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For example writing an essay on My school would include the following points in the
form of a mind map:

Number the topics in descending order, starting from the most important topic.

Now write your first paragraph

Introduce the topic:

If it is a one-word topic then define the topic, and tell about it generally. For example, its
general characteristics etc. If it is not a one-word topic then explain the meaning of the
topic that you can infer from it.

Inform the reader of your point of view!

Entice the reader to continue with the rest of the paper!

Then Establish flow from paragraph to paragraph

For example, you can keep the paragraphs connected with each other by using any of
the following words:

. in addition

. coupled with

. in the same fashion / way

. first, second, third

. comparatively

. correspondingly

. similarly

. furthermore

. additionally

(discussed in detail in another lecture)

Stay focused
on your point of view throughout the essay
Focus on logical arguments
Don't lapse into summary
in the development--wait for the conclusion

No matter how strong the starting, or the body of your essay is, if the conclusion is weak,
the whole paragraph will lose its effectiveness.
Summarize, then conclude, your argument
Refer to the first paragraph/opening statement as well as the main points and ask
does the conclusion restate the main ideas?
does it reflect the succession and importance of all the points?
does it logically conclude their development?

Re-read your paper

Re-reading is VERY important as it assists in editing all the mistakes, and lackings of the
essay. While re-reading your essay, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does this make sense? Am I convinced?

2. Will this convince a reader?
3. Will they understand my values, and agree with my facts?

Edit, correct, and re-write as necessary

Check spelling and grammar!
Revise if necessary
Turn in the paper
Celebrate a job well done,
with the confidence that you have done your best.

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