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Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

Assignments Day 3
1. Create a database called COMPANY consisting of two tables - EMP &

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

2. Perform the following queries on the tables just created:

1. List the names of analysts and salesmen.

SQL> select ename from emp where job=analyst and job=salesman;

2. List details of employees who have joined before 30 Sep 81.

SQL> select * from emp where hiredate < 30-sep-81;

3. List names of employees who are not managers.

SQL> select ename from emp where job is not manager;

4. List the names of employees whose employee numbers are 7369, 7521, 7839,
7934, 7788.

SQL> select ename from from emp where empno in


5. List employees not belonging to department 30, 40, or 10.

SQL> select ename from emp where deptno not in (30,40,10);

6. List employee names for those who have joined between 30 June and 31
Dec. 81.

SQL> select ename from emp where hiredate between 30-jun-81 and 31-

7. List the different designations in the company.

SQL> select distinct job from emp;

8. List the names of employees who are not eligible for commission.

SQL> select ename from emp where comm = NULL;

9. List the name and designation of the employee who does not report to

SQL> select ename,job from emp where job = president;

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

10. List the employees not assigned to any department.

SQL> select ename from emp where job = NULL;

11. List the employees who are eligible for commission.

SQL> select ename from emp where comm. is not NULL;

12. List employees hose names either start or end with S.

SQL> select ename from emp where ename like S% and like %S;

13. List names of employees whose names have i as the second character.

SQL> select ename from emp where ename like _i%;

14. List the number of employees working with the company.

SQL> select ename from emp;

15. List the number of designations available in the EMP table.

SQL> select distinct job from emp;

16. List the total salaries paid to the employees.

SQL> select sum(sal) from emp;

17. List the maximum, minimum and average salary in the company.

SQL> select max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal) from emp;

18. List the maximum salary paid to a salesman.

SQL> select max(sal) from emp where job = salesman;

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

Assignment Day 4

1) Please refer to the tables created as a part of Assignment 3. Perform the

following queries against those tables:

1. List the number of employees and average salary for employees in

department 20.

SQL> select count(ename),avg(sal) from emp where deptno = 20;

2. List name, salary and PF amount of all employees. (PF is calculated as 10%
of basic salary)

SQL> select ename,sal,sal((sal/100)*10) from emp;

3. List names of employees who are more than 2 years old in the company.


4. List the employee details in the ascending order of their basic salary.

SQL> select * from emp order by sal;

5. List the employee name and hire date in the descending order of the hire

SQL> select ename,hiredate from emp order by hiredate desc;

6. List employee name, salary, PF, HRA, DA and gross; order the results in the
ascending order of gross. HRA is 50% of the salary and DA is 30% of the

SQL> select ename,sal, ((sal/100)*10)PF, ((sal/100)*50)HRA,

(sal+((sal/100)*10)+((sal/100)*50)+((sal/100)*30))Gross from emp;

7. List the department numbers and number of employees in each department.

SQL> select deptno,count(ename) from emp group by deptno;

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

8. List the department number and total salary payable in each department.

SQL> select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno;

9. List the jobs and number of employees in each job. The result should be in
the descending order of the number of employees.

SQL> select job,count(empno) from emp group by job;

10. List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of
the employees jobwise.

SQL> select sum(sal),max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal) from emp group by job;

11. List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of
the employees, for department 20.

SQL> select sum(sal),max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal) from emp where deptno = 20

group by job;

12. List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of
the employees jobwise, for department 20 and display only those rows
having an average salary > 1000

SQL> select sum(sal),max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal) from emp where deptno = 20

having avg(sal) > 1000 group by job;

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

2) The following questions pertain to a database with the following tables.

Suppliers - S (S#, Name, Status, City)

Parts - P (P#, Pname, Colour, Weight, City)
Projects - J (J#, Jname, City)
Shipment - SPJ (S#, P#, J#, Qty)

The significance of an SPJ record is that the specified supplier supplies the
specified part to the specified project in the specified quantity (and the
combination S#-P#-J# uniquely identifies such a record).

1. Get full details of all projects in London.

SQL> select * from J where city = London;

2. Get S# for suppliers who supply project J1.

SQL> select S# from S where S# in (select S# from SPJ where J# = J1);

3. Get all part-color/part-city combinations.

SQL> select city,colour from P group by (city,colour);

4. Get all S#/P#/J# triples such that all are co-located.

SQL> select S#,P#,J# from S,P,J where = and = and = and (S#,P#,J#) in (select S#,P#,J# from SPJ);

5. Get al S#, P#, J# triples such that they are not all co-located.

SQL> select S#,P#,J# from S,P,J where ( <> or <> or <> and (S#,P#,J#) in (select S#,P#,J# from SPJ);

6. Get P# for parts supplied by a supplier in London.

SQL> select distinct (P#) from SPJ where S# in (select S# from A where city =

7. Get all pairs of cities such that a supplier in the first city supplies to a Project
in the second city.
Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

SQL> select, from S,J where <> and (S#,J#) in (select
S#,J# from SPJ);

8. Get J# for projects supplied by at least one supplier not in the same city.

SQL> select distinct (J#) from J where exist (select S# from S where <> and (J#,S#) in (select J#,S# from SPJ));

9. Get all pairs of part numbers such that some supplier supplies both the
indicated parts.

SQL> select SPJ.P#,P.P# from SPJ, P where P.P# <> SPJ.P# and (S#,P.P#) in
(select S#,P# from SPJ) group by (SPJ.P#,P.P#);

10. Get the total quantity of part P1 supplied by S1.

SQL> select sum(qty) from SPJ where P# = P1 and S# = S1;

11. For each part supplied to a project, get the P#, J# and corresponding total

SQL> select P#,J#,sum(qty) from SPJ group by (P#,J#);

12. Get P# of parts supplied to some project in an average quantity > 320.

SQL> select P#,avg(qty) from SPJ goup by P# having avg(qty)>320;

13. Get project names for projects supplied by supplier S1.

SQL> select Pname from P where P# in (select P# from SPJ where S# = S1);

14. Get colors of parts supplied by S1.

SQL> select colour from P where P# in (select P# from SPJ where S# = S1);

15. Get J# for projects using at least one part available from supplier S1.

SQL> select J# from J where J# in (select J# from SPJ where S# = S1);

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

16. Get supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least one part supplied by at
least one supplier who supplies at least one red part.

SQL> select S# from S where S# in (select S# from SPJ where P# in (select P#

from SPJ where S# in (select S# from SPJ where P# in (select P# from SPJ
where P# in (select P# from P where colour =red)))));

17. Get supplier numbers for suppliers with a status lower than that of supplier

SQL> select S# from S where status < (select status from S where S# = S!);

18. Get project numbers for projects not supplied with any red part by any
London supplier.

SQL> select J# from J where J# in (select J# from SPJ where P# not in (select
P# from P where colour = red)) and S# in ( select S# from S where city

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

Assignment Day 5

1) Write the SQL commands to create a database schema for the following
relational schema:


CUST_ID must be between 100 and 10,000
ANNUAL_REVENUE defaults to $20,000
CUST_TYPE must be manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer


Foreign Key: CUST_ID REFERENCES CUSTOMER, on deletion cascade
Foreign Key: TRUCK_# REFERENCES TRUCK, on deletion set to null
Foreign Key: DESTINATION REFERENCES CITY, on deletion set to null
WEIGHT must be under 1000 and defaults to 10



Perform the following queries:

1. What are the names of customers who have sent packages (shipments) to
Sioux City?

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customer where cust_id in (select cust_id

from shipment where designation = Sioux);

2. To what destinations have companies with revenue less than $1 million sent

SQL> select distinct(designation) from shipment where cust_id in (select

cust_id from customer where annual_revenue < $1);

3. What are the names and populations of cities that have received shipments
weighing over 100 pounds?

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

SQL> select city_name,population from city where city_name in (select

designation from shipment where weight > 100);

4. Who are the customers having over $5 million in annual revenue who have
sent shipments weighing less than 1 pound?

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customers where annual_revenue > $5

and cust_id in ( select cust_id from shipment where weight <1);

5. Who are the customers having over $5 million in annual revenue who have
sent shipments weighing less than 1 pound or have sent a shipment to San

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customers where annual_revenue > $5

and cust_id in (select cust_id from shipment where weight < 1 or designation =
San Francisco);

6. Who are the drivers who have delivered shipments for customers with
annual revenue over $20 million to cities with populations over 1 million?

SQL> select truck_#,driver_name from truck where truck_# in (select truck_#

from shipment where cust_id in (select cust_id from customer where
annual_revenue > $20) and destination in (select city_name from city where
position > 1000000));

7. List the cities that have received shipments from customers having over $15
million in annual revenue.

SQL> select distinct(designation) from shipment where cust_id in ( select

cust_id from customer where annual_revenue > $15);

8. List the names of drivers who have delivered shipments weighing over 100

SQL> select truck_#,driver_name from truck where truck_# in (select truck_#

from shipment where weight > 100);

9. List the name and annual revenue of customers who have sent shipments
weighing over 100 pounds.
Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

SQL> select cust_name,annual_revenue from customer where cust_id in

(select cust_id from shipment where weight > 100);

10. List the name and annual revenue of customers whose shipments have been
delivered by truck driver Jensen.

SQL> select cust_name,annual_revenue from customer where cust_id in

(select cust_id from shipment where truck_# in (select truck_# from truck
where driver_name = Jensen));

11. List customers who had shipments delivered by every truck.

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customer where ( select

count(distinct(truck_#)) from shipment where shipment.cust_id =
customer.cust_id) >= (select count(*) from truck);

12. List cities that have received shipments from every customer.

SQL> select city_name from city where (select count (distinct ( cust_id)) from
shipment where designation = city.city_name) >= (select count (*) from

13. List drivers who have delivered shipments to every city.

SQL> select driver_name from truck where truck_# in (select truck_# from
truck where (select count(distinct(designation)) from shipment where
shipment.truck_# = truck.truck#) >= (select count (*) from city));

14. Customers who are manufacturers or have sent a package to St. Louis.

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customer where cust_type =

manufacturer or cust_id in (select cust_id from shipment where designation =
St. Louis);

15. Cities of population over 1 million which have received a 100-pound

package From customer 311.

SQL> select city_name from city where population > 1000000 and city_name
in (select designation from shipment where weight = 100 and cust_id = 311);
Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

16. Trucks driven by Jake Stinson which have never delivered a shipment to

SQL> select truck_# from truck where driver_name = Jake Stinson and
truck_# in (select truck_# from shipment where designation <> Denver);

17. Customers with annual revenue over $10 million which have sent packages
under 1 pound to cities with population less than 10,000.

SQL> select cust_id,cust_name from customer where annual_revenue >

10000000 and cust_id in (select cust_id from shipment where designation in
(select city_name from city where population < 10000) and weight < 1);

18. Create views for each of the following:

a. Customers with annual revenue under $1 million.
b. Customers with annual revenue between $1 million and $5 million.
c. Customers with annual revenue over $5 million.

a. SQL> create view revenue_1 as select cust_id,cust_name from customer

where annual_revenue < 1000000;
b. SQL> create view revenue_2 as select cust_id,cust_name from customer
where annual_revenue > 1000000 and annual_revenue < 5000000;
c. SQL> create view revenue_3 as select cust_id, cust_name from customer
where annual_revenue > 5000000;

19. Use these views to answer the following queries:

a. Which drivers have taken shipments to Los Angeles for customers with
revenue over $5 million?

b. What are the populations of cities which have received shipments from
customers with revenue between $1 million and $5 million?

c. Which drivers have taken shipments to cities for customers with revenue
under $1 million, and what are the populations of those cities?

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

a. SQL> select * from revenue_3 where cust_id in (select cust_id from

shipment where designation = Los Angeles);
b. SQL> select city_name,population from city where city_name in (select
designation from shipment where cust_id in (select cust_id from
c. SQL> select driver_name,population from truck,city where (
truck_#,city_name) in (select truck_#, designation from shipment where
cust_id in (select cust_id from revenue_1));

Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

PL/SQL Blocks

1. Construct a PL/SQL block to find greater of two numbers.


A number:=&enter_A;

B number:=&enter_B;


If A>B then

Dbms_output.put_line(A is greater);


Dbms_output.put_line(B is greater);

End if;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

2. Construct a PL/SQL block to find greatest of three numbers.


A number:=&enter_A;

B number:=&enter_B;

C number:=&enter_C;


If A>B then

If A>C then

Dbms_output.put_line(A is greatest);


Dbms_output.put_line(C is greatest);

End if;


If B>C then

Dbms_output.put_line(B is greater);


Dbms_output.put_line(C is greater);

End if;

End if;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

3. A PL/SQL block to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division of two numbers according to users choice.


A number:=&A;

B number:=&B;

C number;

X number;



If X=1 then


Else if X=2 then


Else if X=3 then


Else if X=4 then



Dbms_output.put_line(Not a valid option);

End if;

Dbms_output.put_line(Result is||C);


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

4. A PL/SQL block to print the numbers from 1 to n.


Var1 number:=1;

n number:=&enter_n;





Exit when var1>n;

End loop;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

5. A PL/SQL block to print the desired multiplication table.


Table_of number:=&enter_tableof;

Count number:=1;

Result number;


While count<=10


Result:=table_of *count;



End loop;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

Cursor management
1. A PL/SQL code to display a message to check whether the record is deleted
or not.


Delete emp where empno=&empno;

If sql%notfound then

Dbms_output.put_line(record not deleted);


Dbms_output.put_line(record deleted);

End if;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

2. A PL/SQL code to display a message to give the number of records deleted

by the delete statement issued in a PL/SQL block.


n number;


Delete emp where deptno=&deptno;


Dbms_output.put_line(total number of record deleted||n);


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

3. A PL/SQL code to display the empno, ename, job of employees of

department number 10.


Cursor c1 is select empno, ename, job from emp where deptno=10;

Rec c1%rowtype;


Open c1;


Fetch c1 into rec;

Exit when c1%notfound;




End loop;

Close c1;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

4. A PL/SQL code to display the employee number and name of top 5 highest
paid employees.


Empname emp.ename%type;

Empsal emp.sal%type;

Cursor temp1 is select ename, sal from emp order by sal desc;


Open temp1;


Fetch temp1 into empname, empsal;

Exit when temp1%rowcount>5 or temp1%notfound;


End loop;

Close temp1;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

5. A PL/SQL code to calculate the total salary of first n records of emp table.
The value of n is passed to cursor as parameter.


e number(5);

s number(5):=0;

cursor c1(n number) is select sal from emp where rownum<=n;


Open c1(&n);


Fetch c1 into e;

Exit when c1%notfound;


End loop;


Close c1;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

1. To create a trigger for the emp table, which makes the entry in ename
column in uppercase.

Create or replace trigger upper_trigger

Before insert or update of ename on emp

For fetch row




Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

2. A trigger on emp table, which shows the old values and new values of
ename after any updation on ename of emp table.

Create or replace trigger emp_update

After update of ename on emp for each row


Dbms_output.put_line(old name:||:old.ename);

Dbms_output.put_line(new name:||:new.ename);


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

3. A trigger on the emp table, which store the empno and operation in table
auditor for each operation i.e. insert, update and delete.

Create or replace trigger emp_audit

After insert or update on emp

For each row


If inserting then

Insert into auditor values(:new.empno,insert);

Elsif updating then

Insert into auditor values(:new.empno,update);

Elsif deleting then

Insert into auditor values(:new.empno,delete);

End if;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

4. To create a trigger so that no operation can be performed on emp table on


Create or replace trigger emp_Sunday

Before insert or update or delete on emp


If rtrim(upper(to_char(sysdate,day)))=sunday then

Raise_application_error(-20022, no operation can be performed o


End if;


Assignment Solutions for RDBMS Punjabi University Patiala

5. To create a trigger, which verify that updated salary of employee must be

greater than his/her previous salary.

Create or replace trigger update_check

Before update on emp

For each row


If :new.sal<:old.sal then

Raise_application_error(-20000. new salary cannot be less than old


End if;



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