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CSE 202 - Algorithms

Fall 2002
Instructor: Larry Carter
Office hours (4101 AP&M)
Tu & Th 3:30 – 5:00
(or whenever)
TA: John-Paul Fryckman

9/26/2002 CSE 202 - Intro

What we’ll study
General Techniques
Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Hashing,
Greedy Algorithms, Reduction to other problems, ...

Specific Problems
Sorting, sorting, shortest paths, max flow, sorting, ...

Various Paradigms
Probabilistic algorithms
Alternate models of computation
NP Completeness

2 CSE 202 - Intro

Sounds like my undergrad course ...
• Going over same material twice is good!
• We’ll probably go deeper
– mathematical formalisms
– modified assumptions
– assorted topics every computer scientist should

3 CSE 202 - Intro

• Textbook: Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd edition
– Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein
– First edition probably OK (new chapter K ~ old chapter (K+1).)

• Written work
– Individual homeworks
– Group homeworks
– In-class Midterm
– Final (oral? take-home?)

• Grades
– A: Demonstrate mastery of material.
– B (or B+ or B-): Typical grade. Understand most of material,
solve most routine problems and some hard ones.
– C: Really don’t “get it”.
4 – D,F: Gave up. CSE 202 - Intro
• Classes will include “lecture” (with overheads),
“discussion” (at board), and “exercises” (at your seat).
– I’d prefer you pay attention, think, ask questions, and
participate in discussions rather than taking notes.

• Website: //
– .pdf and .ps of “lectures”. (Sometimes available before class.)

– Homeworks, announcements, etc. too

– You are responsible for checking website
• Be sure to register for the class email list
– I’ll use it to send out urgent messages, like HW corrections
– Directions on class webpage

5 CSE 202 - Intro

Formal Analysis of Algorithms
• A problem is a (infinite) set of instances.
• An instance is a triple <input, output, size>
– Less formally, we treat “input” as an instance.
– “Size” is related to the number of symbols needed to
represent the instance, but the exact convention is
problem-specific. (E.g., nxn matrix may be “size n”.)

• A decision problem is a problem in which every

instance’s output is “yes” or “no”.
Note: I tend to underline
Example: Sorting is a problem. terms that you should know.

<5, 2, 17, 6> is an instance of sorting, with output

<2, 5, 6, 17> and size 4.
6 CSE 202 - Intro
Formal Analysis of Algorithms
• Algorithm: a step-by-step method of producing
“output” of instances given “input”
– The steps are instructions for some model of computation.
– “Standard” model is the Random Access Machine (RAM)


One needs to be careful about what operations are allowed
- E.g. operations on very long numbers aren’t “one step”.
- For this course – anything reasonable is OK.

7 CSE 202 - Intro

Formal Analysis of Algorithms
The complexity of an algorithm is a function from Í (the
instance size) to Í (the running time on instances of
that size).
Í = {0, 1, 2, ... } (the natural numbers)
But what happens if different instances of a given size
have different running times??
• Worst-case complexity: maximum of the running times
over all instances of a given size.
• Average complexity: average of the running times.
• Probabilistic complexity: we’ll study later – can be used
when a single instance has different running times.
• Best-case complexity: not a very useful concept
8 CSE 202 - Intro
Mathematical notation
P.T. Barnum asserted, “You can fool all of the people
some of the time”.
– Suppose on Monday, I fooled all the men, and on Tuesday,
I fooled all the women (but not vice versa).

Is this an example of Barnum’s assertion?

Mathematics is (or should be) precise
Let P = set of all the people, T = {Monday,Tuesday},
Let F(p,t) mean “I fooled person p at time t”
Is “"p e P $t e T F(p,t)” true? " means “for all”
Is “$t e T "p e P F(p,t)” true? $ means “there exists”

9 CSE 202 - Intro

Classifying (complexity) functions
We focus on functions from Í to Í, though definitions are general.

Given function g, O(g) (pronounced “Oh of g” or

“Big Oh of g”) is the set of functions (from Í to Í)
for which g is an asymptotic upper bound. This
O(g) = {f : $n0eÍ $c>0 "n>n0 0 § f(n) § c g(n) }

Example: 3n log n + 20 e O(n2)

Note: Since O(n2) is a set,
using “e“ is technically correct.
But people often use “=“ .
10 CSE 202 - Intro
Classifying (complexity) functions
W(g) (pronounced “Omega” or “Big Omega”) is the
set of functions for which g is an asymptotic
lower bound. Formally:
W(g) = {f : $n0eÍ $c>0 "n>n0 0 § c g(n) § f(n) }

Q(g) (“Theta”) is the set of functions for which g

is an asymptotic tight bound. This means:
Q(g) = {f : $n0eÍ $c1,c2>0 "n>n0 0 § c1g(n) § f(n) § c2g(n) }

Theorem: Q(g) = W(g) … O(g).

Note: we won’t use little-o or little-omega notation.
11 CSE 202 - Intro
• Consider the decision problem, “Is x prime?”
– How should we define “size”?

• Consider the algorithm:

if(i<2) return “no”;
for i = 2 to sqrt(x)
if (x%i = 0) return “no”;
return “yes”;
Note: when x is even, algorithm takes constant time.

What is the asymptotic complexity?

You should be asking, “average or worst-case”?
Let’s say worst case (average complexity is harder)
12 CSE 202 - Intro
What is a proof?
• Informal Proof (“Hand waving”)
– Anything that convinces the reader

• Formal Proof (First few classes)

– A sequence of statements, each being:
• a hypothesis of the theorem
• a definition, axiom, or known theorem
• a statement that follows from previous statements via a
rule of inference

• Proof (Rest of course)

– A subset or summary of a formal proof that convinces a
literate but sleepy reader that the writer could write a
formal proof if forced to.
13 CSE 202 - Intro
Notes about proofs
• Use complete sentences.
– Sentences have a subject (“you” may be understood), a
verb, a period at the end.
– If sentence is too long, introduce notation or definitions.

• Each statement should indicate whether it’s an

assumption, a definition, a known fact, ...
– Don’t just write, “x e A”. Instead write:
• “Let x e A.” if you’re introducing x and want it to be in A.
• “Suppose x e A.” if x has already been introduced, and
you’re seeing what would happen if it were in A.
• “Thus, x e A.” if it follows from earlier statements.
– Make sure each variable is properly introduced
• Like declaring variables in a program.
14 CSE 202 - Intro
Some “proof schemas”
• Literate readers – even sleepy ones – know that:
– To show AŒ B, can write “Let x e A. (blah ...). Thus, x e B.”
РTo show A = B (for sets A and B), show AΠB and BΠA.
– To show P implies Q, write “Assume P. (blah ...). Thus Q.”
– To show “$x P”, write “Let x=(whatever). (blah ...) Thus P.”
– To show “"x P”, write “Given any x, (blah ...). Thus P.”
– To show an algorithm has complexity O(f), you will
probably construct a positive constant c and an integer n0
and then show that if n>n0 and I is an instance of size n,
then the algorithm requires time at most c f(n) on I.
– These schemas can be mostly implicit. Thus, after writing
“Let x e A. (blah blah). Thus, x e B.” you often don’t need
to write “This shows that AŒ B.”
15 CSE 202 - Intro
Example formal proof
Thm: Suppose feO(g) and geO(h). Then feO(h).
Proof: Just the definition of O(g), but introduces c0 and n0.

Since fe O(g), $n0eÍ $c0>0 "n>n0 0 § f(n) § c0 g(n).

Similarly, $n1eÍ $c1>0 "n>n1 0 § g(n) § c1 h(n).
Let n2 = max(n0, n1) and c2 = c0 c1. Note that c2 is positive
since both c0 and c1 are. Setup for proving $n2eÍ $c2>0 ...

Suppose n>n2. Then n>n0 and so 0 § f(n) § c0 g(n).

Setup for proving "n>n2 ...
But we also have n>n1 and so g(n) § c1 h(n).
Thus, 0 § f(n) § c0 c1 h(n) = c2 h(n).
Q.E.D. Means, “We’ve proved what we intended to.”
16 CSE 202 - Intro
Your turn ...
Thm: If feO(g) then geW(f).

17 CSE 202 - Intro

Mathematical Induction
Suppose for " ieÍ, Pi is a statement.

Suppose also that we can prove P0, and we can

prove “" ieÍ, Pi implies Pi+1”

Then the Principle of Mathematical Induction

allows us to conclude “" ieÍ Pi”.

P3 P4
P0 P1 P2

18 CSE 202 - Intro

Mathematical Induction
Alternatively, suppose we can prove P0, and we
can prove “" ieÍ, (P0 & P1 & ... & Pi) implies Pi+1”

Again, the Principle of Mathematical Induction

allows us to conclude “" ieÍ Pi”.


P1 P3 P5 7

19 CSE 202 - Intro

Induction Example
Definitions from CLRS pg. 1088:
A binary tree is a structure on a finite number of
nodes that either contains no nodes or is composed
of three disjoint subsets: a root node, a binary
tree called the left subtree and a binary tree
called the right subtree.
The height of a non-empty tree is the maximum
depth of its nodes. The depth of a node is the
length of the path from the root to the node.
Thm: If T is a non-empty binary tree of height h,
then T has fewer than 2h+1 nodes.

20 CSE 202 - Intro

Induction Example
Let Ph be the statement, “If T is a binary tree of
height h, then T has at most 2h+1–1 nodes.”
We will prove “" heÍ Ph” by induction.

Base Case (h=0): T is non-empty, so it has a root

node r. Let s be any node of T. Since the height
of T is 0, the depth of s must be 0, so s = r.
Thus, T has only one node (which is § 20+1-1 =1).

21 CSE 202 - Intro

Induction Example
Let Ph be the statement, “If T is a binary tree of
height h, then T has at most 2h+1–1 nodes.”
We will prove " heÍ Ph by induction.

Base Case (h=0): T is non-empty, so it has a root

node r. Let s be any node of T. Since the height
of T is 0, the depth of s must be 0, so s = r.
Thus, T has only one node (which is § 20+1-1).

Obviously, the only binary tree of height 0 is

the tree of one node, so P0 is true.
22 CSE 202 - Intro
Induction Example
Induction step: Assume that Ph is true.
Let T be a tree of height h+1. Then the left subtree L is a
binary tree.
If L is empty, it has 0 nodes.
Otherwise, each node in L is has depth one less than its
depth in T. Thus, L is a non-empty binary tree of depth
at most h. By assumption

I’ve only assumed Ph. But L may have smaller height.

23 CSE 202 - Intro

Induction Example
Induction step: Assume that Pi is true " i§h.
Let T be a tree of height h+1. Then the left subtree L is a
binary tree.
If L is empty, it has 0 nodes.
Otherwise, each node in L is has depth one less than its
depth in T. Thus, L is a non-empty binary tree of depth
at most h. By assumption, L has at most 2h+1–1 nodes.
Similarly, the right subtree R has at most 2h+1–1 nodes.
Thus, T has at most 1 + 2h+1–1 + 2h+1–1 = 2 2h+1–1
for the root for L for R = 2(h+1)+1–1 nodes.
This shows that Ph+1 is true, and completes our proof.
24 CSE 202 - Intro

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