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Hydrol. Process. 23, 16711675 (2009)

Published online 17 March 2009 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7292

Transcending limitations of stationarity and the return period:

process-based approach to flood estimation and risk

Murugesu Sivapalan1,2,3 *
and Jos M. Samuel4 Introduction
Department of Geography, University Traditional flood frequency analysis and estimation are underpinned by
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 220 the critical assumption of stationarity (I.E. Aust., Institution of Engineers
Davenport Hall, 607 S. Mathews Australia, 1987; FEH, 1999). The widely used notion of return period
Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA is a classical concept arising from assumed invariance of the probability
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University
distribution function (pdf) of annual maximum flood peaks over the
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 220 period of flood records and/or design life of hydraulic structures. These
Davenport Hall, 607 S. Mathews assumptions, i.e. of stationarity, independent and identical pdf of flood
Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA peaks, and the concept of the return period, underpin traditional flood
Department of Water Management, frequency analysis and flood risk assessment are no longer appropriate
Delft University of Technology,
in a fast changing environment, and thus pose serious problems for flood
Postbus 1048, Stevinweg 1, 2600 GA
Delft, The Netherlands management (Milly et al., 2008).
Department of Civil and The main causes of non-stationarity are human-induced land use
Environmental Engineering, McMaster and land cover changes, other human interferences in the water cycle
University, Burke Science Building through dams and other flood control structures, and greenhouse-
(BSB,) Room 307, 1280 Main Street induced climate change. As an example of the effect of climate change,
West, Hamilton L8S 4L7, Canada
Coulibaly and Dibike (2004) reported, on the basis of three different
downscaling approaches of Global Climate Model (GCM) outputs, an
*Correspondence to:
Murugesu Sivapalan, Department of overall increasing trend in the frequencies of flood events for the
Geography, University of Illinois at 2020s, 2050s and 2080s as compared to the 19602000 period in
Urbana-Champaign, 220 Davenport major tributaries within the Saguenay catchment, Quebec, Canada.
Hall, 607 S. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, Non-stationarity can also arise due to low frequency variations of
IL 61801, USA. E-mail: climate, such as inter-annual (El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
cycle) and inter-decadal [Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) cycle]
variations, and shifts of climate of uncertain origins or causes. This is
especially relevant when available flood records are relatively short, as
demonstrated by Kiem et al. (2003) in the Newcastle region of Australia,
and by Samuel and Sivapalan (2008a,b) in the Perth, Newcastle and
Darwin regions. There is therefore an urgency for a new flood frequency
analysis framework, and the revamping of flood estimation procedures
used worldwide to accommodate the non-stationarities arising from such
changes or long-term variabilities.
Previously purely data-based statistical approaches have been pro-
posed for dealing with non-stationarity: they involved detecting and
separating the temporal trends in the observed flood record that may
be the root cause of the non-stationarity (Cunderlik and Burn, 2003).
However, there are limits to how far purely data-based techniques
could be used to extrapolate beyond the observed record. It is gener-
ally felt that methods based on improved process understanding can
be more effective in assessing the effects of land use and land cover
changes, and climate change, on flood frequencies (Cunnane, 1985;
Calder, 1993). In this paper, we articulate a new flood frequency anal-
ysis framework that advances current methods at least in two respects:
Received 28 January 2009
(i) it involves a more process-based, derived flood frequency approach
Accepted 30 January 2009 capable of incorporating the effects of environmental change and long-
term variability, and (ii) it overcomes the limitations of the assump-
tions of stationarity and of independent and identical pdfs of annual
Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1671

maximum flood peaks (and is thus able to transcend and the risk of failure can be calculated for each using
the use of the concept of the return period) through Eq. 2 above. The expected overall risk of failure can
a simple extension of the classical risk assessment then be estimated through a probabilistic combina-
approach (Maass et al., 1962; Chow et al., 1988). tion of the risks for each of the climate scenarios, as
Flood Risk Assessment under 
R(n, qp ) = p(s)R(n, qp )s (3)
Non-Stationarity s=1
Chow et al. (1988) present a procedure for flood risk
analysis that involves estimates of the risk of fail- where p(s) is the estimated or assumed probability
ure over the design life of a hydraulic structure. The of occurrence of each climate change scenario, noting
definition of risk of failure is of course wholly depen- that p(s) = 1. For reasons of brevity, however, the
dent on the definition of what constitutes failure. s=1
For illustration purposes only, let us define failure as illustrative applications presented below will consider
the situation in which the chosen design flood qp is just one realization of just one future climate change
exceeded or equaled at least once during the expected scenario.
life of the hydraulic structure of n years. In this case,
the risk of failure, denoted by R, can be derived as An Illustrative Application to Australian
(Chow et al., 1988): Catchments
We will now present an illustration of the risk
R(n, qp ) = 1 [1 P(Q qp )]n (1) assessment-based flood frequency methodology pre-
where R is the probability that the event Q qp sented above, applied to three catchments in Australia
will occur at least once in n years (0 < R < 1) and located in Perth, Newcastle and Darwin. In each of
P (Q qp ) is the probability of exceedance of the the study catchments, we have previously delineated
annual maximum flood peak, i.e. probability that the six possible climate states for any year (Samuel and
annual maximum flood Q is greater than or equal to Sivapalan, 2008a,b). In the case of Newcastle, the six
the specified design flood qp . possible climate states come about through a combi-
Equation (1) had assumed that the probability Q nation of ENSO states (El Nino, Neutral or La Nina)
qp is the same for every year, which is perfectly appro- and the IPO() or IPO(+) phases. In the case of Perth
priate in a stationary climate. In a non-stationary and Darwin, the six possible climate states come about
climate (under climate change or long-term climate through a combination of ENSO states (El Nino, Neu-
variability, land use or land cover change) the pdfs of tral or La Nina) and pre- and post-1970 years. These
annual maximum flood peaks can be different in dif- two regions show a step-function shift in annual pre-
ferent years. To accommodate variable pdf of annual cipitation that occurred around 1970: down by about
maximum floods over the design life, Eq. (1) can be 10% in Perth from the pre-1970 to post-1970 periods,
generalized and rewritten as follows: up by about 10% in Darwin over the same periods.
Given the past history and the current state, the

possible future evolution of the climatic states is gen-
R(n, qp ) = 1 [1 Pm
(Q qp )] (2) erated randomly using a Markov Chain model pre-
sented in Samuel and Sivapalan (2008a). In this appli-
where, once again, n is the expected life of a design cation, the Markov chain model will utilize transition
project (i.e. design life), index m denotes the sequential probability matrices estimated there: a 3 3 matrix
year over the design life (m = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n), and jm is for Perth and Darwin that can simulate the ENSO
the state of the climate in year m. Pmjm (Q qp ) is then cycle, and a 6 6 matrix that will reproduce the
the probability that the annual maximum flood, Q, is IPOENSO cycles in the case of Newcastle. If needed,
greater than or equal to qp in any given year, under multiple realizations of the resulting climate scenar-
given climate state jm . Clearly, in this case Pmjm (Q qp ) ios could be generated randomly for each catchment,
will be different for different climate states, jm , and producing multiple but equally likely sequences of cli-
thus between years. Note again that in a stationary matic states (j1 , j2 , j3 , . . . , jn ) over the design life of an
climate, the magnitude of Pmjm (Q qp ) in Eq. 2 will assumed hydraulic structure.
remain constant between years, and Eq. 2 will then For each of the three catchments and for each likely
be identical to Eq. 1. climatic state jm , Samuel and Sivapalan (2008b) esti-
Going further, in the non-stationary case, the cli- mated the values of Pmjm (Q qp ) through the appli-
mate states could vary either randomly or systemati- cation of a derived flood frequency model, which
cally between years. Various alternative likely scenar- involved the combined use of a stochastic model of
ios could be considered regarding how the climate will multi-scale temporal variability, and a deterministic,
evolve over the (future) design life of the structure. process-based rainfall-runoff-flood model, the details
Let us consider a total of k plausible scenarios s = of which will not be presented here for brevity. For
1, 2, . . . , k , each scenario denoted as (j1 , j2 , j3 , . . . , jn )s , each scenario, for each realization, the risk-based

Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1672 Hydrol. Process. 23, 16711675 (2009)
DOI: 10.1002/hyp

design flood frequency curves are then constructed One can see that, in all the panels of Figure 2, as
using Eq. 2 using probabilities Pmjm (Q qp ) estimated the acceptable risk increases, the design flood becomes
through application of the derived flood frequency smaller. For example, in Newcastle (Figure 2b), for
model of Samuel and Sivapalan (2008b). This can be a structure that is designed to last 20 years, the
repeated for different scenarios and then combined design flood with a 90% level of risk is approximately
to estimate the composite flood risk curve using the 8 mm/h, and as the allowable risk is reduced to 25%,
assumed or estimated probabilities p(s) of climate sce- the design flood increases to at least 16 mm/h. Note
nario, necessitating the use of Equation (3). However, that these results are for just one realization of just
for simplicity this is not pursued in this illustrative one scenario. They can easily be extended to estimate
application. the combined effect of multiple random realizations of
The new risk-based flood frequency curve resulting any number of alternative climate change realizations
from the above analysis is presented in Figure 1 (for as outlined in Equation (3). This is left for further
Perth) for two different future climate scenarios, for study.
different levels of risk: (1) pre-1970 climate (reflective
of natural variability observed pre-1970, inclusive of Summary and Conclusions
ENSO), and (2) post-1970 climate (same as before, but The procedure outlined above, and illustrated through
reflective of the drier post-1970 period). The resulting examples, can easily overcome the limitations of tra-
flood frequency or flood risk curve is expressed as a ditional flood frequency related to the requirement of
relationship between the annual maximum discharge stationarity. A potential advantage of the proposed
and the expected life of a hydraulic structure for method is that it fits in well within the risk-based
different levels of risk of failure: 25%, 50% and 90%. design procedures, which have long been part of the
As mentioned, for simplicity, only one realization has design of hydraulic structures (Maass et al., 1962;
been used in the random generation of possible future Chow et al., 1988). In other words, it does not rep-
climate sequences. The results presented in Figure 1 resent a radical departure of current procedures, and
indicate that the design flood for a structure with a can be easily adopted at modest cost to the design
design life of 30 years, for example, and a 25% risk and management process. The main ingredients of this
of failure is higher for the pre-1970 scenario than for new risk-based flood frequency procedure are
the post-1970 scenario, which is consistent with the
reduced rainfalls in the post-1970 scenario. 1. Knowledge of possible future climate scenarios and
Figure 2 presents the annual maximum discharge actual or heuristic estimates of their probabilities.
(i.e. design flood) corresponding to the 90%, 50% and This can be obtained through (i) application of
25% levels of risk for Perth, Darwin and Newcastle global or regional climate models combined with
for different values of the expected life of a hydraulic stochastic downscaling techniques, or (ii) through
structure. In the case of Figure 2a and 2c for Perth analysis of long-period records of climate indica-
and Darwin, respectively, the flood frequency curves tors, precipitation and potential evaporation, as in
presented explicitly include the step-function shift in the case of Samuel and Sivapalan (2008a), or a com-
climate that occurs around 1970, in addition to the bination of these two approaches; and,
ENSO-based inter-annual variability. Thus, in this 2. Probabilities of exceedance for each likely climatic
case, the climate sequence chosen in this scenario state, and for specified magnitudes of the annual
assumes the pre-1970 climate for the 10 years and maximum flood peak. These probabilities can be
switches to the post-1970 climate for the remaining estimated through (i) application of a derived flood
40 years. Figure 2b presents the design flood risk frequency model, as demonstrated by Samuel and
curves for Newcastle, constructed by accommodating Sivapalan (2008b), or (b) standard flood frequency
the climate oscillations connected to the combined analysis techniques provided the data record is long
ENSO and IPO variabilities, again over a 50-year enough to have adequate representation of each of
period. the many climate states.

design life (years)

0 10 20 30 40 50
q design (mm/hr)

3 0.25
line - (pre-1970) 0.25
marker - (post-1970) Perth
Figure 1. Risk-based design flood frequency curves for Perth comparing pre- and post-1970 climate change scenarios

Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1673 Hydrol. Process. 23, 16711675 (2009)
DOI: 10.1002/hyp

(a) design life (years)

0 10 20 30 40 50

q design (mm/hr)
3 0.25

1970 Perth

(b) design life (years)

0 20 40 60 80
q design (mm/hr)

20 0.5


(c) design life (years)

0 10 20 30 40 50
q design (mm/hr)

12 0.5

1970 Darwin
Figure 2. Risk-based design flood frequency curves for (a) Perth, (b) Newcastle and (c) Darwin

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