil for frying (or ghee)
red food colouring (optional)
In a large bowl, mix together flour, rice flour, yogurt and baking soda (and food colouring) with
enough warm water to make a smooth batter. Let set for one day in warm place. The batter is ready
when bubbles begin to appear on the surface. Make a syrup by boiling the water and sugar together
for 10 minutes. Heat the oil in a wok or shallow saucepan: Beat the batter, if to thick add a little
water, should be like pancake batter. Using a small funnel, or icing bag, make coils or loops 5"
across in the hot oil. Fry, turning once, until golden and crisp on both sides. Remove from oil and
add to the syrup. Soak in the warm syrup for no more than a minute.
Place on a tray. (This makes a lot!)

BESAN LADDU (Toasted Chick-pea-flour Confection)

1 1/2 cups butter 1/2 tsp. ground cardamon
4 cups chick-pea flour 2 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsp. grated coconut 2 tbsp. chopped almonds
In a frying pan, melt the butter over low heat. Mix in the chick-pea flour, and fry with constant
stirring until the flour gives off a nutty aroma (15 minutes) .Stir in remaining (except sugar)
ingredients and fry for 2 more minutes, then add the powdered sugar and mixing well. Set aside to
cool for a few minutes. When the mixture is cool enough to handle, moisten your hands and form it
into 12 to 15 walnut-sized balls.


1 3/4 cups butter 1 1/4 cups sugar
3 cups chick-pea flour 1/4 cup chopped almonds
1 cup milk 2 tsp. grated coconut 1 cup water
Melt the butter in a medium-sized saucepan. Stir in chick-pea flour and fry on low heat until golden
brown (about 15 minutes), then remove from the heat. Make a thick syrup by boiling the sugar,
milk, and water together. Test the syrup by adding a drop into cold water, if a ball forms the syrup
is ready. Add the nuts and coconut to the syrup, mixing well. Pour the syrup over the chick-pea
flour and stir gently over low heat until mixture becomes thick and less sticky. Place in a ungreased
tray and let cool. Cut into pieces.


One of the positive aspects of Fiji is the abundant supply of fresh fruit. These make delicious
juices, and have high nutritional value. So put down that cordial, go out into your back yard, grab
some mangos or whatever, and make yourself a refreshing natural drink!


1/4 cup of orange, lemon or pineapple (or almost any other fruit)
1 tbsp. of sugar (with pineapple less sugar is needed) or honey
1 cup of water
Stir all ingredients together until all are dissolved.


juice of 1/2 orange 3/4 cup milk 2 tsp. sugar
stir all together until dissolved


1 cup milk 1 tsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
Beat all together and serve


1/2 cup mashed pawpaw 2 tsp. sugar or honey
1 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp. lemon juice
Mix all together


1 ripe banana 1 cup milk 1 tsp. sugar or honey
Mash the banana and sugar together mix with milk and serve.
3/4 cup drained passionfruit
1 tbsp. sugar 1/4 cup water
Mix all together well


1/2 to 1 medium size pawpaw 1 banana
1/2 apple 1 cup grated coconut
2-3 tbsp. wheat germ sliced dates raisins or sultanas
1 orange, juiced 1-2 passionfruit (if available)
1 tbsp. honey 2-3 tbsp. crunchy granola
Skin and dice pawpaw, dice apple and add both with the banana. Crush with a potato masher until
all becomes a juice (a nice clean round rock also will suffice for those who have not the luxury of
owning a potato masher!)
Add rest of ingredients one by one while mixing. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon or ginger for a
nice twist.


Here are a few varieties of teas which are easy to make.
Ingredients: one of the following
1. lemon leaf
2. cinnamon
3. ileechee
4. lemon peel or orange peel- dried
5. ginger- thinly sliced
with either 1-5 add to boiling water and allow to steep. The longer it steeps, the stronger the

LEMON GRASS TEA (a great sore throat remedy)

lemon grass leaves 1 pinch/cup peppercorn 1/2 tsp./cup ginger
boil leaves for about 15 min. pour into cup, add peppercorn and ginger.


2 quarts water 1/2 pound fresh ginger root, thinly sliced
1/2 cup lemon juice 1 cup honey Ice cubes
In a medium saucepan, combine 2 cup of water with the ginger and simmer over medium heat for
20 minutes. Stir in the lemon juice and honey, and let cool completely. Strain the ginger mixture
into a large pitcher, and add the remaining water. Add the ice to chill before serving.

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