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Los Alamos Lockheed STEP UNM Sandia Natl Boeing

Martin Labs

School Related -Proof of Enrollment -Proof of -Full-time -Maintain 12 -Enrolled in a

GPA -Maintain 12 credit Enrollment enrollment credit hours. bachelors degree
Test Scores hours -Maintain 12 -Admittance -3.0/4.0 GPA -Academic Excellence
Junior/Senior -3.0/4.0 GPA credit hours to SoE
Transcripts -3.0/4.0 GPA -Acceptable
-Less than 3
classes into
Letters of Rec. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Previous Work N/A -Previous N/A -Working -Prior experience with

Experience experience in knowledge of internships,
design, engineering leadership, etc.
software, or science-
robotics, etc.
related field.
Paid/Unpaid -Hourly Salary: -Hourly -Yes, -Hourly -Hourly:
$11.25-$22.00 Salary: dependent on Salary: About $25.00/hr
$17.00- internship. About $22.00 depending on area.
$20.00, based -Conference
on location trip
Perks (Housing, -Multiple Health -Housing -Dependent -Possible -Possible relocation
Transport, etc.) benefits stipend on given academic assistance
-Disability, legal, -Education internship. credit -Possible full-time
AD&D benefits, etc. assistance -Research employment
Supplemental -Pre-employment -Secret -Enrollment in -Existing -Passion for
Materials/Requirements drug test Clearance, Engineering security Aerospace industry
-Proficiency in Program clearance -Possible security
M.S. office -ECE 213 and -U.S. clearance
ECE 238L
-3.5/4.0 GPA
in 6 mentor -Ability to
sessions present oral
and written
Practical Considerations 40 hours during Less than 40 Dependent on -Up to 40 -Dependent on Job
summer hours/week, internship hrs/week location.
25 hours during Located in opportunity During
semesters Fort Worth. given. summer.
Out of town Starts January
Date: September 9, 2017
To: Crystal Zanders, ENGL 219 Professor
From: Brandon Hill, Student
Subject: Project 1:2 Reflection

This project was an eye-opening experience for how searching for a job or internship can be such
a stressful activity. For the most part, I just figured I would apply for an internship position at
some government contractor or laboratory like Lockheed Martin or Sandia National Labs. At
these places, I would get the most experience for the work I would eventually perform as either
an electrical engineer or computer engineer. If I knew the correct people to ask, or had enough
foresight even to ask my professors earlier before this project was almost due, Im sure word-of-
mouth would have opened more opportunities for me to choose possible job or internship
positions from. Procrastinator that I am, however, made me wait until the last minute to put this
project together. If I wouldve had the forethought to ask a professor, I would have been my
circuit analysis professor as I enjoy the topic of his class.
All the internship programs I chose had something to do with an engineering focus in mind. The
Los Alamos, STEP, and Boeing programs dealt with internship programs that I could sign up for
in which they would place me with a mentor in a positon that they would hopefully determine
that I would benefit experience from in my field. These seemed the most promising, as all three
do not require any clear experience. The other two internships chosen had to deal with set
positions that came with much stricter guidelines for applications. Overall, rating each internship
based on my opinion of how prestigious or competitive I assume the internship is on a scale of 1
to 5 is the following:
Boeing 2
Los Alamos 4
Lockheed Martin 3
Sandia 1
Working for Los Alamos, Boeing, or involvement in the STEP program would involve me
shadowing a mentor pertaining to my area of interest, while the Sandia and Lockheed positions
would put me in a strict position with opportunities to network and grow through specialized
experience. All 5 choices are nice in what they would offer, mostly differing in how much
attention and expertise interns are shown by their supervisors. If possible, Boeing would be my
first choice if given the offer to work there.
For the most part, I feel like I am a confident candidate for the internships at Boeing, STEP, and
Los Alamos. This conclusion comes from the fact that I have no real experience and I wish to
change that; all three of these programs offer that opportunity. The Lockheed and Sandia
internships imply that they would prefer students would already have experience working with
either other people in projects or just time working with other people in general. This leads to the
first three internships satisfying that need for experience so I can have a solid chance at netting
positions like the ones at Sandia and Lockheed.
Other primary factors in choosing an internship, or any future job, are family and location. I
dont find the prospect of moving far away from the southern United States very exciting, as
most of my family lives in the area. For that reason, Id dislike it if I must go and live on the east
or west coast. I enjoy being around family and have already experienced how difficult it can be
seeing them each year for just small periods of time. If I can avoid being too far away and still
have a job that can satisfy the monetary needs in my life, Ill be just fine with whatever I choose
to apply to.
It seems, as a cohesive whole, the feedback from my video response ranged from 3 to 4 in most
categories except a 2 in body language, which holds no surprise to me. This tells me that I must
have done something right, and I seem to be on the right track in regards to this interview
question. I was not expecting to get this type of middling to above average scores on my review.
I didnt feel like I did much correctly, but when it comes to commenting on myself I tend to
more critical of what I do than what is perceived by others. The lowest rated parts of my video
pertain to my lack of gestures and inclusion of random information. In addition to that, I just
need to be more confident in my tone of voice, while keeping eye-contact with the camera more
often. Overall, I just need to practice interviewing more.
My body language must make it seem like I am unprepared for the interview itself. I dont think
my tone of voice is what contributes to any failure in my video. I confess that I am
uncomfortable at speaking to others spontaneously like one should act in an interview, as it fails
to come naturally to me. I know I could have been more prepared for this, but that prospect is
difficult as I have had little experience when it comes to interviewing. I appreciate this chance to
at least experience what a real interview might be like, and the pointers gained from fellow
students who most likely have more exposure to it than me. If I had to change something for my
response, it would be to try and make it sound more inviting and focused towards the job at hand.
Video interviewing just made it hard to continue to speak when I made the slightest error, and
the lack of being face-to-face seems to defeat the purpose of using gestures to make meaningful
impact towards the discussion. This project lead introduced me to the nuances of interview and
encourages me to find bits and pieces and what I continue to do in my college career to build on
what I can claim to say in an interview.

MSTIC Advanced Space Systems R&D Undergrad Summer - Below

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