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(Albert Bandura-1977)
PPT, Course-2.3.4
Presented by-
Dr. Priyabrata Pal
M-Ed, 3rd Semester
Class Roll No- 36, University Roll- 091041, No-160046,
Reg. No- 09104-00107 of 2016-2017
Gangadharpur Sikshan Mandir, Howrah
Affiliated to-
The West Bengal University of Teachers Training, Education,
Planning & Administration
Session- 2016-18
Albert Bandura was the chief
exponent of Modern Social
Cognitive Learning Theory (1977)
which was developed in a context in
which the prevailing analysis of
learning focused almost entirely on
learning through the effects of ones
action with the explanatory
mechanism in terms of peripheral
association of environmental
stimuli. Bandura explained his
social cognitive learning theory
with the combination of
behaviorism and cognitive theories.
Background of Social Learning Theory.
The foremost proponents of
behaviorism Thorndyke (1898) &
Watson (1908) dismissed the
existence of Observational
Learning because in their view,
Learning require performance of
There was no research to speak of
on modeling processes until the
publication of Social Learning and
Imitation by Miller & Dollard
(1941). They observed that a
model strengthens the tendency to
behave imitatively.
Banduras program of research.
Banduras preliminary program of
research on Observational
Learning stemmed from his root
in Psychotherapy. After receiving
Ph.D from The University of Iowa
in 1952, he was interested in
educational research.
In his theory, he observed that
every child receives various
information from his own
environment around him and
after processing the same, he
spontaneously changed his
Transition of research.
His transition towards study of
observational and social
learning began with the
publication of Psychotherapy
as a learning process in 1961.
His basic question was- Can
human behaviour be modified
through Psychological means
and what are the learning
mechanism that mediate
behaviour change ?
Models of Behaviour.
Bandura provided with
empirical evidence that children
imitate adult models (Bandura &
Huston, 1961).
In another study Bandura &
McDonald (1963) found that
even the moral judgements of
children- Are readily modifiable,
particularly through the
utilization of adult modeling
Effects of model on child.
Bandura observed three
distinct effect of models on the
a) Children can learn new
behaviour through the
observation of model.
b) After observation of model,
response may be strengthen or
c) Forgotten response may be
revived after observation of
Bobo doll
Before construction of
definition of social cognitive
theory Bandura provided
empirical evidence that
transmission of aggression
from adults to children through
delayed imitation of aggressive
adult model via films or movie.
These experiments are now
famously known as Bobo dolls
Vicarious learning.
Bandura observed that- We do not
blindly respond to environmental
stimuli. Rather we pick and choose
from many environmental options,
basing our decisions on our own
insights and past experiences. This
we do through vicarious or
observational learning by
incorporating and imitating the
behaviour of those around us
outside of the traditional operant
conditioning (1978).
Component processes of modeling
behaviour. (Bandura-1977)
According to social learning theory, observational learning is
comprised of 4 components processes.
Attention- People can not learn much by observation unless they attain to
perceive accurately. The significant features of modeled behaviour.
Retention- People can not be much influenced by observation of
modelled behaviour if they do not remember it .
Motor reproduction- Converting symbolic representation into
appropriate action by organize ones responses spatially or temporally in
accordance with the modeled pattern.
Motivational processes- People are more likely to adopt modelled
behaviour if it results in outcomes, they value the favored behaviour.
Positive outcomes of social cognitive
Social cognitive learning theory
Acquisition of antecedent
determiners of behaviour through
direct experience.
Acquisition of consequence
determinants of behaviour.
Reinforcement in direct experiential
Benefits of adopting modelled
Introduce elements of cognitive
controlled process.
Distinguishing accurate from
inaccurate thinking.
Triadic Reciprocal Determinism.
Social learning theory provides the
concept of TRD, was explained as a
continuous and reciprocal
interaction between personal,
behavioral and environmental
The behaviorists view was one, in
which focused only behaviour
ignoring environmental stimuli are
Core idea of social cognitive learning
Model of causation- Triad
reciprocal causation.
Symbolizing capability of
learning experience.
Vicarious capability.
Self regularity capability.
Enactive mastery.
Multicultural model.
Characteristics of human
Classroom application of social learning
To activate the lesson of the teacher.
Lessons must be related with day to
day experience.
Repetition of lesson for permanent
To create expanded schema for long
drawn memory to help the students
in information processing.
To reconstruct the experience of
To stimulate the students perception.
Social cognitive learning theory
successfully explained the learning
process apart from S-R Theories and
Behaviorism. Based on a comparative
analysis of several presentation of
social cognitive theory, it appears that
unlike some of the other theories it has
been refined over time or reviewed
since its initial articulation. It explains
human cognition in the social and
cultural setting.

Thank you.

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