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Journal 1

(First Day)

On the first day in Al Ansar School was on Monday 8th of October 2017, I arrived at 8:00

AM. I attend my class which is KG 2 (U), My MST greeting me and her name is Ms. Sheren she

introduce the school and how everything works and she gave me the schedule. Then she

introduce me to my MSTS and my class, they were 29 students in the class.

In class, I observed my MST how she teaches the students, what the materials that she

uses to make the lesson easy for their understanding and to facilitate the process of explanation,

and what the rules that she uses in the class. The KG classes have 5 periods in the day, and each

period has 45 minutes. The students start at 8:00 AM and they finish at 12:30 PM, but the

teachers start their days at 7:15 AM and they finish at 3:15 PM. The KG 1 classes they have a

break after the second period, but the KG 2 classes they have a break time after the third period.

The first lesson was English and it was about the letter T. In the activity, the students

should color the letter t brown and stick a green paper on the top of the letter to became a tree.

When I asked the students what is this color? They said: brown. Then I asked them to tell me

what we called in Arabic they said: we dont know. When I asked them after that about different

colors they only know it in English, but they dont know the colors in Arabic. Many students

they have difficulty to hold the pencil very well so they have difficulty in writing and coloring

very well.
It was a long day because I attend all the classes and I feel sleepy in class, actually, there

were sleeping in class because some classes were boring there is no fun to do in these lessons,

but my MST has some ways to teach the students so they have fun and they were excited. I leave

the school at 12:46 PM.

There was a boy who has autism and he is hard to handle because he keeps moving around in the

class all the time

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