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Date: November 13,2017 Week: Two Quarter: 1st

Subject: CPAR Grade:12 Semester: 2nd

Topic: National artists and their contributions

Learning Competency: CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-5

1. Identify the meaning of Contemporary Artists; and
2. The students will perform a Thats my national Artist contest.
Projector, Laptop, Whiteboard Marker, Whiteboard, and Speakers.
Ticada, Contemporary Philippine Arts From the Regions., St. Andrew Publishing House
Inc. 2016
a. Preparatory Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

b. Development of the Lesson

1. Motivation:
- The teacher will present a youtube video about the national artist . T
- he teacher will ask his students to give their observations and predictions regarding to the
2. Presentation:
- The teacher will present the learning objectives.
- The teacher will discuss the Different Art Periods and Focus on Contemporary Arts:
a. Contemporary Arts
b. Modern art refers to artistic works produced in the period beginning in the 1880s and
ended in the 1970s.
c. Contemporary art follows modern art, beginning from 1970s to now and ongoing.
- After discussing the definition of Contemporary Arts, the teacher will Enumerate
Different kinds of Contemporary Arts and the focus of todays discussion.
3. Activities:
- The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will be given 15\
- minutes to prepare for the said activity. After that, they will present and discuss the field
that is assign to them.
Timeline of Philippine Art
Discussion of Pre-Conquest to Abstraction Arts
Discussion of Representation to Installation

4. Application:
-Choose any artform before the Contemporary Arts then discuss what it is all about and what
fascinates you about that art period..
c. Evaluation:
1. What is Contemporary Arts?
2. Do a timeline of Arts in the Philippines and give its significant description.

d. Assignment:
1. Define Mode of Production and Appropriation in Individual and Society using the given format
Individual Society
Mode of Production


Prepared By:
Miss Geraldine Lanuza Perez
Social Science Teacher

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