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Poetry Book Form Your name: Alisha Reid

Book Title: Dinothesaurus Author: Douglas Florian

Publisher: Beach Lane Books Date: March 2009


1. TYPE OF POETRY Florians poems are rhythmic, informative, humorous, and lyrical.
Explain and give examples: In his poem Triceratops it says, Triceratops.
Born with three great horns in place,
Triceratops was in your face.

While using fun, exciting words and rhythm, Florian can teach facts about dinosaurs to young
readers while keeping them engaged.
2. SUBJECT OF THE POEM(S) Explain the interesting topics and new perspectives the
poems share with the children. Provide 3 examples.
1. The poems teach rhyme and rhythm. I wouldnt want to come upon the ten -foot-tall
Iguanodon is one example of his many rhymes.
2.The main subject that Florian teaches in this book is dinosaurs! Seismosaurus: tremendous in
size is one example of the things he teaches about the different dinosaurs.
3.Florian also discusses time periods in his poems. Here is an example from his poem The Age of the
Dinosaurs: During the time Triassic.
While most died out,
Some came about
Later in the Jurassic.
Then they evolved
As earth revolved
In times known as the Cretaceous.
But now indoors
Great dinosaurs
Fill museum halls, spacious.

3. LANGUAGE Explain how the poems encourages children to play with words and
expand their imaginations. Provide 4 examples
1.Florian misspells words, so they match the spelling of the dinosaur he is speaking about. For
instance, in his poem called Pterosaurs he says, The pterrifying pterosaurs, which gives the poem
a fun twist!
2. In his poem titled Minmi the author makes the size of the words match their description. For
example, he says, Whats Minmis BIGGEST claim to fame? It has the smallest dinosaur name.
3.Comparisons help young readers to visualize the size of the dinosaurs. In his poem Brachiosaurus,
Florian says, Longer than a tennis court. Bigger than a barge. I never knew a lizard could be so
large making it easier for them to imagine exactly how big a brachiosaurus was.
4.Rhyming is the most fun because children can guess what the next word is going to be. When I
read the words, Some forty feet long
Some fourteen feet tall.
Its back limbs were strong.
Its front limbs were small.
I can pause before I read the word small and most children will guess the word and say it out

4. PERSONAL CONNECTIONS Explain how the poems create an emotional response

for the child that encourages repeated readings. Explain with examples from the
Most children love dinosaurs! When you pair their love for dinosaurs with the fun wording in these
poems, it creates a fantastic combination of imagination and excitement. In his poem called
Stegoceras, Florian writes, Thick head. Brick head. Hard head, too.
Round head. Mound head. Odd head, you.
Bone head. Stone head. Head like dome.
Bash head. Smash head, Then head home.
This poem is funny, exciting, and rhythmically fun to read.

5. ILLUSTRATION visual elements, design, page layout, word placement, art and/or
photography. Choose a 2-page spread and evaluate illustration with the following:
Visual elements: Green outlines of dinosaurs. Yellow background, pencil sketch. Finger paints.
Page design and word placement, use of white/dark space, text placement and font: Words are
placed in a small space in the center of the right page. Focus is more on words and less on
illustrations because the illustrations are only outline pencil sketches. No borders.
Explain how illustrations relate to poem content: The poem is about a Stegoceras and the drawings
are of a Stegoceras.


Select a poem from the book.
Choose a theory (Piaget-cognitive, Erikson-psychosocial or emotional
development); identify the stage, age.
Give specific examples from the poem to show the connection to the
developmental stage and age
Poem: Spinosaurus
Theory: Piagets cognitive Stage: Concrete Operational
Age: 7-11
Examples: What kept the Spinosaurus warm
When it was colder than the norm?
Spines much like a solar panel.
And long underwear of flannel.
Schemes broaden and can classify objects by several features.
7. Overall Rating of poetry book- the books appeal to children 3 1 2 3

Explain the rating

This book is so fun for young readers. It incorporates dinosaurs, facts, and silly words to keep
children interested and entertained.
Individual Poem Form Your Name__________________
Title of the Poem: Poets Name:

Title of book the poem is from: Page number:

1. Write the poem exactly as it appears. Follow the format for line and spacing.

2. Explain how children will relate to the poem. Give 3 examples




3 Rate the poems effectiveness with children? What will they like, 1 2 3
notice, enjoy? (3 high 1 low)
Explain the rating:

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