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Erwin HIgh School

60 Lees Creek Road
Asheville, NC 28806

Dear Mr.Mills and CAEHS Approval Committee,

For my Buncombe County School Graduation Project. I choose to do my project

on Alzheimer's a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental
functions. I chose this topic because I found it really common as well as a weird disease
throughout the elderly ages. I found it really interesting and I am really interested into
the medical field. My experience on this topic is slightly not suched experience on the
topic, but have a little background on it. Over the summer I took a summer class at AB-
Tech on becoming a CNA. My time spent learning about the different diseases and what
elderly's go through got me more interested into this topic and wanted to spend more
time actually getting to the topic and why it happens. I hope to build a few more skills I
learned during my summer CNA class.
In my research paper, I will argue that Alzheimers can will get worse with each
passing years. As the older you get the worse the Alzheimer's will get. I will mention the
way Alzheimer's starts, the way it can be detected early, the way to know if you could be
in risk of getting it when older, as well as what is is and why it happens, and if their is a
cure for Alzheimers. I will argue what would be some cares that could take place for the
patients and how to approach them as well. To support my argument I will use deep
information on my topic, as well as using real events that have happen, as well as
background from the first people who discovered Alzheimer's. I will include interviews
and experiences from people that have went through the disease that are still fighting
towards the disease
For my practical experience, I have already had some experience on this topic
from my CNA class over the summer. We went to a nursing home called Aston Park
near brevard road we had hands on experience with patients there at the nursing home.
There were a lot of elderly people with the early stage of dementia, and some that were
far into alzheimer's stage, but I am looking forward to having more experience on this
topic and getting to work with more elderly's during this project. Becoming more
experienced in Alzheimers disease and how to work with them a lot better.
My experience will impact my life in many ways. It already has impacted my life
with what I have seen through the summer. It helped me understand the other side of
life how people could be selfish not knowing what others suffer. This experience had me
thinking how I would get when I grew old. Not wanting to suffer and think how I would be
with alzheimer's forgetting everything and everyone. Towards this project I hope to
understand more about my topic.
Karla Perez

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