Lords Army

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314 Documents

The "Lord's Army" Movement in the

Romanian Orthodox Church
The Lord's Army wasfounded in 1923 by a Orthodox laity and even among the clergy
Romanian Orthodox priest from Transyl" which is becoming increasingly unman-
vania, Iosif Trifa. Essentially a moral ageable, and consists of those people
renewal movement, aimed at. countering capable of thinking for themselves and
the strong influence of the evangelical assuming responsibilities. The regime
movements, the Lord's Army developed would like to use the Orthodox Church as
into a lay-initiative mission movement a missile with which to strike the other
within Orthodoxy. In its ,heyday in the denominations, and it has to a certain ex-
mid-thirties and forties, millions of tent achieved this. The regime has adopted
Romanian Orthodox, including priests the diabolical tactic of attempting to fuse
and religious, took part in its actlvities oftogether the concepts of "good
evangelization, printing and open air Romanian" and "Orthodox". In the eyes
meetings. In 1935 the movement rejected of the authorities, a "good Romanian" is
attempts by the hierarchy to curb the lay one who does not cause trouble and an
role in leadership. Fr Trifa was defrocked "Orthodox" is, again, someone who does
and the movement continued independent not cause trouble; so that if an Orthodox
of the Church, though its members contin- believer causes trouble, he can no longer
ued to be part of the Romanian Orthodox be considered either a good Orthodox or a
Church. After comingto power in 1947 the good Romanian. The confusion wrought
communists banned the organization en- by merging these two different concepts is
tirely and its leaders were imprisoned. Its extremely useful to those who intend to
most prominent leader, Traian Dorz, poet dominate by creating strife.
and hymn writer, has spent 17 years in Thirty years ago, when plans were afoot
prison and since 1965 has been under to make Orthodoxy the official state
house arrest. The movement still claims up religion - if not an actual accomplice in
to 400,000 members, and continues to establishing the new order - there existed,
attract the youth of Romanian Orthodoxy. on the one hand, the Greek Catholic
Its clandestine existence has brought its (Uniate) Church (i.e. Orthodox believers
members much hardship, as the following dependent on Rome but independent of
document indicates, It was distributed by the regime: a grave situation for a totalitar-
ALRC (the Christian Committee for the ian State) and, on the other hand, the
Defonce of Religious Freedom and Free- "Lord's Army", a movement to revive
dom ofConscience) on behaljofthe Chris- religious life within the Orthodox Church.
tian Committee for the Defence of Religi- To eliminate the Uniate Church, the
QUS Rights in Romania. tactic of forced conversion to pure
Orthodoxy was used: and for those who
A LIMB OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH WHICH resisted, the tactic of extermination. Will it
CONTINUES TO BLEED: THE LORD'S ARMY ever be known how many Uniate priests
and believers perished in prison?
The fairly widespread impression that The fight against the Lord's Army was
the Orthodox Church enjoys a privileged more difficult for these were Orthodox
position in Romania is only partially believers, and the most fervent of them.
correct. It is only one section of Orthodox The Lord's Army was founded in 1923 by
church members who are safe from perse- the priest losif Trifa ofSibiu, in conjunc-
cution: these are the conformists, who 'are tion with Orthodox believers, both priests
willing to compromise with the atheists, or and laymen; who wished to devote them-
to resign themselves in the face of certain selves to a more intense spiritual activity
violent measures. The goverrtment offi- than was to be found in routine and forma-
cials who hold the monopoly on religious lism. They met several times a week for
matters would like all Orthodox to belong communal spiritual activities: prayer,
to this category. Fortunately, the garden of Bible studies, hymn-singing and preach-
the Lord is immense, and so there exists, ing. The various communities visited each
apart from those people who are easily other frequently, even if they were some
manipulated, another category among distance apart, for a pilgrimage on a feast-
Documents 315

day, or the dedication of a church, or a dispersal ofa gathering of2,000 in Preluci-

special religious service. On such occa- Asau, near Comane~ti (Bacau). In the
sions several thousand "soldiers" would same year, at a meeting in Vulcana-
gather. Pandele (Tlrgovi~te) in which Sergiu
Any Orthodox believer may join the Grossu and Traian Dorz participated, the
Lord's Army if he wishes to take to heart security police surrounded the building
the advice of the Gospel and apply it in his and took down the identity of everyone .
own life, arid is determined to fight syste- present. Around the same time, Dorz and
matically against sin - a battle beginning Grossu had a confrontation in the Minis-
at baptism when the child becomes in fact try of Internal Affairs with the then Mini-
a "soldier of Christ", in the words of the ster, Draghici, 'who announced plainly, "I
prayer said on this occasion. It behoves the will exterminate the lot of you!" Notwith-
adult who is baptized in Christ to become standing these threats, they were asked to
aware of his belonging to the army led by draw up a statement in triplicate applying
the Lord of Light and Truth. Thus any- for legalization of the Lord's Army, and to
body who is willing and able to mobilize submit a draft statute listing 22 names of
himself in the fight against evil in himself possible leaders. This was nothing but a
and in the world can be a "soldier of classical ploy to trap leading representa-
Christ", becoming in this way an active tives of the Lord's Army. Arrests followed
participant in the salvation of the world. immediately: it was precisely the '22
The Lord's Army has awakened such persons nominated in the statement,
enthusiasm and fervour, such capacity for representing regional groups, who were
sacrifice among even the most simple arrested. They were tried in Cluj and
people that the coming to power of the charged with belonging to a group of anti-
present regime has not eliminated them. State orientation. The name "Lord's
In spite of the risks and attacks it has Army" was enough to give rein to the most
incurred - or rather, because of them - ridiculous and fantastic hypotheses. Any-
the Lord's Army has continued its intense one who belonged to the Army was
activity without interruption, and on an suspected of belonging to an Armyorgan-
increasing scale. The movement's ability ized for regular armed combat. Arrests
to resist, its ingenuity and boldness, and followed one after the other; people' were
the determination and perseverance of its rounded up by region. A total of 500
members will provide a totally unique "soldiers" were arrested. Many were not
chapter in the history of the Orthodox released until 1964.
Church. From 1959 to 1964, though deprived of
In 1948, in its haste to liquidate all its most active members, the Lord's Army
movements which it could not totally con- continued its activities. Fraternal meetings
trol and manipulate, the new regime were held regularly despite all the obstruc-
launched a full-scale attack on the Lord's tions and dangers.
Army. It ~was announced through the Although a respite was expected after
priest Secas (who represents a branch of 1964, people were still arrested. In 1965,
the Lord's Army which is far too submis- at a meeting in the Banat, three Lord's
sive to Caesar) that the Lord's Army had Army members were arrested and sen-
been dissolved, although no official decree tenced to two years' imprisonment. They
to this effect had yet been publishel That were acquitted, however, thanks to Metro-
same year, in June, some of the most politan Nicolae Corneanu's intervention
zealous organizers of the Lord's Army on their behalf. In the same year David
were arrested: Cornel Rusu ofSimeria and Balaula of Ive~ti (Moldova) was arrested;
Traian Dorz of Beius. They were released he spent two years'in prison.
in 1952 but arrested again some month's . After 1965 the authorities adopted a
later. This time their fate was shared by method of intimidation which consisted of
loan Opri~of Calan, Serghie Paraschiv of administering stiff fines to people found
Moldova, Eftimie of Moldova, Alexandru praying together in houses and in
Codrut of Namoloasa, Vasile Axinuta of churches. In 1967, 400 families in the
Lasna (Dorohoi), Carlinca of Suceava, Lord's Army were fined twice: 40,000 and
Harasiniuc of Bucovina, Racoviteanu and 60,000 lei. In subsequent years fines were
others. They were released in 1954, but in administered in great profusion: in 1970,
1958 there was another wave of arrests. at Comane~ti, 20,000 lei; in 1971, at
It began with a drastic warning: the Simeria, 1,300 lei were paid by Cornel
316 Documents
Rusu and 1,000 lei by Traian Dogaru; in Army. One of the accusations against Pro-
1973, at Cluj, 9,000 lei; from 1973 to fessor Gheorghe Calciu, who was dis-
1974, at Alba lulia, 55,000 lei. During this missed from his post of professor at
time lonut Pod was fined 3,000 lei, E. Bucharest theological seminary, was that
Placinta 2,000 lei and loan Opri~ 2,000 lei. he had supported the Lord's Army in his
In 1975, at Carpini~ul Sibiuliu, Dumitru sermons.
Pilitia was fined 2,000 lei; at Poiana de Sus The Lord's Army now has at least half a
(Sebe~), loan Voica paid 3,000 lei. In 1976, milIion a4herents. Instead of halting the'
at Vintul de Jos, loan Magdici was fined movement's progress, repressive measures
5,500 lei. In 1977, at Losna-Dorohoi, - searches, discrimination, and confisca-
Emanoil Furtuna paid 1,000 lei and ten tion of Bibles, printed matter, literature
others were fined SOlei each. and manuscripts - allow it to develop
Searches are another method of intimi- continually. Repression, by creating
dation used not only against the Lord's apparent limitations, increases the tension
Army. These are often carried out with a and, consequently, the efficiency, of any
warrant based on a fictitious denunciation real spiritual activity. It is this principle
- possession of gold, jewellery, foreign which made possible the Fraternal Coun-
currency or weapons. The following have cil in Bra~ov in November 1976, attended
been searched: Sabin Oprea in 1971; by the 30 Lord's Army leaders. Although
Cornel Rusu in 1974; Nicolae everyone who participated in the Council
Moldoveanu ofSibiu in 1971, '73, '76 and was afterwards subjected to investigations
'77; Petru Pop of Botiz (Hunedoara) in and interrogations, their enthusiasm was
1976; David Bocaneala ofCluj in 1977 (a in no way diminished.
number of Bibles were confiscated from The ability to survive and the spiritual
him); Constantin Tudose of Galati; calibre of Lord's Army members should
Virginia Cojocaru, a teacher in Magiresti convince the Patriarchate to undertake at
(Bacau) - during a search of her home last t'O bring the Lord's Army under its
carried out in her absence, important protection. Otherwise, the Patriarchate
manuscripts on the history of the Lord's would be a neglectful mother, for the
Army were confiscated. Lord's Army is, after all, a daughter of the
Traian Dorz, who has spent almost 20 Orthodox Chuch - indeed, one of her
years in prison since the so-called "libera- most noble daughters. To continue to treat
tion", is searched every year; his house the Lord's Army as totally alien to Ortho-
and his movements are closely watched. doxy could eventually lead to a division
Lately, the effervescence of the Army's between the broad mass of believers and
activities has provoked the repressive the hierarchy, with the latter reduced to
apparatus to reactions of violence com- the instrument of those who aim to elimin-
parable to that of 20 years ago, although ate all true spirtituallife in Romania.
they attempt by every possible means to WilI the Patriarchate again fail to
conceal it. In January 1978, in Suceava, understand its higher interests, as it did
t'be Security Police raided the home of when it became the executioner of the
Gheorghe Velniciuc and his family and UniateChurch?
broke up an innocent family name-day Lastly, and this is a constant source of
party. insomnia to thechurch hierarchy, there is
Priests suspected of sympathizing with the far from docile attitude of certain
the Lord's Army are closely watched by priests, both young and old, who at the risk
the archpriests and the territorial inspec- of being charged with insanity are deter-
tor, who place them under virtual house mined to serve Christ with dignity and
arrest in their parish. In recent months cer- honour. One of these priests, Stefan
tain priests in the Banat ha~e received Gavrila, was banned from priestly duties
warnings in writing from their superiors by the Synod in 1974, then pardoned by
ordering them to cease missionary activi- the same Synod on 10 December 1977, at
ties in support of the Lord's Army. When the order of the Security Police given
threats do not produce results, adminstra- through the Department of Cults. The
tive measures are enforced: the priest indulgence of the police in this case result-
Stefan Gavrila was suspended from the ed from a reading of the material entitled
priesthood for having introduced in his "The Case of Fr Stefan Gavrila", broad-
parish the greeting "Praise the Lord!", cast by Radio Free Europe on IS October
commonly used by members of the Lord's 1977. This is added proof that one of the
Documents 317
ways to resist tyranny, whether directly or regime for an unfortunate people satiated
indirectly, is to denounce it, to strip away with slogans and thirsting after real spiri-
its anonymity, to cry out against the viola- tuality. The efforts of some priests to teach-
tions which have been committed, so that the catechism to adults and youth infuriate
everybody will hear. Thanks to this kind of church leaders and the Department of
denunciation against tyranny, Fr Stefan Cults. Other priests' attempts to repair or
Gavrila became a parish priest again on I restore churches come up against the iner-
April 1978 in the parish of Constandoiu, tia of the church hierarchy and the hosti-
Vrancea district. lity of bureaucrats who believe that socia-
Fr Costica Maftei, former parish priest lism cannot triumph except by reducing to
of Titan parish in Bucharest, requested ruins the sacred traditions of the
permission to build a church for the tens of Romanian people.
thousands of families in his district; for As long as state and church leaders fail
this he was dismissed from his post, was to understand that religious life in
treated rudely by the then Archiepiscopal Romania must be allowed freedom to
Vicar, and was sent this year [1978] to develop, history will place them -
Austria with his family. In this case, inde- regardless of their zealous attempts to put
pendent Romania has adopted the Soviet up a respectable front - alongside those
method of exporting - even free of charge pagans who fought against the fundamen-
- people who have become a nuisance tal aspirations of the Romanian soul.
inside the country. Those who aim to eradicate religion in the
The priest Gheorghe Calciu, guilty of Romanian people intend in fact to elimin-
preaching zealously and eloquently in ate their ability to resist oppression. But
church, and of being seriously and whole- the instinct of race preservation, by some
heartedly involved in th'e training of future mysterious alchemy, ensures that when
priests, was dismissed in May this year spiritual affliction reaches its height, then
from his post of professor, which left him the religious fervour of the masses
without a job. The authorities are plan- increases also. '
ning to revoke his work contract, with a For this reason, if our hearts bleed at the
view to barring him from the priesthood sight of all the abuses mentioned here -
and abandoning him to the mercy of the and this is only a minute part of the huge
Security Police. * And this is the result of a Romanian chronicle of suffering for one's
vile plot by dozens of officials of the faith - yet we cannot keep from quivering
Patriarchate, who are priests themselves, with joy at the evidence that, as a divine
and fully aware of the baseness of their consolation from Heaven, the Romanian
actions, but are unable to retract out of people have been given a religious fervour
fear and servility. comparable to that of the Christians in the
Lastly, there are many other priests, first centuries.
cloaked in anonymity, who make huge a Therefore, let us praise God, who uses
effort to qeate a sort of positive diversion, even men of bad faith to achieve good, and
attempting thus to snatch a little spiritual let us pray, at the example of our Saviour,
oxygen from the grasp of the totalitarian that He wiII forgive all those who -
knowingly or unknQwingly - persecute
*Fr Calciu was in fact arrested in March Him, who is the Truth and the Light.
1979. He was 52, and had already spent 16
years in prison during the Stalinist period CHRISTIAN COMMITTEE FOR THE DEFENCE OF
before becoming a priest in 1973. In July RELIGIOUS RIGHTS IN ROMANIA
1979 he was given another prison sentence
often years. Ed. 23 August 1978

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