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Specifying Syntax Components of a Grammar

1. Terminal symbolsor terminals,

Language Specification
2. Nonterminal symbolsor syntactic
Syntax categories, N
Form of phrases
Vocabulary = N
Physical arrangement of symbols

Semantics 3. Productionsor rules, ::= ,

Meaning of phrases where , ( N)*
Result of executing a program
4 . Start Symbol (anonterminal)
Usage of the language
Features of implementations

Chapter 1 1 Chapter 1 2

Types of Grammars An English Grammar

Type 0: Unrestricted grammars <sentence> ::= <noun phrase> <verb phrase> .

<noun phrase> ::= <determiner> <noun>
where contains a nonterminal | <determiner> <noun> <prepositional phrase>

<verb phrase> ::= <verb> | <verb> <noun phrase>

Type 1: Context-sensitive grammars | <verb> <noun phrase> <prepositional phrase>
B ::=
<prepositional phrase> ::=
<preposition> <noun phrase>
Type 2: Context-free grammars
<noun> ::= boy | girl | cat | telescope
A ::= string of vocabulary symbols | song | feather

<determiner> ::= a | the

Type 3: Regular grammars
A ::= a or A ::= aB <verb> ::= saw | touched| surprised| sang

<preposition> ::= by | with

Chapter 1 3 Chapter 1 4
A Derivation (for Figure 1.4)
Concrete Syntax for Wren
<sentence> <noun phrase> <verb phrase> .
<determiner> <noun> <verb phrase> .
Phrase-structure syntax:
the <noun> <verb phrase> .
<program> ::= program <ident> is <block>
the girl <verb phrase> .
the girl <verb> <noun phrase> . <block> ::= <declaration seq>
begin <cmd seq> end
the girl touched <noun phrase> .
<declaration seq> ::=
the girl touched <determiner>
| <declaration> <declaration seq>
<noun> <prep phrase> .
the girl touched the <noun> <prep phrase> . <declaration> ::= var <var list> : <type> ;
the girl touched the cat <prep phrase> . <type> ::= integer | boolean
the girl touched the cat <preposition> <var list> ::= <var> | <var> , <var list>
<noun phrase> . <cmd seq> ::= <cmd> | <cmd> ; <cmd seq>
the girl touched the cat with <noun phrase>
<cmd> ::= <var> := <expr> | skip
the girl touched the cat with | read <var> | write <int expr>
<determiner> <noun> . | while <bool expr> do <cmd seq> end while
the girl touched the cat with a <noun> . | if <bool expr> then <cmd seq> end if
the girl touched the cat with a feather .
| if <bool expr> then <cmd seq>
else <cmd seq> end if
Note example of a context-sensitive grammar.

Chapter 1 5 Chapter 1 6

Lexical syntax:
<expr> ::= <int expr> | <bool expr> <relation> ::= <= | < | = | > | >= | <>
<integer expr> ::= <term> <weak op> ::= + | <strong op> ::= * | /
| <int expr> <weak op> <term>
<ident> ::= <letter> | <ident> <letter>
<term> ::= <element> | <ident> <digit>
| <term> <strong op> <element>
<letter> ::= a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m
<element> ::= <numeral> | <var> |n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
| ( <int expr> ) | <element>
<numeral> ::= <digit> | <digit> <numeral>
<bool expr> ::= <bool term>
| <bool expr> or <bool term> <digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<bool term> ::= <bool element>
| <bool term> and <bool element>
<bool element> ::= true | false | <var> Tokens:
| <comparison>
| not ( <bool expr> ) | ( <bool expr> ) <token> ::= <identifier> | <numeral>
<comparison> ::= <int expr> <relation> <int expr> | <reserved word> | <relation>
| <weak op> | <strong op>
<var> ::= <ident>
| := | ( | ) | , | ; | :

<reserved word> ::= program| is | begin | end

| var | integer| boolean| read
| write | skip | while | do | if | then
| else | and | or | true | false | not
Chapter 1 7 Chapter 1 8
Sample Wren Program Ambiguity
programprime is
var num,divisor : integer; One phrase has two different derivation trees,
thus two different syntactic structures.
var done : boolean;
begin Ambiguous structure may lead to ambiguous
read num; semantics.
while num>0 do Dangling else
divisor := 2; done := false; Associativity of expressions (ex 2, page 16)
while divisor<= num/2 and not(done) do
done := num = divisor*(num/divisor); Is a(2) a subscripted variable
divisor := divisor+1 or a function call?
end while;
if done then write0 Classifying Errors in Wren
else write num
Context-free syntax
end if;
specified by concrete syntax
read num lexical syntax
end while phrase-structure syntax
Context-sensitive syntax (context constraints)
also called static semantics

Semantic or dynamic errors

Chapter 1 9 Chapter 1 10

Context Constraints in Wren Syntax of Wren

1. The program name identifier may not be
declared elsewhere in the program. <token>* abitrary strings of tokens

2. All identifiers that appear in a block must be <program> strings derived from
declared in that block. the context-free grammar

3. No identifier may be declared more than once Syntactically well formed

in a block. Wren programs derived from
<program> and also satisfying
the context constraints
4. The identifier on the left side of an
assignment command must be declared
as a variable, and the expression on the
right must be of the same type.

5. An identifier occurring as an (integer) Semantic Errors in Wren

element must be an integer variable.
1. An attempt is made to divide by zero.
6. An identifier occurring as a Boolean element 2. A variable that has not been initialized is
must be a Boolean variable. accessed.
3. A read command is executed when input file
7. An identifier occurring in a read command empty.
must be an integer variable.
4. An iteration command (while) does not
Chapter 1 11 Chapter 1 12
Regular Expressions Denote Languages Nonessential Ambiguity
Command Sequences:

<cmd seq> ::= <command>
a for each a | <command> ; <cmd seq>
(E | F) union
(E F) concatenation <cmd seq> ::= <command>
| <cmd seq> ; <command>
(E*) Kleene closure

May omit some parentheses following the <cmd seq> ::= <command> ( ; <command> )*
precedence rules
Or include command sequences with
Abbreviations commands:
E1 E2 = E1 E2 <command> ::= <command> ; <command>
| skip | read <var> |
E+ = E E*
En = E E E, repeated n times
E? = | E Language Processing:
scan : Character* Token*
Note: E* = | E1 | E2 | E3 | parse : Token* ????

Chapter 1 13 Chapter 1 14

Concrete Syntax (BNF)

read m; if m=-9 then m:=0 end if; write22*m
Specifies the physical form of programs. Derivation Tree
<cmd seq>

Guides the parser in determining the phrase

structure of a program. ; <cmd seq>

read <variable>
<command> <cmd seq>
Should not be ambiguous. var(m)

A derivation proceeds by replacing one if <bool expr> then <cmd seq> end if
nonterminal at a time by its corresponding write <int expr>
right-hand side in some production for that <bool term>
<bool elem> <variable> := <expr>
<term> <str op> <elem>
A derivation following a BNF definition of a <comparison> var(m) <int expr>
language can be summarized in a derivation <element> * var(m)
(parse) tree. <int expr> <rel> <int expr> <term>
<term> = <term> <element>
Although a parser may not produce a
derivation tree, the structure of the tree is <element> <element>
embodied in the parsing process.
var(m) - <element>


Chapter 1 15 Chapter 1 16
Abstract Syntax
read m; if m=-9 then m:=0 end if; write22*m
Representation of the structure of language
constructs as determined by the parser. Abstract Syntax Tree:
The hierarchical structure of language
constructs can be represented as abstract
syntax trees. read if write

var(m) times

The goal of abstract syntax is to reduce equal commands

language constructs to their essential assign

num(22) var(m)

properties. var(m) num(-9)

var(m) num(0)

Specifying the abstract syntax of a language

means providing the possible templates for the OR
various constructs of the language.
if write

Abstract syntax generally allows ambiguity expr

since parsing has already been done. expr

times var(m) num(22)

Semantic specifications based on abstract equal var(m) num(-9)

syntax are much simpler.

Chapter 1 17 Chapter 1 18

Assume we only have to deal with programs that

Designing Abstract Syntax are syntactically correct.
What basic forms can an expression take?
Consider concrete syntax for expressions:
<int expr> <weak op> <term>
<expr> ::= <int expr> | <bool expr>
<term> <strong op> <element>
<integer expr> ::= <term>
<numeral> <variable>
| <int expr> <weak op> <term>
<term> ::= <element>
| <term> <strong op> <element> <bool expr> or <bool term>
<element> ::= <numeral> | <var> <bool term> and <bool element>
| ( <int expr> ) | <element> true false
<bool expr> ::= <bool term> not ( <bool expr> )
| <bool expr> or <bool term> <int expr> <relation> <int expr>
<bool term> ::= <bool element>
| <bool term> and <bool element>
Abstract Syntax:
<bool element> ::= true | false | <var> Expression ::= Numeral | Identifier | true | false
| <comparison> | ( <bool expr> ) | Expression Operator Expression
| not ( <bool expr> ) | Expression | not( Expression)
<comparison> ::= Operator ::= + | | * | / | or | and
<int expr> <relation> <int expr>
| <= | < | = | > | >= | <>

Chapter 1 19 Chapter 1 20
Abstract Syntax
Abstract Syntactic Categories Alternative Abstract Syntax
Program Type Operator
Block Command Numeral Abstract Production Rules
Declaration Expression Identifier Program ::= prog (Identifier, Block)
Abstract Production Rules
Block ::= block (Declaration*, Command+)
Program ::= programIdentifier is Block
Declaration ::= dec (Identifier+, Type)
Block ::= Declaration* beginCommand+ end
Type ::= integer | boolean
Declaration ::= var Identifier+ : Type ;
Command ::= assign (Identifier, Expression)
Type ::= integer| boolean | skip | read (Identifier) | write (Expression)
Command ::= Identifier := Expression | skip | while (Expression, Command+)
| read Identifier | writeExpression | if (Expression, Command+)
| while Expression do Command+ | ifelse (Expression, Command+, Command+)
| if Expression then Command+
| if Expression then Command+ else Command+ Expression ::= Numeral | Identifier | true | false
| not (Expression) | minus (Expression)
Expression ::= Numeral | Identifier | true | false | expr (Operator, Expression, Expression)
| Expression Operator Expression
| Expression | not( Expression) Operator ::= + | | * | / | or | and
| <= | < | = | > | >= | <>
Operator ::= + | | * | / | or | and
| <= | < | = | > | >= | <>

Chapter 1 21 Chapter 1 22


read m;
if m=-9 then m:=0 end if;

write 22*m

[ read (m),
if (expr (equal, ide(m),minus (num(9))),
[ assign (m, num(0)) ]),
write (expr (times, num(22), ide(m)))

Chapter 1 23

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