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Mission to Mexico (M+/F, F+/F, M+/t, M+/M, NC)

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Chapter 1

Bill had given up pounding on the cell door, demanding to call the American
Consulate. His hand had started to hurt. They had taken his watch and he had no
idea how long it had been since they separated him from Ann and Stacy and thrown
him head first into the cell. The only light was a low wattage bulb hanging from
the ceiling. There was no windows or ventilation. The lack of fresh air
intensified the smell of the bucket that served as a toilet. It had not been
emptied since the last occupant left. The only sound was the buzzing of flies
around the pail of human offal.

If anything happened to Ann and Stacy, he would never forgive himself. It had
been his idea to take the summer off and go on a mission to the church in the
Mexican state of Chiapas. His wife, Ann, had not been enthusiastic when he
mentioned it. Ann pointed out that he had only been Pastor of Brentwood First
Christian for a little over a year. And that it was a large congregation of over
3,000. She reminded him that that he had made a commitment to lead several days
of picketing at a downtown Nashville abortion clinic that summer. She herself
had commitments for a summer student workshop on abstinence, chastity and
celibacy in youth.

Ann told him that his remaining in Nashville was important. Only recently, the
metro government had proposed spousal benefits for domestic partners. Bill
organized and led the other ministers whose protests blocked passage of the
proposal. Two of the national television networks had broadcast a snippet of
Bill's speech. He was making national news and becoming an important religious

Bill had overruled Ann by telling her that he had been 'called by God' to go to
Mexico and help the mission church that Brentwood First Christian had
established over ten years ago. Bill had pointed out that he needed to see first
hand the evangelical Christians of Chiapas. Bill told Ann there were others who
could picket abortion clinics and meet with legislators to encourage them to
strengthen legal restrictions against abortion.

Bill had also argued out that Stacy was studying Spanish in the church
affiliated school she was attending. A few months in a completely
Spanish-speaking environment would give Stacy better command of the language.
Bill had also argued that Stacy was entering a difficult stage and she was
spending too much time on "boys" and not enough on the lord's work. Finally, Ann
had changed her mind and agreed that the three of them would spend the summer as
missionaries in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Bill concluded that Ann had agreed
because of Stacy. Bill thought that was the argument that won Ann over to
spending ten weeks in Mexico.

Bill sat on the filthy bed and hoped Ann and Stacy were together. He had not
liked the way the Federal police had looked at his wife and daughter. Although
34, Ann had kept her figure almost the same as the day they were married in the
chapel of Bob Jones University. Ann was a physical education major who had
recently produced and starred in a line of exercise videos. Stacy was barely 14
but her figure had transformed from that of a girl to a young woman over the
last year. Bill had seen the leers and heard several of the police discuss their
physical attributes in the crude slang of rural Mexico. He had heard stories
about how women were treated in Mexican prisons. Surely, prayed Bill, the
Federal Police would respect the wife and child of a man of God.

Bill had been working on his sermon with Esteban Reyes, the local pastor, when
the police stormed in the church. Bill was planning to read the sermon in
English and Esteban translate it into Spanish for the congregation. The police
had been shouting "Zapatistas" which Bill recognized as the name of a local
rebel group who were rebelling against the central government in Mexico City.
Pastor Reyes had tried to escape but the police had the church surrounded and
they quickly took Bill and him into custody.
When Bill reached the police van, Ann and Stacy were already inside. Both were
crying and looked terrified.

Bill knelt down in his prison cell and started praying for the safety of his
family, Esteban Reyes, and the congregation.
Chapter 2

Ann angrily paced the small cell. Where were Bill and Stacy? She had gone to the
cell door when she first arrived and yelled to them through what she hoped was a
small crack. No one had responded. It had all happened very quickly. She had
been speaking with the daughter of one of the congregation about next Sunday's
church school when the police arrived.

They had grabbed her along with Stacy and thrown her into a military police van.
Several minutes later, Bill and Pastor Reyes were shoved into the van. The drive
to the police station had taken over an hour. When Bill tried to talk to her
during the ride, the military policeman had shoved his rifle in Bill's face and
shouted "No Talk".

During the ride, Ann had kept her arm around Stacy. Once they reached the police
station, they forcibly separated her from Bill and Stacy. Bill had quickly been
taken in a different direction; perhaps the jail had separate sections for men
and women. When they reached a corridor of cells, two guards pulled Stacy away
from her mother. Another two guards pulled the screaming Ann away toward another
block of cells. The guards had to struggle with Ann. Ann taught several
different styles of aerobics at the church and was much stronger than her size
would indicate.

Once inside the cell, the guard had turned her around and shoved Ann up against
the wall face first. His gun was pointed at her head. He pushed her hard enough
that her forehead slammed into the brick wall, dazing her slightly. She felt the
guard lifting the back of her skirt. She was too terrified to move. Tears began
to slowly fall on her cheeks. She felt a hand on her panties feeling her bottom.
She tried to turn around but the guard pushed her face first into the wall
banging her nose this time. She felt the guards hand slide inside her pants onto
the bare skin of her butt. "My God, they are going to rape me," thought Ann.

The hand was sliding between her butt cheeks when suddenly there was a loud
commanding voice nearby. Ann did not understand the rapid Spanish. The hand was
jerked away. The police slammed her cell door shut and left her alone.

Ann thought about Stacy. The thought of policeman putting their hands on her
daughter was almost too much to bear. Lately, Stacy had been a handful but she
was still just a fourteen-year girl. Bill kept telling Ann that Stacy was just
going through a difficult age. Difficult age was an understatement. Bill
idolized his daughter and Ann had been reluctant to make him understand what was
really going on. Ann had not told Bill about catching Stacy with Mark
Stanwood's hand up her dress. The dress also happened to be completely
unbuttoned down the front. There was no doubt that Mark had gotten to third base
and might have hit a home run if Ann had not wondered into the den looking for a
book she left there.

When Ann confronted Stacy after Mark had run off, Stacy had been defiant. She
had accused her mother of spying on her. Ann had reminded Stacy that as the
minister's daughter of the largest and most prominent evangelical church in
Nashville, she was supposed to set an example. Stacy responded that she was only
doing what the other girls were doing and that Ann's teaching and workshops on
abstinence and chastity until marriage were a laughingstock to the teenagers.
Stacy's remarks had hurt Ann and she had cried alone in her room afterward.

Ann found Stacy's behavior almost inexplicable. Ann was the daughter of the one
of the senior leaders of the Southern Baptist Church. Her father was known
throughout the South for his powerful preaching against godlessness especially
immoral sexual behavior. If Ann's father ever found out that his granddaughter
was allowing boys to touch her, he would blame Ann. The real reason she had
agreed to go on the mission to Chiapas was to get Stacy away from temptation.

She also realized after thinking it through that this would be good for Bill's
career. Bill had the potential to be as influential as Bill Graham but he needed
someone like Ann to guide his career. First hand experience with foreign
missions would increase Bill's prestige with other religious leaders. Bill was
going places with Ann's help. She just needed to keep that daughter of theirs
from becoming an embarrassment. How would it look if the preacher's daughter
were sleeping with boys while her father and mother were preaching abstinence
before marriage? Ann could envision what everyone would say.
Ann recalled the feel of the guards hands on her bottom. As soon as he left, she
had pushed her panties back in place. When Bill got in touch with the consulate,
these people would be punished for fondling the wife of Bill Tompkins, Minister
of Brentwood First Christian.
Chapter 3

Stacy sat on the smelly bed wondering how long it would be before her parents
straightened everything out and they got out of this awful place. Being the
daughter of a minister who congregation included many of the rich and powerful
of Nashville had gotten Stacy used to the idea that doors would be opened once
the police understood who her father was.

The arrest had been scary as hell. The police had actually pointed guns at them.
Her mother had fought to keep Stacy with her but the guards were stronger and
separated them. None of this would have happened if her father had not insisted
she come along on this mission. Stacy wanted to stay in Nashville and hang out
with her friends. Her best friend, Ellen, had gotten her parents to agree that
Stacy could stay with them for the summer. But Stacy's mother would not hear of

If Stacy had been allowed to stay, she could have continued to see Mark. Mark
was good looking and over six feet tall. He was sixteen and his parents were
successful country gospel singers. He had gotten a new car on his sixteenth
birthday. Stacy and Mark had driven out to Old Hickory dam to park right before
she left for Mexico. They had come very close to going all the way. The only
thing that prevented it was Mark's failure to bring any condoms. Mark had gone
down on Stacy giving her a far more intense orgasm than she had been achieving
with her fingers. Stacy had no idea that a man could give so much pleasure with
his mouth. It certainly surpassed the masturbating she had been doing for the
last two years. Stacy responded to Mark by performing fellatio for the first

Her friend, Ellen had shown Stacy about fellatio just a few days earlier. Ellen
had even produced a thick veined latex-vibrating dildo she got from her parents
nightstand. Ellen showed Stacy how to keep her teeth out of the way and to vary
her sucking and licking. Ellen had also shown Stacy how to use to dildo to
masturbate. After practicing with the dildo and drinking a couple glasses of
white wine that Ellen had stolen from her parent's liquor cabinet, the two girls
had wound up in a steamy session of oral sex.

Stacy had been so hot that night at the lake; she was ready to screw Mark
bareback. But Mark was scared of getting her pregnant and he said it would have
to wait. When Stacy got back from Mexico, Mark promised he would take her out on
his family's houseboat and bring a gross of condoms and they would fuck all
night. Stacy felt that Mark was more afraid of her mother's wraith than getting
Stacy pregnant. Mark was good looking all right but he was a wimp when it came
to facing up to the adults.

Stacy thought about when the guards took her to the cell. They shoved her back
up against the cell wall. The young guard had shoved his hand inside her blouse
right into her bra. His rough hand moved over her breast squeezing her nipple.
Then he leaned forward and kissed her pushing his tongue in her mouth. Stacy
had twirled her tongue against the guard's tongue; then she shoved her tongue
into the guard's mouth. The guard moved his head back with a look of surprise on
his face. The guard smiled and whispered the word "whore" in Spanish. Stacy
smiled this time and pushed her body against that of the guards. He kissed her
again and squeezed her nipple and reached down to pull up her skirt.

Just when things were getting interesting, a sergeant had walked into the cell
and ordered the guard out.

"Valdez, you know the Colonel gets to decide who fucks the Americans first.
We'll all get our turn with her and her mother. Get out." Said the sergeant in
the rough Spanish of rural Mexico.

Stacy had been left alone. They did not know that Stacy's Spanish was good
enough to understand what the sergeant said. Stacy had made a point of learning
Mexican slang for "whore", "fuck", "cock" and several others. One of the girls
her age at the mission who was supposed to be teaching her good proper Mexican
Spanish had told her as soon as she asked. Stacy reasoned that Mom and Dad could
not blame her if she lost her cherry in a Mexican jail. Maybe the young guard
would be back.

Probably never happen, thought Stacy. Dad will contact the American consulate
and they would all be back at the mission before nightfall. Still it would be
interesting for her "chastity and celibacy" mother to be screwed by the local
police. Stacy had been hearing from her mother for the last year how "Your
father is the only man who has ever touched me." This had been repeated so many
times that Stacy had started mouthing the words back every time her mother said

Her mother's other favorite was "At your age, no man had ever touched me and
that includes kissing." It would be something if Mom got taken down a peg or
two. "Your father and Juan, Hector, Pablo, Raul, plus others who name I do not
know are the only men that ever touched me". Stacy did not want any harm to come
to her mother but getting screwed by the Mexican police not what Stacy consider
"harm". Stacy could not wait to email Ellen about getting felt up by the guard.

Ellen's parents were country music performers and regularly appeared at the
grand Old Opry. Ellen was often left alone when they toured the small Southern
towns on a customized bus. They had encouraged Stacy spending time with Ellen in
the belief that a preacher's daughter would be a wholesome influence on Ellen.

"Know whom I would really like to fuck?" asked Ellen on one of Stacy's last
visits before she left for Mexico.

"Brad Pitt." Responded Stacy.

"Him too, but your dad. He is so good looking. I bet he and your mother fuck
like crazy. Have you ever seen them doing it?" asked Ellen.

"No, and I doubt they do it that often. I'm not an only child for no reason."
Said Stacy.

"I heard my Mom talking to several of her girl friends who also attend
Brentwood. They were talking about how you father looked in his bathing suit at
last month's picnic. They said they could tell that he had a big cock. Have you
ever seen it?" asked Ellen.

"No, I've never seen dad or mom naked. But Mom has a good figure. She is a
fitness fanatic. Her aerobics tapes are selling like crazy. Who would have ever
thought there were people out there willing to pay $29.95 for "Christian
Aerobics" in VHS or DVD? I hope my tits grow as big as hers. She dresses like
she's a hundred years old. I suggested once she show a little cleavage or wear
shorter skirts. What a lecture that brought on." Said Stacy.

"Do you think your dad is doing it with any member of the congregation?" asked

"No, although I think at times he is tempted. Dorothy Brice keeps asking for one
on one counseling sessions. My Mom does not like it. She says it does not look
proper since Dorothy is now separated from her fourth husband." Said Stacy.

"Dorothy Brice has huge tits. I bet your dad would love to get his hands on
them. Promise me that when you get back you'll help me to seduce him." Said
Chapter 4

Colonel Vicente Alvarez was pleased. Esteban Reyes had quickly confessed to
being a sympathizer with the Zapatistas. It had only taken a minor amount of
ball twisting to convince Reyes that a full confession was in order. Reyes had
been providing intelligence to the leader of the Zapatistas, known as Commander
Zero, for over a year. This the Colonel knew already, because several weeks
before he had captured one of the Zapatistas who was familiar with how they were
gathering intelligence on police and army movements.

With a little encouragement, Reyes had implicated several members of the

congregation. They were being arrested. It took more serious persuasion to get
Reyes to implicate Bill Tompkins. Obviously, the American and his family were
not involved; but Colonel Alvarez was not particularly interested in the truth.

The Colonel had picked up a pair of hedge clippers that were sharpened to the
same level as a surgical scalpel. The Colonel had demonstrated their sharpness
by slicing a sheet of paper, lightly running it across the blade.

He had attached a cord to Reyes testicles separating them from his penis. The
Colonel pulled on Reyes balls.

"I want you to tell me that the American and his family support the Zapatistas
and came here to help you spy." Said Colonel Alvarez.

"They know nothing. They are just a bunch of stupid gringos. " Said Reyes.

"You are not listening to me. Now the hedge clippers are right around your nuts.
One small movement and you loose your balls. I want you to calmly state into the
recorder that Bill Tompkins is your leader and he is directing your efforts to
spy for the rebels. Is that clear?" said the Colonel.

Reyes had performed admirably given the situation he was in. When the Colonel
played back the statement, Reyes sounded calm and unhurried. The possibly of
loosing your balls called forth the best efforts from men." Concluded the

Reyes had been bundled off to Mexico City. He would be tried in a secret
military tribunal and most probably never heard of again. It was all proceeding
very satisfactorily as far as the Colonel was concerned. The Colonel was from
one of Mexico dynastic families that traced its roots all the way back to
Hernando Cortez. The Colonel was from a wealthy family and he had made a good
match into a family slightly further up the ladder from his own. His choice of
military service was because it was one of the best ways to the political top in
Mexico. It also afforded him the opportunity to indulge his darker passions
toward other human beings. At thirty-eight, he was the youngest full colonel in
the Mexican army. His success in combating the rebels in Chiapas would no doubt
mean he would be soon be the youngest general in the Mexican army.

He was an educated and ambitious man who was constantly looking to expand his
knowledge of human behavior. This posting to a hot spot of Chiapas was an
important step in his career. Thus far his efforts to defeat the rebels were
going well. The Colonel was a patient man and had proceeded slowly to dismantle
the rebel organization. To keep himself amused, he needed to look for new
experiences. The jailing of the American missionary family had proven a stroke
of luck. The Colonel was determined to see just how far he could push them,

Now for the Americans thought the Colonel. I can probably keep them for three
weeks before the American government pressures Mexico to give them up. It was
important that he not harm them in any obvious way. No broken teeth or bones. No
scars or burns. There must be nothing physical to show the press or those
assholes from Amnesty International. They would have to walk out of his jail
looking unharmed. That was going to be the challenge.

Colonel Alvarez decided to start with the wife. He had watched them bring the
family into the prison. The wife, though the mother of a teenage daughter
appeared to have an excellent figure. He would soon determine how excellent
close up. He ordered that the prisoner be brought to the Interrogation Room to
be questioned.
Chapter 5

Ann Tompkins deluged the guard with a steady barrage of questions in her halting
Spanish once they opened the door and pushed her out of the cell. The two guards
ignored her and shoved her through several dark corridors and down a flight of
steps. She arrived in a large room where a neatly uniformed officer was seated
behind a small desk. There was a Sergeant and Corporal present. Ann was forced
down in a straight chair across from the officer.

"Where are my husband and daughter?" demanded Ann in her best voice for
expressing indignation.

The uniformed officer nodded to the Sergeant who slapped Ann hard across the
face. The blow was hard enough to knock Ann off the chair. The guard pulled her
back into the chair.

"I will ask the questions here. Senora Tompkins." Said Colonel Alvarez agreeing
with Captain Gomez's assessment. The wife was attractive and had a fiery spirit.
It would be enjoyable breaking her. The Colonel felt his cock stirring

"When the American Consulate hears how we have been treated, there will be
repercussions. How dare you strike me?" cried Ann her eyes welling up with

"Sergeant, Convince the Senora that she should only speak when given
permission." Said the Colonel.

The Sergeant grabbed Ann's hands and held them behind her. The Corporal started
to unbutton the front of her dress. Ann kicked at the Corporal who dodged the
blows. He slammed his knee into her stomach and slapped her hard twice. Ann was
too dazed to resist further as they took off first her dress and then her bra
and panties. With a few seconds, Ann was naked. Her arms were tied together and
then attached to a cable hanging down from the ceiling. She heard a whirring
sound as the slack was taken up from the cable. Her arms were raised until her
they stretched overhead and her toes barely touched the floor.

Ann was sobbing loudly. "Please don't rape me." She kept saying. Ann's normal
sense of modesty bordered on the excessive. She would only see a female
gynecologist. There were few times that ever her husband saw her completely
naked. But within a few seconds she had been completely stripped and hung up
nude for three men to gawk at. She started to weep at her predicament.

"Twenty" said the Colonel.

"The Sergeant had taken a short whip off the wall. He limbered up his arm and
then landed the first blow on Ann's butt. Ann's parents had not spanked he since
she was a little girl. So far today, she had been slapped hard several times.
Now, her butt exploded in agony. She had never dreamed there was that much pain.
She jerked her toes across the floor and screamed for them to stop.

The Sergeant swung the whip again. He was a practiced sadist. The gringo woman
had a nice pair of tits and smooth skin. He had left two big stripes across her
ass. Hs cock was getting hard. He knew that the Colonel would let him and the
Corporal have her at some point. Her fear and pain caused the Sergeant's cock to
stiffen. This was how he liked women, sobbing, begging, and pleading for
anything except the whip. Ann was visibly trembling. Causing intense pain to a
woman like that made his cock feel like it was going to burst. She was
definitely not able to handle pain like some of the Indian women he had been
allowed to torture over the last months.

The Sergeant landed most of the twenty blows on Ann's butt and thighs. However
he surprised her with several on her breasts and her stomach. This was a level
of pain she did not know existed. When a blow landed directly on her knotted up
stomach, she lost control of her bladder and a stream of urine sprayed down onto
the floor. She prayed that the whipping would stop. She prayed that she would
pass out. Nothing changed. Each blow brought more intense pain.

The whipping stopped. Ann began to whisper the 23rd Psalm.

"God cannot take away the pain; but I can. Or I can make it worse." Said the
Colonel as he took one of Ann's nipples and slowly applied pressure.
"Please, anything just don't hurt me anymore. I cannot stand this. Your Sergeant
hurt me. Please I beg of you. My breasts are so sore. Don't pinch my nipples,
please" said Ann.

"Listen, Senora Tompkins to Esteban Reyes's confession." Said the Colonel who
proceeded to play the recording.

"That's not true. We're here as missionaries, that's all." Said Ann utterly
surprised at what Pastor Reyes had recorded for the Colonel.

"Perhaps but perhaps not. We have sent Senor Reyes to be questioned by my

superiors. If they decide that he is lying, you will be set free. Until then you
are staying here." Said the Colonel.

"Please let us go. My family has money if that's what you want." Ann said based
on her knowledge that kidnapping and holding rich Americans and Mexicans for
ransom occurred with some frequency in Mexico and that the military police were
sometimes involved.

"Let us not add attempted bribery to the list of offenses against the people and
state of Mexico. Your money is of no interest to me. Would you like Sergeant
Martinez to whip you again?" asked the Colonel?

"No, I'm sorry. I was not trying to bribe you. Please, I'm in such pain that I'm
not thinking straight." Said Ann.

"I have decided to be generous and give you a choice. A good commander is always
concerned for the morale of his men. You are a very attractive woman. My men
would think favorably of me if I were able to offer them an attractive gringa
for a few hours each. It would only be until we have resolved the issue of your
helping the rebels." Said the Colonel as he slipped his hand between Ann's legs.
The perspiration made his fingers glide easily as he massaged Ann's clitoris.

"Please stop. I am a married woman who loves her husband. I'm not a whore or
prostitute. Get your hands from between my legs." Said Ann her mind in torment
at the thought of being violated by unwashed Mexican soldiers.

'The Senora is starting to get wet. You are maybe more of a whore than you
think. I'm a busy man so let me be direct. One choice is to cooperate. My men
will use you as a whore with your full obedience. You will do everything you can
to make them happy. I will make sure they do not hurt you. You will be well
treated. The other choice is that first I let Sergeant Martinez use the whip on
you again. This time he will show no mercy. Then we will bring your daughter in
here and let Sergeant Martinez introduce her to his whip. Then I will let the
Sergeant and the Corporal rape your daughter while you watch. They will not be
gentle with her. Afterwards, you will go back to your cell and my men will rape
you anyway. Also, Senora, your husband is a good-looking man. I have soldiers
who would use him as a woman. I am sure you would prefer that not happen. So
what is your choice Senora Tompkins?" asked the Colonel.

"She's just fourteen. You would not do that to a child." Said Ann in a desperate

"Corporal, tell the guards to bring the young gringa here immediately. Sergeant,
forty this time." Said the Colonel.

"No, please, for the love of Jesus, I beg you. It's not human, She's just a
little girl." Pleaded Ann.

"She will grow up quickly after my men entertain themselves with her. They will
enjoy her more because she is young." Said the Colonel turning away.

"All right, I'll do it. I will cooperate." Sobbed Ann realizing she had no
choice. She couldn't allow Stacy to be defiled and the thought of Bill being
homosexually raped was just more than she could stand. A good Christian wife and
mother were always prepared to put her family first. God would understand and
forgive her for what she was being forced to do.

"Senora Tompkins, We will need immediate proof of your cooperation." Said the
Colonel as he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock.
"Okay, you can do what you want with me. Just promise to leave Stacy and my
husband alone." Said Ann.

"I define 'cooperation' as willing compliance. Sergeant, release the Senora."

Said the Colonel as he relaxed back in his desk chair.

"Senora, let's start by your sucking my cock. Then perhaps I will fuck you. Then
the Sergeant and the Corporal can enjoy you. I suspect they will surprise you
with what they will like you to do. If you show your 'cooperation', we will
leave the little gringa alone. If not, her cell is only a few moments away.

Ann had never performed oral sex. Bill had hinted one time that he would like to
try it but Ann had vehemently objected and Bill had dropped the matter. The
Colonel was stroking his sizeable cock. The Sergeant and the Corporal were
anticipating their turn with her. Ann could not bear the thought of further
whipping or seeing her daughter being raped by these monsters. She did not
really trust the colonel but there was no choice.

Ann moved slowly forward and sunk to her knees in front of the Colonel.

"Have you sucked many cocks, Senora Tompkins?" asked the Colonel.

"None, never." Said Ann.

Well, as you Americans say. 'There is a first time for everything.' I will guide
you. Begin by licking the tip. Swirl your tongue around the head, first in one
direction and then the other. Yes, that's right. You will make my men happy if
you learn to do this right." Said the Colonel.

The Sergeant and Corporal watched the attractive American suck the Colonel's
cock. The Colonel had broken her concluded the Sergeant. The whip had tamed her.
The Sergeant would have liked to given her forty more lashes as the Colonel
threatened. His cock stirred at the thought. He had held back on the first
twenty as the Colonel instructed. The next forty would have reduced her back to
shredded flesh. The Sergeant loved to force his cock into a woman whom he had
whipped to a bloody incoherent state.

In the early spring, they had arrested a gringa who was a college coed working
for a charitable group to improve Indian pre-natal care. Unlike today's gringa,
she had been a tough one. The Colonel had sat calmly while the Sergeant whipped
her until his arm got tired; then the Corporal had taken over. There had been a
pool of splattered blood in a circle around her. At the beginning of her
interrogation, the gringa had foolishly tried to bite the colonel. After the
whipping was done, the Colonel instructed the Sergeant to pull the gringa's
teeth out one by one. The Sergeant had never pulled a prisoner's teeth out
before. Some came out directly where others cracked and had to be removed in
pieces. The gringa screamed and screamed while she spit blood out on the floor.
Then the three of them had pissed in her bloody mouth and had used a set of
pliers on each nipple to make sure she swallowed it. The Colonel then let the
Sergeant and Corporal fuck the girl in all her orifices. The Sergeant remembered
how hot it felt to slide his hard cock across the bloody gums of the gringa. He
had looked down and seen the girls mouth full of red blood with swirls of his
white cum. To the Sergeant, the Colonel was a god like figure that he gave his
absolute obedience.

"Take it fully in your mouth now and slide you lips along the side. Keep your
teeth covered by your lips. Yes, that's right, Ann. I hope you do not mind me
using your first name but you are sucking my cock." Said the Colonel as he and
the other two laughed at his little joke.

The Colonel placed his hands along side Ann's head and moved her mouth up and
down his cock. Should he come in her mouth or finish inside her pussy pondered
the Colonel. I better fuck her to show her who's in charge thought the Colonel.

"Up on the desk, Ann" said the Colonel.

Ann got off her knees and up on to the desk. The Colonel pushed her back to
where she was lying down with her legs hanging off to one side. The Colonel
lifted her legs and worked his cock up and down her vaginal lips.
"Oomph" Ann grunted as the Colonel's cock head entered her opening. The Colonel
was standing up holding her legs in a 'V' and starting to fuck her in quick hard
strokes. Ann looked back to see the Sergeant and Corporal looking on, greedily
awaiting their turn with her. The Colonel's cock was huge, even larger than her
husbands and it was filling her deeper and wider than ever before. She felt his
cock hairs bristling against her clitoris. She adjusted her legs and back to
smooth his stroke.

"That's right. Ann. You know it's not against God's law if it is rape." Said the
Colonel as he placed his mouth on Ann's nipple and began to suck.

Ann's butt felt tender against the desktop. The Colonel was moving his cock in
and out rapidly. Ann was sounding a grunt each time his cock sunk all the way to
where the Colonel's balls slapped against her ass. Ann told herself that she was
sacrificing her body to save Stacy from having to endure this. Ann also had to
acknowledge that her glands were producing more lubricant than she had ever
recalled. When she and Bill made love, he had to use a lubricating cream in
order to enter her; but the Colonel's cock had slide right in. Her vagina was
always dry or at least it was up till now.

Maybe the Colonel is in league with Satan or possibly Satan himself thought Ann.
I will just have to trust in the will of the Lord. This has to be God's will or
I would not be here. Ann started chanting 'thy will be done' as the Colonel
thrust into her. Ann moaned loudly as the Colonel's cock started to rub over a
place inside her vagina that felt especially sensitive. All of a sudden, Ann
came to a realization why she was lubricated and feeling pleasure rather then
the discomfort she normally felt during intercourse. God was helping her to
overcome her ordeal because the Colonel and his men were agents of the devil or
devils themselves. Jesus Christ was with her. God placed the Tompkins on earth
to bring unbelievers into the arms of Jesus Christ. Lucifer was bound to work
against such people. Ann understood her faith as never before. She locked her
ankles behind the Colonel's back and pulled him deep into her on each thrust.
She acted in the certainty that this was the will of God.

Ann sensed there was a spot in her vagina that the Colonel's cock kept pushing
against and she was feeling an intense sensation from that area. It was such a
concentrated feeling of pleasure that it could only be God's way of getting her
through this terrible ordeal. 'Thank you Jesus for helping your poor servant in
this her hour of need." Whispered Ann.

The Colonel sensed her growing need and responsiveness. Frankly, he was
surprised. He had expected a reluctant giving in to the inevitable. He had
figured her for one of those women who just lay there and accepted rape but did
not respond physically. Certainly, the Colonel was no stranger to rape. He was
not surprised that the Senora had decided to sacrifice herself for her daughter.
But he was surprised she seemed to be enjoying it so much. She kept chanting
about Jesus and raising herself up to match his inward thrust with a bucking
movement. She had wrapped her legs around his back and was pulling him into her.
As the Colonel felt his climax approaching, he wondered what the father and
daughter would be like.

The Colonel stroked faster. Ann had firmly decided that the Colonel had been
sent by the devil but that God was protecting her by allowing her to feel the
rapture that would be reserved for the righteous come judgment day. She sensed
the Rapture coming over her in an irresistible wave of pleasure.

The Colonel had no intention of honoring his commitment about the father and
daughter to Ann. After a little rest, he would have a session with the father
and then later with the daughter. It was turning out to be a strange family and
the Colonel was enjoying his opportunity to relive the tedium of this assignment
in one of Mexico's poorest states.

The Colonel felt the approach of his orgasm. He grabbed Ann's breasts in his
large hands and squeezed. As he unloaded his cum inside her, she writhed
underneath him and had an orgasm. She screamed "Thank You Jesus" three times as
she convulsed.

The Colonel stood up and adjusted his trousers. He handed Ann a bottle of water.
The Colonel huddled in a corner of the room with the Corporal and Sergeant as
Ann sat on the desk, unscrewed the cap and drank. She was thirsty and took a
long drink.
"I do not want her marked. You too take your time and screw her as many times as
you want but no rough stuff. After you are done, I want her taken to the
special cell over in K-block where we have the hidden cameras set up. I will
tell Enrique to let her rest until midnight then we will start her with the rest
of the men. When you are done with her here, straighten everything up and get
ready for her husband. I will want Captain Gomez and Lt. Alzado here at 6:00PM
to help interrogate the husband.

Ann was certain that God had just performed a miracle. He had protected her from
the pain and humiliation that the devil had sent in the form of Colonel Alvarez.
She had always found intercourse painful but not this time. God had turned pain
into pleasure. He had changed degradation and defeat into a proud release of
physical satisfaction and triumph that her body had never before known. What
other proof did she need of God's beneficence other than the flow of lubricating
fluids that flooded her vagina and kept the Colonel's cock from causing her
pain? Even now she felt her fluids along with the semen of the devil's disciple
flowing from her opening. It was a true miracle.

She was sure that Stacy and Bill would be all right. All she had to do was let
Jesus work through her to keep her family safe. Ann drank more water as the
Sergeant and the Corporal approached. They stripped naked, folded their clothes
and lay them neatly on a bench.

They pulled Ann off the desk and positioned her on her knees between them. There
were two cocks within inches of her face. Ann opened her mouth and licked the
Sergeant while she wrapped her hand around the Corporals and began to stroke it.
Each man reached down to pull on her nipples. Ann felt the fingers lightly
twisting and pulling her pink buds. A wave of pleasure swept her body. The Lord
was still with her.

After Ann had sucked, licked and stroked their cocks for several minutes, the
Sergeant spread a padded matt on the floor. They maneuvered Ann into an all
fours position. The Corporal entered her from the rear while the Sergeant put
his cock in her mouth.

Once again, Ann felt great pleasure and excitement from what was happening to
her. As the Corporal shoved his cock forward, Ann found herself moving back to
drive it deeper into her vagina. She felt the cock head rubbing the same
sensitive spot that the Colonel's had touched. Ann concentrated on keeping the
Corporal's cock in contact with her spot. The feeling was awesome and very
powerful. As a Christian evangelical, she believed strongly in the concept of
"The Rapture". That was when at the end of the world God's pleasure completely
engrossed the being of all who truly believed and accepted Jesus Christ as their
savior. But true believers could experience the Rapture at other times. Ann was
convinced her orgasm was a form of "The Rapture".

The Sergeant looked down at the attractive gringa whose mouth was sliding up and
down his cock. The events of the afternoon, whipping her, watching his colonel
satisfy him in her cunt, and her inspired cock sucking was drawing his sperm
from the bottom of his balls to erupt into her mouth. He placed his hands firmly
on the sides of her head. As he felt the spurt of cum start, he pushed his cock
to the back of her throat. She kept sucking and swallowing as he pumped several
loads of warm cum into her mouth. The Corporal let out a yell as he climaxed and
mixed his cum with that of the Colonel's deep in her vagina.

Ann felt the warm cum spurt from the tip of the cock that was pushed to the back
of her mouth. She swallowed greedily as she called upon the Lord to make her the
vessel for capturing the evil seed of those sent by the devil. The sweet taste
of the Sergeant's cum convinced Ann that the Lord was changing the vile and
bitter semen of the godless as it entered her mouth. She intoned 'Oh
hallelujah" as she sucked the last of the seed into her mouth.

The Sergeant and the Corporal rested for a while. It was getting close to
6:00PM. They had time for one more go at the gringa. The Sergeant reflected on
how lucky he was to have such a Colonel. He was a man who had turned a proud and
disdainful American, the wife of an important man, into a cock-craving whore. He
and the Colonel had encountered many women over the two years he had been the
Colonel's chief interrogator. But this was something new. They had whipped
numerous women into complete submission. Those who did not submit were taken by
force. The Sergeant actually preferred those. As a true sadist, he preferred to
be on top of a screaming female with pliers flatting each nipple to the width of
a sheet of paper. Still, this gringa was something extraordinary with her trance
like attitude and eagerness for hard sex.

The Sergeant motioned for the Corporal to stand up. They started again in the
same way with Ann between them on her knees sucking and stroking their cocks. It
took longer for Ann to get them fully hard this time. But she worked at it and
before long their cocks were firm. Ann moved her head quickly to suck first one
then another of the cocks. She wanted to repeat the miracle where bitter semen
was changed to sweet semen as it entered her mouth. However, the Corporal lay
down on his back and directed Ann to get on top of him. Ann sat down, gliding
the Corporal's cock into her vagina. She raised her legs up and achieved a
greater dept of penetration. She expected the Sergeant to come to her front and
slip his cock into her mouth. But the Corporal pulled her forward and she felt
the Sergeant's mouth on her asshole forcing his tongue into her butt. The
Sergeant continued to lick and suck on her asshole. He pushed a wet finger
inside her butt. Then he heard him spit and she felt a warm glob of liquid being
spread on her butt hole.

Quickly, she felt the head of his cock push into the entrance to her ass. Surely
he was not going to enter her there. The Sergeant grabbed her hips and shoved
himself forward as he pulled her hips backward. Ann saw stars the pain was so
intense. Ann had read that anal sex was a part of devil worship and the Black
Mass. This served as 'proof positive' to Ann that her situation was the work of
the devil. The pain was terrific. The Corporal started to work his cock in her
vagina in tandem with the one in her butt. For a moment, she started to doubt
that God was still with her. Then the pain started to ease. She felt the cock
slide into her ass separated by only a thin membrane of tissue from the one in
her ass. Ann felt pleasure return and take her to a new and glorious height.
"Thank you sweet Jesus and forgive me for having doubted you." Ann said aloud as
the Corporal and Sergeant pounded her holes. She promised herself she would not
doubt again.

The Sergeant pounded Ann's ass until he shot several loads of cum into her butt.
The Corporal unleashed a hot stream of cum deep into her well-fucked vagina. It
was approaching 6:00PM. They dressed and then marched a naked Ann back to the
cell that the Colonel had instructed.

It was much nicer cell with a full size bed and a toilet. There were bottles of
fresh water on the nightstand. There was even a lace nightgown hanging on a
small pipe rack. Even more surprising, there was a simple shower in a corner of
the room.

Ann washed herself in the shower. There was no hot water but it was tolerable.
She tried on the nightgown. It was not a bad fit. It was slit up the side and
had a plunging neckline but it covered her. Ann realized how tired she was but
decided before she went to bed to thank the Lord for her deliverance.

Ann had a sore butt from the Sergeant's anal rape but she knew that to be God's
reminder that she had for a moment doubted him. The Colonel would be sending his
men to her beginning in a few hours. But Ann firmly believed that through divine
intervention her normally dry vagina would be lubricated and free from pain,
that the cocks entering her would touch a special place to create 'The Rapture'
and that the bitter semen spurted into her mouth from the testicles of the
ungodly would taste as sweet nectar.

Ann went to sleep assured that God was working through her to keep Bill and
Stacy safe. She intended to treat each encounter with Colonel Alvarez's men as
an opportunity for her to personally triumph over evil. As she went to sleep,
her hand went to her vagina where it lightly traced her clitoris.

"Bring the servants of Satan forth Sweet Jesus, Your Servant Ann welcomes this
opportunity to work your miracles through her." Repeated Ann as she began to
Chapter 6

Colonel Alvarez was seated at his desk pondering the American wife. His Sergeant
had reported how she had basically fucked back like a cheap whore all the while
whispering about Jesus. 'Jesus' was the only word that the Sergeant recognized.
The Colonel had limited first hand experience of evangelical Christians. As a
man of some learning, he was aware they were the vanguard of the religious right
in the United States. The Colonel knew of their positions in regard to abortion,
homosexuality, and sex outside marriage. There were few evangelicals in Mexico.

But if the proper appearing wife of a religious leader of some prominence could
be turned so easily into a needy whore, what did it all mean? The Colonel was
looking forward to meeting the father. He had arranged for Captain Gomez and Lt.
Alzado to be there for the father's interrogation. They were both homosexual.
Captain Gomez was a tall extremely good-looking officer from a prominent and
very wealthy family. Lt. Alzado was smaller and had delicate features. The
Lieutenant's family was also prominent in the society of Mexico City. The
Colonel knew that Lt. Alzado spent a certain amount of time in Capt. Gomez's
company dressed as a woman. The Colonel had never seen the Lieutenant in drag
but he could imagine it. He would have to see if he could arrange for Lt. Alzado
to spend some time in his quarters dressed as a woman. The thought gave the
Colonel a little warmth in his loins. The Colonel had noted that Bill Tompkins
was also of modest stature and had delicate features. Maybe, the Colonel could
manage to have the Father become part of Capt. Gomez's harem.

The Colonel had checked to make sure that the cameras hidden in the cell where
Ann Tompkins was located were ready. For the next three weeks, she would spend
sixteen hours a day fucking his enlisted men. He would allow her eight hours
rest and of course, a short break between fucks. A schedule for the first week
had been posted. The Sergeant informed him that morale among the enlisted men
was very high once the schedule was tacked to the bulletin board.

"Come in Mr. Tompkins and be seated. This is Capt. Gomez and Lt. Alzado. They
will be helping with the interrogation. " Said the Colonel as the Sergeant and
Corporal brought the prisoner in and sat him down facing the Colonel.

"When can I get in touch with the American Consulate? Are my wife and daughter
all right? I demand to see them right now. If you or any of your men have harmed
them in any way, I will see that you are held personally responsible." Said

"Questions and threats all rolled together. I was hoping we could go about this
in a civilized manner but I can see that I first need to establish who is in
charge here. Sergeant, relieve Mr. Tompkins of his clothes, tie him across the
whipping bench and give him, say, 40 lashes." Said the Colonel.

The Sergeant grabbed Bill's hands while the Corporal wrestled Bill's clothes
off. Bill struggled for a few moments but then realized that both men were
bigger than he was. He allowed them to disrobe him and shove him face down onto
a padded bench. His arms were cuffed down to the bottom of the bench forcing his
head to hang over the front. His legs were hand cuffed to the leg struts that
jutted out from the bench as a forty five-degree angle. The part of the bench
under Bill's torso was higher than the part under his legs. Effectively Bill was
chained down into an "all fours position" with his legs spread.

"He has a nice cock." Whispered Capt. Gomez to Lt. Alzado.

"I can't wait to get it in my mouth." Whispered Lt. Alzado back to Capt. Gomez.

"You will, my darling. The Colonel had told me of his plans," replied Capt.

The Sergeant proceeded to land the first whip stroke across Bill's back. Bill
let out a loud shriek.

"He screams like a woman. This could be interesting." Said Capt. Gomez.

"When we are done, he will think of his ass as a pussy." Said Lt. Alzado.

The Colonel read a report as the Sergeant delivered the blows to Bill's back and
buttocks. The whip was leaving a nice red welt when it landed. Some of the welts
had droplets of blood. Bill would let out a high-pitched scream when the whip
landed; then he would fight to catch his breath as the next stroke came down.

The Sergeant completed his work and stood aside. The Colonel reached in his
drawer and drew out a small bottle of oily liquid and a hand held tape recorder.
He casually walked over to Bill's weeping body. Capt. Gomez picked up a chair
and placed it beside the whipping bench for the Colonel to be seated.

"Now, Mr. Tompkins, I hope you understand who is in charge, who will ask
questions and who will make demands." Said the Colonel

"Yes, Just don't let him whip me anymore. God that hurt." Said Bill.

"And it was so unnecessary. If you had cooperated and been polite, none of this
would have happened. Just be aware that any further breeches of proper behavior
will be treated with similar severity." Said the Colonel.

"Understood, Whatever you say." Said Bill trying to control his sobs.

"Now I understand that Esteban Reyes is employed by you and that you are his
superior." Said the Colonel.

"He is the Pastor of the local church here in Chiapas that is sponsored by
Brentwood First Christian and I am the Pastor of that church." Said Bill.

"Such a long and confusing answer. Perhaps I had better have Sergeant Martinez
try out his new whip on you. Then you won't waste my time with such lengthy
answers." Said the Colonel.

"Yes, he works for me. It's not necessary for the Sergeant to whip me any more.
Pastor Reyes works for me. Please, don't let him. I can't take any more. "

"Listen then to what your employee says about his and your activities in aiding
the rebels." Said the Colonel as he proceeded to playback Reyes's false
confession of Bill's involvement.

"That's untrue. It's all lies. I had no idea that Reyes was involved with the
Zapatistas. If I had known that, he would have been replaced. The church is not
interested in politics only in bringing people into a closer communion with
Jesus Christ our savior." Said Bill in a desperate tone of voice.

"Of course, we take this to be the confession of a desperate man who hopes that
by implicating others he can escape punishment for his actions. I have sent
Esteban Reyes to Mexico City for further interrogation. However, I must hold you
and your family until I receive further instructions from my superiors." Said
the Colonel.

"Can I contact my family and church officials in Tennessee to tell them where we
are?" asked Bill.

"My superiors have instructed me to hold you incommunicado until they decide how
to proceed." Said the Colonel.

"How long will that take?" asked Bill.

"Possibly, two or three weeks." Said the Colonel.

"Surely, you do not intend to also keep my wife and daughter. They have nothing
to do with this. They can't stay in this awful place for that long." Said Bill.

"Unfortunately, yes your wife and daughter must be our guests also. I can see to
their safety and comfort provided you cooperate and help me return a favor.
Otherwise, I will have to place them with the rest of the prison population who
may well mistreat them. Your daughter seems so young and innocent. I would hate
to allow that but my hands are tied." Said the Colonel.

"What is the favor?" asked Bill.

"Captain Gomez did me a service several months ago. It was an unfortunate matter
where a certain officer accused me of complicity in smuggling drugs into your
country. I was at that time in charge of the federal police at one of our states
along the border with your state of Texas. Captain Gomez was able to reason with
the officer and convince him that his charge was baseless. Captain Gomez saved
my good name and career. I owe him a debt of honor." Said the Colonel.

"How can I help you repay the Captain?" asked Bill.

"Well, you see, the Captain is a homosexual. Fortunately he has noticed that
your appearance and physique are of a type that particularly appeals to the
Captains taste. He has asked me to allow him to treat you as a woman for your
stay here. You would be very comfortable and your stay with the Captain would be
most pleasant." Said the Colonel.

"That is absurd. Christianity looks upon homosexuality as a serious sin against

God. I am not going to even honor this request with a No," said Bill.

"Ah then, your wife Ann and pretty daughter Stacy will have to be mingled into
our jail population of thieves, murderers, and rapists. That will be hard for
them. Is your daughter a virgin?" asked the Colonel.

"Of course, she is only fourteen. Jesus teaches that a woman should remain a
virgin until she is married." Said Bill.

"Too bad, it is very unlikely that she will still be a virgin when she leaves
here. This is a large prison with many areas that are difficult to monitor. You
wife will almost certainly be violated also. But if your religion forbids you
and your God would not forgive you for making such a sacrifice in order to save
your family, there is nothing else to do." Said the Colonel

"What a choice. I have never engaged in homosexual practices. I would not know
what to do. I can't let any harm come to Ann and Stacy. How do I know you will
keep your word and protect them?" Said Bill.

"You have the word of Colonel Vicente Hernando Renaldo Alvarez. I promise you
that if you help me to repay this favor, your wife and daughter will be walk out
of this prison in perfect condition, well fed, unharmed, and healthy." Said the

"I have no choice. I am doing this to protect my family. Jesus will forgive me.
I will allow myself to be defiled for their sake. I know that Jesus will
understand." Said Bill.

The Colonel handed the bottle of baby oil to Lt. Alzado who poured some on his
hands and then reached down and began to stroke Bill's cock.

The Colonel stood up and signaled to Capt. Gomez that he should take over now.
The Colonel wanted to get some rest in his quarters before he dealt with the
little gringa. He had saved the best for last.

Lt. Alzado worked the warm oil up and down the hardening length of Bill's cock.
Compared to the brutal whipping by the Sergeant, this was anything but
unpleasant. Bill was getting hard and a man was making him that way. Bill began
to recall a time many years ago when he was a boy of eleven.

Bill's parents had decided that he would enjoy spending his summer at Bill's
paternal aunt's farm. Aunt Ida and Uncle John were considered good country folk,
god fearing and hard working. They also had a son, Michael, who was two years
older than Bill. For an eleven year old, the farm was an exciting place. There
was a farm nearby where another eleven year old lived named Pete. Michael hung
out with Pete's older brother, Sam. There were also several other boys who got
together with Michael and Sam each afternoon when the chores were done.

Bill and Pete got along well. During the first week, Bill had been busy helping
Uncle John and Michael do the morning chores. Afternoons he and Pete would run
around the farm looking at the animals and climbing on the farm machinery.

One afternoon, Michael and Sam had shown up and told the two of them to go into
a feed storage barn with them. Pete had not wanted to go but Bill had thought it
was great that that the older boys wanted them around. Michael had pretty much
ignored Bill since he had arrived.

Once inside, Sam had unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. "Pete, show
Bill how well you can suck a dick" said Sam.

Pete had dropped to his knees in front of his older brother and started to lick
the tip of his cock. Bill was amazed. He had no idea that boys did that to one
another. Bill felt a hand pushing down on his shoulder.

"Watch Pete and do the same to my pecker, Cousin Bill" said Michael.

Bill was too scared to run and if he had he would not have gotten far. Pete's
mouth was working on his older brother's dick. Bill started to do the same to
Michael's after a while, Michael's cock got hard and Michael started to breathe
rapidly. Bill felt something liquid in his mouth and for a moment thought
Michael had pissed.

"Swallow my spunk, Cousin. Swallow it all down." Said Michael. Bill decided it
was not piss and swallowed it. Later, Pete had told him what it was. Pete had
showed Bill had to play with himself to produce a thin stream of whitish fluid.
Pete had been sucking on the two older boy's cocks since he was nine.

"Of course, ours is not a thick or long as theirs is but when we get bigger it
will be." Said Pete.

For the next week, Bill and Pete had shown up in the feed storage barn every
afternoon to suck off the older boys. The next time Bill had sucked Sam and Pete
did Michael. At the end of the week, Bill was sucking Sam when Sam stopped him
and said it was time to break him in. Sam told Bill to get down on all fours.
Sam had a small jar of Vaseline petroleum jelly in his pocket. He told Bill to
pull down his pants. When Bill asked why, Sam replied, "So I can corn hole your
little ass, shit head."

Bill dropped his pants and got down on all fours. Pete and He had watched the
Jersey bull breed one of the cows. He realized he was getting into a similar

"Don't want it to hurt too bad the first time." Said Sam as he smeared the
Vaseline on Bill's butt hole. He worked his finger in Bill hole. It hurt a
little. Sam spent quite a bit of time pushing his finger in and out than the
added a second finger. Bill felt his own cock getting hard.

"Okay, Bill, just relax. Your first corn holing is about to begin." Said Sam as
he pushed his cock against Bill's butt hole. All of a sudden it slipped it. It
hurt like hell for a second then Sam slapped his ass hard and he relaxed. Sam
started to fuck him the same way the Jersey bull did the cow. Long slow strokes
that caused Bill's cock to get even harder. Sam picked up speed till he was
moving real quick. All of a sudden, Sam jerked forward and smashed Bill to the
ground. Bill felt Sam's cock pop out of his ass and something wet run down onto
his balls.

Bill got up to see that Michael had started to corn hole Pete. Pete was grunting
each time Michael thrust his dick up Pete's ass. Finally, Michael climaxed and
collapsed across his little brother.

Trips to the feed storage barn worked into an irregular routine. Sometime the
older boys just wanted a blowjob where others Bill wound up with a cock in his
ass. One time Sam and Michael brought two other friends with them. He and Pete
spent the afternoon with a cock in their mouth or in their ass and sometimes
both at once.

A few days before Bill was scheduled to return to his folks, Bill was in the
barn with both Michael and Sam. Pete had a summer cold and Aunt Ida had kept him
in bed. Bill was busily sucking on Sam's cock while Michael was working Vaseline
into his ass when Bill saw a slight movement through a crack in the barn wall.

That night after everyone was asleep, Uncle John awakened Bill quietly placing a
hand over his mouth.

"I saw what you were doing this afternoon in the feed barn" said Uncle John as
he placed his hand on Bill's cock.

"I want you to do the same thing with me. Except I want to suck your dick right
now. Just lay back Bill and enjoy." Said Uncle John.
Bill lay quietly while Uncle John sucked his penis. He got harder and harder and
then climaxed for the first time into Uncle John's mouth.

"That was sweet. You got a sweet little pecker. You know where the tool shed is
over where I keep the tractor?" asked Uncle John.

"Yes, I know where it is." Replied Bill.

"Well, you sneak in there right after lunch tomorrow. Don't tell a soul,
especially Pete. You and your Uncle John can have some fun." Said Uncle John.

Bill made it to the tool shed and waited. After a while, Uncle John came in and
immediately fell to his knees and starting sucking Bill's cock. After Bill had
cum, Uncle John pulled out his cock that was much larger that Michael or Sam's.
Bill sucked it and was rewarded with a mouthful of warm cum.

He and Uncle John met each day of the final week of his visit. Uncle John corn
holed Bill after he spent a few minutes fingering his butt hole.

To this day, Bill would guiltily remember the summer he spent on the farm.
Often, when he masturbated he recalled how Uncle John's cock felt as it slid up
into his asshole. And Bill masturbated often because Ann seldom made herself
available for sex. He bitterly remarked that she should rename her celibacy
workshop to "Chastity Before, During, And After Marriage". Lately Bill had been
feeling a greater need for sex. He had promised himself that when he got back he
was going to take Dorothy Brice up on her offer. He was going to suck on her big
tits and fuck her, to hell with Ann.

Oh God, that feels good thought Bill as Lt. Alzado worked his hand up and down
Bill's hard cock. The Lieutenant had started to massage Bill's butt crack
working a well-oiled finger into Bill's opening. Bill looked up to see that
Capt. Gomez was naked and moving his cock into position to suck.

My God, but the Captain has a tremendous physique. He looked like someone who
spent every waking hour in Gold's Gym. What a beautiful cock thought Bill as the
Captain placed it to his lips. Bill opened his mouth and it slid right in. Oh,
this is good, thought Bill. The Lieutenant has started to lick Bill cock head as
the Captain let Bill suck slowly on his hardening cock.

The Captain reached down and took the cuffs off Bill's hands. Bill immediately
reached one hand up to caress the Captain's balls. Bill moaned as he sucked. The
Lieutenant had a finger in Bill's ass as he sucked Bill's cock.

"Oh, push your finger deeper. I need it deeper." Moaned Bill.

The Captain and the Lieutenant exchanged knowing looks. The Lieutenant gave Bill
a light open handed spanking on his ass.

"Oh yes, spank me. I need a good spanking." Said Bill as he licked the head of
Captain Gomez's cock. There was a line of spittle from its tip to Bill's upper

The Captain changed places with the Lieutenant. The Captain positioned his cock
at Bill anus and gave a little push.

"Oh, God, please put your cock in my ass. I need it in there to fill me up. Corn
hole my ass with your big sweet cock" said Bill

The Captain pushed forward driving his cock head inside Bill's sphincter. Bill
let out a rush of breath but did not protest. The Captain's cock slid in another
inch. Bill moaned loudly. "Oh Sweet Jesus, that feels so good. Give it to me all
the way."

The Captain slid in until his balls slapped against Bill's. Bill was in
heavenly state of pleasure. He was back in the days when Uncle John's big cock
was sliding into his asshole and then giving that sucking feeling as it pulled
out. There was a nice hard cock in his mouth and he just could not get enough of

"Fuck Ann and her chastity classes thought Bill. This is really living. I hope
they keep fucking me as long as I'm here. Lt. Alzado moaned and then grabbed
Bill's head as he pumped several loads of warm cum into Bill's mouth. He saw
Bill swallow it greedily. The Lieutenant knelt down and kissed Bill swirling his
tongue around the slick remains of his cum in side Bill's mouth.

The Captain was still fucking his ass. The Lieutenant went back behind the
Captain. He pulled Bill's cock back and started to suck it. Bill was being
fucked and blown at the same time. Bill wondered how it could get much better
than that. Bill had quit worrying about Ann and Stacy.

"Oh here it comes," said Bill as his nuts started to pump his cum out the tip of
his cock into the Lieutenant's mouth. The Captain went in for a deep stroke and
began filling Bill's rectum with his cum. The Captain finished with multiple
hard strokes as the Lieutenant sucked Bill dry.

The Captain and Lieutenant got Bill up off the whipping bench for a three way
French kiss. The three of them wordlessly got dressed and went back to the
Captain's quarters.

Bill was surprised at how large and well-furnished Captain Gomez's quarters
were. He did not realize that the Captain like the Colonel was from one of
Mexico's richest and most powerful families. There was a king size bed. The
Lieutenant handed Bill a powder blue lace nightgown and dressed himself in an
identical pink one. The two of them curled up on each side of the Captain.

It had been a tiring day for Bill. He thought it had been a very long time since
he had been this sexually satisfied. He could still imagine the feel of the
Captain cock in his ass, pushing deep into his bowels. The Captain put his arms
around Bill and pulled him close. Bill relaxed and quickly went to sleep.
Chapter 7

Stacy was awakened out of a fitful sleep by the guard's hand on her crotch
massaging her cunt. As soon as she startled awake, the guard said, "The Colonel
is ready to see you." She was taken out of the cell area and through a a set of
gates and into a courtyard opening to a much nicer area that contained the
living quarters of the officers. Once outside, Stacy saw that it was barely
dawn. She had been imprisoned since yesterday.

The guard took her into a large well-furnished office and sat her down in front
of a huge ornate wooden desk. There was an officer in an immaculate, well
pressed uniform sitting behind the desk. The officer was reading a report and
smoking a cigarette. There was a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in the center of
the desk blotter. Stacy was still not completely awake and sat quietly while the
officer read the report.

"Would you like a cigarette, Senorina Tompkins?" Asked the Colonel.

"I'm not allowed to smoke." Said Stacy.

"I assure you that I am the only one here who can decide what is allowed. I am
Colonel Vicente Alvarez. I am in charge of this facility and the federal army
and police for the State of Chiapas, Republic of Mexico." Said the Colonel

"My mother would have a fit if she found out I was smoking." Said Stacy.

"I assure you that your mother is busy elsewhere and will not ever know." Said
the Colonel.

"All right, I would like a cigarette. Please" Said Stacy.

The Colonel handed Stacy the pack of Marlboro. Stacy placed a cigarette in her
mouth and the Colonel leaned over to light it with a gold ornate lighter. The
thought flashed through Stacy's mind that this was the first time ever that a
man had lighted her cigarette. Ellen and she had smoked cigarettes every chance
but having a tall uniformed soldier light hers was a totally different feeling.

"You are pretty like your mother, even prettier I think." Said the Colonel.

"Where are my parents?" asked Stacy.

"Your parents are both doing me a service. Your mother is involved in raising
the morale of my enlisted men and your father is helping me repay a favor that I
owe to a fellow officer." Said the Colonel.

"Why would they do that?" asked Stacy.

"Well, you see there has been a problem. The pastor of the church where they
were working was found to a member of the rebels. Senor Reyes was helping the
rebels by providing information about the movements of my forces. Your parents
were so sorry about this whole affair that they offered to help me anyway they
could for the next three weeks." Said the Colonel.

"Three weeks is forever. Why must I stay in that awful cell? There is nothing to
do and it smells bad." Said Stacy.

"That was a mistake. I was not informed that Senor and Senora Tompkins had a
daughter until this morning and that she had been placed in one of our cells.
When I heard that you were in the prison, I sent for you immediately." Said the

"So where do I stay?" asked Stacy.

"You are going to stay here in my quarters. There is another Senorina, Consuela,
who stays with me and is my ward. She is fifteen, the same age as you. Between
you and me, I would not say that Consuela is as pretty as you are. But I think
the two of you will get along fine" Said the Colonel.

Stacy did not feel constrained to inform the Colonel that she was only fourteen.
She was starting to like the Colonel. He kept finding ways to tell her she was
pretty and Stacy liked that a lot.
"I am not sure that my parents would approve my staying with you." Said Stacy.

"As I said before, there is no one to decide what is approved or not in the
State of Chiapas but myself. You and Consuela can keep each other amused. There
is much to do. There is a television, a brand new Microsoft X-box with all the
games, and even a small swimming pool with a place to take the sun. Furthermore,
I was thinking that you and Consuela could entertain for me," Said the Colonel.

"Who would we entertain?" asked Stacy.

"I have some young cadets that attend our military academy, similar to your West
Point. The academy is located in Mexico City. At the end of their first year,
they are sent to garrisons such as this one to learn how the federal forces keep
order within the states far from Mexico City. They are from the finest families
in Mexico. I would like to invite two or four of them over each afternoon for
lunch and to enjoy the pool. You should understand that there is more to being
an officer than understanding the art of war. Mexico wants its officers to have
all the social graces. Spending an afternoon with two lovely senorinas would be
a part of their training. In most cases, I would not be able to attend. It is a
lot to ask two fifteen-year-old senorinas but I was thinking you are mature
enough to serve as hostess. They will be older, say seventeen or eighteen but
they are well behaved and I think you can handle them." Said the Colonel.

"I think I can do that. Anything would be better than going back to that awful
cell. Will I get to see my parents?" asked Stacy.

"At this moment, not in person; but I have prepared a DVD of your mother's work
and I will be glad to show it to you. I can play it on my computer. Come over
here and sit beside me and we will watch it together." Said the Colonel.

Stacy was not stupid enough to think the Colonel was not planning to get his
hand up her dress. Every other man she had met there had felt her up. But she
knew there was no way she was going back to that dark, smelly cell. Beside it
would not be long before one of the guards there decided to do more than catch a
feel. The thought of entertaining some eighteen-year-old cadets at an afternoon
pool party held a certain appeal. Wait until she got a chance to tell Ellen
about that. But the main reason was a curiosity about what her mother was doing
for the enlisted men. What could it be? Her mother must be conducting some
boring workshop, but on what. It certainly could not be about chastity. Not in a
place where everyone could not wait to get a hand on your tits and ass. Maybe
she was teaching them aerobics.

Stacy walked around to the Colonel's side of the desk and sat down on the
offered knee. The Colonel inserted the DVD disc in the reader and launched the
Microsoft Media Player. The Colonel clicked on the Play button. It took a moment
but the screen filled with an image of her mother greeting a young soldier.
Stacy recognized him as the soldier who had first taken her to her cell and
slipped his hand inside her bra.

The soldier handed Stacy's mom a small bouquet of flowers. He had a bottle of
wine in his other hand that he proceeded to open. Stacy's mom was dressed in a
red nightgown that was slit up the side. Her breasts were practically hanging
out of its front. The soldier pulled Stacy's mom to his chest and they engaged
in a long passionate kiss. The camera zoomed in to show their very busy tongues.

"My God, how did you get her to do that? I can't believe it. She is normally
such a prude. I wonder what dad will do when he finds out what's she's been up
to." Said Stacy feeling the Colonel's hand in her knee.

"Your father does not have to know. Besides he will not be in a position to
complain." Said the Colonel as he slowly stroked Stacy's thigh.

Stacy watched as the soldier slipped the nightgown off her mom's shoulders. It
felt to the ground leaving her naked. She and the soldier kissed again with the
soldier's hand holding her mom's butt pulling her against him. Then the soldier
started to suck on her nipples. The camera zoomed in to catch the look of
passion on her face. Stacy recalled this was the first time she had ever seen
her mother nude.

"Her figure is killer. Wow, this is hot. I wish my tits were that big." Said
Stacy starting to get aroused as her mother began to help the soldier take his
clothes off.

"I would guess your breaats are very beautiful. Stand up and take your dress
off. I want to see them." Said the Colonel.

Stacy got up and unbuttoned her dress. She unsnapped her bra and let it fall.
Stacy was thinking to herself that she was not going to have to wait on Mark to
loose her virginity. The Colonel was going to take care of that in just a few

"They are very sexy. I want to kiss them." Said the Colonel gesturing for Stacy
to once again set on his knee.

Stacy sat down. The Colonel touched the nipples gently watching the pink nubs
grow erect. His cock was starting to get hard. Stacy was a very pretty girl and
obviously a very passionate one like her mother.

Stacy looked at the screen to see her mom kneeling in front of the soldier
sucking his cock. Stacy reached down and rubbed her pussy that was already wet.
Stacy's mother hand and mouth were working the soldier's cock.

"Did you fuck my mom?" asked Stacy.

"Yes, I fucked her and then I watched while my Sergeant and Corporal fucked her
together. She is a very passionate woman. They used her mouth, pussy and ass and
she took intense pleasure from it. See the look of passion on her face as the
soldier enters her. You can tell if a woman has a passionate nature. Your mother
senses the soldier's cock in her with every fiber of her being. At those
moments, the feeling of the cock in her pussy is the center of her universe.

"My mom did anal. I didn't think she knew what it was" said Stacy.

Stacy watched as the soldier stroked his cock in and out of her mom's pussy.
Stacy felt the Colonel's hand touching her pussy through the cotton panties. She
was getting wet.

"I want you to fuck me like you fucked my mom." Said Stacy.

"All right, if you wish. You take your panties off and I will get undressed."
Said the Colonel as he reached forward to turn up the sound of the DVD.

"Ram your devil cock in me. Fill me with your evil seed. Oh Jesus, let thy
servant Ann show this devil's disciple how your followers can triumph over
Godlessness. Do it Raul, go harder and deeper." Said her mother's voice through
the computer speakers. Stacy looked to see her mother's legs wrapped tightly
around Raul's waist pulling him in each time he drove forward.

"That's really not what I would expect from my mother. She teaches workshops at
our church and in the school about chastity and the sanctity of marriage." Said
Stacy slipping her panties off.

"I am surprised as well. Not so much that she is willing but that she shows such
intensity and passion. I hope that her daughter equally enjoys sexual contact."
Said the Colonel taking off his jacket.

"Colonel, I better tell you this. You'll find out anyway. After I tell you if
you don't want to fuck me, I'll understand." Said Stacy.

"What do you need to tell me?" asked the Colonel.

"I'm still a virgin. It's not my fault. I tried to get my boyfriend Mark to take
my cherry up at the lake but he forgot the condoms. He was also worried about
the upholstery on his car. It was new. His parents bought it for him. I told him
to forget the condoms and stick it in but he was scared shitless of me getting
pregnant. So if you don't want to pop my cherry, I'll understand." Said Stacy
who started to cry in disappointment.

"No, Stacy don't cry. I will get a towel out of the bathroom and we will put it
on the couch. I will be honored to be your first real lover. Have you never been
with a man?" asked the Colonel.
"Well I did give Mark a blowjob, in fact I did that twice. My friend Ellen
showed me how using her mom's dildo. I was going to use the dildo to take my own
cherry but Ellen said some guys like to take a girl's cherry. But I guess Mark
was not one of them. I can suck you first and then you can fuck me" Said Stacy
who looked over at the computer screen to see her mother was now with a
different soldier. She was sucking the soldier's cock and masturbating herself.

"Do you think I can fuck as good as mom? She has such big tits." Said Stacy.

"Come over and lay on the couch. I think you will surpass your mother." Said the
Colonel who was now completely naked.

Stacy was looking at the Colonel's cock that was much larger than Mark's. She
wondered how she was going to get something so large inside her. Ellen had said
that it would hurt at first but Stacy would quickly get used to it. Ellen had
pointed out that baby's come out through women's vaginas so they must be able to
stretch pretty far.

Stacy walked over to the Colonel who embraced her and kissed her while he rolled
her nipples in his fingers. He pushed her down and she started licking the head
of his cock. Her fist was wrapped around it and she felt it grow harder and
longer in her hand.

"You are so talented Stacy, You are doing well." Said the Colonel.

Stacy varied her technique. She would lick up the underside of the Colonel's
cock and then capture the head in her mouth and slide it back to where it
touched her throat opening. She kept her tongue busy and then would push the
cock into her throat for a couple of inches before she need a breath and had to
take it back to her lips. Every once in a while, she glanced at the DVD to see
if there was any new technique she could learn from her mother

"Suck and lick my balls" said the Colonel.

Stacy ran her tongue over the Colonel's hairy nuts and then licked the ridge of
skin under his balls running back to his ass. The Colonel responded with a
rewarding moan. His cock was hard as a rock. His passion was young girls and
Stacy was exactly the type he preferred. He thought about watching her with
Consuela and his cock got even harder. The Colonel decided that if he was going
to deflower Stacy he had better get it inside her cunt or he was going to unload
in her mouth. There would be plenty of time later to let her swallow his load
and let her take his cock in her other virgin hole.

The Colonel reached down and pulled Stacy gently up off her knees. He pushed her
back on the couch on the white towel. He spread her legs and performed two slow
licks between her pussy lips.

"Oh that feels good. Ellen said there was nothing like having your pussy licked
by an expert. Please keep doing that." Said Stacy.

The Colonel licked and kissed Stacy's cunt as she moaned and gasped. She had
been wet when he started but now she was positively dripping. The Colonel stuck
a finger in her vagina causing Stacy to gasp any louder.

"Your finger feels so good. I can't wait until your cock is in there popping my
cherry." Said Stacy starting to push her cunt onto the Colonel's finger.

The Colonel raised Stacy's legs until they were on his shoulder. He rubbed his
cock up and down her slit.

"Put it in. I want it inside." Moaned Stacy.

The Colonel positioned his cock at Stacy's entrance and pushed it slightly
forward. Stacy was wet and the head moved inward without too much resistant.
Stacy let out a breath of air.

"Go on, I know it's going to hurt. I want you to bust my cherry so I can fuck
like my mommy." Said Stacy.

The Colonel push further in and Stacy let out another deep breath. Stacy was not
the Colonel's first virgin nor he hoped the last. But she was tight and she had
gotten him so hard with her mouth and attitude, he was having trouble not

From over at the computer, Stacy heard her mother's voice. "Put it in my ass. I
want your devil's cock in my ass. Show me how the spawn of Satan defiles a
Christian woman by sticking their hard cock in her ass."

Stacy reached her legs around the Colonel and hooked her ankles together and
jerked him into her. His cock slid all the way till his balls slapped her
bottom. Stacy felt a sharp pinch. It hurt like hell but was not all that much
worse than when she had her ears pierced on her thirteenth birthday. The Colonel
looked surprised but then started pumping into her.

The Colonel's cock felt Stacy's hymen tear across the head of his cock as her
legs pulled him as deep as he could go. Stacy reached up and gave the Colonel an
open mouth kiss with lots of tongue. The Colonel, as a matter of pride, willed
himself not to cum as he pounded his cock into Stacy. Stacy had planted her
heels on the couch arm and was using them to thrust upward each time the Colonel
drove downward. The Colonel couldn't last any longer. He withdrew his cock
until only the head was in Stacy then he plunged one final time downward and
pulsed half a dozen loads of cum into Stacy's deflowered cunt.

The Colonel rolled off Stacy, breathing hard and feeling a little dizzy. He lay
there a minute attempting to collect his bearings. He felt Stacy get off the
couch and walk over to the computer screen. Stacy looked at her Mother sitting
astride another soldier with his cock embedded in her ass. The look on her face
was a mask of concentration. Mother was chanting, "Defile me, Satan, defile
this Christian with your perverted act."

"Can you fuck me in the ass now? Mother seems to be really getting off on that."
Asked Stacy as she walked back over to the Colonel and climbed on top of him.
She reached down and felt his softening cock.

"I can suck you some more and then when you are hard again, you can put it in my
butt hole. I want to ride you like Mom is doing to your soldier." Said Stacy.

"We will need some lubricant. There is some in the bathroom medicine cabinet.
It's in a white and blue tube. Stacy went into the bathroom and found the tube
of K-Y Jelly. She also took a washrag and wet it with warm water and wrung it
out. Stacy walked quickly back into the office anxious to get started.

"Let me just lay here on the couch and this time, my young darling, you get to
do all the work." Said the Colonel.

Stacy took the wet rag and carefully washed the blood and semen off the
Colonel's cock. She dried it with a hand towel. It was starting to react to her

"It's a big cock for your little butt hole." Said the Colonel wondering if Stacy
understood how stretched out she would have to be to let his thick cock
penetrate her rectum.

"My tits may not be as big as my mother's but my holes are just as able to
handle a man's cock." Said Stacy as she started to lick the tip of the Colonel's
dick. The Colonel began to regain an erection. He looked down at the top of her
blonde head as she licked and sucked on his cock. The Colonel raised his legs
higher to give Stacy better access to his balls. "Lick my ass," said the Colonel
as he reached down, gripping his legs behind his knees and pulling them toward
his chest.

Stacy observed this movement gave her direct access to the Colonel's brown
puckered anus. Black curly hairs surrounded it. Stacy leaned forward and swiped
her tongue across the anal opening. She licked it up and down several times.

"Good, very good, see if you can get your tongue inside me," said the Colonel
bending his legs even further into his chest.

Stacy put her mouth over the Colonel's butt hole and started to massage it with
her lips and tongue. She pushed her mouth hard on to the opening and felt the
asshole open to receive her tongue. Stacy darted first the tip of her tongue
then the entire tongue into the Colonel's opening, bringing forth a loud, slow
moan from the Colonel's lips.

"Mother of God, by all the saints in heaven, this is wonderful." Whispered the

Stacy wondered whether the Colonel was like her mother in calling on the deities
as they fucked. She worked the Colonel's asshole open with her mouth, thrust her
tongue in as far as it would go and gave several strong swirls in both
directions. Her hand was on the Colonel's cock and she felt it was once again
fully erect.

"Let's do 69. Flip yourself around," said the Colonel.

Stacy swiveled around until her pussy was over the Colonel's face. The Colonel
rose up and gave her clitoris a lick. He took the tube of K-Y and smeared some
on Stacy's asshole and then slipped a finger in her butt. He handed Stacy the

"Do the same for me but gently. Lubricate you finger and my butt and then put
your finger up my ass." Said the Colonel.

Stacy kept sucking as she smeared the K-Y on her finger and rubbed it on the
Colonel's ass. His finger was in her ass and his mouth was licking her pussy
opening and clitoris. He put two fingers in her ass and began to slowly finger
fuck her butt hole.

"Slide your finger in me. Now very gently feel the bump in the top towards my
cock." Said the Colonel.

"I feel it," said Stacy taking the Colonel's cock out of her mouth.

"That's my prostate. Carefully rub your finger over the bump. Do it ever so
slowly and carefully." Said the Colonel.

As Stacy rubbed, she felt the Colonel's semen slowly seep into her mouth. I bet
even Ellen does not know about this thought Stacy.

The Colonel was working two and then three fingers into Stacy's butt. He used
two fingers to pull it open. He used more K-Y to make it even more lubricated.

"Let's see if you can do this. Do you want to get on top or should we start dog
style?" Asked the Colonel.

"Mom was on top. So I want to be on top," said Stacy as she straddled the
Colonel's body.

The Colonel grabbed his cock and held it rigidly upright by the base. Stacy
positioned the cock head at her opening and started to lower herself. The very
tip slipped past her sphincter and the ring started to open as the cock drove
further in. Stacy stopped with a look of pain on her face.

"Is it hurting too much? Perhaps we should stop for today and try later." Said
the Colonel.

Stacy had gone this far and was not about to quit. She had seen the soldier's
shoving his cock in her mother's butt and whatever Mon could do Stacy could do
as well. Stacy pulled her feet up and let her body drop down. The Colonel's cock
slid all the way into Stacy's bowels.

Stacy let out a long breath as a wave of pain constricted her ass. The Colonel
felt her butt muscle and rectum grab and squeeze his cock. Stacy raised herself
up and lowered again, repeating the motion of sliding the Colonel's cock deep
into her bowel. The pain started to subside as Stacy's body rose and fell.

"At first I thought I was going to die but it feels good now," said Stacy as she
started a regular rhythm.

The Colonel decided to lay back and enjoy. He closed his eyes and concentrated
on the sensations his cock was experiencing as it plunged into Stacy and then
withdrew. It was a muscle squeeze on the down stroke and strong suction on the
upstroke. The Colonel looked up to see that Stacy was rubbing her clitoris with
a finger in each side. She was rubbing hard and it was puffed out between her
well-lubricated fingers.

After several minutes of ass fucking, the Colonel heard Stacy starting to chant,
"Almost there, fuck my ass."

The chant became more rapid as it synchronized with the up and down motion as
Stacy ass fucked the Colonel. Finally, Stacy started to shake and twist her body
from side to side. Stacy screamed, "Fuck my ass, fuck my ass" as her body
convulsed and she climaxed. The Colonel released several spurts of cum into
Stacy's bowels. Stacy felt the Colonel warm cum inside her rectum and that set
off another climax that must have lasted a good ninety seconds.

Stacy slid off the Colonel onto the floor and lay there.

After several minutes of catching his breath, the Colonel got up and went into
the bathroom. Stacy could hear the sound of running water and assumed he was
washing himself. Stacy got up and walked back over to the computer. Her mother
was kissing a soldier as he left. When the soldier was gone, her mother walked
back to the bed, picked up a book from the nightstand and opened it to a

"What's my mom reading?" asked Stacy as the Colonel retuned to the room and
started to put his uniform back on.

"It's a bible. She asked for something to read on her breaks. We showed her our
limited library and she found a bible left by another Missionary that one of my
predecessors kept here. She was very happy with it. She said it was the right
version, King James I believe she called it," Said the Colonel.

"Breaks, she is on some kind of a schedule." Asked Stacy.

"She entertains an enlisted men for ninety minutes then she gets a thirty minute
break to clean up, enjoy a snack, whatever pleases her." Said the Colonel.

"How many men does she entertain a day?" asked Stacy.

"Eight each day. You had better get dressed. I want to take you to meet Consuela
and have breakfast. I have plans for the two of you to entertain two cadets this
afternoon. Do you feel ready for that?" asked the Colonel.

"Yes, that sounds easy after hearing my Mom's schedule." Said Stacy.
Chapter 8

Colonel Alvarez sat at his desk contemplating the surprising behavior of the
American family. It had been six days since they were arrested. The Colonel was
a man of considerable experience in bending humankind to his will. Since
graduating from the service academy, he had held positions of increasing
responsibility. He had developed a basic understanding that he role of the
federal forces was not to protect Mexico from other countries but to maintain
order and keep the population subjugated. Throughout his career, he had used
force, including torture and even murder in the service of the state and to
relieve the tedium of his job. What he found surprising was not that he was able
to force the three Tompkins to do his will but that they did it with such
enthusiasm and energy.

Over the last several years, he had dealt with several foreigners who had become
involved with the indigenous populations. He had made a few mistakes such as
that of the gringa whose teeth he had pulled. That had lead to a nasty public
relations problem when it turned out her family were major contributors to the
Republican Party and her brother's best friend worked for Amnesty International.
The Colonel had learned he would have to be subtler and interrogate foreign
prisoners in ways that left no visible, permanent damage. The Sergeant and he
had investigated ways to cause pain without damage and that had resulted in
replacing all the Sergeant's whips with different models. This had worked
admirably. The newer whips hurt just as badly but did not shred the flesh.

Torturing the local Indian population was another thing entirely. There he could
flay them alive and not be concerned about complaints. But all in all, the
Colonel had come to believe that a really brilliant man like himself could get
his way with a minimum of physical force and rely mainly on physiological
pressure. This he had done with the three Americans. Of course, he had used the
whip on the father and mother to soften them up. They both had an amazing low
tolerance for pain. But with the three Americans, it was as if he had given them
a gentle nudge and they had taken off on their own steam.

The wife, Ann, had fucked eight of his enlisted men each day for the last five
days, a total of forty in all. She had shown no sign of stress or fatigue. She
greeted each man with a passionate embrace. Her pulling their clothes off
quickly followed. A blowjob was normally the start. The next step was a hard
fuck. If the soldier had the stamina and some of his older enlisted men did not,
another blowjob and anal sex was the finale. All the time, Ann would be chanting
religious words about God, and Jesus, and Satan in a rather mixed up incoherent
fashion. The enlisted men had no idea what to make of the gringa who sounded
like a nun and fucked like a well-trained whore.

The Colonel had visited Ann today during one of her breaks. She smiled and put
aside her bible when he entered the cell. She got up off the bed and walked over
to him and gave him a very passionate kiss as she felt for his crotch.

"Ann, I just came to see how you are doing for myself. My men report that you
are performing your duties admirably." Said the Colonel.

Ann was busy unzipping his pants and fishing his cock out. As soon as she had
gotten her hands on it and pulled it free of his trousers, she dropped down on
her knees and began to run her tongue over the tip of it. The Colonel decided to
let her continue. The guard would delay the next scheduled soldier.

"Thank you, Jesus" said Ann as the Colonel's cock began to harden and lengthen.

The Colonel had not gone to Ann's cell for sex but once there with her mouth
working his cock, he decided to let her continue. They could talk afterwards.
The Colonel began to unbutton his uniform coat.

"Do you want to enter me or fill my mouth with your evil seed?" asked Ann

"Entering you will do." Said the Colonel who found himself kicking off his shoes
and letting his trousers drop as he was walked toward the bed. Ann's hand was
firmly stroking his cock on the way to the bed.

"Oh yes, sweet Jesus, test thy servant Ann by allowing the Colonel's member to
violate my womanhood." Intoned Ann as the Colonel rubbed his cock up and down
Ann's wet slit.

"Oh thy will be done." Whispered Ann as the Colonel began to slide his cock
inside her. Ann began to thrust her hips upward as the Colonel stroked her. Her
legs wrapped around him and she matched him stroke for stroke.

"My God this woman can fuck," thought the Colonel who was getting increasingly
turned on by Ann. The Colonel decided to give as good as he got and began
pounding his cock in her pussy whose muscular walls gave his dick a powerful
squeeze each time he entered her.

"This is really extraordinary. And to think, her daughter is just as eager for
sex and just as good at providing it. The acorn does not fall far from the tree
as the Americans say." Thought the Colonel.

The Colonel fucked Ann for a good ten minutes before he dumped a load of cum in
her. As he climaxed, Ann went into a paroxysm of thrashing and twisting as she
joined him. Ann yelled in a loud voice "Thank You Jesus, Thank you for the

The Colonel was out of breath and rolled off Ann.

"Do you want me to lick your devil's tool clean?" asked Ann.

"Yes, Senora Ann" nodded the Colonel.

Ann began to lick the Colonel's sticky cock. The Colonel reached over to the
nightstand and picked up the bible that Ann read every chance she got. He opened
it to where Ann had placed a folded piece of paper she used as a bookmark. The
bible opened to the Book of Job.

"I see you are reading about Job. Is this your favorite part of the Bible?"
asked the Colonel.

It's the part that most closely resembles my situation here. I started with
Abraham and Isaac then tried Jonah and the Whale but Job's story is the one."
Said Ann looking up from the Colonel's cock she was busy licking clean.

"How are Stacy and Bill?" asked Ann

"I removed Stacy from the prison. I felt it was not safe. She is staying in my
residence where she has the companionship of my ward, Consuela. Consuela, like
your daughter is fifteen years old. The girls get along well and find much to
amuse themselves with." Said the Colonel wondering how Ann would have reacted if
he had added "The two of them screw several military cadets each afternoon and
the only one in this institution that is as big a whore as yourself is your
daughter, Stacy." But the Colonel just smiled that the thought.

"Jesus has answered my prayers if Stacy is safe. Stacy is very mature for her
age but she is barely fourteen not fifteen." Said Ann.

"Only fourteen thought the Colonel. My God, she is younger than Consuela,"
thought the Colonel.

"And where is Bill? Is he okay?" asked Ann

"Your husband is the guest of Captain Gomez. He and Lt. Alzado have become fast
friends with Senior Tompkins. They play golf or tennis every afternoon if the
weather permits." Said the Colonel failing to include that Bill played, dressed
in women's golf or tennis clothes. The Colonel had seen them on the golf course
yesterday and Bill had looked quite fetching in a short golf skirt. He was
wearing a white skirt, peach blouse, matching shoes, a short wig, and a pearl
necklace loaned Bill by Lt. Alzado. The Colonel had thought at the time that if
he had not known that was a man, he would have wanted to fuck him.

"Oh thank you Jesus," said Ann as she slipped down to kneel by the side of the
bed and started to pray. Ann was certain that the good treatment of her family
was due to divine intervention that was her reward for overcoming evil eight
times each day.

The Colonel got up and started to dress. Ann interrupted her prayers to ask "I
can suck you hard again and then you can fuck me in my ass if you like."

"Some other time. I would not want to delay your next appointment. My soldiers
so look forward to the time they spend with you." Said the Colonel.

Later in his office the Colonel thought about Ann and the Book of Job and
decided that he would push Ann a little just to see what would happen.

"Captain Gomez would like to see you." Announced his aide Lt. Manuela Souza.
Manuela was an attractive female officer, one of the first women graduates of
the Mexican military service academy.

"Send him in but after he leaves, I have a matter I wish to discuss with you."
Said the Colonel.

Captain Gomez walked in and saluted. The Colonel returned the salute and asked
the Captain to be seated.

"Colonel, I have a request." Said Captain Gomez.

"And what may that be." Asked the Colonel.

"My cousin has invited me to attend a weekend party at his place on the coast.
As you know, he is a man of extreme wealth and has similar taste to my own. I
request your permission to attend and I want to take Lt. Alzado and Senor
Tompkins with me. My cousin will send his plane to pick us up if you agree."
Said Captain Gomez.

The Colonel was well aware that Captain Gomez's cousin was the second wealthiest
man in Mexico. The Colonel also knew that the cousin was well known for his
homosexual parties where wealthy men, including Hollywood celebrities would
bring boys and men dressed as women for weekend orgies.

"I would have to hold you responsible for insuring the safe return of Senor
Tompkins? Said the Colonel.

"Of course, Colonel, That is understood." Said the Captain.

"How goes matters with Senor Tompkins? I saw the three of you on the tennis
courts yesterday. Where did you manage to find feminine apparel that fit him in
such a short time?" asked the Colonel?

"It goes well. He is the same size as Lt. Alzado. He can wear the same clothes.
However, the Lieutenant says that the difference in skin tone required that he
have Victoria Secret overnight a complete set of lingerie in colors better
suited to Senor Tompkins complexion. I had to agree once I saw Senor Tompkins in
the new lingerie." Said the Captain.

"Well, Enjoy Senor Tompkins while you can. I suspect that within the week I will
be receiving inquiries from headquarters about the family." Said the Colonel.

"Thank you. I will miss him as will Lt. Alzado." Said the Captain who got up,
saluted and marched from the room.

"Senorina Tompkins would like to ask you a question. She says it would only take
a minute." Said Lt. Souza.

"All right, send her in," said the Colonel.

Stacy came bounding in the room dressed in a thong bikini and hopped into the
Colonel's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down for
a serious kiss.

"You have not fucked me in two days." Said Stacy.

"I fucked you last night." Said the Colonel.

"No, you fucked Consuela while I licked your balls." Said Stacy.

"Well, I cannot ignore Consuela." Said the Colonel.

"Want to fuck me now?" said Stacy as she wiggled her bottom against the
Colonel's crotch.

"I would love to but I have a much work to do. I promise you that I will give
you the fucking of your life tonight after dinner." Said the Colonel.

"You promise?" said Stacy.

"I promise. My aide said you had a request," said the Colonel.

"Could I borrow some of the DVDs that you made of my Mom? I want to show
Consuela." Said Stacy.

"I will tell Lt. Souza to get them for you. By the way, I saw your mother this
morning and she continues to enjoy her work with the enlisted men." Said the

"Did you fuck her?" said Stacy who wiggled her bottom vigorously on the
Colonel's lap.

"As a matter of fact, I did." Said the Colonel.

"Is she a better fuck than me?" asked Stacy.

"No one is a better fuck that you. My cadets want to marry you. They are all in
love with you and one even approached me about asking your father for your hand
in marriage." Said the Colonel

"I'm too young to get married," said Stacy obviously pleased with the Colonel's

"But you mother considers herself on a divine mission. It is most strange. She
is reading the bible and fucking a different enlisted man every two hours." Said
the Colonel.

"What part?" asked Stacy?

"Her mouth, pussy, ass, she uses them all." said the Colonel.

"No, silly, I meant what part of the Bible?" asked Stacy.

"She reads the Book of Job. She says it mirrors her real life experience." Said
the Colonel.

"That figures. She takes everyday activities of life and makes them into an act
of God. She has to hump your soldiers but instead of just enjoying being
screwed, she has to pretend she's doing it for Jesus. I guess it gets her
through her day." Said Stacy.

"And I need to get through mine. So run along and find Consuela. You two have
some cadets to entertain this afternoon." Said the Colonel.

"Four of them and I am going to screw all four." Said Stacy as she jumped up and
raced from the room.

"You had something you wanted to discuss with me? Asked Lt. Souza.

"Yes, You are familiar with the ranks of enlisted women." Asked the Colonel.

"Yes, there are about forty five enlisted women in your command." Said Lt.

"How many are lesbians?" asked the Colonel.

"I don't know. Is there something wrong with being a lesbian?" asked Lt. Souza
starting to be concerned.

"Not at all. But I was just thinking that I am allowing the enlisted men to fuck
Senora Tompkins. Perhaps, I should offer her to any of our enlisted women who
are gay." Said the Colonel
"There are two diesel dykes in Transport that would appreciate the Colonel's
generosity." Said Lt. Souza.

"Then schedule them after today's last enlisted men. Tell them that they cannot
harm the Senora but that they are to bring anything they normally use. I want
Senora Tompkins to experience lesbian sex to the fullest extent possible. Tell
them to bring any toys they normally use in lesbian sex. Be sure they fist fuck
her. And make certain we capture the video; I will want to show it to Stacy. And
by the way, give Stacy copies of the DVDs we have already made of her mother.
She and Consuela want to look at them." Said the Colonel.
Chapter 9

Ann had been informed that after her last enlisted visitor, there would be two
special guests sent by Colonel Alvarez for her to entertain. The guard had
delivered a large plate of fruits, cheeses and nuts for Ann to eat and then
share with her next guests. There was also a chilled bottle of white wine and
Ann poured a glass while she ate some of the excellent local fruit.

The last enlisted man had looked to be barely eighteen years of age. He was well
muscled and had a golden brown complexion with excellent teeth. His skin was
without a blemish and his uncircumcised cock was the largest that Ann had seen.
It was perfectly smooth and had an even tanned appearance. Ann took this as a
sign that the devil was fully committed to tempting her. She decided that this
enlisted man was too beautiful to be a mere soldier but was one of the devil's
own that was sent to earth to tempt weak women who had no faith in the Lord.

The soldier confirmed his devil's heritage when he told her he spoke good
English having been raised in the border city of Juarez and attended school in
El Paso where his mother had worked until found and deported by the INS.

In her mind, Ann accepted the devil's challenge. Through the young soldier, she
would achieve new heights. With him, She had vaginal intercourse three times and
anal intercourse once in the allocated ninety minutes. The young tempter of
women had cum almost immediately when he entered Ann after she had sucked him to
the point where he almost came in her mouth. The entry of such a large beautiful
cock into her vagina caused Ann to gasp for breath as she was invaded. She
sucked him again and he became hard immediately. The second fuck was only a few
seconds longer than the first. Ann immediately lay on top of the young soldier
in the sixty-nine position. She licked his asshole and then shoved a wet finger
into his butt while she sucked his cock. The soldier was busy licking her
clitoris and vaginal opening and swallowing a quantity of his own semen and
Ann's secretions. Once hard again, Ann mounted him in cowgirl style and fucked
him to his third climax.

The soldier had requested a few minutes to catch his breath. Ann lay on top of
the soldier kissing him. After a few minutes she returned to working on his cock
with her mouth.

"Have you ever fucked a woman in the ass?" asked Ann.

"No, Senora, I have only lain with one other woman prior to you." Said the

Ann knew the pretense of innocence by this tool of the devil was a lie but she
pretended not to notice. Ann used her mouth to bring his cock erect for the
fourth time. She lubricated his cock using a tube of K-Y jelly. She smeared some
on her asshole and slipped her own fingers in her butt to loosen herself up.

Ann positioned her body to where his cock was at the entrance to her asshole.

"Grab your cock at the base and hold it tight while I slip it inside my ass."
Said Ann to the soldier.

Slipping a cock inside your ass in the cowgirl position is not that easy; but
Ann had done it many times in the last six days. When she felt his cock head
positioned at her entrance she relaxed her sphincter and slid the very tip into
her hole. She lowered herself slightly to get the cock head inside her rectum.
Ann repositioned her feet and slowly lowered herself down. The soldier let out a
loud groan of pleasure. Ann took a couple of deep abdominal breaths to relax her
muscles as his cock slid further inside her than any other.

Ann thought how the Lord worked in wondrous ways. She had just taken the largest
cock she had ever seen into her ass with no pain. "Thanks be to Jesus," she
muttered. She felt it reaching deep inside her bowels pushing against the walls
of her rectum and bowel. Her sphincter was stretched around it like a tight
rubber band.

"Oh my God" exclaimed the soldier.

The soldier called on God thought Ann. Could she, with Jesus' help, made a
convert. Could the glory and belief of God be transmitted through her ass into
the soldier's cock to change this minion of the devil to a believer in Christ?
Ann decided to be cautious.

"Oh Lord, this is heaven" said the soldier.

"Do you feel the power passing into your cock from my ass?" asked Ann.

"Yes, I feel it," said he soldier not knowing what Ann meant but deciding to be

"Then feel the full force of God's glory, child of Satan, feel your cock sliding
in the path of righteous. Do you feel it" screamed Ann.

"I feel it. I feel it," said the soldier as his balls began to signal that one
more load of cum was about to be launched.

"If you feel it, then fill me with your devil's venom." Said Ann as she reached
over and slipped her tongue in the soldier's mouth. Then she straightened back
up bringing his hands to her breasts. The soldier grabbed Ann's nipples and
twisted them hard as he came in her ass. He twisted even harder as Ann gave his
cock one very long hard squeeze with her ass and screamed "The Rapture, Oh The
Rapture, thank you sweet Jesus"

The soldier dressed and left quickly. Ann was a little disappointed, as she had
wanted to talk and find out exactly how the soldier felt God's power while his
cock was in her ass. She knew he must have felt something deeply spiritual.

Outside the cell, the guard whispered to the young soldier.

"Crazy bitch, huh? You fuck her ass with that big cock of yours?" asked the

"Yes, she is a witch, my mother would tell you she was sent by the devil." Said
the soldier.

"Yes, but your mother can't fuck like her. I am going to let her rest a while
then the Colonel has arranged a little surprise for the Senora." Said the guard.

"A surprise?" asked the soldier.

"Yes, the Senora will be receiving a visit by those two dykes that work in
Transport. The Colonel wants to see if the Senora can eat pussy as well as she
sucks cock." Said the guard.

Ann took a shower then poured herself a glass of wine and ate some more fruit.
She was wondering what the Colonel was planning when the cell door opened and
two female soldiers with short hair walked into her cell.

The devil is cunning thought Ann. Jesus and I have triumphed over his male
minions now he seeks to win by sending females. The devil knows that there is
nothing more loathsome to God's law than lesbian sex. It was one of the most
vile and filthy perversions known to God. Satan must be sensing that Ann had
been empowered by the Holy Spirit and he was becoming desperate.

The two female soldiers walked over to the bed and lay down on either side of
Ann. One spoke good English.

"This is Theresa. I'm Louisa. The Colonel said the two of us could have some fun
with you tonight. We brought some toys" Said Louisa as she opened a black bag
and took out a nine inch life like rubber cock that was battery powered. She
also took out a long double-ended dildo.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" asked Ann who was thinking to herself that the
dildo was a model for Satan's own cock. Ann reached over to take the wine bottle
and poured two glasses.

"Have some fruit and cheese. There much more than I can eat." Said Ann as she
thought about how vile and evil was the work of the devil compared to the glory
of Christ.

Louisa was amazed at the condition and attitude of Ann. She had expected a
dirty, fucked out, terrified woman who trembled at the touch. Two months ago,
She and Theresa had helped clean up a gringa prior to her release. The Colonel
and his men had been working on the gringa for almost a month. The poor woman
had no teeth. Her back had been covered with raw welts that had barely scabbed
over and she screamed when Theresa and she had tried to wash her. The gringa
could barely walk; one of her legs joints had been dislocated during a gang
rape. The gringa's vagina and ass were an angry red and her asshole gaped open
from being repeated raped.

In contrast, Ann looked unharmed, clean, and well fed. Furthermore, she was
attractive with blonde hair and long legs. Her breasts were particularly
beautiful. She was not afraid even though Louisa knew several soldiers in
Transport had raped her. The soldiers had bragged what a great fuck Ann was and
how she did not seem to ever get enough cock. When Lt. Souza had told them that
they were to pay a visit to the gringa and have sex with her, Louisa had
protested. Louisa said she was opposed to rape of women prisoners and that the
poor woman had probably been hurt enough.

"It's not what you think. Senora Tompkins has been well treated and the Colonel
instructed me to order you to treat her well also and see that no harm comes to
her. He said you are to take your dildos and strap-ons and enjoy yourself.
Louisa watched Lt. Souza's butt as she walked away. "That's one officer, I would
like to see eating my pussy" thought Louisa.

Louisa and Theresa stood up and started to undress. Ann slipped the nightgown
off. Louisa kissed Ann as Theresa began sucking Ann's nipples. Ann let out a low
moan and Louisa heard her whisper "Satan, you will not triumph."

Ann returned Louisa's kisses. Once again, with Christ's help, perverted lesbian
sex was being changed from the abomination that Ann knew it was into a moment of
God's pleasure. Ann felt her nipples harden as Theresa gently licked one breast
as her hand kneaded the other. Ann moaned and passionately kissed Louisa. Their
tongues tangled together as they took turns invading each other's mouth. Ann
felt her cunt began to moisten. "Yes, Jesus, I know you are with me," She
whispered as her hand reached down to cup Louisa's pussy.

"I am so wet for the Senora. Have you ever used your mouth on another woman?"
asked Louisa.

"No, until now I have always considered it against God's law. But I have a
higher purpose now and these lewd acts are blessed by Jesus, " replied Ann.

"Then let me show you and then you can do it to me and Theresa." Said Louisa.

"All right, eat me and then I will eat the two of you." Said Ann

Louisa scooted down in the bed leaving Theresa to suck on Ann's breasts. Louisa
used her fingers to part Ann's labial lips and began to lick the crease where
Ann's leg joined her crotch. Louisa firmly believed that no man could ever eat
pussy as well as a lesbian. Men tended to rush it and concentrate on the
clitoris, which often quickly became too sensitive for their rough, pushing
tongues. Louisa kept it slow and gentle and licked the area below Ann's vaginal
opening toward her asshole. Ann responded by raising her legs to give Louisa
better access.

"Oh Jesus, you are wonderful." Thought Ann. The feeling in her vagina took Ann
to The Rapture and kept her there. With men, The Rapture had been momentary
lasting a few seconds but the lesbian's tongue sustained Ann in a prolonged
state that she never wanted to end. Ann felt a finger inserted in her vagina.
The finger moved inside her to find that small rough spot that increased her

The other soldier alternated kissing Ann's mouth with sucking on her breasts.
After several minutes, the soldiers changed their positions to create a daisy
chain. Ann was faced with Theresa's pussy while Theresa started to lick Louisa's
cunt. Ann was in no hurry, wanting to prolong her triumph over the devil.
Theresa's cunt was moist and smelled earthy but clean. Ann licked Theresa
mimicking the way that Louisa was licking her. Ann stuck a finger in Theresa and
was rewarded with a loud moan.

Ann felt something invade her vagina and looked down to see that Louisa was
pushing the tip of the dildo into her. Ann was so wet that it slid all the way
to where only the very end stuck out of her opening. The tip of the dildo was
lodged against her cervical opening. Louisa twisted the dildo cap and Ann felt
a gentle hum as the vibrator started up. Louisa placed her hands on the
underside of Ann's leg to push her further open given her better access to Ann's

Theresa's hips bucked each time Ann licked her. Theresa's vaginal fluids had
started to copiously flow out of her cunt. Ann savored them and found the taste
was wonderful. Ann swirled her tongue around in Theresa's cunt while she tickled
her asshole with a wet finger.

The three-way muff diving continued on for a long time. They switched around
several times. It kept Ann on a sexual high and Louisa and Theresa seemed to be
in the same state. Finally the women rolled apart and rested. After a while,
Louisa looked at Ann and said "The Colonel wanted us to us our toys on you. Have
you ever been fucked with a strap-on?"

"No, but if that is what the Colonel wants, then we must do it." Said Ann ready
and eager to face any and all of the devil's challenges.

Louisa looked into the canvas bag they bought and pulled out two leather harness
and two large latex cocks. They attached the harness to their waists and secured
them with a strap that went from their navel through their crack, fastening in
the rear. They secured the latex cocks in place and started to apply a

"Ever been fucked in the ass?" asked Louisa.

"Many times in the last few days." Answered Ann.

"Let's start with you in the dog position and me underneath." Said Louisa lying
on her back.

Ann got on top of Louisa and slid the latex cock inside her pussy.

"It's big and its wide." Said Ann as she felt it slide in inside her. It took a
strong push to reach the point where she and Louisa were clitoris to clitoris.

"Now Theresa, fuck her ass." Said Louisa.

Theresa started by spreading Ann's ass checks and placing her mouth over Ann's
asshole. She began with strong licks then managed to center her lips over the
hole. Using tongue and lips, she opened Ann up and swirled her tongue. Then
Theresa sucked on the relaxed and open asshole. She sucked it open and then
shoved her tongue back inside.

Louisa looked up to see the look of intense pleasure on Ann's face. "Theresa is
wonderful with assholes. I love it when she does mine." Said Louisa.

"It is wonderful. She is sucking my asshole. It's feels so good." Said Ann.

Ann felt Theresa shift her position. Next she felt Teresa's strap-on cock
positioned at her ass. Ann pushed back to get it inside her. Theresa pushed
forward and the cock slid past her sphincter into her rectum. Ann felt the
pressure of the two cocks inside her as Louisa started to coordinate her upward
thrusts with Theresa's downward ones. Ann felt both cocks move separated by a
thin wall of tissue. The leather harness rubbed against her clitoris. Ann was
certain the moment of ultimate rapture had begin. Her complete insides felt the
double latex invasion that rippled through her vaginal path and bowels. When
they withdrew the suction felt like her insides were being drawn out. Ann
whimpered with pleasure and tears formed in her eyes. Jesus is protecting me
from harm thought Ann.

Ann felt her climax building. Then it came over her like a giant ocean wave that
rolled and tossed her body in the surf, leaving her breathless.

"Some fuck, huh. Let's switch and you can do me. Here, put this on" Said Louisa
as she unfastened the harness and handed it to Ann. Louisa helped Ann attach it
to her waist and then Ann lay down and Louisa lowered her onto the cock. Theresa
fucked Louisa in the ass. At the end, Ann and Louisa fucked Theresa in both her
holes. Theresa let out a little squeal each time Ann drive the latex dick into
her ass.

There was a brief rest where the women drank wine and ate some fruit.

"The Colonel wanted you fisted." Said Louisa after a while.

"What's that?" asked Ann.

"We'll show you," said Louisa as she retrieved a pair of latex surgical gloves
from the bag and two foil wrapped sticks. Louisa unwrapped the foil and showed

"It's Crisco sticks. They work better than anything. Get in the dog position
pointing your butt into the air with your head down." Said Louisa.

Ann assumed the position and immediately felt one of the sticks shoved in her
ass and the other in her pussy. Louisa and Theresa and put a surgical glove on
their right hand. Both women started to work their hands inside Ann. The Crisco
allowed the hands to slide past the openings.

Ann started to feel herself being stretched. Louisa used her other hand to
manipulate Ann's clitoris.

"Take slow deep breaths," said Louisa.

As Ann breathed in and out, the women slide their hands inside Ann. She felt
Theresa's fingers in her rectum and Louisa's in her cunt. She felt the fingers
contract into a fist and push forward. The fists felt huge as they moved further
inside her. Ann founds herself gasping for breath. Theresa seemed to have her
whole arm inside Ann's bowels. Louisa's fist was burrowing into her cervical

"Oh God, that feels strange. I can feel your hands inside my body. Its like the
Holy Spirit is reaching inside me," Said Ann.

The two lesbians began a regular rhythm of fisting Ann. Ann started to
hyperventilate. The fists moved faster. Louisa's thumb was a blur on Ann's
clitoris. Finally Ann screamed "Jesus, I feel you inside me. I feel the Holy
Spirit." Ann writhed and convulsed in an orgasm that caused her whole body to
shudder. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she fainted.

When Ann woke up, she was in the bed covered up and the lesbian soldiers were
gone. The two soldiers had taken the trouble to straighten up the bed and cover
Chapter 10

Bill Tompkins was seated beside Lt. Alzado in the Learjet flying toward a small
private airport located on Capt. Gomez's cousin's ocean front estate. The
Captain was dressed in civilian clothes, a tight fitting pair of Versace jeans
and silk shirt with a pair of Prada casuals on his feet.

"You look very beautiful, Bill, But what are we going to call you at the party"
asked Capt. Gomez.

"Bill is going to be called Ann and I'm Stacy. Isn't that just too cool? We are
replicating Bill's family names." Said Lt. Alzado.

"Okay, Ann, and Stacy. Does that mean that I'm Bill and I introduce you two as
my wife and daughter?" asked the Captain.

"Oh, yes, let's do it that way. Just thinking about us as a family makes my cock
hard. How about you, Ann?" asked the Lieutenant as she slipped his hand up Ann's
skirt to feel his cock encased in a pair of raw silk panties.

"Ann's hard too" said the Lieutenant reaching over to give Bill a little peck on
the cheek.

The Captain looked at the two men and marveled at how expert the Lieutenant was
at cross dressing himself and Bill. Even the Colonel had commented after seeing
Bill on the golf course the other day that if he had not known Bill was a man,
he would have asked the Captain to share the senora.

Bill nee Ann was dressed very smartly in a knit dress with very much the look of
a wealthy NorteAmericano. The dress and bag was Chanel. Manolo Blatnik shoes
and David Yurman jewelry completed the outfit. Lt. Alzado nee Stacy had a
shorter skirt and top he purchased from the Bebe store on Rodeo drive the last
time he was in Los Angeles. They certainly were dressed as mother and daughter.

They were going as a fantasy family. The Captain would have to offer the
cross-dressed mother and daughter to his cousin. His cousin had a real taste for
the unusual and the Captain was certain, his Cousin would be enthralled at the

Bill nee Ann loved the feel of the nylons and panties under his skirt. He looked
down at his polished nails and was happy to see not a single chip. He and the
Lieutenant had spent the afternoon carefully waxing all the hair off their
bodies. There was not a single hair anywhere except under his blonde wig. His
asshole and balls were completely smooth. Bill wished he had real tits and a
vagina. The Lieutenant had fitted him with a 36C bra and a pair of falsies. "Oh
well, Just have to do the best I can with what I got." Rationalized Bill nee

The plane landed and taxied up to a limousine. The crew opened the door and
extended the stairs. The co-pilot went down the stairway first. As Bill walked
off the co-pilot extended his hand to Bill.

"Oh God, I love to be treated like a lady." Thought Bill as he took the
co-pilot's hand and stepped onto the tarmac.

The limousine drove them to a mansion overlooking the Pacific. There was a
Mariachi band playing on the patio where a buffet had been set out. A number of
guests had already arrived. Bill looked in the pool and recognized a Hollywood
action star lying naked on a float surrounded by four naked boys who Bill would
have guessed were teenagers. The young boys were taking turned sucking the
star's erect cock. Bill's first urge was to jump in the pool and join the cock

Bill and the Lieutenant were introduced as Ann and Stacy to the Captain's
cousin. The Cousin was named Esteban and immediately put his arms around the two
of them and kissed Bill using a lot of tongue, which Bill returned.

"I want to fuck you and your daughter." Whispered Esteban to Ann as he cupped
Ann's butt cheek and pulled her in tight.

"Of course, However, She is not a virgin. If I don't watch her carefully, Stacy
will allow everyone here to have her." Said Bill falling into the role of

"You all enjoy the party and get some food. I will catch up with you later. I
have something very unusual for you two to enjoy." Said the Cousin indicating
that he needed to greet other arriving guests.

The party built in intensity as the evening progressed. A buffet of cocaine was
set up near the band. There were a number of wealthy businessmen and celebrities
each dancing with one of more boys or men dressed as women. Ann nee Bill and
Stacy had changed into cocktail dresses. Ann nee Bill was amazed at how
convincingly feminine in appearance some of the men were. Before long clothes
began to come off. Ann was watching the dancing when an enormous man asked her
to dance. Ann estimated he was well over six feet tall and must have weighed
three hundred pounds. When Ann put her arms around him, he felt like all muscle

The man introduced himself as "Mark". Mark was pleased to find that Ann was an

"What's your line of work?" asked Mark

"Religion, I am the minister of a church in Nashville. You must be in sports?"

asked Ann.

"Defensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens," replied Mark.

"Is this your first time here?" asked Ann.

"Yes, great party, one of my team mates knows our host. He's over there dancing
without a shirt." Said Mark indicating a smaller but athletically built man who
had just pulled his shirt off and was swinging it around his head.

Mark reached down and grabbed Ann's butt cheeks in his huge palms and pulled Ann
close enough to grind his cock against Ann's crotch.

"That feels good." Said Ann as he placed his hands on Marks butt and hugged him
tight. Ann nee Bill wondered for a moment how he was going to have sex with Mark
without being crushed.

Mark bent down and gave Ann a deep kiss, invading Ann's mouth with an enormous
tongue. Ann returned the kiss placing his hand on the back of Marks head and
holding his head while his tongue probed Mark's mouth. Ann wanted Mark to make
love to him. He felt his cock drip a drop of pre-cum into his panties.

Mark led Ann off the dance floor. Ann looked at Stacy who smiled knowingly.
Stacy seemed to mouth the words "Going to get fucked, naughty girl"

Mark pushed Ann into a bedroom and pulled up his skirt as he kissed him. He
reached down inside Ann's panties and grabbed his hardening cock.

"I need you, Senora. You are very beautiful. I want to suck your cock." Mark
said as he fell to his knees in front of Ann. Mark pulled Ann's panties off. As
he did, Ann leaned back onto a small table. Mark took Ann's cock in his mouth
and started sucking. Ann relaxed back onto the table. Mark was intent on Ann's
cock and it quickly got hard. Mark removed his shirt revealing a body builder's
torso with large shoulders and pectorals.

Ann looked down at the top of Marks great head as Mark greedily sucked his cock.
Ann nee Bill was hard as a rock. Mark was wiping his wet cock across his face
tonguing it from side to side. After several minutes of watching Mark lick and
suck his cock, Ann was about to cum in Mark's mouth. However, Mark stopped
sucking and got down on all fours with his butt toward Ann. Mark pulled his
pants down and bent over showing his asshole to Ann.

"Fuck me, Ann, Put your big dick in me and fuck me hard." Said Mark as he pulled
his ass cheeks apart to reveal his brown hole.

Ann kneeled down immediately, grabbing a tube of K-Y out of his purse. Ann
squeezed a got of lube on his finger and shoved it into Mark's puckered ass. She
fingered his prostate the way Lt. Alzado had taught her. Mark's large body
shuddered and he moaned.

"Lube me up and fuck the shit out of me, Ann. Ram you cock in my ass." Begged

Ann worked the tip of his cock into Mark's opening and then pushed his cock head
past the anal ring. Mark's face was on the floor and his ass was as high in the
air as it would go. Ann grabbed Mark's hips and slammed forward. Mark let out a
cry as his bowels filled with Ann's cock.

"Oh, your beautiful Ann. Slam your pretty cock in me all the way to your balls,"
shouted Mark.

Due to the difference in size, Ann was able to stand fully erect and fuck
downward in Mark's asshole. Ann gave Mark's butt a hard slap.

"Oh that feels good, spank my ass harder." Begged Mark.

Ann delivered alternating hard spanks to each side of Mark's hard muscular butt.
Ann struck hard repeatedly and his hand started to hurt.

Ann pumped his cock in Mark's butt for a good ten minutes before he filled it
with cum. Mark had moaned and grunted each time Ann plowed his cock into Mark's

"How do you want to finish? I can suck you or you can fuck me?' asked Ann
attempting to cope with this new experience.

"I'm into something a little different, water sports. I want you to sit on my
face with your cock in my mouth and piss while I jerk off. Piss a little to get
me started. When I start to cum, let it fly. Can you do that?" asked Mark.

"I'll give it a try." Said Ann.

Mark lay down on his back and started jerking his cock. Ann squatted on his
chest and put his cock just inside Mark's mouth. Ann managed to begin with a
small trickle that dripped into Mark's mouth. "That's great." Said Mark as he
swallowed Ann's urine.

Ann watched Mark's playing with himself and ever so often squirted some pee in
Mark's mouth. He reached back and grabbed Mark's nipples and began to squeeze
and twist them using considerable force. Mark's body was a mountain of hard
muscle and sinew and his nipples even felt like hard little lumps of muscle.

"Get ready. I'm going to shoot. Give me all your piss, now" said Mark who hand
was flying up and down his cock.

Ann released his bladder, filling Mark's mouth with golden urine. Mark swallowed
a full mouthful as his cock shot a tablespoon of cum into the air. Mark kept
stroking and cumming as Ann completely emptied his bladder.

"That was terrific." Said Mark after they had finished.

Ann leaned down and kissed Mark tasting his urine in Mark's mouth. Ann then
moved down to Mark's cock and slowly licked the semen off it.

Mark and Ann cuddled for several minutes. "I guess we better get back to the
party." Said Mark.

"Yes, my daughter Stacy and I are supposed to entertain our host before the
evening is over." Said Ann.

"Listen, the Ravens play the Titans next year in Nashville in October. Can I
give you a call?" asked Mark.

"I would love that" said Ann nee Bill as he wrote his real name and church
office telephone number down for Mark.

Ann returned to the party after a visit to the ladies room. The room was crowded
but not a single lady was present.
Ann found Stacy and the Bill nee Captain Gomez waiting by the dance floor. On
the other side of the room, someone had lined up three of the "women" on a couch
and several males were taking turns fucking them in the ass or getting their
cocks sucked.

"I love double penetration." Said Stacy. "I may join them on the couch later.
That looks like fun."

"There's Esteban. He's motioning for us to follow. I wonder what his special
surprise is." Said Bill nee Captain Gomez.

Esteban led them back into the mansion and up the stairs to a large second floor
bedroom. The bedroom was large and sumptuously appointed. Ann guessed it was the
one where Esteban slept. There was a king size bed in the center of the room.
There were several Greco-Roman life size statues of naked men decorating the
room. When Ann looked up at the ceiling, there was a Greek style fresco of men
having sex with one another. The center scene was a warrior dressed in armor
like Ann remembered from the Iliad. The warrior was holding his shield and spear
in one arm while he rammed an enormous erect cock into the butt of a bent over
boy. Just looking at the ceiling gave Ann a hard on.

As soon as they were in the bedroom, a young person entered the room from
another door. If Ann had been anywhere else, he would have assumed the person
was a young lady in her teens. However, given the situation, Ann thought it was
a young man who looked like a beautiful girl.

"This is Chantal." Said Esteban. "Darling Chantal, this is my Cousin Bill, his
wife Ann and their daughter Stacy. I brought them to meet you and be entertained
by your little secret."

"It is a privilege to entertain Don Estaban's guests." Said Chantal in a voice

that was unmistakably feminine.

Don Esteban had uncorked a bottle of champagne and poured a glass for everyone.
He raised his in a toast.

"To the mystery that Chantal will now reveal." Toasted Don Estaban.

After the glasses were emptied, Chantal pulled the slip dress over her head. She
was wearing no undergarments. Chantal lay back across the bed for everyone to

Ann had read about hermaphrodites but had never seen or even met one. Chantal
had a beautiful set of titties with puffy little girl nipples. Chantal also had
a sizeable cock and a complete pussy and clitoris.

"Amazing is it not?" asked Don Estaban. "I found her in a barrio outside of
Mexico City. Her mother was a whore. She made me pay quite a lot to take her. Of
course, she planned to make a lot of money selling Chantal to her customers.
Now, Chantal is here with me to stay."

"Is she complete?" asked Bill nee Captain Gomez.

"I had a specialist flown in from John Hopkins Hospital in the United States. He
said Chantal was the most anatomically perfect hermaphrodite he had encountered.
Everything functions, as it should. Of course, Chantal is infertile and cannot
conceive," said Don Esteban.

"I will leave the three of you to explore my little treasure. I should tell you
that Chantal can experience pleasure from both her male and female organs at the
same time" Said Don Esteban as he walked toward the door.

As soon as Don Esteban had left, Stacy lifted her dress over her head. Ann and
Bill started to get undressed also. Ann's cock was hard and his heart was
racing. Chantal was not only complete; she was exquisitely beautiful. The cock
was large and smooth with a wide head. The clitoris and vagina were shaved.
Chantal used her fingers to spread her labia and stroke her clitoris as a signal
to invite the three to explore.

Stacy began to kiss Chantal as Ann licked her nipples. Bill took Chantal's cock
in his mouth and sucked it. The three switched around so that each could enjoy
Chantal's treasures. Ann sucked Chantal's cock and then ate her pussy. Chantal
moaned quietly as the three of them worked on her with their mouths.

After a while, Chantal was not satisfied with a passive role. She twisted around
and took Ann's cock in her mouth and started to suck it. Stacy grabbed a tube of
K-Y off the nightstand and lubricated his asshole. Stacy realized this was
probably his only chance in life to be fucked by a true hermaphrodite. Stacy
handed the K-Y to Bill.

"Let's let Chantal fuck each of us," said Stacy.

Chantal slipped his prick into Stacy's butt while Ann and Stacy were in the
sixty-nine position. Bill was busy licking Chantal's cock and pussy. Every few
minutes they switched. Ann, who was the only one of the three that was
bi-sexual, fucked Chantal in her pussy while Stacy sucked Chantal's cock and
Bill fucked Chantal's ass.

"I wish God had created more 'Chantals' or had made us all like Chantal" thought
Ann nee Bill at one point.

They tried different combinations and positions. Finally, Chantal came in Ann's
mouth. That was something Ann had to immediately share with Bill and Stacy in a
number of passionate cum-swapping kisses. Bill dumped his first load in
Chantal's butt and his second in her mouth. Ann squirted his jism deep inside
Chantal's warm wet pussy.

They continued on until the four of them were fucked out. Ann fell asleep
between Bill and Chantal.

Sometime later, Stacy motioned Ann to be quiet and follow her They left Bill
nee Gomez and Chantal wrapped in each other's arms.

Although it was three in the morning, the party was still going strong. There
was a crowd of men taking turns with the girl boys in one area of the ballroom.
Stacy and Ann walked over to see what was happening. There were four young men
on all fours each with a cock in their ass and one in their mouth. There were
several times more men standing about than the four on the floor.

Ann and Stacy pushed forward to get a closer look at the action. Ann felt a
man's hand raising her skirt and feeling her testicles.

"You want to join them?" asked the man behind Ann as he reached around to grab
Ann's cock. Another man was slipping Stacy's dress over his head.

"We have some fresh meat." Said the man stripping Stacy. Ann felt her dress
being unzipped.

Within a matter of seconds, both Ann and Stacy were naked and down with the four
boys on the floor. Ann felt fresh lube being rubbed on his ass and then a cock
forcing itself inside. Ann was beside Stacy who was sucking a large black cock.
A cock appeared in front of Ann and he opened his mouth to take it in.

Ann had a flash back to the barn in Tennessee. There he was taking it in both
ends just like that summer when Cousin Michael and Uncle John used him. The
cocks kept changing. There were several black ones and many dark ones he assumed
were Mexican.

"Ann, now it's my turn to fuck your sweet ass." Ann heard as two giant hands
grabbed his waist and pulled him back onto a very large cock. Ann looked back
and smiled at Mark. Ann only had a second to look as another cock appeared in
his face and he opened his mouth to take it in.

Ann and Stacy were exhausted after almost two hours of hard fucking. They made
their way back upstairs to sleep with Bill and Chantal.
Chapter 11

Colonel Alvarez looked out the second floor window of his residence down on the
pool where Stacy and Consuela were entertaining four cadets in what Stacy
referred to as the afternoon "pool party and fuckfest."

Two of the cadets were lying on the loungers with each of the girls kneeling at
the foot giving them a blowjob. The other two cadets were behind each girl
pounding their cocks in from the rear. The cadets were either eighteen or
nineteen and had the stamina of youth. Each afternoon "pool party and fuckfest"
started with a lunch served by the pool. Stacy and Consuela would wear thong
bikinis which usually only stayed on until lunch was finished. Stacy would eat a
salad where with each foot wiggling in the crotch of a cadet.

Stacy had taken the lead in establishing the protocol of each afternoon. After
lunch, Stacy would fuck two of the cadets and Consuela the other two. There
would be a short break where the staff delivered a tray of soda, fruits and
sweet cakes. Then the girls switched and each one fucked the other two cadets.

The Colonel sometimes watched their activities from his office window. There was
no question that Stacy was the leader. Consuela followed Stacy's directions not
only in the afternoon party but took her direction in the evening where the two
girls screwed the Colonel before he went to bed. If the cadets had been as Stacy
characterized them "stud masters" and tired the girls out, then the two would
curl up on each side of the Colonel and go to sleep. If the cadets were "stud
puppies", then the girls would leave the Colonel to sleep after they had fucked
him and they would go downstairs to watch television or play video games. Often,
Stacy and Consuela would wind up in an intense session of lesbian sex.

Stacy had somehow found out that the Colonel's chef, Raul was extremely well
endowed with a member whose size bordered on the freakish. Raul was married and
his wife, Maria, was the Colonel's housekeeper. That did not deter Stacy. One
morning, Maria, had appeared quite upset in the Colonel's office. Stacy had
invaded her and Raul's bed in the middle of the night. Maria had awakened to
find Stacy ridding up and down the half asleep Raul's cock.

Raul had thought at first it was Maria sucking and licking his cock. He quickly
realized that Maria was still sleeping soundly beside him. Then he thought it
might be one of the young maids that had decided to take a very big chance and
sample Raul's enormous dick with Maria sleeping in the same bed.

But when Raul looked down at the head bobbing over his dick, he saw in the
moonlight it was a blonde and the only blonde at the Colonel's was the young
gringa, Stacy that each afternoon he and Maria served lunch before they fucked
the cadets. Raul lay quietly not knowing what to do. As the Colonel's guest and
a NorteAmericano, Stacy was far higher up on the social scale than Raul.

One of the maids that Raul occasionally fucked in the pantry when Maria was at
the market must have told Stacy about Raul's cock. When Stacy had sucked Raul
erect, she straddled him and guided his pole into her snatch. She rode him
cowgirl style and between the bed's vibration and Stacy's loud moans, Maria woke

Maria's first thought was that Raul must have waked up and was jerking off. Then
she realized they were not alone. When her eyes adjusted to the dark, she
recognized the young gringa lifting up and then sliding down Raul's cock.

"Senorina, what are you doing?" asked Maria.

"I'm fucking your husband. You are so lucky, Maria. Raul is like having a log up
inside you. My God, this is wonderful. I hope my husband has this big a cock."
Said Stacy gasping for breath as she slammed herself down on Raul's cock.

Maria was angry but completely flummoxed at what to do. The Colonel paid well
and finding similar positions in another household would be difficult. Maria
decided not to confront the Senorina. Her husband was enjoying the fuck since
he had begin to moan and pant. She would deal with him later. After a while,
Stacy was bouncing up and down and Raul was coming off the bed to meet her down
stroke. Stacy climaxed and fell forward onto Raul as he unloaded his cum inside
of her fourteen-year-old pussy.
Stacy slipped under the covers between the two of them. She kissed Raul and then
Maria, said good night in Spanish and went promptly to sleep. When Maria awoke
the next morning, Stacy was sleeping child like in her arms.

"Colonel, What should I have done?" asked Maria? "She fucked my husband right in
my own bed with me sleeping in it."

"Senorina Stacy is very strange even for a NorteAmericano. I find her mother and
father equally difficult to understand. As you know, I have to hold them in our
prison until some matters concerning their church in Chiapas are cleared up.
They are a religious family. The father is the minister of a large church in
Nashville, Tennessee."

"And I thought it best that a girl of such a tender age not remain in prison
where anything might happen to her. I hoped she would benefit from socializing
with our summer cadets who as you know are from some of the finest families in
Mexico; but I am afraid Senorina Stacy, although of good family, is a whore by
nature. There is nothing to be done but to allow her to continue until her
family's stay is ended. Fortunately, that is the day after tomorrow." Said the
Colonel in a manner that indicated that Maria was not to pursue this further.

Maria left the Colonel's office wondering whether the Colonel thought she was an
idiot. Everyone associated with the prison knew that Stacy's mom was the nun
whore that fucked both men and women all day while calling on Christ when her
mouth was not filled with a soldier's cock. Stacy's father lived with Captain
Gomez and Lieutenant Alzado where he was always dressed as a woman. Maria
frequently gossiped with the Captain's housekeeper who told her stories about
the unnatural events occurring in the Captains residence.

In Maria's mind, Stacy had even been a bad influence on the Colonel's ward,
Consuela. The Colonel had taken Consuela into his household when both her
parents had been killed in a sweep by a patrol the Colonel was leading. The
Colonel's men had come under sniper fire and mistakenly attacked the wrong
house. Consuela's father had been killed when he answered the door. Her mother
and grandmother were gang raped in the kitchen and then their throats were slit.
The Colonel finally decided that the wrong house was being attacked. When he
finally got the address corrected and sent soldiers to the right house it was
empty. He entered the residence to find a Corporal pulling a very pretty young
girl out from under a bed. The soldier was loosening his belt to rape the girl
just as he had done to the mother and grandmother.

The Colonel stopped the Corporal from proceeding with the rape. The young girl
was hysterical. But she was also very beautiful with large dark eyes. The
Colonel made a decision on the spot to keep the girl for a while. Once he tired
of her, he would sell or give her to someone.

Consuela had taken a while to get over the shock of seeing her family
slaughtered. She was barely fourteen at the time. The Colonel's residence was
much nicer than her home and the Colonel's servants treated her very well. The
Colonel had explained to her that he had made a terrible mistake and he
convinced Consuela that he was genuinely contrite.

The Colonel was a patient man. Once Consuela had settled in, he started being
physically affectionate to her. Initially, it was kisses and hugs. The kisses
got more passionate and that lead to fondling of her breasts. Finally, one
night, the Colonel suggested that Consuela sleep in his big bed. She readily

That night, the Colonel took Consuela's virginity. Consuela was young but no
fool. She knew that with no family and no wealth, her only choice was to sleep
with the Colonel or wind up in a brothel.

But Consuela had no real appetite or enthusiasm for sex until Stacy came to stay
with the Colonel. Consuela was at first terrified that the Colonel planned to
replace her with Stacy. However, she quickly came to understand that Stacy's
stay was temporary. Consuela had been amazed at Stacy's appetite for sex and
lack of inhibitions. The Colonel had been the only man that had screwed
Consuela until Stacy arrived.

The very first afternoon Stacy was there; two cadets had arrived for lunch. They
were both shy and seemed young and inexperienced for their eighteen years. After
lunch, Stacy announced.

"I'm ready to suck some cock and get fucked." Stacy said this as she pulled her
bikini top and bottoms off and jumped in the pool. Both cadets hesitated for a
moment before they slipped their trunks down and dived in after her.

Consuela was not sure what to do but when Stacy shouted "Consuela, take off your
bikini and join us." Consuela did as directed.

Both girls wound up being fucked in the pool and then on the loungers
surrounding the pool. Stacy had produced a tube of K-Y jelly and insisted the
cadets fuck her in the ass. She also lubricated Consuela's ass and helped one of
the cadets take Consuela's anal virginity.

Consuela followed Stacy's lead. She could tell from the look of Stacy's face
just how much Stacy enjoyed having a cock inside her pussy or ass or both.
After, the first day, Stacy had cajoled the Colonel into inviting four cadets
each day instead of two. Stacy had confided to the Colonel how much she and
Consuela needed to have two cocks inside them at the same time.

At about five each afternoon, the cadets were exhausted and almost crawled back
to their barracks to tell the others about the crazy gringa and her pretty
Mexican helper who fucked them dry.

The time with the Tompkins was coming to a close. The Colonel took his cock out
and played with it as he looked out the window at Stacy and Consuela. Cadets
were fucking both girls in their cunt and ass at the same time. The Colonel
stroked himself. He could see the intense expression on Stacy's face.

"What a delightful little whore. Cock is like air or water to her. She must have
it to survive." Thought the Colonel as he stroked himself hard.

"I'm sorry. I knocked, you must not have heard." said Lt. Manuela Souza who had
walked in inadvertently on the Colonel playing with himself. The Lieutenant was
not surprised at finding the Colonel with his cock in hand. Manuela had no
delusions about the Colonel or for that matter, what it meant to be a one of the
first female graduates from the Mexican military academy.

Manuela was not from one of the dynastic families of Mexico who provided the
country's top leadership. Her parents were medical doctors, members of the small
Mexican middle class. Her mother had thought Manuela insane when she applied for
the academy as part of the first class where women were permitted.

Manuela had been one of eight women who were accepted. She was barely eighteen
and in order to get in had to outscore thousands of other applicants on the
entrance examination. Manuela had understood that during the first several
months, there would be a certain amount of hazing by upper class man. What she
was not prepared for was what happened during the first week.

It was her third night. She and her roommate had felt asleep exhausted from the
physical conditioning that was the major component of the entrant's training.
While in a sound sleep, she felt her arms and hands being grabbed. When she
opened her mouth to scream, a rag was shoved in her mouth and tape wrapped
around the rag. Manuela's arms and legs were handcuffed to the top and bottom of
her bed. She looked over to see that her roommate, Tetra, was getting the same

The room was full of male cadets wearing hoods. Her shirt and panties were
rippled off in an instant. She looked over to see Tetra with a hooded cadet
between her legs who had pulled his cock out and was stroking it to hardness.
The cadet leaned forward using his cock to part Tetra's labia. She watched the
cadet position his cock and then push forward. Tetra turned to look at Manuela
with a pleading look in her eyes. The cadet pushed forward and buried his cock
in Tetra. Tetra jerked in response and looked completely panicked.

It was at this point, that Manuela realized that her cunt was about to be
invaded. She looked up at the hooded cadet who was working his cock into her.
Manuela was a virgin. The cadet pushed into her vagina until he felt her hymen.

"This one's a cherry," announced the cadet inside Manuela.

"This whore's been fucked before." Said the cadet between Tetra's legs.

"Bust her cherry." Said one of the cadets whose voice Manuela recognized as head
of the cadet corp.

The cadet shoved forward and slid his cock all the way in rupturing her hymen.

"Now they're both whores." Said the cadet who took Manuela's virginity.

That night, Tetra and Manuela were raped twenty times. Manuela knew it was
twenty because she counted each time she was mounted and penetrated. Twenty
cadets slipped their hard cocks in her. When they were done, they removed the
handcuffs and left. It was a while before she had the strength to remove the

Tetra resigned and left the academy the next day. Manuela decided to stay no
matter what. A week later, she was raped again. Manuela discovered that all of
the eight women cadets were treated similarly. At the end of three weeks, she
was gang raped for the third time. At that time, there were only three of the
eight women left. The gang rapes were intended to force the female cadets to
resign and depart the formerly all male academy.

Two of the women who left had complained to the commandant of the academy but
had been ignored. Manuela and the remaining two female cadets decided that the
only way to stop the rapes was to act like they did not matter. Right before the
physical training session was over Manuela and the other two women cadets were
tied up and taken to a large room where the three of them were raped together.
Manuela and the other two were stretched out on tables and then raped as the
cadets cheered. Each time a cadet mounted Manuela there was a loud cheer that
was repeated when the rapist dumped his cum in her. Thirty cadets fucked Manuela
that night. They switched to her ass once her pussy was stretched out and sloppy
with cum. But Manuela fucked back. She sucked their cocks and enthusiastically
let them fuck her ass. That was the end of the gang rapes. Over her four years
in the academy, Manuela was forced to have sex with a number of cadets and
instructors in one on one situation. She came to accept it as a price she paid
for being among the first female cadets. Manuela had adopted the attitude that
all they had to do was ask and she would spread her legs. Strangely enough,
until today, the Colonel had left her alone. His officers had followed the
Colonel's lead and Lt. Souza had not been fucked since arriving.

Lately, she had noticed she was getting horny and missed the occasional fuck
that came her way. So when she accidentally walked in on the Colonel with his
cock in hand, she was more than willing to fill her cunt with his hard meat.

The Colonel gestured for Manuela to come over to where he sat stroking his cock
and looking out the window.

"I have never seen anything like our little Senorina Stacy. Have you?" asked the
Colonel as he slid his hand up Lt. Souza's skirt. He felt her ass and squeezed

"No, Colonel, Stacy is unique. Some women are born to be whores where others are
forced into it," Said Lt. Souza who knew what was expected of her and was eager
to deliver it.

"I have treated you with respect." Said the Colonel as he felt Lt. Souza's cunt
through her panties.

"Yes, You have but now I see that the Colonel wants to fuck me," Said Lt. Souza
pressing her mound into the Colonel's hand and feeling the pleasure of his
touch. The Lieutenant knew that once the Colonel had screwed her, the other
officers would follow and her pussy would be filled several times each day.

"Suck my cock as I watch Stacy screw her cadets. I will want to fuck you, also"
said the Colonel.

Lt. Souza pulled her uniform skirt up and pulled her panty hose and panties
down. The Colonel placed his hand on her pussy and felt her.

"You feel warm and wet like a woman that wants a cock inside her." Said the
"My cunt wants the Colonel's cock." Said Manuela who bent down and began to suck
the Colonel. He was already hard. Down by the pool Stacy and Consuela were each
fucking two cadets. Stacy had a cock in her pussy and another cock in her ass.
There was a look of pure pleasure on her face.

Lt. Souza stood up, turned around, grabbing the Colonel's cock in her hand and
slid it inside her. The Lieutenant let out a hiss followed by a moan as the
Colonel's cock penetrated her. The Lieutenant bent forward from the waist and
grabbed her ankles so the Colonel could get a good view of her ass as she fucked
up and down on the seated Colonel's dick.

I've missed this thought Manuela as she raised and then lowered herself onto the
Colonel. She had been so horny lately, she had even considered letting the
housekeeper's husband, Raul, fuck her when his wife was at the market. One of
the maids had told Manuela about the size of the Raul's cock and how he pulled
her into the pantry and forced his enormous member inside her. Manuela might
still try Raul's cock. She had heard the story about Senorina Stacy actually
fucking Raul while Maria was in the same bed.

Manuela glanced out the window to see the two teenage girls fucking the four
cadets. Manuela recalled there were few cadets who attended the academy with her
that had not been inside her pussy. The thought made her hornier and her cunt
muscles squeezed the Colonel's cock. The Colonel moaned in response.

"If I had realized, you had such a talented cunt, I would have fucked you
sooner." Said the Colonel looking directly at Manuela's ass as she rhythmically
fucked him. He licked his finger and stuck the first joint in Manuela's ass.
She moaned in response and pushed back to sink his finger to the second knuckle.

Manuela was stroking her clitoris while fucking the Colonel. The Colonel
fingered her asshole as he felt her extremely strong cunt muscles milk his cock.
Stacy and Consuela were fucking and sucking the cadets. The Colonel felt his
climax coming on and relaxed to let Manuela do all the work. He unloaded his cum
into her cunt as he noticed Stacy draining the cum from a cadet.

The Colonel was not ordinarily a reflective man but at the moment he considered
whether his life was ever going to be as good as the last three weeks with the
Tompkins family. While he knew that tomorrow would be their last full day, he
had been surprised at every turn by their behavior. He considered himself
blessed. Even now, he had just found out that his female aide-de-camp had a
pussy that was a "nut cracker" and that she had a whore's love for male cock. He
had gone to Chiapas with expectations of a dull and tedious tour but so far it
was turning out wonderfully.

The Lieutenant had climaxed with the Colonel. She immediately turned around and
gently licked his cock clean.

"I have an idea for Senora Tompkins final night with us. I want you to see to
the arrangements, Lieutenant." Said the Colonel looking down on the Lieutenant
licking the cum off his cock.

"What does the Colonel want done?" asked the Lieutenant as she stepped back into
her panties and pulled them up.

"In the nearby town of Juarasco, there is a famous bordello where there is a
very talented burro and a man they refer to as 'superman'. I want you to arrange
for a show in our theatre for all the staff not on guard duty with Senora
Tompkins as the burro's lover." Said the Colonel.

"I know of the place. Are you sure the burro will not harm the Senora. I know
you wanted her to have no obvious injuries when she leaves." Said the Lieutenant
pulling her pantyhose back over her hips.

"Well if she walks a little funny, so be it. I will let Stacy attend. She loves
to watch the cameras and DVDs we have made of her mother fucking. How many girls
get to watch their mother's fuck a burro? It will be high point of her stay. And
of course, I want you there with me along with Consuela." Said the Colonel.

Manuela saluted and left the Colonel's office knowing that she was going to be
expected to service the Colonel again tomorrow night and most probably Stacy and
Chapter 12

The military base theatre held about 250 enlisted personnel and 20 officers. All
that could be spared from serving as guards in the small prison or on the base
perimeter. The enlisted personnel were seated close to the stage and the
officers were seated higher in the back of the facility. It was a modern, first
class facility intended to provide training in the latest techniques of guerilla

Bill was wearing masculine attire for the first time in three weeks. Captain
Gomez and Lieutenant Alzado were in uniform. Bill had been told that that the
Colonel had arranged an evening's entertainment for base personnel and he would
be seeing his wife and daughter for the first time in three weeks.

Enlisted personnel and officer talked quietly among themselves as they waited
for the Colonel to arrive and start the evening's program of events. The gossip
among the enlisted men was that the Senora who spoke like a nun and fucked liked
the most enthusiastic whore in all Mexico would be performing on stage with
several others including the famous burro from the bordello in Juarasco. There
was quite a buzz of excitement in the audience

The voices quieted as the Colonel and his entourage entered. Everyone stood to
attention when the Colonel stepped into the amphitheatre. Bill saw that Stacy, a
young Mexican girl who looked to be Stacy's age, and a female officer,
accompanied the Colonel. When the Colonel sat down, everyone else sat also. Bill
was relieved to see that female company largely surrounded Stacy.

Stacy looked unharmed thought Bill. In fact, she looked terrific. She was
smiling and talking with the Colonel and her Mexican friend. Her blonde hair was
styled and she appeared to have spent time in the sun as her tan was much darker
than when he last saw her. Her blonde hair and dark tan reminded him of an
advertisement for a tanning lotion he used to see in magazines. Bill realized
that his little girl was growing up into a beautiful young lady. She was seated
right beside the Colonel and looked very much like she belonged there. She was
wearing more make-up than her mother would have liked. But Ann would just have
to get used to the idea that Stacy was no longer a child. When they got back to
Nashville, Bill decided he would speak to Ann about her treating Stacy as the
young lady she had obviously become.

Bill and his group were seated slightly lower but to the far left of the
Colonel. Stacy finally saw her dad and waved excitedly. A lot had changed in her
life in the last three weeks and she was anxious to tell him about Consuela and
the Colonel and the cadets. Her parents would have to understand that she was a
woman now and that she was not going back to being treated like an infant.

Lieutenant Manuela Souza had made sure that the roughly 160 enlisted men and
women who had sex with Ann were in the audience. The stage curtain was drawn and
there was a large screen in front of the audience. The first part of the program
was to be a montage of screen cuts created from the hours of digital video
captured by cameras in Ann's cell. Lt. Souza had the technical crew work all
night. They had even added subtitles in Spanish for the parts where Ann spoke.
This would be the first time; many of the men who had fucked Ann would
understand what she was saying. That is if they could read.

The lights went down and the digital projector started. The screen was filled
with a full sized image of Ann astride a young soldier with her feet tucked
under her helping her to raise and then impale herself on his cock. She turned
and faced the camera and shouted

"Squeeze my tits for Jesus, you Satan's spawn. Pinch my nipples with your
Godless fingers."

The crowd erupted in loud applause and laughter. Bill's mouth fell open. There
was his wife who had not given him a piece of ass in several months fucking a
young Mexican soldier like a woman possessed. What had happened to abstinence,
chastity, fidelity, sanctity of the marriage vows, etc? The slut was going
crazy over the soldier. My God thought Bill what will Stacy think?

On the screen, Ann leaned down and gave the soldier a French kiss with her
mouth wide open. After a few seconds, the screen displayed a title "Day One" in
English and Spanish. The image was of a soldier entering Ann's cell with a small
bouquet of flowers that he presented to Ann. Ann kisses the soldier, takes her
nightgown off, drops to her knees and begins to suck the soldier's cock. The
audience around the soldier who is featured in the film makes him stand up and
take a bow.

After a few seconds, the scene changes and a second soldier appears. This part
focuses on Ann being fucked in the ass by the second soldier. The audience is
going wild. Lt. Souza allocated about twenty seconds for each soldier. After the
first eight soldiers, the screen displayed "Day Two" and the next eight fucks
were presented.

The film was forty-five minutes long including the lesbian sequence with Louisa
and Theresa. The high point and finale was when both women had their arms inside
Ann's cunt and ass giving her a serious fist fucking and Ann screams, "I am
filled with the Holy Spirit". At the conclusion, the audience stood to give the
film a thunderous ovation.

"Did you know your wife was such an accomplished whore?" asked Captain Gomez
leaning over to whisper to Bill.

"No" was all that Bill could manage in response. Bill recalled that in the film
he had just witnessed there were twenty days with eight soldiers per day, which
he calculated was 160 fucks although she had apparently screwed most soldiers
more than once. Bill doubted that in fifteen years of marriage, he had fucked
Ann 160 times all together. No, he realized he was not even close to 160.

Bill looked over at Stacy wondering how she was faring seeing her mother engaged
in sex with a good part of the Mexican army. Stacy returned his look and yelled
"Daddy, could you believe what a terrific whore, mommy has become?"

Bill's mouth dropped open once again. Bill felt the Captain's hand on his leg
caressing his cock. He realized he was hard as a rock. Captain Gomez leaned over
to whisper, "Does it arouse you to watch your wife being fucked? I can get you a
copy of what you saw on DVD. Do you have a player?" asked the Captain.

"Yes, I have one." Replied Bill his mind completely astonished by what he has
just witnessed.

Ann was back stage in a sound proof room mentally preparing herself for her
final confrontation with the devil. Lt. Souza had visited her that afternoon to
prepare her for tonight's presentation. At first, Ann assumed the Lieutenant was
there for lesbian sex and slipped her nightgown off.

But Lt. Souza immediately motioned Ann to sit down and sat beside her in a
manner that conveyed she had something important to tell Ann.

"The devil has prepared a final challenge. He knows you must leave tomorrow to
return to the United States and you will be beyond the reach of the Colonel.
Satan had instructed the Colonel to make one last effort to overcome your faith,
Senora. I hope you are ready because the devil has decided to face you with a
terrible task." Said Lt. Souza.

"How awful is it?" asked Ann.

"It is one that only a person of your great faith and trust in Jesus Almighty
would even consider facing. I know that for a person of lesser faith such as
myself it would not be possible." Said Lt. Souza as she began to cry.

"With Jesus at your side, nothing is impossible. Tell me what the Colonel is
planning?" asked Ann.

"Satan has instructed the Colonel to bring forth a creature of the devil, a
burro. He will assemble all the lesser devils in the base amphitheatre that you
have been victorious over in the last three weeks. On the stage of that theatre
with all of his devils watching, he will allow the burro to have sex with you.
Is your faith strong enough to face sex with a creature that is not even human?"
asked Lt. Souza.

"My faith has never been stronger. Tell the Colonel that I accept the
challenge." Said Ann.
"Before the burro, the challenge will begin with a minion of the devil who has
taken on the shape of a man. This man is not really a man but a servant of Satan
whose sex organ is so enormous that it is worshipped along with Satan in the
Black Mass. You have heard of devil worship and the Black Mass, Senora?" asked
the Lieutenant

"Yes, there are Satan worshippers who practice the Black Mass in nearly every
community in the United States. They are even in the high schools." Said Ann.

"Evil is truly all around is. Is it not Senora?" said Lt. Souza as she took
Ann's hand in hers.

"But God is also with us and surrounds those who have faith with his love and
protection. You must have faith, Lieutenant. With faith and Jesus in your heart,
evil can never win." Said Ann.

"You will be expected to have sex with Satan's Servant then the burro. Only a
person of your faith would even consider this challenge. I fear for you Senora."
Said Lt. Souza as she wiped away a tear.

"Will you be there to watch?" asked Ann.

"Yes, the Colonel requires it." Said Lt. Souza.

"Then you will see Jesus Christ in all his glory triumph over evil using my poor
self as his instrument. I will meet Satan's minion on his own terms and then the
devil's beast on his. I will not waver. I will not hesitate. You will see what a
Christian armored in the true faith can accomplish." Said Ann.

"Oh Senora, you are a saint." Said Lt. Souza as she clasps Ann in a hug.

"Not a saint, just a servant of Christ Almighty" Said Ann.

"I will leave you now to your prayers. I will be praying for you tonight as I
watch" Said Lt. Souza.

"I know that. God has sent you to me." Said Ann.

"Vaya Con Dios" said Lt. Souza to Ann as she left her cell.

When Lt. Souza had left the cell, she thought to herself "What a fucking nut

When Ann had arrived in the dressing areas of the amphitheatre, she found
herself greeted by the owner and manager of Juarasco's largest, best known, and
best-equipped bordello, one Cindy Key, formerly of Biloxi, Mississippi. Cindy
had been working in a Nevada whorehouse when she met Ramon Punctilio, a wealthy
customer. Ramon was on a business trip north from his native Mexico. Ramon was
looking for someone to manage a bordello that he had inherited from his father
in the state capital of Juarasco. Cindy had several qualifications for the job.
She was the nighttime supervisor of the largest whorehouse in Nevada, she had an
excellent sense of the business having worked her way up from working flat on
her back to sitting behind a desk in only four years, and she spoke fluent
Spanish. Cindy and Ramon hit it off from the first moment.

They were married three days after they met in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. They
flew back to Juarasco where Cindy assumed management responsibilities for the
bordello. Three months later, Ramon suffered a massive heart attack, dying
before his head hit the floor. Cindy was devastated at first. In order to get
over her loss, she devoted herself to the bordello. Within a few years, there
were those that said that the Juarasco bordello had no equal anywhere in Mexico
including Mexico City itself.

"My name is Cindy and I will be directing your performance tonight. My place is
famous for the quality of the performance so I am depending on you to follow my
instructions. We use some of the latest technology to support our live on stage
performances." Said Cindy.

"What sort of technology do you use?" asked Ann

"I don't suppose you ever used a wireless microphone?" asked Cindy.
"Many times. I am an aerobics instructor and have produced a line of exercise
videos for Christian women." Said Ann.

"That's terrific. I will cue you when we make your microphone live. That's when
you need to make some noise or say something that will excite the audience.
There will also be a camera moving about on stage for close-ups. Are you
familiar with that?" asked Cindy

"Yes, we used a on-stage camera on our last several videos." Said Ann.

"The camera image will be projected onto a large screen by the stage." Said

"That's great. I'm used to working that way preparing my aerobics videos." Said

"This is Anita. She will fix your hair and make-up. I also want her to shave
your bush. The boys like to see bald pussy these days. It also makes for better
close-ups when Diablo puts it in you" Said Cindy introducing Ann to a plump
Mexican lady who carried a make-up kit.

"Diablo, who is Diablo?" asked Ann.

"Oh, that's the burro. He's very gentle in spite of the name. Conchita will be
right there with you to make sure he does not get too frisky. At the bordello,
it is Conchita that usually fucks Diablo; so she knows how it's done. Diablo's
an old hand at fucking women in fact I am not sure he had ever actually fucked
another burro. Last month, some tourists from the US came in for the show. Two
of the wives had too many tequilas and jumped up on the stage. Diablo gave each
of them a solid pounding. They were too drunk that night to feel it but I bet
the next day, they felt like they had given birth to triplets the night before,"
laughed Cindy.

"Isn't there someone before the burro?" asked Ann.

"Oh yes, how can I forget. Enrique, we call him Superman, will fuck you first. I
doubt you've ever seen anything like the cock on Enrique. Follow his lead at the
start. The only way to get that cock of his in your twat is to start out on all
fours, dog style. Once he gets you opened up, you can try other positions." Said

"Dog position to start. I got that." Said Ann

"The Colonel wants Diablo to fuck you in the ass. Can you handle that?" asked

"I think so. I have been fucked that way several times every day for the last
three weeks." Said Ann.

"Okay, now right before you go on stage, I have several sticks of Crisco to
stick in your orifices." Said Cindy.

"Does anyone ever use that to cook with anymore?" asked Ann

"It contains non-hydrogenated fat. I doubt it." Said Cindy.

The large screen had been moved to the side of the stage. The curtains opened to
reveal Ann standing alone and spread naked on a large X shaped cross. A tango
played softly in the background. There was a moment's silence then the crowd
yelled and applauded enthusiastically.

"God, mom looks terrific. My tits will never be that big. I wonder what daddy
thinks?" asked Stacy of the Colonel.

"I imagine he is rather surprised." Said the Colonel.

"I dedicate this evening to the service of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour"
announced Ann to the audience in a loud strong voice that rang through the
"What did that mean?" asked Captain Gomez of Bill.

"I can't even imagine what she means. My God she's shaved her pussy. She once
told me that only women of the lowest possible morals shave their genitals. And
there that bitch is, with a totally bald cunt, showing it to half the Mexican
army." Exclaimed Bill.

"Calm down Bill. There are less than 300 here but the Mexican Army has over
350,000 soldiers." Corrected Lt. Alzado.

A slow sensuous drumbeat started. Other instruments joined in from the orchestra
pit to create a sexy Latin sound intended to arouse the senses. From stage
right, a male figure clothed in a black robe emerged. The figure danced around
Ann. The tempo of the drums increased. The male dancer danced to the faster
beat. All of a sudden the music stopped. The figure instantly pulled off his
black robe to reveal a full eighteen-inch cock standing straight out. The
audience was absolutely stunned into silence. The on-stage camera went in for a
close-up, which transferred an image of the massive organ to the large screen.

"What a cock?' whispered Lt. Manuela.

"That would reach up into my stomach. But I would still love to try it. Mother
is having all the fun." Said Stacy.

"You should not be jealous of your mother, Stacy. She has worked hard and
deserves to be fucked by the giant cock." Said Consuela.

"I guess you are right. But Mom sure seems to be making up for lost time." Said

"Quiet" commanded the Colonel.

The music started again. Ann stepped down from the cross. Ann and Enrique danced
across the stage to the slow beat of the music. Ann reached down and felt
Enrique's cock. Both her hands together barely fit around it. Enrique maneuvers
Ann to a raised platform and helped her to get up on it and in the down on all
fours position. The on-stage camera went in for a close-up of Ann's cunt that
projected up on the big screen. Bill looked up to see his wife's bald pussy
dripping fluid that Bill assumed were her juices but were in actuality mostly

"Her cunt was dry as sandpaper every time I fucked her, " Whispered Bill to
Captain Gomez.

Enrique danced around to Ann's front and the camera focused in on Ann's licking
the giant cock head that was almost as large as Ann's face. Ann swirled her
tongue over the tip and placed her mouth over the tip with her tongue working
furiously. He lifted his cock up and Ann took long licks on his grapefruit size

"Your Senora certainly loves to suck cock. You are a lucky man." Said Lt. Alzado
to Bill.

"As God is my witness, Ann has never used her mouth on any part of cock in
fifteen years of marriage." Replied Bill.

"Well then I would say that the Colonel has done you a very big favor. If I was
not gay, I would love for her to suck me," said Lt. Alzado.

Stacy watched her mother attack the giant cock with her mouth. She was dying to
run up on the stage and join her. There was certainly enough dick for the both
of them. But she realized this was her Mother's moment of glory. Maybe, she
could come back next year and persuade the Colonel to let her appear in front of
his soldiers. Stacy reached over and placed her hand on the Colonel's thigh. His
cock was hard and he looked over at her and smiled.

Enrique moved to Ann's rear and wiped his cock between her labia and across her
clitoris. He moistened the tip and poised it at the opening. The control room
signaled his microphone was on and he shouted in Spanish as Enrique repeated his
lines prepared by Lt. Souza. The camera was tightly focused on her cunt opening.
"The devil's cock is at your holy gate. Is your faith strong enough to accept
the devil's cock?" spoke Enrique.

Ann's microphone sounded on and Ann dutifully repeated, "I accept the devil's
cock in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty." This was translated into Spanish on
the screen.

Enrique held Ann's hips as he shoved himself inside about four inches.

Cindy had enabled Ann's microphone as the expected loud groan escaped Ann's

Enrique drove another four inches deeper and there was another loud moan from

"Give me more, Sweet Jesus, give me more." Ann shouted as Cindy whispered her

The audience had risen to their feet. Enrique's hands grabbed Ann's hips and
drove his cock up inside Ann to where only a few inches were left exposed.

"More, Jesus, give me more" screamed Ann shoving herself back on to Enrique's
full eighteen inches until his balls slapped against her clitoris. The camera
close up showed the entire cock was inside her. Ann felt Enrique's cock deep
inside her. It was way past her cervix, further even than Theresa or Louisa's
hands when they had fisted her.

Enrique started to stroke her, pulling all the way out and then shoving the
entire eighteen inches inside Ann. After a good dozen strokes, he turned Ann
over on her back and began to fuck her face to face. Ann felt like someone was
shoving the big end of a softball bat into her cunt. She wrapped her muscular
legs around Enrique's back and pulled him into her on his inward stroke. Her
body was covered in sweat.

He placed Ann back on all fours but with her butt high in the air and her face
on the table surface. He hopped up on the table so he could fuck straight down
into Ann's cunt. Ann reached between her legs to play with her clitoris.

This was a great fuck angle from the audience's perspective. Enrique was
standing almost straight up, fucking almost directly downward. The audience
could see the full length of Enrique's cock drive straight down into Ann's cunt.
Many of the soldiers had taken their cocks out and were jerking off.

Enrique knew he was going to come soon. He rolled Ann over on her back and then
grabbed her legs as he stood up. Once again, he achieved an almost vertical
downward stroke but facing the audience this time. Ann's legs were held out in a
"V" as Enrique gave her all eighteen inches time and time again. Ann started

"I'm coming, I'm coming, Sweet Jesus" screamed Ann. The on-stage camera focused
tightly on her face as she climaxed. Ann's face turned into a broad smile as The
Rapture overcame her and she felt Enrique's cock press hard on that sensitive
spot that God had provided her to endure this ordeal.

Enrique, being a professional, drove downward five full strokes than pulled out
and squirted a load of cum onto Ann's face. The screen showed Ann's mouth wide
open as Enrique's quantity of sperm proved equal to the size of his cock and
large squirts landed in her mouth and on her face. Ann's tongue greedily licked
the sperm that landed around her lips.

The audience was on its feet applauding. Many of the soldiers had jerked off. It
was a good thing that the Sergeant in charge of the janitorial service was on

Enrique helped Ann to her feet and they walked to the front of the stage and
took a bow. Enrique held Ann's hand as he presented her to the audience.

"You must be very proud of your Mom," whispered Consuela to Stacy.

"That's quite a wife you have Bill." Said Captain Gomez to Bill.
Ann and Enrique moved back as the curtain closed. The screen displayed
"Intermission" in Spanish.
Chapter 13

Backstage, Ann was being cleaned up and make-up reapplied by Anita. Ann got her
first look at Diablo as Conchita lead him on stage. He was about the size of a
pony but had a thicker body.

"You were terrific. Enrique said you actually had an orgasm. That was amazing.
Most women are in too much pain to cum." Said Cindy.

"Jesus always makes sure I cum." Said Ann.

"Lucky girl, I let Enrique put that monster in me once just to see how it felt.
I couldn't walk for two days. I felt like my insides had been roto-rootered."
Said Cindy.

"Conchita, this is Ann. She is going to do anal with Diablo. Is our favorite
burro ready to drive up the chocolate highway" asked Cindy.

"Hello Ann, Have you ever had sex with a burro before?" asked Conchita as she
fed another carrot to Diablo.

"No, But I am ready to do whatever is required." Replied Ann.

"Well, it's not as bad as you might think. I've been doing it several times a
week for the last year and no harm done. Their cock is different from a man's.
It's more flexible. Of course, Diablo's is as long as Enrique's. You'll see what
I mean once you have it up your ass." Said Conchita.

"Crisco time, bend over and spread them." Said Cindy.

Ann bent from the waist and shifted her legs apart. She reached back and grabbed
her butt cheeks and pulled them apart. Cindy slid four sticks or Crisco into her

"Four ought to do it. Now Conchita will be out on stage with you. Just follow
her lead. Diablo likes to eat pussy and we start off with that. He actually has
quite a talented tongue. It has gotten me off several times. Next, You and
Conchita will start with stroking Diablo's cock. They you two will take turn
sucking on it. At some point, you will both suck it together. Once Diablo's dick
is fully erect and Conchita knows when that is, we wheel this little contraption
with you on it under Diablo. Be sure and keep your feet away from his hooves. It
hurts like hell if he steps on your toes. Conchita will work his cock into your
ass. He can't do it by himself. Once our boy senses, he is inside you, he takes
over and will pump you a couple of dozen strokes then blow his wad. When I say
pump, I mean pump. In the wild, these are prey animals and they have evolved
toward fucking hard and fast before they are hunted. Diablo's jism is more like
milk than man cum. Conchita will pull you out from under. You get up to the
audience's applause and take a bow. Curtain closes and we all go home." Said

Ann looked at the wheeled cart that had been brought onto the stage. She would
be lying face down with her butt angled up. There was an adjustment lever that
could be used to raise or lower her to the right height.

"Come over and make friends with Diablo." Said Conchita handing Ann a carrot to
feet the burro.

Actually, Diablo was feeling poorly. The whores at the bordello treated him like
a pet feeding him far too much given his level of activity. They also had a
tendency to feed him sweets and he was especially fond of ice cream. He as kept
in a small barn outside the main building and there was no room for him to
exercise even if he had been so inclined. There was one more thing. Diablo was
not a young burro. He had been there when Cindy took over and that was eleven
years ago. Cindy had never bothered to find out Diablo's true age. She assumed
he would go on a long time; but she was about to be proven wrong.

Out in the audience, Stacy leaned over to the Colonel and whispered "What's next
on the program, Colonel?"

"Your mother is going to let a burro fuck her in her ass." Replied the Colonel.
"Wow, if you are capturing this on digital, can I please get a copy?" asked

"I have already instructed Lt. Souza to burn you a copy to take home with you."
Replied the Colonel. "The curtain is opening. Let's just sit back and enjoy the

Music had started once again. The curtain opened to reveal Ann once again naked
and standing spread on the tall X-cross that dominated the center of the stage.
The audience applauded enthusiastically.

A naked Conchita led the burro to center stage in front of the cross. Conchita
danced around the burro then kissed it on the nose, which he responded to with a
big lick of her face. They traded tongues for a few seconds. Conchita guided
Diablo's head down between her legs where he licked furiously. Conchita's
microphone was turned on and the audience her loud moans as the burro licked

Ann watched the action from her elevated position on the cross. The fact that
the burro was named "Diablo" spoke volumes to Ann's psyche. Diablo was Satan's
chosen instrument. Cindy and Conchita were Lucifer's familiars both acting
friendly and helpful to fool Ann into letting her guard down. Ann could not see
past the floodlights at the foot of the stage but she sensed the Colonel was in
the audience. The Colonel hoped to break her will and get her to renounce Jesus
Christ as her savior. But Ann was supremely confident that she and Christ would
triumph tonight. Ann taped the side of her headset indicating to Cindy that she
wanted her microphone enabled.

"I dedicate this next event to the glory of Jesus Christ our savior who died on
the cross so that we could all be born again." Ann announced in a loud strong
even voice.

"My wife is going to fuck a donkey for Jesus. I can't believe it," Whispered
Bill to his companions. "And her daughter is sitting in the audience getting to
watch the whole thing. I think I am going to be sick."

"It's not a donkey. It's a burro." Said Lt. Alzado.

"Donkey, burro, pony, horse, pig, what's the difference?" asked Bill

"I've never seen anybody fuck a pig. Have you Captain?" asked Lt. Alzado.

"No, I've seen snakes and eels. Once in Juarez, I saw an ape, an orangutan,
screw an Afro-American. That was interesting." Said the Captain.

"Is there such a thing as a gay ape?" asked Lt. Alzado.

"That's my wife up there, the mother of my child. And she is about to perform
sex with an animal. What should I do?" whined Bill.

"There is nothing you can do. So just watch and enjoy. It is starting to get
interesting." Said Captain Gomez.

Ann had come down off the cross and taken Conchita's place at Diablo's head. The
burro's tongue was taking large swipes up, down, and across Ann's hairless
snatch. Conchita was underneath the burro beginning to stroke his cock. The
on-stage camera captured a good close-up of the burro's tongue working Ann's

Outside of ice cream, Diablo loved best the taste of Crisco mixed with cunt
fluids. Over the years, he had consumed thousands of pussies fully loaded with
this mixture. Of course, the fat worked its way onto the walls of his arteries
over the years.

Ann stood there getting licked and thinking once again that this vile act which
ordinarily would repulse a decent God fearing woman was giving her pleasure.
Yes, God was still right with her. Each lick sent a tremor of pleasure through
her body. She was moaning loudly into the microphone with each lick.

"That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen," Whispered Stacy to Lt. Souza.
"It's certainly right up there. But there is more to come" replied the

Conchita was busy stroking Diablo's long black cock. Conchita began to lick the
head and stroke it. After a few minutes, she motioned Ann over. Ann somewhat
reluctantly left behind her first experience at burro cunnilingus and squatted
down beside Conchita.

Diablo was getting aroused. And for a burro, he was feeling a little dizzy and
winded. It was hot right in front of the floodlights.

Ann took Conchita' place and placed the head of Diablo's cock in her mouth. The
cock was working its way further out of its sheath. It was moist but had no
strong taste. Its girth was smaller and more manageable than Enrique's. Ann
swallowed it all the way to the back of her throat and pushed a couple of inches
into her throat cavity. Diablo let out a bray as he felt something wonderful
happening to his cock. Diablo's cock continued to grow. The on-stage camera
captured for the big screen, Ann's mouth action even showing a visible bulge
sliding up and down her neck.

"She's giving a donkey the deep throat treatment and in fifteen years, never so
much as once licked my dick," Whispered Bill.

"It's a burro." Whispered back Lt. Alzado.

Conchita saw that Diablo's cock was almost fully erect. The next phase would
require her to carefully time the transition from oral to anal sex, keeping
Diablo hard while they made the switch. Conchita reached out and pulled the cart
to her and motioned Ann to move onto the cart without removing her mouth from
Diablo's now fully erect cock. Ann carefully slid onto the cart keeping one hand
and her mouth full of burro cock. Conchita noted that her height adjustment for
Ann's butt looked perfect. After all, Conchita had done it a thousand times.

Conchita took over for Ann as she turned the cart to where Ann's butt was in the
correct position. Conchita kept stroking, add an occasional lick as she lined
Ann up parallel with Diablo. Quickly she rolled Ann to where her asshole and
Diablo's cock lined up and slid his cock right onto her shit hole. Conchita
noted, "Practice makes perfect".

Diablo sensed he had arrived at the good part as he felt his cock enter
something tight, warm, and wet. Somewhere in his not so large brain, evolution
triggered him to recall that that there were predators such a mountain lions or
saber tooth tigers around and that he had better get the breeding accomplished
before someone decided to eat him.

Diablo let out a loud bray, arched his back and drove his cock all the way up
into Ann's colon. Ann let out a whoosh sound as her bowels were all of a sudden
filled with almost two feet of burro dick. The on-stage camera clearly showed
the crowd that Diablo was fucking Ann in the ass not pussy. Most of the male
audience had at one time seen a burro screw a pussy but only a handful had ever
seen anal action.

Diablo's instinct kicked him into overdrive and he plowed Ann's ass. Conchita
braced the cart to make sure it did not move. Ann was moaning and continually
muttering "Jesus". Diablo knew it either was finish quickly or get eaten; but he
was having trouble reaching his take-off point. He redoubled his efforts.
Somehow it seemed more difficult and he was hot and breathing loudly.

Finally, after more strokes than Cindy or Conchita had ever seen, Diablo
bellowed a classic bray that resounded through the theatre as he blew his load
into Ann's ass. Conchita sensed something was wrong and pulled Ann and cart
quickly from under Diablo.

Diablo turned back to look at the female who was sliding out from under him, let
out his loudest bray ever and collapsed. Diablo's legs kicked the air, narrowly
missing Ann. Then he rolled over on his back with his four legs extended toward
the ceiling and died. The on-stage camera somehow focused on Diablo's final
instant when he expelled enough wind that the smell reached six rows deep in the
audience. That was followed by Diablo emptying his colon onto the stage floor.

The audience was stunned into silence. Conchita helped Ann to stand up from the
cart. There was not a decibel of sound for several seconds; then there was the
sound of a single person clapping loudly. The clapping was coming from the top
row. The house lights came up and the enlisted men looked up to see the Colonel
standing and clapping. Everyone started clapping and yelling.

Conchita took Ann's hand and pulled her toward the front edge of the stage. Ann
began to smile realizing the scale of her triumph. She corrected herself to
think "Jesus' triumph" not hers. Ann stood there with her legs dripping burro
cum as everyone applauded and yelled "Brava".

"She fucked a donkey to death," Said Bill.

"I would not believe it if I had not witnessed it with my own eyes," said
Captain Gomez.

"I wish I was not going home tomorrow. I want to stay here and screw a burro. I
know the Colonel would let me," Whispered Stacy to Consuelo.

"Madre Dios" said the Colonel mindful that many of his enlisted men were almost
illiterate and highly superstitious. He had already heard rumors that some of
the men regarded Ann as a saintly person. They were already calling her the
"patron saint of whores". After tonight, he would not be surprised if the church
sent a cardinal to Chiapas to discuss canonization.
Chapter 14

Ann and Bill were seated together in the military transport that the Colonel had
arranged to take them to Mexico City where they would board commercial flights
back to Nashville.

The Colonel had accompanied them to the military airport. He had arranged for
their belongings they had left at the mission residence to be packed and brought
to them. He had even retrieved Bill's watch that was taken during his arrest.

The parting with the Colonel had been cordial. It was almost as if he was seeing
some dear family friends off after a long visit. He kissed Ann's hand. Bill was
not too happy with the kiss that Stacy planted on the Colonel's mouth. He would
have to speak to her about being too affectionate in public.

Bill had said his good byes to Captain Gomez and Lieutenant Alzado at the
military base. They had presented him with a small traveling case containing
his Victoria Secret underwear. The case was safely stowed under his seat.

The big surprise for Ann and Bill was that they had unknowingly adopted a
Mexican orphan named Consuela. Stacy had persuaded the Colonel to let Consuela
return to the US with her. The Colonel had contacted his brother who was a
Cabinet Minister and the paperwork had been rushed through. Consuela was now
"Consuela Tompkins". This solved the Colonel's problem of how to dispose of
Consuela. The Colonel's wife was coming for a stay of several months and having
a fifteen year old running naked through the house was not a particularly good
idea. He had also decided to promote Lt. Souza to Captain and have her
reassigned. But that could wait a week of two. The Colonel was enjoying her "nut
cracker" and wanted to keep it around as long as he could.

Stacy and Consuela were up in the cockpit behind a closed door joining the mile
high club. The plane was on autopilot. The crew had decreased the air speed
since they were enjoying the girls so much. Stacy was astride the pilot's cock
while he sat in his seat. He was sucking on her nipples and doing his best to
thrust up when she lowered her cunt. Consuela was on her back between the pilot
and co-pilot's seats being fucked by the co-pilot. It was a small confined area
but the girls had made do.

"I hope Stacy and Consuela are not bothering the crew. Flying requires a lot of
concentration." Said Ann.

"Let them alone. If the crew feels bothered, they will send them back to their
seats. We need some time to talk about what happened last night. Both of the
girls were there and witnessed your exhibition," Said Bill.

"You know I did those things to protect you and Stacy. The Colonel promised me
we would all be well treated if I let them violate me. You should be grateful.
While I saving my family, I understand you and a certain Lieutenant and Captain
were engaged in homosexual practices." Said Ann

"Who told you that?" asked Bill.

"I promised not to tell; but I understand you looked very fetching in your white
tennis skirt." Said Ann keeping her promise to Lt. Souza. Manuela had decided to
even things up between Ann and Bill by informing Ann of Bill serving as a "wife"
to the two officers. Manuela had even shown Ann some pictures of Bill dressed in
women's clothes playing golf and tennis.

"The Colonel made me do it. He said he would turn you and Stacy over to the
prison population if I didn't cooperate." Said Bill.

"But homosexuality is a terrible perversion that is specifically forbidden by

God in our Holy Bible." Said Ann.

"And where in the Bible, does it say that fucking a poor donkey to death is an
acceptable Christian act." Asked Bill.

"It was a burro," Corrected Ann.

"Look, let's just drop it. We were in a situation that forced us to make
compromises in order to survive. We're all okay. In spite of last night, Stacy
is treating you with more respect than before. In fact, she and Consuela seem to
be in awe of you." Said Bill

"Okay, I agree. Whatever happened in Chiapas stays in Chiapas. How do we

explain Consuela to the congregation?" asked Ann.

"They will be totally impressed by our generosity. We adopted an orphan. She's a

beautiful child. The rebels killed her parents. I don't see a problem there."
Said Bill.

"I suppose your right. We can even hope she will be a good influence on Stacy.
She's a year older and seems very polite and well mannered. Having an older
sister to serve as a role model might be just what Stacy needs right now." Said
Ann as she bent over and kissed Bill then rested her head on his shoulder.

"These seats are hard. My bottom hurts." Said Ann.

"Why am I not surprised?" said Bill


Mark climbed up in the very top of his parent's houseboat. It was moored in a
quiet, hidden cove of Old Hickory Lake right outside Metro Nashville. It was
just beginning to get light. The opening to the cove faced east. He had woke up
and decided to watch the sunrise.

The ice had only recently melted in the beer cooler. He plunged his hand in the
cold water to grab a beer for breakfast. He moved quietly as he climbed the
ladder to the roof. He did not want to wake the girls.

Mark looked out over the lake to see a flock of birds scouring the water surface
for breakfast. Mike thought that if the birds wanted, they could stop here for a
beer. The cooler had plenty. He would have to go over later to the marina and
get some ice.

Rick would be at the marina and he would join the three of them on the houseboat
for the rest of the Labor Day weekend. Then next week it was back to school.
Mark had to admit that having Rick join them would lessen the pressure he was
feeling. Mark's cock was sore, too much mouth, pussy, and ass. His own butt felt
a little tender from having Stacy's fingers inside for what she called a
"prostate massage." Having Rick there would even up the odds. No, it wouldn't
even them up but Mark and Rick would be closer to even.

It must have been some trip to Mexico. Before Stacy had left she had been
desperate to lose her cherry. She came back with no cherry and a working
knowledge of sex that far surpassed Mark's. Having anal sex was something that
sixteen year old boys like Mark dream about. During their three-person orgy, his
cock had been buried inside both of their butts.

Prior to last night, the only girl Mark had screwed was Stacy's friend Ellen
and that was a quick, down and dirty fuck in the backseat of his new car. Before
midnight, he lost count of how many times he had cum. He did recall reaching the
point where he was too exhausted to get a hard on. Then the girls had left him
alone. They were eating each other's pussy when he passed out.

Mark looked through the roof top plexi-glass window down onto the bed where the
girls were cuddled up. Consuela and Stacy lay there naked their arms wrapped
around each other. To Mark, they looked so sweet and innocent. The pair was
quite a contrast, Stacy with her golden blonde hair and Consuela with a full
mane of cold black ringlets. Both had shaved their pubic hair. They looked
absolutely angelic lying there asleep in the cabin.

Mark looked east toward the rising sun. If he and his cock were going to survive
this day, he knew he was going to have to find a way to distract Stacy and
Consuelo. One possibility was to boat over to his cousin's farm on the other
side of Old Hickory. Stacy had surprised him with her interest in visiting the
farm. She had asked about the animals and gave him a big hug when he told her
there were cows, pigs, chickens, horses, ponies and even several genuine Mexican

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