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I. The following questions have a mistake. Circle the word and CORRECT THEM
A. When are you from? I am from Peru. _____________________________________
B. Who is your name? My name is Jacob. ____________________________________
C. Where do you wake up? I wake up at 7:30 am. ______________________________
D. What are you angry? I am angry because I did not pass my exam. ________________

II. Choose the correct WH Question word

1. _________ do you live? 5. _________ do you take English class?

I live in Toronto. Because I want to improve my speaking.

a) Who a) Where

b) What b) When

c) Where c) Why

6. _________ does your father work?

2. _________ do you wake up?
He works at the post office.
I wake up at 7:30 am.
a) When
a) When
b) Who
b) Why
c) Where
c) How
7. _________ do I cook rice?
3. _________ is your brother?
You need to use a pot with water.
He is great, thanks for asking.
a) How
a) Where
b) Who
b) Why
c) Where
c) How
8. _________ is the party?
4. _________ is this?
It is on Saturday night.
That's my electronic dictionary.
a) Where
a) Who
b) When
b) What
c) Why
c) Where

Herbert MaCs - English Teacher


9. _________ are you sad? 10. _________ is the bank?

Because my dog is sick. It is on 4th Avenue.
a) Who a) When
b) What b) Where
c) Why c) How

III. Translate into English

(Qu hora es?) ____________________________________________________________
(Cul es tu nombre?) ________________________________________________________
(Cul es tu direccin?) _______________________________________________________
(Cul es tu apellido?) _______________________________________________________
(Quin es l?) ____________________________________________________________
(Quin est hablando?) ____________________________________________________
(Quin puede ayudarme?) __________________________________________________
(Cundo te puedo volver a ver?) ______________________________________________
(Cundo es tu cumpleaos?) _________________________________________________
(Cundo comprars un automvil nuevo?) _______________________________________
(De dnde eres?) ____________________________________________________________
(Dnde vives?) ____________________________________________________________
(Dnde est el perro?) _______________________________________________________
(Dnde estn las llaves?) _____________________________________________________
(Por qu el cielo es azul?) ____________________________________________________
(Por qu ests feliz?) _________________________________________________________
(Por qu ella esta llorando?) ___________________________________________________
(Cul de estos automviles es el ms rpido?) ____________________________________
(Cul era la lmpara que rompiste?) ____________________________________________
(Cul mes es tu favorito?) __________________________________________________
(Cmo ests?) ____________________________________________________________
(Cmo puedo llegar al hospital?) __________________________________________________
Herbert MaCs - English Teacher

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