Tutorial 1a

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CEV421 (Sep 2017 Jan 2018) 1

Tutorial 1


a. Some parts of Western and Asia countries have used the waste hierarchy as the main approach to
waste management since the early 1980s. Explain the waste hierarchy stages and the function of
each stage.

b. Waste disposal, recycling and waste prevention often work together and influence each other.
Discuss the relationship between these three components based on the following conditions with
aid of material flow diagram.

i) Waste is disposed exclusively

ii) Waste is recycled
iii) Waste is prevented
(Nov 2015)
Waste prevention and waste minimization have becoming an efficient way of saving resources and
reducing impacts on the environment. Compare these two (2) approaches in achieving their goals.
(June 2016)
Waste oils are prescribed as industrial wastes. They include used engine (sump) oil, gear oil,
differential oil, automatic transmission fluid, brake fluid and other related products. Among the waste
minimization practices below, select the best practice and give one (1) example of its applications.

i) Process change
ii) Recovery and reuse
iii) Recycling
(June 2016)
a. Describe two (2) aims of waste hierarchy.

b. Clean technology aims to provide a service or benefit with the minimum consumption of energy and
primary materials. Give two (2) examples for each of the following:

i) Clean energy
ii) Clean transportation
(Dec 2016)
By using plastic bottle as an example of the product, demonstrate the impact of material flow in society
which consist of extraction of resources, production (polymerization process), use, recycling, waste
management and disposal into the environment.
(Dec 2016)
CEV421 (Sep 2017 Jan 2018) 2
Tutorial 1


a) Recycle is one of the three approaches in 3R which are the most effective ways to save natural
resources, protect the environment and save cost.

i) Define Recycle.
ii) State two (2) advantages of this approach.
iii) List two (2) household items that can be recycled.

b) Distinguish between:
i) Solid waste and hazardous waste.
ii) Traditional waste hierarchy and zero waste hierarchy.

c) Explain three (3) examples of approach for waste prevention and minimization.
(July 2017)

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