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Lectures in General History were first introduced at the Lyceum in 1838. Studies of
History continued in 1863 at the Great School and the Faculty of Philosophy, and later on
at the University in 1905. The Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy at the
Belgrade University was officially established in 1963.

The Department of History offers graduate, master and doctoral studies. Areas of
learning and research are: 1) History of Ancient Greece and Near East, 2) History of
Ancient Rome, 3) Medieval History, 4) Medieval History of Serbs, Serbian Church
Slavonic Language and Historical Geography, 5) Byzantology, 6) Modern History, 7)
Modern History of Serbs, 8) History of Yugoslavia, and 9) Contemporary History.

Today, the Department of History consists of 36 faculty stuff members and enrolls about
450 students.

The Chairman of the Department

Danijela Stefanovi, Ph.D.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: History
Study Field: History
Type of Study: Full time
Form of Study: Bachelor
Standard Length of Study: 4 years / 8 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 240 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of History (B.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a Bachelors study
program is to have graduated full high school, approved entrance examination scores,
and acceptance to study program. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are
set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of
Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS
credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the
differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Master study program
Final Examination / ECTS: Final state examination / 8 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Jelena Mrgi, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-289
Process of Studying:

A student that graduates with a Bachelor degree in History will accomplish and perform
the following:
Will acquire a system of knowledge about History as special scientific discipline; will
acquire a system of knowledge about history of human society from ancient to modern
times, including history of Serbian nation
Will obtain capability of understanding and critical analysis of historical process and
progression, occurrences and happenings during the development of human society
throughout different epochs and areas, as well as the ability of comprehending
significant and current political, social and cultural matters
Will acquire the ability of applying gained knowledge in all potential professional fields
concerning History, as well as developing and advancing personal professional skills
within the process of continued education
Educational and Professional Goals: A Bachelors study program in History is
oriented towards acquiring knowledge about the history of human society and about
history as a scientific discipline, as well as towards developing abilities of understanding
and critical thinking of historical process, occurrences and events scientifically based on
historical perspective. The intention of the study program is to enable a student for
further advancement of acquired knowledge and skills, and for applying the same in all
professional activities, as well as towards forming an opinion about past and present
political, social and cultural events and matters.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to
the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60
ECTS credits. The study courses correspond to 3 11 ECTS credits forming units that
correspond to 30 ECTS credits each. It is the credit accumulation system and
corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study

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