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Sreelakshmi Suresh

title :-Sreelakshmi Suresh A Web Designer and A CEO at the age of 6.

desc :-Age is a simply more than a few says an adage. Achievers may be from all
spectrums of age groups baby prodigies, achievers of their teenagers,
middle-aged group or maybe senior citizens.

keyword :- Sreelakshmi Suresh

Age is a simply more than a few says an adage. Achievers may be from all
spectrums of age groups baby prodigies, achievers of their teenagers,
middle-aged group or maybe senior citizens. All those successful human beings
have validated age doesnt count for them as long as their passion and
perseverance preserve them going. This Kalam Fan Club Post is ready a infant
prodigy who at the age of 6 started designing various varieties of web sites and
by means of the age of 11 started her own organization to be listed as one of
the youngest CEOs of the globe. This female Sreelakshmi Suresh changed into now
not born in an prosperous family to be taken into consideration as Y-Generation
youngster with accessibility to all modern-day gadgets in fingertips. Though she
turned into born in a center-elegance own family her interest to meddle with
computers recommended her mother and father to give fingers-on periods in
computers. At the age of three she found out computers, and with the aid of the
age of 6, she should layout her first ever internet site. She has been diagnosed
with numerous awards and has started out businesses TinyLogo and eDesign on the
age of eleven to be diagnosed as one of the youngest CEOs of the globe.

Early Life

Sreelakshmi Suresh changed into born within the yr 1998 at Kozhikode (Calicut)
in the nation of Kerala because the daughter of Mr. Suresh Menon and Mrs. Viju
Suresh. Sreelakshmi started meddling with computers on the age of 3 and started
out designing at the age of four and came up along with her first website at the
age of 6. This female attends a faculty called Presentation Higher Secondary
School which was inaugurated within the year 2007 and didnt have a proper
internet site. It changed into Sreelakshmi who took the initiative to design an
internet portal to her school and got here up with a very good layout.

Youngest Title

Sreelakshmis ardour gained her huge popularity across the globe by the yr 2006.
She turned into provided youngest internet dressmaker at age of 6 and youngest
CEO (for beginning groups at age of eleven) together with diverse children like
Harli Jordean who is taken into consideration as the Worlds Youngest CEO at
age 8 by means of some resources, and Ajay Puri taken into consideration because
the Worlds Youngest Web Designer at age 3. Whether she is the primary teen to
achieve the feat is immaterial considering her accomplishments of designing
nearly 20 fully practical web sites along with her companies TinyLogo and
Awards & Recognitions

Sreelakshmi Suresh has received various awards like:

She was honored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (India), by
conferring her
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Sreelakshmi Suresh

The National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement in 2008

The Won the Golden Web Award (U.S.A)
The Sixty Plus Education Award (Canada),
The Feebleminds Award of Excellence (UK),
The Webmasters Ink Award (U.S.A.) and Penmarric Bronze Award (Canada).
The Global Internet Directories Gold Award (USA),
The WM8C Stamp of Excellence Award (USA),
The 37th Texas Web Award (USA)
The American Association of Webmasters Merit Award
The Thomas Sims Greves Award of Excellence (UK)
The Moms Global Award for inspirational Website 2006-07 (UK)
The ProFish-N-Sea Charters World Class Website Award (Brazil)
The Wadeshi Science Movement Excellence Award 2007 (India)

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