NBU-002-002401 No - : M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination

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NBU-002-002401 Seat No _______

M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination

April / May - 2017
CCT-10 : Managerial Economics
(New Course)

Faculty Code : 002

Subject Code : 002401

Time : 2 Hours] [Total Marks : 70

: (<0 w ft k*ddi ^ii utR d.

(<) HHl kM l SHlctl\b R k -HWi CdHL

*1 % ? d^ WSlWl. *0

i W uei feu&wi 6Ri *io

(h ) 5H*hlRd 5Hd cRddld$l=ld *lO

\ VU.Rd HRlY *tRU*M k H*1 dR *0

3. (?h) H'R fl \<miR$ldldt HAlCi. 5Ht|(ct 6RL lO

(h ) Htl PtHfelr lo

3 H2dl H%Rdll>tHH (u tW d tfU l (3<MRddl [Hhh )GfcU&Wl SRI 1M

NBU-002-002401 ] 1 [ Contd...
3 6wl *kz& ^ HLL ^HKl tll Hl&t 1M

6RI %IHW<C1.

* H3{ quidl &Hcl -diet Q ? eMt <SILOU<SU<H aHWlt. 1H


x (h ) q ^ S hci M q s i anwiL d

M GrHi^n *mtqt. e


Instructions : (1) Write side figure indicate full marks of question.

(2) Attempt all questions on the basis of

internal options.

1 What is Managerial Economics ? Explain the nature 20

and scope of managerial Economics.


1 (a) Explain with illustration the principle of 10


(b) Distinguish the economics and managerial economics. 10

2 Explain any four methods of demand forecasting for 20

established goods.


2 (a) Explain with diagrams various types of Price 10

elasticity of demand.

(b) Explain determinants of demand. 10

NBU-002-002401 ] 2 [ Contd...
3 Explain with illustration the law of diminishingreturn. 15
(law of variable proportion.)


3 What is oligopoly ? Explain the concept of Kinked 15

demand curve.

4 What is cost plus pricing ? Explain its advantages 15

and disadvantages.


4 (a) Explain multiple product pricing. 8

(b) Explain types of production function. 7

NBU-002-002401 ] 3 [ 9100/287-49 ]
iN illB ii iiw
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- -
im0mi i0 i 2ii< i ti i0 t2 i * tin
NBV-002-002402 Seat No.
M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination
April / May - 2017
Strategic Management : CCT - 11
(New Course)

Faculty Code : 002

Subject Code : 002402

Time : 2 Hours ] [ Total Marks : 70

'H it'll H M dl oysi M lR 0 .

*1 UWU, htfjfoi, $IH1 ?Hd HHlfcl

n *ld =*i<4lcH5 d^UC-M 5H2<H % ? e*l}SlrH fHsW HirtWl 10


On) hh R w i PpxsIh s k i 5h A. ctm

(<H) HHhwi =H0"l Hl&K-l .


* *tttd* ddl : *0
(^h ) R M hsi ?Hd ^ hl[Si

(*0 vils Hdr=i.

3 HHtdl Hl HTfo, a45H^l6--i 5Hd $4*U*{1 <*id*Hdl Ud*4l awl S$L. 1M

W ll

3 fcHWtl : ( M Ut ^ 0 VH
(0 #$1^ HSl
(0 * $ i* l
(3 ) ^dlcHir *>RR S^dl
U) q R R l^ i.

NBV-002-002402] 1 [Contd...
V SiHt : ( M H'SL H9l) 1M

(0 *Rllb{l OJ^IM

(3 ) <*k&VMWt 9HMtUKi ?HRH5tHl

(y ) ttld S (^t%l) H?4Gl.

Y <*JUH *itlil 3Hn UlrRl y.H%l=ll 5hA. ^IcH it *IH

5*M HHlcH ^ l l Mh ftfhftm '& H>.


Instruction : Figures to the right side indicate marks.

1 Strategic Management : Discuss meaning, definition, 20

scope, benefits and limitations.

1 What is define Strategy and Strategic Management ? 20
Explain features and various approaches to strategic decision

2 Discuss in detail : 20

(a) Concept of environment analysis and its components.

(b) Michal Porter's analysis for competitive environment.

2 Discuss in detail : 20
(a) Value chain analysis and bench marking.
(b) Swot analysis and its importance.

3 Discuss the strategic formulation for merger, turnaround 15

and liquidation condition for business.

NBV-002-002402] 2 [Contd...
3 Explain any three : 15
(1) Competitors analysis

(2) B.C.G. Matrix

(3) Factors affecting strategic choice

(4) Diversification.

4 Write short notes on : (any three) 15

(1) Theory of Alfred Chandler

(2) The role of key managers

(3) Approaches to strategy implementation

(4) Seven 'S' model.

4 Explain : Meaning and types of strategic control's and 15
Discuss "Operational controls and strategic controls are
supplemental to each other".

NBV-002-002402] 3 [ 9000 / 284 - 148 ]

NBW-002-002403 Seat No. _
M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination
April / May - 2017
Advanced Research Applications

Faculty Code : 002

Subject Code : 002403

Time : 2 j Hours ] [ Total Marks : 70

: (l) TT HMl d.
(2) W8(l 6%lW d.
(3) ^H-UiULL^H il^Si 511$

1 g$dik <HHl : 20


(2) ^iq-dtHi =HSK.

1 (*i) Hlfecft U^sfl. A' R ldl =mA (3dM.lS.d 15

ufeki 1>lIh ^suq'i.

[Httt : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

: 40 42 41 40 42 43 40 40 42 45

PttdR : 3 9 5 2 1 4 3 2 5 4

(n = 5, Aj =0.58. D3 =0, >4 = 2.1l)

(<h) HL^dl 0J,SLtTtl H&-U qML d$iqd 5

2 I$dik : 20

(1) *tl4Hi

(2) HVfrdl.

NBW-002-002403] 1 [Contd...
2 (?h ) HLfectl U tfl np 5HI&M tlC l ^ dH l^l [H?fa TO ldl : 10

H : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

[H u l H : 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

h K IhM
3 2 7 4 0 2 2 3 2 1

(*l) H l^-d Hlfecft H^fl C Rl 5Hd dHRl [HW tKBUCl : 10

PdHl &H : 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

mlMIh M I
%U : 12 5 0 3 i 4 3 2 2 6 4 2 3 6 8

3 W X2 PtdWMl ^SLHHt *Hd <3HHLll TOldl. 10

140 60
2x2 %i<Hl<=Hl il'ZS m l x 2 -(l &Hct tiiii. 5
40 60


3 HOH 320 dMd (3miHi *U<*U ^ LH-Cl m i i Pldl 15

*{& JlHlSl A m i i :

mH'H : 0 1 2 3 4 5

8 42 116 90 52 12

ftLl*il ?HdPHdd 3 . cl HftHHdti Hi.

4 id^HSl ^ ? Hi q3[lHl H& faaR9ldl 15

=cLd dH ^.di.

4 -CIM HLfecfl Hl A^USl^ 'ddiHSi Hi. 15

m 3r \

1 2 3 4 5

A 20 22 10 19 14

*U fM -ll 1UR B 14 16 12 14 18
c 23 28 20 22 25
D 12 19 8 9 15
NBW-002-002403] 2 [Contd...

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Marks are indicated on right side.
(3) Statistical tables and graph papers will be given
on request.

1 Write short notes : 20

(1) Theory of runs

(2) Variation in quality.


1 (a) Draw the X and R charts from the following data. 15

State decision about production process :

Sample No, : 1 2 oj
4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Vie an : 40 42 41 40 42 43 40 40 42 45

Range : 3 9 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4

(ft = 5, A j = 0.58. >3=0. >4 = 2.1l)

(b) Give difference between charts for variable and charts 5

for attribute.

2 Write short note : 20

(1) Charts for attribute

(2) Single sampling plan.


2 (a) Draw np chart from the following data and state 10

your conclusion :

Sample No. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10

Sample size : 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

No of def. : 3 2 7 4 0 2 2 3 2 1

NBW-002-002403] 3 [Contd...
(b) Draw C chart from the following data and state 10
your conclusion :

Sample No. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

No. of def : 12 5 0 3 7 4 3 2 2 6 4 2 3 6 8

3 (a) State properties and uses of distribution. 10

140 60
<b) For 2x2 contingency table find the value 5
40 60

of r


3 Five coins are tossed for 320 times and the following 15
distribution of number of heads are obtained :

No. o f heads : 0 1 2 3 4 5

Frequency : 8 42 116 90 52 12

Test the hypothesis that coins are unbiased.

4 What is analysis of variance ? Explain the method of 15

analysis of variance for one way classification.


4 For the following information do analysis of variance : 15


1 2 3 4 5

A 20 22 10 19 14

Types of B 14 16 12 14 18

Machine C 23 28 20 22 25

D 12 19 8 9 15

NBW-002-002403] 4 [ 9100 / 285-55 ]

0 0 0 0 2 4 1

NBY-002-002410 Seat No___________

M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination

Aprii/May - 2017

ELE-6 : Advanced Corporate Accounting : Paper - 6

( A / c & Tax - 6)

(N ew Course)

Faculty Code : 002

Subject Code : 002410

Time : 2 - Hours] [Total Marks : 70

: wsCl *im i oj,?l u iR d.

\ (*l) i v f t A. A B i ^Hl9l b\ Ot^Lcfl lO

dR *iW d :

falct A <4 B

3*U9l &Hd 3. 10 3. 20

=H[^ct 3. 8 3. 6

d^L9l 5H4HI 18000 6000

15.000 3. 15.000

-t$isiWdL ^ h iw k i ^ fl "A'% (icHi&n s&A

"C'4 toist m i i ahS[ &\ d. q ^ CMi 9200

^Hl9t *15H d . <Wl toiei &Hct 5>td ^feld. *1^4*1 3- 14

Md 3. 9 &. mA H1 *llHi 5*j, CHeust *m iq^

cl 4*1.

NBY-002-002410] 1 [ Contd...
M sl E*l* 3. 5,000 no

0t, 3 . 20,000

Hfeld 3. 36.000 dlH ell

(1 ) n $ l-^ K L ^Slld*

(*) go. hhii

(3 ) *t$L .

1 (*l) *k*s 5H*ftdl *fcllH RwilMlu, <4*^ A 41 *d$nU ^feld no

Hid* 3 . 12 ?Hd *U*lU tolSl &Hd 3 . 20*{l VHmMl

Htlg d.

^USl 12500 *tHl d .

[& * Hid* *M d :

R*l* Hid.* (fe* 40,000 60.000 "0.000 75.000 90,000

*i<HlH-tL 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1

y. qH H.2 3- 35.000*-.. 3 r.H. q.^ *l$l^ SWH 41H dl H*^ A

HL^ d'H'.Hd. m . *^<. !

M H*^. iHdl &.*H H^HK fefaii *i*U 3. 1.50 =HL^l 10

& ^.d ddl *1**{1 &m* &Hd 3. 25 d . *l**(l *0^1 150000

d . %i*U 4Hlfldl &* 9% S . Ah*{1 AHlSft H* 35%

$*q*i \$q d . di <h$h d$l d ^ l 3*i.

NBY-002-002410] 2 [ Contd...
* Oh ) ftdil fel. <UHl t o d . dl. 06/12/2016dl clHSl 10

$ 28,000dl Htt-t fclA [HiWl ^<H.

dl. 05/l/2017dl Ci** ^ a^cistl ^ $ . PdMd

faCH HdlHl d tM ftfaHH * 1 $ = 3 . 60 Adi

<W& t e n i ^*t cH& Ptfa.HH SR 1 $ = 3 . 62.50 Adt.

HRSl - 11 H ^dR HI =HddRM dfa. <fcldl fct.dl

r^iofl. HlHdHl iCl.

( h ', s^Sl ^HlH9l H& Q ? ^ HAtA ttHWit. IO


* (H; [qfdHH d<Hd Rdl qksi AS-11 H^l dlH <HHl. IO

(h ) |iHi dHW4l : IO

(1 ) n m

(0 foltfl $fcHLHl

A : ADR [HAtUd tefte]

Or; fdi

(h ) PSU X & l fairil dlAdl].

3 tidied H ^ l <*iA<dd.nl diiHi Hn HHUi*U dH ^dl. 1H


3 HHldWHl fedlHi'i $L<lH Rldd qsldl. VH

NBY-002-002410] 3 [ Contd...
4MW CHHi : ( M HSl *l)

(a) Hid* ^HLWLl

(0 Hid*

(3 ) Hid* H2liMl

( h)

(e) Hid* *widL


Instruction : Figures to the right side indicate marks.

1 (a) Harshil Company sells products "A" and "B". 10

the details of which are as under :

Particulars ! Product A Product B

Sales Price Rs. 10 Rs. 20



Variable Exp Rs. 6


Sales Units 18000 6000

Fixed Exp. | Rs. 15.000 Rs. 15.000

With the purpose of improving profitability, the company

stops selling product "A" and starts selling product "C".
Sales of 9200 units of products "C" is possible, its selling
price and variable exp. is Rs, 14 and Rs. 9 respectively.
In both the situations, find out the profit and decide
which combination should be adopted.

NBY-002-002410] 4 [ Contd...
(b) If Fixed exp. is Rs. 5.000 10
Break even point is Rs 20,000

Variable exp. is Rs. 36,000

Find out :

(1) Profit - volume ratio

2) Total sales

(3) Profit.


1 (a) The managerial accountant of a certain company 10

estimates probable price of products "A'1 as variable
cost Rs. 12 per unit and selling price Rs. 20 per unit,

The yearly selling as per budget is 12500 units.

Fixed cost is as under :

F ix e d C o s t (Y e a r ly ) R s. 40.000 600000 70.000 75,000 90.000

P r o b a b ility 0.2 0.4 02 01 01

If for a year there is the target of Rs. 35.000 profit

or more than that what would be the probability for
the product "A".

(b) Harshida Manufacturing Co Ltd., gives current 10

dividend Rs. 1.50 per share and the market price of
its share is Rs. 25. Number of share is 150000.
Profit growth rate per share is 9% and the company
pays 35% tax on profit.

Now decide the target profit.

NBY-002-002410] 5 [ Contd...
2 (a) Janki Ltd. is a dealer of Medicine. They exported 10
the goods of $ 28,000 to Mrudul Ltd. in Texas
on 06/12/2016. They received amount on 05/1/2017.
The exchange rate was 1 $ = Rs. 60 on the day of
export bill and when the amount was received in
dollars the exchange Rate was 1 $ = Rs. 62.50.

According to the A S-11, do necessary dealing note

in the account book of Janki Ltd.

(b) What is currency exchange rate ? Discuss its 10

importance and uses.


2 (a) Write a note on Accounting Standard for Currency 10

Exchange Rate (AS-11).

(b) Explain in short : 10

(1) Currency

(2) Foreign Exchange

(3) ADR [American Depository Receipt]

(4) FDI

(5) PSU [Public Sector Undertaking].

3 Explain the process and limitations of management 15

control strategy.


3 Describe the scope of Environment Accounting 15

NBY-002-002410] 6 [ Contd...
4 Write short notes : (any three) 15

(1) Cost Improvement

(2) Objectives of Cost Management

(3) Objectives of Cost Reduction

(4) Environmental Audit

(5) Features of Cost Control

(6) Cost Awareness.

NBY-002-002410] 7 [ 8500/262-52 ]
NBX-002-002406 Seat No.
M. Com. (Sem. IV) (CBCS) Examination
April / May - 2017
Retail & Distribution Management
(Group - C Marketing) (New Course)

Faculty Code : 002

Subject Code : 002406

Time : 2~ Hours ] Total Marks : 70

i fga* 5hiT1. am ql.


*1 $3$ qHR ^ le w n i e-akw fu'iiHTl rii. lo

i [qPqk usRnt t&3$ q.HR h^Ki Pin b ii. \o


3. ^33 qHRHi q ^ l3 n <H3R RRrti kfV-HTi q.'sWt. \o

3 533 3M.RHL 33t'rtTT UOiltM, 33 'RR. r^R.HKL <1^11 *IM



3 '$33 qHRHl JPHlTl Sm sfl. *>Rt 33l. 1M

* HlC-tRUHH 3RUC-in ?H3<3 ^ ? rt-j H-irq. 1M


* cHiq-Ptqk'it 5>tn 33i3Ri<uetn [q^d.M'ii 3Rmq\. vh

NBX-002-002406] 1 [Contd...

1 Define retailing and explain its nature and importance. 20


1 Discuss about location and organizational decision in 20

retailing management.

2 Discuss various types of retailing. 20


2 State the factors influencing retail shopping behaviour. 20

3 Discuss the store design, store format and size, decisions 15

of retailing.


3 Discuss the space allocation of retailing. 15

4 What is Merchandise Management ? Also discuss the 15

importance of merchandising.


4 Discuss in detail merchandise pricing and inventory 15


NBX-002-002406] o [ 2400 / 63-51 J

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