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TABLE: Active Degrees of Freedom

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TABLE: Analysis Options
Solver SolverProc Force32Bit StiffCase GeomMod
Text Text Yes/No Text Yes/No
Advanced Auto No None No
TABLE: Assembled Joint Masses
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
Text Kgf-s2/m Kgf-s2/m Kgf-s2/m Kgf-m-s2 Kgf-m-s2 Kgf-m-s2
1 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
2 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0 0 0
3 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
4 0,259964488190095 0,259964488190095 0,259964488190095 0 0 0
5 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
6 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0 0 0
7 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
8 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0 0 0
9 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
10 0,302425959898009 0,302425959898009 0,302425959898009 0 0 0
11 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
12 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0 0 0
13 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
14 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0 0 0
15 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
16 0,302425959898009 0,302425959898009 0,302425959898009 0 0 0
17 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
18 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0,231656840384819 0 0 0
19 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
20 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0 0 0
21 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
22 0,259964488190095 0,259964488190095 0,259964488190095 0 0 0
23 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 7.60E+12 0 0 0
24 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0,189195368676905 0 0 0
25 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0 0 0
26 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0 0 0
27 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0 0 0
28 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0 0 0
29 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0 0 0
30 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0 0 0
31 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0,226461182442207 0 0 0
32 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0,183999710734293 0 0 0
33 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
34 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
35 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
36 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
37 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
38 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
39 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
40 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
41 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
42 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
43 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
44 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
45 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
46 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
47 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
48 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
49 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
50 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
51 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
52 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
53 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
54 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
55 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
56 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
57 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
58 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
59 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
60 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0,145240053536033 0 0 0
61 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
62 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0,136312234329887 0 0 0
TABLE: Auto Wave 3 - Wave Characteristics - General
WaveChar WaveType KinFactor SWaterDepth WaveHeight WavePeriod WaveTheory
Text Text Unitless m m Sec Text
Default From Theory 1 1800 720 12 Linear
TABLE: Base Reactions
OutputCase CaseType GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX
Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m
DEAD LinStatic 2.13E-01 3.11E-01 215,918,365,725,041 10,795,918,286,252
COMB1 Combination 4.08E+00 4.72E-01 434,912,873,560,079 21,745,643,678,004
COMB2 Combination 4.19E+00 4.63E-02 425,983,818,900,075 212,991,909,450,038
GlobalMY GlobalMZ GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ XCentroidFX YCentroidFX
Kgf-m Kgf-m m m m m m
-194,326,529,152,537 -2.84E-01 0 0 0 -2.45E+30 333,333,333,333,333
-391,421,586,204,071 -7.00E+00 0 0 0 -8.71E+30 117,866,666,666,667
-383,385,437,010,068 -9.98E+00 0 0 0 -9.89E+30 18,4
ZCentroidFX XCentroidFY YCentroidFY ZCentroidFY XCentroidFZ YCentroidFZ ZCentroidFZ
m m m m m m m
0 182,857,142,857,143 -5.88E+30 0 9 5 0
0 675,428,571,428,571 -3.97E+30 0 29,7 16,5 0
0 -236,571,428,571,429 -6.61E+31 0 38,7 21,5 0
TABLE: Bridge Design Preferences - AASHTOLRFD07
Auto: AASHTO/Caltrans Hinge
TABLE: Bridge Preferences
NorthAngle MaxDiscCurv
Degrees Degrees
90 1
TABLE: Case - Modal 1 - General
Case ModeType MaxNumModes MinNumModes EigenShif EigenCutoff EigenTol AutoShif
Text Text Unitless Unitless Cyc/sec Cyc/sec Unitless Text
MODAL Eigen 12 1 0 0 0,000000001 Yes
TABLE: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments
Case LoadType LoadName LoadSF
Text Text Text Unitless
DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1
live Load pattern live 1
win Load pattern win 1
hujan Load pattern hujan 1
TABLE: Combination Definitions
ComboName ComboType AutoDesign CaseType CaseName ScaleFactor SteelDesign ConcDesign
Text Text Yes/No Text Text Unitless Yes/No Yes/No
COMB1 Linear Add No Linear Static DEAD 1,2 No No
COMB1 Linear Static live 1,6
COMB1 Linear Static hujan 0,5
COMB2 Linear Add No Linear Static DEAD 1,2 No No
COMB2 Linear Static live 1
COMB2 Linear Static win 1,6
COMB2 Linear Static hujan 0,5
DSTL1 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1,4 Yes No
DSTL2 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1,2 Yes No
DSTL2 Linear Static live 1,6
DSTL3 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1,2 Yes No
DSTL3 Linear Static live 0,5
DSTL3 Linear Static win 1,3
DSTL4 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1,2 Yes No
DSTL4 Linear Static live 0,5
DSTL4 Linear Static win -1,3
DSTL5 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 0,9 Yes No
DSTL5 Linear Static win 1,3
DSTL6 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 0,9 Yes No
DSTL6 Linear Static win -1,3
DSTL7 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1 Yes No
DSTL8 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1 Yes No
DSTL8 Linear Static live 1
AlumDesign ColdDesign GUID Notes
Yes/No Yes/No Text Text
No No

No No

No No Dead Only; Strength

No No Dead + Live; Strength

No No Dead + Live + Wind; Strength

No No Dead + Live - Wind; Strength

No No Dead (min) + Wind; Strength

No No Dead (min) - Wind; Strength

No No Dead Only; Deflection

No No Dead + Live; Deflection
TABLE: Connectivity - Frame
Frame JointI JointJ IsCurved Length CentroidX CentroidY CentroidZ GUID
Text Text Text Yes/No m m m m Text
1 1 2 No 3 0 0 1,5
2 3 4 No 3 0 5 1,5
3 5 6 No 3 0 10 1,5
4 7 8 No 3 6 0 1,5
5 9 10 No 3 6 5 1,5
6 11 12 No 3 6 10 1,5
7 13 14 No 3 12 0 1,5
8 15 16 No 3 12 5 1,5
9 17 18 No 3 12 10 1,5
10 19 20 No 3 18 0 1,5
11 21 22 No 3 18 5 1,5
12 23 24 No 3 18 10 1,5
13 2 8 No 6 3 0 3
14 8 14 No 6 9 0 3
15 14 20 No 6 15 0 3
16 4 10 No 6 3 5 3
17 10 16 No 6 9 5 3
18 16 22 No 6 15 5 3
19 6 12 No 6 3 10 3
20 12 18 No 6 9 10 3
21 18 24 No 6 15 10 3
22 2 4 No 5 0 2,5 3
23 4 6 No 5 0 7,5 3
24 8 10 No 5 6 2,5 3
25 10 12 No 5 6 7,5 3
26 14 16 No 5 12 2,5 3
27 16 18 No 5 12 7,5 3
28 20 22 No 5 18 2,5 3
29 22 24 No 5 18 7,5 3
30 25 26 No 6 3 7,5 3
31 27 25 No 6 9 7,5 3
32 28 27 No 6 15 7,5 3
33 29 30 No 6 3 2,5 3
34 31 29 No 6 9 2,5 3
35 32 31 No 6 15 2,5 3
36 33 34 No 2,5 1,5 8,75 3
37 35 36 No 2,5 4,5 8,75 3
38 37 33 No 2,5 1,5 6,25 3
39 38 35 No 2,5 4,5 6,25 3
40 39 37 No 2,5 1,5 3,75 3
41 40 38 No 2,5 4,5 3,75 3
42 41 39 No 2,5 1,5 1,25 3
43 42 40 No 2,5 4,5 1,25 3
44 43 44 No 2,5 7,5 8,75 3
45 45 46 No 2,5 10,5 8,75 3
46 47 43 No 2,5 7,5 6,25 3
47 48 45 No 2,5 10,5 6,25 3
48 49 47 No 2,5 7,5 3,75 3
49 50 48 No 2,5 10,5 3,75 3
50 51 49 No 2,5 7,5 1,25 3
51 52 50 No 2,5 10,5 1,25 3
52 53 54 No 2,5 13,5 8,75 3
53 55 56 No 2,5 16,5 875,000,000,000,001 3
54 57 53 No 2,5 13,5 6,25 3
55 58 55 No 2,5 16,5 625,000,000,000,001 3
56 59 57 No 2,5 13,5 3,75 3
57 60 58 No 2,5 16,5 3,75 3
58 61 59 No 2,5 13,5 1,25 3
59 62 60 No 2,5 16,5 1,25 3
TABLE: Coordinate Systems
Name Type X Y Z AboutZ AboutY AboutX
Text Text m m m Degrees Degrees Degrees
GLOBAL Cartesian 0 0 0 0 0 0
TABLE: Database Format Types
UnitsCurr OverrideE
Yes/No Yes/No
Yes No
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2
Text m Text Text Kgf Kgf
1 0 DEAD LinStatic -773,636,064,341,944 -880,164,742,551,588
1 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -766,186,464,341,944 -880,164,742,551,588
1 3 DEAD LinStatic -758,736,864,341,944 -880,164,742,551,588
1 0 COMB1 Combination -157,712,107,067,413 -175,608,753,535,716
1 1,5 COMB1 Combination -155,253,739,067,413 -175,608,753,535,716
1 3 COMB1 Combination -152,795,371,067,413 -175,608,753,535,716
1 0 COMB2 Combination -156,037,665,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
1 1,5 COMB2 Combination -152,834,337,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
1 3 COMB2 Combination -149,631,009,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
2 0 DEAD LinStatic -182,998,739,491,689 -136,111,506,658,643
2 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -182,253,779,491,689 -136,111,506,658,643
2 3 DEAD LinStatic -181,508,819,491,689 -136,111,506,658,643
2 0 COMB1 Combination -369,758,300,056,156 -269,876,027,004,536
2 1,5 COMB1 Combination -367,299,932,056,156 -269,876,027,004,536
2 3 COMB1 Combination -364,841,564,056,156 -269,876,027,004,536
2 0 COMB2 Combination -363,124,982,141,987 -260,775,875,754,414
2 1,5 COMB2 Combination -359,921,654,141,987 -260,775,875,754,414
2 3 COMB2 Combination -356,718,326,141,987 -260,775,875,754,414
3 0 DEAD LinStatic -773,636,064,341,945 -880,164,742,551,586
3 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -766,186,464,341,945 -880,164,742,551,586
3 3 DEAD LinStatic -758,736,864,341,945 -880,164,742,551,586
3 0 COMB1 Combination -157,712,107,067,414 -175,608,753,535,715
3 1,5 COMB1 Combination -155,253,739,067,414 -175,608,753,535,715
3 3 COMB1 Combination -152,795,371,067,414 -175,608,753,535,715
3 0 COMB2 Combination -156,037,665,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
3 1,5 COMB2 Combination -152,834,337,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
3 3 COMB2 Combination -149,631,009,334,567 -170,609,773,843,617
4 0 DEAD LinStatic -173,803,568,718,327 189,931,387,298,707
4 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -173,058,608,718,327 189,931,387,298,707
4 3 DEAD LinStatic -172,313,648,718,327 189,931,387,298,707
4 0 COMB1 Combination -350,095,791,681,538 378,949,184,920,109
4 1,5 COMB1 Combination -347,637,423,681,538 378,949,184,920,109
4 3 COMB1 Combination -345,179,055,681,538 378,949,184,920,109
4 0 COMB2 Combination -342,918,479,914,606 368,163,295,109,468
4 1,5 COMB2 Combination -339,715,151,914,606 368,163,295,109,468
4 3 COMB2 Combination -336,511,823,914,606 368,163,295,109,468
5 0 DEAD LinStatic -39,425,873,882,847 2,885,616,199,954
5 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -39,351,377,882,847 2,885,616,199,954
5 3 DEAD LinStatic -39,276,881,882,847 2,885,616,199,954
5 0 COMB1 Combination -789,190,270,246,336 572,103,349,321,544
5 1,5 COMB1 Combination -786,731,902,246,336 572,103,349,321,544
5 3 COMB1 Combination -784,273,534,246,336 572,103,349,321,544
5 0 COMB2 Combination -768,881,821,860,044 552,774,889,374,787
5 1,5 COMB2 Combination -765,678,493,860,044 552,774,889,374,787
5 3 COMB2 Combination -762,475,165,860,045 552,774,889,374,787
6 0 DEAD LinStatic -173,803,568,718,328 189,931,387,298,708
6 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -173,058,608,718,328 189,931,387,298,708
6 3 DEAD LinStatic -172,313,648,718,328 189,931,387,298,708
6 0 COMB1 Combination -350,095,791,681,538 37,894,918,492,011
6 1,5 COMB1 Combination -347,637,423,681,538 37,894,918,492,011
6 3 COMB1 Combination -345,179,055,681,538 37,894,918,492,011
6 0 COMB2 Combination -342,918,479,914,606 368,163,295,109,469
6 1,5 COMB2 Combination -339,715,151,914,606 368,163,295,109,469
6 3 COMB2 Combination -336,511,823,914,606 368,163,295,109,469
7 0 DEAD LinStatic -173,803,568,718,327 -189,931,387,298,708
7 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -173,058,608,718,327 -189,931,387,298,708
7 3 DEAD LinStatic -172,313,648,718,327 -189,931,387,298,708
7 0 COMB1 Combination -350,095,791,681,537 -37,894,918,492,011
7 1,5 COMB1 Combination -347,637,423,681,537 -37,894,918,492,011
7 3 COMB1 Combination -345,179,055,681,537 -37,894,918,492,011
7 0 COMB2 Combination -342,918,479,914,605 -368,163,295,109,469
7 1,5 COMB2 Combination -339,715,151,914,605 -368,163,295,109,469
7 3 COMB2 Combination -336,511,823,914,605 -368,163,295,109,469
8 0 DEAD LinStatic -39,425,873,882,847 -288,561,619,995,399
8 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -39,351,377,882,847 -288,561,619,995,399
8 3 DEAD LinStatic -39,276,881,882,847 -288,561,619,995,399
8 0 COMB1 Combination -789,190,270,246,336 -572,103,349,321,543
8 1,5 COMB1 Combination -786,731,902,246,336 -572,103,349,321,543
8 3 COMB1 Combination -784,273,534,246,336 -572,103,349,321,543
8 0 COMB2 Combination -768,881,821,860,044 -552,774,889,374,786
8 1,5 COMB2 Combination -765,678,493,860,044 -552,774,889,374,786
8 3 COMB2 Combination -762,475,165,860,044 -552,774,889,374,786
9 0 DEAD LinStatic -173,803,568,718,328 -189,931,387,298,707
9 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -173,058,608,718,328 -189,931,387,298,707
9 3 DEAD LinStatic -172,313,648,718,328 -189,931,387,298,707
9 0 COMB1 Combination -350,095,791,681,538 -37,894,918,492,011
9 1,5 COMB1 Combination -347,637,423,681,538 -37,894,918,492,011
9 3 COMB1 Combination -345,179,055,681,538 -37,894,918,492,011
9 0 COMB2 Combination -342,918,479,914,606 -368,163,295,109,468
9 1,5 COMB2 Combination -339,715,151,914,607 -368,163,295,109,468
9 3 COMB2 Combination -336,511,823,914,606 -368,163,295,109,468
10 0 DEAD LinStatic -773,636,064,341,944 880,164,742,551,587
10 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -766,186,464,341,944 880,164,742,551,587
10 3 DEAD LinStatic -758,736,864,341,944 880,164,742,551,587
10 0 COMB1 Combination -157,712,107,067,413 175,608,753,535,716
10 1,5 COMB1 Combination -155,253,739,067,413 175,608,753,535,716
10 3 COMB1 Combination -152,795,371,067,413 175,608,753,535,716
10 0 COMB2 Combination -156,037,665,334,567 170,609,773,843,617
10 1,5 COMB2 Combination -152,834,337,334,567 170,609,773,843,617
10 3 COMB2 Combination -149,631,009,334,567 170,609,773,843,617
11 0 DEAD LinStatic -182,998,739,491,689 136,111,506,658,643
11 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -182,253,779,491,689 136,111,506,658,643
11 3 DEAD LinStatic -181,508,819,491,689 136,111,506,658,643
11 0 COMB1 Combination -369,758,300,056,157 269,876,027,004,536
11 1,5 COMB1 Combination -367,299,932,056,157 269,876,027,004,536
11 3 COMB1 Combination -364,841,564,056,157 269,876,027,004,536
11 0 COMB2 Combination -363,124,982,141,987 260,775,875,754,414
11 1,5 COMB2 Combination -359,921,654,141,987 260,775,875,754,414
11 3 COMB2 Combination -356,718,326,141,987 260,775,875,754,414
12 0 DEAD LinStatic -773,636,064,341,945 880,164,742,551,585
12 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -766,186,464,341,945 880,164,742,551,585
12 3 DEAD LinStatic -758,736,864,341,945 880,164,742,551,585
12 0 COMB1 Combination -157,712,107,067,414 175,608,753,535,715
12 1,5 COMB1 Combination -155,253,739,067,414 175,608,753,535,715
12 3 COMB1 Combination -152,795,371,067,414 175,608,753,535,715
12 0 COMB2 Combination -156,037,665,334,567 170,609,773,843,616
12 1,5 COMB2 Combination -152,834,337,334,567 170,609,773,843,616
12 3 COMB2 Combination -149,631,009,334,567 170,609,773,843,616
13 0 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -461,622,134,721,269
13 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -458,846,102,721,269
13 1 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -456,070,070,721,269
13 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -453,294,038,721,269
13 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 638,128,035,913,321
13 2 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 665,888,355,913,321
13 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 693,648,675,913,321
13 3 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 721,408,995,913,321
13 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 749,169,315,913,321
13 4 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 776,929,635,913,321
13 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 804,689,955,913,321
13 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 597,575,837,903,934
13 5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 600,351,869,903,934
13 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 603,127,901,903,934
13 6 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 605,903,933,903,934
13 0 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -923,438,921,995,955
13 0,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -914,278,016,395,955
13 1 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -905,117,110,795,955
13 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -895,956,205,195,955
13 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 116,452,041,104,243
13 2 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 125,612,946,704,243
13 2,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 134,773,852,304,243
13 3 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 143,934,757,904,243
13 3,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 153,095,663,504,243
13 4 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 162,256,569,104,243
13 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 171,417,474,704,243
13 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 118,382,572,100,444
13 5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 119,298,662,660,444
13 5,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 120,214,753,220,444
13 6 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 121,130,843,780,444
13 0 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -899,180,197,103,548
13 0,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -887,243,259,503,548
13 1 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -875,306,321,903,548
13 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -863,369,384,303,548
13 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 104,027,153,346,641
13 2 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 115,964,090,946,641
13 2,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 127,901,028,546,641
13 3 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 139,837,966,146,641
13 3,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 151,774,903,746,641
13 4 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 163,711,841,346,641
13 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 175,648,778,946,641
13 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 114,304,531,659,683
13 5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 115,498,225,419,683
13 5,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 116,691,919,179,683
13 6 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 117,885,612,939,683
14 0 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -533,763,034,312,601
14 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -530,987,002,312,601
14 1 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -528,210,970,312,601
14 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -525,434,938,312,601
14 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -0,832809600000001
14 2 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -0,555206400000001
14 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -0,277603200000001
14 3 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -9.44E-02
14 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 0,277603199999999
14 4 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 0,555206399999999
14 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 0,832809599999999
14 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 525,434,938,312,601
14 5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 528,210,970,312,601
14 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 530,987,002,312,601
14 6 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 533,763,034,312,601
14 0 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,673,736,799,002
14 0,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,582,127,743,002
14 1 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,490,518,687,002
14 1,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,398,909,631,002
14 1,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -274,827,168,000,001
14 2 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -183,218,112,000,001
14 2,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -0,916090560000014
14 3 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -1.40E+00
14 3,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 0,916090559999985
14 4 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 183,218,111,999,999
14 4,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 274,827,167,999,999
14 4,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,398,909,631,002
14 5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,490,518,687,002
14 5,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,582,127,743,002
14 6 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,673,736,799,002
14 0 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,576 -103,901,816,325,019
14 0,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,576 -102,708,122,565,019
14 1 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,576 -101,514,428,805,019
14 1,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,576 -100,320,735,045,019
14 1,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -358,108,128,000,001
14 2 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -238,738,752,000,001
14 2,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -119,369,376,000,001
14 3 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -1.07E+00
14 3,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 119,369,375,999,999
14 4 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 238,738,751,999,999
14 4,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 358,108,127,999,999
14 4,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 100,320,735,045,019
14 5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 101,514,428,805,019
14 5,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 102,708,122,565,019
14 6 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 103,901,816,325,019
15 0 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -605,903,933,903,934
15 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -603,127,901,903,934
15 1 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -600,351,869,903,933
15 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -597,575,837,903,933
15 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -804,689,955,913,322
15 2 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -776,929,635,913,322
15 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -749,169,315,913,322
15 3 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -721,408,995,913,322
15 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -693,648,675,913,322
15 4 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -665,888,355,913,322
15 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 -638,128,035,913,322
15 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 453,294,038,721,269
15 5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 456,070,070,721,269
15 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 458,846,102,721,269
15 6 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 461,622,134,721,269
15 0 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -121,130,843,780,444
15 0,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -120,214,753,220,444
15 1 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -119,298,662,660,444
15 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -118,382,572,100,444
15 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -171,417,474,704,243
15 2 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -162,256,569,104,243
15 2,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -153,095,663,504,243
15 3 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -143,934,757,904,243
15 3,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -134,773,852,304,243
15 4 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -125,612,946,704,243
15 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -116,452,041,104,243
15 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 895,956,205,195,954
15 5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 905,117,110,795,954
15 5,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 914,278,016,395,954
15 6 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 923,438,921,995,954
15 0 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -117,885,612,939,683
15 0,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -116,691,919,179,683
15 1 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -115,498,225,419,683
15 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -114,304,531,659,683
15 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -175,648,778,946,641
15 2 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -163,711,841,346,641
15 2,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -151,774,903,746,641
15 3 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -139,837,966,146,641
15 3,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -127,901,028,546,641
15 4 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -115,964,090,946,641
15 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -104,027,153,346,641
15 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 863,369,384,303,547
15 5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 875,306,321,903,547
15 5,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 887,243,259,503,547
15 6 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 899,180,197,103,547
16 0 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -710,929,547,407,927
16 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -708,153,515,407,927
16 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -705,377,483,407,927
16 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -702,601,451,407,927
16 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 102,176,089,967,231
16 2 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 104,952,121,967,231
16 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 107,728,153,967,231
16 3 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 110,504,185,967,231
16 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 113,280,217,967,231
16 4 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 116,056,249,967,231
16 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 118,832,281,967,231
16 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 923,609,823,342,388
16 5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 926,385,855,342,388
16 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 929,161,887,342,388
16 6 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 931,937,919,342,388
16 0 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -141,201,350,267,287
16 0,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -140,285,259,707,287
16 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -139,369,169,147,287
16 1,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -138,453,078,587,287
16 1,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 191,610,582,149,662
16 2 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 200,771,487,749,662
16 2,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 209,932,393,349,662
16 3 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 219,093,298,949,662
16 3,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 228,254,204,549,662
16 4 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 237,415,110,149,662
16 4,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 246,576,015,749,662
16 4,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 182,271,738,377,219
16 5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 183,187,828,937,219
16 5,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 184,103,919,497,219
16 6 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 185,020,010,057,219
16 0 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -13,664,365,015,702
16 0,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -13,544,995,639,702
16 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -13,425,626,263,702
16 1,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -13,306,256,887,702
16 1,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 175,886,585,796,764
16 2 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 187,823,523,396,764
16 2,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 199,760,460,996,764
16 3 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 211,697,398,596,764
16 3,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 223,634,336,196,764
16 4 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 235,571,273,796,764
16 4,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 247,508,211,396,764
16 4,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 175,402,048,596,372
16 5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 176,595,742,356,372
16 5,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 177,789,436,116,372
16 6 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 178,983,129,876,372
17 0 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -821,433,733,375,157
17 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -818,657,701,375,157
17 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -815,881,669,375,157
17 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -813,105,637,375,157
17 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -0,832809600000083
17 2 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -0,555206400000083
17 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -0,277603200000083
17 3 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -8.29E+00
17 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 0,277603199999917
17 4 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 0,555206399999917
17 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 0,832809599999917
17 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 813,105,637,375,157
17 5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 815,881,669,375,157
17 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 818,657,701,375,157
17 6 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 821,433,733,375,157
17 0 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -163,110,680,162,253
17 0,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -162,194,589,602,253
17 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -161,278,499,042,253
17 1,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -160,362,408,482,253
17 1,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -274,827,168,000,016
17 2 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -183,218,112,000,016
17 2,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -0,916090560000156
17 3 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -1.56E+01
17 3,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 0,916090559999843
17 4 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 183,218,111,999,984
17 4,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 274,827,167,999,984
17 4,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 160,362,408,482,253
17 5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 161,278,499,042,253
17 5,5 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 162,194,589,602,253
17 6 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 163,110,680,162,253
17 0 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -157,813,390,016,696
17 0,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -156,619,696,256,696
17 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -155,426,002,496,696
17 1,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -154,232,308,736,696
17 1,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -358,108,128,000,015
17 2 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -238,738,752,000,015
17 2,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -119,369,376,000,015
17 3 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -1.51E+01
17 3,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 119,369,375,999,985
17 4 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 238,738,751,999,985
17 4,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 358,108,127,999,985
17 4,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 154,232,308,736,696
17 5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 155,426,002,496,696
17 5,5 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 156,619,696,256,696
17 6 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 157,813,390,016,696
18 0 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -93,193,791,934,239
18 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -92,916,188,734,239
18 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -92,638,585,534,239
18 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -92,360,982,334,239
18 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -118,832,281,967,232
18 2 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -116,056,249,967,232
18 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -113,280,217,967,232
18 3 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -110,504,185,967,232
18 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -107,728,153,967,232
18 4 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -104,952,121,967,232
18 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -102,176,089,967,232
18 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 702,601,451,407,926
18 5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 705,377,483,407,926
18 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 708,153,515,407,926
18 6 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 710,929,547,407,926
18 0 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -185,020,010,057,219
18 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -184,103,919,497,219
18 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -183,187,828,937,219
18 1,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -182,271,738,377,219
18 1,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -246,576,015,749,664
18 2 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -237,415,110,149,664
18 2,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -228,254,204,549,664
18 3 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -219,093,298,949,664
18 3,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -209,932,393,349,664
18 4 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -200,771,487,749,664
18 4,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -191,610,582,149,664
18 4,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 138,453,078,587,287
18 5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 139,369,169,147,287
18 5,5 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 140,285,259,707,287
18 6 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 141,201,350,267,287
18 0 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -178,983,129,876,373
18 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -177,789,436,116,373
18 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -176,595,742,356,373
18 1,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -175,402,048,596,373
18 1,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -247,508,211,396,766
18 2 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -235,571,273,796,766
18 2,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -223,634,336,196,766
18 3 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -211,697,398,596,766
18 3,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -199,760,460,996,766
18 4 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -187,823,523,396,766
18 4,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -175,886,585,796,766
18 4,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 133,062,568,877,019
18 5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 134,256,262,637,019
18 5,5 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 135,449,956,397,019
18 6 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 136,643,650,157,019
19 0 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -461,622,134,721,269
19 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -458,846,102,721,269
19 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -456,070,070,721,269
19 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -453,294,038,721,269
19 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 638,128,035,913,316
19 2 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 665,888,355,913,316
19 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 693,648,675,913,316
19 3 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 721,408,995,913,316
19 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 749,169,315,913,316
19 4 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 776,929,635,913,316
19 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 804,689,955,913,316
19 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 597,575,837,903,933
19 5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 600,351,869,903,933
19 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 603,127,901,903,933
19 6 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 605,903,933,903,933
19 0 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -923,438,921,995,954
19 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -914,278,016,395,954
19 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -905,117,110,795,954
19 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -895,956,205,195,954
19 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 116,452,041,104,242
19 2 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 125,612,946,704,242
19 2,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 134,773,852,304,242
19 3 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 143,934,757,904,242
19 3,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 153,095,663,504,242
19 4 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 162,256,569,104,242
19 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 171,417,474,704,242
19 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 118,382,572,100,444
19 5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 119,298,662,660,444
19 5,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 120,214,753,220,444
19 6 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 121,130,843,780,444
19 0 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -899,180,197,103,548
19 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -887,243,259,503,547
19 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -875,306,321,903,548
19 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -863,369,384,303,547
19 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 10,402,715,334,664
19 2 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 11,596,409,094,664
19 2,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 12,790,102,854,664
19 3 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 13,983,796,614,664
19 3,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 15,177,490,374,664
19 4 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 16,371,184,134,664
19 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 17,564,877,894,664
19 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 114,304,531,659,683
19 5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 115,498,225,419,683
19 5,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 116,691,919,179,683
19 6 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 117,885,612,939,683
20 0 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -533,763,034,312,602
20 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -530,987,002,312,602
20 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -528,210,970,312,602
20 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -525,434,938,312,602
20 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -0,832809600000051
20 2 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -0,555206400000051
20 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -0,277603200000051
20 3 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -5.07E+00
20 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 0,277603199999949
20 4 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 0,555206399999949
20 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 0,832809599999949
20 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 525,434,938,312,601
20 5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 528,210,970,312,601
20 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 530,987,002,312,601
20 6 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 533,763,034,312,601
20 0 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,673,736,799,002
20 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,582,127,743,002
20 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,490,518,687,002
20 1,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -10,398,909,631,002
20 1,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -27,482,716,800,001
20 2 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -18,321,811,200,001
20 2,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -0,9160905600001
20 3 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -9.98E+00
20 3,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 0,9160905599999
20 4 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 18,321,811,199,999
20 4,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 27,482,716,799,999
20 4,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,398,909,631,002
20 5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,490,518,687,002
20 5,5 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,582,127,743,002
20 6 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 10,673,736,799,002
20 0 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -103,901,816,325,019
20 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -102,708,122,565,019
20 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -101,514,428,805,019
20 1,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -100,320,735,045,019
20 1,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -35,810,812,800,001
20 2 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -23,873,875,200,001
20 2,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -11,936,937,600,001
20 3 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -9.79E+00
20 3,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 11,936,937,599,999
20 4 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 23,873,875,199,999
20 4,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 35,810,812,799,999
20 4,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 100,320,735,045,019
20 5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 101,514,428,805,019
20 5,5 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 102,708,122,565,019
20 6 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 103,901,816,325,019
21 0 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -605,903,933,903,934
21 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -603,127,901,903,934
21 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -600,351,869,903,933
21 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -597,575,837,903,933
21 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -804,689,955,913,329
21 2 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -776,929,635,913,329
21 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -749,169,315,913,329
21 3 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -721,408,995,913,329
21 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -693,648,675,913,329
21 4 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -665,888,355,913,329
21 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -638,128,035,913,329
21 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,417 453,294,038,721,268
21 5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,417 456,070,070,721,268
21 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,417 458,846,102,721,268
21 6 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,417 461,622,134,721,268
21 0 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -121,130,843,780,444
21 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -120,214,753,220,444
21 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -119,298,662,660,444
21 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -118,382,572,100,444
21 1,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -171,417,474,704,244
21 2 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -162,256,569,104,244
21 2,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -153,095,663,504,244
21 3 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -143,934,757,904,244
21 3,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -134,773,852,304,244
21 4 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -125,612,946,704,244
21 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -116,452,041,104,244
21 4,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 895,956,205,195,952
21 5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 905,117,110,795,952
21 5,5 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 914,278,016,395,952
21 6 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 923,438,921,995,952
21 0 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -117,885,612,939,683
21 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -116,691,919,179,683
21 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -115,498,225,419,683
21 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -114,304,531,659,683
21 1,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -175,648,778,946,642
21 2 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -163,711,841,346,642
21 2,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -151,774,903,746,642
21 3 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -139,837,966,146,642
21 3,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -127,901,028,546,642
21 4 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -115,964,090,946,642
21 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -104,027,153,346,642
21 4,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 863,369,384,303,545
21 5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 875,306,321,903,545
21 5,5 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 887,243,259,503,545
21 6 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 899,180,197,103,545
22 0 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -297,114,729,620,675
22 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -294,338,697,620,675
22 1 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -291,562,665,620,675
22 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -288,786,633,620,675
22 2 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -286,010,601,620,675
22 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 -283,234,569,620,675
22 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 538,199,163,754,482
22 3 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 540,975,195,754,482
22 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 543,751,227,754,482
22 4 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 546,527,259,754,482
22 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 549,303,291,754,482
22 5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 552,079,323,754,482
22 0 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -60,451,478,867,818
22 0,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -59,535,388,307,818
22 1 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -58,619,297,747,818
22 1,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -57,703,207,187,818
22 2 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -56,787,116,627,818
22 2,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,471 -55,871,026,067,818
22 2,5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 107,239,654,094,435
22 3 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 108,155,744,654,435
22 3,5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 109,071,835,214,435
22 4 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 109,987,925,774,435
22 4,5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 110,904,016,334,435
22 5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 111,820,106,894,435
22 0 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -597,129,896,242,122
22 0,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -585,192,958,642,122
22 1 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -573,256,021,042,122
22 1,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -561,319,083,442,122
22 2 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -549,382,145,842,122
22 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,904 -537,445,208,242,122
22 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 104,068,869,192,484
22 3 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 105,262,562,952,484
22 3,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 106,456,256,712,484
22 4 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 107,649,950,472,484
22 4,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 108,843,644,232,484
22 5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,827 110,037,337,992,484
23 0 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -552,079,323,754,482
23 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -549,303,291,754,482
23 1 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -546,527,259,754,482
23 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -543,751,227,754,482
23 2 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -540,975,195,754,482
23 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,663 -538,199,163,754,482
23 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 283,234,569,620,675
23 3 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 286,010,601,620,675
23 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 288,786,633,620,675
23 4 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 291,562,665,620,675
23 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 294,338,697,620,675
23 5 DEAD LinStatic -3,036,371,897,916 297,114,729,620,675
23 0 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -111,820,106,894,435
23 0,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -110,904,016,334,435
23 1 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -109,987,925,774,435
23 1,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -109,071,835,214,435
23 2 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -108,155,744,654,435
23 2,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,389 -107,239,654,094,435
23 2,5 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 55,871,026,067,818
23 3 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 56,787,116,627,818
23 3,5 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 57,703,207,187,818
23 4 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 58,619,297,747,818
23 4,5 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 59,535,388,307,818
23 5 COMB1 Combination -61,172,904,017,547 60,451,478,867,818
23 0 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -110,037,337,992,484
23 0,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -108,843,644,232,484
23 1 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -107,649,950,472,484
23 1,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -106,456,256,712,484
23 2 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -105,262,562,952,484
23 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,826 -104,068,869,192,484
23 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 537,445,208,242,122
23 3 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 549,382,145,842,122
23 3,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 561,319,083,442,122
23 4 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 573,256,021,042,122
23 4,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 585,192,958,642,122
23 5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,903 597,129,896,242,122
24 0 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -583,469,518,966,738
24 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -580,693,486,966,738
24 1 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -577,917,454,966,738
24 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -575,141,422,966,738
24 2 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -572,365,390,966,738
24 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 -569,589,358,966,738
24 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,327,810,778,358
24 3 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,605,413,978,358
24 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,883,017,178,358
24 4 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,160,620,378,358
24 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,438,223,578,358
24 5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,715,826,778,358
24 0 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -117,310,843,911,074
24 0,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -116,394,753,351,074
24 1 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -115,478,662,791,074
24 1,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -114,562,572,231,074
24 2 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -113,646,481,671,074
24 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -112,730,391,111,074
24 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 213,490,969,213,432
24 3 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 214,407,059,773,432
24 3,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 215,323,150,333,432
24 4 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 216,239,240,893,432
24 4,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 217,155,331,453,432
24 5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 218,071,422,013,432
24 0 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -114,724,394,649,904
24 0,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -113,530,700,889,904
24 1 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -112,337,007,129,904
24 1,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -111,143,313,369,904
24 2 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -109,949,619,609,904
24 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -108,755,925,849,904
24 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 206,870,854,183,488
24 3 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 208,064,547,943,488
24 3,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 209,258,241,703,488
24 4 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 210,451,935,463,488
24 4,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 211,645,629,223,488
24 5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 212,839,322,983,488
25 0 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -108,715,826,778,358
25 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -108,438,223,578,358
25 1 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -108,160,620,378,358
25 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -107,883,017,178,358
25 2 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -107,605,413,978,358
25 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,839 -107,327,810,778,358
25 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 569,589,358,966,742
25 3 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 572,365,390,966,742
25 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 575,141,422,966,742
25 4 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 577,917,454,966,742
25 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 580,693,486,966,742
25 5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,252 583,469,518,966,742
25 0 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -218,071,422,013,432
25 0,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -217,155,331,453,432
25 1 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -216,239,240,893,432
25 1,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -215,323,150,333,432
25 2 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -214,407,059,773,432
25 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -213,490,969,213,432
25 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 112,730,391,111,074
25 3 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 113,646,481,671,074
25 3,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 114,562,572,231,074
25 4 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 115,478,662,791,074
25 4,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 116,394,753,351,074
25 5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 117,310,843,911,074
25 0 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -212,839,322,983,488
25 0,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -211,645,629,223,488
25 1 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -210,451,935,463,488
25 1,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -209,258,241,703,488
25 2 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -208,064,547,943,488
25 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -206,870,854,183,488
25 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 108,755,925,849,905
25 3 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 109,949,619,609,905
25 3,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 111,143,313,369,905
25 4 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 112,337,007,129,905
25 4,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 113,530,700,889,905
25 5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 114,724,394,649,905
26 0 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -583,469,518,966,736
26 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -580,693,486,966,736
26 1 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -577,917,454,966,736
26 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -575,141,422,966,736
26 2 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -572,365,390,966,736
26 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,253 -569,589,358,966,736
26 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,327,810,778,358
26 3 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,605,413,978,358
26 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 107,883,017,178,358
26 4 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,160,620,378,358
26 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,438,223,578,358
26 5 DEAD LinStatic -60,081,774,209,284 108,715,826,778,358
26 0 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -117,310,843,911,073
26 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -116,394,753,351,073
26 1 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -115,478,662,791,073
26 1,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -114,562,572,231,073
26 2 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -113,646,481,671,073
26 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 -112,730,391,111,073
26 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 213,490,969,213,433
26 3 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 214,407,059,773,433
26 3,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 215,323,150,333,433
26 4 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 216,239,240,893,433
26 4,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 217,155,331,453,433
26 5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 218,071,422,013,433
26 0 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -114,724,394,649,904
26 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -113,530,700,889,904
26 1 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -112,337,007,129,904
26 1,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -111,143,313,369,904
26 2 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -109,949,619,609,904
26 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,865 -108,755,925,849,904
26 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 206,870,854,183,488
26 3 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 208,064,547,943,488
26 3,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 209,258,241,703,488
26 4 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 210,451,935,463,488
26 4,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 211,645,629,223,489
26 5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 212,839,322,983,489
27 0 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -108,715,826,778,357
27 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -108,438,223,578,357
27 1 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -108,160,620,378,357
27 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -107,883,017,178,357
27 2 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -107,605,413,978,357
27 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -600,817,742,092,838 -107,327,810,778,357
27 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 569,589,358,966,742
27 3 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 572,365,390,966,742
27 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 575,141,422,966,742
27 4 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 577,917,454,966,742
27 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 580,693,486,966,742
27 5 DEAD LinStatic -601,364,818,058,251 583,469,518,966,742
27 0 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -218,071,422,013,432
27 0,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -217,155,331,453,432
27 1 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -216,239,240,893,432
27 1,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -215,323,150,333,432
27 2 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -214,407,059,773,432
27 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,171,538,298,475 -213,490,969,213,432
27 2,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 112,730,391,111,075
27 3 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 113,646,481,671,075
27 3,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 114,562,572,231,075
27 4 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 115,478,662,791,075
27 4,5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 116,394,753,351,075
27 5 COMB1 Combination -120,280,867,847,473 117,310,843,911,075
27 0 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -212,839,322,983,487
27 0,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -211,645,629,223,487
27 1 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -210,451,935,463,487
27 1,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -209,258,241,703,487
27 2 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -208,064,547,943,487
27 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,000,130,474,437 -206,870,854,183,487
27 2,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 108,755,925,849,905
27 3 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 109,949,619,609,905
27 3,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 111,143,313,369,905
27 4 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 112,337,007,129,905
27 4,5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 113,530,700,889,905
27 5 COMB2 Combination -117,106,497,033,864 114,724,394,649,905
28 0 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -297,114,729,620,675
28 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -294,338,697,620,675
28 1 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -291,562,665,620,675
28 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -288,786,633,620,674
28 2 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -286,010,601,620,674
28 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 -283,234,569,620,674
28 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 538,199,163,754,484
28 3 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 540,975,195,754,484
28 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 543,751,227,754,484
28 4 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 546,527,259,754,484
28 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 549,303,291,754,484
28 5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,665 552,079,323,754,484
28 0 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -604,514,788,678,179
28 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -595,353,883,078,179
28 1 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -586,192,977,478,179
28 1,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -577,032,071,878,179
28 2 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -567,871,166,278,179
28 2,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 -558,710,260,678,179
28 2,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 107,239,654,094,435
28 3 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 108,155,744,654,435
28 3,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 109,071,835,214,435
28 4 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 109,987,925,774,435
28 4,5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 110,904,016,334,435
28 5 COMB1 Combination -611,613,339,683,393 111,820,106,894,435
28 0 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -597,129,896,242,121
28 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -585,192,958,642,121
28 1 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -573,256,021,042,121
28 1,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -561,319,083,442,121
28 2 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -549,382,145,842,121
28 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 -537,445,208,242,121
28 2,5 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 104,068,869,192,484
28 3 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 105,262,562,952,484
28 3,5 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 106,456,256,712,484
28 4 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 107,649,950,472,484
28 4,5 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 108,843,644,232,484
28 5 COMB2 Combination -59,916,177,977,683 110,037,337,992,484
29 0 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -552,079,323,754,482
29 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -549,303,291,754,482
29 1 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -546,527,259,754,481
29 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -543,751,227,754,481
29 2 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -540,975,195,754,481
29 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,580,761,055,664 -538,199,163,754,481
29 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 283,234,569,620,677
29 3 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 286,010,601,620,677
29 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 288,786,633,620,677
29 4 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 291,562,665,620,677
29 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 294,338,697,620,677
29 5 DEAD LinStatic -303,637,189,791,601 297,114,729,620,677
29 0 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -111,820,106,894,435
29 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -110,904,016,334,435
29 1 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -109,987,925,774,435
29 1,5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -109,071,835,214,435
29 2 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -108,155,744,654,435
29 2,5 COMB1 Combination -61,161,333,968,339 -107,239,654,094,435
29 2,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 558,710,260,678,183
29 3 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 567,871,166,278,183
29 3,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 577,032,071,878,183
29 4 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 586,192,977,478,183
29 4,5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 595,353,883,078,183
29 5 COMB1 Combination -611,729,040,175,473 604,514,788,678,183
29 0 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -110,037,337,992,484
29 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -108,843,644,232,484
29 1 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -107,649,950,472,484
29 1,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -106,456,256,712,484
29 2 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -105,262,562,952,484
29 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,161,779,776,828 -104,068,869,192,484
29 2,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 537,445,208,242,125
29 3 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 549,382,145,842,125
29 3,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 561,319,083,442,125
29 4 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 573,256,021,042,125
29 4,5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 585,192,958,642,125
29 5 COMB2 Combination -599,276,798,219,906 597,129,896,242,125
30 0 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -821,433,733,375,158
30 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -818,657,701,375,158
30 1 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -815,881,669,375,158
30 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -813,105,637,375,158
30 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,832809600000019
30 2 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,555206400000019
30 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,277603200000019
30 3 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -1.87E+00
30 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,277603199999981
30 4 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,555206399999981
30 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,832809599999981
30 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 813,105,637,375,158
30 5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 815,881,669,375,158
30 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 818,657,701,375,158
30 6 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 821,433,733,375,158
30 0 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -163,110,680,162,253
30 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -162,194,589,602,253
30 1 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -161,278,499,042,253
30 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -160,362,408,482,253
30 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -274,827,168,000,005
30 2 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -183,218,112,000,005
30 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -0,916090560000051
30 3 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -5.11E+00
30 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 0,916090559999948
30 4 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 183,218,111,999,995
30 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 274,827,167,999,995
30 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 160,362,408,482,253
30 5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 161,278,499,042,253
30 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 162,194,589,602,253
30 6 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 163,110,680,162,253
30 0 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 -157,813,390,016,696
30 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 -156,619,696,256,696
30 1 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 -155,426,002,496,696
30 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 -154,232,308,736,696
30 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 -358,108,128,000,005
30 2 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 -238,738,752,000,005
30 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 -119,369,376,000,005
30 3 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 -4.70E-01
30 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 119,369,375,999,995
30 4 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 238,738,751,999,995
30 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 358,108,127,999,995
30 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 154,232,308,736,696
30 5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 155,426,002,496,696
30 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 156,619,696,256,696
30 6 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 157,813,390,016,696
31 0 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -821,433,733,375,158
31 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -818,657,701,375,158
31 1 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -815,881,669,375,158
31 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -813,105,637,375,158
31 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -0,832809599999962
31 2 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -0,555206399999962
31 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -0,277603199999962
31 3 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 3.81E+00
31 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 0,277603200000038
31 4 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 0,555206400000038
31 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 0,832809600000038
31 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 813,105,637,375,158
31 5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 815,881,669,375,158
31 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 818,657,701,375,158
31 6 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 821,433,733,375,158
31 0 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -163,110,680,162,253
31 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -162,194,589,602,253
31 1 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -161,278,499,042,253
31 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -160,362,408,482,253
31 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -274,827,167,999,998
31 2 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -183,218,111,999,998
31 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -0,916090559999983
31 3 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 1.71E+00
31 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 0,916090560000016
31 4 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 183,218,112,000,002
31 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 274,827,168,000,002
31 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 160,362,408,482,253
31 5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 161,278,499,042,253
31 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 162,194,589,602,253
31 6 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 163,110,680,162,253
31 0 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -157,813,390,016,696
31 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -156,619,696,256,696
31 1 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -155,426,002,496,696
31 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -154,232,308,736,696
31 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -358,108,127,999,998
31 2 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -238,738,751,999,998
31 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -119,369,375,999,998
31 3 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 2.12E+00
31 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 119,369,376,000,002
31 4 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 238,738,752,000,002
31 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 358,108,128,000,002
31 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 154,232,308,736,696
31 5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 155,426,002,496,696
31 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 156,619,696,256,696
31 6 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 157,813,390,016,696
32 0 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -821,433,733,375,158
32 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -818,657,701,375,158
32 1 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -815,881,669,375,158
32 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -813,105,637,375,158
32 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,832809600000019
32 2 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,555206400000019
32 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,277603200000018
32 3 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -1.83E+00
32 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,277603199999982
32 4 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,555206399999982
32 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,832809599999982
32 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 813,105,637,375,158
32 5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 815,881,669,375,158
32 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 818,657,701,375,158
32 6 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 821,433,733,375,158
32 0 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -163,110,680,162,253
32 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -162,194,589,602,253
32 1 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -161,278,499,042,253
32 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -160,362,408,482,253
32 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -274,827,167,999,996
32 2 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -183,218,111,999,996
32 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -0,916090559999963
32 3 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 3.78E+00
32 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 0,916090560000038
32 4 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 183,218,112,000,004
32 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 274,827,168,000,004
32 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 160,362,408,482,253
32 5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 161,278,499,042,253
32 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 162,194,589,602,253
32 6 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 163,110,680,162,253
32 0 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -157,813,390,016,696
32 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -156,619,696,256,696
32 1 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -155,426,002,496,696
32 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -154,232,308,736,696
32 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -358,108,127,999,999
32 2 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -238,738,751,999,999
32 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -119,369,375,999,999
32 3 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 8.15E-01
32 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 119,369,376,000,001
32 4 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 238,738,752,000,001
32 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 358,108,128,000,001
32 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 154,232,308,736,696
32 5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 155,426,002,496,696
32 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 156,619,696,256,696
32 6 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 157,813,390,016,696
33 0 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453629 -821,433,733,375,159
33 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453629 -818,657,701,375,159
33 1 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453629 -815,881,669,375,159
33 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453629 -813,105,637,375,159
33 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,832809600000019
33 2 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,555206400000019
33 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -0,277603200000019
33 3 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -1.88E+00
33 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,277603199999982
33 4 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,555206399999981
33 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 0,832809599999982
33 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 813,105,637,375,158
33 5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 815,881,669,375,158
33 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 818,657,701,375,158
33 6 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 821,433,733,375,158
33 0 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 -163,110,680,162,253
33 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 -162,194,589,602,253
33 1 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 -161,278,499,042,253
33 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 -160,362,408,482,253
33 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 -274,827,168,000,005
33 2 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 -183,218,112,000,005
33 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 -0,916090560000051
33 3 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 -5.14E+00
33 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 0,91609055999995
33 4 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 183,218,111,999,995
33 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 274,827,167,999,995
33 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 160,362,408,482,253
33 5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 161,278,499,042,253
33 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 162,194,589,602,253
33 6 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 163,110,680,162,253
33 0 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -157,813,390,016,696
33 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -156,619,696,256,696
33 1 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -155,426,002,496,696
33 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -154,232,308,736,696
33 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -358,108,128,000,004
33 2 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -238,738,752,000,004
33 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -119,369,376,000,004
33 3 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -3.62E+00
33 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 119,369,375,999,997
33 4 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 238,738,751,999,996
33 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 358,108,127,999,997
33 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 154,232,308,736,696
33 5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 155,426,002,496,696
33 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 156,619,696,256,696
33 6 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 157,813,390,016,696
34 0 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -821,433,733,375,158
34 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -818,657,701,375,158
34 1 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -815,881,669,375,158
34 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -813,105,637,375,158
34 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -0,832809599999962
34 2 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -0,555206399999962
34 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -0,277603199999962
34 3 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 3.81E+00
34 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 0,277603200000038
34 4 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 0,555206400000038
34 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 0,832809600000038
34 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 813,105,637,375,158
34 5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 815,881,669,375,158
34 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 818,657,701,375,158
34 6 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 821,433,733,375,158
34 0 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -163,110,680,162,253
34 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -162,194,589,602,253
34 1 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -161,278,499,042,253
34 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -160,362,408,482,253
34 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -274,827,167,999,994
34 2 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -183,218,111,999,994
34 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -0,916090559999938
34 3 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 6.26E+00
34 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 0,916090560000062
34 4 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 183,218,112,000,006
34 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 274,827,168,000,006
34 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 160,362,408,482,253
34 5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 161,278,499,042,253
34 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 162,194,589,602,253
34 6 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 163,110,680,162,253
34 0 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -157,813,390,016,696
34 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -156,619,696,256,696
34 1 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -155,426,002,496,696
34 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -154,232,308,736,696
34 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -358,108,127,999,994
34 2 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -238,738,751,999,994
34 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -119,369,375,999,994
34 3 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 6.10E+00
34 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 119,369,376,000,006
34 4 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 238,738,752,000,006
34 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 358,108,128,000,006
34 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 154,232,308,736,696
34 5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 155,426,002,496,696
34 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 156,619,696,256,696
34 6 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 157,813,390,016,696
35 0 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -821,433,733,375,159
35 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -818,657,701,375,159
35 1 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -815,881,669,375,159
35 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -813,105,637,375,159
35 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -0,832809600000076
35 2 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -0,555206400000076
35 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -0,277603200000076
35 3 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -7.56E+00
35 3,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 0,277603199999924
35 4 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 0,555206399999924
35 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 0,832809599999924
35 4,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 813,105,637,375,158
35 5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 815,881,669,375,159
35 5,5 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 818,657,701,375,159
35 6 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 821,433,733,375,159
35 0 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054024 -163,110,680,162,253
35 0,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054024 -162,194,589,602,253
35 1 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054024 -161,278,499,042,253
35 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054024 -160,362,408,482,253
35 1,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -274,827,168,000,007
35 2 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -183,218,112,000,007
35 2,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -0,916090560000074
35 3 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -7.38E+00
35 3,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 0,916090559999925
35 4 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 183,218,111,999,993
35 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 274,827,167,999,993
35 4,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 160,362,408,482,253
35 5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 161,278,499,042,253
35 5,5 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 162,194,589,602,253
35 6 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 163,110,680,162,253
35 0 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -157,813,390,016,696
35 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -156,619,696,256,696
35 1 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -155,426,002,496,696
35 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -154,232,308,736,696
35 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -358,108,128,000,008
35 2 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -238,738,752,000,008
35 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -119,369,376,000,008
35 3 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -7.55E-01
35 3,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 119,369,375,999,992
35 4 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 238,738,751,999,992
35 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 358,108,127,999,992
35 4,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 154,232,308,736,696
35 5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 155,426,002,496,696
35 5,5 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 156,619,696,256,696
35 6 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 157,813,390,016,696
36 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
36 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
36 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
36 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 575,341,398,125,113
36 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 172,602,419,437,534
36 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 287,670,699,062,556
36 0 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
36 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
36 1 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -112,746,624,344,467
36 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 112,746,624,344,466
36 2 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 338,239,873,033,399
36 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 563,733,121,722,331
36 0 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
36 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
36 1 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
36 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 107,823,147,383,354
36 2 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 323,469,442,150,062
36 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 539,115,736,916,771
37 0 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
37 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
37 1 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
37 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 575,341,398,125,114
37 2 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 172,602,419,437,534
37 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 287,670,699,062,556
37 0 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
37 0,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
37 1 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
37 1,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 112,746,624,344,466
37 2 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 338,239,873,033,399
37 2,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 563,733,121,722,332
37 0 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
37 0,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
37 1 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
37 1,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 107,823,147,383,354
37 2 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 323,469,442,150,063
37 2,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 539,115,736,916,771
38 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
38 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
38 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
38 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 575,341,398,125,114
38 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 172,602,419,437,534
38 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 287,670,699,062,556
38 0 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
38 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
38 1 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
38 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 112,746,624,344,467
38 2 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 338,239,873,033,399
38 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 563,733,121,722,332
38 0 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
38 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
38 1 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
38 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 107,823,147,383,354
38 2 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 323,469,442,150,063
38 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 539,115,736,916,772
39 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
39 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
39 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
39 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 575,341,398,125,114
39 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 172,602,419,437,534
39 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 287,670,699,062,556
39 0 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
39 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
39 1 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
39 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 112,746,624,344,467
39 2 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 338,239,873,033,399
39 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 563,733,121,722,332
39 0 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
39 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
39 1 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
39 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 107,823,147,383,354
39 2 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 323,469,442,150,063
39 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 539,115,736,916,772
40 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
40 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
40 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
40 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 575,341,398,125,113
40 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 172,602,419,437,534
40 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 287,670,699,062,556
40 0 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
40 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
40 1 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -112,746,624,344,467
40 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 112,746,624,344,466
40 2 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 338,239,873,033,399
40 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 563,733,121,722,331
40 0 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
40 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
40 1 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
40 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 107,823,147,383,354
40 2 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 323,469,442,150,062
40 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 539,115,736,916,771
41 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
41 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
41 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
41 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 575,341,398,125,114
41 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 172,602,419,437,534
41 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 287,670,699,062,556
41 0 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
41 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
41 1 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
41 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 112,746,624,344,467
41 2 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 338,239,873,033,399
41 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 563,733,121,722,332
41 0 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 -539,115,736,916,771
41 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 -323,469,442,150,062
41 1 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 -107,823,147,383,354
41 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 107,823,147,383,355
41 2 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 323,469,442,150,063
41 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519831 539,115,736,916,771
42 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
42 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
42 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
42 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 575,341,398,125,113
42 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 172,602,419,437,534
42 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 287,670,699,062,556
42 0 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
42 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
42 1 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
42 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 112,746,624,344,466
42 2 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 338,239,873,033,399
42 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 563,733,121,722,332
42 0 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
42 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
42 1 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
42 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 107,823,147,383,354
42 2 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 323,469,442,150,063
42 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 539,115,736,916,771
43 0 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
43 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
43 1 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
43 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 575,341,398,125,113
43 2 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 172,602,419,437,534
43 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 287,670,699,062,556
43 0 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
43 0,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
43 1 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
43 1,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 112,746,624,344,466
43 2 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 338,239,873,033,399
43 2,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 563,733,121,722,332
43 0 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 -539,115,736,916,771
43 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 -323,469,442,150,063
43 1 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 -107,823,147,383,354
43 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 107,823,147,383,354
43 2 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 323,469,442,150,063
43 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,055797895184042 539,115,736,916,771
44 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
44 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
44 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
44 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 575,341,398,125,113
44 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 172,602,419,437,534
44 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 287,670,699,062,556
44 0 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
44 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
44 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
44 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 112,746,624,344,466
44 2 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 338,239,873,033,399
44 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 563,733,121,722,331
44 0 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 -539,115,736,916,771
44 0,5 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 -323,469,442,150,063
44 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 -107,823,147,383,354
44 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 107,823,147,383,354
44 2 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 323,469,442,150,063
44 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,069521535840511 539,115,736,916,771
45 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
45 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
45 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
45 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 575,341,398,125,113
45 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 172,602,419,437,534
45 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 287,670,699,062,556
45 0 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
45 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
45 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
45 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 112,746,624,344,466
45 2 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 338,239,873,033,399
45 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 563,733,121,722,331
45 0 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
45 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
45 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
45 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 107,823,147,383,354
45 2 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 323,469,442,150,063
45 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 539,115,736,916,771
46 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
46 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
46 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
46 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 575,341,398,125,115
46 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 172,602,419,437,534
46 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 287,670,699,062,557
46 0 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
46 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
46 1 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
46 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 112,746,624,344,467
46 2 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 338,239,873,033,399
46 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 563,733,121,722,332
46 0 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
46 0,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
46 1 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
46 1,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 107,823,147,383,355
46 2 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 323,469,442,150,063
46 2,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 539,115,736,916,772
47 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
47 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
47 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
47 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 575,341,398,125,115
47 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 172,602,419,437,534
47 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 287,670,699,062,557
47 0 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
47 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
47 1 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
47 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 112,746,624,344,467
47 2 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 338,239,873,033,399
47 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 563,733,121,722,332
47 0 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
47 0,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
47 1 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
47 1,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 107,823,147,383,355
47 2 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 323,469,442,150,063
47 2,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 539,115,736,916,772
48 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
48 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
48 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
48 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 575,341,398,125,113
48 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 172,602,419,437,534
48 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 287,670,699,062,556
48 0 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
48 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
48 1 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
48 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 112,746,624,344,466
48 2 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 338,239,873,033,399
48 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 563,733,121,722,331
48 0 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
48 0,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
48 1 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
48 1,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 107,823,147,383,354
48 2 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 323,469,442,150,063
48 2,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 539,115,736,916,771
49 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
49 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
49 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
49 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 575,341,398,125,112
49 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 172,602,419,437,534
49 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.82E+12 287,670,699,062,556
49 0 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
49 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
49 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
49 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 112,746,624,344,466
49 2 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 338,239,873,033,399
49 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.63E+12 563,733,121,722,331
49 0 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
49 0,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
49 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
49 1,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 107,823,147,383,354
49 2 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 323,469,442,150,062
49 2,5 COMB2 Combination -7.42E+12 539,115,736,916,771
50 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
50 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
50 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
50 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 575,341,398,125,114
50 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 172,602,419,437,534
50 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 287,670,699,062,556
50 0 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
50 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
50 1 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
50 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 112,746,624,344,467
50 2 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 338,239,873,033,399
50 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 563,733,121,722,332
50 0 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -539,115,736,916,772
50 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
50 1 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
50 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 107,823,147,383,355
50 2 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 323,469,442,150,063
50 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 539,115,736,916,772
51 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
51 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
51 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
51 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 575,341,398,125,115
51 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 172,602,419,437,534
51 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.57E+12 287,670,699,062,557
51 0 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
51 0,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
51 1 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
51 1,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 112,746,624,344,467
51 2 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 338,239,873,033,399
51 2,5 COMB1 Combination -7.14E+12 563,733,121,722,332
51 0 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
51 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
51 1 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
51 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 107,823,147,383,355
51 2 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 323,469,442,150,063
51 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.95E+12 539,115,736,916,772
52 0 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
52 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
52 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
52 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 575,341,398,125,112
52 2 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 172,602,419,437,534
52 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 287,670,699,062,556
52 0 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
52 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
52 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
52 1,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 112,746,624,344,466
52 2 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 338,239,873,033,399
52 2,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 563,733,121,722,331
52 0 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
52 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -323,469,442,150,062
52 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
52 1,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 107,823,147,383,354
52 2 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 323,469,442,150,062
52 2,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 53,911,573,691,677
53 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
53 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
53 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
53 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 575,341,398,125,113
53 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 172,602,419,437,534
53 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 287,670,699,062,556
53 0 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
53 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
53 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
53 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 112,746,624,344,466
53 2 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 338,239,873,033,399
53 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 563,733,121,722,331
53 0 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
53 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -323,469,442,150,062
53 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
53 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 107,823,147,383,354
53 2 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 323,469,442,150,062
53 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 539,115,736,916,771
54 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -287,670,699,062,557
54 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
54 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
54 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 575,341,398,125,114
54 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 172,602,419,437,534
54 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.29E+12 287,670,699,062,557
54 0 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
54 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
54 1 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
54 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 112,746,624,344,467
54 2 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 338,239,873,033,399
54 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 563,733,121,722,332
54 0 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -539,115,736,916,772
54 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
54 1 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
54 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 107,823,147,383,354
54 2 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 323,469,442,150,063
54 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.41E+12 539,115,736,916,772
55 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -287,670,699,062,557
55 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
55 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -575,341,398,125,112
55 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 575,341,398,125,114
55 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 172,602,419,437,534
55 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 287,670,699,062,557
55 0 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
55 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
55 1 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
55 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 112,746,624,344,467
55 2 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 338,239,873,033,399
55 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 563,733,121,722,332
55 0 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -539,115,736,916,772
55 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
55 1 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
55 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 107,823,147,383,354
55 2 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 323,469,442,150,063
55 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 539,115,736,916,772
56 0 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 -287,670,699,062,556
56 0,499999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 -172,602,419,437,534
56 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 -575,341,398,125,112
56 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 575,341,398,125,112
56 2 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 172,602,419,437,534
56 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -0,032935215568941 287,670,699,062,556
56 0 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
56 0,499999999999999 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
56 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
56 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 112,746,624,344,466
56 2 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 338,239,873,033,399
56 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.59E+12 563,733,121,722,331
56 0 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 -539,115,736,916,771
56 0,499999999999999 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 -323,469,442,150,062
56 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 -107,823,147,383,354
56 1,5 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 107,823,147,383,354
56 2 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 323,469,442,150,062
56 2,5 COMB2 Combination -0,064113941519847 539,115,736,916,771
57 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
57 0,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
57 0,999999999999999 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
57 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 575,341,398,125,113
57 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 172,602,419,437,534
57 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.14E+12 287,670,699,062,556
57 0 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -563,733,121,722,331
57 0,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
57 0,999999999999999 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
57 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 112,746,624,344,466
57 2 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 338,239,873,033,399
57 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.27E+12 563,733,121,722,331
57 0 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -539,115,736,916,771
57 0,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -323,469,442,150,062
57 0,999999999999999 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
57 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 107,823,147,383,354
57 2 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 323,469,442,150,062
57 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.10E+12 539,115,736,916,771
58 0 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
58 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
58 1 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
58 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 575,341,398,125,115
58 2 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 172,602,419,437,534
58 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -2.86E+12 287,670,699,062,557
58 0 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
58 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
58 1 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
58 1,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 112,746,624,344,467
58 2 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 3,382,398,730,334
58 2,5 COMB1 Combination -5.73E+12 563,733,121,722,333
58 0 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -539,115,736,916,772
58 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
58 1 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
58 1,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 107,823,147,383,355
58 2 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 323,469,442,150,064
58 2,5 COMB2 Combination -5.58E+12 539,115,736,916,772
59 0 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -287,670,699,062,556
59 0,500000000000001 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -172,602,419,437,534
59 1 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 -575,341,398,125,111
59 1,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 575,341,398,125,115
59 2 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 172,602,419,437,534
59 2,5 DEAD LinStatic -3.21E+12 287,670,699,062,557
59 0 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -563,733,121,722,332
59 0,500000000000001 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -338,239,873,033,399
59 1 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 -112,746,624,344,466
59 1,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 112,746,624,344,467
59 2 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 3,382,398,730,334
59 2,5 COMB1 Combination -6.40E+12 563,733,121,722,333
59 0 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -539,115,736,916,772
59 0,500000000000001 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -323,469,442,150,063
59 1 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 -107,823,147,383,354
59 1,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 107,823,147,383,355
59 2 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 323,469,442,150,064
59 2,5 COMB2 Combination -6.22E+12 539,115,736,916,772
V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem
Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m Text
-306,983,620,661,624 0 0 0 1-Jan
-306,983,620,661,624 0 460,475,430,992,437 132,024,711,382,738 1-Jan
-306,983,620,661,624 0 920,950,861,984,873 264,049,422,765,476 1-Jan
-618,410,656,107,182 0 0 -1.42E-02 1-Jan
-618,410,656,107,182 0 927,615,984,160,773 263,413,130,303,574 1-Jan
-618,410,656,107,182 0 185,523,196,832,155 526,826,260,607,148 1-Jan
-605,772,304,674,051 0 0 -8.88E-02 1-Jan
-605,772,304,674,051 0 908,658,457,011,077 255,914,660,765,425 1-Jan
-605,772,304,674,051 0 181,731,691,402,215 511,829,321,530,851 1-Jan
2.87E-01 0 0 -3.55E-02 1-Feb
2.87E-01 0 -4.30E-01 204,167,259,987,964 1-Feb
2.87E-01 0 -8.60E-01 408,334,519,975,929 1-Feb
6.34E-02 0 5.32E-17 -4.49E-01 1-Feb
6.34E-02 0 -9.51E-02 404,814,040,506,804 1-Feb
6.34E-02 0 -1.90E+00 809,628,081,013,609 1-Feb
6.26E-02 0 6.11E-17 -4.49E-01 1-Feb
6.26E-02 0 -9.39E-02 391,163,813,631,621 1-Feb
6.26E-02 0 -1.88E+00 782,327,627,263,243 1-Feb
306,983,620,661,624 0 0 0 1-Mar
306,983,620,661,624 0 -460,475,430,992,436 132,024,711,382,738 1-Mar
306,983,620,661,624 0 -920,950,861,984,872 264,049,422,765,476 1-Mar
618,410,656,107,181 0 5.55E-03 -1.42E-02 1-Mar
618,410,656,107,181 0 -927,615,984,160,772 263,413,130,303,573 1-Mar
618,410,656,107,181 0 -185,523,196,832,154 526,826,260,607,146 1-Mar
60,577,230,467,405 0 5.55E-03 -8.88E-02 1-Mar
60,577,230,467,405 0 -908,658,457,011,076 255,914,660,765,425 1-Mar
60,577,230,467,405 0 -181,731,691,402,215 51,182,932,153,085 1-Mar
-607,661,750,303,832 0 0 -4.44E-02 1-Apr
-607,661,750,303,832 0 911,492,625,455,748 -284,897,080,948,061 1-Apr
-607,661,750,303,832 0 18,229,852,509,115 -569,794,161,896,121 1-Apr
-121,540,224,083,779 0 0 -5.33E-02 1-Apr
-121,540,224,083,779 0 182,310,336,125,669 -568,423,777,380,164 1-Apr
-121,540,224,083,779 0 364,620,672,251,337 -113,684,755,476,033 1-Apr
-118,332,522,712,381 0 0 -4.44E-02 1-Apr
-118,332,522,712,381 0 177,498,784,068,571 -552,244,942,664,202 1-Apr
-118,332,522,712,381 0 354,997,568,137,142 -11,044,898,853,284 1-Apr
4.26E-01 0 3.16E-16 0 1-May
4.26E-01 0 -6.39E-01 -432,842,429,993,099 1-May
4.26E-01 0 -1.28E+00 -865,684,859,986,199 1-May
8.91E-01 0 3.79E-16 6.55E-02 1-May
8.91E-01 0 -1.34E+00 -858,155,023,982,315 1-May
8.91E-01 0 -2.67E+00 -171,631,004,796,463 1-May
9.15E-01 0 3.79E-16 5.66E-03 1-May
9.15E-01 0 -1.37E+00 -829,162,334,062,181 1-May
9.15E-01 0 -2.75E+00 -165,832,466,812,436 1-May
607,661,750,303,831 0 1.78E-01 -4.44E-02 1-Jun
607,661,750,303,831 0 -911,492,625,455,746 -284,897,080,948,062 1-Jun
607,661,750,303,831 0 -182,298,525,091,149 -569,794,161,896,123 1-Jun
121,540,224,083,779 0 3.66E-01 -5.33E-02 1-Jun
121,540,224,083,779 0 -182,310,336,125,668 -568,423,777,380,165 1-Jun
121,540,224,083,779 0 -364,620,672,251,337 -113,684,755,476,033 1-Jun
118,332,522,712,381 0 3.49E-01 -4.44E-02 1-Jun
118,332,522,712,381 0 -177,498,784,068,571 -552,244,942,664,203 1-Jun
118,332,522,712,381 0 -354,997,568,137,142 -110,448,988,532,841 1-Jun
-607,661,750,303,831 0 0 0 1-Jul
-607,661,750,303,831 0 911,492,625,455,747 284,897,080,948,062 1-Jul
-607,661,750,303,831 0 182,298,525,091,149 569,794,161,896,124 1-Jul
-121,540,224,083,779 0 -1.11E-02 -2.78E-03 1-Jul
-121,540,224,083,779 0 182,310,336,125,669 568,423,777,380,165 1-Jul
-121,540,224,083,779 0 364,620,672,251,337 113,684,755,476,033 1-Jul
-118,332,522,712,381 0 -4.66E-02 -1.17E-02 1-Jul
-118,332,522,712,381 0 177,498,784,068,571 552,244,942,664,203 1-Jul
-118,332,522,712,381 0 354,997,568,137,142 110,448,988,532,841 1-Jul
4.91E-01 0 0 8.88E-02 1-Aug
4.91E-01 0 -7.36E-01 432,842,429,993,098 1-Aug
4.91E-01 0 -1.47E+00 865,684,859,986,197 1-Aug
9.32E-01 0 -4.65E-16 3.55E-03 1-Aug
9.32E-01 0 -1.40E+00 858,155,023,982,314 1-Aug
9.32E-01 0 -2.80E+00 171,631,004,796,463 1-Aug
9.17E-01 0 -2.76E-16 6.22E-02 1-Aug
9.17E-01 0 -1.38E+00 82,916,233,406,218 1-Aug
9.17E-01 0 -2.75E+00 165,832,466,812,436 1-Aug
607,661,750,303,831 0 1.78E-01 8.88E-02 1-Sep
607,661,750,303,831 0 -911,492,625,455,747 284,897,080,948,061 1-Sep
607,661,750,303,831 0 -182,298,525,091,149 569,794,161,896,122 1-Sep
121,540,224,083,779 0 2.24E-01 7.11E-04 1-Sep
121,540,224,083,779 0 -182,310,336,125,669 568,423,777,380,164 1-Sep
121,540,224,083,779 0 -364,620,672,251,337 113,684,755,476,033 1-Sep
118,332,522,712,381 0 2.24E-01 8.44E-02 1-Sep
118,332,522,712,381 0 -177,498,784,068,571 552,244,942,664,202 1-Sep
118,332,522,712,381 0 -354,997,568,137,142 11,044,898,853,284 1-Sep
-306,983,620,661,625 0 8.88E-02 3.55E-02 1-Oct
-306,983,620,661,625 0 460,475,430,992,438 -132,024,711,382,738 1-Oct
-306,983,620,661,625 0 920,950,861,984,876 -264,049,422,765,476 1-Oct
-618,410,656,107,184 0 1.07E-01 2.84E-02 1-Oct
-618,410,656,107,184 0 927,615,984,160,776 -263,413,130,303,573 1-Oct
-618,410,656,107,184 0 185,523,196,832,155 -526,826,260,607,147 1-Oct
-605,772,304,674,052 0 1.07E-01 3.38E-01 1-Oct
-605,772,304,674,052 0 908,658,457,011,079 -255,914,660,765,425 1-Oct
-605,772,304,674,052 0 181,731,691,402,216 -51,182,932,153,085 1-Oct
4.03E-01 0 -6.31E-16 3.55E-02 1-Nov
4.03E-01 0 -6.04E-01 -204,167,259,987,964 1-Nov
4.03E-01 0 -1.21E+00 -408,334,519,975,929 1-Nov
7.28E-01 0 -7.57E-16 4.49E-01 1-Nov
7.28E-01 0 -1.09E+00 -404,814,040,506,804 1-Nov
7.28E-01 0 -2.18E+00 -809,628,081,013,609 1-Nov
6.72E-01 0 -7.57E-16 5.20E-01 1-Nov
6.72E-01 0 -1.01E-01 -391,163,813,631,621 1-Nov
6.72E-01 0 -2.02E+00 -782,327,627,263,243 1-Nov
306,983,620,661,624 0 -8.88E-02 1.78E-01 1-Dec
306,983,620,661,624 0 -460,475,430,992,437 -132,024,711,382,738 1-Dec
306,983,620,661,624 0 -920,950,861,984,873 -264,049,422,765,476 1-Dec
618,410,656,107,182 0 -3.00E-02 3.66E-01 1-Dec
618,410,656,107,182 0 -927,615,984,160,773 -263,413,130,303,573 1-Dec
618,410,656,107,182 0 -185,523,196,832,155 -526,826,260,607,146 1-Dec
605,772,304,674,051 0 -5.66E-03 3.13E-01 1-Dec
605,772,304,674,051 0 -908,658,457,011,076 -255,914,660,765,425 1-Dec
605,772,304,674,051 0 -181,731,691,402,215 -511,829,321,530,849 1-Dec
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 4.25E+12 -263,941,482,898,976 13-1
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 2.57E+12 -338,244,235,383,417 13-1
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 9.01E+11 194,904,619,822,293 13-1
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 -7.73E+10 422,245,647,182,928 13-1
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,927 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -8.43E+10 389,645,237,387,261 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -9.14E+11 355,656,811,591,595 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -9.84E+11 320,280,369,795,929 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -1.05E+12 283,515,912,000,263 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -1.13E+12 245,363,438,204,597 13-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 -1.20E+12 205,822,948,408,931 13-2
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 -1.20E+12 205,822,948,408,931 13-3
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 1.66E+11 -936,589,785,430,364 13-3
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 1.53E+12 -394,528,921,495,003 13-3
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 2.89E+12 -69,678,688,044,697 13-3
6.68E+12 -3.13E+12 8.47E+12 -526,614,696,367,283 13-1
6.68E+12 -3.13E+12 5.13E+12 -671,854,617,693,051 13-1
6.68E+12 -3.13E+12 1.79E+12 387,663,320,028,672 13-1
6.68E+12 -3.13E+12 -1.55E+12 83,793,164,902,665 13-1
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,649 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -1.69E+12 777,415,402,074,528 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -1.83E+12 712,318,702,322,406 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -1.97E+12 642,641,549,770,285 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -2.11E+12 568,383,944,418,163 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -0,022507034191579 489,545,886,266,042 13-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 -2.39E+12 406,127,375,313,921 13-2
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 -2.39E+12 406,127,375,313,921 13-3
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 3.34E+11 -1,880,757,115,883 13-3
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 3.06E+12 -78,685,925,129,052 13-3
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 5.78E+12 -139,022,324,379,274 13-3
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 8.23E+12 -511,626,961,699,852 13-1
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 4.98E+12 -650,210,975,480,781 13-1
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 1.74E+12 375,616,297,803,696 13-1
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 -1.51E+12 81,028,522,435,547 13-1
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,469 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -1.65E+12 755,287,413,282,148 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -1.78E+12 694,321,133,408,828 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -1.92E+12 627,386,384,735,507 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -0,020556513320047 554,483,167,262,187 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -2.19E+12 475,611,480,988,866 13-2
2.72E+10 -3.03E+12 -2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,546 13-2
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 -2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,546 13-3
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 3.27E+11 -18,373,556,678,287 13-3
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 2.98E+12 -764,210,928,281,284 13-3
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 0,056348171523683 -13,506,547,585,797 13-3
3.57E+12 -1.70E+00 4.12E+12 -639,829,288,862,573 14-1
3.57E+12 -1.70E+00 2.34E+12 -373,641,779,706,272 14-1
3.57E+12 -1.70E+00 5.51E+11 -108,842,286,549,972 14-1
3.57E+12 -1.70E+00 -1.24E+12 154,569,190,606,329 14-1
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 154,569,190,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 158,039,230,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 160,121,254,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 160,815,262,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 160,121,254,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 158,039,230,606,329 14-2
-1.39E-03 -1.89E-01 -1.24E+12 154,569,190,606,329 14-2
-3.57E+12 2.08E+00 -1.24E+12 154,569,190,606,329 14-3
-3.57E+12 2.08E+00 5.51E+11 -108,842,286,549,972 14-3
-3.57E+12 2.08E+00 2.34E+12 -373,641,779,706,272 14-3
-3.57E+12 2.08E+00 4.12E+12 -639,829,288,862,573 14-3
0,07144327746793 -3.35E+00 0,082443934603694 -127,658,122,861,552 14-1
0,07144327746793 -3.35E+00 0,046722295869729 -745,184,615,065,422 14-1
0,07144327746793 -3.35E+00 0,011000657135764 -218,368,454,315,323 14-1
0,07144327746793 -3.35E+00 -0,024720981598201 303,867,253,634,776 14-1
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -0,024720981598201 303,867,253,634,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -0,024720981598201 315,318,385,634,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -2.47E+12 322,189,064,834,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -2.47E+12 324,479,291,234,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -2.47E+12 322,189,064,834,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -2.47E+12 315,318,385,634,776 14-2
-1.14E-02 -3.72E-01 -2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,776 14-2
-7.14E+12 4.09E+00 -2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,776 14-3
-7.14E+12 4.09E+00 1.10E+12 -218,368,454,315,323 14-3
-7.14E+12 4.09E+00 4.67E+12 -745,184,615,065,421 14-3
-7.14E+12 4.09E+00 8.24E+12 -127,658,122,861,552 14-3
6.95E+12 -3.21E-01 8.02E+12 -124,024,661,984,309 14-1
6.95E+12 -3.21E-01 4.55E+12 -723,721,772,617,999 14-1
6.95E+12 -3.21E-01 1.07E+12 -213,165,394,192,905 14-1
6.95E+12 -3.21E-01 -2.41E+12 29,142,251,543,219 14-1
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -2.41E+12 291,422,515,432,189 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -0,024062913989008 306,343,687,432,189 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -0,024062913989008 315,296,390,632,189 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -0,024062913989008 318,280,625,032,189 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -0,024062913989008 31,529,639,063,219 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -2.41E+12 30,634,368,743,219 14-2
-5.61E-06 -3.57E-01 -2.41E+12 29,142,251,543,219 14-2
-6.95E+12 3.92E-01 -2.41E+12 29,142,251,543,219 14-3
-6.95E+12 3.92E-01 0,010697853931235 -213,165,394,192,905 14-3
-6.95E+12 3.92E-01 4.55E+12 -723,721,772,617,999 14-3
-6.95E+12 3.92E-01 8.02E+12 -124,024,661,984,309 14-3
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 2.89E+12 -69,678,688,044,697 15-1
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 1.53E+12 -394,528,921,495,003 15-1
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 1.66E+11 -93,658,978,543,036 15-1
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 -1.20E+12 205,822,948,408,931 15-1
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -1.20E+12 205,822,948,408,931 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -1.13E+12 245,363,438,204,597 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -1.05E+12 283,515,912,000,263 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -9.84E+11 320,280,369,795,929 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -9.14E+11 355,656,811,591,595 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -8.43E+11 389,645,237,387,261 15-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 -7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,927 15-2
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 -7.73E+10 422,245,647,182,927 15-3
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 9.01E+11 194,904,619,822,293 15-3
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 2.57E+12 -338,244,235,383,413 15-3
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 4.25E+12 -263,941,482,898,976 15-3
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 0,057829337226704 -139,022,324,379,274 15-1
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 3.06E+12 -78,685,925,129,052 15-1
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 3.34E+11 -1,880,757,115,883 15-1
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 -2.39E+12 40,612,737,531,392 15-1
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -2.39E+12 40,612,737,531,392 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -2.25E+12 489,545,886,266,042 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -2.11E+12 568,383,944,418,163 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -1.97E+12 642,641,549,770,285 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -1.83E+12 712,318,702,322,406 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -1.69E+12 777,415,402,074,528 15-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 -1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,649 15-2
-6.68E+12 0,031337069166471 -1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,649 15-3
-6.68E+12 0,031337069166471 1.79E+12 387,663,320,028,672 15-3
-6.68E+12 0,031337069166471 5.13E+12 -671,854,617,693,047 15-3
-6.68E+12 0,031337069166471 8.47E+12 -526,614,696,367,282 15-3
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 5.63E+12 -13,506,547,585,797 15-1
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 2.98E+12 -764,210,928,281,284 15-1
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 3.27E+11 -183,735,566,782,869 15-1
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 -2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,546 15-1
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,545 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -2.19E+12 475,611,480,988,866 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -2.06E+12 554,483,167,262,187 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -1.92E+12 627,386,384,735,507 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -1.78E+12 694,321,133,408,828 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -1.65E+12 755,287,413,282,148 15-2
-2.72E+11 3.03E+12 -1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,469 15-2
-6.50E+12 3.03E+12 -1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,469 15-3
-6.50E+12 3.03E+12 1.74E+12 375,616,297,803,695 15-3
-6.50E+12 3.03E+12 4.98E+12 -650,210,975,480,775 15-3
-6.50E+12 3.03E+12 8.23E+12 -511,626,961,699,851 15-3
3.37E-02 7.33E-02 -1.03E-01 -40,855,039,970,893 16-1
3.37E-02 7.33E-02 -1.20E-01 -537,796,340,049,665 16-1
3.37E-02 7.33E-02 -1.37E-01 299,603,115,698,997 16-1
3.37E-02 7.33E-02 -1.54E-01 65,159,784,940,296 16-1
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 -1.54E-01 651,597,849,402,959 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 -5.13E-02 599,815,796,419,344 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 5.10E-02 546,645,727,435,729 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 1.53E-01 492,087,642,452,113 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 2.56E-01 436,141,541,468,498 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 3.58E-01 378,807,424,484,882 16-2
-2.05E-01 -1.20E+00 4.60E-01 320,085,291,501,267 16-2
8.37E-01 1.64E+00 4.68E-01 320,085,291,501,266 16-3
8.37E-01 1.64E+00 4.95E-02 -142,413,628,169,928 16-3
8.37E-01 1.64E+00 -3.69E-01 -606,300,563,841,122 16-3
8.37E-01 1.64E+00 -7.88E-01 -107,157,551,551,232 16-3
8.32E-02 1.45E+00 -1.93E-02 -81,005,120,949,334 16-1
8.32E-02 1.45E+00 -2.35E-01 -106,334,684,556,907 16-1
8.32E-02 1.45E+00 -2.76E-01 592,801,387,579,526 16-1
8.32E-02 1.45E+00 -3.18E-01 128,735,700,691,596 16-1
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 -3.18E-01 128,735,700,691,596 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 -1.12E-01 118,926,148,944,113 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 9.44E-02 10,865,855,191,663 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 3.01E-01 979,329,096,091,465 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 5.07E-02 867,492,220,216,634 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 7.13E-01 751,074,891,541,803 16-2
-4.12E-01 -2.36E+00 9.19E-01 630,077,110,066,972 16-2
1.65E+00 3.23E+00 9.37E-01 630,077,110,066,971 16-3
1.65E+00 3.23E+00 1.12E-01 -283,571,808,219,126 16-3
1.65E+00 3.23E+00 -7.14E-01 -120,180,117,930,522 16-3
1.65E+00 3.23E+00 -1.54E-01 -212,461,100,319,132 16-3
8.02E-02 1.40E+00 -1.86E-01 -782,732,346,925,242 16-1
8.02E-02 1.40E+00 -2.26E-01 -102,498,330,540,145 16-1
8.02E-02 1.40E+00 -2.66E-01 571,767,217,044,953 16-1
8.02E-02 1.40E+00 -3.06E-01 124,006,429,583,005 16-1
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 -3.06E-01 124,006,429,583,005 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 -1.07E-01 114,913,676,853,167 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 9.29E-02 105,224,077,243,328 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 2.93E-01 949,376,307,534,903 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 4.92E-01 84,054,337,383,652 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 6.92E-01 725,741,971,338,138 16-2
-3.99E-02 -2.27E+00 8.92E-01 604,972,100,039,756 16-2
1.61E+00 3.10E+00 9.09E-01 604,972,100,039,755 16-3
1.61E+00 3.10E+00 1.06E-01 -275,022,377,342,108 16-3
1.61E+00 3.10E+00 -6.97E-02 -116,098,532,352,397 16-3
1.61E+00 3.10E+00 -1.50E+00 -205,291,673,850,583 16-3
-7.57E-01 -2.85E+00 -8.11E-01 -984,963,380,303,267 17-1
-7.57E-01 -2.85E+00 -4.33E-01 -574,940,521,615,689 17-1
-7.57E-01 -2.85E+00 -5.46E-02 -166,305,678,928,111 17-1
-7.57E-01 -2.85E+00 3.24E-01 240,941,147,759,468 17-1
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 2.94E-01 240,941,147,759,468 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 2.96E-01 244,411,187,759,469 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 2.99E-01 246,493,211,759,469 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 3.02E-01 24,718,721,975,947 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 3.04E-01 24,649,321,175,947 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 3.07E-01 24,441,118,775,947 17-2
-5.18E-03 -1.96E-03 3.09E-01 240,941,147,759,471 17-2
1.06E+00 2.85E+00 3.09E-01 24,094,114,775,947 17-3
1.06E+00 2.85E+00 -2.20E-01 -166,305,678,928,109 17-3
1.06E+00 2.85E+00 -7.49E-01 -574,940,521,615,687 17-3
1.06E+00 2.85E+00 -1.28E+00 -984,963,380,303,266 17-3
-1.42E+00 -5.60E+00 -1.54E+00 -195,289,451,779,723 17-1
-1.42E+00 -5.60E+00 -8.33E-01 -113,963,134,338,597 17-1
-1.42E+00 -5.60E+00 -1.26E-01 -330,948,621,774,703 17-1
-1.42E+00 -5.60E+00 5.82E-01 473,153,647,036,561 17-1
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 5.89E-01 473,153,647,036,562 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 5.94E-01 484,604,779,036,562 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 5.98E-01 491,475,458,236,563 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 6.02E-01 493,765,684,636,564 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 6.07E-01 491,475,458,236,565 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 6.11E-01 484,604,779,036,565 17-2
-8.67E-03 -5.32E-04 6.15E-01 473,153,647,036,566 17-2
2.12E-02 5.60E+00 6.15E-01 473,153,647,036,565 17-3
2.12E-02 5.60E+00 -4.45E-01 -3,309,486,217,747 17-3
2.12E-02 5.60E+00 -1.51E+00 -113,963,134,338,596 17-3
2.12E-02 5.60E+00 -2.57E+00 -195,289,451,779,723 17-3
-1.39E+00 -5.36E+00 -1.50E+00 -188,700,257,210,093 17-1
-1.39E+00 -5.36E+00 -8.07E-01 -110,091,985,641,745 17-1
-1.39E+00 -5.36E+00 -1.12E-01 -320,805,609,533,971 17-1
-1.39E+00 -5.36E+00 5.84E-01 453,340,168,549,508 17-1
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.74E-01 453,340,168,549,509 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.77E-01 46,826,134,054,951 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.80E-01 47,721,404,374,951 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.83E-01 480,198,278,149,511 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.86E-01 477,214,043,749,512 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.89E-01 468,261,340,549,513 17-2
-5.63E-03 -4.98E-03 5.91E-01 453,340,168,549,514 17-2
2.05E-01 5.36E+00 5.91E-01 453,340,168,549,513 17-3
2.05E-01 5.36E+00 -4.35E-02 -320,805,609,533,968 17-3
2.05E-01 5.36E+00 -1.46E+00 -110,091,985,641,745 17-3
2.05E-01 5.36E+00 -2.49E+00 -188,700,257,210,093 17-3
-1.49E+00 -7.89E-01 -1.72E+00 -107,157,551,551,232 18-1
-1.49E+00 -7.89E-01 -9.77E-01 -606,300,563,841,125 18-1
-1.49E+00 -7.89E-01 -2.31E-01 -142,413,628,169,931 18-1
-1.49E+00 -7.89E-01 5.15E-01 320,085,291,501,264 18-1
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 5.14E-01 320,085,291,501,264 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 6.51E-01 37,880,742,448,488 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 7.88E-01 436,141,541,468,496 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 9.25E-01 492,087,642,452,112 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 1.06E+00 546,645,727,435,728 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 1.20E+00 599,815,796,419,344 18-2
-2.74E-02 -3.15E+00 1.34E+00 65,159,784,940,296 18-2
2.38E+00 1.42E+01 1.34E+00 65,159,784,940,296 18-3
2.38E+00 1.42E+01 1.44E-03 299,603,115,698,997 18-3
2.38E+00 1.42E+01 -1.05E+00 -537,796,340,049,655 18-3
2.38E+00 1.42E+01 -2.24E+00 -408,550,399,708,929 18-3
-2.96E+00 -1.56E+01 -3.41E+00 -212,461,100,319,132 18-1
-2.96E+00 -1.56E+01 -1.93E+00 -120,180,117,930,523 18-1
-2.96E+00 -1.56E+01 -4.56E-01 -28,357,180,821,913 18-1
-2.96E+00 -1.56E+01 1.02E+00 630,077,110,066,966 18-1
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 1.02E+00 630,077,110,066,967 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 1.29E+00 751,074,891,541,799 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 1.57E+00 867,492,220,216,631 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 1.84E+00 979,329,096,091,463 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 2.11E-01 10,865,855,191,663 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 2.38E+00 118,926,148,944,113 18-2
-5.42E-02 -6.24E+00 2.65E+00 128,735,700,691,596 18-2
4.74E+00 2.81E+01 2.65E+00 128,735,700,691,596 18-3
4.74E+00 2.81E+01 2.79E-02 592,801,387,579,527 18-3
4.74E+00 2.81E+01 -2.09E+00 -106,334,684,556,905 18-3
4.74E+00 2.81E+01 -4.46E+00 -810,051,209,493,338 18-3
-2.86E+00 -1.50E+01 -3.31E+00 -205,291,673,850,584 18-1
-2.86E+00 -1.50E+01 -1.87E+00 -116,098,532,352,397 18-1
-2.86E+00 -1.50E+01 -4.42E-01 -275,022,377,342,112 18-1
-2.86E+00 -1.50E+01 9.90E-01 60,497,210,003,975 18-1
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 9.91E-01 604,972,100,039,751 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 1.25E+00 725,741,971,338,134 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 1.52E+00 840,543,373,836,518 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 1.78E+00 949,376,307,534,901 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 2.04E+00 105,224,077,243,328 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 2.31E+00 114,913,676,853,167 18-2
-5.27E-01 -6.02E+00 2.57E+00 124,006,429,583,005 18-2
4.60E+00 2.70E+01 2.57E+00 124,006,429,583,005 18-3
4.60E+00 2.70E+01 2.71E-01 571,767,217,044,954 18-3
4.60E+00 2.70E+01 -2.03E+00 -102,498,330,540,142 18-3
4.60E+00 2.70E+01 -4.33E+00 -782,732,346,925,239 18-3
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 -4.25E+12 -263,941,482,898,977 19-1
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 -2.57E+12 -338,244,235,383,427 19-1
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 -9.01E+11 194,904,619,822,292 19-1
-3.35E+12 1.58E+12 7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,926 19-1
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,927 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 8.43E+11 389,645,237,387,261 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 9.14E+11 355,656,811,591,595 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 9.84E+11 320,280,369,795,929 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 1.05E+12 283,515,912,000,263 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 1.13E+12 245,363,438,204,598 19-2
-1.41E+11 1.58E+12 0,011956681354364 205,822,948,408,932 19-2
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 0,011956681354364 205,822,948,408,931 19-3
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 -1.66E+11 -936,589,785,430,355 19-3
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 -1.53E+12 -394,528,921,495,002 19-3
2.72E+12 1.58E+12 -0,028885850287991 -696,786,880,446,969 19-3
-6.68E+12 3.13E+12 -8.47E+12 -526,614,696,367,283 19-1
-6.68E+12 3.13E+12 -5.13E+12 -671,854,617,693,069 19-1
-6.68E+12 3.13E+12 -1.79E+12 38,766,332,002,867 19-1
-6.68E+12 3.13E+12 1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,646 19-1
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,647 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 1.69E+12 777,415,402,074,527 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 1.83E+12 712,318,702,322,406 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 1.97E+12 642,641,549,770,285 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 2.11E+12 568,383,944,418,164 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 2.25E+12 489,545,886,266,043 19-2
-2.80E+11 3.13E+12 0,023909182017237 406,127,375,313,922 19-2
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 0,023909182017237 406,127,375,313,921 19-3
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 -3.34E+11 -188,075,711,588,299 19-3
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 -3.06E+12 -786,859,251,290,518 19-3
5.45E+12 3.13E+12 -5.78E+12 -139,022,324,379,274 19-3
-6.50E+12 0,030316698715242 -8.23E+12 -511,626,961,699,853 19-1
-6.50E+12 0,030316698715242 -4.98E+12 -650,210,975,480,797 19-1
-6.50E+12 0,030316698715242 -1.74E+12 375,616,297,803,693 19-1
-6.50E+12 0,030316698715242 1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,467 19-1
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,467 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 0,016481218560658 755,287,413,282,148 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 1.78E+12 694,321,133,408,828 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 1.92E+12 627,386,384,735,508 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 2.06E+12 554,483,167,262,187 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 2.19E+12 475,611,480,988,867 19-2
-2.72E+11 0,030316698715194 2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,547 19-2
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,547 19-3
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 -3.27E+11 -183,735,566,782,868 19-3
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 -2.98E+12 -764,210,928,281,282 19-3
5.31E+12 3.03E+12 -5.63E+12 -13,506,547,585,797 19-3
-3.57E+12 -1.83E+00 -0,041248396817359 -639,829,288,862,573 20-1
-3.57E+12 -1.83E+00 -0,023377912803573 -373,641,779,706,273 20-1
-3.57E+12 -1.83E+00 -5.51E+11 -108,842,286,549,972 20-1
-3.57E+12 -1.83E+00 0,012363055223999 154,569,190,606,328 20-1
4.60E-02 0 0,012363055223999 154,569,190,606,328 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 158,039,230,606,328 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 160,121,254,606,329 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 160,815,262,606,329 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 160,121,254,606,329 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 158,039,230,606,329 20-2
4.60E-02 0 1.24E+12 15,456,919,060,633 20-2
3.57E+12 1.83E+00 1.24E+12 15,456,919,060,633 20-3
3.57E+12 1.83E+00 -5.51E+10 -108,842,286,549,971 20-3
3.57E+12 1.83E+00 -2.34E+12 -373,641,779,706,271 20-3
3.57E+12 1.83E+00 -0,041248396817358 -639,829,288,862,572 20-3
-7.14E+12 -3.60E+00 -8.24E+12 -127,658,122,861,552 20-1
-7.14E+12 -3.60E+00 -4.67E+12 -745,184,615,065,422 20-1
-7.14E+12 -3.60E+00 -1.10E+12 -218,368,454,315,324 20-1
-7.14E+12 -3.60E+00 2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,774 20-1
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,774 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 315,318,385,634,775 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 322,189,064,834,775 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 0,024720981598213 324,479,291,234,776 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 322,189,064,834,776 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 315,318,385,634,777 20-2
8.57E-02 5.55E-04 2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,777 20-2
7.14E+12 3.60E+00 2.47E+12 303,867,253,634,777 20-3
7.14E+12 3.60E+00 -0,011000657135769 -218,368,454,315,322 20-3
7.14E+12 3.60E+00 -4.67E+12 -74,518,461,506,542 20-3
7.14E+12 3.60E+00 -8.24E+12 -127,658,122,861,552 20-3
-6.95E+12 -3.45E+00 -8.02E+12 -124,024,661,984,309 20-1
-6.95E+12 -3.45E+00 -4.55E+12 -723,721,772,618 20-1
-6.95E+12 -3.45E+00 -1.07E+12 -213,165,394,192,906 20-1
-6.95E+12 -3.45E+00 2.41E+12 291,422,515,432,188 20-1
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 291,422,515,432,188 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 306,343,687,432,188 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 315,296,390,632,189 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 318,280,625,032,189 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 31,529,639,063,219 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 30,634,368,743,219 20-2
8.89E-02 9.02E-05 2.41E+12 291,422,515,432,191 20-2
6.95E+12 3.46E+00 2.41E+12 291,422,515,432,191 20-3
6.95E+12 3.46E+00 -1.07E+12 -213,165,394,192,904 20-3
6.95E+12 3.46E+00 -4.55E+12 -723,721,772,617,997 20-3
6.95E+12 3.46E+00 -8.02E+12 -124,024,661,984,309 20-3
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 -2.89E+12 -69,678,688,044,697 21-1
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 -1.53E+12 -394,528,921,495,003 21-1
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 -1.66E+11 -93,658,978,543,037 21-1
-2.72E+12 -1.58E+12 1.20E+12 205,822,948,408,929 21-1
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 1.20E+12 20,582,294,840,893 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 1.13E+12 245,363,438,204,596 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 1.05E+12 283,515,912,000,263 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 9.84E+11 320,280,369,795,929 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 9.14E+10 355,656,811,591,595 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 8.43E+11 389,645,237,387,262 21-2
1.41E+11 -1.58E+12 7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,928 21-2
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 7.73E+11 422,245,647,182,928 21-3
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 -9.01E+11 194,904,619,822,293 21-3
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 -2.57E+12 -338,244,235,383,413 21-3
3.35E+12 -1.58E+12 -4.25E+12 -263,941,482,898,976 21-3
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 -5.78E+12 -139,022,324,379,274 21-1
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 -3.06E+12 -786,859,251,290,521 21-1
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 -3.34E+11 -188,075,711,588,302 21-1
-5.45E+12 -3.13E+12 2.39E+12 406,127,375,313,917 21-1
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 2.39E+12 406,127,375,313,919 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 2.25E+12 489,545,886,266,041 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 2.11E+12 568,383,944,418,162 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 0,019702738540316 642,641,549,770,285 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 1.83E+12 712,318,702,322,407 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 1.69E+12 777,415,402,074,528 21-2
2.80E+11 -3.13E+12 1.55E+12 837,931,649,026,651 21-2
6.68E+12 -0,031337069166123 1.55E+12 83,793,164,902,665 21-3
6.68E+12 -0,031337069166123 -1.79E+12 387,663,320,028,673 21-3
6.68E+12 -0,031337069166123 -5.13E+12 -671,854,617,693,043 21-3
6.68E+12 -0,031337069166123 -8.47E+12 -526,614,696,367,281 21-3
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 -5.63E+12 -13,506,547,585,797 21-1
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 -2.98E+12 -764,210,928,281,285 21-1
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 -3.27E+11 -183,735,566,782,871 21-1
-5.31E+12 -3.03E+12 2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,543 21-1
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 2.33E+12 390,771,325,915,544 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 2.19E+12 475,611,480,988,865 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 2.06E+12 554,483,167,262,186 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 1.92E+12 627,386,384,735,507 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 1.78E+12 694,321,133,408,828 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 0,016481218560678 755,287,413,282,149 21-2
2.72E+11 -3.03E+12 1.51E+12 810,285,224,355,471 21-2
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 1.51E+12 81,028,522,435,547 21-3
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 -1.74E+12 375,616,297,803,697 21-3
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 -4.98E+12 -650,210,975,480,773 21-3
6.50E+12 -3.03E+12 -8.23E+12 -511,626,961,699,851 21-3
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -4.25E+12 -919,372,552,892,536 22-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -0,021562777500905 559,261,015,210,839 22-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -6.56E+09 202,401,442,331,421 22-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 2.03E+12 347,488,767,141,759 22-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 4.12E+12 491,188,075,952,096 22-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,434 22-1
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,435 22-2
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 0,035296376026464 363,705,778,885,194 22-2
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 8.53E+11 925,241,730,079,524 22-2
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 -1.82E+12 -180,045,448,869,289 22-2
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 -4.50E+12 -45,400,308,674,653 22-2
5.35E+12 1.08E+12 -7.18E+12 -729,348,740,623,771 22-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -8.47E+12 -185,209,826,140,491 22-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -4.31E+12 114,757,341,798,599 22-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -0,001478299951485 410,144,056,937,689 22-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 4.01E+12 700,950,319,276,779 22-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 8.18E+12 987,176,128,815,869 22-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 0,123396165989716 126,882,148,555,496 22-1
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 0,123396165989715 126,882,148,555,496 22-2
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 7.02E+12 730,332,988,682,786 22-2
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 1.70E+12 187,264,039,010,612 22-2
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 -3.61E+12 -360,385,363,461,563 22-2
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 -8.93E+12 -912,615,218,733,738 22-2
0,106354980093227 2.12E+12 -0,142491284243352 -146,942,552,680,591 22-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -8.23E+12 -181,428,524,415,062 22-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -4.19E+12 114,152,189,305,999 22-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -0,001579075069433 40,376,443,422,706 22-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 3.88E+12 687,408,210,348,121 22-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 7.92E+12 965,083,517,669,182 22-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 0,119517027083417 123,679,035,619,024 22-1
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 0,119517027083416 123,679,035,619,024 22-2
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 6.80E+12 713,461,775,827,826 22-2
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 1.66E+12 184,164,726,665,408 22-2
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 -3.49E+12 -351,100,791,297,011 22-2
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 -8.64E+12 -89,233,477,805,943 22-2
0,102936475261329 2.02E+12 -0,137824161069906 -143,953,723,362,185 22-2
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 -7.18E+12 -729,348,740,623,771 23-1
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 -0,045013113601469 -45,400,308,674,653 23-1
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 -1.82E+12 -180,045,448,869,289 23-1
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 8.53E+11 925,241,730,079,516 23-1
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 3.53E+12 363,705,778,885,193 23-1
-5.35E+12 -1.08E+12 6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,433 23-1
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,434 23-2
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 4.12E+12 491,188,075,952,097 23-2
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 2.03E+12 347,488,767,141,759 23-2
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 -6.56E+10 202,401,442,331,422 23-2
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 -0,02156277750091 559,261,015,210,841 23-2
4.18E+12 -0,010793986649927 -4.25E+12 -919,372,552,892,535 23-2
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 -0,14249128424335 -146,942,552,680,591 23-1
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 -8.93E+12 -912,615,218,733,739 23-1
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 -3.61E+12 -360,385,363,461,565 23-1
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 1.70E+12 18,726,403,901,061 23-1
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 7.02E+12 730,332,988,682,784 23-1
-0,10635498009323 -0,021156423986515 0,123396165989724 126,882,148,555,496 23-1
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 0,123396165989724 126,882,148,555,496 23-2
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 0,081771344009319 987,176,128,815,869 23-2
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 4.01E+12 70,095,031,927,678 23-2
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 -1.48E+11 41,014,405,693,769 23-2
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 -4.31E+12 1,147,573,417,986 23-2
8.32E+12 -2.12E+12 -8.47E+12 -18,520,982,614,049 23-2
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 -0,137824161069904 -143,953,723,362,185 23-1
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 -0,086355923439238 -89,233,477,805,943 23-1
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 -3.49E+12 -351,100,791,297,012 23-1
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 1.66E+12 184,164,726,665,406 23-1
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 6.80E+12 713,461,775,827,824 23-1
-0,102936475261331 -2.02E+12 0,119517027083425 123,679,035,619,024 23-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 0,119517027083424 123,679,035,619,024 23-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 7.92E+12 965,083,517,669,183 23-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 3.88E+12 687,408,210,348,122 23-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -1.58E+11 40,376,443,422,706 23-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -4.19E+12 114,152,189,305,999 23-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -8.23E+12 -181,428,524,415,062 23-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -1.24E+12 -182,456,356,000,382 24-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -6.38E+11 108,584,395,482,988 24-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -4.05E+10 398,237,130,966,357 24-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 5.57E+11 686,501,850,449,726 24-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 0,011552412379902 973,378,553,933,095 24-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,646 24-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,647 24-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 9.98E+11 721,534,179,524,679 24-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 2.44E+11 18,281,310,163,289 24-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 -5.11E+11 -357,295,992,258,899 24-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 -1.27E+12 -898,793,102,150,689 24-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+11 -2.02E+12 -144,167,822,804,248 24-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -2.46E+12 -364,934,042,942,998 24-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -0,012723382590301 219,329,950,212,371 24-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -8.32E+10 79,901,349,056,774 24-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 1.11E+12 137,411,657,812,311 24-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 2.30E+12 194,463,921,287,848 24-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,385 24-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,385 24-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 0,019853228875034 144,083,632,236,669 24-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 4.86E+11 36,651,079,709,953 24-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -0,010123266487645 -712,395,180,967,631 24-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -2.51E+12 -179,588,161,183,479 24-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -4.01E+12 -288,394,849,550,196 24-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 -2.39E+12 -355,300,735,124,292 24-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 -1.23E+12 215,337,003,725,228 24-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 -8.29E+10 780,006,273,774,747 24-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 1.07E+12 133,870,707,502,427 24-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 0,022214041833663 189,143,940,747,379 24-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+10 3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 24-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 24-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 1.92E+12 140,086,476,580,587 24-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 4.73E+11 357,557,791,688,431 24-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 -9.77E+11 -69,171,765,122,901 24-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 -2.43E+12 -174,696,156,294,645 24-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+10 -3.88E+12 -280,817,394,346,389 24-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -2.02E+12 -144,167,822,804,248 25-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -1.27E+12 -898,793,102,150,687 25-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -5.11E+11 -357,295,992,258,899 25-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 2.44E+11 182,813,101,632,889 25-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 9.98E+11 721,534,179,524,678 25-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,647 25-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,647 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 1.16E+12 973,378,553,933,098 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 5.57E+11 686,501,850,449,727 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -4.05E+10 398,237,130,966,356 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -6.38E+11 108,584,395,482,986 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -1.24E+12 -182,456,356,000,385 25-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 -4.01E+12 -288,394,849,550,195 25-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 -2.51E+12 -179,588,161,183,479 25-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 -1.01E+12 -71,239,518,096,763 25-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 4.86E+11 366,510,797,099,528 25-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 0,019853228875041 144,083,632,236,669 25-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+10 3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,385 25-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,385 25-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 2.30E+12 194,463,921,287,848 25-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 1.11E+12 137,411,657,812,311 25-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -8.32E+10 799,013,490,567,738 25-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -1.27E+12 219,329,950,212,366 25-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -2.46E+12 -364,934,042,943,006 25-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -3.88E+12 -280,817,394,346,389 25-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -0,024277814051029 -174,696,156,294,645 25-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -9.77E+11 -691,717,651,229,009 25-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 4.73E+11 35,755,779,168,843 25-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 1.92E+12 140,086,476,580,587 25-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 25-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 25-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 2.22E+12 189,143,940,747,379 25-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 1.07E+12 133,870,707,502,427 25-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 -8.29E+10 780,006,273,774,746 25-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 -0,01234990322763 215,337,003,725,223 25-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+10 -2.39E+12 -355,300,735,124,299 25-2
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 1.24E+12 -18,245,635,600,038 26-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 6.38E+11 108,584,395,482,989 26-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 4.05E+10 398,237,130,966,357 26-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -5.57E+11 686,501,850,449,726 26-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -1.16E+12 973,378,553,933,094 26-1
1.20E+12 2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,646 26-1
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,647 26-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -9.98E+10 721,534,179,524,678 26-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 -2.44E+11 182,813,101,632,889 26-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 5.11E+11 -3,572,959,922,589 26-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 1.27E+12 -898,793,102,150,689 26-2
-1.51E+12 2.18E+11 2.02E+12 -144,167,822,804,248 26-2
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 2.46E+12 -364,934,042,942,995 26-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 1.27E+12 219,329,950,212,373 26-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 8.32E+10 79,901,349,056,774 26-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -1.11E+12 137,411,657,812,311 26-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -2.30E+12 194,463,921,287,847 26-1
2.38E+12 4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,384 26-1
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,385 26-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 -1.99E+12 144,083,632,236,669 26-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 -4.86E+11 366,510,797,099,528 26-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 1.01E+12 -712,395,180,967,634 26-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 2.51E+12 -17,958,816,118,348 26-2
-3.00E+12 4.27E+11 4.01E+12 -288,394,849,550,196 26-2
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 2.39E+12 -355,300,735,124,289 26-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 1.23E+12 215,337,003,725,229 26-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 8.29E+10 780,006,273,774,748 26-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 -1.07E+12 133,870,707,502,427 26-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 -2.22E+12 189,143,940,747,378 26-1
2.30E+12 4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 24,382,032,711,233 26-1
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 26-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -1.92E+12 140,086,476,580,587 26-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 -4.73E+11 35,755,779,168,843 26-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 9.77E+11 -691,717,651,229,012 26-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 2.43E+12 -174,696,156,294,645 26-2
-2.90E+12 4.08E+11 3.88E+12 -280,817,394,346,389 26-2
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 0,020204218997858 -144,167,822,804,247 27-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 1.27E+12 -898,793,102,150,687 27-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 5.11E+10 -357,295,992,258,899 27-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 -2.44E+11 182,813,101,632,888 27-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 -9.98E+11 721,534,179,524,676 27-1
1.51E+12 -2.18E+10 -1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,646 27-1
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 125,886,724,141,647 27-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -1.16E+12 973,378,553,933,098 27-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 -5.57E+11 686,501,850,449,727 27-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 4.05E+10 398,237,130,966,356 27-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 6.38E+11 108,584,395,482,985 27-2
-1.20E+12 -2.18E+11 1.24E+12 -182,456,356,000,386 27-2
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 4.01E+12 -288,394,849,550,195 27-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 2.51E+12 -179,588,161,183,479 27-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 0,010123266487649 -712,395,180,967,631 27-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -4.86E+11 366,510,797,099,527 27-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -1.99E+12 144,083,632,236,669 27-1
3.00E+12 -4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,384 27-1
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 251,058,139,483,386 27-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -2.30E+12 194,463,921,287,848 27-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 -1.11E+12 137,411,657,812,311 27-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 8.32E+10 799,013,490,567,738 27-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 1.27E+12 219,329,950,212,366 27-2
-2.38E+12 -4.27E+11 2.46E+12 -364,934,042,943,006 27-2
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 3.88E+12 -280,817,394,346,389 27-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 2.43E+12 -174,696,156,294,645 27-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 9.77E+11 -691,717,651,229,009 27-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 -4.73E+11 357,557,791,688,428 27-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 -1.92E+12 140,086,476,580,587 27-1
2.90E+12 -4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,331 27-1
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 243,820,327,112,332 27-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 -2.22E+12 189,143,940,747,379 27-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 -1.07E+12 133,870,707,502,427 27-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 8.29E+10 780,006,273,774,746 27-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 1.23E+12 215,337,003,725,223 27-2
-2.30E+12 -4.08E+11 2.39E+12 -3,553,007,351,243 27-2
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 4.25E+12 -919,372,552,892,523 28-1
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 2.16E+12 559,261,015,210,852 28-1
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 6.56E+10 202,401,442,331,423 28-1
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 -2.03E+12 34,748,876,714,176 28-1
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 -4.12E+12 491,188,075,952,098 28-1
4.18E+12 -1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,435 28-1
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,435 28-2
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 -3.53E+12 363,705,778,885,193 28-2
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 -8.53E+11 925,241,730,079,515 28-2
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 1.82E+12 -18,004,544,886,929 28-2
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 4.50E+12 -454,003,086,746,532 28-2
-0,05353965975196 -1.08E+12 7.18E+12 -729,348,740,623,774 28-2
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 8.47E+12 -185,209,826,140,488 28-1
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 4.31E+12 114,757,341,798,602 28-1
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 1.48E+11 410,144,056,937,691 28-1
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 -4.01E+12 700,950,319,276,782 28-1
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 -8.18E+12 987,176,128,815,871 28-1
0,083249643960789 -2.12E+12 -0,123396165989714 126,882,148,555,496 28-1
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 -0,123396165989714 126,882,148,555,496 28-2
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 -7.02E+12 730,332,988,682,785 28-2
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 -0,01704118589648 18,726,403,901,061 28-2
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 3.61E+12 -360,385,363,461,566 28-2
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 8.93E+12 -912,615,218,733,742 28-2
-0,106354980093235 -2.12E+12 0,142491284243372 -146,942,552,680,592 28-2
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 8.23E+12 -18,142,852,441,506 28-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 4.19E+12 114,152,189,306,001 28-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 1.58E+11 403,764,434,227,062 28-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -3.88E+12 687,408,210,348,123 28-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -7.92E+12 965,083,517,669,184 28-1
8.07E+12 -2.02E+12 -0,119517027083415 123,679,035,619,025 28-1
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 -0,119517027083415 123,679,035,619,025 28-2
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 -6.80E+12 713,461,775,827,826 28-2
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 -1.66E+12 184,164,726,665,406 28-2
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 3.49E+12 -351,100,791,297,014 28-2
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 8.64E+12 -892,334,778,059,434 28-2
-0,102936475261336 -2.02E+12 0,137824161069924 -143,953,723,362,185 28-2
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 7.18E+12 -729,348,740,623,771 29-1
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 4.50E+12 -45,400,308,674,653 29-1
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 1.82E+12 -180,045,448,869,289 29-1
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 -8.53E+10 925,241,730,079,524 29-1
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 -3.53E+12 363,705,778,885,194 29-1
0,05353965975195 1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,435 29-1
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 633,499,368,762,435 29-2
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -0,041158960051601 491,188,075,952,097 29-2
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 -2.03E+12 347,488,767,141,759 29-2
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 6.56E+10 202,401,442,331,421 29-2
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 2.16E+12 559,261,015,210,828 29-2
-4.18E+12 1.08E+12 4.25E+12 -919,372,552,892,553 29-2
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 0,142491284243326 -146,942,552,680,591 29-1
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 8.93E+12 -912,615,218,733,737 29-1
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 3.61E+12 -360,385,363,461,563 29-1
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 -1.70E+12 187,264,039,010,612 29-1
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 -7.02E+12 730,332,988,682,786 29-1
0,106354980093215 2.12E+12 -0,123396165989711 126,882,148,555,496 29-1
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -0,123396165989711 126,882,148,555,496 29-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -8.18E+12 98,717,612,881,587 29-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 -4.01E+12 700,950,319,276,779 29-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 1.48E+10 410,144,056,937,688 29-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 0,043103121931906 114,757,341,798,597 29-2
-8.32E+12 2.12E+12 8.47E+12 -185,209,826,140,494 29-2
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 0,13782416106988 -143,953,723,362,185 29-1
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 8.64E+12 -892,334,778,059,429 29-1
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 3.49E+12 -35,110,079,129,701 29-1
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 -1.66E+12 184,164,726,665,408 29-1
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 -6.80E+12 713,461,775,827,826 29-1
0,102936475261317 2.02E+12 -0,119517027083412 123,679,035,619,025 29-1
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -0,119517027083412 123,679,035,619,025 29-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -7.92E+12 965,083,517,669,183 29-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 -3.88E+12 687,408,210,348,121 29-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 1.58E+11 403,764,434,227,059 29-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 4.19E+12 114,152,189,305,996 29-2
-8.07E+12 2.02E+12 8.23E+12 -181,428,524,415,066 29-2
3.05E+11 0 0 0 30-1
3.05E+11 0 -1.53E+11 410,022,858,687,579 30-1
3.05E+11 0 -3.05E+11 818,657,701,375,158 30-1
3.05E+11 0 -4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 30-1
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -3.96E+11 122,937,456,806,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -3.33E+11 123,145,659,206,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -2.71E+11 123,215,060,006,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -2.09E+11 123,145,659,206,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -1.47E+11 122,937,456,806,274 30-2
-1.24E+11 -3.63E+00 -8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 30-2
-5.64E+10 -7.26E+00 -8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 30-3
-5.64E+10 -7.26E+00 -5.64E+10 818,657,701,375,158 30-3
-5.64E+10 -7.26E+00 -2.82E+10 410,022,858,687,579 30-3
-5.64E+10 -7.26E+00 2.17E-05 4.65E+00 30-3
6.10E+11 0 0 0 30-1
6.10E+11 0 -3.05E+11 813,263,174,411,265 30-1
6.10E+11 0 -6.10E+11 162,194,589,602,253 30-1
6.10E+11 0 -9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 30-1
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -7.91E+11 243,749,929,683,379 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -6.67E+11 244,436,997,603,379 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -5.44E+11 244,666,020,243,379 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -4.21E+11 24,443,699,760,338 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -2.97E+11 24,374,992,968,338 30-2
-2.47E+11 -7.18E+00 -1.74E+10 24,260,481,648,338 30-2
-1.16E+11 -1.44E+01 -1.74E+10 242,604,816,483,379 30-3
-1.16E+11 -1.44E+01 -1.16E+11 162,194,589,602,253 30-3
-1.16E+11 -1.44E+01 -5.79E+10 813,263,174,411,266 30-3
-1.16E+11 -1.44E+01 4.60E-05 1.82E-02 30-3
5.93E+11 0 0 0 30-1
5.93E+11 0 -2.96E+11 78,608,271,568,348 30-1
5.93E+11 0 -5.93E+11 156,619,696,256,696 30-1
5.93E+11 0 -8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 30-1
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -7.70E+11 235,526,391,265,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -6.50E+11 236,421,661,585,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -5.31E+11 236,720,085,025,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -4.11E+11 236,421,661,585,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -2.92E+11 235,526,391,265,044 30-2
-2.39E+11 -6.93E+00 -1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 30-2
-1.15E+11 -1.39E+01 -1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 30-3
-1.15E+11 -1.39E+01 -1.15E+11 156,619,696,256,696 30-3
-1.15E+11 -1.39E+01 -5.75E+10 786,082,715,683,481 30-3
-1.15E+11 -1.39E+01 4.44E-05 1.46E+00 30-3
2.42E+11 0 0 0 31-1
2.42E+11 0 -1.21E+11 410,022,858,687,579 31-1
2.42E+11 0 -2.42E+11 818,657,701,375,158 31-1
2.42E+11 0 -3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 31-1
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+10 122,937,456,806,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+11 123,145,659,206,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+11 123,215,060,006,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+11 123,145,659,206,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+11 122,937,456,806,274 31-2
4.83E-02 -1.45E+01 -3.63E+10 122,590,452,806,274 31-2
-2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 -0,003627215212723 122,590,452,806,274 31-3
-2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 -2.42E+11 818,657,701,375,158 31-3
-2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 -1.21E+11 41,002,285,868,758 31-3
-2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 -1.95E-04 6.07E+00 31-3
4.84E+11 0 0 0 31-1
4.84E+11 0 -2.42E+11 813,263,174,411,265 31-1
4.84E+11 0 -4.84E+11 162,194,589,602,253 31-1
4.84E+11 0 -7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 31-1
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 243,749,929,683,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 244,436,997,603,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 244,666,020,243,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 244,436,997,603,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 243,749,929,683,379 31-2
9.96E-02 -2.87E+00 -7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 31-2
-4.84E+11 -5.75E+01 -7.26E+11 24,260,481,648,338 31-3
-4.84E+11 -5.75E+01 -4.84E+11 162,194,589,602,253 31-3
-4.84E+11 -5.75E+01 -2.42E+11 813,263,174,411,266 31-3
-4.84E+11 -5.75E+01 -3.73E-04 1.46E-01 31-3
4.71E+11 0 0 0 31-1
4.71E+11 0 -2.35E+11 78,608,271,568,348 31-1
4.71E+11 0 -4.71E+11 156,619,696,256,696 31-1
4.71E+11 0 -7.06E+10 234,034,274,065,044 31-1
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 234,034,274,065,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 235,526,391,265,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 236,421,661,585,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 236,720,085,025,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 236,421,661,585,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 235,526,391,265,044 31-2
1.01E-02 -2.77E+00 -7.06E+11 234,034,274,065,044 31-2
-4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 -7.06E+11 234,034,274,065,044 31-3
-4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 -4.71E+11 156,619,696,256,696 31-3
-4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 -2.35E+11 786,082,715,683,481 31-3
-4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 -3.58E-04 2.13E+00 31-3
5.64E+10 0 0 0 32-1
5.64E+10 0 -2.82E+10 410,022,858,687,579 32-1
5.64E+10 0 -5.64E+10 818,657,701,375,158 32-1
5.64E+10 0 -8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 32-1
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -1.47E+11 122,937,456,806,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -2.09E+11 123,145,659,206,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -2.71E+11 123,215,060,006,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -3.33E+11 123,145,659,206,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -3.96E+10 122,937,456,806,274 32-2
1.24E+11 -2.54E+01 -4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 32-2
-3.05E+11 -5.08E+01 -4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 32-3
-3.05E+11 -5.08E+01 -3.05E+11 818,657,701,375,158 32-3
-3.05E+11 -5.08E+01 -1.53E+11 410,022,858,687,579 32-3
-3.05E+11 -5.08E+01 -4.12E-04 -2.45E+00 32-3
1.16E+11 0 0 0 32-1
1.16E+11 0 -5.79E+10 813,263,174,411,265 32-1
1.16E+11 0 -1.16E+11 162,194,589,602,253 32-1
1.16E+11 0 -1.74E+11 24,260,481,648,338 32-1
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -1.74E+11 24,260,481,648,338 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -2.97E+11 24,374,992,968,338 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -4.21E+11 24,443,699,760,338 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -5.44E+11 24,466,602,024,338 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -6.67E+10 24,443,699,760,338 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -7.91E+11 243,749,929,683,379 32-2
2.47E+11 -5.03E+01 -9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 32-2
-6.10E+11 -1.01E+02 -9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 32-3
-6.10E+11 -1.01E+02 -6.10E+11 162,194,589,602,253 32-3
-6.10E+11 -1.01E+02 -3.05E+10 813,263,174,411,265 32-3
-6.10E+11 -1.01E+02 -9.08E-04 -1.44E+00 32-3
1.15E+10 0 0 0 32-1
1.15E+10 0 -5.75E+08 78,608,271,568,348 32-1
1.15E+10 0 -1.15E+10 156,619,696,256,696 32-1
1.15E+10 0 -1.73E+10 234,034,274,065,044 32-1
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -2.92E+11 235,526,391,265,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -4.11E+11 236,421,661,585,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -5.31E+11 236,720,085,025,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -6.50E+10 236,421,661,585,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -7.70E+11 235,526,391,265,044 32-2
2.39E+11 -4.85E+01 -8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 32-2
-5.93E+10 -9.70E+01 -8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 32-3
-5.93E+10 -9.70E+01 -5.93E+11 156,619,696,256,696 32-3
-5.93E+10 -9.70E+01 -2.96E+11 78,608,271,568,348 32-3
-5.93E+10 -9.70E+01 -7.93E-04 -5.17E+00 32-3
-3.05E+11 0 0 0 33-1
-3.05E+11 0 1.53E+11 410,022,858,687,579 33-1
-3.05E+11 0 3.05E+11 818,657,701,375,159 33-1
-3.05E+11 0 4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 33-1
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 3.96E+10 122,937,456,806,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 3.33E+11 123,145,659,206,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 2.71E+11 123,215,060,006,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 2.09E+11 123,145,659,206,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 1.47E+11 122,937,456,806,274 33-2
1.24E+11 -5.44E+00 8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 33-2
5.64E+10 -1.09E+01 8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 33-3
5.64E+10 -1.09E+01 5.64E+10 818,657,701,375,158 33-3
5.64E+10 -1.09E+01 2.82E+10 410,022,858,687,579 33-3
5.64E+10 -1.09E+01 1.73E-04 3.23E+00 33-3
-6.10E+11 0 0 0 33-1
-6.10E+11 0 3.05E+11 813,263,174,411,265 33-1
-6.10E+11 0 6.10E+11 162,194,589,602,253 33-1
-6.10E+11 0 9.14E+11 24,260,481,648,338 33-1
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 7.91E+11 243,749,929,683,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 6.67E+11 244,436,997,603,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 5.44E+11 244,666,020,243,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 4.21E+11 244,436,997,603,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 2.97E+10 243,749,929,683,379 33-2
2.47E+11 -1.08E+01 1.74E+11 242,604,816,483,379 33-2
1.16E+11 -2.15E+01 1.74E+11 242,604,816,483,379 33-3
1.16E+11 -2.15E+01 1.16E+11 162,194,589,602,253 33-3
1.16E+11 -2.15E+01 5.79E+10 813,263,174,411,265 33-3
1.16E+11 -2.15E+01 3.12E-04 7.24E+00 33-3
-5.93E+11 0 0 0 33-1
-5.93E+11 0 2.96E+11 786,082,715,683,481 33-1
-5.93E+11 0 5.93E+11 156,619,696,256,696 33-1
-5.93E+11 0 8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 33-1
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 7.70E+11 235,526,391,265,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 6.50E+11 236,421,661,585,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 5.31E+11 236,720,085,025,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 4.11E+11 236,421,661,585,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 2.92E+10 235,526,391,265,044 33-2
2.39E+11 -1.04E+01 1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 33-2
1.15E+11 -2.08E+01 1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 33-3
1.15E+11 -2.08E+01 1.15E+11 156,619,696,256,696 33-3
1.15E+11 -2.08E+01 5.75E+10 78,608,271,568,348 33-3
1.15E+11 -2.08E+01 3.25E-04 5.29E+00 33-3
-2.42E+11 0 0 0 34-1
-2.42E+11 0 1.21E+10 410,022,858,687,579 34-1
-2.42E+11 0 2.42E+11 818,657,701,375,158 34-1
-2.42E+11 0 3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 34-1
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 122,937,456,806,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 123,145,659,206,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 123,215,060,006,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+10 123,145,659,206,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 122,937,456,806,274 34-2
3.08E-02 -1.45E+01 3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 34-2
2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 3.63E+11 122,590,452,806,274 34-3
2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 2.42E+11 818,657,701,375,158 34-3
2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 1.21E+11 410,022,858,687,579 34-3
2.42E+11 -2.90E+01 4.55E-04 -2.45E+00 34-3
-4.84E+11 0 0 0 34-1
-4.84E+11 0 2.42E+11 813,263,174,411,265 34-1
-4.84E+11 0 4.84E+11 162,194,589,602,253 34-1
-4.84E+11 0 7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 34-1
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 243,749,929,683,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+10 244,436,997,603,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 244,666,020,243,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 244,436,997,603,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 243,749,929,683,379 34-2
5.73E-03 -2.87E+01 7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 34-2
4.84E+10 -5.75E+01 7.26E+11 242,604,816,483,379 34-3
4.84E+10 -5.75E+01 4.84E+11 162,194,589,602,253 34-3
4.84E+10 -5.75E+01 2.42E+11 813,263,174,411,265 34-3
4.84E+10 -5.75E+01 8.94E-04 -6.08E+00 34-3
-4.71E+10 0 0 0 34-1
-4.71E+10 0 2.35E+10 78,608,271,568,348 34-1
-4.71E+10 0 4.71E+10 156,619,696,256,696 34-1
-4.71E+10 0 7.06E+10 234,034,274,065,044 34-1
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+11 234,034,274,065,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+11 235,526,391,265,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+11 236,421,661,585,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+11 236,720,085,025,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+10 236,421,661,585,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+10 235,526,391,265,044 34-2
6.03E-02 -2.77E+01 7.06E+10 234,034,274,065,044 34-2
4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 7.06E+11 234,034,274,065,044 34-3
4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 4.71E+11 156,619,696,256,696 34-3
4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 2.35E+11 78,608,271,568,348 34-3
4.71E+10 -5.54E+01 8.87E-04 -6.40E+00 34-3
-5.64E+09 0 0 0 35-1
-5.64E+09 0 2.82E+09 41,002,285,868,758 35-1
-5.64E+09 0 5.64E+09 818,657,701,375,159 35-1
-5.64E+09 0 8.46E+09 122,590,452,806,274 35-1
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 8.46E+10 122,590,452,806,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 1.47E+10 122,937,456,806,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 2.09E+11 123,145,659,206,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 2.71E+11 123,215,060,006,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 3.33E+11 123,145,659,206,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 3.96E+11 122,937,456,806,274 35-2
-1.24E+11 -2.36E+01 4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 35-2
3.05E+11 -4.72E+01 4.58E+11 122,590,452,806,274 35-3
3.05E+11 -4.72E+01 3.05E+11 818,657,701,375,158 35-3
3.05E+11 -4.72E+01 1.53E+11 410,022,858,687,579 35-3
3.05E+11 -4.72E+01 3.25E-04 -5.30E+00 35-3
-1.16E+11 0 0 0 35-1
-1.16E+11 0 5.79E+10 813,263,174,411,266 35-1
-1.16E+11 0 1.16E+11 162,194,589,602,253 35-1
-1.16E+11 0 1.74E+11 24,260,481,648,338 35-1
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 1.74E+11 242,604,816,483,379 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 2.97E+11 243,749,929,683,379 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 4.21E+11 244,436,997,603,379 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 5.44E+11 244,666,020,243,379 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 6.67E+11 24,443,699,760,338 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 7.91E+10 24,374,992,968,338 35-2
-2.47E+11 -4.67E+01 9.14E+11 24,260,481,648,338 35-2
6.10E+11 -9.34E+01 9.14E+11 242,604,816,483,379 35-3
6.10E+11 -9.34E+01 6.10E+11 162,194,589,602,253 35-3
6.10E+11 -9.34E+01 3.05E+11 813,263,174,411,265 35-3
6.10E+11 -9.34E+01 6.12E-04 -2.31E+00 35-3
-1.15E+11 0 0 0 35-1
-1.15E+11 0 5.75E+10 786,082,715,683,481 35-1
-1.15E+11 0 1.15E+11 156,619,696,256,696 35-1
-1.15E+11 0 1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 35-1
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 1.73E+11 234,034,274,065,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 2.92E+11 235,526,391,265,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 4.11E+10 236,421,661,585,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 5.31E+11 236,720,085,025,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 6.50E+11 236,421,661,585,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 7.70E+11 235,526,391,265,044 35-2
-2.39E+11 -4.50E-01 8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 35-2
5.93E+10 -9.01E+01 8.89E+11 234,034,274,065,044 35-3
5.93E+10 -9.01E+01 5.93E+10 156,619,696,256,696 35-3
5.93E+10 -9.01E+01 2.96E+11 78,608,271,568,348 35-3
5.93E+10 -9.01E+01 5.93E-05 -6.04E+00 35-3
0 0 0 0 36-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 36-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 36-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 36-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 36-1
0 0 0 6.22E-01 36-1
0 0 0 0 36-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 36-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 36-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 36-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 36-1
0 0 0 5.76E+00 36-1
0 0 0 0 36-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 36-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 36-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 36-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 36-1
0 0 0 4.47E+00 36-1
0 0 0 0 37-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 37-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 37-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 37-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 37-1
0 0 0 -5.33E-01 37-1
0 0 0 0 37-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 37-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 37-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 37-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 37-1
0 0 0 8.12E-01 37-1
0 0 0 0 37-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 37-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 37-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 37-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 37-1
0 0 0 2.88E-01 37-1
0 0 0 0 38-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 38-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 38-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 38-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 38-1
0 0 0 -2.13E-01 38-1
0 0 0 0 38-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 38-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 38-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 38-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 38-1
0 0 0 -1.31E+00 38-1
0 0 0 0 38-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 38-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 38-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 38-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 38-1
0 0 0 -1.83E+00 38-1
0 0 0 0 39-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 39-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 39-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 39-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 39-1
0 0 0 -2.13E-01 39-1
0 0 0 0 39-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 39-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 39-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 39-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 39-1
0 0 0 -1.31E+00 39-1
0 0 0 0 39-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 39-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 39-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 39-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 39-1
0 0 0 -1.83E+00 39-1
0 0 0 0 40-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 40-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 40-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 40-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 40-1
0 0 0 6.22E-01 40-1
0 0 0 0 40-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 40-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 40-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 40-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 40-1
0 0 0 5.76E+00 40-1
0 0 0 0 40-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 40-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 40-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 40-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 40-1
0 0 0 4.47E+00 40-1
0 0 0 0 41-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 41-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 41-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 41-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 41-1
0 0 0 -3.46E+00 41-1
0 0 0 0 41-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 41-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 41-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 41-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 41-1
0 0 0 -6.26E+00 41-1
0 0 0 0 41-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 41-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 41-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 41-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 41-1
0 0 0 -5.33E+00 41-1
0 0 0 0 42-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 42-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 42-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 42-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 42-1
0 0 0 -1.07E+00 42-1
0 0 0 0 42-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 42-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 42-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 42-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 42-1
0 0 0 1.34E+00 42-1
0 0 0 0 42-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 42-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 42-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 42-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 42-1
0 0 0 3.24E-01 42-1
0 0 0 0 43-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 43-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 43-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 43-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 43-1
0 0 0 -1.07E+00 43-1
0 0 0 0 43-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 43-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 43-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 43-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 43-1
0 0 0 1.34E+00 43-1
0 0 0 0 43-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 43-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 43-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 43-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 43-1
0 0 0 3.24E-01 43-1
0 0 0 0 44-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 44-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 44-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 44-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 44-1
0 0 0 -1.42E-01 44-1
0 0 0 0 44-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 44-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 44-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 44-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 44-1
0 0 0 1.74E-01 44-1
0 0 0 0 44-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 44-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 44-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 44-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 44-1
0 0 0 1.04E-01 44-1
0 0 0 0 45-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 45-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 45-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 45-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 45-1
0 0 0 -1.42E-01 45-1
0 0 0 0 45-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 45-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 45-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 45-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 45-1
0 0 0 1.74E-01 45-1
0 0 0 0 45-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 45-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 45-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 45-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 45-1
0 0 0 1.04E-01 45-1
0 0 0 0 46-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 46-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 46-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 46-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 46-1
0 0 0 -4.09E+00 46-1
0 0 0 0 46-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 46-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 46-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 46-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 46-1
0 0 0 -2.18E+00 46-1
0 0 0 0 46-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 46-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 46-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 46-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 46-1
0 0 0 -3.53E+00 46-1
0 0 0 0 47-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 47-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 47-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 47-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 47-1
0 0 0 -4.09E+00 47-1
0 0 0 0 47-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 47-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 47-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 47-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 47-1
0 0 0 -2.18E+00 47-1
0 0 0 0 47-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 47-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 47-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 47-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 47-1
0 0 0 -3.53E+00 47-1
0 0 0 0 48-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 48-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 48-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 48-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 48-1
0 0 0 -1.07E+00 48-1
0 0 0 0 48-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 48-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 48-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 48-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 48-1
0 0 0 1.87E+00 48-1
0 0 0 0 48-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 48-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 48-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 48-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 48-1
0 0 0 1.29E+00 48-1
0 0 0 0 49-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 49-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 49-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 49-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 49-1
0 0 0 1.07E+00 49-1
0 0 0 0 49-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 49-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 49-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 49-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 49-1
0 0 0 2.45E-01 49-1
0 0 0 0 49-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 49-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 49-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 49-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 49-1
0 0 0 1.69E+00 49-1
0 0 0 0 50-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 50-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 50-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 50-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 50-1
0 0 0 -7.11E-03 50-1
0 0 0 0 50-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 50-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 50-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 50-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 50-1
0 0 0 -9.90E-01 50-1
0 0 0 0 50-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 50-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 50-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 50-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 50-1
0 0 0 -8.92E-01 50-1
0 0 0 0 51-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 51-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 51-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 51-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 51-1
0 0 0 -4.09E+00 51-1
0 0 0 0 51-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 51-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 51-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,399 51-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 51-1
0 0 0 -2.18E+00 51-1
0 0 0 0 51-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 51-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 51-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 51-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 51-1
0 0 0 -3.53E+00 51-1
0 0 0 0 52-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 52-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 52-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 52-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 52-1
0 0 0 1.33E+00 52-1
0 0 0 0 52-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 52-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 52-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 52-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 52-1
0 0 0 1.04E+00 52-1
0 0 0 0 52-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 52-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 52-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 52-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 52-1
0 0 0 1.76E+00 52-1
0 0 0 0 53-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 53-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 53-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 53-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 53-1
0 0 0 -1.51E+00 53-1
0 0 0 0 53-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 53-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 53-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 53-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 53-1
0 0 0 1.50E+00 53-1
0 0 0 0 53-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 53-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 53-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 53-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 53-1
0 0 0 8.62E-01 53-1
0 0 0 0 54-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 54-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 54-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 54-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 54-1
0 0 0 -8.88E-01 54-1
0 0 0 0 54-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 54-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 54-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 54-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 54-1
0 0 0 1.38E-01 54-1
0 0 0 0 54-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 54-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 54-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 54-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 54-1
0 0 0 -4.57E-01 54-1
0 0 0 0 55-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 55-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 55-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 55-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 55-1
0 0 0 -8.88E-01 55-1
0 0 0 0 55-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 55-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 55-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 55-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 55-1
0 0 0 1.38E-01 55-1
0 0 0 0 55-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 55-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 55-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 55-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 55-1
0 0 0 -4.57E-01 55-1
0 0 0 0 56-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 56-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 56-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 56-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 56-1
0 0 0 9.77E-01 56-1
0 0 0 0 56-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 56-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 56-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 56-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 56-1
0 0 0 -1.04E+00 56-1
0 0 0 0 56-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 56-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 56-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 56-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 56-1
0 0 0 -1.70E-01 56-1
0 0 0 0 57-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 57-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 57-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,533 57-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 57-1
0 0 0 -1.51E+00 57-1
0 0 0 0 57-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 57-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 57-1
0 0 0 338,239,873,033,398 57-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,932 57-1
0 0 0 1.50E+00 57-1
0 0 0 0 57-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 57-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 57-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,062 57-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,708 57-1
0 0 0 8.62E-01 57-1
0 0 0 0 58-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 58-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 58-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 58-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 58-1
0 0 0 -3.73E+00 58-1
0 0 0 0 58-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 58-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 58-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 58-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 58-1
0 0 0 -6.14E+00 58-1
0 0 0 0 58-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 58-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 58-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 58-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 58-1
0 0 0 -5.48E+00 58-1
0 0 0 0 59-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,023 59-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 59-1
0 0 0 172,602,419,437,534 59-1
0 0 0 115,068,279,625,022 59-1
0 0 0 -3.73E+00 59-1
0 0 0 0 59-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 59-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 59-1
0 0 0 3,382,398,730,334 59-1
0 0 0 225,493,248,688,933 59-1
0 0 0 -6.14E+00 59-1
0 0 0 0 59-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 59-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 59-1
0 0 0 323,469,442,150,063 59-1
0 0 0 215,646,294,766,709 59-1
0 0 0 -5.48E+00 59-1
TABLE: Element Joint Forces - Frames
Frame Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2
Text Text Text Text Kgf Kgf
1 1 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,587 306,983,620,661,624
1 2 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,587 -306,983,620,661,624
1 1 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,716 618,410,656,107,182
1 2 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,716 -618,410,656,107,182
1 1 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,617 605,772,304,674,051
1 2 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,617 -605,772,304,674,051
2 3 DEAD LinStatic 136,111,506,658,643 -2.87E-01
2 4 DEAD LinStatic -136,111,506,658,643 2.87E-01
2 3 COMB1 Combination 269,876,027,004,536 -6.34E-02
2 4 COMB1 Combination -269,876,027,004,536 6.34E-02
2 3 COMB2 Combination 260,775,875,754,414 -6.26E-02
2 4 COMB2 Combination -260,775,875,754,414 6.26E-02
3 5 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,586 -306,983,620,661,624
3 6 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,586 306,983,620,661,624
3 5 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,715 -618,410,656,107,181
3 6 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,715 618,410,656,107,181
3 5 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,617 -60,577,230,467,405
3 6 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,617 60,577,230,467,405
4 7 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,707 607,661,750,303,832
4 8 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,707 -607,661,750,303,832
4 7 COMB1 Combination -378,949,184,920,109 121,540,224,083,779
4 8 COMB1 Combination 378,949,184,920,109 -121,540,224,083,779
4 7 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,468 118,332,522,712,381
4 8 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,468 -118,332,522,712,381
5 9 DEAD LinStatic -2,885,616,199,954 -4.26E-01
5 10 DEAD LinStatic 2,885,616,199,954 4.26E-01
5 9 COMB1 Combination -572,103,349,321,544 -8.91E-01
5 10 COMB1 Combination 572,103,349,321,544 8.91E-01
5 9 COMB2 Combination -552,774,889,374,787 -9.15E-01
5 10 COMB2 Combination 552,774,889,374,787 9.15E-01
6 11 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,708 -607,661,750,303,831
6 12 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,708 607,661,750,303,831
6 11 COMB1 Combination -37,894,918,492,011 -121,540,224,083,779
6 12 COMB1 Combination 37,894,918,492,011 121,540,224,083,779
6 11 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,469 -118,332,522,712,381
6 12 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,469 118,332,522,712,381
7 13 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,708 607,661,750,303,831
7 14 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,708 -607,661,750,303,831
7 13 COMB1 Combination 37,894,918,492,011 121,540,224,083,779
7 14 COMB1 Combination -37,894,918,492,011 -121,540,224,083,779
7 13 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,469 118,332,522,712,381
7 14 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,469 -118,332,522,712,381
8 15 DEAD LinStatic 288,561,619,995,399 -4.91E-01
8 16 DEAD LinStatic -288,561,619,995,399 4.91E-01
8 15 COMB1 Combination 572,103,349,321,543 -9.32E-01
8 16 COMB1 Combination -572,103,349,321,543 9.32E-01
8 15 COMB2 Combination 552,774,889,374,786 -9.17E-01
8 16 COMB2 Combination -552,774,889,374,786 9.17E-01
9 17 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,707 -607,661,750,303,831
9 18 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,707 607,661,750,303,831
9 17 COMB1 Combination 37,894,918,492,011 -121,540,224,083,779
9 18 COMB1 Combination -37,894,918,492,011 121,540,224,083,779
9 17 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,468 -118,332,522,712,381
9 18 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,468 118,332,522,712,381
10 19 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,587 306,983,620,661,625
10 20 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,587 -306,983,620,661,625
10 19 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,716 618,410,656,107,184
10 20 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,716 -618,410,656,107,184
10 19 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,617 605,772,304,674,052
10 20 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,617 -605,772,304,674,052
11 21 DEAD LinStatic -136,111,506,658,643 -4.03E-01
11 22 DEAD LinStatic 136,111,506,658,643 4.03E-01
11 21 COMB1 Combination -269,876,027,004,536 -7.28E-01
11 22 COMB1 Combination 269,876,027,004,536 7.28E-01
11 21 COMB2 Combination -260,775,875,754,414 -6.72E-01
11 22 COMB2 Combination 260,775,875,754,414 6.72E-01
12 23 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,585 -306,983,620,661,624
12 24 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,585 306,983,620,661,624
12 23 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,715 -618,410,656,107,182
12 24 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,715 618,410,656,107,182
12 23 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,616 -605,772,304,674,051
12 24 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,616 605,772,304,674,051
13 2 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 0,033464308700244
13 41 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -0,033464308700244
13 2 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 6.68E+12
13 41 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -6.68E+12
13 2 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 6.50E+12
13 41 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -6.50E+12
13 41 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 1.41E+11
13 42 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -1.41E+11
13 41 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 2.80E+11
13 42 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -2.80E+11
13 41 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 2.72E+11
13 42 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -2.72E+11
13 42 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 -2.72E+12
13 8 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 2.72E+12
13 42 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 -5.45E+12
13 8 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 5.45E+12
13 42 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -5.31E+12
13 8 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 5.31E+12
14 8 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,248 0,035740968027562
14 51 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -0,035740968027562
14 8 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 7.14E+12
14 51 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -7.14E+12
14 8 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 6.95E+12
14 51 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -6.95E+12
14 51 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,248 8.22E-02
14 52 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -8.22E-02
14 51 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 1.56E-01
14 52 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -1.56E-01
14 51 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 1.57E-01
14 52 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -1.57E-01
14 52 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,248 -3.57E+12
14 14 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 3.57E+12
14 52 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 -7.14E+12
14 14 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 7.14E+12
14 52 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 -6.95E+12
14 14 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 6.95E+12
15 14 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,418 2.72E+12
15 61 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -2.72E+12
15 14 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,107 5.45E+12
15 61 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -5.45E+12
15 14 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 0,05308103201112
15 61 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -0,05308103201112
15 61 DEAD LinStatic 87,598,329,338,142 -1.41E+11
15 62 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 1.41E+11
15 61 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 -2.80E+11
15 62 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 2.80E+11
15 61 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -0,002716863172931
15 62 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 0,002716863172931
15 62 DEAD LinStatic 87,598,329,338,142 -3.35E+12
15 20 DEAD LinStatic -87,598,329,338,142 3.35E+12
15 62 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 -6.68E+12
15 20 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 6.68E+12
15 62 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -6.50E+12
15 20 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 6.50E+12
16 4 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 3.37E-02
16 37 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -3.37E-02
16 4 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 8.32E-02
16 37 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -8.32E-02
16 4 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 8.02E-02
16 37 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -8.02E-02
16 37 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 1.95E-01
16 38 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -1.95E-01
16 37 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 3.81E-02
16 38 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -3.81E-02
16 37 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 3.67E-01
16 38 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -3.67E-01
16 38 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 3.77E-02
16 10 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -3.77E-02
16 38 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 6.59E-03
16 10 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -6.59E-03
16 38 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 7.39E-02
16 10 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -7.39E-02
17 10 DEAD LinStatic 105,882,668,495,223 4.97E-01
17 47 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 -4.97E-01
17 10 COMB1 Combination 209,939,062,563,264 1.07E+00
17 47 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 -1.07E+00
17 10 COMB2 Combination 202,859,525,602,658 1.01E+00
17 47 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 -1.01E+00
17 47 DEAD LinStatic 105,882,668,495,223 -5.18E-03
17 48 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 5.18E-03
17 47 COMB1 Combination 209,939,062,563,264 -8.67E-03
17 48 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 8.67E-03
17 47 COMB2 Combination 202,859,525,602,658 -5.63E-03
17 48 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 5.63E-03
17 48 DEAD LinStatic 105,882,668,495,223 -1.95E-01
17 16 DEAD LinStatic -105,882,668,495,223 1.95E-01
17 48 COMB1 Combination 209,939,062,563,264 -3.65E-01
17 16 COMB1 Combination -209,939,062,563,264 3.65E-01
17 48 COMB2 Combination 202,859,525,602,658 -3.49E-01
17 16 COMB2 Combination -202,859,525,602,658 3.49E-01
18 16 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 9.07E-01
18 57 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -9.07E-01
18 16 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 1.80E+00
18 57 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -1.80E+00
18 16 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 1.73E+00
18 57 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -1.73E+00
18 57 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 1.26E-01
18 58 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 -1.26E-01
18 57 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 2.50E-01
18 58 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 -2.50E-01
18 57 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 2.39E-02
18 58 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 -2.39E-02
18 58 DEAD LinStatic 135,040,713,463,604 -8.14E-01
18 22 DEAD LinStatic -135,040,713,463,604 8.14E-01
18 58 COMB1 Combination 267,748,927,402,672 -1.60E+00
18 22 COMB1 Combination -267,748,927,402,672 1.60E+00
18 58 COMB2 Combination 258,717,146,249,188 -1.53E+00
18 22 COMB2 Combination -258,717,146,249,188 1.53E+00
19 6 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 -3.35E+12
19 34 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 3.35E+12
19 6 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,107 -6.68E+12
19 34 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 6.68E+12
19 6 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -6.50E+12
19 34 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 6.50E+12
19 34 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 -1.41E+11
19 36 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 1.41E+11
19 34 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 -2.80E+11
19 36 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 2.80E+11
19 34 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -2.72E+11
19 36 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 2.72E+11
19 36 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 2.72E+12
19 12 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 -2.72E+12
19 36 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 5.45E+12
19 12 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 -5.45E+12
19 36 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 5.31E+12
19 12 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -5.31E+12
20 12 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,247 -0,035740968027564
20 44 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 0,035740968027564
20 12 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 -7.14E+12
20 44 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 7.14E+12
20 12 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 -6.95E+12
20 44 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 6.95E+12
20 44 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,247 4.60E-02
20 46 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,247 -4.60E-02
20 44 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 8.57E-02
20 46 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -8.57E-02
20 44 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 8.89E-02
20 46 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -8.89E-02
20 46 DEAD LinStatic 684,856,158,137,248 3.57E+12
20 18 DEAD LinStatic -684,856,158,137,248 -3.57E+12
20 46 COMB1 Combination 136,643,514,308,363 0,071443277467945
20 18 COMB1 Combination -136,643,514,308,363 -0,071443277467945
20 46 COMB2 Combination 132,755,710,684,575 0,069521535840507
20 18 COMB2 Combination -132,755,710,684,575 -0,069521535840507
21 18 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,419 -2.72E+12
21 54 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,419 2.72E+12
21 18 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,108 -5.45E+12
21 54 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,108 5.45E+12
21 18 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 -5.31E+12
21 54 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 5.31E+12
21 54 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,418 1.41E+11
21 56 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -1.41E+11
21 54 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,107 2.80E+11
21 56 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -2.80E+11
21 54 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 2.72E+11
21 56 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -2.72E+11
21 56 DEAD LinStatic 875,983,293,381,418 3.35E+12
21 24 DEAD LinStatic -875,983,293,381,418 -3.35E+12
21 56 COMB1 Combination 174,776,257,096,107 6.68E+12
21 24 COMB1 Combination -174,776,257,096,107 -6.68E+12
21 56 COMB2 Combination 169,802,466,495,931 6.50E+12
21 24 COMB2 Combination -169,802,466,495,931 -6.50E+12
22 2 DEAD LinStatic 0,041814491701673 3,036,371,897,916
22 30 DEAD LinStatic -0,041814491701673 -3,036,371,897,916
22 2 COMB1 Combination 8.32E+12 611,729,040,175,471
22 30 COMB1 Combination -8.32E+12 -611,729,040,175,471
22 2 COMB2 Combination 8.07E+12 599,276,798,219,904
22 30 COMB2 Combination -8.07E+12 -599,276,798,219,904
22 30 DEAD LinStatic -5.35E+12 303,580,761,055,664
22 4 DEAD LinStatic 5.35E+12 -303,580,761,055,664
22 30 COMB1 Combination -0,106354980093226 61,161,333,968,339
22 4 COMB1 Combination 0,106354980093226 -61,161,333,968,339
22 30 COMB2 Combination -0,102936475261328 599,161,779,776,827
22 4 COMB2 Combination 0,102936475261328 -599,161,779,776,827
23 4 DEAD LinStatic 0,053539659751956 303,580,761,055,663
23 26 DEAD LinStatic -0,053539659751956 -303,580,761,055,663
23 4 COMB1 Combination 0,106354980093226 611,613,339,683,389
23 26 COMB1 Combination -0,106354980093226 -611,613,339,683,389
23 4 COMB2 Combination 0,102936475261328 599,161,779,776,827
23 26 COMB2 Combination -0,102936475261328 -599,161,779,776,827
23 26 DEAD LinStatic -4.18E+12 3,036,371,897,916
23 6 DEAD LinStatic 4.18E+12 -3,036,371,897,916
23 26 COMB1 Combination -0,083249643960806 61,172,904,017,547
23 6 COMB1 Combination 0,083249643960806 -61,172,904,017,547
23 26 COMB2 Combination -8.07E+12 599,276,798,219,903
23 6 COMB2 Combination 8.07E+12 -599,276,798,219,903
24 8 DEAD LinStatic 1.20E+12 601,364,818,058,252
24 29 DEAD LinStatic -1.20E+12 -601,364,818,058,252
24 8 COMB1 Combination 2.38E+12 120,280,867,847,473
24 29 COMB1 Combination -2.38E+12 -120,280,867,847,473
24 8 COMB2 Combination 2.30E+12 117,106,497,033,865
24 29 COMB2 Combination -2.30E+12 -117,106,497,033,865
24 29 DEAD LinStatic -1.51E+12 60,081,774,209,284
24 10 DEAD LinStatic 1.51E+12 -60,081,774,209,284
24 29 COMB1 Combination -3.00E+12 120,171,538,298,475
24 10 COMB1 Combination 3.00E+12 -120,171,538,298,475
24 29 COMB2 Combination -2.90E+12 117,000,130,474,437
24 10 COMB2 Combination 2.90E+12 -117,000,130,474,437
25 10 DEAD LinStatic 1.51E+12 600,817,742,092,839
25 25 DEAD LinStatic -1.51E+12 -600,817,742,092,839
25 10 COMB1 Combination 0,029976495362674 120,171,538,298,475
25 25 COMB1 Combination -0,029976495362674 -120,171,538,298,475
25 10 COMB2 Combination 2.90E+12 117,000,130,474,437
25 25 COMB2 Combination -2.90E+12 -117,000,130,474,437
25 25 DEAD LinStatic -1.20E+12 601,364,818,058,252
25 12 DEAD LinStatic 1.20E+12 -601,364,818,058,252
25 25 COMB1 Combination -2.38E+12 120,280,867,847,473
25 12 COMB1 Combination 2.38E+12 -120,280,867,847,473
25 25 COMB2 Combination -2.30E+12 117,106,497,033,864
25 12 COMB2 Combination 2.30E+12 -117,106,497,033,864
26 14 DEAD LinStatic -1.20E+12 601,364,818,058,253
26 31 DEAD LinStatic 1.20E+12 -601,364,818,058,253
26 14 COMB1 Combination -2.38E+12 120,280,867,847,473
26 31 COMB1 Combination 2.38E+12 -120,280,867,847,473
26 14 COMB2 Combination -2.30E+12 117,106,497,033,865
26 31 COMB2 Combination 2.30E+12 -117,106,497,033,865
26 31 DEAD LinStatic 1.51E+12 60,081,774,209,284
26 16 DEAD LinStatic -1.51E+12 -60,081,774,209,284
26 31 COMB1 Combination 3.00E+12 120,171,538,298,475
26 16 COMB1 Combination -3.00E+12 -120,171,538,298,475
26 31 COMB2 Combination 2.90E+12 117,000,130,474,437
26 16 COMB2 Combination -2.90E+12 -117,000,130,474,437
27 16 DEAD LinStatic -1.51E+12 600,817,742,092,838
27 27 DEAD LinStatic 1.51E+12 -600,817,742,092,838
27 16 COMB1 Combination -3.00E+12 120,171,538,298,475
27 27 COMB1 Combination 3.00E+12 -120,171,538,298,475
27 16 COMB2 Combination -2.90E+12 117,000,130,474,437
27 27 COMB2 Combination 2.90E+12 -117,000,130,474,437
27 27 DEAD LinStatic 1.20E+12 601,364,818,058,251
27 18 DEAD LinStatic -1.20E+12 -601,364,818,058,251
27 27 COMB1 Combination 2.38E+12 120,280,867,847,473
27 18 COMB1 Combination -2.38E+12 -120,280,867,847,473
27 27 COMB2 Combination 2.30E+12 117,106,497,033,864
27 18 COMB2 Combination -2.30E+12 -117,106,497,033,864
28 20 DEAD LinStatic -4.18E+12 303,637,189,791,601
28 32 DEAD LinStatic 4.18E+12 -303,637,189,791,601
28 20 COMB1 Combination -0,083249643960789 611,729,040,175,473
28 32 COMB1 Combination 0,083249643960789 -611,729,040,175,473
28 20 COMB2 Combination -8.07E+12 599,276,798,219,906
28 32 COMB2 Combination 8.07E+12 -599,276,798,219,906
28 32 DEAD LinStatic 0,05353965975196 303,580,761,055,665
28 22 DEAD LinStatic -0,05353965975196 -303,580,761,055,665
28 32 COMB1 Combination 0,106354980093235 611,613,339,683,393
28 22 COMB1 Combination -0,106354980093235 -611,613,339,683,393
28 32 COMB2 Combination 0,102936475261336 59,916,177,977,683
28 22 COMB2 Combination -0,102936475261336 -59,916,177,977,683
29 22 DEAD LinStatic -0,05353965975195 303,580,761,055,664
29 28 DEAD LinStatic 0,05353965975195 -303,580,761,055,664
29 22 COMB1 Combination -0,106354980093215 61,161,333,968,339
29 28 COMB1 Combination 0,106354980093215 -61,161,333,968,339
29 22 COMB2 Combination -0,102936475261317 599,161,779,776,828
29 28 COMB2 Combination 0,102936475261317 -599,161,779,776,828
29 28 DEAD LinStatic 4.18E+12 303,637,189,791,601
29 24 DEAD LinStatic -4.18E+12 -303,637,189,791,601
29 28 COMB1 Combination 8.32E+12 611,729,040,175,473
29 24 COMB1 Combination -8.32E+12 -611,729,040,175,473
29 28 COMB2 Combination 8.07E+12 599,276,798,219,906
29 24 COMB2 Combination -8.07E+12 -599,276,798,219,906
30 25 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -3.05E+11
30 35 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 3.05E+11
30 25 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 -6.10E+11
30 35 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054032 6.10E+11
30 25 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 -5.93E+11
30 35 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029899 5.93E+11
30 35 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 1.24E+11
30 33 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 -1.24E+11
30 35 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 2.47E+11
30 33 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054032 -2.47E+11
30 35 COMB2 Combination -0,1836672100299 2.39E+11
30 33 COMB2 Combination 0,1836672100299 -2.39E+11
30 33 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 5.64E+10
30 26 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 -5.64E+10
30 33 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054032 1.16E+11
30 26 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054032 -1.16E+11
30 33 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029899 1.15E+11
30 26 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029899 -1.15E+11
31 27 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -2.42E+11
31 45 DEAD LinStatic 0,122405779350291 2.42E+11
31 27 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -4.84E+10
31 45 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990044 4.84E+10
31 27 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -4.71E+11
31 45 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523311 4.71E+11
31 45 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 -4.83E-02
31 43 DEAD LinStatic 0,122405779350291 4.83E-02
31 45 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 -9.96E-02
31 43 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990044 9.96E-02
31 45 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 -1.01E-02
31 43 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523311 1.01E-02
31 43 DEAD LinStatic -0,122405779350291 2.42E+11
31 25 DEAD LinStatic 0,122405779350291 -2.42E+11
31 43 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990044 4.84E+11
31 25 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990044 -4.84E+11
31 43 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523311 4.71E+11
31 25 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523311 -4.71E+11
32 28 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -5.64E+10
32 55 DEAD LinStatic 0,095354151453628 5.64E+10
32 28 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -1.16E+11
32 55 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054023 1.16E+11
32 28 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -1.15E+11
32 55 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 1.15E+11
32 55 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -1.24E+10
32 53 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 1.24E+10
32 55 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -2.47E+11
32 53 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054023 2.47E+11
32 55 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -2.39E+11
32 53 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 2.39E+11
32 53 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 3.05E+11
32 27 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 -3.05E+11
32 53 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 6.10E+11
32 27 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054023 -6.10E+11
32 53 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 5.93E+11
32 27 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 -5.93E+11
33 29 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 3.05E+11
33 40 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 -3.05E+11
33 29 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 6.10E+11
33 40 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054025 -6.10E+11
33 29 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 5.93E+11
33 40 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029893 -5.93E+11
33 40 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -1.24E+11
33 39 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 1.24E+11
33 40 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054026 -2.47E+11
33 39 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054026 2.47E+11
33 40 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -2.39E+11
33 39 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029893 2.39E+11
33 39 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 -5.64E+10
33 30 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 5.64E+09
33 39 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054025 -1.16E+11
33 30 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054025 1.16E+11
33 39 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029893 -1.15E+11
33 30 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029893 1.15E+11
34 31 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 2.42E+10
34 50 DEAD LinStatic 0,12240577935029 -2.42E+10
34 31 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 4.84E+11
34 50 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990042 -4.84E+11
34 31 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 4.71E+11
34 50 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523309 -4.71E+11
34 50 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -3.45E-03
34 49 DEAD LinStatic 0,12240577935029 3.45E-03
34 50 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -6.46E-02
34 49 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990042 6.46E-02
34 50 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -6.73E-02
34 49 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523309 6.73E-02
34 49 DEAD LinStatic -0,12240577935029 -2.42E+11
34 29 DEAD LinStatic 0,12240577935029 2.42E+11
34 49 COMB1 Combination -0,243363548990042 -4.84E+11
34 29 COMB1 Combination 0,243363548990042 4.84E+11
34 49 COMB2 Combination -0,235716425523309 -4.71E+11
34 29 COMB2 Combination 0,235716425523309 4.71E+11
35 32 DEAD LinStatic -9.54E+12 5.64E+10
35 60 DEAD LinStatic 9.54E+12 -5.64E+10
35 32 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054024 1.16E+11
35 60 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054024 -1.16E+11
35 32 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 1.15E+11
35 60 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 -1.15E+11
35 60 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 1.24E+11
35 59 DEAD LinStatic 0,095354151453628 -1.24E+11
35 60 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 2.47E+10
35 59 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054023 -2.47E+10
35 60 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 2.39E+11
35 59 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 -2.39E+11
35 59 DEAD LinStatic -0,095354151453628 -3.05E+10
35 31 DEAD LinStatic 0,095354151453628 3.05E+10
35 59 COMB1 Combination -0,189604624054023 -6.10E+11
35 31 COMB1 Combination 0,189604624054023 6.10E+11
35 59 COMB2 Combination -0,183667210029891 -5.93E+11
35 31 COMB2 Combination 0,183667210029891 5.93E+11
36 33 DEAD LinStatic -5.69E-04 3.21E+12
36 34 DEAD LinStatic 5.69E-04 -3.21E+12
36 33 COMB1 Combination -1.14E-03 6.40E+12
36 34 COMB1 Combination 1.14E-03 -6.40E+12
36 33 COMB2 Combination -1.11E-04 6.22E+12
36 34 COMB2 Combination 1.11E-04 -6.22E+12
37 35 DEAD LinStatic 0 2.86E+12
37 36 DEAD LinStatic 0 -2.86E+12
37 35 COMB1 Combination 0 5.73E+12
37 36 COMB1 Combination 0 -5.73E+12
37 35 COMB2 Combination 0 5.58E+12
37 36 COMB2 Combination 0 -5.58E+12
38 37 DEAD LinStatic -5.57E-04 3.14E+12
38 33 DEAD LinStatic 5.57E-04 -3.14E+12
38 37 COMB1 Combination -1.11E-03 6.27E+12
38 33 COMB1 Combination 1.11E-03 -6.27E+12
38 37 COMB2 Combination -1.08E-03 6.10E+12
38 33 COMB2 Combination 1.08E-03 -6.10E+12
39 38 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.29E+12
39 35 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.29E+12
39 38 COMB1 Combination 0 6.59E+12
39 35 COMB1 Combination 0 -6.59E+12
39 38 COMB2 Combination 0 6.41E+12
39 35 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.41E+12
40 39 DEAD LinStatic -8.36E-04 3.14E+12
40 37 DEAD LinStatic 8.36E-04 -3.14E+12
40 39 COMB1 Combination -1.67E-03 6.27E+12
40 37 COMB1 Combination 1.67E-03 -6.27E+12
40 39 COMB2 Combination -1.63E-03 6.10E+12
40 37 COMB2 Combination 1.63E-03 -6.10E+12
41 40 DEAD LinStatic -2.34E-03 3.29E+12
41 38 DEAD LinStatic 2.34E-03 -3.29E+12
41 40 COMB1 Combination -4.68E-03 6.59E+12
41 38 COMB1 Combination 4.68E-03 -6.59E+12
41 40 COMB2 Combination -4.56E-03 0,064113941519831
41 38 COMB2 Combination 4.56E-03 -0,064113941519831
42 41 DEAD LinStatic -5.69E-04 3.21E+12
42 39 DEAD LinStatic 5.69E-04 -3.21E+12
42 41 COMB1 Combination -1.14E-03 6.40E+12
42 39 COMB1 Combination 1.14E-03 -6.40E+12
42 41 COMB2 Combination -1.11E-04 6.22E+12
42 39 COMB2 Combination 1.11E-04 -6.22E+12
43 42 DEAD LinStatic 0 2.86E+12
43 40 DEAD LinStatic 0 -2.86E+12
43 42 COMB1 Combination 0 5.73E+12
43 40 COMB1 Combination 0 -5.73E+12
43 42 COMB2 Combination 0 0,055797895184042
43 40 COMB2 Combination 0 -0,055797895184042
44 43 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.57E+12
44 44 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.57E+12
44 43 COMB1 Combination 0 7.14E+12
44 44 COMB1 Combination 0 -7.14E+12
44 43 COMB2 Combination 0 0,069521535840511
44 44 COMB2 Combination 0 -0,069521535840511
45 45 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.57E+12
45 46 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.57E+12
45 45 COMB1 Combination 0 7.14E+12
45 46 COMB1 Combination 0 -7.14E+12
45 45 COMB2 Combination 0 6.95E+12
45 46 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.95E+12
46 47 DEAD LinStatic -1.36E-03 3.82E+12
46 43 DEAD LinStatic 1.36E-03 -3.82E+12
46 47 COMB1 Combination -2.71E-03 7.63E+12
46 43 COMB1 Combination 2.71E-03 -7.63E+12
46 47 COMB2 Combination -2.64E-03 7.42E+12
46 43 COMB2 Combination 2.64E-03 -7.42E+12
47 48 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.82E+12
47 45 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.82E+12
47 48 COMB1 Combination 0 7.63E+12
47 45 COMB1 Combination 0 -7.63E+12
47 48 COMB2 Combination 0 7.42E+12
47 45 COMB2 Combination 0 -7.42E+12
48 49 DEAD LinStatic -1.36E-03 3.82E+12
48 47 DEAD LinStatic 1.36E-03 -3.82E+12
48 49 COMB1 Combination -2.71E-03 7.63E+12
48 47 COMB1 Combination 2.71E-03 -7.63E+12
48 49 COMB2 Combination -2.64E-03 7.42E+12
48 47 COMB2 Combination 2.64E-03 -7.42E+12
49 50 DEAD LinStatic -2.71E-03 3.82E+12
49 48 DEAD LinStatic 2.71E-03 -3.82E+12
49 50 COMB1 Combination -5.42E-04 7.63E+12
49 48 COMB1 Combination 5.42E-04 -7.63E+12
49 50 COMB2 Combination -5.27E-03 7.42E+12
49 48 COMB2 Combination 5.27E-03 -7.42E+12
50 51 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.57E+12
50 49 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.57E+12
50 51 COMB1 Combination 0 7.14E+12
50 49 COMB1 Combination 0 -7.14E+12
50 51 COMB2 Combination 0 6.95E+12
50 49 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.95E+12
51 52 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.57E+12
51 50 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.57E+12
51 52 COMB1 Combination 0 7.14E+12
51 50 COMB1 Combination 0 -7.14E+12
51 52 COMB2 Combination 0 6.95E+12
51 50 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.95E+12
52 53 DEAD LinStatic 0 2.86E+12
52 54 DEAD LinStatic 0 -2.86E+12
52 53 COMB1 Combination 0 5.73E+12
52 54 COMB1 Combination 0 -5.73E+12
52 53 COMB2 Combination 0 5.58E+12
52 54 COMB2 Combination 0 -5.58E+12
53 55 DEAD LinStatic -4.56E-03 3.21E+12
53 56 DEAD LinStatic 4.56E-03 -3.21E+12
53 55 COMB1 Combination -9.10E-03 6.40E+12
53 56 COMB1 Combination 9.10E-03 -6.40E+12
53 55 COMB2 Combination -8.84E-03 6.22E+12
53 56 COMB2 Combination 8.84E-03 -6.22E+12
54 57 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.29E+12
54 53 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.29E+12
54 57 COMB1 Combination 0 6.59E+12
54 53 COMB1 Combination 0 -6.59E+12
54 57 COMB2 Combination 0 6.41E+12
54 53 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.41E+12
55 58 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.14E+12
55 55 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.14E+12
55 58 COMB1 Combination 0 6.27E+12
55 55 COMB1 Combination 0 -6.27E+12
55 58 COMB2 Combination 0 6.10E+12
55 55 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.10E+12
56 59 DEAD LinStatic -2.34E-04 0,032935215568941
56 57 DEAD LinStatic 2.34E-04 -0,032935215568941
56 59 COMB1 Combination -4.68E-03 6.59E+12
56 57 COMB1 Combination 4.68E-03 -6.59E+12
56 59 COMB2 Combination -4.56E-03 6.41E+12
56 57 COMB2 Combination 4.56E-03 -6.41E+12
57 60 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.14E+12
57 58 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.14E+12
57 60 COMB1 Combination 0 6.27E+12
57 58 COMB1 Combination 0 -6.27E+12
57 60 COMB2 Combination 0 6.10E+12
57 58 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.10E+12
58 61 DEAD LinStatic 0 2.86E+12
58 59 DEAD LinStatic 0 -2.86E+12
58 61 COMB1 Combination 0 5.73E+12
58 59 COMB1 Combination 0 -5.73E+12
58 61 COMB2 Combination 0 5.58E+12
58 59 COMB2 Combination 0 -5.58E+12
59 62 DEAD LinStatic 0 3.21E+12
59 60 DEAD LinStatic 0 -3.21E+12
59 62 COMB1 Combination 0 6.40E+12
59 60 COMB1 Combination 0 -6.40E+12
59 62 COMB2 Combination 0 6.22E+12
59 60 COMB2 Combination 0 -6.22E+12
F3 M1 M2 M3 FrameElem
Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m Text
773,636,064,341,944 0 0 0 1
-758,736,864,341,944 -920,950,861,984,873 264,049,422,765,476 0 1
157,712,107,067,413 0 1.42E-02 0 1
-152,795,371,067,413 -185,523,196,832,155 526,826,260,607,147 0 1
156,037,665,334,567 0 8.88E-02 0 1
-149,631,009,334,567 -181,731,691,402,215 511,829,321,530,851 0 1
182,998,739,491,689 0 3.55E-02 0 2
-181,508,819,491,689 8.60E-01 408,334,519,975,929 0 2
369,758,300,056,156 -9.86E-18 4.49E-01 0 2
-364,841,564,056,156 1.90E+00 809,628,081,013,609 0 2
363,124,982,141,987 2.17E-17 4.49E-01 0 2
-356,718,326,141,987 1.88E+00 782,327,627,263,243 0 2
773,636,064,341,945 0 0 0 3
-758,736,864,341,945 920,950,861,984,872 264,049,422,765,476 0 3
157,712,107,067,414 5.55E-03 1.42E-02 0 3
-152,795,371,067,414 185,523,196,832,154 526,826,260,607,146 0 3
156,037,665,334,567 5.55E-03 8.88E-02 0 3
-149,631,009,334,567 181,731,691,402,215 51,182,932,153,085 0 3
173,803,568,718,327 0 4.44E-02 0 4
-172,313,648,718,327 -182,298,525,091,149 -569,794,161,896,122 0 4
350,095,791,681,538 0 5.33E-02 0 4
-345,179,055,681,538 -364,620,672,251,337 -113,684,755,476,033 0 4
342,918,479,914,606 0 4.44E-02 0 4
-336,511,823,914,606 -354,997,568,137,142 -11,044,898,853,284 0 4
39,425,873,882,847 2.56E-16 0 0 5
-39,276,881,882,847 1.28E+00 -865,684,859,986,199 0 5
789,190,270,246,336 3.45E-16 -6.55E-02 0 5
-784,273,534,246,336 2.67E+00 -171,631,004,796,463 0 5
768,881,821,860,044 3.12E-18 -5.66E-03 0 5
-762,475,165,860,045 2.75E+00 -165,832,466,812,436 0 5
173,803,568,718,328 1.78E-01 4.44E-02 0 6
-172,313,648,718,328 182,298,525,091,149 -569,794,161,896,123 0 6
350,095,791,681,538 3.66E-01 5.33E-02 0 6
-345,179,055,681,538 364,620,672,251,337 -113,684,755,476,033 0 6
342,918,479,914,606 3.49E-01 4.44E-02 0 6
-336,511,823,914,606 354,997,568,137,142 -110,448,988,532,841 0 6
173,803,568,718,327 0 0 0 7
-172,313,648,718,327 -182,298,525,091,149 569,794,161,896,124 0 7
350,095,791,681,537 -1.11E-02 2.78E-03 0 7
-345,179,055,681,537 -364,620,672,251,337 113,684,755,476,033 0 7
342,918,479,914,605 -4.66E-02 1.17E-02 0 7
-336,511,823,914,605 -354,997,568,137,142 110,448,988,532,841 0 7
39,425,873,882,847 -7.89E-17 -8.88E-02 0 8
-39,276,881,882,847 1.47E+00 865,684,859,986,197 0 8
789,190,270,246,336 -4.54E-16 -3.55E-03 0 8
-784,273,534,246,336 2.80E+00 171,631,004,796,463 0 8
768,881,821,860,044 -3.12E-18 -6.22E-02 0 8
-762,475,165,860,044 2.75E+00 165,832,466,812,436 0 8
173,803,568,718,328 1.78E-01 -8.88E-02 0 9
-172,313,648,718,328 182,298,525,091,149 569,794,161,896,122 0 9
350,095,791,681,538 2.24E-01 -7.11E-04 0 9
-345,179,055,681,538 364,620,672,251,337 113,684,755,476,033 0 9
342,918,479,914,606 2.24E-01 -8.44E-02 0 9
-336,511,823,914,606 354,997,568,137,142 11,044,898,853,284 0 9
773,636,064,341,944 8.88E-02 -1.78E-01 0 10
-758,736,864,341,944 -920,950,861,984,876 -264,049,422,765,476 0 10
157,712,107,067,413 1.07E-01 -7.11E-04 0 10
-152,795,371,067,413 -185,523,196,832,155 -526,826,260,607,147 0 10
156,037,665,334,567 1.07E-01 -1.24E-01 0 10
-149,631,009,334,567 -181,731,691,402,216 -51,182,932,153,085 0 10
182,998,739,491,689 -4.34E-16 -3.55E-02 0 11
-181,508,819,491,689 1.21E+00 -408,334,519,975,929 0 11
369,758,300,056,157 -5.94E-16 -4.49E-01 0 11
-364,841,564,056,157 2.18E+00 -809,628,081,013,609 0 11
363,124,982,141,987 -5.70E-16 -5.20E-01 0 11
-356,718,326,141,987 2.02E+00 -782,327,627,263,243 0 11
773,636,064,341,945 -8.88E-02 -1.78E-01 0 12
-758,736,864,341,945 920,950,861,984,873 -264,049,422,765,476 0 12
157,712,107,067,414 -3.00E-02 -3.66E-01 0 12
-152,795,371,067,414 185,523,196,832,155 -526,826,260,607,146 0 12
156,037,665,334,567 -5.66E-03 -3.13E-01 0 12
-149,631,009,334,567 181,731,691,402,215 -511,829,321,530,849 0 12
461,622,134,721,269 1.58E+12 -263,941,482,898,976 4.25E+12 13
-453,294,038,721,269 -1.58E+12 -422,245,647,182,928 7.73E+10 13
923,438,921,995,955 3.13E+12 -526,614,696,367,283 8.47E+12 13
-895,956,205,195,955 -3.13E+12 -83,793,164,902,665 1.55E+12 13
899,180,197,103,548 3.03E+12 -511,626,961,699,852 8.23E+12 13
-863,369,384,303,548 -3.03E+12 -81,028,522,435,547 1.51E+12 13
-638,128,035,913,322 0,015783090923321 422,245,647,182,927 -7.73E+11 14
804,689,955,913,322 -1.58E+12 -205,822,948,408,931 1.20E+12 14
-116,452,041,104,243 3.13E+12 837,931,649,026,649 -1.55E+12 14
171,417,474,704,243 -3.13E+12 -40,612,737,531,392 2.39E+12 14
-104,027,153,346,641 3.03E+12 810,285,224,355,469 -1.51E+12 14
175,648,778,946,641 -0,030316698715221 -390,771,325,915,546 2.33E+12 14
-597,575,837,903,934 1.58E+12 205,822,948,408,931 -1.20E+12 15
605,903,933,903,934 -1.58E+12 696,786,880,446,969 -2.89E+12 15
-118,382,572,100,444 3.13E+12 406,127,375,313,921 -2.39E+12 15
121,130,843,780,444 -3.13E+12 139,022,324,379,274 -5.78E+12 15
-114,304,531,659,683 3.03E+12 390,771,325,915,546 -2.33E+12 15
117,885,612,939,683 -3.03E+12 13,506,547,585,797 -0,056348171523683 15
533,763,034,312,602 8.76E+00 -639,829,288,862,573 4.12E+12 16
-525,434,938,312,602 -7.63E-06 -154,569,190,606,329 1.24E+12 16
10,673,736,799,002 1.74E+00 -127,658,122,861,552 0,082443934603694 16
-10,398,909,631,002 2.32E-03 -303,867,253,634,776 0,024720981598201 16
103,901,816,325,019 1.69E+01 -124,024,661,984,309 8.02E+12 16
-100,320,735,045,019 2.61E-03 -291,422,515,432,189 2.41E+12 16
0,8328096 -3.33E-04 154,569,190,606,329 -1.24E+12 17
0,8328096 3.38E-04 -154,569,190,606,329 1.24E+12 17
274,827,168,000,001 3.70E-04 303,867,253,634,776 -0,024720981598201 17
274,827,167,999,999 -3.30E-04 -303,867,253,634,776 2.47E+12 17
358,108,128,000,001 1.06E-04 291,422,515,432,189 -2.41E+12 17
358,108,127,999,999 -9.89E-05 -29,142,251,543,219 2.41E+12 17
-525,434,938,312,601 3.19E-03 154,569,190,606,329 -1.24E+12 18
533,763,034,312,601 1.07E+01 639,829,288,862,573 -4.12E+12 18
-10,398,909,631,002 4.17E-04 303,867,253,634,776 -2.47E+12 18
10,673,736,799,002 2.13E+01 127,658,122,861,552 -8.24E+12 18
-100,320,735,045,019 4.47E-03 29,142,251,543,219 -2.41E+12 18
103,901,816,325,019 2.06E+01 124,024,661,984,309 -8.02E+12 18
605,903,933,903,934 -1.58E+12 -69,678,688,044,697 2.89E+12 19
-597,575,837,903,934 1.58E+12 -205,822,948,408,931 1.20E+12 19
121,130,843,780,444 -3.13E+12 -139,022,324,379,274 0,057829337226704 19
-118,382,572,100,444 3.13E+12 -40,612,737,531,392 2.39E+12 19
117,885,612,939,683 -3.03E+12 -13,506,547,585,797 5.63E+12 19
-114,304,531,659,683 3.03E+12 -390,771,325,915,546 2.33E+12 19
804,689,955,913,322 -0,015783090923313 205,822,948,408,931 -1.20E+12 20
-638,128,035,913,322 1.58E+12 -422,245,647,182,927 7.73E+11 20
171,417,474,704,243 -3.13E+12 40,612,737,531,392 -2.39E+12 20
-116,452,041,104,243 3.13E+12 -837,931,649,026,649 1.55E+12 20
175,648,778,946,641 -3.03E+12 390,771,325,915,545 -2.33E+12 20
-104,027,153,346,641 3.03E+12 -810,285,224,355,469 1.51E+12 20
-453,294,038,721,269 -1.58E+12 422,245,647,182,927 -7.73E+10 21
461,622,134,721,269 1.58E+12 263,941,482,898,976 -4.25E+12 21
-895,956,205,195,954 -3.13E+12 837,931,649,026,649 -1.55E+12 21
923,438,921,995,954 3.13E+12 526,614,696,367,281 -8.47E+12 21
-863,369,384,303,547 -3.03E+12 810,285,224,355,469 -1.51E+12 21
899,180,197,103,547 3.03E+12 511,626,961,699,851 -8.23E+12 21
710,929,547,407,927 -7.33E-02 -40,855,039,970,893 -1.03E-01 22
-702,601,451,407,927 7.33E-02 -651,597,849,402,959 1.54E-01 22
141,201,350,267,287 -1.45E+00 -81,005,120,949,334 -1.93E-02 22
-138,453,078,587,287 1.45E+00 -128,735,700,691,596 3.18E-01 22
136,643,650,157,019 -1.40E+00 -782,732,346,925,242 -1.86E-01 22
-13,306,256,887,702 1.40E+00 -124,006,429,583,005 3.06E-01 22
-102,176,089,967,231 -7.33E-01 65,159,784,940,296 -1.54E-01 23
118,832,281,967,231 -2.49E-01 -320,085,291,501,267 -4.60E-01 23
-191,610,582,149,662 -1.45E+00 128,735,700,691,596 -3.18E-01 23
246,576,015,749,662 -4.93E-01 -630,077,110,066,972 -9.19E-01 23
-175,886,585,796,764 -1.40E+00 124,006,429,583,005 -3.06E-01 23
247,508,211,396,764 -4.77E-01 -604,972,100,039,756 -8.92E-01 23
-923,609,823,342,388 2.51E-02 320,085,291,501,266 4.68E-01 24
931,937,919,342,388 7.99E+00 107,157,551,551,232 7.88E-01 24
-182,271,738,377,219 4.97E-01 630,077,110,066,971 9.37E-01 24
185,020,010,057,219 1.58E+01 212,461,100,319,132 1.54E-01 24
-175,402,048,596,372 4.80E-01 604,972,100,039,755 9.09E-01 24
178,983,129,876,372 1.53E+01 205,291,673,850,583 1.50E+00 24
821,433,733,375,157 1.45E+01 -984,963,380,303,268 -8.11E-01 25
-813,105,637,375,157 1.13E-03 -240,941,147,759,468 -3.24E-01 25
163,110,680,162,253 2.87E+01 -195,289,451,779,723 -1.54E+00 25
-160,362,408,482,253 5.37E-03 -473,153,647,036,561 -5.82E-01 25
157,813,390,016,696 2.77E+01 -188,700,257,210,093 -1.50E+00 25
-154,232,308,736,696 4.06E-03 -453,340,168,549,509 -5.84E-01 25
0,832809600000084 1.96E-03 240,941,147,759,468 2.94E-01 26
0,832809599999916 -1.96E-03 -240,941,147,759,471 -3.09E-01 26
274,827,168,000,016 5.32E-04 473,153,647,036,562 5.89E-01 26
274,827,167,999,984 -5.32E-04 -473,153,647,036,566 -6.15E-01 26
358,108,128,000,015 4.98E-03 453,340,168,549,509 5.74E-01 26
358,108,127,999,985 -4.98E-03 -453,340,168,549,513 -5.91E-01 26
-813,105,637,375,157 1.96E-04 24,094,114,775,947 3.09E-01 27
821,433,733,375,157 1.45E+01 984,963,380,303,266 1.28E+00 27
-160,362,408,482,253 5.32E-03 473,153,647,036,565 6.15E-01 27
163,110,680,162,253 2.87E+01 195,289,451,779,723 2.57E+00 27
-154,232,308,736,696 4.98E-03 453,340,168,549,513 5.91E-01 27
157,813,390,016,696 2.77E+01 188,700,257,210,093 2.49E+00 27
931,937,919,342,389 2.69E+01 -107,157,551,551,232 -1.72E+00 28
-92,360,982,334,239 -2.20E+00 -320,085,291,501,264 -5.15E-01 28
185,020,010,057,219 5.33E+00 -212,461,100,319,132 -3.41E+00 28
-182,271,738,377,219 -4.37E+00 -630,077,110,066,966 -1.02E+00 28
178,983,129,876,373 5.14E+01 -205,291,673,850,584 -3.31E+00 28
-175,402,048,596,373 -4.22E+00 -604,972,100,039,751 -9.90E-01 28
118,832,281,967,232 2.21E+00 320,085,291,501,264 5.14E-01 29
-102,176,089,967,232 -1.22E+00 -65,159,784,940,296 -1.34E+00 29
246,576,015,749,664 4.37E+00 630,077,110,066,967 1.02E+00 29
-191,610,582,149,664 -2.43E+00 -128,735,700,691,596 -2.65E+00 29
247,508,211,396,766 4.23E+00 604,972,100,039,751 9.91E-01 29
-175,886,585,796,766 -2.34E+00 -124,006,429,583,005 -2.57E+00 29
-702,601,451,407,926 1.22E+00 651,597,849,402,961 1.34E+00 30
710,929,547,407,926 2.39E+01 408,550,399,708,928 2.24E+00 30
-138,453,078,587,287 2.43E+00 128,735,700,691,596 2.65E+00 30
141,201,350,267,287 4.72E+01 810,051,209,493,338 4.46E+00 30
-133,062,568,877,019 2.34E+00 124,006,429,583,005 2.57E+00 30
136,643,650,157,019 4.56E+01 782,732,346,925,239 4.33E-01 30
461,622,134,721,269 -1.58E+12 -263,941,482,898,977 -4.25E+12 31
-453,294,038,721,269 1.58E+12 -422,245,647,182,927 -7.73E+11 31
923,438,921,995,955 -3.13E+12 -526,614,696,367,283 -8.47E+12 31
-895,956,205,195,954 3.13E+12 -837,931,649,026,648 -1.55E+12 31
899,180,197,103,548 -0,030316698715242 -511,626,961,699,853 -8.23E+12 31
-863,369,384,303,547 0,030316698715242 -810,285,224,355,468 -1.51E+12 31
-638,128,035,913,317 -1.58E+12 422,245,647,182,927 7.73E+11 32
804,689,955,913,317 1.58E+12 -205,822,948,408,931 -0,011956681354364 32
-116,452,041,104,242 -3.13E+12 837,931,649,026,647 1.55E+12 32
171,417,474,704,242 3.13E+12 -406,127,375,313,922 -0,023909182017237 32
-10,402,715,334,664 -0,030316698715242 810,285,224,355,467 1.51E+12 32
17,564,877,894,664 3.03E+12 -390,771,325,915,547 -2.33E+12 32
-597,575,837,903,933 -1.58E+12 205,822,948,408,932 0,011956681354364 33
605,903,933,903,933 1.58E+12 696,786,880,446,969 0,028885850287991 33
-118,382,572,100,444 -3.13E+12 406,127,375,313,922 0,023909182017237 33
121,130,843,780,444 3.13E+12 139,022,324,379,274 5.78E+12 33
-114,304,531,659,683 -3.03E+12 390,771,325,915,547 2.33E+12 33
117,885,612,939,683 3.03E+12 13,506,547,585,797 5.63E+12 33
533,763,034,312,602 9.41E+00 -639,829,288,862,573 -0,041248396817359 34
-525,434,938,312,602 -3.24E-03 -154,569,190,606,328 -0,012363055223999 34
10,673,736,799,002 1.87E+01 -127,658,122,861,552 -8.24E+12 34
-10,398,909,631,002 3.69E-04 -303,867,253,634,774 -2.47E+12 34
103,901,816,325,019 1.81E+01 -124,024,661,984,309 -8.02E+12 34
-100,320,735,045,019 -5.91E-04 -291,422,515,432,188 -2.41E+12 34
0,832809600000048 0 154,569,190,606,328 0,012363055223999 35
0,832809599999952 0 -15,456,919,060,633 -1.24E+12 35
274,827,168,000,009 -5.55E-04 303,867,253,634,774 2.47E+12 35
274,827,167,999,991 5.55E-04 -303,867,253,634,777 -2.47E+12 35
358,108,128,000,009 -9.02E-05 291,422,515,432,188 2.41E+12 35
358,108,127,999,991 9.02E-05 -291,422,515,432,191 -2.41E+12 35
-525,434,938,312,601 -3.26E-03 15,456,919,060,633 1.24E+12 36
533,763,034,312,601 9.41E+00 639,829,288,862,572 0,041248396817358 36
-10,398,909,631,002 -6.04E-04 303,867,253,634,777 2.47E+12 36
10,673,736,799,002 1.87E+01 127,658,122,861,552 8.24E+12 36
-100,320,735,045,019 -5.67E-03 291,422,515,432,191 2.41E+12 36
103,901,816,325,019 1.81E+01 124,024,661,984,309 8.02E+12 36
605,903,933,903,934 1.58E+12 -69,678,688,044,697 -2.89E+12 37
-597,575,837,903,933 -0,015783090923341 -205,822,948,408,929 -1.20E+12 37
121,130,843,780,444 3.13E+12 -139,022,324,379,274 -5.78E+12 37
-118,382,572,100,444 -3.13E+12 -406,127,375,313,918 -2.39E+12 37
117,885,612,939,683 3.03E+12 -13,506,547,585,797 -5.63E+12 37
-114,304,531,659,683 -3.03E+12 -390,771,325,915,543 -2.33E+12 37
804,689,955,913,328 1.58E+12 20,582,294,840,893 1.20E+12 38
-638,128,035,913,328 -1.58E+12 -422,245,647,182,928 -7.73E+11 38
171,417,474,704,244 0,031337069166347 406,127,375,313,919 2.39E+12 38
-116,452,041,104,244 -3.13E+12 -83,793,164,902,665 -1.55E+12 38
175,648,778,946,642 3.03E+12 390,771,325,915,544 2.33E+12 38
-104,027,153,346,642 -3.03E+12 -81,028,522,435,547 -1.51E+12 38
-453,294,038,721,268 1.58E+12 422,245,647,182,928 7.73E+11 39
461,622,134,721,268 -1.58E+12 263,941,482,898,976 4.25E+12 39
-895,956,205,195,952 3.13E+12 83,793,164,902,665 1.55E+12 39
923,438,921,995,952 -3.13E+12 526,614,696,367,281 8.47E+12 39
-863,369,384,303,545 3.03E+12 81,028,522,435,547 1.51E+12 39
899,180,197,103,545 -3.03E+12 511,626,961,699,851 8.23E+12 39
297,114,729,620,675 919,372,552,892,536 -1.08E+12 -4.25E+12 40
-283,234,569,620,675 633,499,368,762,434 1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 40
60,451,478,867,818 185,209,826,140,491 -2.12E+12 -8.47E+12 40
-55,871,026,067,818 126,882,148,555,496 2.12E+12 -0,123396165989716 40
597,129,896,242,122 181,428,524,415,062 -0,020235983099802 -8.23E+12 40
-537,445,208,242,122 123,679,035,619,024 0,020235983099828 -0,119517027083416 40
-538,199,163,754,482 -633,499,368,762,435 -1.08E+12 6.21E+12 41
552,079,323,754,482 -729,348,740,623,771 1.08E+12 7.18E+12 41
-107,239,654,094,435 -126,882,148,555,496 -0,021156423986445 0,123396165989716 41
111,820,106,894,435 -146,942,552,680,591 2.12E+12 0,142491284243352 41
-104,068,869,192,484 -123,679,035,619,024 -0,020235983099828 0,119517027083417 41
110,037,337,992,484 -143,953,723,362,185 2.02E+12 0,137824161069905 41
552,079,323,754,482 729,348,740,623,771 0,010793986650037 -7.18E+12 42
-538,199,163,754,482 633,499,368,762,433 -1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 42
111,820,106,894,435 146,942,552,680,591 0,021156423986596 -0,14249128424335 42
-107,239,654,094,435 126,882,148,555,496 -2.12E+12 -0,123396165989724 42
110,037,337,992,484 143,953,723,362,185 2.02E+12 -0,137824161069904 42
-104,068,869,192,484 123,679,035,619,024 -0,020235983099828 -0,119517027083425 42
-283,234,569,620,675 -633,499,368,762,434 1.08E+12 6.21E+12 43
297,114,729,620,675 -919,372,552,892,536 -1.08E+12 4.25E+12 43
-55,871,026,067,818 -126,882,148,555,496 2.12E+12 0,123396165989724 43
60,451,478,867,818 -18,520,982,614,049 -0,021156423986365 8.47E+12 43
-537,445,208,242,122 -123,679,035,619,024 2.02E+12 0,119517027083424 43
597,129,896,242,122 -181,428,524,415,062 -2.02E+12 8.23E+12 43
583,469,518,966,738 182,456,356,000,381 2.18E+11 -1.24E+12 44
-569,589,358,966,738 125,886,724,141,647 -2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 44
117,310,843,911,074 364,934,042,942,998 4.27E+11 -2.46E+12 44
-112,730,391,111,074 251,058,139,483,385 -4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 44
114,724,394,649,904 355,300,735,124,292 4.08E+10 -2.39E+12 44
-108,755,925,849,904 243,820,327,112,331 -4.08E+10 -3.37E+12 44
-107,327,810,778,358 -125,886,724,141,647 2.18E+11 1.75E+12 45
108,715,826,778,358 -144,167,822,804,248 -2.18E+11 2.02E+12 45
-213,490,969,213,432 -251,058,139,483,385 4.27E+11 3.48E+12 45
218,071,422,013,432 -288,394,849,550,196 -4.27E+11 4.01E+12 45
-206,870,854,183,488 -243,820,327,112,331 4.08E+10 3.37E+12 45
212,839,322,983,488 -280,817,394,346,389 -4.08E+10 3.88E+12 45
108,715,826,778,358 144,167,822,804,248 -2.18E+11 -2.02E+12 46
-107,327,810,778,358 125,886,724,141,647 2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 46
218,071,422,013,432 288,394,849,550,195 -4.27E+11 -4.01E+12 46
-213,490,969,213,432 251,058,139,483,385 4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 46
212,839,322,983,488 280,817,394,346,389 -4.08E+11 -3.88E+12 46
-206,870,854,183,488 243,820,327,112,331 4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 46
-569,589,358,966,742 -125,886,724,141,647 -2.18E+11 1.75E+12 47
583,469,518,966,742 -182,456,356,000,385 2.18E+11 1.24E+12 47
-112,730,391,111,074 -251,058,139,483,385 -4.27E+11 3.48E+12 47
117,310,843,911,074 -364,934,042,943,006 4.27E+11 2.46E+12 47
-108,755,925,849,905 -243,820,327,112,331 -4.08E+11 3.37E+12 47
114,724,394,649,905 -3,553,007,351,243 4.08E+11 2.39E+12 47
583,469,518,966,736 182,456,356,000,379 -2.18E+11 1.24E+12 48
-569,589,358,966,736 125,886,724,141,646 2.18E+11 1.75E+12 48
117,310,843,911,073 364,934,042,942,994 -4.27E+11 2.46E+12 48
-112,730,391,111,073 251,058,139,483,384 4.27E+11 3.48E+12 48
114,724,394,649,904 355,300,735,124,289 -4.08E+11 2.39E+12 48
-108,755,925,849,904 24,382,032,711,233 4.08E+11 3.37E+12 48
-107,327,810,778,358 -125,886,724,141,647 -2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 49
108,715,826,778,358 -144,167,822,804,248 2.18E+11 -2.02E+12 49
-213,490,969,213,433 -251,058,139,483,385 -4.27E+11 -3.48E+12 49
218,071,422,013,433 -288,394,849,550,196 4.27E+11 -4.01E+12 49
-206,870,854,183,488 -243,820,327,112,331 -4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 49
212,839,322,983,489 -280,817,394,346,389 4.08E+11 -3.88E+12 49
108,715,826,778,357 144,167,822,804,247 2.18E+11 0,020204218997858 50
-107,327,810,778,357 125,886,724,141,646 -2.18E+11 1.75E+12 50
218,071,422,013,432 288,394,849,550,195 4.27E+11 4.01E+12 50
-213,490,969,213,432 251,058,139,483,385 -4.27E+11 3.48E+12 50
212,839,322,983,487 280,817,394,346,389 4.08E+11 3.88E+12 50
-206,870,854,183,488 243,820,327,112,331 -4.08E+11 3.37E+12 50
-569,589,358,966,742 -125,886,724,141,647 2.18E+11 -1.75E+12 51
583,469,518,966,742 -182,456,356,000,385 -2.18E+11 -1.24E+12 51
-112,730,391,111,075 -251,058,139,483,386 4.27E+10 -3.48E+12 51
117,310,843,911,075 -364,934,042,943,005 -4.27E+11 -2.46E+12 51
-108,755,925,849,905 -243,820,327,112,332 4.08E+11 -3.37E+12 51
114,724,394,649,905 -3,553,007,351,243 -4.08E+11 -2.39E+12 51
297,114,729,620,674 919,372,552,892,523 1.08E+12 4.25E+12 52
-283,234,569,620,674 633,499,368,762,435 -1.08E+12 6.21E+12 52
604,514,788,678,179 185,209,826,140,488 2.12E+12 8.47E+12 52
-558,710,260,678,179 126,882,148,555,496 -2.12E+12 0,123396165989714 52
597,129,896,242,121 18,142,852,441,506 2.02E+12 8.23E+12 52
-537,445,208,242,121 123,679,035,619,025 -2.02E+12 0,119517027083415 52
-538,199,163,754,484 -633,499,368,762,435 1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 53
552,079,323,754,484 -729,348,740,623,774 -1.08E+12 -7.18E+12 53
-107,239,654,094,435 -126,882,148,555,496 2.12E+12 -0,123396165989714 53
111,820,106,894,435 -146,942,552,680,592 -2.12E+12 -0,142491284243372 53
-104,068,869,192,484 -123,679,035,619,025 2.02E+12 -0,119517027083415 53
110,037,337,992,484 -143,953,723,362,185 -2.02E+12 -0,137824161069924 53
552,079,323,754,482 729,348,740,623,771 -1.08E+12 7.18E+12 54
-538,199,163,754,482 633,499,368,762,435 1.08E+12 6.21E+12 54
111,820,106,894,435 146,942,552,680,591 -2.12E+12 0,142491284243326 54
-107,239,654,094,435 126,882,148,555,496 2.12E+12 0,123396165989711 54
110,037,337,992,484 143,953,723,362,185 -2.02E+12 0,13782416106988 54
-104,068,869,192,484 123,679,035,619,025 2.02E+12 0,119517027083412 54
-283,234,569,620,677 -633,499,368,762,435 -1.08E+12 -6.21E+12 55
297,114,729,620,677 -919,372,552,892,553 1.08E+12 -4.25E+12 55
-558,710,260,678,183 -126,882,148,555,496 -2.12E+12 -0,123396165989711 55
604,514,788,678,183 -185,209,826,140,494 2.12E+12 -8.47E+12 55
-537,445,208,242,125 -123,679,035,619,025 -2.02E+12 -0,119517027083412 55
597,129,896,242,125 -181,428,524,415,065 2.02E+12 -8.23E+12 55
821,433,733,375,157 0 0 0 56
-813,105,637,375,157 0 122,590,452,806,274 4.58E+11 56
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 56
-160,362,408,482,253 0 242,604,816,483,379 9.14E+11 56
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 56
-154,232,308,736,696 0 234,034,274,065,044 8.89E+11 56
0,832809599999986 2.84E-04 -122,590,452,806,274 -4.58E+11 57
0,832809600000014 -2.82E-04 122,590,452,806,274 8.46E+10 57
274,827,168,000,002 3.94E-04 -242,604,816,483,379 -9.14E+11 57
274,827,167,999,998 -3.26E-04 242,604,816,483,379 1.74E+10 57
358,108,128,000,002 4.47E-04 -234,034,274,065,044 -8.89E+11 57
358,108,127,999,998 -4.28E-04 234,034,274,065,044 1.73E+11 57
-813,105,637,375,158 -2.05E-03 -122,590,452,806,274 -8.46E+10 58
821,433,733,375,158 7.26E-02 4.30E-16 0 58
-160,362,408,482,253 -4.45E-04 -242,604,816,483,379 -1.74E+11 58
163,110,680,162,253 1.44E+01 8.51E-15 0 58
-154,232,308,736,696 -4.09E-03 -234,034,274,065,044 -1.73E+11 58
157,813,390,016,696 1.39E+01 8.21E-15 0 58
821,433,733,375,158 0 0 0 59
-813,105,637,375,158 1.45E+01 122,590,452,806,274 3.63E+11 59
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 59
-160,362,408,482,253 2.87E+01 24,260,481,648,338 7.26E+11 59
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 59
-154,232,308,736,696 2.77E+01 234,034,274,065,044 7.06E+10 59
0,832809599999972 -1.45E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 -3.63E+11 60
0,832809600000028 1.45E+01 122,590,452,806,274 3.63E+11 60
274,827,168 -2.87E+00 -24,260,481,648,338 -7.26E+11 60
274,827,168 2.87E+00 24,260,481,648,338 7.26E+11 60
358,108,128 -2.77E+00 -234,034,274,065,044 -7.06E+11 60
358,108,128 2.77E+00 234,034,274,065,044 7.06E+11 60
-813,105,637,375,158 -1.45E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 -0,003627215212723 61
821,433,733,375,158 2.90E+00 3.44E-14 0 61
-160,362,408,482,253 -2.87E+00 -24,260,481,648,338 -7.26E+11 61
163,110,680,162,253 5.75E+01 6.80E-14 0 61
-154,232,308,736,696 -2.77E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 -7.06E+10 61
157,813,390,016,696 5.54E+01 6.56E-14 0 61
821,433,733,375,158 0 0 0 62
-813,105,637,375,158 2.18E+01 122,590,452,806,274 8.46E+10 62
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 62
-160,362,408,482,253 4.31E+01 242,604,816,483,379 1.74E+11 62
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 62
-154,232,308,736,696 4.16E+01 234,034,274,065,044 1.73E+10 62
0,832809600000016 -2.18E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 -8.46E+10 63
0,832809599999985 2.18E+00 122,590,452,806,274 4.58E+11 63
274,827,167,999,998 -4.31E+01 -24,260,481,648,338 -1.74E+11 63
274,827,168,000,003 4.31E+01 242,604,816,483,379 9.14E+11 63
358,108,127,999,999 -4.16E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 -1.73E+11 63
358,108,128,000,001 4.16E+01 234,034,274,065,044 8.89E+11 63
-813,105,637,375,158 -2.18E+00 -122,590,452,806,274 -4.58E+11 64
821,433,733,375,158 5.08E+01 1.20E-13 0 64
-160,362,408,482,253 -4.31E+01 -242,604,816,483,379 -9.14E+11 64
163,110,680,162,253 1.01E+02 2.38E-13 0 64
-154,232,308,736,696 -4.16E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 -8.89E+11 64
157,813,390,016,696 9.70E+01 2.30E-13 0 64
821,433,733,375,159 0 0 0 65
-813,105,637,375,158 3.63E+00 122,590,452,806,274 -4.58E+11 65
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 65
-160,362,408,482,253 7.18E-01 24,260,481,648,338 -9.14E+11 65
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 65
-154,232,308,736,696 6.93E+00 234,034,274,065,044 -8.89E+11 65
0,8328096 -3.63E+00 -122,590,452,806,274 4.58E+11 66
0,832809600000001 3.63E+00 122,590,452,806,274 -8.46E+10 66
274,827,168,000,003 -7.18E+00 -242,604,816,483,379 9.14E+11 66
274,827,167,999,997 7.18E+00 242,604,816,483,379 -1.74E+11 66
358,108,128,000,002 -6.93E+00 -234,034,274,065,044 8.89E+11 66
358,108,127,999,998 6.93E+00 234,034,274,065,044 -1.73E+11 66
-813,105,637,375,158 -3.63E-01 -122,590,452,806,274 8.46E+09 67
821,433,733,375,158 1.09E+01 6.45E-15 0 67
-160,362,408,482,253 -7.18E+00 -242,604,816,483,379 1.74E+11 67
163,110,680,162,253 2.15E+01 1.28E-14 0 67
-154,232,308,736,696 -6.93E+00 -234,034,274,065,044 1.73E+11 67
157,813,390,016,696 2.08E+01 1.23E-14 0 67
821,433,733,375,157 0 0 0 68
-813,105,637,375,157 1.09E+01 122,590,452,806,274 -3.63E+11 68
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 68
-160,362,408,482,253 2.15E+01 242,604,816,483,379 -7.26E+11 68
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 68
-154,232,308,736,696 2.08E+01 234,034,274,065,044 -7.06E+11 68
0,832809599999972 -1.09E+00 -122,590,452,806,274 3.63E+11 69
0,832809600000028 1.09E+01 122,590,452,806,274 -3.63E+11 69
274,827,167,999,996 -2.15E+01 -24,260,481,648,338 7.26E+11 69
274,827,168,000,005 2.15E+01 24,260,481,648,338 -7.26E+11 69
358,108,127,999,995 -2.08E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 7.06E+11 69
358,108,128,000,005 2.08E+01 234,034,274,065,044 -7.06E+10 69
-813,105,637,375,158 -1.09E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 3.63E+11 70
821,433,733,375,158 2.90E+01 4.30E-14 0 70
-160,362,408,482,253 -2.15E+01 -24,260,481,648,338 7.26E+11 70
163,110,680,162,253 5.75E+01 8.51E-15 0 70
-154,232,308,736,696 -2.08E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 7.06E+10 70
157,813,390,016,696 5.54E+01 8.21E-14 0 70
821,433,733,375,159 0 0 0 71
-813,105,637,375,159 2.18E+01 122,590,452,806,274 -8.46E+10 71
163,110,680,162,253 0 0 0 71
-160,362,408,482,253 4.31E+01 24,260,481,648,338 -1.74E+11 71
157,813,390,016,696 0 0 0 71
-154,232,308,736,696 4.16E+01 234,034,274,065,044 -1.73E+11 71
0,832809600000043 -2.18E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 8.46E+10 72
0,832809599999957 2.18E+01 122,590,452,806,274 -4.58E+11 72
274,827,168,000,005 -4.31E+01 -242,604,816,483,379 1.74E+11 72
274,827,167,999,995 4.31E+01 24,260,481,648,338 -9.14E+11 72
358,108,128,000,006 -4.16E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 1.73E+11 72
358,108,127,999,994 4.16E+00 234,034,274,065,044 -8.89E+11 72
-813,105,637,375,159 -2.18E+01 -122,590,452,806,274 4.58E+11 73
821,433,733,375,159 4.72E+01 9.78E-14 0 73
-160,362,408,482,253 -4.31E+01 -24,260,481,648,338 9.14E+11 73
163,110,680,162,253 9.34E+01 1.94E-14 0 73
-154,232,308,736,696 -4.16E+01 -234,034,274,065,044 8.89E+11 73
157,813,390,016,696 9.01E+01 1.87E-13 0 73
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 74
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 74
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 74
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 74
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 74
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 74
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 75
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 75
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 75
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 75
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 75
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 75
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 76
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 76
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 76
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 76
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 76
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 76
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 77
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 77
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 77
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 77
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 77
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 77
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 78
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 78
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 78
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 78
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 78
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 78
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 79
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 79
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 79
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 79
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 79
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 79
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 80
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 80
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 80
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 80
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 80
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 80
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 81
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 81
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 81
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 81
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 81
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 81
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 82
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 82
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 82
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 82
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 82
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 82
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 83
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 83
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 83
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 83
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 83
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 83
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 84
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 84
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 84
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 84
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 84
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 84
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 85
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 85
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 85
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 85
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 85
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 85
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 86
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 86
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 86
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 86
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 86
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 86
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 87
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 87
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 87
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 87
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 87
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 87
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 88
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 88
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 88
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 88
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 88
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 88
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 89
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 89
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 89
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 89
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 89
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 89
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 90
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 90
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 90
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 90
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 90
53,911,573,691,677 0 0 0 90
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 91
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 91
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 91
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 91
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 91
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 91
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 92
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 92
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 92
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 92
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 92
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 92
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 93
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 93
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 93
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 93
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 93
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 93
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 94
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 94
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 94
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 94
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 94
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 94
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 95
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 95
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 95
563,733,121,722,331 0 0 0 95
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 95
539,115,736,916,771 0 0 0 95
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 96
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 96
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 96
563,733,121,722,333 0 0 0 96
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 96
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 96
287,670,699,062,556 0 0 0 97
287,670,699,062,557 0 0 0 97
563,733,121,722,332 0 0 0 97
563,733,121,722,333 0 0 0 97
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 97
539,115,736,916,772 0 0 0 97
TABLE: Frame Auto Mesh Assignments
Frame AutoMesh AtJoints AtFrames NumSegments MaxLength MaxDegrees
Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Unitless m Degrees
1 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
2 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
3 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
4 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
5 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
6 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
7 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
8 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
9 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
10 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
11 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
12 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
13 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
14 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
15 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
16 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
17 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
18 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
19 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
20 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
21 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
22 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
23 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
24 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
25 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
26 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
27 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
28 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
29 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
30 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
31 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
32 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
33 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
34 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
35 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
36 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
37 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
38 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
39 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
40 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
41 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
42 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
43 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
44 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
45 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
46 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
47 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
48 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
49 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
50 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
51 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
52 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
53 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
54 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
55 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
56 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
57 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
58 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
59 Yes Yes No 0 0 0
TABLE: Frame Design Procedures
Frame DesignProc
Text Text
1 From Material
2 From Material
3 From Material
4 From Material
5 From Material
6 From Material
7 From Material
8 From Material
9 From Material
10 From Material
11 From Material
12 From Material
13 From Material
14 From Material
15 From Material
16 From Material
17 From Material
18 From Material
19 From Material
20 From Material
21 From Material
22 From Material
23 From Material
24 From Material
25 From Material
26 From Material
27 From Material
28 From Material
29 From Material
30 From Material
31 From Material
32 From Material
33 From Material
34 From Material
35 From Material
36 From Material
37 From Material
38 From Material
39 From Material
40 From Material
41 From Material
42 From Material
43 From Material
44 From Material
45 From Material
46 From Material
47 From Material
48 From Material
49 From Material
50 From Material
51 From Material
52 From Material
53 From Material
54 From Material
55 From Material
56 From Material
57 From Material
58 From Material
59 From Material
TABLE: Frame Loads - Distributed
Frame LoadPat CoordSys Type Dir DistType RelDistA RelDistB AbsDistA AbsDistB
Text Text Text Text Text Text Unitless Unitless m m
36 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
36 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
36 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
36 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
37 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
37 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
37 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
37 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
38 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
38 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
38 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
38 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
39 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
39 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
39 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
39 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
40 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
40 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
40 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
40 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
41 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
41 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
41 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
41 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
42 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
42 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
42 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
42 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
43 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
43 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
43 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
43 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
44 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
44 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
44 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
44 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
45 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
45 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
45 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
45 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
46 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
46 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
46 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
46 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
47 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
47 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
47 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
47 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
48 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
48 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
48 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
48 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
49 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
49 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
49 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
49 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
50 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
50 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
50 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
50 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
51 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
51 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
51 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
51 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
52 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
52 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
52 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
52 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
53 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
53 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
53 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
53 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
54 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
54 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
54 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
54 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
55 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
55 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
55 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
55 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
56 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
56 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
56 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
56 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
57 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
57 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
57 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
57 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
58 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
58 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
58 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
58 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
59 DEAD GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
59 live GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
59 win GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
59 hujan GLOBAL Force Gravity RelDist 0 1 0 2,5
Kgf/m Kgf/m Text
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
229,436,143,250,045 229,436,143,250,045
101,971,619,222,242 101,971,619,222,242
254,929,048,055,605 254,929,048,055,605
203,943,238,444,484 203,943,238,444,484
TABLE: Frame Output Station Assignments
Frame StationType MinNumSta MaxStaSpcg AddAtElmInt AddAtPtLoad
Text Text Unitless m Yes/No Yes/No
1 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
2 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
3 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
4 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
5 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
6 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
7 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
8 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
9 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
10 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
11 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
12 MinNumSta 3 Yes Yes
13 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
14 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
15 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
16 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
17 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
18 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
19 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
20 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
21 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
22 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
23 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
24 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
25 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
26 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
27 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
28 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
29 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
30 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
31 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
32 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
33 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
34 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
35 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
36 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
37 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
38 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
39 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
40 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
41 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
42 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
43 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
44 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
45 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
46 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
47 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
48 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
49 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
50 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
51 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
52 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
53 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
54 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
55 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
56 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
57 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
58 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
59 MaxStaSpcg 0,5 Yes Yes
TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - General
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 t tw t2b tb
Text Text Text m m m m m m
C150 BAJA Channel 0,15 0,065 0,0032 0,0032
INP30 BAJA I/Wide Flange 0,3 0,125 0,0162 0,0108 0,125 0,0162
WF200 BAJA I/Wide Flange 0,2 0,2 0,012 0,008 0,2 0,012
Area TorsConst I33 I22 AS2 AS3 S33 S22
m2 m4 m4 m4 m2 m2 m3 m3
0,00087552 2.92E+00 3.03E+04 3.55E+07 0,00048 0,000416 4.04E+09 7.29E+08
0,00694008 4.35E+04 9.89E+06 5.30E+04 0,00324 0,003375 0,000659228590656 8.48E+06
0,006208 2.51E+07 4.61E+09 1.60E+09 0,0016 0,004 4.61E+10 1.60E+10
Z33 Z22 R33 R22 ConcCol ConcBeam Color
m3 m3 m m Yes/No Yes/No Text
0,000047031168 0,000012977673216 5.88E+12 2.01E+12 No No Blue
0,000768041352 0,000134365716 0,11936621098506 2.76E+12 No No White
0,000513152 0,000242816 0,0861782696396 5.08E+12 No No White
TotalWt TotalMass FromFile AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod
Kgf Kgf-s2/m Yes/No Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
4,202,496 0,428535321894995 No 1 1 1 1 1 1
72,176,832 735,998,842,937,174 No 1 1 1 1 1 1
1,787,904 182,315,465,893,923 No 1 1 1 1 1 1
MMod WMod GUID Notes
Unitless Unitless Text Text
1 1 Added 15/11/2017 10:48:09
1 1 Added 15/11/2017 10:46:42
1 1 Added 15/11/2017 9:46:47
TABLE: Frame Release Assignments 1 - General
Frame PI V2I V3I TI M2I M3I PJ V2J V3J
Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
30 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
31 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
32 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
33 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
34 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
35 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
36 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
37 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
38 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
39 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
40 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
41 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
42 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
43 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
44 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
45 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
46 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
47 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
48 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
49 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
50 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
51 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
52 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
53 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
54 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
55 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
56 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
57 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
58 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
59 No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
TJ M2J M3J PartialFix
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
No Yes Yes No
TABLE: Frame Section Assignments
Frame SectionType AutoSelect AnalSect DesignSect MatProp
Text Text Text Text Text Text
1 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
2 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
3 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
4 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
5 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
6 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
7 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
8 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
9 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
10 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
11 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
12 I/Wide Flange N.A. WF200 WF200 Default
13 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
14 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
15 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
16 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
17 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
18 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
19 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
20 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
21 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
22 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
23 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
24 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
25 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
26 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
27 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
28 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
29 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
30 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
31 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
32 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
33 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
34 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
35 I/Wide Flange N.A. INP30 INP30 Default
36 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
37 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
38 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
39 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
40 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
41 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
42 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
43 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
44 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
45 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
46 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
47 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
48 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
49 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
50 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
51 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
52 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
53 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
54 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
55 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
56 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
57 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
58 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
59 Channel N.A. C150 C150 Default
TABLE: Function - Plot Functions
PlotFunc Type DistType Component Mode
Text Text Text Text Text
Input Energy Energy Input All
TABLE: Function - Power Spectral Density - User
Name Frequency Value
Text Cyc/sec Unitless
TABLE: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
Text Sec Unitless Unitless
UNIFRS 0 1 0,05
TABLE: Function - Steady State - User
Name Frequency Value
Text Cyc/sec Unitless
TABLE: Function - Time History - User
Name Time Value
Text Sec Unitless
TABLE: Grid Lines
CoordSys AxisDir GridID XRYZCoord LineType LineColor Visible BubbleLoc AllVisible
Text Text Text m Text Text Yes/No Text Yes/No
GLOBAL X A 0 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End Yes
GLOBAL X B 6 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End
GLOBAL X C 12 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End
GLOBAL X D 18 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End
GLOBAL Y 1 0 Primary Gray8Dark Yes Start
GLOBAL Y 2 5 Primary Gray8Dark Yes Start
GLOBAL Y 3 10 Primary Gray8Dark Yes Start
GLOBAL Z Z1 0 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End
GLOBAL Z Z2 3 Primary Gray8Dark Yes End
TABLE: Groups 1 - Definitions
GroupName Selection SectionCut Steel Concrete Aluminum ColdFormed Stage Bridge
Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
ALL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WF Yes No Yes No No No No No
INF Yes No Yes No No No No No
C150 Yes No Yes No No No Yes No
AutoSeismic AutoWind SelDesSteel SelDesAlum SelDesCold MassWeight Color
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Text
No No No No No Yes Red
No No No No No No Yellow
No No No No No No White
No No No No No No Gray8Dark
TABLE: Groups 2 - Assignments
GroupName ObjectType ObjectLabel
Text Text Text
WF Frame 3
WF Frame 6
WF Frame 9
WF Frame 12
WF Frame 10
WF Frame 11
INF Joint 2
INF Joint 4
INF Joint 6
INF Joint 8
INF Joint 10
INF Joint 12
INF Joint 14
INF Joint 16
INF Joint 18
INF Joint 20
INF Joint 22
INF Joint 24
INF Joint 25
INF Joint 26
INF Joint 27
INF Joint 28
INF Joint 29
INF Joint 30
INF Joint 31
INF Joint 32
INF Joint 34
INF Joint 36
INF Joint 37
INF Joint 38
INF Joint 41
INF Joint 42
INF Joint 44
INF Joint 46
INF Joint 47
INF Joint 48
INF Joint 51
INF Joint 52
INF Joint 54
INF Joint 56
INF Joint 57
INF Joint 58
INF Joint 61
INF Joint 62
INF Frame 13
INF Frame 14
INF Frame 15
INF Frame 16
INF Frame 17
INF Frame 18
INF Frame 19
INF Frame 20
INF Frame 21
INF Frame 22
INF Frame 23
INF Frame 24
INF Frame 25
INF Frame 26
INF Frame 27
INF Frame 28
INF Frame 29
INF Frame 36
INF Frame 37
INF Frame 38
INF Frame 39
INF Frame 40
INF Frame 41
INF Frame 42
INF Frame 43
INF Frame 44
INF Frame 45
INF Frame 46
INF Frame 47
INF Frame 48
INF Frame 49
INF Frame 50
INF Frame 51
INF Frame 52
INF Frame 53
INF Frame 54
INF Frame 55
INF Frame 56
INF Frame 57
INF Frame 58
INF Frame 59
C150 Joint 33
C150 Joint 34
C150 Joint 35
C150 Joint 36
C150 Joint 37
C150 Joint 38
C150 Joint 39
C150 Joint 40
C150 Joint 41
C150 Joint 42
C150 Joint 43
C150 Joint 44
C150 Joint 45
C150 Joint 46
C150 Joint 47
C150 Joint 48
C150 Joint 49
C150 Joint 50
C150 Joint 51
C150 Joint 52
C150 Joint 53
C150 Joint 54
C150 Joint 55
C150 Joint 56
C150 Joint 57
C150 Joint 58
C150 Joint 59
C150 Joint 60
C150 Joint 61
C150 Joint 62
C150 Frame 36
C150 Frame 37
C150 Frame 38
C150 Frame 39
C150 Frame 40
C150 Frame 41
C150 Frame 42
C150 Frame 43
C150 Frame 44
C150 Frame 45
C150 Frame 46
C150 Frame 47
C150 Frame 48
C150 Frame 49
C150 Frame 50
C150 Frame 51
C150 Frame 52
C150 Frame 53
C150 Frame 54
C150 Frame 55
C150 Frame 56
C150 Frame 57
C150 Frame 58
C150 Frame 59
TABLE: Groups 3 - Masses and Weights
GroupName SelfMass SelfWeight TotalMassX TotalMassY
Text Kgf-s2/m Kgf Kgf-s2/m Kgf-s2/m
ALL 961,167,841,020,596 942,583,680,000,001 961,167,841,020,596 961,167,841,020,596
WF 0,911577329469617 893,952 0,911577329469617 0,911577329469617
INF 575,037,310,928,688 563,918,975,999,999 575,037,310,928,688 575,037,310,928,688
C150 0,428535321894995 4,202,496 0,428535321894995 0,428535321894995
TABLE: Joint Coordinates
Joint CoordSys CoordType XorR Y Z SpecialJt GlobalX
Text Text Text m m m Yes/No m
1 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 0 0 No 0
2 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 0 3 No 0
3 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 5 0 No 0
4 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 5 3 No 0
5 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 10 0 No 0
6 GLOBAL Cartesian 0 10 3 No 0
7 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 0 0 No 6
8 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 0 3 No 6
9 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 5 0 No 6
10 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 5 3 No 6
11 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 10 0 No 6
12 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 10 3 No 6
13 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 0 0 No 12
14 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 0 3 No 12
15 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 5 0 No 12
16 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 5 3 No 12
17 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 10 0 No 12
18 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 10 3 No 12
19 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 0 0 No 18
20 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 0 3 No 18
21 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 5 0 No 18
22 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 5 3 No 18
23 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 10 0 No 18
24 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 10 3 No 18
25 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 7,5 3 No 6
26 GLOBAL Cartesian -1.38E-01 7,5 3 No -1.38E-01
27 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 7,5 3 No 12
28 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 7,5 3 No 18
29 GLOBAL Cartesian 6 2,5 3 No 6
30 GLOBAL Cartesian -4.59E-02 2,5 3 No -4.59E-02
31 GLOBAL Cartesian 12 2,5 3 No 12
32 GLOBAL Cartesian 18 2,5 3 No 18
33 GLOBAL Cartesian 1,5 7,5 3 No 1,5
34 GLOBAL Cartesian 1,5 10 3 No 1,5
35 GLOBAL Cartesian 4,5 7,5 3 No 4,5
36 GLOBAL Cartesian 4,5 10 3 No 4,5
37 GLOBAL Cartesian 1,5 5 3 No 1,5
38 GLOBAL Cartesian 4,5 5 3 No 4,5
39 GLOBAL Cartesian 1,5 2,5 3 No 1,5
40 GLOBAL Cartesian 4,5 2,5 3 No 4,5
41 GLOBAL Cartesian 1,5 5.51E-03 3 No 1,5
42 GLOBAL Cartesian 4,5 9.18E-02 3 No 4,5
43 GLOBAL Cartesian 7,5 7,5 3 No 7,5
44 GLOBAL Cartesian 7,5 10 3 No 7,5
45 GLOBAL Cartesian 10,5 7,5 3 No 10,5
46 GLOBAL Cartesian 10,5 10 3 No 10,5
47 GLOBAL Cartesian 7,5 5 3 No 7,5
48 GLOBAL Cartesian 10,5 5 3 No 10,5
49 GLOBAL Cartesian 7,5 2,5 3 No 7,5
50 GLOBAL Cartesian 10,5 2,5 3 No 10,5
51 GLOBAL Cartesian 7,5 1.65E-01 3 No 7,5
52 GLOBAL Cartesian 10,5 2.02E-01 3 No 10,5
53 GLOBAL Cartesian 13,5 750,000,000,000,001 3 No 13,5
54 GLOBAL Cartesian 13,5 10 3 No 13,5
55 GLOBAL Cartesian 16,5 750,000,000,000,001 3 No 16,5
56 GLOBAL Cartesian 16,5 10 3 No 16,5
57 GLOBAL Cartesian 13,5 5 3 No 13,5
58 GLOBAL Cartesian 16,5 5 3 No 16,5
59 GLOBAL Cartesian 13,5 250,000,000,000,001 3 No 13,5
60 GLOBAL Cartesian 16,5 250,000,000,000,001 3 No 16,5
61 GLOBAL Cartesian 13,5 2.76E-01 3 No 13,5
62 GLOBAL Cartesian 16,5 3.12E-01 3 No 16,5
GlobalY GlobalZ GUID
m m Text
0 0
0 3
5 0
5 3
10 0
10 3
0 0
0 3
5 0
5 3
10 0
10 3
0 0
0 3
5 0
5 3
10 0
10 3
0 0
0 3
5 0
5 3
10 0
10 3
7,5 3
7,5 3
7,5 3
7,5 3
2,5 3
2,5 3
2,5 3
2,5 3
7,5 3
10 3
7,5 3
10 3
5 3
5 3
2,5 3
2,5 3
5.51E-03 3
9.18E-02 3
7,5 3
10 3
7,5 3
10 3
5 3
5 3
2,5 3
2,5 3
1.65E-01 3
2.02E-01 3
750,000,000,000,001 3
10 3
750,000,000,000,001 3
10 3
5 3
5 3
250,000,000,000,001 3
250,000,000,000,001 3
2.76E-01 3
3.12E-01 3
TABLE: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3
Text Text Text m m m
1 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
1 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
1 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
2 DEAD LinStatic 5.27E+12 1.09E+12 -0,185128817092931
2 COMB1 Combination 0,105084385590771 2.20E+12 -0,375129846329124
2 COMB2 Combination 0,102094063110885 2.16E+12 -0,369283998069991
3 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
3 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
3 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
4 DEAD LinStatic 8.13E+12 -2.57E-02 -0,440368346065614
4 COMB1 Combination 0,161115632104064 -4.71E-01 -0,88748372758414
4 COMB2 Combination 0,155681307297814 -4.35E-01 -0,869656058654929
5 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
5 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
5 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
6 DEAD LinStatic 0,052668472371353 -1.09E+12 -0,185128817092931
6 COMB1 Combination 0,105084385590771 -2.20E+12 -0,375129846329124
6 COMB2 Combination 0,102094063110884 -2.16E+12 -0,369283998069991
7 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
7 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
7 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
8 DEAD LinStatic 1.48E+12 2.17E+12 -0,418150633178948
8 COMB1 Combination 2.95E+12 4.33E+12 -0,839974445106808
8 COMB2 Combination 0,028693266652084 4.22E+12 -0,82083235804109
9 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
9 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
9 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
10 DEAD LinStatic 2.29E+12 1.05E+00 -0,95082259704044
10 COMB1 Combination 4.54E+12 2.21E+00 -1,900,930,820,505
10 COMB2 Combination 4.38E+12 2.15E+00 -185,006,079,379,843
11 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
11 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
11 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
12 DEAD LinStatic 1.48E+12 -2.17E+12 -0,418150633178949
12 COMB1 Combination 2.95E+12 -4.33E+12 -0,839974445106809
12 COMB2 Combination 2.87E+12 -4.22E+12 -0,820832358041091
13 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
13 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
13 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
14 DEAD LinStatic -0,014802195899849 2.17E+12 -0,418150633178948
14 COMB1 Combination -2.95E+12 0,043308651727746 -0,839974445106807
14 COMB2 Combination -2.87E+12 4.22E+12 -0,820832358041089
15 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
15 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
15 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
16 DEAD LinStatic -2.29E+12 1.87E+00 -0,95082259704044
16 COMB1 Combination -4.54E+12 3.75E+00 -1,900,930,820,505
16 COMB2 Combination -4.38E+12 3.62E+00 -185,006,079,379,843
17 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
17 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
17 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
18 DEAD LinStatic -1.48E+12 -2.17E+12 -0,418150633178949
18 COMB1 Combination -2.95E+12 -4.33E+12 -0,83997444510681
18 COMB2 Combination -2.87E+12 -4.22E+12 -0,820832358041092
19 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
19 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
19 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
20 DEAD LinStatic -0,052668472371363 1.09E+12 -0,185128817092931
20 COMB1 Combination -0,10508438559079 2.20E+12 -0,375129846329124
20 COMB2 Combination -0,102094063110904 0,021585460434144 -0,369283998069991
21 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
21 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
21 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
22 DEAD LinStatic -8.13E+12 1.52E+00 -0,440368346065615
22 COMB1 Combination -0,161115632104104 3.02E+00 -0,887483727584141
22 COMB2 Combination -0,155681307297853 2.92E+00 -0,86965605865493
23 DEAD LinStatic 0 0 0
23 COMB1 Combination 0 0 0
23 COMB2 Combination 0 0 0
24 DEAD LinStatic -5.27E+12 -1.09E+12 -0,185128817092931
24 COMB1 Combination -0,105084385590791 -2.20E+12 -0,375129846329124
24 COMB2 Combination -0,102094063110904 -2.16E+12 -0,369283998069991
25 DEAD LinStatic 2.65E+10 -1.08E+12 -105,450,276,295,385
25 COMB1 Combination 5.26E+10 -2.16E+12 -21,071,220,655,529
25 COMB2 Combination 5.09E+10 -2.11E+12 -204,982,126,557,211
26 DEAD LinStatic 6.77E+10 -5.47E+11 -528,789,762,571,932
26 COMB1 Combination 1.35E+11 -1.10E+12 -106,315,884,668,169
26 COMB2 Combination 1.30E+11 -1.08E+12 -103,970,859,073,332
27 DEAD LinStatic -2.65E+10 -1.08E+12 -105,450,276,295,385
27 COMB1 Combination -5.26E+10 -2.16E+12 -21,071,220,655,529
27 COMB2 Combination -5.09E+10 -2.11E+12 -204,982,126,557,211
28 DEAD LinStatic -6.77E+09 -5.47E+11 -528,789,762,571,933
28 COMB1 Combination -1.35E+11 -1.10E+12 -10,631,588,466,817
28 COMB2 Combination -1.30E+11 -1.08E+12 -103,970,859,073,332
29 DEAD LinStatic 2.65E+10 1.08E+12 -105,450,276,295,385
29 COMB1 Combination 5.26E+10 2.16E+12 -21,071,220,655,529
29 COMB2 Combination 5.09E+10 2.11E+12 -204,982,126,557,211
30 DEAD LinStatic 6.77E+10 5.47E+11 -528,789,762,571,933
30 COMB1 Combination 1.35E+10 1.10E+12 -106,315,884,668,169
30 COMB2 Combination 1.30E+11 1.08E+12 -103,970,859,073,332
31 DEAD LinStatic -2.65E+10 1.08E+12 -105,450,276,295,385
31 COMB1 Combination -5.26E+10 2.16E+12 -21,071,220,655,529
31 COMB2 Combination -5.09E+10 2.11E+12 -204,982,126,557,211
32 DEAD LinStatic -6.77E+10 5.47E+11 -528,789,762,571,934
32 COMB1 Combination -1.35E+11 1.10E+12 -10,631,588,466,817
32 COMB2 Combination -1.30E+11 1.08E+12 -103,970,859,073,332
33 DEAD LinStatic 5.74E+10 -4.48E+10 -257,433,973,886,077
33 COMB1 Combination 1.14E+11 -8.95E+10 -511,921,062,250,981
33 COMB2 Combination 1.10E+11 -8.71E+10 -495,917,986,102,667
34 DEAD LinStatic 4.32E+12 -9.06E+10 -508,379,489,409,521
34 COMB1 Combination 8.62E+12 -1.81E+11 -101,479,065,970,219
34 COMB2 Combination 8.37E+12 -1.76E+11 -986,306,990,233,829
35 DEAD LinStatic 3.68E+09 -4.70E+10 -283,719,623,905,174
35 COMB1 Combination 7.31E+10 -9.40E+10 -564,119,223,194,541
35 COMB2 Combination 7.08E+09 -9.15E+10 -546,423,619,844,607
36 DEAD LinStatic 2.43E+12 -8.79E+10 -39,691,924,494,924
36 COMB1 Combination 4.84E+12 -1.76E+11 -792,402,458,956,723
36 COMB2 Combination 4.70E+12 -1.71E+11 -770,245,316,808,233
37 DEAD LinStatic 6.67E+12 1.91E-01 -802,262,741,664,555
37 COMB1 Combination 0,132180562832239 4.29E-01 -15,920,319,499,252
37 COMB2 Combination 0,127722283815824 4.38E-01 -153,947,948,860,094
38 DEAD LinStatic 3.75E+12 1.16E+00 -639,205,633,836,534
38 COMB1 Combination 7.43E+12 2.42E+00 -126,881,281,258,802
38 COMB2 Combination 7.18E+12 2.36E-01 -1,227,229,633,622
39 DEAD LinStatic 5.74E+10 4.48E+10 -257,433,973,886,078
39 COMB1 Combination 1.14E+11 8.95E+10 -511,921,062,250,981
39 COMB2 Combination 1.10E+11 8.71E+10 -495,917,986,102,667
40 DEAD LinStatic 3.68E+09 4.70E+10 -283,719,623,905,174
40 COMB1 Combination 7.31E+10 9.40E+10 -564,119,223,194,541
40 COMB2 Combination 7.08E+10 9.15E+10 -546,423,619,844,607
41 DEAD LinStatic 4.32E+12 9.06E+09 -508,379,489,409,522
41 COMB1 Combination 8.62E+12 1.81E+11 -10,147,906,597,022
41 COMB2 Combination 8.37E+12 1.76E+10 -986,306,990,233,831
42 DEAD LinStatic 2.43E+12 8.79E+10 -396,919,244,949,241
42 COMB1 Combination 4.84E+12 1.76E+11 -792,402,458,956,726
42 COMB2 Combination 4.70E+12 1.71E+11 -770,245,316,808,236
43 DEAD LinStatic 1.32E+09 -5.45E+10 -296,862,448,914,722
43 COMB1 Combination 2.63E+10 -1.09E+10 -590,218,303,666,322
43 COMB2 Combination 2.55E+10 -1.06E+11 -571,676,436,715,577
44 DEAD LinStatic 7.40E+11 -0,001055088397881 -192,166,864,066,311
44 COMB1 Combination 1.48E+12 -2.11E+11 -383,882,148,846,742
44 COMB2 Combination 1.43E+12 -2.05E+11 -373,352,209,176,984
45 DEAD LinStatic -1.32E+10 -5.45E+10 -296,862,448,914,722
45 COMB1 Combination -2.63E+10 -1.09E+11 -590,218,303,666,322
45 COMB2 Combination -2.55E+10 -1.06E+11 -571,676,436,715,577
46 DEAD LinStatic -7.40E+11 -1.06E+10 -192,166,864,066,312
46 COMB1 Combination -1.48E+12 -2.11E+11 -383,882,148,846,743
46 COMB2 Combination -1.43E+12 -2.05E+11 -373,352,209,176,985
47 DEAD LinStatic 1.14E+12 1.79E+00 -328,324,517,762,508
47 COMB1 Combination 2.27E+12 3.66E+00 -652,461,321,591,571
47 COMB2 Combination 2.19E+12 3.55E+00 -631,703,694,491,095
48 DEAD LinStatic -0,011442519592207 2.12E+00 -328,324,517,762,509
48 COMB1 Combination -2.27E+12 4.27E+00 -652,461,321,591,573
48 COMB2 Combination -0,021922606684956 4.13E+00 -631,703,694,491,097
49 DEAD LinStatic 1.32E+10 5.45E+10 -296,862,448,914,722
49 COMB1 Combination 2.63E+10 1.09E+11 -590,218,303,666,322
49 COMB2 Combination 2.55E+10 1.06E+11 -571,676,436,715,577
50 DEAD LinStatic -1.32E+10 5.45E+10 -296,862,448,914,722
50 COMB1 Combination -2.63E+10 1.09E+11 -590,218,303,666,321
50 COMB2 Combination -2.55E+10 1.06E+11 -571,676,436,715,577
51 DEAD LinStatic 7.40E+11 1.06E+11 -192,166,864,066,313
51 COMB1 Combination 1.48E+12 2.11E+11 -383,882,148,846,746
51 COMB2 Combination 1.43E+12 2.05E+11 -373,352,209,176,989
52 DEAD LinStatic -7.40E+11 1.06E+11 -192,166,864,066,314
52 COMB1 Combination -1.48E+12 2.11E+11 -383,882,148,846,747
52 COMB2 Combination -1.43E+12 2.05E+11 -373,352,209,176,989
53 DEAD LinStatic -3.68E+10 -4.70E+10 -283,719,623,905,174
53 COMB1 Combination -7.31E+10 -9.40E+10 -564,119,223,194,541
53 COMB2 Combination -7.08E+10 -9.15E+10 -546,423,619,844,607
54 DEAD LinStatic -2.43E+12 -8.79E+10 -396,919,244,949,239
54 COMB1 Combination -4.84E+12 -1.76E+11 -792,402,458,956,721
54 COMB2 Combination -0,047043465766804 -1.71E+11 -770,245,316,808,231
55 DEAD LinStatic -5.74E+10 -4.48E+10 -257,433,973,886,078
55 COMB1 Combination -1.14E+11 -8.95E+10 -511,921,062,250,981
55 COMB2 Combination -1.10E+10 -8.71E+10 -495,917,986,102,668
56 DEAD LinStatic -4.32E+12 -9.06E+10 -508,379,489,409,521
56 COMB1 Combination -8.62E+12 -1.81E+11 -101,479,065,970,219
56 COMB2 Combination -8.37E+12 -1.76E+11 -986,306,990,233,829
57 DEAD LinStatic -3.75E+12 3.46E+00 -639,205,633,836,532
57 COMB1 Combination -7.43E+12 6.90E+00 -126,881,281,258,802
57 COMB2 Combination -7.18E+12 6.68E+00 -1,227,229,633,622
58 DEAD LinStatic -6.67E+12 3.78E+00 -802,262,741,664,555
58 COMB1 Combination -0,13218056283228 7.51E+00 -15,920,319,499,252
58 COMB2 Combination -0,127722283815863 7.27E+00 -153,947,948,860,094
59 DEAD LinStatic -3.68E+10 4.70E+10 -283,719,623,905,174
59 COMB1 Combination -7.31E+10 9.40E+10 -564,119,223,194,541
59 COMB2 Combination -7.08E+10 9.15E+10 -546,423,619,844,607
60 DEAD LinStatic -5.74E+09 4.48E+10 -257,433,973,886,078
60 COMB1 Combination -1.14E+11 8.95E+10 -511,921,062,250,981
60 COMB2 Combination -1.10E+10 8.71E+10 -495,917,986,102,668
61 DEAD LinStatic -2.43E+12 8.79E+08 -396,919,244,949,242
61 COMB1 Combination -4.84E+12 1.76E+11 -792,402,458,956,727
61 COMB2 Combination -4.70E+12 1.71E+11 -770,245,316,808,237
62 DEAD LinStatic -4.32E+12 9.06E+09 -508,379,489,409,523
62 COMB1 Combination -8.62E+12 1.81E+10 -10,147,906,597,022
62 COMB2 Combination -8.37E+12 1.76E+10 -986,306,990,233,833
R1 R2 R3
Radians Radians Radians
142,468,810,814,546 -134,271,603,474,684 1.16E+12
286,999,706,870,806 -267,896,043,058,579 2.31E+12
281,134,285,089,607 -260,269,924,682,254 2.23E+12
-289,024,391,597,864 295,264,069,786,199 1.16E+12
-58,223,231,871,591 589,105,158,350,567 2.31E+12
-570,333,396,193,196 572,335,388,049,979 2.23E+12
-4.77E-03 -207,648,223,025,118 2.14E-01
-1.38E-01 -411,716,005,041,469 4.35E-01
-1.46E-01 -39,783,309,722,147 4.22E-01
3.55E-02 456,599,557,244,799 2.14E-01
7.53E-01 9,053,258,548,757 4.35E-01
7.33E-01 87,479,844,488,786 4.22E-01
-142,468,810,814,546 -134,271,603,474,684 -1.16E+12
-286,999,706,870,805 -267,896,043,058,579 -2.31E+12
-281,134,285,089,606 -260,269,924,682,254 -2.23E+12
289,024,391,597,864 295,264,069,786,199 -1.16E+12
58,223,231,871,591 589,105,158,350,566 -2.31E+12
570,333,396,193,195 572,335,388,049,978 -2.23E+12
282,011,158,745,239 0,298468186901061 0,00294200344218
564,058,858,328,212 0,595500833738884 5.86E+11
549,172,160,692,909 0,578551417851576 5.68E+11
-572,112,309,005,326 -0,628429953556345 0,00294200344218
-114,429,875,367,736 -125,383,697,095,944 5.86E+11
-111,409,831,167,491 -1,218,149,372,234 5.68E+11
-5.48E-01 0,45359298055993 1.88E-01
-1.15E+00 0,899296273494268 3.71E-01
-1.14E+00 0,868914583718306 3.61E-01
5.12E-02 -0,954637816809353 1.88E-01
1.01E-01 -18,926,673,833,689 3.71E-01
1.44E-03 -182,872,283,335,186 3.61E-01
-28,201,115,874,524 0,298468186901063 -2.94E+11
-564,058,858,328,213 0,595500833738885 -5.86E+11
-54,917,216,069,291 0,578551417851577 -5.68E+11
572,112,309,005,325 -0,628429953556346 -2.94E+11
114,429,875,367,736 -125,383,697,095,945 -5.86E+11
111,409,831,167,491 -1,218,149,372,234 -5.68E+11
282,011,158,745,239 -0,298468186901066 -2.94E+11
564,058,858,328,211 -0,595500833738892 -5.86E+11
549,172,160,692,908 -0,578551417851584 -5.68E+11
-572,112,309,005,326 0,628429953556343 -2.94E+11
-114,429,875,367,736 125,383,697,095,944 -5.86E+11
-111,409,831,167,491 1,218,149,372,234 -5.68E+11
-8.52E-01 -0,453592980559935 3.65E-01
-1.68E-01 -0,89929627349428 7.25E-01
-1.63E+00 -0,868914583718318 7.04E-01
-1.62E-01 0,954637816809344 3.65E-01
-3.73E-01 189,266,738,336,888 7.25E-01
-3.45E-01 182,872,283,335,185 7.04E-01
-28,201,115,874,524 -0,298468186901065 2.94E+11
-564,058,858,328,213 -0,595500833738891 5.86E+11
-549,172,160,692,911 -0,578551417851583 5.68E+11
572,112,309,005,325 0,628429953556342 2.94E+11
114,429,875,367,736 125,383,697,095,944 5.86E+11
111,409,831,167,491 1,218,149,372,234 5.68E+11
142,468,810,814,546 134,271,603,474,684 -1.16E+12
286,999,706,870,805 267,896,043,058,578 -2.31E+12
281,134,285,089,606 260,269,924,682,254 -0,022281405730191
-289,024,391,597,866 -295,264,069,786,199 -1.16E+12
-582,232,318,715,913 -589,105,158,350,567 -2.31E+12
-570,333,396,193,198 -572,335,388,049,979 -0,022281405730191
-6.93E-01 207,648,223,025,117 -7.58E-01
-1.35E+00 411,716,005,041,467 -1.50E+00
-1.29E+00 397,833,097,221,468 -1.45E+00
-1.27E-01 -456,599,557,244,799 -7.58E-01
-3.23E-01 -905,325,854,875,701 -1.50E+00
-3.40E-01 -874,798,444,887,861 -1.45E+00
-142,468,810,814,546 134,271,603,474,684 0,011646928686841
-286,999,706,870,807 267,896,043,058,578 2.31E+12
-281,134,285,089,607 260,269,924,682,253 2.23E+12
289,024,391,597,864 -295,264,069,786,199 0,011646928686841
58,223,231,871,591 -589,105,158,350,566 2.31E+12
570,333,396,193,195 -572,335,388,049,978 2.23E+12
-111,890,618,023,869 -0,791533885189532 3.15E+11
-223,924,526,895,111 -15,732,521,771,775 6.20E+11
-218,122,399,190,069 -152,343,610,280,588 5.95E+11
-0,569263663734815 375,931,813,515,238 1.15E+12
-114,729,311,288,873 74,721,550,661,261 2.25E+12
-11,242,828,610,141 72,356,691,646,841 2.16E+12
-111,890,618,023,869 0,791533885176161 -3.15E+11
-223,924,526,895,112 157,325,217,715,083 -6.20E+11
-218,122,399,190,069 152,343,610,277,998 -5.95E+11
-0,569263663734807 -375,931,813,515,499 -1.15E+12
-114,729,311,288,872 -747,215,506,613,133 -2.25E+12
-112,428,286,101,409 -723,566,916,468,919 -2.16E+12
111,890,618,023,869 -0,791533885182849 -3.15E+11
22,392,452,689,511 -157,325,217,716,417 -6.20E+11
218,122,399,190,068 -152,343,610,279,293 -5.95E+11
0,56926366373481 375,931,813,515,412 -0,011455112092165
114,729,311,288,872 747,215,506,612,959 -0,022511333492343
112,428,286,101,409 72,356,691,646,875 -2.16E+12
111,890,618,023,869 0,791533885182844 3.15E+11
223,924,526,895,112 157,325,217,716,416 6.20E+11
218,122,399,190,069 152,343,610,279,292 5.95E+11
0,569263663734819 -375,931,813,515,499 1.15E+12
114,729,311,288,874 -747,215,506,613,134 2.25E+12
112,428,286,101,411 -72,356,691,646,892 2.16E+12
-0,569263663738074 102,057,941,300,314 2.95E+11
-114,729,311,289,518 202,448,212,063,694 5.92E+11
-112,428,286,102,033 195,699,430,766,656 5.80E+11
359,796,370,949,772 234,440,635,185,027 1.29E+12
722,748,927,456,358 468,438,504,791,617 2.59E+12
706,274,625,063,708 455,679,735,437,312 2.52E+12
-0,569263663741324 -845,341,746,209,165 -4.73E+11
-114,729,311,290,162 -16,764,943,810,132 -9.47E+10
-112,428,286,102,653 -16,202,900,827,203 -9.22E+11
501,340,329,653,365 -248,242,231,283,627 -1.49E+12
100,378,214,493,681 -495,977,904,905,704 -2.99E+12
978,157,082,804,303 -482,437,467,459,035 -2.91E+12
3.32E+01 363,638,831,189,933 3.96E-01
6.59E+01 721,711,064,996,512 7.96E-01
6.37E+01 697,968,791,747,056 7.70E-01
-7.39E+01 -379,662,696,379,596 -3.82E-02
-1.45E+02 -753,434,932,424,153 -5.45E-02
-1.39E+02 -728,582,813,666,606 -5.75E-02
0,569263663729924 102,057,941,300,314 -2.95E+10
114,729,311,287,906 202,448,212,063,694 -5.92E+11
112,428,286,100,477 195,699,430,766,656 -5.80E+11
0,569263663725045 -845,341,746,209,165 4.73E+11
11,472,931,128,694 -16,764,943,810,132 9.47E+11
112,428,286,099,545 -16,202,900,827,203 9.22E+11
-359,796,370,949,782 234,440,635,185,027 -1.29E+12
-722,748,927,456,376 468,438,504,791,617 -2.59E+12
-706,274,625,063,724 455,679,735,437,312 -2.52E+12
-501,340,329,653,524 -248,242,231,283,627 1.49E+12
-100,378,214,493,712 -495,977,904,905,705 0,029850688641584
-978,157,082,804,604 -482,437,467,459,035 2.91E+12
-111,890,618,025,172 932,960,579,606,153 5.13E+11
-22,392,452,689,769 185,048,825,082,507 1.03E+12
-218,122,399,192,556 178,864,219,519,343 9.99E+11
572,112,309,005,243 120,393,169,271,052 1.75E+12
11,442,987,536,772 240,894,142,439,061 3.50E+12
111,409,831,167,476 234,613,551,518,129 3.40E+12
-111,890,618,026,474 -932,960,579,606,153 -5.13E+11
-223,924,526,900,267 -185,048,825,082,507 -0,010263733405635
-218,122,399,195,042 -178,864,219,519,343 -9.99E+11
572,112,309,005,243 -120,393,169,271,052 -1.75E+12
11,442,987,536,772 -240,894,142,439,061 -3.50E+12
111,409,831,167,476 -234,613,551,518,129 -3.40E+12
-1.28E+02 185,903,038,212,864 5.33E-01
-2.52E+02 369,291,481,238,741 1.05E+00
-2.41E+02 357,421,978,983,476 1.01E+00
-1.28E+02 -185,903,038,212,864 -3.20E-01
-2.52E+02 -369,291,481,238,741 -6.54E-01
-2.41E+02 -357,421,978,983,476 -6.38E-01
111,890,618,022,565 932,960,579,606,152 -5.13E+10
223,924,526,892,531 185,048,825,082,507 -1.03E+12
218,122,399,187,579 178,864,219,519,343 -9.99E+11
111,890,618,021,264 -932,960,579,606,153 5.13E+11
223,924,526,889,955 -185,048,825,082,507 0,01026373340563
218,122,399,185,095 -178,864,219,519,343 9.99E+11
-572,112,309,005,403 120,393,169,271,052 -0,017489843556967
-114,429,875,367,751 240,894,142,439,061 -3.50E+12
-111,409,831,167,506 234,613,551,518,129 -3.40E+12
-57,211,230,900,542 -120,393,169,271,052 1.75E+12
-114,429,875,367,755 -240,894,142,439,061 3.50E+12
-111,409,831,167,509 -234,613,551,518,129 3.40E+12
-11,189,061,802,615 845,341,746,209,166 4.73E+11
-223,924,526,899,624 16,764,943,810,132 9.47E+10
-218,122,399,194,422 16,202,900,827,203 9.22E+11
501,340,329,653,278 248,242,231,283,627 1.49E+12
100,378,214,493,664 495,977,904,905,705 2.99E+12
978,157,082,804,135 482,437,467,459,035 2.91E+12
-111,890,618,028,427 -102,057,941,300,314 -2.95E+11
-223,924,526,904,132 -202,448,212,063,694 -5.92E+11
-218,122,399,198,771 -195,699,430,766,656 -5.80E+11
359,796,370,949,295 -234,440,635,185,027 -1.29E+12
722,748,927,455,412 -468,438,504,791,616 -2.59E+12
706,274,625,062,792 -45,567,973,543,731 -2.52E+12
-3.54E+02 379,662,696,379,596 1.22E-01
-6.99E+02 753,434,932,424,153 2.42E+00
-6.73E+02 728,582,813,666,606 2.34E+00
-6.37E+02 -363,638,831,189,933 -1.40E+00
-1.26E+03 -721,711,064,996,511 -2.78E+00
-1.21E+03 -697,968,791,747,055 -2.70E+00
111,890,618,021,752 845,341,746,209,166 -4.73E+11
223,924,526,890,922 16,764,943,810,132 -9.47E+11
218,122,399,186,027 16,202,900,827,203 -9.22E+11
111,890,618,019,636 -102,057,941,300,314 2.95E+11
223,924,526,886,735 -202,448,212,063,694 5.92E+11
218,122,399,181,989 -195,699,430,766,657 5.80E+11
-501,340,329,653,684 248,242,231,283,627 -1.49E+12
-100,378,214,493,744 495,977,904,905,704 -2.99E+12
-978,157,082,804,912 482,437,467,459,035 -2.91E+12
-359,796,370,950,084 -234,440,635,185,027 1.29E+12
-722,748,927,456,975 -468,438,504,791,617 2.59E+12
-706,274,625,064,303 -455,679,735,437,312 2.52E+12
TABLE: Joint Loads - Force
Joint LoadPat CoordSys F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
33 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
33 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
33 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
33 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
34 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
34 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
34 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
34 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
35 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
35 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
35 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
35 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
36 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
36 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
36 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
36 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
37 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
37 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
37 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
37 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
38 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
38 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
38 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
38 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
39 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
39 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
39 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
39 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
40 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
40 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
40 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
40 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
41 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
41 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
41 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
41 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
42 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
42 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
42 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
42 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
43 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
43 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
43 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
43 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
44 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
44 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
44 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
44 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
45 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
45 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
45 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
45 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
46 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
46 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
46 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
46 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
47 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
47 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
47 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
47 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
48 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
48 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
48 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
48 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
49 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
49 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
49 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
49 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
50 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
50 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
50 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
50 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
51 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
51 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
51 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
51 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
52 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
52 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
52 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
52 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
53 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
53 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
53 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
53 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
54 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
54 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
54 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
54 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
55 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
55 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
55 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
55 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
56 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
56 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
56 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
56 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
57 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
57 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
57 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
57 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
58 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
58 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
58 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
58 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
59 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
59 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
59 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
59 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
60 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
60 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
60 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
60 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
61 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
61 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
61 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
61 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
62 live GLOBAL 0 0 -101,971,619,222,242 0 0 0
62 win GLOBAL 0 0 -254,929,048,055,605 0 0 0
62 hujan GLOBAL 0 0 -203,943,238,444,484 0 0 0
62 DEAD GLOBAL 0 0 -229,436,143,250,045 0 0 0
TABLE: Joint Pattern Definitions
TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf
1 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,587 306,983,620,661,624 773,636,064,341,944
1 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,716 618,410,656,107,182 157,712,107,067,413
1 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,617 605,772,304,674,051 156,037,665,334,567
3 DEAD LinStatic 136,111,506,658,643 -2.87E-01 182,998,739,491,689
3 COMB1 Combination 269,876,027,004,536 -6.34E-02 369,758,300,056,156
3 COMB2 Combination 260,775,875,754,414 -6.26E-02 363,124,982,141,987
5 DEAD LinStatic 880,164,742,551,586 -306,983,620,661,624 773,636,064,341,945
5 COMB1 Combination 175,608,753,535,715 -618,410,656,107,181 157,712,107,067,414
5 COMB2 Combination 170,609,773,843,617 -60,577,230,467,405 156,037,665,334,567
7 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,707 607,661,750,303,832 173,803,568,718,327
7 COMB1 Combination -378,949,184,920,109 121,540,224,083,779 350,095,791,681,538
7 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,468 118,332,522,712,381 342,918,479,914,606
9 DEAD LinStatic -2,885,616,199,954 -4.26E-01 39,425,873,882,847
9 COMB1 Combination -572,103,349,321,544 -8.91E-01 789,190,270,246,336
9 COMB2 Combination -552,774,889,374,787 -9.15E-01 768,881,821,860,044
11 DEAD LinStatic -189,931,387,298,708 -607,661,750,303,831 173,803,568,718,328
11 COMB1 Combination -37,894,918,492,011 -121,540,224,083,779 350,095,791,681,538
11 COMB2 Combination -368,163,295,109,469 -118,332,522,712,381 342,918,479,914,606
13 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,708 607,661,750,303,831 173,803,568,718,327
13 COMB1 Combination 37,894,918,492,011 121,540,224,083,779 350,095,791,681,537
13 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,469 118,332,522,712,381 342,918,479,914,605
15 DEAD LinStatic 288,561,619,995,399 -4.91E-01 39,425,873,882,847
15 COMB1 Combination 572,103,349,321,543 -9.32E-01 789,190,270,246,336
15 COMB2 Combination 552,774,889,374,786 -9.17E-01 768,881,821,860,044
17 DEAD LinStatic 189,931,387,298,707 -607,661,750,303,831 173,803,568,718,328
17 COMB1 Combination 37,894,918,492,011 -121,540,224,083,779 350,095,791,681,538
17 COMB2 Combination 368,163,295,109,468 -118,332,522,712,381 342,918,479,914,606
19 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,587 306,983,620,661,625 773,636,064,341,944
19 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,716 618,410,656,107,184 157,712,107,067,413
19 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,617 605,772,304,674,052 156,037,665,334,567
21 DEAD LinStatic -136,111,506,658,643 -4.03E-01 182,998,739,491,689
21 COMB1 Combination -269,876,027,004,536 -7.28E-01 369,758,300,056,157
21 COMB2 Combination -260,775,875,754,414 -6.72E-01 363,124,982,141,987
23 DEAD LinStatic -880,164,742,551,585 -306,983,620,661,624 773,636,064,341,945
23 COMB1 Combination -175,608,753,535,715 -618,410,656,107,182 157,712,107,067,414
23 COMB2 Combination -170,609,773,843,616 -605,772,304,674,051 156,037,665,334,567
M1 M2 M3
Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
TABLE: Joint Restraint Assignments
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
1 Yes Yes Yes No No No
3 Yes Yes Yes No No No
5 Yes Yes Yes No No No
7 Yes Yes Yes No No No
9 Yes Yes Yes No No No
11 Yes Yes Yes No No No
13 Yes Yes Yes No No No
15 Yes Yes Yes No No No
17 Yes Yes Yes No No No
19 Yes Yes Yes No No No
21 Yes Yes Yes No No No
23 Yes Yes Yes No No No
TABLE: Load Case Definitions
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase DesTypeOpt DesignType AutoType RunCase
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Yes/No
DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det DEAD None Yes
MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det OTHER None No
live LinStatic Zero Prog Det LIVE None Yes
win LinStatic Zero Prog Det WIND None Yes
hujan LinStatic Zero Prog Det OTHER None Yes
CaseStatus GUID Notes
Text Text Text
Not Run
TABLE: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad GUID Notes
Text Text Unitless Text Text Text
live LIVE 1
win WIND 1 None
hujan OTHER 1
TABLE: Masses 1 - Mass Source
TABLE: Material List 1 - By Object Type
ObjectType Material TotalWeight NumPieces
Text Text Kgf Unitless
Frame BAJA 942,583,680,000,001 59
TABLE: Material List 2 - By Section Property
Section ObjectType NumPieces TotalLength TotalWeight
Text Text Unitless m Kgf
WF200 Frame 12 36 1,787,904
INP30 Frame 23 130 72,176,832
C150 Frame 24 60 4,202,496
TABLE: Material Properties 01 - General
Material Type SymType TempDepend Color GUID
Text Text Text Yes/No Text Text
4000Psi Concrete Isotropic No Cyan
A992Fy50 Steel Isotropic No Green
BAJA Steel Isotropic No Blue
Normalweight f'c = 4 ksi added 15/11/2017 9:44:42
ASTM A992 Fy=50 ksi added 15/11/2017 9:44:42
ASTM A36 added 15/11/2017 10:38:25
TABLE: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12
Text Kgf/m3 Kgf-s2/m4 Kgf/m2 Kgf/m2 Unitless
4000Psi 240,276,966,501,002 245,014,307,353,044 253,456,356,440,273 105,606,815,183,447 0,2
A992Fy50 784,904,757,236,607 80,038,007,068,661 203,890,191,580,383 784,193,044,539,935 0,3
BAJA 80 815,772,953,777,936 200000 769,230,769,230,769 0,3
TABLE: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data
Material Fy Fu EffFy EffFu
Text Kgf/m2 Kgf/m2 Kgf/m2 Kgf/m2
A992Fy50 351,534,813,069,626 456,995,256,990,514 386,688,294,376,589 502,694,782,689,565
BAJA 320 370 368 425,5
SSCurveOpt SSHysType SHard SMax SRup FinalSlope
Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Simple Kinematic 0,015 0,11 0,17 -0,1
Simple Kinematic 0,02 0,14 0,2 -0,1
TABLE: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data
Material Fc LtWtConc SSCurveOpt SSHysType SFc SCap FinalSlope
Text Kgf/m2 Yes/No Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless
4000Psi 281,227,850,455,701 No Mander Takeda 2.22E+11 0,005 -0,1
FAngle DAngle
Degrees Degrees
0 0
TABLE: Material Properties 06 - Damping Parameters
Material ModalRatio VisMass VisStiff HysMass HysStiff
Text Unitless 1/Sec Sec 1/Sec2 Unitless
4000Psi 0 0 0 0 0
A992Fy50 0 0 0 0 0
BAJA 0 0 0 0 0
TABLE: Objects And Elements - Frames
FrameElem FrameObject ElemJtI ElemJtJ
Text Text Text Text
1-Jan 1 1 2
1-Feb 2 3 4
1-Mar 3 5 6
1-Apr 4 7 8
1-May 5 9 10
1-Jun 6 11 12
1-Jul 7 13 14
1-Aug 8 15 16
1-Sep 9 17 18
1-Oct 10 19 20
1-Nov 11 21 22
1-Dec 12 23 24
13-1 13 2 41
13-2 13 41 42
13-3 13 42 8
14-1 14 8 51
14-2 14 51 52
14-3 14 52 14
15-1 15 14 61
15-2 15 61 62
15-3 15 62 20
16-1 16 4 37
16-2 16 37 38
16-3 16 38 10
17-1 17 10 47
17-2 17 47 48
17-3 17 48 16
18-1 18 16 57
18-2 18 57 58
18-3 18 58 22
19-1 19 6 34
19-2 19 34 36
19-3 19 36 12
20-1 20 12 44
20-2 20 44 46
20-3 20 46 18
21-1 21 18 54
21-2 21 54 56
21-3 21 56 24
22-1 22 2 30
22-2 22 30 4
23-1 23 4 26
23-2 23 26 6
24-1 24 8 29
24-2 24 29 10
25-1 25 10 25
25-2 25 25 12
26-1 26 14 31
26-2 26 31 16
27-1 27 16 27
27-2 27 27 18
28-1 28 20 32
28-2 28 32 22
29-1 29 22 28
29-2 29 28 24
30-1 30 25 35
30-2 30 35 33
30-3 30 33 26
31-1 31 27 45
31-2 31 45 43
31-3 31 43 25
32-1 32 28 55
32-2 32 55 53
32-3 32 53 27
33-1 33 29 40
33-2 33 40 39
33-3 33 39 30
34-1 34 31 50
34-2 34 50 49
34-3 34 49 29
35-1 35 32 60
35-2 35 60 59
35-3 35 59 31
36-1 36 33 34
37-1 37 35 36
38-1 38 37 33
39-1 39 38 35
40-1 40 39 37
41-1 41 40 38
42-1 42 41 39
43-1 43 42 40
44-1 44 43 44
45-1 45 45 46
46-1 46 47 43
47-1 47 48 45
48-1 48 49 47
49-1 49 50 48
50-1 50 51 49
51-1 51 52 50
52-1 52 53 54
53-1 53 55 56
54-1 54 57 53
55-1 55 58 55
56-1 56 59 57
57-1 57 60 58
58-1 58 61 59
59-1 59 62 60
TABLE: Objects And Elements - Joints
JointElem JointObject GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
Text Text m m m
1 1 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 3
3 3 0 5 0
4 4 0 5 3
5 5 0 10 0
6 6 0 10 3
7 7 6 0 0
8 8 6 0 3
9 9 6 5 0
10 10 6 5 3
11 11 6 10 0
12 12 6 10 3
13 13 12 0 0
14 14 12 0 3
15 15 12 5 0
16 16 12 5 3
17 17 12 10 0
18 18 12 10 3
19 19 18 0 0
20 20 18 0 3
21 21 18 5 0
22 22 18 5 3
23 23 18 10 0
24 24 18 10 3
25 25 6 7,5 3
26 26 -1.38E-01 7,5 3
27 27 12 7,5 3
28 28 18 7,5 3
29 29 6 2,5 3
30 30 -4.59E-02 2,5 3
31 31 12 2,5 3
32 32 18 2,5 3
33 33 1,5 7,5 3
34 34 1,5 10 3
35 35 4,5 7,5 3
36 36 4,5 10 3
37 37 1,5 5 3
38 38 4,5 5 3
39 39 1,5 2,5 3
40 40 4,5 2,5 3
41 41 1,5 5.51E-03 3
42 42 4,5 9.18E-02 3
43 43 7,5 7,5 3
44 44 7,5 10 3
45 45 10,5 7,5 3
46 46 10,5 10 3
47 47 7,5 5 3
48 48 10,5 5 3
49 49 7,5 2,5 3
50 50 10,5 2,5 3
51 51 7,5 1.65E-01 3
52 52 10,5 2.02E-01 3
53 53 13,5 750,000,000,000,001 3
54 54 13,5 10 3
55 55 16,5 750,000,000,000,001 3
56 56 16,5 10 3
57 57 13,5 5 3
58 58 16,5 5 3
59 59 13,5 250,000,000,000,001 3
60 60 16,5 250,000,000,000,001 3
61 61 13,5 2.76E-01 3
62 62 16,5 3.12E-01 3
TABLE: Options - Colors - Display
DeviceType Points LinesFrame LinesFrmExt LinesCable LinesTendon SpringLinks Restraints
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Screen Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green Green
Printer Gray8Dark Black Gray4 Black Black Gray8Dark Gray8Dark
Color Printer Black 7303023 White Green Green Green 9408399
Releases Axes Text ShadowLines GuideLines Highlight Selection AreaFillBot AreaFillTop
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Green Cyan Green Gray8Dark Gray8Dark Red White Red 16744703
Gray4 Black Black Gray4 Gray4 Black Black Gray4 Gray8Dark
Green Cyan Black Gray8Dark 10461087 Red 10504778 16634568 14277119
AreaFillSd AreaEdge SolidF1 SolidF2 SolidF3 SolidF4 SolidF5 SolidF6 SolidEdge
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Red DarkRed Red Blue Green Yellow White Cyan DarkRed
Gray4 Black Gray1Light Gray2 Gray3 Gray4 Gray5 Gray6 Black
16634568 7303023 10122991 16756912 11599795 12713983 White 16777128 7303023
Floor Background BGLowLef BGLowRight BGUpRight Darkness
Text Text Text Text Text Unitless
Gray4 Black Black Black Black 0,5
Gray4 White White White White 0,5
13619151 White White 14671839 White 0,5
TABLE: Options - Colors - Output
DeviceType Contour1 Contour2 Contour3 Contour4 Contour5 Contour6 Contour7 Contour8 Contour9
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Screen 13107400 6553828 Red 16639 Orange 43775 54527 Yellow 65408
Printer Black 3158064 4210752 5263440 6316128 7368816 Gray8Dark Gray7 Gray6
Color Printer 13107400 6553828 Red 16639 Orange 43775 54527 Yellow 65408
Contour10 Contour11 Contour12 Contour13 Contour14 Contour15 Transpare Ratio1 Ratio2
Text Text Text Text Text Text Unitless Text Text
Green 8453888 Cyan 16755200 16733440 Blue 0,5 Cyan Green
Gray5 Gray4 Gray3 Gray2 Gray1Light White 0 Gray2 Gray4
Green 8453888 Cyan 16755200 16733440 Blue 0,5 Cyan Green
Ratio3 Ratio4 Ratio5 RatioNotD RatioNotC RatioVal1 RatioVal2 RatioVal3 RatioVal4
Text Text Text Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Yellow Orange Red Gray4 Red 0,5 0,7 0,9 1
Gray8Dark 4210752 Black Gray4 Black 0,5 0,7 0,9 1
Yellow Orange Red Gray4 Red 0,5 0,7 0,9 1
DFillPos DFillNeg DFillRPos DFillRNeg
Text Text Text Text
Yellow Red Blue Cyan
Gray8Dark Gray8Dark 4210752 4210752
Red Red Blue Blue
TABLE: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93
Frame DesignSect FrameType Fy RLLF AreaRatio XLMajor
Text Text Text Kgf/m2 Unitless Unitless Unitless
1 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
2 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
3 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
4 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
5 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
6 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
7 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
8 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
9 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
10 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
11 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
12 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
13 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
14 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
15 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
16 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
17 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
18 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
19 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
20 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
21 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
22 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
23 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
24 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
25 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
26 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
27 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
28 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
29 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
30 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
31 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
32 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
33 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
34 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
35 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
36 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
37 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
38 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
39 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
40 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
41 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
42 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
43 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
44 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
45 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
46 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
47 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
48 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
49 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
50 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
51 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
52 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
53 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
54 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
55 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
56 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
57 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
58 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
59 Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0 0
XLMinor XKMajor XKMinor CmMajor CmMinor Cb B1Major B1Minor B2Major B2Minor
Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PhiPnc PhiPnt PhiMn3 PhiMn2 PhiVn2 PhiVn3 CheckDef
Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf Kgf Yes/No
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
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0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
DefType DLRat SDLAndLLRat LLRat TotalRat NetRat DLAbs SDLAndLLAbs
Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless m m
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Program Determined 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LLAbs TotalAbs NetAbs SpecCamber
m m m m
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
TABLE: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter LatFact UseLatFact Bridge
Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Yes/No Yes/No
Envelopes Moment Frame 1 1 133,333,333,333,333 No No
TABLE: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter OmegaBS OmegaBUS OmegaBLTB OmegaVS
Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Envelopes Braced Frame 1 1 1,67 1,67 1,67 1,67
OmegaVNS OmegaT OmegaC
Unitless Unitless Unitless
1,5 1,67 1,8
TABLE: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93
THDesign FrameType PatLLF SRatioLimit MaxIter PhiB PhiC PhiT PhiV
Text Text Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Envelopes Moment Frame 0,75 0,95 1 0,9 0,85 0,9 0,9
PhiCA CheckDef DLRat SDLAndLLRat LLRat TotalRat NetRat
Unitless Yes/No Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
0,9 Yes 120 120 360 240 240
TABLE: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003
THDesign NumCurves NumPoints MinEccen PatLLF UFLimit SeisCat PhiT PhiCTied
Text Unitless Unitless Yes/No Unitless Unitless Text Unitless Unitless
Envelopes 24 11 No 0,75 0,95 D 0,9 0,65
PhiCSpiral PhiV PhiVSeismic PhiVJoint
Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
0,7 0,75 0,6 0,85
TABLE: Preferences - Dimensional
MergeTol FineGrid Nudge SelectTol SnapTol SLineThick PLineThick MaxFont MinFont
m m m Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
0,001 0,25 0,25 3 12 1 4 8 3
AutoZoom ShrinkFact TextFileLen
Unitless Unitless Unitless
10 70 240
TABLE: Program Control
ProgramName Version ProgLevel LicenseNum LicenseOS LicenseSC LicenseBR LicenseHT
Text Text Text Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
SAP2000 14.0.0 Advanced Yes Yes Yes No
CurrUnits SteelCode ConcCode AlumCode ColdCode BridgeCode
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Kgf, m, C AISC-LRFD93 ACI 318-05/IBC2003 AA-ASD 2000 AISI-ASD96 AASHTO LRFD 2007
RegenHinge BSchedGUID
Yes/No Text
TABLE: Project Information
Item Data
Text Text
Company Name
Client Name
Project Name
Project Number
Model Name
Model Description
Revision Number
Frame Type
Issue Code
Design Code
TABLE: Rebar Sizes
RebarID Area Diameter
Text m2 m
#2 0,000032258 0,00635
#3 7.10E+09 0,009525
#4 1.29E+10 0,0127
#5 2.00E+10 0,015875
#6 2.84E+10 0,01905
#7 3.87E+10 0,022225
#8 5.10E+10 0,0254
#9 0,00064516 2.87E+12
#10 8.19E+09 3.23E+12
#11 1.01E+11 3.58E+12
#14 0,00145161 4.30E+12
#18 0,00258064 5.73E+12
10M 1.00E+10 1.13E+12
15M 2.00E+10 1.60E+12
20M 3.00E+10 1.95E+12
25M 5.00E+10 2.52E+12
30M 7.00E+10 2.99E+12
35M 1.00E+11 3.57E+12
45M 1.50E+11 4.37E+12
55M 2.50E+11 0,056400002372922
6d 2.83E+09 6.00E+11
8d 5.03E+09 8.00E+11
10d 7.85E+09 1.00E+12
12d 1.13E+10 1.20E+12
14d 1.54E+10 1.40E+12
16d 2.01E+10 1.60E+12
20d 3.14E+10 2.00E+12
25d 4.91E+10 2.50E+12
26d 5.31E+10 2.60E+12
28d 6.16E+10 2.80E+12
N12 1.13E+10 1.20E+12
N16 2.01E+10 1.60E+12
N20 3.14E+10 2.00E+12
N24 4.52E+09 2.40E+12
N28 6.16E+10 2.80E+12
N32 8.04E+10 3.20E+12
N36 1.02E+11 3.60E+12

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