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The purpose of the passage was to show how writing allows for the reader to further engage with

the text by showing their both understanding of the concepts and the ability to connect the topics
with their past experience. The author breaks down the reading of documents into three separate
categories. The first category focuses on textbooks with the purpose solely on memorization and
being able to summarize it. The first category does not allow for the reader to place any imput as
they are just there to digest what they have to say (4) from the textbooks and the professor.
The second category is the search for the main ideas. Rather than interpret the text, they only
search for the authors main arguments and the multiple aspects from the essay. This only allows
for the reader to only see what the author has presented and limiting their ability to use their own
insight to further discovery. The last category, the majority of the passage, places the importance
of understanding the whole ideas presented by the author and forming it as part of your own
perspective. In order to show your understanding of the content, writing allows for the reader to
to place the reading in your own terms. Along with this, writing gives purpose to the reading as
you focus on finding new meaning with the paper and how it applies to you. Writing gives way
to the responsibility to make the essay meaningful (6) as your begin to build and apply it to the
world around you. The author continues with this topic by pointing out that the essays can not be
fully understood after the first reading, but this inability to comprehend allows for the beginning
of research and forming your own opinion.

As writing continues to bridge the work to the world of the reader, the author pushes readers to
not just support the claims being made in the primary source, but to challenge the authors
points. By going against the grain, the reader is able to show build an argument against the text
without having to be an expert on the subject through the use of secondary sources. For example,
Adrienne Rich drew citations from Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, and Elizabeth Bishop to further
her argument on womens entrapment within a patriarchal culture in When We Dead Awaken:
Writing as Re-Vision. The author continues upon this idea as writing allows for the reader to take
a stance on a certain issue without coming up with a resolution as you can speak with an
authority while still acknowledging that complex issues are complex (9). In addition to this, the
ability to analyze text through different viewpoints and understanding the context that the text
was written in. The ability for the reader to place themselves within the context of the author
creates a frame to further open a subject and draw upon other resources. This allows for the
reader to find secondary resources to support their claim and allow them to be speculating on
possible rather than certain conclusion (12). Writing allows for the reader to further his
understanding of the text to not what is just left on paper, but to being to form their own ideals,
take stand, and create change.

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