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Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Focus: Identifying types of learning support needed for SEN students

Objective: To encourage student teachers to support and included the learning needs of
identified SEN students in the classroom

Procedure: Identify two children who have SEN and complete table 2 to highlight their
needs and identify support that is offered which facilitates their learning. If your class
has no SEN students you will need to go to a class that has SEN students in order to
complete this task.

Table 2: SEN Support for Students

Name Age IEP Area of Focus Type, range and frequency of support provided /

Mohamed 7yrs Both of them has Daily Teacher Support:

& Leye Delayed Speech, 1- Use body language to express each word
target: try and assist to help children with the delayed speech
him to understand the disability to get the meaning. For
directions and the instance, if she says draw she model the
activities instructions. action of the draw, so the child with
delay speech will understand what
drawing means.
2- Repeat the word to help children with a
delayed speech to hear the right
pronounce the word.
3- Use visual style to have a clear
undemanding. For example, when the
teacher gives direction for activities she
shows the video, so they can
comprehension the steps of activity and
match the actions with words.
Ahmed. 5yrs He has dyspraxia, Daily Teacher Support:
target: try and assist 1- Hold his hand through he is writing.
him to hold the pencils 2- Show him how we hold the pencils by
properly. modeling.

Zafer. 4 yrs He has Attention Deficit Daily Teacher Support:

Hyperactivity Disorder- 1- Papered kinetic activity to engage him to
target: Seems unable to use his energy.
sit still through doing 2- Complete Reward Chart every day to
the activities. manage his behavior and motivate him to
assist him to be quiet and sit in his chair.

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