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Names: Michael V and Josh T Section: 5

Spectral Color Conundrum

2 days

Data Collection

Objective: To recreate the masterminds sample set, #s1-5, using trial and error, to figure out the correct
ratios of liquid volume for the spectral colors necessary to make each 20 mL sample.

Document your groups trials T1-T5, and final samples, #s 1-5, below, by typing in the amounts [in
mL] for each spectral color used to make the sample, and inserting a PB image for the final color

The max volume for any sample is always 20 mL

The individual spectral colors are always whole amount of mL.
Cover test tube with thumb, flip, and shake to evenly distribute the colors.

#1 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 15-5

#2 - 3 colors Ratio of colors 10-7-3
#3 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 13-7
#4 - 3 colors Ratio of colors 9-7-4
#5 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 18-2

Calibration Guide
Red 40 4
Yellow 32 3
Blue 20 2
Green 20 2
Purple 20 2

Test Amount of each spectral color Total amount of liquid volume Color Outcome
Tube used [mL] [mL] [PB image]

T1 15 Red 5 Yellow 20

T2 10 Blue 7 Purple 3 Green 20

T3 13 Green 7 Yellow 20

T4 9 Blue 7 Purple 4 Red 20

T5 18 Yellow 2 Green 20

II. Analyze Results

1. Identify your groups final results for each sample, #s 1-5 below, by filling in each color [in bold]
after the correct ratio listed for that color needed to make the sample. *TBP = colors to be provided

Sample # of Ratio of Colors Groups Results Ratio of Colors Actual Value

# Colors Total = 20 mL Total = 20 mL

1 2 15 [Red] : 5 [Yellow] [Red] [Yellow]

2 3 10 [Blue] : 7 [Purple] : 3 [Green] [Blue] [Red] [Green]

3 2 13 [Green] : 7 [Yellow] [Blue] [Yellow]

4 3 9 [Blue] : 7 [Purple] : 4 [Red] [Purple] [Blue] [Red]

5 2 18 [Yellow] : 2 [Green] [Yellow] [Blue]

2. What was your groups overall initial emotional reaction to this challenge?

Michael V- I found that we were stressed and frustrated during this experience because it was
difficult to follow precise directions since we only had two people.

3. How did your group choose to begin, as in, what was the groups initial step?

Michael V- Our initial step was gathering all of the materials and following specific directions of
which materials to take. We then measured the small beakers, located in the shelf, to 100 mL.

4. Based on the Ratios of Colors Actual Value provided by the teacher, how did your group measure up
in terms of accuracy? Support your response comparing your results with the results the teacher

Michael V- We were not very accurate because we only had one of the test tubes correct (The first
one) with red and yellow. In the others, we had many errors.

5. Based on your groups experience collecting the data, identify which sample[s] was the easiest for
your group to figure out and explain why.

Michael V- The first sample of the test tubes was the easiest because the teachers test tube was
mostly red, so we could infer that the higher amount of the ratio was red and the other must be
6. Based on your groups experience collecting the data, identify which sample[s] was the most difficult
for your group to figure out and explain why.

Michael V- The most difficult sample was the second, due to the fact that it had three colors and
each of these colors were hard to distinguish. It was a tough decision between blue and purple, but
then we find out that the teachers test tube did not even contain the color purple.

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