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Circle the adverbials of manner. Circle the adverbials of manner.

- He talked loudly. - He talked loudly.

- The man is seriously mad. - The man is seriously mad.

- Happily, she went to the home. - Happily, she went to the home.

Reorder the sentences. Make sure to the use comma. Reorder the sentences. Make sure to the use comma.
- My mother cuts the vegetables cautiously. - My mother cuts the vegetables cautiously.

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- She talked silently when her baby slept. - She talked silently when her baby slept.

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- My Dad came to take me from school quickly. - My Dad came to take me from school quickly.

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- He dropped the cup suddenly. - He dropped the cup suddenly.

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Write your own sentence using adverbial of place and comma. Write your own sentence using adverbial of place and comma.

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