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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 1 I , No.

4,November 1996 1913

Interconnected Power System Laboratory: Fault Analysis Experiment
S. P. Carullo, R. Bolkus, J. Hartle, J. Foy, C. 0. Nwankpa, and R. Fischl .IGillerman

Center for Electric Power Engineering Dranetz Technology, Inc.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Edison, New Jersey
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Abstract - Provide for exploration of relatively new areas in power systems:

semiconductor control, programmable relays, high voltage direct
The primary goal of the project is to develop a fault analysis experiment Current (HVDC) transmission, flexible AC transmission systems
which allows students to examine the effect of fault conditions on a (FACTS), among others.
power system in a realistic manner. This experiment is the first in a series - Integrate the Interconnected Power System Laboratory into the new
of experiments to be implemented in Drexel University's Interconnected engineering and ~ d ~ c a t i o n aProgram
l being developed at Drexel
Power Systems Laboratory (IPSL). The IPSL provides a real-life power University.
system network and a computer interface to the system in order to provide
control and data capturing. The computer interface utilizes clienthewer The developed fault analysis experiment ~~CorpOrateSthe emerging
and industry standard networking technology to help students visualize technologies of client/SerVer and industry standard networking.
power system phenomena as seen by the system operator via an Energy ~ k n ~ ~ e r technOlogY,
ver in the context of this Paper, refers to using
Management System (EMS). multiple slave server computers to provide information to a master client
computer. Industry standard networking refers to the EPRI Utility
1. Introduction Communication Architecture (UCA) component called MMS
(Manufacturing Message Specification), an IS0 protocol devoted to
This paper describes the Interconnected Power system,7&oratory interconnecting manufacturing and industrial heterogeneous devices on a
Fault ~~~l~~~~ Experiment that was developed by a group of network. Using these technologies along with readily available computer
senior undergraduate students, along with faculty guidance, at Drexel hardware and modern 'Oftware programming a customized
university, This project was completed in fulfillment of the required graphics intensive laboratory environment was created. This environment
undergraduate electrical engineering ENGR 491: Senior Design enhances the students' perception of electrical power systems and their
Prolecr. It is hoped that the modernization of the power systems performance by graphically modeling the active control elements of the
laboratory at Drexel University will counteract the declining interest in power system On a "lor computer screen.
the power systems curriculum. The newly designed IPSL: Fault Analysis
Laboratory reduces the various steps involved in laboratory setup and After Performing the fault analysis experiment, the students will come
data gathering and provides time for the students to appreciate the away with valuable experience related to the characteristics of the
theory and concepts behind the experiment. different kinds of fault conditions. This experience includes:

The IPSL was designed to provide students with a hands-on learning How are
experience about the attributes and implications involved in the 2) The magnitude of the fault currents that are produced during
management and control of a small electric power system. The general different types of faults that occur on a power system network.
objectives of this laboratory are: 3) The characteristics of the voltages and currents produced from
fault conditions over a duration of time.
- Provide a set of experiments on the interaction of the various system 4, "Ow are 'leared.
components in a real-life power system operating environment.
- Provide students with the experience of visualizing power system In recent years, there have been a number Of papers written On the
phenomena in of a scaled down Energy Management System development of educational electric machinery laboratories geared
(EMS). towards the use of computers. For example, Case Western Reserve
Provide a facility for learning how components studied in the University has set up a facility for computer control of electrical drives
previous energy conversion labs interact to form a system. and machines[l]. Similar facilities have been set up at the University of
- Experimental Model validation platform. Missouri-Rolla[21, Ohio State University[31, and New Mexico State
University[4]. Concordia University has implemented a computer-aided
power electronics laboratory[51, while Auburn[6] has implemented
computer controlled protective relays systems laboratory. The above
96 wM 252-7 pWRs A paper and approved by the IEEE projects show that most of the educational laboratory development in the
Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society for presentation at the 1996 IEEUPES Winter Meeting, J ~ U W 21- area of Power and energy has been in the computerization of one of its
25, 1996, Baltimore, MD. Manuscript submitted August 1, 1995; made main components: electric machznery, Power electronics, Power
available for printing January 10, 1996. electronics and high voltage. In addition, there have been quite a few
papers[7-9] that have stressed the necessity of incorporating realistic
power system laboratories in' undergraduate curricula. While a power
systems educational laboratory built at Chalmers University in
Sweden[lOl relies solely upon power systems modeled in software, most

0885-8950/96/$05.00 0 1996 IEEE

designers, such as those at the University of Houston[l 11 incorporate both maximum fault currents may reach as high as 20 amperes. This
software models and actual real power system components. configuration must also provide a mechanism which will allow students
to create faults at different points along the scaled down transmission line.
The marked difference between Houstons facility and Drexel Laboratory floor space must also be optimized.
Universitys IPSL is. (i) Drexels power system consists of the
interconnection of components (such as generators, motors, transformers)
that the students have learned in previous courses; (ii) It can be easily
reconfigured to a two bus, three bus, etc. power system; (iii) It is
inexpensive since it uses components readily available in the lab.

With respect to the experiment discussed in this paper, it is the aim of the
authors to show how the IPSL is used for the purpose of designing and
analyzing faults in a scaled down power system environment. The
following discusses the problems that had to be resolved to accomplish
this goal. In Section 3, the approach to the solution of these problems is
presented Section 4 presents the set-up and results of a fault experiment
on a two bus (two generator, single line) power system. The conclusion
of the paper is in Section 5 .

2. Problem Formulation

The main objective of the project was to design an interactive laboratory

experiment that would provide students with an opportunity to examine
the effect of fault conditions on a power system in a realistic manner. It Figure 1: General Laboratory Setup
was desired to provide students with the experience of visualizing power
system phenomena in terms of the Energy Management System (EMS) 2.1.2 Signal Conditioning Circuitry
equipment. In order to realize this objective, it was necessary to provide Signal conditioning circuitry must be designed to create a safe interface
a real-life power system network and a computer interface to the system between the transmission line and the data acquisition hardware. The
in order to provide control and data capturing. The actual system design signal conditioning circuitry must be designed to perform four tasks: (i)
that was used is shown in Figure 1. The power system network portion of attenuation to reduce the signals to levels acceptable to an electronic
the figure consists of two synchronous generators interconnected via a analog to digital converter; (ii) surge suppression to prevent voltage
single scaled down transmission line (using lumped parameter equipment spikes from entering the PC; (iii) low pass filtering to reduc? high
for resistances, capacitances, and inductances). The computer interface frequency electrical noise; and (iv) isolation to prevent ground loops.
consists of three computers serving as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
and one computer as the EMS central computer (The Master Station). 2.1.3 Data Acquisition Hardware
Signal conditioning hardware provides a safe interface between the Each RTU must be able to sample three phase voltage (plus neutral) and
computers and the power system. This type of setup leads to many kinds three phase current (plus neutral) waveforms at one point on the
of hardware and software design problems, which will be discussed transmission line. This means that each RTU must sample eight signals.
separately in the sections that follow. This will require a DAQ board with at least eight input channels and a
minimum sampling frequency of 14.4 KHz in order to obtain thirty
2.1 Hardware samples per cycle per channel for 60Hz waveforms.
The six main problems involved in the hardware design of the project are:
2.1.4 Fault Creation Circuit
The creation of a realistic power system network. A fault creation circuit must be designed to create faults on the power
Signal conditioning hardware needed to provide a safe interface systems network. This circuit must take digital inputs from the Master
between the power system and the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Station computer. This circuit should be wired in such a way that when
computers. activated, it will directly short different phases of the transmission line
Finding suitable off the shelf data acquisition (DAQ) hardware to together. For example, if circuit 1 connects phase A to phase B and
digitize signal condihoned waveforms in the RTUs circuit 2 connects phase B to phase C, then activating circuit 1 and 2 will
Designing a fault creating circuit, to be controlled by the Mastercreate a three phase fault. If more than one circuit must be closed in order
Stahon, that can be used to create any type of fault condition. to create a certain type of fault, the software controlling the circuit must
Setting up a Local Area Network (LAN) connecting the RTUs close all the circuits at the same time. The software should also provide
and the master station. safety precautions so that only short-circuit faults can be created. The
Creating a serial communication link between the directional circuits must be able to withstand fault currents.
overcurrent relay fault locator and the Master Station Computer.
2.1.5 Local Area Network (LAN)
Realistic Power System Network The project design calls for all three of the RTU computers to pass near
Setting up a suitable power system network involves interconnecting two real-time data to the master station computer. This will require the setup
synchronous generators via a single scaled down transmission line (using of an Ethernet LAN network. An Ethernet IO-baseT hub, twisted-pair
lumped parameter equipment for resistances, capacitances, and networking cable, and crimp-on network jacks will be used. Further
inductances). This system must be able to handle fault currents that the networking considerations, concerning real-time data flow, will be
students will be creating. Based on our synchronous generator ratings, discussed in section 2.2.3 of this paper.
2.1.6 Communicationto SEL-321 Relay communications protocol must be researched. In the future,
It is desired to download fault data from a Schweitzer Engineering enhancements will be made to the RTU so as to provide true event
Laboratory Directional Overcurrent Relay Fault Locator (SEL-321) to capturing. The RTUs will be able to detect faults and generate fault
the master station. This data will be used in order to supplement the data reports without the aid of the SEL-321 relay.
that will be received from the RTUs. In order to download the fault
information, a null-modem serial connection will be required between the 3. Methodology
SEL-321 relay and the master station computer. This downloading will
require serial communication programming on the master station. This The hardware and software tasks that were performed in the project will
programming will be discussed further in section 2.2.4 of this report. be discussed separately.

2.2 Software 3.1 Hardware

The four main problems involved in the software design of the project As stated previously, the hardware tasks that were performed in the
are: project were: (i) the creation of a realistic power system network; (ii) the
development of signal conditioning circuitry; (iii) finding suitable DAQ
1) The Master Station Laboratory Application. hardware; (iv) design of a fault creating circuit; (v) setting up a LAN; and
2) The RTU DAQ Application. finally (vi) forming a communications link between the master station
3) Networking and Real-Time Data Flow Programming. computer and the SEL-321 Relay.
4) SEL-321: Directional Overcurrent Relay Fault Locator Serial
Communications Programming. 3.1.1 Realistic Power System Network
Setting up the power system network consisted of interconnecting two
2.2.1 The Master Station Laboratory Application. synchronous generators with a single transmission line. Figure 2 shows
A master station laboratory application must be developed in order to the total transmission line setup. The transmission line has a total
provide students with: (i) the basic theory behind the fault analysis impedance of 18Q per phase (6Q per reactor). The Drexel generator has
experiment including equations, colorful diagrams and pictures, etc.; (ii) a a rating of 110V and 5kVA. Lumped parameter equipment was used for
pre-lab in which the students perform some preliminary calculations to resistances, capacitances, and inductances. A four position switch
give himher a preview of the type of results to expect; (iii) detailed together with a fault creating circuit were incorporated into the setup in
instructions on how to perform the experiment; (iv) the control center such a way that they allow the student to create a fault at 0%, 33%, 66%,
from which to actively control relays and create faults; and (v) data or 100% of the line. Figure 3 shows the wiring configuration for the
collection and presentation in the form of colorful graphs and tables. It is switch. Two electromechanical relays (rated at 115V, 30 A) were used to
desired to present all of this information to the students in the most clear the created faults.
graphical, interactive, and educational way possible. The master station

application must also include client-side network programming in order to
receive data from the RTUs. This programming will be discussed Drexel
separately in section 2.2.3 of this report. Generator

2.2.2 The RTU DAQ Application Current

The project design calls for a data acquisition application to run on each
of the RTUs. This application must control the data acquisition board
installed in the RTU. The application must provide for sampling eight
signals (Ia, Ib, IC, In, Va, Vb, Vc, and Vn). While collecting the sampled
data, the RTU application must also: (i) display some oscillographic data
from one of the sampled channels (the student should be able to select
which channel to be displayed); (ii) calculate RMS voltage, RMS current,
Figure 2: Transmission Line Setup
frequency, and power factor on a cycle per cycle basis; and (iii) package
the processed data and send it over the network to the master station
computer in near real-time. The network server-side programming will
be discussed further in section 2.2.3.
2.2.3 Networking and Real-Time Data Flow Programming.
Data must be sent from each of the three RTUs to the master station in
near real-time. This will call for using a network protocol designed for
real-time applications. This must be a open network protocol that will
not change with every new release of client-server or middleware
technology. It will also be more beneficial to use non-proprietary

network protocols, preferably used by actual utilities. m m m I
2.2.4 SEL-321: Directional Overcurrent Relay Fault Locator Serial
Communications Programming.
The master station application must also contain software routines to The PECO generator comes in through the current reactors The reactors are wifed in Series to
download fault data from the SEL-321 relay This will call for serial each other creating the line The switch draws off the line at different points forming selected
percentagesof the line. m e SCR relays are connected to the transmissionline through me
communications programming. The software written must be compatible swltch
with the SEL-321s communication protocol. Therefore the SEL-321s Figure 3: Wiring for Transmission Line and Switch

3.1.2 Signal Conditioning Circuitry Each of the SCR digital relays can be opened or closed by sending a
A schematic of the signal conditioning circuitry that has been developed corresponding logic low or logc high signal to the individual relays from
is shown in Figures 4a and 4b. Separate circuits were used for the voltage the National Instruments DAQ card. By writing different values to the
input signals (Va, Vb, Vc, and Vn) and the current input signals (Ia, Ib, digital output port, any combination of relays can be opened or closed
IC,In). Both circuits consist of four stages: (i) attenuation stage; (ii) surge simultaneously. In the future it is planned to control the fault creating
suppression stage; (iii) isolation stage; and (iv) the low pass filter stage. circuit from one of the RTUs so that the master station will only be
The two circuits differ only in the attenuation stage. connected to the system through the network.

The attenuation stage of the voltage conditioning circuit consists of the

National Instruments High Voltage Attenuation Block (SCXI-1327).
Figure 4a shows how the attenuation block fits into the circuit. The
attenuation block provides 1OO:l input to output voltage ratio. For 4

example, a 1000 volt transient will be reduced to 10 volts, which is within

the input voltage range of the DAQ board. F
The attenuation stage of the current conditioning circuit is made up of a
current transformer and a burden resistor. The current transformer has a
1OOO:l input to output current ratio. A lOOn burden resistor is placed
across the outputs of the current transformer (see Figure 4b). A voltage
proportional to the input current is produced across the resistor. By
Attenuation1 Surge Suppressim I
measuring this voltage, the current through the current transformer can be j Stage j lsolatlon Stage I Finering Stage

Figure 4a: Voltage Signal Conditioning Circuitry
I, = (v*EI loon) x 1000 (3.1)

where I, is the current through the CT and V,, is the voltage across the
burden resistor. I I !

The surge suppression stage consists of a fuse and an MOV. Figures 4a 4

and 4b show the arrangement. This stage protects the DAQ hardware
from high currents and voltage spikes. If the MOV encounters a voltage
greater than 11 volts RMS it will short out and probably blow the fuse, F
thus protecting the rest of the circuitry. A high current ( > 1 Ampere)
entering the signal conditioning circuit will simply blow the fuse.

The isolation stage consists of a Burr Brown I S 0 122JR optical isolation

chip and a Burr Brown HPR411 DC to DC converter. This arrangement I I
i !
provides complete optical isolation in order to prevent ground loops. Attenuallml Surge Suppressm I I
Finering Stage
j j Isolation Stage II
Finally, the filtering stage consists of a LM 741 operational amplifier.
This low-pass filter has unity gain and a cutoff of 1000 Hz. This will Figure 4b: Current Signal Conditioning Circuitry
prevent aliasing. The output of the filter goes directly to the DAQ
hardware. 3.1.5 Local Area Network (LAN)
A twisted-pair Ethernet LAN was created for the lab. A 3COM Etherlink
3.1.3 Data Acquisition Hardware III network adapter was installed~inall four computers. A 10 Base-T hub
A National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-2 data acquisition card was was used to provide interconnection between the computers.
installed in each of the RTUs. Each card is capable of sampling sixteen
channels, is IZbit, and has a maximum sampling rate of 500 KHz. Since 3.1.6 Communication to SEL-321 Relay
the project design calls for sampling eight signals per RTU, each signal A SEL-321 directional overcurrent relay fault locator is used in the
can be sampled at a maximum rate of 62.5 Khz. laboratory to detect and collect fault data in order to supplement the data
that will be received from the RTUs. In order to download the fault
3.1.4 Fault Creation Circuit information, a null modem serial communications link was needed
A digital relay circuit was designed to create faults on the power systems between the serial port of the SEL-321 relay and the serial port on the
network. This circuit consists of six &gital, solid-state relays. These master station computer.
relays are rated up to 240 volts and are capable of handling currents up to
75 amperes. 3.2 Software

The Master Station application allows the user to control the six digital, 3.2.1 The Master Station Laboratory Application
solid-state relays and create any type of fault condition they desire. This Microsofts Visual Basic 3.0 was the computer language chosen to
is made possible by a National Instruments AT-MIO-I6E-2 data implement the master station programming. The Visual Basic
acquisition card that has been installed in the Master Station computer. programming system allows the programmer to create attractive and
This DAQ board contains an 8-bit input/output parallel port, which useful applications that fully exploit the Windows graphical user
supplies the digital control signals to the relays. interface (GUI)[121. Visual Basic makes the programmer more
productive by providing appropriate tools for the different aspects of GUI various kinds of corporate networks easily and quickly. LiveNet consists
development. of four major components:

A 90MHz Pentium PC was used to serve as the master station computer. 1) An Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) protocol stack
The main purpose of the master station computer is to provide students 2) The LiveNet Directory, a directory containing the names and
with an interactive laboratory manual. The lab tutorial program provides addresses of every application that will be communicating on the
students with the interface needed to perform and control the fault network.
analysis experiment, The laboratory tutorial also provides data collection 3) The LiveNet Router, which can connect up to four LANs and four
and data presentation for the students. The Master Station Visual Basic WANs.
orogram allows the user to control a set of digital relays and create 4) The LiveNet Directory Manager, a diagnostic tool with which the

Va, Vb, Vc, and Vn). While collecting the sampled data, the RTU Master Station
LiveNet LiveData
application also displays oscillographic data from one of the sampled Client

While sampling, the DAQ application also calculates RMS voltage, RMS


screen These values are also packaged and sent over the network in near LiveData LiveData LiveData
real-time to the master station Sewer Sewer Sewer

3.2.3 Networking and Real-Time Data Flow Programming. Figure 7: Cycle LiveNet Network
Communication between the Master Station and the RTUs is made
possible by the LlveNet network protocol purchased from Cycle Software
LiveNet is a group of software components that allow the user to create

3.2.4 SEL-321: Directional Overcurrent Relay Fault Locator Figure 8 shows a screen shot from the master station application. This
Serial Communications Programming. screen shows a three phase fault that was created and captured using the
The Master Station Visual Basic program also provides an interface to the master station IPSL application (using the interface shown in Figure 5)
SEL-321 relay. Along with many other functions, the SEL-321 relay As the figure shows, graphs for Ia, Ib, IC, In, Va, Vb, and Vc are
provides Event Reporting. The SEL-321 relay can detect and identify presented The students can use these graphs to observe the magnitude of
almost any fault condition that occurs on the transmission line system. fault currents and voltages that are produced whcn different types of
When a fault condition occurs, the SEL-321 relay saves four cycles of shorted fault conditions are created. The prefault data capturing allows
prefault oscillographic data and seven cycles of postfault oscillographic the students to observe the state of the transmission line before the faults
data. This data contains three phase voltages and currents sampled every are created so they can compare the prefault and postfault waveforms and
1/16-cycle. The voltages and currents are given in primary quantities. see exactly when the faults were created. The master station graphs also
make it possible for the students to visualize almost the exact moment
The developed Master Station software allows the user to download the when the faults are cleared. Figure 8 shows a three phase fault that was
last fault report that occurred on the transmission line This downloading cleared after three cycles. This figure also reminds the studeqt of what
occurs over a standard RS-232 serial port null-modem cable. Once the percentage of the transmission line the fault was created.
data is downloaded from the SEL-321 relay, it is graphed and displayed to
the user. The user is given the option of printing out the graphs or
reviewing them later.

4. Examples and Discussion

The entire system, as shown in Figure 1, was set up in Drexel

Universitys Power Laboratory. The laboratory setup consisted of the

A three-phase utility grid source jregulated to 110V).

A Drexel three-phase generator (1 lOV, 5kVA).
A three-phase transmission line module (Total impedance of
Three signal conditioning modules (Each module is capable of
handling eight input signals)
A five position fault location switch (Used to select which part of
the line to create a fault).
A fault creation circuit.
Two electromechanical relays (rated at 115V and 30 A).
Four Data Acquisition Cards (National Instruments AT-MIO- 16E- Figure 8: Fault Report Screen from Master Station Application
A SEL-321: Directional Overcurrent Relay Fault Locator. 5. Conclusion
Two 90Mhz Pentium PC computers (One master station and one
RTU), two 486DX PC computers (Two RTUs), and all laboratory The primary goal of the project was to provide a fault analysis experiment
software. which allows students to examine the effect of fault conditions on a
A 10 base T LAN and the Cycle Livenet protocol. power system in a realistic manner. This experiment is the first in a series
of experiments to be implemented in Drexel Universitys hterconnected
The laboratory is set up so a group of four or five students can perform Power Systems Laboratory. The laboratory provides the students with
the lab simultaneously. The master station provides the students with hands-on experience of theknitations and methods of control of an
prelab calculations and questions, information on fault theory, energy management system.
instructions needed to perform the fault experiment, the control center for
creating the faults, and fault data collection from all points monitored on The developed fault analysis experiment incorporates the emerging
the transmission line system. The RTU computers provide the students technology of cliendserver real-time computing with power systems
with near real-time oscilloscopic signal data as well as near real-time analysis. Using readily available computer hardware along with modem
charts showing voltages, currents, frequency, and power factor from one software programming techniques, a customized graphics intensive
point on the line. The students can take turns creating faults using the laboratory environment was created. This environment enhances the
master station and viewing osillographic data on the RTUs. students perception of power electrical systems and their performance by
graphically modeling the active control elements of the power system on
The master station application teaches students how to create faults by a color computer screen. The laboratory setup removes some of the steps
supplying them with interactive visual aids. One such visual aid can be involved in laboratory setup and data gathering and provides more time
seen back in Figure 5. This figure graphically illustrates how the fault for the students to appreciate the theory and concepts behind the
creation circuit operates. The student can see how the digital relays, experiments.
acting as breakers, are used to short the different phases of the
transmission line together. The student can open or close these relays After performing the fault analysis experiment, the students will come
with the simple click of a mouse button. away with valuable experience related to the characteristics of the
different kinds of fault conditions. This experience includes:
1) How faults are created. 8. Biographies
2) The magnitude of the fault currents that are produced during
different types of faults that occur on a power system network. S. P. Carullo (S'94) was born on December 19, 1972 in Springfield,
3) The characteristics of the voltages and currents produced from Pennsylvania. He received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Drexel
fault conditions over a duration of time. University in June 1995. He is currently pursuing a M.S. in electrical
4) How faults are cleared. engineering at Drexel University while working as a research assistant in
the Center for Electric Power Engineering. Mr. Carullo has worked at
It is hoped that this laboratory setup will help students visualize power Sony Music Entertainment and the U.S. Coast Guard as a student design
system phenomena in terms of the Energy Management System (EMS) engineer. Mr. Carullo is a student member of the IEEE Computer Society
equipment used by power system operators. and the Digital Signal Processing Society.

6. Acknowledgments R. Bolkus He received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Drexel

University in June 1995. Mr. Bolkus is currently employed as a software
The authors would like to thank the National Science Foundation (Grant engineer.
#: DUE-9452344) and Microsoft Curriculum Development Grant for
providing funds for the project. The authors would also like to J. Hartle was born on March 13, 1972 in Beaver, Pennsylvania. He
acknowledge financial support received from PECO energy and General received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Drexel University in June
Public Utilities (GPU). In addition, equipment received from General 1995. Mr. Hartle has held previous employment at General Service
Electric and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories is also appreciated. Administrators as an engineering trainee. Mr. Hartle is a student member
of the IEEE.
7. References
J. Foy was born on September 15, 1972 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
S Gruber, "A Computer Interfaced Electrical Machines Laboratory", IEEE He received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Drexel University in
Trunsucticmson Educution, Vol E-27, No 2, May 1984,pp 73-78 June 1995 Mr. Foy is currently employed by Fluor Darnel Engineering
J D Morgan and M H. Tranter, "Industry-University Cooperation with as an associate design engineer.
Emphasis on a Machines and Dnves Laboratory", IEEE Transactions on
Education, Vol E-29, No 2, May 1986, pp 115-119
C.O. Nwankpa was born in Owerri, Nigeria in 1962. He received his
A Keyhani and A. Hao, "Microcomputer-Aided Data Acquisition System
for Laboratory Testing of Transformers and Electncal Machines", IEEE
Magistr Diploma in Electric Power Systems from Leningrad
Trunmctrons on Power Sysfemr, PWRS-3, No 3, August 1988, pp Polytechnical Institute, USSR, in 1986. He received his Ph.D. degree in
1328-1334 the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the Illinois
S. Ranade, "An Automated Data Acquisition and Processing System Using Institute of Technology in 1990. He 1s currently an Assistant Professor In
Personal Computers for an Undergraduate Electnc Machinery Laboratory", the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Drexe.1
IEEE Trunsuctionson Power Systems, Vol PWRS-4, No 1, February 1989, University. He is the recipient of a 1991 NSF Engineering Research
pp 361-367 Initiation Award and a 1994 Presidential Faculty Fellow Award His
J Lindsay and V R Stefanovic, "Power Electronics in Electrical research interests are in the areas of power systems and power electronics.
Engineenng", IEEE Transacttons on Education, VOl E-21, No. 3, August His recent work has been in the application of stochastic methods in
1978, pp 119-121 power systems planning and operation.
T S Spangenberg, Jr and J L Lowry, "A Solid State Protective Relay for
Use in Educational Laboratories", IEEE Trunsucnons on Education, Vol E-
J. Gillerman received his B S m electrical and computer engineering
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System IEEE from Rutgers University in 1994. He is currently employed by Dranetz
Trunsuctionson Educution, Vol E-21, No 3, August 1978, pp 139-142 Inc as a 'Oftware engineer a member
E T. B Gross and M H Hesse, "Electnc Power Engineenng Through ofIEEE.
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2,May 1979,pp 116-118 R. Fischl was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1931. He received the
A P Meliopoulob, A Feliachi, A G Bakirtzis and G Cokkinides, B S E E degree from City College of New York in 1965 and the M S
"Development of Courses on Power System Energy Control Centers", IEEE and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1958
Trunsuctrons on Educution, Vol E-27, No. 2, May 1984, pp 66-72 and 1966, respectively, both in electrical engineering From 1956 to 1966
Cederblad and Hagengren9 " An Advanced for Power he was on the research staff of the Willow Run and Cooley Electronics
System Education", IEEE on Power SYYtem V O l
Laboratories at the University of Michigan In 1966 he joined the faculty
PWRS-2, NO 3, August 1987, pp 818-821
of Drexel University where he is currently a Professor of Electrical
E. C. Tacker, K. Y. Lee, T. D. Litton and C W. Sanders, "The University of
Of power systems and
Houston E1ec-h~Energy Systems Control Program", IEEE Transuctlons on Engineering' His research interests are in the
Educution, Vol E-21, No 3, August 1978, pp 197-202 power electronics design, computer-aded dispatch and planning,
Microsoft Corporation, visUul B~~~~~P ~ ~ ~ +or ~Windows,
~ optimization,
~ ~ ~robust, control,
, stability
~ and circuit design His recent work
1993 has been in the areas of security assessment and enhancement,
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