What Do We Mean When We Talk About Value?: Earlier Podcast.)

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mozete li sada na osnovu analize konkurncije (na kartici sam postavio neka podpitanja) i razgovora sa

korisnicama skole roditeljstva da: (1) opisete svoju uslugu detaljno (npr. teme koje bi pruzili,
proizvode koje biste nudili - kako biste uvezali vasu uslugu); (2) pobrojite vrijednosti vae usluge
(mozete opisati za pocetak u jedno-dvije recenice koje su to sve vrijednosti. Ako ne znate kako
krenuti zakazite mentorstvo da prodjemo zajedno neke korake (da sebi definisete pravac). Svakako
pogledajte materijal koji ste dobili na Kickoff-u (poglavlje: dizajn proizvoda ili usluge - moze vam
pomoci jer opisuje kako opisati uslugu i njene vrijednosti).

Its called The Elements of Value Pyramid , and its the result of decades of research
from Harvard Business Review (HBR). They studied thousands of companies. They reviewed
vast quantities of consumer research data. And from that, they determined these 30 elemental
building blocks of value.
The implications for our businesses are tremendous from crafting sales copy to competitive
analysis to product design but in my nerdy zeal I am getting ahead of myself. Lets back
What do we mean when we talk about value?
When someone is considering purchasing your product or service, theyre weighing the cost
youre asking against the benefits youre promising .
Is what Im getting out of this cup of coffee (an energy boost, a moment of relaxation) worth
my $4? Thats a question of value.
To drive sales, most of us lower the cost and keep the value the same.
But this pyramid empowers you to keep (or increase) your costs by adding more
(If this sounds familiar, you may have heard David Salyers of Chick-Fil-A talk about it in an
earlier podcast.)
After you listen to this mini-episode, youll be able to answer these paradigm-shifting
*What are the ways that my products and services are valuable that I hav ent
*How can I highlight those in my marketing messages to increase the perceived value
of my product?
How the Elements of Value Pyramid Works
Here are what HBR calls the 30 elements of value, organized into an increasingly narrow
So, lets break down the pyramid, shall we?
Level 1: Functional Value
The base level of value, which provides something utilitarian or useful. For example:
Reduces effort
Blue Apron delivers prepped ingredients for a gourmet meal to your doorstep, so you can open
a box and immediately get to work on dinner.
Saves time
Starbucks mobile ordering app lets you submit your order ahead of time and skip the line to
pick it up.
Uber makes getting around a new city easy. Push a button, get a ride. Push another button, pay
for it.
Reduces cost
Targets Cartwheel app highlights that its users have saved a total of $621 million and
Facebooks signup page invites you to Connect with friends and the world around you.
The Company Store promises that their bedding uses natural cotton and large -cluster down.
Not sure what that means but I do want a nap now.
Nature Box sends you a different set of snacks to graze on each month.
The other functional values include:
Makes money
Reduces risk
Avoids hassles
Sensory appeal
Level 2: Emotional Values
The values in the next level invite us to feel a particular way.
Reduces anxiety
Carbonite offers online computer backup to customers so they can stop worrying about losing
precious files and family photos.
Rewards me
Starbucks makes frequent customers feel special with gold status, which unlocks free refills
and other perks.
Anthropologie invites shoppers to relax and feel more sophisticated by creating beautiful,
visually inventive store spaces.
When Cheerios touts its first ingredient as whole grain oats, they want to make customers
feel good about their health choices.
Badge value
Fitbit fosters personal pride by awarding badges to users who reach major accomplishments,
like walking 25,000 steps in a day.
The other emotional values include:
Therapeutic value
Provides access
Level 3: Life Changing Values
These values promise a personal transformation of some kind.
The YMCA offers not just a gym membership but a community that can grow and shape you.
Self actualization
Tough Mudder and other extreme races want participants to feel like theyve reached peak
athletic (and personal) performance.
Other life changing values include:
Provides hope
Level 4: Social impact
At the top of the pyramid, were delivering value not to the individual but to the world at large.
TOMS shoes offers value to someone besides the customer by providing a pair of shoes to a
person in need for every pair sold.
Three Ways The Pyramid Can Improve Your Business
1. Create happier customers.
In HBRs research, brands who scored highly in just four of these thirty elements had higher
customer satisfaction ratings than those with just one high score. (More on that methodology in
the article.)
In fact, its worth noting that even almighty Apple scored high on only 11 of the 30 elements.
Thats a good reminder to choose values that are relevant to your target audience, and then
focus on executing each particular element well.
2. Analyze and improve existing products.
Sit down with one of your products and consider it in light of each of these values. Were
about to do this with StoryBrand to see how we can add more value to our workshops.
Some of these wont be relevant for us for example, dont hold your breath for the
StoryBrand Heirloom Edition. But other questions, like, How could we provide more insider
access for StoryBrand customers? could create a major breakthrough.
3. Write stronger sales copy and scripts.
Stuck on your next sales email? Look to the pyramid! Pick one or two elements of value and
explore the ways your product or service delivers it. Ive been doing this as Ive written sales
copy, and its like Ive discovered an all-you-can-eat buffet of marketing angles.

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