EMCRemote 6.04.08 User Guide

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Release 6.04

User Guide
P/N 300-007-598

EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103

Copyright 1999-2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Published March, 2009

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.



Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.

For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com.

All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

2 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide




PART 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Overview
Introduction to EMCRemote ........................................................... 20
How EMCRemote works ................................................................. 21
Connection methods......................................................................... 22
Connecting over TCP/IP ........................................................... 22
Connecting point to point with a modem............................... 22
Installation requirements ................................................................. 23
Modem (if used).......................................................................... 23
Operating systems ...................................................................... 23
Microsoft Visual C++ ................................................................. 23
Video drivers ............................................................................... 24
Mouse pointer scheme ...............................................................24

PART 2 Installation and Configuration

Chapter 2 Installation Options

EMCRemote installer packages ...................................................... 28
Installation ................................................................................... 28
Uninstallation .............................................................................. 28
Installing the client-only version .................................................... 29
Initial procedures for the client-only version ........................ 29
First-time installation for the client-only version ..................30
Upgrade of an existing client-only installation ...................... 31

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 3


Installing the full (both client and host) version .......................... 32

Initial procedures for the full version..................................... 32
First-time installation for the full version .............................. 34
Upgrade of an existing full-version installation ................... 35
Uninstalling EMCRemote................................................................ 37

Chapter 3 Configuration Considerations

Login access security ........................................................................ 40
Limiting login attempts ............................................................. 40
Recording activity....................................................................... 41
Onsite security................................................................................... 42
Locking and blanking ................................................................ 42
Master password ........................................................................ 42
Data encryption .......................................................................... 42
Options for restarting the host system .................................... 42
File transfer monitoring on the host ........................................ 43
Remote access security..................................................................... 44
Host password ............................................................................ 44
Access code.................................................................................. 44
Caller properties ......................................................................... 45
Disconnection and reconnection .................................................... 46
Disconnecting from an active host.......................................... 46
Verifying the Host Restart options.......................................... 46
Recovering from an accidental disconnect ............................ 46
Closing the host when you disconnect................................... 47
Restarting the host after a number of sessions...................... 48
Automated host restarts .................................................................. 49
Host application halts ................................................................ 49
Service and OS halts................................................................... 49

Chapter 4 Host Configuration Procedure

Host startup (first time) ................................................................... 52
Running the Host Configuration Wizard............................... 53
Waiting for a call ........................................................................ 63
Host startup (after the first time).................................................... 66
Host configuration: Application (Host Settings) ..................... 68
Using the Host Settings dialog box......................................... 68
Setting the master password.................................................... 70
Host configuration: Connection ..................................................... 71
Start procedure........................................................................... 71
Modem connection configuration........................................... 71

4 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


TCP/IP connection configuration ........................................... 73

Host configuration: Caller setup..................................................... 75
Caller setup path ........................................................................ 75
Assign caller privileges ..............................................................78

Chapter 5 Client Configuration Procedure

Client startup (first time).................................................................. 82
Running the Client Configuration Wizard............................. 82
Call manager password setup.................................................. 90
Client startup (after the first time) .................................................. 92
Client configuration: Application (Call Manager settings)......... 93
Client configuration: Communication settings............................. 95
Opening Default Settings while Dial Directory is locked .... 95
Unlocking the Dial Directory ................................................... 96
Editing the Default Settings...................................................... 97
Editing the settings for a specific device ................................ 98
Connection tab.......................................................................... 100
Security tab ............................................................................... 103
Callback tab............................................................................... 104
Call Manager configuration: Address book ................................ 105
Creating a new entry ............................................................... 105
Editing an existing entry......................................................... 112
Substitute a string (globally) .................................................. 112

PART 3 Operation

Chapter 6 Using the Client to Access a Host

Starting a connection ...................................................................... 118
Starting with the Splash Screen menu (optional) ............... 118
Connecting using the Call Manager...................................... 119
Connecting using the Dialer................................................... 122
Completing a connection ............................................................... 124
During a connection attempt.................................................. 124
Connection results ................................................................... 126
Session establishment.............................................................. 126
After successful login .............................................................. 131
Using the Session window............................................................. 132
Customizing the Session window ................................................ 133
Copying files between computers ................................................ 136
File transfer options ................................................................. 139
Using the clipboard......................................................................... 140

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 5


Executing a command.................................................................... 142

Using the remote session control buttons ................................... 143
Ending the session .......................................................................... 144

Chapter 7 Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Introduction..................................................................................... 146
Who is in charge?............................................................................ 147
The client computer.................................................................. 147
The host computer.................................................................... 147
Setting up a two-person session ................................................... 148
Starting the session.................................................................. 148
Specific host security options ................................................ 149
The Chat dialog box ....................................................................... 151
Starting Chat sessions ............................................................. 151
Ending Chat sessions .............................................................. 152
Chat logging ............................................................................. 152
File transfer progress indicators ................................................... 153
The Host-side File Transfer Status window ......................... 153

PART 4 Appendixes

Appendix A Host Configuration Reference

Appendix B Client Configuration Reference

Appendix C Host Audit Log Messages


6 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



Title Page
1 Mouse pointer scheme................................................................................... 24
2 EMCRemote user authorization acknowledgment ................................... 29
3 License key prompt........................................................................................ 30
4 Install Type dialog box .................................................................................. 33
5 Remote control incompatibility caution prompt ....................................... 34
6 License key prompt........................................................................................ 34
7 Uninstall welcome dialog box ...................................................................... 37
8 File Transfer Status progress windows (client and host) ......................... 43
9 EMCRemote main window .......................................................................... 54
10 Configure EMCRemote dialog box.............................................................. 55
11 Host Configuration WizardStart.............................................................. 55
12 Host Configuration WizardComputer Name ........................................ 56
13 Host Configuration WizardConnection.................................................. 56
14 Host Configuration WizardModem Selection ....................................... 57
15 Host Configuration WizardModem Selection ....................................... 57
16 Host Configuration WizardWait for a Call ............................................ 58
17 Host Configuration WizardWait for a Call ............................................ 58
18 Host Configuration WizardRestart.......................................................... 59
19 Host Configuration WizardSecurity Options ........................................ 60
20 Host Configuration WizardLogon Security Options ............................ 61
21 Host Configuration WizardPerformance Options ................................ 62
22 Host Configuration WizardFinish ........................................................... 63
23 EMCRemoteHost main window, immediately after an initial configura-
tion .................................................................................................................... 64
24 Initial response to Wait for a Call toggle .................................................... 65
25 Opening EMCRemote Host from the Windows taskbar or tray ............. 66
26 EMCRemoteHost in Waiting for connection mode........................... 66
27 EMCRemote Host settings window ............................................................ 69
28 Master password prompt.............................................................................. 69
29 Master Password dialog box ........................................................................ 70

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 7


30 EMCRemoteHost window: Setting modem properties........................ 71

31 Communications Devices dialog box.......................................................... 72
32 Modem Connection Preferences dialog boxGeneral tab...................... 72
33 EMCRemoteHost window........................................................................ 73
34 Communications Devices dialog box.......................................................... 74
35 TCP/IP Port dialog box................................................................................. 74
36 EMCRemote Host main GUI screen: Set up Caller button ...................... 75
37 Default Caller Setup window....................................................................... 76
38 Caller Setup window ..................................................................................... 77
39 Caller Properties windowGeneral tab .................................................... 78
40 EMCRemote main window .......................................................................... 83
41 Configure EMCRemote dialog box ............................................................. 84
42 Client Configuration WizardStart ........................................................... 84
43 Client Configuration WizardComputer Name...................................... 85
44 Client Configuration WizardFull Screen ................................................ 85
45 Client Configuration WizardScreen Scaling .......................................... 86
46 Client Configuration WizardWindows Shortcut Keys......................... 87
47 Client Configuration WizardRedial ........................................................ 88
48 Client Configuration WizardNetwork Search ....................................... 88
49 Client Configuration WizardPerformance Options.............................. 89
50 Client Configuration WizardFinish......................................................... 89
51 EMCRemoteCall Manager with locked Dial Directory ........................ 90
52 EMCRemote Dial Directory password prompt ......................................... 91
53 Call Manager Settings dialog box: General tab ......................................... 93
54 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Connect Attempts tab ....................... 94
55 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Performance tab................................. 94
56 EMCRemoteCall Manager window initial access ................................. 95
57 Dial Directory password prompt................................................................. 96
58 Dial Directory just after opening (a) initially and (b) after populating.. 96
59 Device pop-up menu item: Properties ........................................................ 97
60 Default Settings for New Address Book Entries dialog box: Logon tab 98
61 Device-specific connection settings dialog box: Logon tab ..................... 99
62 Connection settings dialog box: Connection tab ..................................... 100
63 Modem properties sheet dialog box: General tab ................................... 101
64 TCP/IP Settings............................................................................................ 102
65 TCP/IP Port dialog box............................................................................... 102
66 Connection settings dialog box: Security tab ........................................... 103
67 Connection settings dialog box: Callback tab .......................................... 104
68 EMCRemote Call Manager: Open Dial Directory state....................... 106
69 EMCRemote Dial Directory dialog box .................................................... 106
70 EMCRemote Call Manager: Add New Entry state .............................. 107
71 Address Entry Wizard Start .................................................................... 107
72 Address Entry Wizard Description ........................................................ 108

8 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


73 Address Entry Wizard Logon.................................................................. 108

74 Address Entry Wizard Connection......................................................... 109
75 Address Entry Wizard Modem Selection .............................................. 110
76 Address Entry Wizard Telephone Number........................................... 110
77 Address Entry Wizard TCP/IP Address ............................................... 111
78 EMCRemote Call Manager window, with new entry.......................... 111
79 Dialog box for Replace String function ..................................................... 112
80 EMCRemote main screen ............................................................................ 118
81 Call Manager: Initial Address Book screen .............................................. 120
82 Call Manager: Opened Address Book ....................................................... 121
83 Call ManagerDialer mode (and button menu access)......................... 123
84 EMCRemote Connection Status Window................................................. 124
85 Windows host login screen within Session window............................... 127
86 Automatic login from client Session window .......................................... 128
87 Windows GINA within client Session window ....................................... 129
88 Service Credential GINA within client Session window........................ 130
89 The client Session window showing client computer desktop context 131
90 EMCRemote Windowed button ................................................................. 134
91 Full Screen button......................................................................................... 134
92 Scale Screen and Full Screen buttons......................................................... 134
93 File Transfer window (with portion of initial view): View > All Drives......
94 File Transfer window: Default C-drive-only (example) ......................... 137
95 File Transfer Status dialog box ................................................................... 138
96 File Transfer Options dialog box................................................................ 139
97 Clipboard buttons on the Session windows button bar ........................ 141
98 Execute Application menu selection.......................................................... 142
99 Execute Application pop-up ....................................................................... 142
100 Caller confirmation dialog box................................................................... 149
101 EMCRemote Chat dialog box ..................................................................... 151
102 File Transfer Status windows (client and host examples) ...................... 153
103 Start > Programs > EMCRemote (shown for Full installation).............. 158
104 Splash screen (for Full installation)........................................................ 159
105 Configure EMCRemote screen menu ........................................................ 159
106 EMCRemote Host window: Dont accept calls ..................................... 160
107 EMCRemote Host window: Waiting for connection............................ 160
108 Menu items for Host Settings ..................................................................... 163
109 Host Settings: General.................................................................................. 164
110 Host Settings: Performance ......................................................................... 167
111 Host Settings: Security ................................................................................. 169
112 Master Password dialog box....................................................................... 172
113 Host Settings: Logon Security..................................................................... 173
114 Menu items for Host Settings ..................................................................... 176

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 9


115 Communication Devices: Modem ............................................................. 177

116 Communication Devices: TCP/IP Settings .............................................. 179
117 TCP/IP Port .................................................................................................. 180
118 Access Caller settings .................................................................................. 181
119 Caller Setup: Default.................................................................................... 182
120 Caller SetupIndividual ............................................................................ 183
121 Caller PropertiesGeneral tab (Logon information) ............................. 185
122 Caller Properties dialog box: Privileges tab ............................................. 187
123 Default Caller Properties dialog box: Time tab ....................................... 189
124 Callback tab default ..................................................................................... 190
125 Callback tab: callback on, modem ............................................................. 191
126 Callback tab: callback on, TCP/IP, port setting dialog box ................... 191
127 Start > Programs > EMCRemote (for Full installation) .......................... 194
128 Splash screen (for Full installation) ........................................................... 195
129 Configure EMCRemote screen menu.................................................... 195
130 EMCRemoteCall Manager: Initial screen ............................................. 196
131 EMCRemoteCall Manager: Address book entries .............................. 196
132 Call Manager: Dialer mode......................................................................... 200
133 Call Manager: Dialer mode: View menu options.................................... 200
134 Menu items for Call Manager Settings ..................................................... 203
135 Call Manager Settings dialog box: General tab ....................................... 204
136 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Connect Attempts tab ..................... 206
137 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Performance tab............................... 207
138 Default address book settings (Locked Call Manager) .......................... 209
139 Default address book settings (Unlocked Call Manager) ...................... 209
140 Address book settings for a selected host................................................. 210
141 Communication settings dialog box: Logon tab...................................... 211
142 Communication settings dialog box: Connection tab............................. 213
143 Communication settings dialog box: Security tab................................... 215
144 Communication settings dialog box: Callback tab.................................. 216

10 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



Title Page
1 Checklist for Host Configuration Wizard.................................................... 52
2 Checklist for Client Configuration Wizard ................................................. 82
3 EMCRemote connection messages ............................................................. 125
4 Login parameters for Service Credential GINA ....................................... 130
5 Video resolution descriptions...................................................................... 133
6 EMCRemoteHost menu bar contents..................................................... 161
7 Host Settings tabs .......................................................................................... 163
8 General options descriptions....................................................................... 164
9 Performance options descriptions .............................................................. 167
10 Security options descriptions ...................................................................... 170
11 Master Password dialog box ....................................................................... 172
12 Logon Security options descriptions .......................................................... 174
13 Modem settings descriptions....................................................................... 178
14 TCP/IP Settings descriptions ...................................................................... 179
15 TCP/IP Port ................................................................................................... 180
16 Caller Setup: Default..................................................................................... 182
17 Caller SetupIndividual ............................................................................. 183
18 Caller PropertiesGeneral .......................................................................... 185
19 Caller Properties: Privileges settings.......................................................... 188
20 Time tab settings............................................................................................ 189
21 Callback settings notes ................................................................................. 192
22 Call Manager menu bar contents ................................................................ 197
23 Call Manager Dialer body fields ............................................................ 201
24 Call Manager Settings tabs........................................................................... 203
25 Call Manager Settings: General options descriptions.............................. 204
26 Call Manager Settings: Connect Attempts options descriptions............ 206
27 Call Manager Settings: Performance options descriptions ..................... 208
28 Properties Settings tabs ................................................................................ 210
29 Communication settings: Logon tab options descriptions...................... 211
30 Communication settings: Connection options descriptions ................... 213

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 11


31 Communication settings: Security options descriptions......................... 215

32 Communication settings: Callback options descriptions ........................ 216
33 Audit log: Host access messages (Service Credential) ............................ 220
34 Audit log: Host access messages (Non-service Credential).................... 220
35 Audit log: Host file transfer messages ....................................................... 221
36 Audit log: Host configuration messages ................................................... 223
37 Audit log: Host status messages ................................................................. 225
38 Audit log: Host status messages (Non-service Credential) .................... 226
39 Audit log: Host status messages (Service Credential) ............................. 226

12 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



As part of an effort to improve and enhance the performance and capabilities

of its product line, EMC from time to time releases revisions of its hardware
and software. Therefore, some functions described in this document may not
be supported by all revisions of the software or hardware currently in use.
For the most up-to-date information on product features, refer to your
product release notes.
If a product does not function properly or does not function as described in
this document, please contact your EMC representative.

Audience This guide is part of the EMCRemote 6.04 documentation set, and is
intended for use by EMC customers, EMC Customer Service
Engineers (CSEs) and EMC Third Party Maintainers (TPMs) who
install, troubleshoot, and maintain the EMC communications
program EMCRemote. It is also intended for reference and occasional
use by customer representatives managing EMCRemote Host

Related Related EMC publications include the EMCRemote Release 6.04 Release
documentation Notes.

Conventions used in EMC uses the following conventions:

this guide
Note: A note presents information that is important, but not hazard-related.

A caution contains information essential to avoid a hazard that will
or can cause minor personal or property damage if you ignore the

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 13


An important notice contains information essential to operation of
the software. The important notice applies only to software.

Typographical conventions
EMC uses the following type style conventions in this guide:
Normal Used in running (nonprocedural) text for:
Names of interface elements (such as names of windows,
dialog boxes, buttons, fields, and menus)
Names of resources, attributes, pools, Boolean expressions,
buttons, DQL statements, keywords, clauses, environment
variables, filenames, functions, utilities
URLs, pathnames, filenames, directory names, computer
names, links, groups, service keys, file systems, notifications
Bold: Used in running (nonprocedural) text for:
Names of commands, daemons, options, programs,
processes, services, applications, utilities, kernels,
notifications, system call, man pages
Used in procedures for:
Names of interface elements (such as names of windows,
dialog boxes, buttons, fields, and menus)
What user specifically selects, clicks, presses, or types
Italic: Used in all text (including procedures) for:
Full titles of publications referenced in text
Emphasis (for example a new term)
Courier: Used for:
System output, such as an error message or script
URLs, complete paths, filenames, prompts, and syntax when
shown outside of running text.
Courier bold: Used for:
Specific user input (such as commands)
Courier italic: Used in procedures for:
Variables on command line
User input variables
<> Angle brackets enclose parameter or variable values supplied by
the user
[] Square brackets enclose optional values

14 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


| Vertical bar indicates alternate selections - the bar means or

{} Braces indicate content that you must specify (that is, x or y or z)
... Ellipses indicate nonessential information omitted from the

Where to get help EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as
Product information For documentation, release notes, software
updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and
service, go to the EMC Powerlink web site (registration required) at:

Technical support For technical support:

For problems with the EMCRemote Client or Call Manager, or for
EMCRemote problems of unknown scope or origin, call the EMC
internal Help Desk.
For problems with EMCRemote Host used on target devices
(installed platforms) owned by EMC customers, contact the EMC
Customer Service Help Desk.

Your comments Your suggestions help us continue to improve the accuracy,

organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Please send
your comments about this guide to:

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 15


16 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide




This section provides general information on the EMCRemote set of

Chapter 1, Overview
This chapter introduces EMCRemote and explains at a high level
how it works.


This chapter introduces EMCRemote and explains at a high level how

it works:
Introduction to EMCRemote ............................................................ 20
How EMCRemote works .................................................................. 21
Connection methods.......................................................................... 22
Installation requirements .................................................................. 23

Overview 19

Introduction to EMCRemote
EMCRemote is an EMC program that allows communication
between two computers:
Host computer Located at the customers site, this computer
can be any of the following:
CLARiiON management station
CLARiiON storage array
EMC Centera management station
Connectrix server
EMC ControlCenter Server
EMC Invista
RepliCareTM management station
Symmetrix service processor
Client computer This computer can be either of the following:
CLARiiON management station
Customer Service PC belonging to either EMC or an
Alternative Service Provider (ASP)
EMCRemote is a Microsoft Windows based program that allows
Customer Service personnel to remotely access a host computer and
perform the following activities:
Run programs
Monitor, interrogate, manipulate, transfer files
Reboot the system
Log in or log out of the system
Automatically log in using short-lived credentials

20 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


How EMCRemote works

EMCRemote consists of the following components:
EMCRemote Host Runs on a Windows-based computer that
has files or other resources you want to access.
EMCRemote Client Runs on a Windows-based computer,
allowing you to control the host from a remote location.
With the EMCRemote components installed and configured,
Customer Service personnel can access the host computer through a
remote control session.
Once the remote control session is established, the EMCRemote
Session window appears on the clients display. The Session window
allows you to view and control the actions taking place on the host.
You can also minimize the Session window and continue other work
at your current location. The programs continue to run on the host
computer, and you can access them again as soon as you restore the
Session window.


Connection methods
EMCRemote allows you to connect two computers through the EMC
Secure Remote Support Gateway system. Alternatively, you can use a
After you have connected, the controlling computer takes command
of the host to access its programs and data files. The clients screen,
keyboard, and mouse function as though you were using their host

Connecting over TCP/IP

EMCRemote can operate over a TCP/IP-compatible network, such as
EMC Secure Remote Support Gateway or SymmIP, as the connection
path between the networked client computers and remote host
computers. These networks use IP protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) over either
the Internet (for example, using Gateway) or over a modem
connection (for example, using SymmIP or PPP).

Connecting point to point with a modem

EMCRemote can take advantage of any modem installed in
Windows. EMCRemote supports all modem speeds, but connection
speeds of 56k baud or greater are highly recommended.

22 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Installation requirements
Before installing EMCRemote, verify that your installation
environment meets the requirements in this section.

Modem (if used)

1. EMCRemote supports all modem speeds, but connection speeds
of 56k baud or greater are highly recommended.
2. Install, configure, and power on the modems before installing

Operating systems
To identify the currently supported Windows operating systems,
please connect to Powerlink and navigate or query for the latest
EMCRemote Release Notes:

Microsoft Visual C++

Systems running the EMCRemote Host or Client 6.04 must install
Microsofts Redistributable Package for Visual C++ 2005 SP1.
For both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, the file name of the
download is vcredist_x86.exe.

Note: This redistributable package must be installed on all EMCRemote

platforms. This includes Windows Server 2003 64-bit version, which runs
EMCRemote as a 32-bit application.

This file can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site. The
required version numbers are:
Quick Details version 8.0.50727.762 (or later).
After downloading the files from Microsoft, right-clicking on the
package icon and opening Properties and then opening the
Version tab shows file version number 6.0.3790.0 (or later).
When installed as standalone libraries, these packages display as
version 8.0.56336 (or later).


Note: When using versions of the runtime libraries listed here, EMC cannot
guarantee the runtime libraries are compatibile with operation of all other
non-EMC applications requiring a Visual C++ redistributable package.

Video drivers

The EMCRemote Host may be incompatible with some system
video drivers. It is recommended that you update your video
drivers to the latest version before installing the EMCRemote Host.

For more information, please contact the EMC Customer Support


Mouse pointer scheme

The EMCRemote Host 6.04 must have its mouse pointer scheme set
to None. To check the scheme setting, go to the Control Panel and
double-click Mouse. Select the Pointer tab (as shown in Figure 1 on
page 24), and in the Scheme menu list, select None. Click OK to
enforce the selection.

Figure 1 Mouse pointer scheme

24 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Installation and Configuration

This section provides setup information about EMCRemote. See also

the several configuration appendixes.
Chapter 2, Installation Options
This chapter explains how to install and configure EMCRemote
Host and/or EMCRemote Client.
Chapter 3, Configuration Considerations
This chapter provides important background information to help
you prepare host and client configurations.
Chapter 4, Host Configuration Procedure
This chapter explains how to configure EMCRemote Host. See
also Appendix A, Host Configuration Reference.
Chapter 5, Client Configuration Procedure
This chapter explains how to configure EMCRemote Client,
including the Call Manager. See also Appendix B, Client
Configuration Reference.

Installation Options

This chapter explains how to install and configure EMCRemote:

EMCRemote installer packages ....................................................... 28
Installing the client-only version ..................................................... 29
Installing the full (both client and host) version ........................... 32
Uninstalling EMCRemote ................................................................. 37

Installation Options 27
Installation Options

EMCRemote installer packages

EMC-external GA distribution (EMC customers and EMC TPMs)
distribution Client only This installer is for GA and EMC Third Party
Maintainers (TPMs) distribution. For installation instructions,
readthe section Installing the client-only version on page 29.

Full (client and host) This pre-installed version provides both

a client and a host on one machine. It is available for GA and
EMC Third Party Maintainers (TPMs) distribution.

Distribution limited to product integration

Host only This package is available as part of Symmetrix
Enginuity installation software and CLARiiON software. For
installation instructions, see documentation for those products.

EMC-internal GA distribution (EMC only)

distribution Client only This installer is for general distribution to EMC
Customer Service personnel and other EMC users. See Installing
the client-only version on page 29.

Full (client and host) This installer puts both a client and a
host on one machine. It is also available in limited distribution for
TPM use. For installation instructions, see Installing the full
(both client and host) version on page 32.

Host only This package is available as part of Symmetrix

Enginuity installation software. For installation instructions, see
documentation for those products.

For uninstallation instructions for any version of EMCRemote, see
Uninstalling EMCRemote on page 37.

Note: The uninstaller application should be invoked only through the

Windows Start menu.

28 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Installation Options

Installing the client-only version

The procedures in this section can be used for either a new
installation or to upgrade an existing EMCRemote installation.

Initial procedures for the client-only version

Advance preparation First, review the general advance preparation requirements in
EMCRemote installer packages on page 28.

Preparation Immediately before installing EMCRemote, exit from all other


Procedure To install a client-only copy of EMCRemote using command line:

1. Select Start > Run.
2. In the Open dialog box, type the path to the appropriate installer
or [path]\sr_client.exe

Note: For descriptions of installer programs, read the section

EMCRemote installer packages on page 28.

3. Click OK.
A dialog box appears (Figure 2 on page 29), asking you to
acknowledge that you are authorized to use the product.

Figure 2 EMCRemote user authorization acknowledgment

Installation Options

4. Click I Accept to accept the terms.

5. If you are installing a TPM version, you are prompted to type a
license key (Figure 3 on page 30). Type in the license key
applicable to your organization (the cursor automatically
advances from field-to-field as you type the key), and click OK.

Figure 3 License key prompt

Depending on your situation, continue with First-time installation

for the client-only version or Upgrade of an existing client-only
installation on page 30.

First-time installation for the client-only version

Use the following procedure for a first-time installation.
1. Select an installation directory (default is C:\Program
Files\EMC\SymmRemote), and then click OK.
2. Select a name (default is EMCRemote) for the product as you
want it to appear in the Windows Start menu, and click OK.
3. The installation program installs the software, and then prompts
you to reboot the computer.Click OK to start the reboot.
4. Start up, and where necessary, configure your client.
See Client startup (first time) on page 82 and Client
configuration: Application (Call Manager settings) on page 93.
5. Place a call to an EMCRemote Host that you know is currently
accepting calls to confirm your client is operating correctly.
See Using the Client to Access a Host on page 117.

30 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Installation Options

Upgrade of an existing client-only installation

Use the following procedure for an exisitng installation.
1. If you are upgrading from an earlier release:
a. Run the installer.
The installer program:
Selects the same directory and menu name as used in the
previous version,
Installs the software, and
Prompts you to reboot the computer.
b. Click OK to start reboot.
2. Start up, and where necessary, configure your client.
See Client startup (after the first time) on page 92 and continue
with Client configuration: Application (Call Manager settings)
on page 93.
3. Place a call to an EMCRemote Host that you know is currently
accepting calls to confirm your client is operating correctly. See
Using the Client to Access a Host on page 117.

Installation Options

Installing the full (both client and host) version

The full version of EMCRemote installer places both client and host
on the same machine.

Initial procedures for the full version

Advance preparation First, review the general advance preparation requirements in
EMCRemote installer packages on page 28.

Remote control program conflicts

IMPORTANT: You should disable Windows Terminal Services or Remote
Desktop before installing EMCRemote Hostand keep it disabled

Remote control software known to be compatible for all Windows

versions include:
Windows XP
Software that is not compatible with EMCRemote includes, but is
not necessarily limited to:
Windows Terminal Services
Windows Remote Desktop
Windows 2000
Software that is not compatible with EMCRemote includes, but is
not necessarily limited to:
Codework Carbon Copy
Symantec pcAnywhere
Windows Terminal Services
Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)

Preparation Immediately before installing EMCRemote you need to exit from all
other programs.

32 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Installation Options

Procedure To install the full version of EMCRemote, do the following:

1. Select Start > Run.
2. In the Open dialog box, type the path to the appropriate installer
or [path]\sr_full.exe

Note: For descriptions of installer programs, read the section

EMCRemote installer packages on page 28.

3. Click OK.
A dialog box appears (Figure 2 on page 29), asking you to
acknowledge that you are authorized to use the product.
4. Click I Accept to accept the terms.
The Install Type dialog box (Figure 4 on page 33) appears.

Figure 4 Install Type dialog box

5. Select Full, and then click Next.

6. A dialog box appears (Figure 5 on page 34), warning you of
EMCRemotes incompatibility with other remote control
programs. See Remote control program conflicts on page 32.
If you do not already have remove remote software installed,
click OK. (Otherwise, click Cancel and remove that software
before reattempting your installation.)

Installation Options

Figure 5 Remote control incompatibility caution prompt

7. If you are installing the TPM version, you are prompted to type a
license key (Figure 6 on page 34). Type in the license key
applicable to your organization (the cursor automatically
advances from field-to-field as you type the key), and click OK.

Figure 6 License key prompt

Depending on your situation, continue with:

First-time installation for the full version following just below,
Upgrade of an existing full-version installation.

First-time installation for the full version

If you are installing EMCRemote for the first time, the installation
program prompts you:
1. Run the installer.
2. Select an installation directory (default is C:\Program
Files\EMC\SymmRemote), and then click OK.
3. Select a name (default is EMCRemote) for the product as you
want it to appear in the Windows Start menu, and click OK.
4. The installation program installs the software, and then prompts
you to reboot the computer. Click OK to start the reboot.
34 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide
Installation Options

5. Start up and, where necessary, configure your client. See Client

startup (first time) on page 82.
6. Place a call to an external EMCRemote Host that you know is
currently accepting calls to confirm that your client is operating
correctly. See Using the Client to Access a Host on page 117.
7. Start up and, where necessary, configure your host. See Host
startup (first time) on page 52.

Monitor features management

Applies to all installations on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.

EMCRemote disables features on the monitor to ensure consistent

operation. Upon remote connection, the EMCRemote Host disables:
Monitor power down
Screen saver
Upon disconnection, the EMCRemote Host re-enables these features.

Upgrade of an existing full-version installation

Use the following procedure for upgrading from an existing
1. If you are upgrading from release 5.xx:
a. Run the installer.
The installer program:
Selects same directory and menu used in previous version,
Installs the software,
Prompts you to reboot the computer.
b. Click OK to start reboot.
2. Start up, and where necessary, configure your client.
See Client startup (after the first time) on page 92 and continue
with Client configuration: Application (Call Manager settings)
on page 93.
3. To confirm your client is operating correctly, place a call to an
EMCRemote Host that you know is currently accepting calls.

Installation Options

See Using the Client to Access a Host on page 117.

4. Start up, and where necessary, configure your host.
See Host startup (after the first time) on page 66 and continue
with Host configuration: Application (Host Settings) on
page 68.

36 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Installation Options

Uninstalling EMCRemote
1. Invoke the uninstallation process by:
Using Add/Remove Programs:
a. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove
Programs to open the program list.
b. Select EMCRemote, then click Change/Remove to remove
all EMCRemote software.
Using the EMCRemote program menu, select Start >
Programs > EMCRemote > Uninstall EMCRemote
You see the acknowledgment as shown in Figure 7 on page 37.

Figure 7 Uninstall welcome dialog box

2. Click Next.
The uninstaller program silently removes the EMCRemote
components installed. You are then prompted to reboot. You save
any data and exit any other programs running, if necessary,
3. Click OK to start the reboot.
4. After reboot, verify that the software has also been removed by
making sure that EMCRemote is not listed in Control Panel
Add/Remove Programs.

Installation Options

38 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



This chapter provides important background information to help you

prepare host and client configurations:
Login access security ......................................................................... 40
Onsite security.................................................................................... 42
Remote access security ...................................................................... 44
Disconnection and reconnection...................................................... 46

Configuration Considerations 39
Configuration Considerations

Login access security

EMCRemote offers security features to protect the host system from
unauthorized callers. At the same time, use of these features will not
complicate the connection process, or interfere with your remote
control sessions.

Limiting login attempts

The Logon Security settings, including Validating Logons and
Disabling Logons (see Host Settings: Logon Security on page 173)
determine how the host handles passwords, and how it responds to
failed login attempts. You can use these options to enhance security
and make it more difficult for someone to gain access by
experimenting with login IDs and passwords.
One of three types of login security is available at a time from
EMCRemote, depending on your environment and configuration.
These types are detailed in the Logon Security section identified
EMCRemote application security
Windows NT system security
RSA credential security
EMCRemotes default settings are moderate. They are chosen to
provide login protection, yet allow authorized users to recover from
honest mistakes with multiple but limited login attempts. However,
you can tighten security at any time by allowing fewer login attempts
or less time to log in.
The lower the numbers you specify in the Validating Logons options
group, the more secure host will be. In the Disabling Logons group,
selecting and entering a low number for allowable failed attempts, as
well as lengthening the re-enable login time, will further tighten
security. Click OK to save your settings.

40 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Configuration Considerations

Recording activity
Audit log (event log) EMCRemote can keep track of every login, failed login attempt, and
file transfer performed on the host, with each entry timestamped. You
can use this record to keep track of who is using the host and the
actions they performed:
Audit logs are located in the EMCRemote installation root folder.
The default installation root path is:
C:\Program Files\EMC\SymmRemote\
Audit log filenames are (for host and client, respectively):
Audit logging is also captured by Microsoft Message Queuing
(MSMQ). Some EMC products use this queue to compile their
own logs.
Audit logs can be configured to exclude status messages. Doing
this can greatly reduce the size of PWHOST.LOG.
Excluded messages are listed in Table 37, Audit log: Host
status messages, on page 225.
For details:
Host: see Host Settings: General on page 164.
Client: see Communication settings: Logon on page 211.
MSMQ: see Microsoft web site or other Microsoft documentation.

Chat log EMCRemote can also track Chat activity, with each entry
timestamped. You can use this record to keep track of who is using
the host or client and the actions they performed.
Chat logs are located in the EMCRemote installation root folder.
The default installation root path is:
C:\Program Files\EMC\SymmRemote\
Chat log filenames are (for host and client, respectively):
Host chat logging can be activated or deactivated at any time the
host settings are accessible. See Table 8 on page 164.

Configuration Considerations

Onsite security
EMCRemotes onsite security features can be crucial in high traffic
areas, if you are working with confidential material, or if the host will
be left running unattended in an area accessible to others.

Locking and blanking

EMCRemote can lock the hosts keyboard and mouse so that no one
can access the host while you are using it. It can also blank the host
display to protect your valuable data during a session. Locking and
blanking do not affect the operation of the client in any way.
EMCRemote provides three different screen-blanking methods to
support a variety of display adapters. You can click the Test button
(on each method, as needed) to see if the blanking method you have
selected works on the hosts display.
See Host Settings: Security on page 169.

Master password
The Host Settings allow you to specify the keys that will open the
host to the calling client, and the privileges the client will enjoy. The
host allows you to further protect these keys by protecting access to
the Host Settings themselves, by use of a master password.
When you first install EMCRemote, the master password is
undefined, and the host will not prompt for a password before it
allows access to its settings. After you have specified a password, the
host prompts for it each time you access the Host Settings dialog box.
See Master Password on page 172.

Data encryption
By default, EMCRemote encrypts all data communicated between the
host and the client using advanced data encryption techniques.

Options for restarting the host system

Depending on how you use remote control, you may find it useful to
have the host restart the system. EMCRemote can automatically
restart Windows after loss of connection, or each time a session ends.
42 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide
Configuration Considerations

For example, if a client is accidentally disconnected from the host, the

host computer can be left in an unstable condition. If you have
configured EMCRemote to respond to a loss of connection by
restarting Windows, and you have configured EMCRemote to run
each time you boot your host system, you can call in again and restart
your session. In addition, the host is not left unattended with
sensitive information on its screen.
See Disconnection and reconnection on page 46.

File transfer monitoring on the host

File transfers (which are always client-initiated) are visible from both
client and host File Transfer Status windows. However, file transfer
can be controlled (scheduled, triggered, or interrupted) only from the
client side.

W Progress Indicator (on client)

(See File transfer options on page 139.)

Progress Indicator (on host) T

Figure 8 File Transfer Status progress windows (client and host)

Configuration Considerations

Remote access security

EMCRemote provides the following methods for controlling remote
access to a host system.

Host password
Host passwords enable you to control who can connect to the host. A
user must know the hosts password to establish connection. Host
passwords are effective over a dialup or IP connection.
Depending on whether you are using a single set of default Caller
properties, or (one or more) sets of Caller-specific properties, the host
password is defined through, respectively, either:
Caller Setup: Default on page 182, or
Caller Properties: GeneralIndividual only on page 185.

Access code
In concert with a specialized client, a license key paired with an
access code can be used to control client-to-host access over modem
This method is used by:
EMC partners
Third Party Maintainers (TPM)
Other parties in special circumstances
Access codes are not required by EMC Customer Support.
Note: EMC Customer Support uses a version of EMCRemote Client
software that does not require a license key.

A host can be configured with one or more unique access codes that
allow modem connections from a client with a matching license key.
The client license key is inserted during the client installation.
Keyed clients that do not have a matching license key will receive the
message Access code mismatch if attempting to connect over a
modem. If the host is not configured with at least one access code, a
keyed client attempting to access the host through a modem
connection will receive the message Access code not set No modem

44 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Configuration Considerations

access allowed. All keyed clients will be forced to access the host
through an IP connection only.
As described with host passwords, access codes are defined in one of
two places:
Caller Setup: Default on page 182,
or Caller Properties: GeneralIndividual only on page 185.

Caller properties
Caller properties settings allow you to identify the specific activities
each user or class of users is allowed to perform. They are extensions
of the attributes of either a default single caller, or of each specific
user (individual) caller. Procedures and options for these properties
are described in the following sections:
Caller Properties: PrivilegesDefault or Individual on
page 187
Caller Properties: TimeDefault or Individual on page 189

Configuration Considerations

Disconnection and reconnection

This section explains how to control what EMCRemote does at the
end of a remote session.

Disconnecting from an active host

An EMCRemote remote control connection allows you to see and
control the host computer; it does not interfere with the operation of
other programs on the host or client.
This means that you can connect to a host, start a process such as a
report or data search, and then disconnect from the host without
interrupting that process.

Verifying the Host Restart options

To ensure that ending a remote control session will not affect
processes running on the host computer, do the following:
1. From the EMCRemote Host window, open the Host Settings
dialog box and select the General tab.
2. If Restart Windows at end of session is selected, make sure that
the If the connection was lost option is selected. This will allow
the host to recover from a lost connection, without affecting any
ongoing processes when you disconnect normally.
3. Click OK to save your changes.

You can also disable Restart Windows at end of session. However,
this leaves the host somewhat more vulnerable, as described in
Recovering from an accidental disconnect, which follows.

Recovering from an accidental disconnect

In the event that your remote control session is disconnected, you will
probably want to call the host again and reconnect. Occasionally,
however, the host system may be left in a state where it cannot
answer an incoming call from a client. To address this problem,
EMCRemote allows you to specify the action the host will take when
it loses a connection.

46 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Configuration Considerations

To have EMCRemote automatically recover from a lost connection,

and ensure that you will be able to reconnect, do the following:
1. From the EMCRemote Host window, open the Host Settings
dialog box and select the General tab.
2. Select Start the host whenever your system starts. Selecting this
option automatically causes the Automatically wait for a call
when the host is started option to be selected. In combination,
these settings cause the host to run each time you start Windows,
and to be waiting for a call each time it runs.
3. Select Restart Windows at end of session. You can then specify
whether you want the host to restart Windows If the connection
was lost or Always by selecting the appropriate option.
4. Click OK to save your changes.

Unless you have selected the Start the host whenever your system
starts option, you will not be able to log in to the host after an
automatic reboot. Instead, Windows will display its login prompt,
waiting for you to log in locally.

If you select Restart Windows at end of session, be sure to save

your work often. Restarting Windows after a loss of connection
gives you the advantage of a more secure remote control
connection. However, if your connection is severed, Windows will
restart and you will lose any unsaved work.

Closing the host when you disconnect

In some situations, it may be useful to have the host take a single call,
then automatically restart Windows after the session ends without
taking any further calls. While this is not as common or convenient as
the hosts other Restart options, you can specify it within the Host
Settings dialog box.
To have the host accept a single call, then ignore all others, do the
1. From the Host window, open the Host Settings dialog box and
select the General tab.
2. Clear Start the host whenever your system starts.

Configuration Considerations

3. Select Restart Windows at end of session, and then the Always

4. Click OK to save your changes.

Restarting the host after a number of sessions

The host may be restarted after a configurable number of connection
sessions. Values between 1 and 100 are permitted.
EMC recommends using (the default) 10 sessions per restart.
If you set the parameter to a low number of sessions (close to 1)
between restarts, you may inhibit Gateway performance and
receive false notifications that devices are lost.
If you set the parameter to a high number of sessions (close to
100) between restarts, you may experience EMCRemote memory
For the host to restart after a specific number of sessions, set the
Restart Host option:
1. From the Host window, open the Host Setting dialog box and
select the General tab.
2. Select Restart Host at the end of each and type the number of
sessions in the preceding text box.

48 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Configuration Considerations

Automated host restarts

Host application halts

Host application restart by active service
The EMCRemote Host service monitors the state of all host
application components. Within 60 seconds after any host application
component has halted, the host service forces a restart of that
component. See Start Host Application... setting in Host Settings:
General on page 164.

Service and OS halts

Host application restart linkage to service restart
By default, the EMCRemote Host application is configured to restart
automatically when the EMCRemote service starts up, for example
upon reboot.
If you require that the host not restart after service startup, you must
manually change the Start the host... setting in Host Settings, as
described in Host Settings: General on page 164.

Configuration Considerations

50 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Host Configuration

This chapter explains how to configure EMCRemote Host:

Host startup (first time)..................................................................... 52
Host startup (after the first time) ..................................................... 66
Host configuration: Application (Host Settings)....................... 68
Host configuration: Connection....................................................... 71
Host configuration: Caller setup...................................................... 75

Host Configuration Procedure 51

Host Configuration Procedure

Host startup (first time)

The EMCRemote installation program assigns default configuration
settings for the EMCRemote Host program.
To modify these settings, you will either use the Host Configuration
Wizard or access specific GUI dialog boxes. Both methods are
described in the following sections.

Preparation Before starting EMCRemote Host and its GUI:

1. Review the checklist in Table 1 on page 52 for minimum
application and communication settings.

Table 1 Checklist for Host Configuration Wizard

Setting category Description Reason

Computer name Label for computer (plain text).
Modem or TCP/IP Modem: Provides at least minimum specification for
connection Know (or decide) your modem phone number, a connection.
speed, time limits, for necessary settings.
TCP/IP (Gateway, SymmIP, and so on):
Know (or decide) your IP address and port number
(if needed).
See Host configuration: Connection on page 71.
Startup/Shutdown options Should ... Primarily for convenience.
...Host start up when computer starts up?
...Host be in (caller) listening mode when started?
...Host be in background (toolbar icon) when started?
...you restart Windows whenever exiting the host?
See Host Settings: General on page 164.
Security options See Host Settings: Security on page 169.
Includes: Activity logging, Host locking/blanking to
client, login notification from client to host, and related Before allowing host to become operational
settings. (whether locally or also remotely), make
Logon Security options See Host Settings: Logon Security on page 173. sure security settings are in place.
Includes: Time/attempts allowed for login, and related
Performance options See Host Settings: Performance on page 167. Provides the client user with a comfort
Includes: Screen saver, color reduction, and related balance between remote graphics
graphics transfer settings. performance and his or her operation of the

52 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

2. Prepare to use the Host Configuration Wizard:

a. Recognize that when you start up the host, you will be
presented immediately with a Host Configuration Wizard: see
Figure 11 on page 55.
b. For extensive detail about the settings, see Appendix A, Host
Configuration Reference.

Running the Host Configuration Wizard

When you start the EMCRemote Host program for the first time, the
Host Configuration Wizard automatically starts. The wizard steps
you through the process of configuring an EMCRemote Host.

Note: If you cancel the wizard during this initial run, and then later
restart the host, the wizard will not restart automatically. To re-invoke it,
select Settings > Configuration Wizard from the host menu.

The following explains how to use the wizard:

1. If the wizard is not already open, select Start > Programs >
EMCRemote > EMCRemote.
The EMCRemote main window (splash screen) opens. See
Figure 9 on page 54.

Host Configuration Procedure

Figure 9 EMCRemote main window

2. Select Configure.
The Configure EMCRemote dialog box opens (Figure 10 on
page 55).

54 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Figure 10 Configure EMCRemote dialog box

3. Select Configure host.

The Host Configuration Wizard - Start dialog box opens
(Figure 11 on page 55).

Figure 11 Host Configuration WizardStart

4. Click Next.

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Computer Name dialog box

opens (Figure 12 on page 56).

Figure 12 Host Configuration WizardComputer Name

5. Type a name for the host computer, and then click Next.
The Host Configuration Wizard - Connection dialog box opens
(Figure 13 on page 56).

Figure 13 Host Configuration WizardConnection

6. Select Modem, and then click Next.

56 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Modem Selection dialog box

opens (Figure 14 on page 57).

Figure 14 Host Configuration WizardModem Selection

7. Select from the drop-down list the type of modem, and click Next.
The Host Configuration Wizard - Startup dialog box opens
(Figure 15 on page 57).

Figure 15 Host Configuration WizardModem Selection

8. Select the method EMCRemote will use to start, and click Next.

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Wait for a Call dialog box

opens (Figure 16 on page 58).

Figure 16 Host Configuration WizardWait for a Call

9. Select whether or not the host should automatically start in Wait

for a call mode, and then click Next.
The Host Configuration Wizard - While Waiting for a Call
dialog box opens (Figure 17 on page 58).

Figure 17 Host Configuration WizardWait for a Call

58 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

10. To activate window hiding:

a. Suggested: Select the Yes... checkbox so that the EMCRemote
window is ordinarily minimized when waiting for a call.
b. If Yes... is checked, then select Minimize to Taskbar or
Minimize to Tray for your preferred icon display (when
waiting for a call).
c. Click Next.
The Host Configuration Wizard - Restart dialog box opens
(Figure 18 on page 59).

Figure 18 Host Configuration WizardRestart

11. To activate automated restart:

a. Suggested: Select Yes, Id like to restart Windows when my
session has ended.
b. If Yes... is checked, suggested: Select If the connection was lost.
c. Click Next.

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Security Options dialog box

opens (Figure 19 on page 60).

Figure 19 Host Configuration WizardSecurity Options

12. To activate, or not, security customization:

a. Suggested: Select No to accept the default security options.
Alternatively, you can select Yes to configure several settings;
these will also be accessible to you afterwards from the Host
Settings menu screens, shown in Host Settings: Security on
page 169.
b. Click Next.

60 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Logon Security Options dialog

box opens (Figure 20 on page 61).

Figure 20 Host Configuration WizardLogon Security Options

13. To activate, or not, logon security customization:

a. Suggested: Select No to accept the default logon security
Alternatively, you can select Yes to configure several settings;
these will also be accessible to you afterwards from a Host
Settings menu screen, shown in Host Settings: Logon
Security on page 173.
b. Click Next.

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Performance Options dialog

box opens (Figure 21 on page 62).

Figure 21 Host Configuration WizardPerformance Options

14. To activate, or not, performance customization:

a. Suggested: Select No to accept the default performance options.
You can also select Yes to configure several settings; these will
also be accessible to you afterwards from a Host Settings
menu screen, shown in Host Settings: Performance on
page 167.
b. Click Next.

62 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

The Host Configuration Wizard - Finish dialog box opens

(Figure 22 on page 63).

Figure 22 Host Configuration WizardFinish

15. Click Finish to complete the EMCRemote host configuration.

Go to the next section for instructions on how to set the EMCRemote
host to wait for a call.

Waiting for a call

Once the EMCRemote host is configured, it is ready to accept calls:
1. After you click Finish on the last screen of the wizard, you
uncover the EMCRemote Host main window in offline mode
(Figure 23 on page 64).

Host Configuration Procedure

It will not yet actively be waiting for a call. You will now need to
switch to Waiting for a call mode.

Wait for a Call will be used

to put EMCRemote in
call-listening mode.

EMCRemote loaded is
uncovered after wizard
dialog box closes.

Figure 23 EMCRemoteHost main window, immediately after an initial


2. Toggle to Waiting for a call mode (menu option):

a. Click the first button in the row of icons, the Wait for a Call
icon button, so that it looks pressed down and appears lighter
in color.
b. Select Action > Wait for a Call.
However, note that this mode toggle does not complete.

64 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Instead, the Caller Setup dialog box appears, and Dont accept
calls appears in the lower right (Figure 24 on page 65). This
happens because you have not yet set a host password.

Figure 24 Initial response to Wait for a Call toggle

3. Set a host password (according to the instructions in Host

configuration: Caller setup on page 75).

Host Configuration Procedure

Host startup (after the first time)

1. To open the host GUI:
Select Start > Programs > EMCRemote > Wait for call,
If the program is already running, select EMCRemote - Host
from the Windows taskbar or the Windows tray (Figure 25 on
page 66).

EMCRemote icon in the Windows taskbar

EMCRemote icon in the Windows tray

Figure 25 Opening EMCRemote Host from the Windows taskbar or tray

Waiting for connection is

the default setting for the
EMCRemote - Host

Figure 26 EMCRemoteHost in Waiting for connection mode

The EMCRemote Host window appears in the calling mode

(Waiting for connection or Dont accept calls) that it was left
in when it was last closed.

66 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

2. If the host configuration is:

a. Needed, continue with Host configuration: Application
(Host Settings) on page 68.
b. Not needed, your host is ready for use.
Put the host in the correct state for your current needs, with
the indicator appearing in the lower-right message box:
Waiting for connection (host is listening for calls)
Dont accept calls (host is shut off from the outside world)
You can toggle these two states using the Wait for a Call
button in the upper left of the icon bar, or the menu item
Action > Wait for a Call.

Host Configuration Procedure

Host configuration: Application (Host Settings)

Using the Host Settings dialog box

If you want to change a small number of options, or examine current
host settings (before making any changes), it may be more convenient
to use the Host Settings dialog box.
To review or modify applications settings using the Host Settings
dialog box:
1. From the EMCRemote Host window, click Settings , or select
General from the Settings menu (Figure 27 on page 69).
2. Master password:
a. If you have not yet set a master password, the Host Settings
dialog box appears as expected, displaying the General tab.
Go to step 3 on page 69.

Note: When you first install EMCRemote, the master password is

undefined, and the host will not prompt for this password before
allowing you to access its settings. After you have set a password,
EMCRemote prompts for it each time you access the Host Settings.
However, if you do not set a master password, you will not receive an
automatic prompt in the future. (Contrast this with an automatic
prompt that always appears, and that will accept a match of null.)

Hint:Be sure to set a master Before continuing, you should set a master password.
password. See discussion at
right. For more information on setting the master password, read the
section Setting the master password on page 70.

68 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Click Settings

Figure 27 EMCRemote Host settings window

b. If you have previously set a master password, you are first

prompted (Figure 28 on page 69) to provide this password
before being provided the Host Settings dialog box.

Figure 28 Master password prompt

1. Type a master password.

2. If you select the Remember this password checkbox, you
will not need to supply the master password for future
settings access attempts on this machine.

If the Remember this password checkbox is selected, the
master password can then be changed by any local host user
who invokes Settings > Security > Master Password.

3. Under the General, Performance, Security, and Logon tabs,

either use the default settings shown in Host reference:
Application settings (Host Settings) on page 163 or update these
settings to your preferences, and then click OK to save changes.

Host Configuration Procedure

Note: The settings shown in figures above are the development

installation default settings. However, some settings may be revised for
certain EMC products by resetting them in the registry keys during
installation. For example, Boost process priority is set to off (cleared
checkbox) for CLARiiON.

Setting the master password

The master password controls local access to host settings.

Note: Contrast this with the host password, which controls which user has
login access to EMCRemote Host.

To set the master password:

1. From the EMCRemote Host window, select Settings > Security.
The Host Settings dialog box opens, displaying the Security tab.
2. Click Master Password.
The Master Password dialog box (Figure 29 on page 70) opens.

Figure 29 Master Password dialog box

When you set a master password, it is important that you not lose or
forget it. If you do, you will need to uninstall and then reinstall
EMCRemote before you can access the hosts settings.

3. Type a password, and then re-type it to confirm it.

4. Click OK to save the password and close the dialog box.

70 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Host configuration: Connection

Note: If you are using RCC, SymmIP, or TCP/IP to connect to the remote host
system, skip to TCP/IP connection configuration on page 73.

Start procedure
On the EMCRemote Host window (under region on left side
labeled Connection), click Wait for a Call (far left icon button) so that
it changes the host listener status to read Dont accept calls.

Modem connection configuration

To review or modify the hosts modem properties:
1. Select Modem.

Select Modem

Click Setup

Figure 30 EMCRemoteHost window: Setting modem properties

2. Click Set up Connection (Figure 30 on page 71).

Host Configuration Procedure

The Communications Devices dialog box appears, displaying the

Modem tab (Figure 31 on page 72).

Click Settings

Figure 31 Communications Devices dialog box

3. Click Settings.
The modem properties sheet (Figure 32 on page 72) appears.

Figure 32 Modem Connection Preferences dialog boxGeneral tab

4. Review, and if necessary, modify the modem settings on the

General and Advanced tabs as required for the both modems
(host and client).
5. Click OK to accept the properties.

72 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

TCP/IP connection configuration

To review or modify the hosts EMC Secure Remote Support Gateway
or SymmIP properties:
1. In EMCRemote Host, select TCP/IP (Figure 33 on page 73).

Select TCP/IP

Click Setup

Figure 33 EMCRemoteHost window

Host Configuration Procedure

2. Click Set up Connection.

The Communications Devices dialog box appears, displaying the
TCP/IP Settings tab (Figure 34 on page 74).

Figure 34 Communications Devices dialog box

3. Click Get TCP/IP Address... to capture the hosts IP address into

the Local IPv4 Addresses and the Local IPv6 Addresses field.
4. Only if advised: Click Advanced... to open the TCP/IP Port
dialog box, where you can review or specify the port used by the
host (Figure 35 on page 74).

Note: You should not set the TCP/IP port unless your network
administrator instructs you to do so.

Figure 35 TCP/IP Port dialog box

5. Click OK to accept the properties and return to the EMCRemote

Host window.

74 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Host configuration: Caller setup

To configure access properties for users (caller) who want to connect
with the host, follow the steps outlined below.

Note: If using RSA security to connect to SLC-enabled devices, you must

have a sufficient user level to see or edit the configuration.

Caller setup path

1. If it has not already been toggled, click Wait for a Call (far left
icon button) so that it changes the EMCRemote Host listener
status to read Dont accept calls.
2. From the host GUI (Figure 36 on page 75), select Set up Caller.

Figure 36 EMCRemote Host main GUI screen: Set up Caller button

Prior configuration: The GUI response to step 2 depends on which caller properties
configuration you chose in Logon Security (see figure at left, and
Host Settings: Logon Security on page 173):
If you chose Use Default Setup... , after step 2 go to Path 1:
Default caller properties (single property set) on page 76.
If you chose Use individual Caller Setup... (or know that you
are using RSA security for credential-enabled devices), after
step 2 continue with Path 2: Individual caller properties
(multiple property sets) on page 77.

Host Configuration Procedure

Path 1: Default caller properties (single property set)

Note: For RSA security (SLC-enabled hosts), single-user setup is never used.
If you are using RSA security, you will instead follow Path 2: Individual
caller properties (multiple property sets) on page 77.

If you are using the Default Setup for your caller configuration, and
you have clicked Set up Caller (Figure 36 on page 75), the Caller
Setup dialog box (Figure 37 on page 76) opens.

Opens Default Settings tabs:

Privileges / Time / Callback
See Figure 122 on page 187.

Figure 37 Default Caller Setup window

1. In the Access Code box, type the client's unique 5-digit access
code (Access code on page 44).
If keyed clients will not be used, or if this host is accessed only
with IP, this field is not required:
Leave blank
If you want to use multiple access codes:
Type two or more codes: You must separate each adjacent pair
of codes with a single comma, a semicolon, or a space.
2. If you have not set a host password, type a password in the
Password box, and then retype it in the Confirm Password box.
3. Optionally, click the Default Settings to open the Default Caller
Properties, which enables you to set properties for all callers.
When you are done editing the properties, click OK to return to
the Caller Setup dialog box.
4. Click OK to save your settings.
5. Continue with Assign caller privileges on page 78.

76 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Path 2: Individual caller properties (multiple property sets)

If you are using the individual caller setup for your caller
configuration, and you have clicked Set up Caller (Figure 36 on
page 75), you will see a list of users (or user privilege levels), as
shown in Figure 38 on page 77.

Open Individual Settings tab sets:

General / Privileges / Time / Callback
See Figure 121 on page 185.

Opens Default Settings tabs:

Privileges / Time / Callback
See Figure 122 on page 187.
These settings are not used when
Individual Settings is in force,
however, they are stored and used if
Default Settings is later activated.

Figure 38 Caller Setup window

Path 2, Stage 1: Choose caller (Caller Setup: Caller List)

In Service Credential, the Caller List is populated with a default set of
user records, each corresponding to a current platform user level. If
you have the appropriate user level, you can add and edit user
attributes to this list.
1. Select a path:
To view or change settings on an existing caller:
Select the caller and click Edit.
To create a new caller with blank settings:
Click New.
To create new caller with settings copied from an existing
Select the caller and click Copy.
To remove a caller from the Caller List:
Select the caller and click Delete.

Host Configuration Procedure

After clicking Edit, New, or Copy, you will see the Caller
Properties window.

Path 2, Stage 2: Apply Caller Properties

By choosing a specific caller, you will invoke the Caller Properties
window for that caller. This window has four tabs for each of four
properties configuration sets.
2. Set up individual caller properties:
General (individual setup only) to set host access login
parameters for the specific client user: Caller Properties:
GeneralIndividual only on page 185.

Figure 39 Caller Properties windowGeneral tab

3. Continue with Assign caller privileges on page 78.

Assign caller privileges

After initially setting up the caller properties (default or individual),
you will set up the remaining privileges using the following dialogs:
Privileges to specify permitted client user activities, such as:
Control this computer
Transfer files
Execute commands

78 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Procedure

Access EMCRemote settings

see Caller Properties: PrivilegesDefault or Individual on
page 187.
Time to specify client connection duration settings, such as:
Disconnect caller when no activity
Maximum connection time per call
see Caller Properties: TimeDefault or Individual on page 189.
After populating and saving changes to the privileges dialog boxes,
your caller setup is ready.

Host Configuration Procedure

80 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Client Configuration

This chapter explains how to configure EMCRemote Client, including

the Call Manager:
Client startup (first time) .................................................................. 82
Client startup (after the first time)................................................... 92
Client configuration: Application (Call Manager settings).......... 93
Client configuration: Communication settings ............................. 95
Call Manager configuration: Address book ................................. 105

Client Configuration Procedure 81

Client Configuration Procedure

Client startup (first time)

Preparation Before starting EMCRemote Client and its GUI:
1. Review the checklist for minimum application and
communication settings: see Table 2 on page 82.

Table 2 Checklist for Client Configuration Wizard

Setting category Description Reason

Computer name Label for computer (plain text)
Connection options Modem: Provide at least minimum specification for a
Number of redials? connection
Wait time between redials?
TCP/IP (Gateway, SymmIP, and so on):
Internet search time?
I/O options Should client... Primarily for convenience
... show full screen of other computer?
... use screen scaling to stretch image?
... use Windows system shortcut keys here or on host?
See Host Settings: General on page 164
Performance options Screen saver, color reduction, others Appropriate graphics transfer and other
See Host Settings: Performance on page 167 performance settings will provide
acceptable speeds for user
Address book Launch the address book entry wizard?
See Host Settings: Performance on page 167

2. Prepare to use the Client Configuration Wizard. For extensive

detail about the settings, see Appendix B, Client Configuration

Running the Client Configuration Wizard

When you start the EMCRemote Client program for the first time, the
Client Configuration Wizard automatically starts. The wizard steps
you through the process of configuring the EMCRemote Client.
The following explains how to use the wizard:
1. If the wizard is not already open, select Start > Programs >
EMCRemote > EMCRemote.

82 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The EMCRemote main window (splash screen) open (Figure 40

on page 83).

Figure 40 EMCRemote main window

2. Select Configure.
The Configure EMCRemote dialog box opens (Figure 41 on
page 84).

Client Configuration Procedure

Figure 41 Configure EMCRemote dialog box

3. Select Configure client.

The Client Configuration Wizard - Start dialog box opens
(Figure 42 on page 84).

Figure 42 Client Configuration WizardStart

4. Click Next.

84 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The Client Configuration Wizard - Computer Name dialog box

opens (Figure 43 on page 85).

Figure 43 Client Configuration WizardComputer Name

5. Type a name (or confirm the captured name string) for the client
computer, and then click Next.
The Client Configuration Wizard - Full Screen dialog box opens
(Figure 44 on page 85).

Figure 44 Client Configuration WizardFull Screen

Client Configuration Procedure

6. Determine if you want to see the remote computer desktop view

(Yes: Full Screen | No: Window):
a. Suggested: Select No... to view the EMCRemote Hosts screen
in a (resizeable) window.
b. Click Next.
The Client Configuration Wizard - Screen Scaling dialog box
opens (Figure 45 on page 86).

Figure 45 Client Configuration WizardScreen Scaling

7. Determine the screen scaling option (Yes: Resize remote view to

Window size | No: Keep resolution actual size (with scrolling if
a. Suggested: Select No... to display without screen scaling
b. Click Next.

86 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The Client Configuration Wizard - Windows Shortcut Keys

dialog box opens (Figure 46 on page 87).

Figure 46 Client Configuration WizardWindows Shortcut Keys

8. Determine the remote use of Windows shortcut keys:

a. Suggested: Select Execute the Windows system shortcut keys
on this computer
b. Click Next.

Client Configuration Procedure

The Client Configuration Wizard - Redial dialog box opens

(Figure 47 on page 88).

Figure 47 Client Configuration WizardRedial

9. Suggested: Click Next to accept the default settings.

The Client Configuration Wizard - Redial dialog box opens
(Figure 48 on page 88).

Figure 48 Client Configuration WizardNetwork Search

10. Suggested: Click Next to accept the default setting.

88 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The Client Configuration Wizard - Performance Options dialog

box opens (Figure 49 on page 89).

Figure 49 Client Configuration WizardPerformance Options

11. Suggested: Select No to accept the current performance options,

and then click Next. (See Appendix B, Client Configuration
Reference,for options if selecting YES.)
The Client Configuration Wizard - Finish dialog box opens
(Figure 50 on page 89).

Figure 50 Client Configuration WizardFinish

Click Finish to complete the configuration.

Client Configuration Procedure

Call manager password setup

Procedure 1. After configuring settings on several screens, click Finish, and the
wizard window disappears.
Underneath, the EMCRemote Call Manager window (Figure 51
on page 90) is uncovered. The only non-menu icon visible shows
a lock and key, indicating you need to open the database with a

Settings button

Figure 51 EMCRemoteCall Manager with locked Dial Directory

Before proceeding to Step 2, note that for the next prompt you
(1) Carefully type a password in the single Password field.
(2) Remember, or write down, this database password for
future use.

2. Double-click the Open Dial Directory icon to unlock the Call

Manager window.
The EMCRemote Dial Directory dialog box (Figure 69 on
page 106) appears, asking for your password. This prompt
refers to the database password.

90 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

Database password
The database password is a personal, case-sensitive password that
unlocks your dialing database directory. When you initially open this
screen, type any password. During future use of the Call Manager,
you will see the same prompt, but your entry must match the stored

Do not lose this password. Otherwise, your database cannot be
recovered, and client software must be reinstalled.

Figure 52 EMCRemote Dial Directory password prompt

3. Type your database password, taking care when typing it, and
record it for future use. Click OK.
4. Continue with Client configuration: Application (Call Manager
settings) on page 93.

Client Configuration Procedure

Client startup (after the first time)

Procedure To work with the client GUI after your first use and configuration (see
Client startup (first time) on page 82), start up the EMCRemote
Client (Call Manager) window:
1. Select Start > Programs > EMCRemote > Place a call.
2. The EMCRemote Call Manager window (Figure 51 on page 90)
appears. The only non-menu icon visible shows a lock and key,
indicating you need to open the database with your (database)
3. Double-click the Open Dial Directory icon to unlock the Call
Manager window.
The EMCRemote Dial Directory dialog box (Figure 52 on
page 91) appears, asking for your password. This prompt is
referring to the database password entered previously (see
Database password on page 91).
4. Type your database password and click OK.

Note: If you lose your database password, you must reinstall the client

5. Continue with Client configuration: Application (Call Manager

settings) on page 93.

92 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

Client configuration: Application (Call Manager settings)

To review or modify the EMCRemote Client application (Call
Manager) settings:
1. On the EMCRemote Call Manager window (Figure 51 on
page 90), click Settings, or select Settings > General from the
The Call Manager Settings dialog box appears, displaying the
General tab (Figure 53 on page 93).
2. Review, and if necessary change, the settings on the General,
Connect Attempt, and Performance tabs as shown in Figures 53
through 55. For settings guidance, see Client reference:
Application settings (Call Manager Settings) on page 203.
3. Click OK after each change to save them.

Figure 53 Call Manager Settings dialog box: General tab

Client Configuration Procedure

Figure 54 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Connect Attempts tab

Figure 55 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Performance tab

94 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

Client configuration: Communication settings

Review or modify the clients communication settings by editing
Default settings Edit the default properties template used for all
target devices. Do this either before or after unlocking the Dial
When Locked: Begin with Opening Default Settings while Dial
Directory is locked on page 95.
When Unlocked: Begin with Unlocking the Dial Directory on
page 96.
Settings for a specific target device Open the Dial Directory to
access settings previously configured for a specific device. See
Editing the settings for a specific device on page 98.

Opening Default Settings while Dial Directory is locked

To open the default settings while the Dial directory is locked:
1. On the EMCRemote Call Manager window, right-click the
Open Dial Directory icon in the main window field, and select
Default Settings (the sole item) from the pop-up menu (Figure 56
on page 95).

Right-click the Open

Dial Directory icon
(to see the Default
Settings... pop-up
menu item shown)

Figure 56 EMCRemoteCall Manager window initial access

2. Continue with Editing the Default Settings on page 97.

Client Configuration Procedure

Unlocking the Dial Directory

To unlock the Dial directory:
1. Double-click the Open Dial Directory icon.
The Dial Directory password prompt appears (Figure 57 on
page 96).

Figure 57 Dial Directory password prompt

2. Type your password and click OK.

If this is a new installation, a white field appears showing only the
Add New Entry icon in the upper left. See screen (a) in Figure 58
on page 96. However, if the Call Manager was edited earlier, you
may see other icons as well (screen (b)).



Figure 58 Dial Directory just after opening (a) initially and (b) after populating

96 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

3. To edit the Default Settings:

a. In the EMCRemote Call Manager window, right-click the
Add New Entry icon, ordinarily in the upper left corner of the
main window field, and select Default Settings (the sole item)
from the pop-up menu (similar to that in Figure 56 on
page 95).
b. Continue with Editing the Default Settings on page 97.
4. To edit settings for a specific device:
a. In the EMCRemote Call Manager window, right-click on a
device icon, and select Properties from the pop-up menu
(Figure 59 on page 97).

Figure 59 Device pop-up menu item: Properties

b. Continue with Editing the settings for a specific device on

page 98.

Editing the Default Settings

This procedure is continued from step 2 on page 95 or step 3 on
page 97:
1. The Default Settings for New Address Book Entries dialog box
(Figure 60 on page 98) appears, with the Logon tab open.

Client Configuration Procedure

Figure 60 Default Settings for New Address Book Entries dialog box: Logon tab

2. In the Logon tab for Default Settings:

Note: Logon ID and Password fields are dimmed for Default Settings.

Log client activity to PWCLIENT.LOG

(default path: [Drive]:\Program Files\EMC\SymmRemote\):
Select Log connections to record any user (Caller) log ins or
attempted log ins into the PWCLIENT.LOG log file.
Select Log file transfers to record any file transfers between
host and client into the PWCLIENT.LOG log file.
3. Continue with Connection tab on page 100.

Editing the settings for a specific device

This procedure is continued from step 4 on page 97:
1. In the EMCRemote Call Manager window, right-click a device
icon, and select Default Settings (the sole item) from the pop-up
menu (Figure 56 on page 95).

98 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

2. A dialog box (Figure 61 on page 99) with the name of the target
device appears, with the Logon tab open.

Figure 61 Device-specific connection settings dialog box: Logon tab

3. In the Logon tab for a specific device:

a. To provide login information automatically upon connection,
type one of the following pairs into the Logon ID, Password,
and Confirm Password fields:
Username and password for the device. (Never use this
pair for an SLC-enabled device.)
SLC and SLC Password. (Use only for an SLC-enabled
Fob Passcode and PIN. (Use only for an SLC-enabled
Leave this info blank to be prompted for login upon
connection, and then click Next.
b. To log client activity to PWCLIENT.LOG (default path:
[Drive]:\Program Files\EMC\SymmRemote\):
Select Log connections to record any user (Caller) log ins
or attempted log ins into the PWCLIENT.LOG log file.
Select Log file transfers to record any file transfers
between host and client into the PWCLIENT.LOG log file.
4. Continue with Connection tab on page 100.

Client Configuration Procedure

Connection tab
To change connection settings:
Select the Connection tab (Figure 62 on page 100).

Figure 62 Connection settings dialog box: Connection tab

From here:
If using TCP/IP settings, continue with TCP/IP settings on
page 101.
If using a modem connection, continue with Modem settings
on page 100.

Modem settings To change modem settings:

1. Select the modem the client will use to connect with the host.

Note: If settings options for more than one modem are indicated, be sure
to identify the correct modem.

2. Click Properties.

100 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The modem properties sheet (Figure 63 on page 101) appears.

Figure 63 Modem properties sheet dialog box: General tab

3. Review, and if necessary, modify the modem settings on the

General, Connections, and Options tabs as required for both
modems (host and client).
4. Click OK to accept the properties and return.

TCP/IP settings To configure an TCP/IP connection:

1. Select the TCP/IP checkbox.
2. Type an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) in the field near the top
(Figure 64 on page 102).

Client Configuration Procedure

Figure 64 TCP/IP Settings

3. Click Advanced.
The TCP/IP Port dialog box (Figure 65 on page 102) appears.

Figure 65 TCP/IP Port dialog box

4. Select a port, and click OK to accept the properties and return.

102 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

Security tab
If a target host grants the right to lock your client keyboard and
mouse, or blank your screen, Security options are operational. These
are accessible as shown in Figure 66 on page 103:

Figure 66 Connection settings dialog box: Security tab

Lock host keyboard/mouse

To force lock (disable) the host computers local keyboard and mouse
when you log on to it and for the duration of the session, select the
checkbox to the left of: Lock host keyboard and mouse while

Blank host monitor

To force blank (disable) the host computers local monitor when you
log on to it and for the duration of the session, select the checkbox to
the left of: Blank host screen while connected.
See Communication settings: Security on page 215 for further
details on these options, and Host Settings: Security on page 169
for the corresponding host settings allowing or disallowing these

Client Configuration Procedure

Callback tab

Note: Although the Callback function is an available EMCRemote feature

(Figure 67 on page 104) , it is not currently supported for use with EMC

Figure 67 Connection settings dialog box: Callback tab

See Communication settings: Callback on page 216 for details on

Callback tab options.

104 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

Call Manager configuration: Address book

If using EMCRemote Client to frequently call the same hosts, save
time by creating address book entries using the EMCRemote Call
Manager. Address book entries contain all the information which
EMCRemote requires to connect to a particular host computer.

Creating a new entry

To create an address book entry:
1. Collect the telephone numbers and passwords for each host
computer for which you are creating entries.
2. Start the EMCRemote Call Manager:
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > EMCRemote >
Place a Call.
If the EMCRemote Call Manager is already active, open the
window from the Windows taskbar or Windows tray icon.
The EMCRemote Call Manager window (Figure 68 on
page 106) with Open Dial Directory icon opens.

Note: If EMCRemote Client has not been configured, you will be

presented with the Client Configuration Wizard superimposed over the
Call Monitor window. See Running the Client Configuration Wizard
on page 82.

Client Configuration Procedure

Figure 68 EMCRemote Call Manager: Open Dial Directory state

3. Double-click the Add New Entry icon, or click New.

The EMCRemote Dial Directory dialog box (Figure 69 on
page 106) opens, asking for a password.

This password is your personal password that unlocks your
dialing database directory. The first time you open this screen,
type any password, but be sure to remember it or you will lose
your database.

Figure 69 EMCRemote Dial Directory dialog box

106 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

4. Type your password for the connection database and click OK to

return to the Call Manager window (Figure 70 on page 107), this
time with the Add New Entry icon.

Figure 70 EMCRemote Call Manager: Add New Entry state

5. Double-click the Add New Entry icon, or click New, for the
Address Entry Wizard Start panel (Figure 71 on page 107).

Figure 71 Address Entry Wizard Start

6. Click Next.

Client Configuration Procedure

As you proceed through the Address Entry Wizard, it prompts

you for the information it needs based on the selections you
make, and then generates your address book entry.
After entering connection information, click Finish to accept the
default values for the new entry. After you have completed the
wizard, your new entry will appear in the Call Manager window.

Figure 72 Address Entry Wizard Description

7. Type a name for the host computer, and then click Next (Figure 73
on page 108).

Figure 73 Address Entry Wizard Logon

108 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

8. Type one of the following pairs into Logon ID and Password

labeled fields:
Logon ID and Password for the device (never for SLC-enabled
SLC and SLC Password (only for SLC-enabled device)
Fob Softoken and PIN (only for SLC-enabled device)
You may also leave this screen blank if you want to be prompted
for login upon connection, and then click Next (Figure 74 on
page 109).

Figure 74 Address Entry Wizard Connection

9. Select your connection method, Modem/TAPI or TCP/IP, and

then click Next (Figure 75 on page 110).
10. If you are setting up a modem connection, go to step 11 on
page 110. If you are setting up a network connection go to step 13
on page 111.

Client Configuration Procedure

For the modem

connected to your
laptop, select the
modem type. If the
laptops modem is
installed and
powered on during
the EMCRemote
installation, the
program will detect
and identify the
modem type.

Figure 75 Address Entry Wizard Modem Selection

11. Select the modem type, and then click Next (Figure 75 on
page 110).

Figure 76 Address Entry Wizard Telephone Number

12. Type the telephone number, and then click Finish (Figure 76 on
page 110).

110 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

13. If setting up a network connection, type the TCP/IP address of

the computer you are connecting to, and then click Finish
(Figure 77 on page 111).

Figure 77 Address Entry Wizard TCP/IP Address

The new address entry displays in the EMCRemote Call

Manager window (Figure 78 on page 111).

Figure 78 EMCRemote Call Manager window, with new entry

Client Configuration Procedure

Note: To modify an existing address book entry, right-click on the entry and
select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Editing an existing entry

To modify an existing address book entry (such as the record for the
ABC Company highlighted in Figure 72 on page 108), right-click on
the entry, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. This opens
the address book entry for that device. Refer to Appendix B, Client
Configuration Reference for settings information.

Substitute a string (globally)

There may be a number of address book entries (records) in which the
same field contains the same information. In this case, you can
substitute each string for another, but without invoking the GUI. This
is accomplished using the Replace String function:
1. Open the Call Manager main window.
2. Select Edit > Replace String.
This opens a new window to designate a search string and
substitution string (Figure 79 on page 112).

Figure 79 Dialog box for Replace String function

3. Type the string to replace in the Find string field, and type the
string to substitute in its place into Replace with.
4. Click OK.

112 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Procedure

The client now searches its Caller database, and automatically and
silently substitutes all instances of the designated values into that

Client Configuration Procedure

114 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide




This section provides information about using EMCRemote,

primarily from the client users point-of-view.
Chapter 6, Using the Client to Access a Host
This chapter explains how to use EMCRemote Client to dial up
an EMCRemote Host and perform operations on the host.
Chapter 7, Two-Sided EMCRemote Session
This chapter explains how to set up and run an EMCRemote
session when an operator is present at both host and client sites.

Using the Client to
Access a Host

This chapter explains how to use EMCRemote Client to dial up an

EMCRemote Host and perform operations on the host:
Starting a connection ....................................................................... 118
Completing a connection ................................................................ 124
Using the Session window.............................................................. 132
Customizing the Session window ................................................. 133
Copying files between computers ................................................. 136
Using the clipboard.......................................................................... 140
Executing a command ..................................................................... 142
Using the remote session control buttons .................................... 143
Ending the session ........................................................................... 144

Using the Client to Access a Host 117

Using the Client to Access a Host

Starting a connection
Once you have prepared the host to receive a call, and created your
address book entry, you are ready to place a call. To place a call to a
remote host, use the EMCRemote connection database to select an
EMCRemote address book entry and then from the EMCRemote Call
Manager, place a call.
You can connect to a host using either:
Connecting using the Call Manager on page 119
Connecting using the Dialer on page 122
Alternatively, you can access Host calling from the Splash Screen,
described below.

Starting with the Splash Screen menu (optional)

EMCRemote can be started in a top-level menu mode to navigate
between Host operation, Client operation, and configuration.

Note: You can also more directly connect to a host by making a call from the
Program Menu. See Connecting using the Call Manager on page 119.

Select Start > Programs > EMCRemote > EMCRemote.

The EMCRemote main window opens, as shown in Figure 80 on
page 118.

Figure 80 EMCRemote main screen

118 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

This screen shows the main EMCRemote entry points:

Opening the client
Opening the host
Configuring (client or host)
Depending on which installation is at this computer, either Place a
call or Wait for a call may be dimmed (disabled).

Connecting using the Call Manager

This method uses your (or your organizations) existing address book
entries to pre-configure and execute a call.

Note: For information on setting up new address book entries, refer to Call
Manager configuration: Address book on page 105.

1. To make a call using the EMCRemote Call Manager, do one of the


Note: If you are connecting through TCP/IP, or if you have more than
one serial connection available, you can use EMCRemote to run multiple
remote control sessions at once. Simply return to the Call Manager
window and repeat for each host you want to call. However, each host
can accept only one caller at a time.

Select Start > Programs > EMCRemote > Place a call.

From the Splash Screen (Figure 80 on page 118) main menu,
click the first button, Place a call.

The Call Managers initial PhoneBook screen (as shown in

Figure 81 on page 120) opens.

Using the Client to Access a Host

Figure 81 Call Manager: Initial Address Book screen

2. Double-click the Open Dial Directory icon, and type the

password when prompted.
The Address Book opens as shown in Figure 82 on page 121.
3. From the Call Manager Address Book screen, select an address
book entry (as identified in Figure 82), and then:
Select Action > Place a call to a Host
Click Call (the icon at the far left) or double-click the address
book entry (Figure 82).

120 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

The Call

A selected address
book entry

Figure 82 Call Manager: Opened Address Book

EMCRemote immediately attempts to connect to the remote host.

4. Depending on whether your target device is enabled or not for
Service Credential, continue with the following:
a. Application security If the host platform (target device) is
using traditional security that is not enabled for Service
Credential, proceed to Step 1.
b. Service Credential enabled If the host platform (target
device) is Service Credential enabled, you must log in with an
RSA credential pair.
1. SLC If you are using a SLC, type the SLC you recently
obtained in the User field, and your SLC Password in the
Password field.
2. Fob If you are using a soft token credential (or reading
digits from a fob), type the Token code you just obtained in
the User field, and your fob PIN in the Password field.

Using the Client to Access a Host

Connecting using the Dialer

This method allows you to manually enter destination information at
the time you make the call, rather than calling it from stored settings.
1. Open the Dialer:
Locate the EMCdialer icon (shown at left) on your desktop,
and double-click it to open the Dialer GUI directly.
Open the Address Book, then switch to the Dialer:
a. Open the Call Manager (which defaults to PhoneBook)
Select Start > Programs > EMCRemote > Place a call.
From the Splash Screen (Figure 80 on page 118) main
menu, click the first button, Place a call or click the key
shortcut Ctrl-P.
The Call Managers Address Book screen (as shown in
Figure 81 on page 120 and Figure 82 on page 121) opens.
b. Select View > Dialer.
The Call Managers Dialer screen (as shown in Figure 83 on
page 123) opens. Note the third and fourth icon buttons (with
computer images and red electric arrows) below the menu bar,
here circled in red. These buttons toggle the Call Manager
connection mode:
The left-hand button, which shows a yellow telephone,
invokes the manual entry Dialer screen (right-hand side of
Figure 83 on page 123).
The right-hand button, which shows an orange book cover,
invokes or toggles to the Address Book (Figure 81 on page 120
and Figure 82 on page 121).

122 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Figure 83 Call ManagerDialer mode (and button menu access)

2. Manually enter connection settings:

a. Select either the Modem or TCP/IP method.
b. Select a history-stored entry from the corresponding Modem
or TCP/IP drop-down list box, or type a new address (phone
number or IP address) entry in the blank field at top.
c. Change the modem Baud Rate or TCP Port as needed.
d. Provide connection credentials, depending on whether your
target device is enabled or not for Service Credential:
Application security If the host platform is using
traditional security that is not enabled for Service
Credential, proceed to Step 1.
Service Credential enabled If the host platform is
Service Credential enabled, you must log in with an RSA
credential pair:
SLC If you are using a short-lived credential (SLC),
type the SLC you recently obtained in the User field,
and your SLC Password in the Password field.
Fob If you are using a soft token credential (or
reading digits from a fob), type the Token code you just
obtained in the User field, and your fob PIN in the
Password field. Typethe connection credentials.
e. Click Call (the icon at the far left).

Using the Client to Access a Host

Completing a connection

During a connection attempt

After you initiate a call either by using the PhoneBook (step 4 on
page 121) or the Dialer (step 2 on page 124), EMCRemote
immediately attempts to connect to the remote host:
1. The Connection Status dialog box appears (Figure 84 on
page 124).

Current connection
status message

Figure 84 EMCRemote Connection Status Window

Before the connection process completes, status messages appear

in the message field near top of this window. These messages are
listed in Table 3 on page 125.
2. When the connection successfully completes, this window
disappears and the EMCRemote Session window appears. If no
one is logged in locally at the host, the Session window appears
as in Figure 85 on page 127.

124 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Table 3 EMCRemote connection messages (1 of 2)

Message Notes

Waiting for a Modem session In the process of contacting the host through modem and waiting for a reply.

Waiting for a IPv4 session In the process of contacting the host through IPv4 protocol and waiting for a reply.

Waiting for a IPv6 session In the process of contacting the host through IPv6 protocol and waiting for a reply.

Timeout waiting for host to callback

Sending user credential and Host has acknowledged it is ready, and client has supplied login information.

Error accessing EMCRemote:

OEM version mismatch

Access code mismatch

No modem access allowed

RSA library is missing or corrupted Presented when encryption software is missing, corrupted, or otherwise could not be

Waiting for next Fob tokencode Presented if credential validation depends on verification of multiple tokencodes (time

Unknown Host DNS lookup could not find host name.

Local Network Configuration Error Local TCP/IP configuration is wrong.

Connection Error TCP/IP connection has been established, but upper protocol returned error.

Network Error Examples: Network cable is unplugged from local machine;

Host is not enabled.

If SLC or Fob token code is rejected:

Invalid SLC or password

Invalid Fob tokencode or PIN

Invalid credential format

Maximum login attempts have been After the maximum number of allowed attempts have been made.
reached. Login failed.

Using the Client to Access a Host

Table 3 EMCRemote connection messages (2 of 2)

Message Notes

Maximum connection time has been Presented when, at the previous logout time, the cumulative time of previous connections
exceeded. Login failed. exceeded maximum.

SLC expired Presented when the local system time has passed the SLC expiration timestamp.

Host version number is x.xx.xx Presented after Login ID and password are both accepted.

Connection results
Success After EMCRemote has successfully connected to a host, the
connection process attempts to authenticate you by using the
information supplied from the address book entry you selected, or
you are prompted for it.
If authentication is successful, a session will then be established, and
you will be able to see the host monitor as a local user would see it,
but within in a Session window. A local user may or may not be
logged in. Continue with Session establishment on page 126.

Failure If the connection attempt cannot be completed, you will know from
feedback provided in the Connection Status window. In particular, if
there is remote user session contention, the request will time out. See
Figure 84 on page 124 and EMCRemote connection messages on
page 125.

Session establishment
If someone is already Upon establishing a session you may find that a local user at the host
logged in may already be logged in, in which case you will see the users
desktop interface. If so, skip to After successful login on page 131.

126 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

If no one is already After you connect to a host, a local user may not be logged in. In this
logged in case you will see the Windows login prompt inside an EMCRemote
client Session window, as shown in Figure 85 on page 127.

Figure 85 Windows host login screen within Session window

From here you can access the login interface (GINA) at the host, and
log in using one of two methods:
If SLC is implemented, you can bypass the manual interface with
a Service Credential login sequence. See Automated login on
page 127.
Or, invoke the hosts login GINA and manually key in your user
ID and password or SLC credentials using Manual login on
page 129.

Automated login If you are using RSA security credentials you can invoke a fully
automated login command from the Session window: Options >
Auto Login with SLC (as shown in Figure 86 on page 128), or click

RSA button

Using the Client to Access a Host

Figure 86 Automatic login from client Session window

When you invoke Auto Login, the client Session packages the login
command with your currently active SLC login credentials. The
remote hosts Windows login GINA is then invoked silently. If your
login credentials are successfully authenticated, you will next see the
host desktop (similar to Figure 89 on page 131).

128 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Manual login From the Session window you can also invoke the remote hosts
Windows login GINA, by selecting Options > Send Ctrl+Alt+Del to
Host, or clicking Login. After you invoke this function, you can log in
as if you were local at the host:

Login button If you are using either EMCRemote application security or

Windows NT security you will see the familiar Windows GINA,
as shown in Figure 87 on page 129.

Figure 87 Windows GINA within client Session window

Using the Client to Access a Host

If you are using Service Credential, you will instead see an

alternative GINA that has been customized for EMC. It appears
like the window shown in Figure 88 on page 130.

Figure 88 Service Credential GINA within client Session window

This Service Credential GINA indicates that you are attempting to

authenticate your login on a Service Credential enabled device.
Allowed parameter combinations are identified in Table 4 on
page 130.

Table 4 Login parameters for Service Credential GINA

Type Username field Label: Contents Password field Label: Contents Domain
RSA security
SLC Credential: Recently generated SLC string Password: Users SLC Password SLC
Fob Passcode: Fob digital readout PIN: Users fob PIN FOB
Local use Username: Local users login ID Password: Local users login password Local Host

130 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

After successful login

When you see an EMCRemote Session window similar to that
shown in the client desktop view in Figure 89 on page 131, you are
logged in to the host. Depending on the permissions which were set
at the host, you can control its desktop from your client.

Figure 89 The client Session window showing client computer desktop context

Using the Client to Access a Host

Using the Session window

Once you have successfully connected and logged in to the host
computer, EMCRemote Client displays its Session window on your
local (client) computer. This window is your remote control work
space, where you will take control of the host.
The EMCRemote Session window displays the hosts desktop,
allowing you to interact with it as if you were sitting at the host. At
the same time, you retain access to your local system. In effect, you
are able to run programs on both computers at the same time.
If, for example, you use a laptop computer to call into a host, the
Session window on the laptop will display the identical programs
and setup that is on the remote host. You can double-click on icons to
start programs, drag windows, and configure settings, all from the
Session window (Figure 89 on page 131).
Any programs that you access through the Session window are
actually running on the host computer. If you start SymmWin inside
the Session window, you will see SymmWin in the Session window
on your local screen, but it is actually running on the host. Likewise,
any files you save within the Session window are written to the host
If you run a program outside of the Session window, the program
will run locally, just as it normally does. Any files you save are
written to the local computer. You can work with most local
applications without interfering with your remote control session.

Note: One quick way to tell whether you are running a program on the host
computer is to minimize the Session window by clicking the small dash in
the upper right corner. If the application you are working on disappears, it is
actually running on the host. Remote host applications are visible only in the
Session window.

132 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Customizing the Session window

If the computer you connect to does not have the same video
resolution as the one from which you are calling, EMCRemote
handles the difference so that you do not have to switch the video
settings on either computer. Table 5 on page 133 describes how
EMCRemote handles differences in video resolutions.

Table 5 Video resolution descriptions

Resolution Description

Both computers use the same The default Session window will fill your entire screen.
resolution. There will be scroll bars, but you will be able to see
almost the entire host desktop without scrolling.

The host computer uses a The entire host desktop will appear in the Session
lower resolution. window with extra room on the sides, and no scroll bars.

The host computer uses a The default Session window will fill your entire screen
higher resolution. and you will need to scroll to view the entire desktop.

To further modify the Session windows display to suit your needs,

do the following:
1. Start a remote control session.
For information on starting a remote control session, see Starting
a connection on page 118.
2. Switch to Windowed (Figure 90 on page 134) mode to access the
button bar and menus.
Windowed mode means that the host desktop does not
completely cover your screen. This allows you to access the
Session windows menus, and manipulate the window just as
you would any Windows application.
3. If you can see the EMCRemote Session window title bar, you
are already in Windowed mode; continue to Step 3.
If you cannot see the EMCRemote Session window title bar,
you are in Full Screen mode. Click Windowed or press
Ctrl-Shift-F to access the menu options.

Using the Client to Access a Host

The Windowed button

appears by itself when the
host desktop covers the
entire screen.

Figure 90 EMCRemote Windowed button

4. Make the host desktop take up the entire screen on the client:
EMCRemote offers the following methods to maximize the
Session window display. You will need to experiment to
determine which method works on your system:
Click Full Screen (Figure 91 on page 134).
The Full Screen button displays as much of the host desktop
as possible on your screen. If any space is being taken up by
the button bar, the Windows taskbar, or menus, EMCRemote
hides them from view.

Click the Full Screen button to

view as much of the host as

Figure 91 Full Screen button

Click Scale Screen, then click Full Screen. If the screen

resolution is higher than the hosts, the screen will have scroll
bars so you can view the entire host screen.

When you click the When you click Full

Scale Screen button, Screen after Scale
the host desktop will Screen, the Session
fit the Session window expands to
window. display only the host

Figure 92 Scale Screen and Full Screen buttons

Determine which method displays the maximized host desktop

with the clearest display on your system. When the host desktop
is maximized, all session buttons, session menus, scroll bars, and
window controls will disappear.

134 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

However, the Windowed button will appear so that you can

return to Windowed mode whenever you want. You can also
move the Windowed button; its location is saved and restored the
next time you maximize the host desktop.
5. Change from maximized host desktop to Windowed mode on the
When the host is covering the clients entire display, the
Windowed button appears first in the upper corner of the screen.
If you moved the button in your last session, it will reappear
where you left it.
When you want a Session window that you can resize, or when
you want to access the EMCRemote menus, click on the
Windowed button to switch to Windowed mode.

Using the Client to Access a Host

Copying files between computers

To copy a file from one computer to another, do the following:
1. Start a remote control session.
For an explanation of starting a remote control session, refer to
Starting a connection on page 118.
2. Set the session to Windowed mode.
For this example, you will need to be in Windowed mode
(Figure 89 on page 131). If you can see the EMCRemote Session
window title bar, you are already in Windowed mode; continue to
Step 3. If you cannot see the Session window title bar, you are in
Full Screen mode. Click Windowed to access the menus and
continue to step 3.
3. From the Session window, select File > File Transfer from the
menu bar, or click File Transfer. The File Transfer window
appears, and displays the C: drives and their directories from
both computers involved in the remote control session (Figure 94
on page 137).
If you need to see mapped drives other than C: at either
location: As shown in Figure 93, on the File Transfer window,
choose either:
a. View All Drives button (red circled)
b. View > All Drives from the menu bar

View All Drives


Figure 93 File Transfer window (with portion of initial view): View > All Drives

Note: When you choose View All Drives, it may take several minutes
for the screen in Figure 94 on page 137 to open, as information for all
drives must come across the connection.

136 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

The File Transfer window looks and works much like two
Explorer windows placed side by side. By default, the local
clients files are displayed on the left side and the remote hosts
files are displayed on the right.
4. Select the file(s) or director(ies) that you want to transfer, then:
Drag it to the destination location
While in the File Transfer window, select File > Send
While in the File Transfer window, click the Start Transfer
button (looks like Session windows File Transfer button).

File Transfer The files and directories on The files and directories on
windows Start
Transfer button the client computer. the remote host computer.

Figure 94 File Transfer window: Default C-drive-only (example)

Using the Client to Access a Host

The File Transfer Status dialog box appears, showing you the file
or files you selected (Figure 95 on page 138).

Files you have

selected to
send are listed

Files you send

are copied to
this location.

Click Start to
begin the file

Figure 95 File Transfer Status dialog box

Review the information in the Source and Destination boxes. If

the Source or Destination information should be revised, click
Cancel to return to the File Transfer window.
5. Click Start to begin copying the file.
The transfer begins and reports its progress in the lower
portion of the File Transfer Status window. When the file
transfer is complete, click OK. Once the transfer completes,
the files you sent will appear in the destination directory.
A similar, but output-only, File Transfer Status window also
appears on the host console (see File transfer progress
indicators on page 153). Note that file transfers cannot be
controlled from the host side. If a transfer is cancelled on the
client, the host window will close without warning.

138 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

File transfer options

You can also customize your file transfers. EMCRemote offers a
variety of settings for file transfers.
To view the file transfer options:
1. From the Session window:
select File > File Transfer from the menu bar,
click File Transfer to open the File Transfer window.
2. Select View > Options to display the File Transfer Options
dialog box (Figure 96 on page 139).

The File Transfer


These options determine

EMCRemotes actions
when you attempt to
overwrite an existing file.

You can specify the

actions EMCRemote will
prompt to confirm by
selecting or clearing these

You can enable

TurboTransfer to speed
file transfers.
TurboTransfer sends only
the updated portion of a
file, not the entire file.

Figure 96 File Transfer Options dialog box

TurboTransfer is used only when you overwrite a file. It can make

the transfer faster by sending only the latest file changes, rather than
sending the entire file. By default, TurboTransfer is selected.
You can also select Overwrite older files only, for overwriting only
files that are older than the ones you are sending.

Using the Client to Access a Host

When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK to save them and
return to the File Transfer window.

Using the clipboard

To cut, copy, and paste text and graphics between two computers, do
the following:
1. Start a remote control session.
For an explanation of starting a remote control session, refer to
Starting a connection on page 118.
2. Set the session to Windowed mode.
For this example, you will need to be in Windowed mode. If you
can see the EMCRemote Session window title bar, you are
already in Windowed mode; continue to Step 3. If you cannot see
the Session window title bar, you are in Full Screen mode. Click
Windowed to access the menus and continue to step 3.
3. From the Session window, open a document on the host and
select information:
Highlight the text or data you want to copy to your local machine,
then copy it to the hosts clipboard by selecting Edit > Copy from
the applications menu bar, or by pressing Ctrl-C.
4. Copy the data from the host clipboard to your local clipboard:
From the Session window, select Edit > Get Clipboard, or click
Get Clipboard (Figure 97 on page 141).

Note: This feature can be used to capture and transfer text data
(formatted or not) from any application that allows copying to the
clipboard, and usually allows image capture. However, Get Clipboard
should not be used to capture non-text (such as WordArt, Excel
spreadsheet, or other) data from Microsoft applications. Microsoft
applications may handle the captured data in a proprietary way that is
not transferable across EMCRemote.

140 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Send Clipboard Get Clipboard

button button

Figure 97 Clipboard buttons on the Session windows button bar

5. Paste the data into your local document.

Minimize the Session window, start a local application, and open
the document you want to paste into. Then from the local
applications menu bar, select Edit > Paste.
If you want to paste clipboard data from a client application to a
host application, copy the data to the local clipboard, and select
Edit > Send Clipboard to Host from the Session windows menu
bar or click Send Clipboard. After the data is transferred to the
host clipboard, you can paste it into a document using the usual

Note: To cut, copy, or paste between computers, remember the added

step of selecting Edit > Get Clipboard from the Session windows menu
bar. The other steps remain the same.

Using the Client to Access a Host

Executing a command
To execute a command or program on the host and/or client, similar
to doing so at the Windows Run prompt, do the following:
1. Select Options > Execute Application or click Run (Figure 98 on
Run button page 142).

Figure 98 Execute Application menu selection

A pop-up window displays.

2. Select whether to execute the command on the client, host, or
both. Then type the command or executable filename in the
Application window. Past entries are stored in the window
drop-down (Figure 99 on page 142).

Figure 99 Execute Application pop-up

3. Click Execute to execute the command or program.

142 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Using the Client to Access a Host

Using the remote session control buttons

There are several functions available that allow the user at the client
computer to control the remote session as well as the host computer.
To send shortcut keys from the client keyboard to the host, select
Options > Send Windows Shortcut Keys to Host or click Shortcut
keys. Performing this action again disable the shortcut keys.
Shortcut keys button

To temporarily lock out the keyboard and mouse on the host from the
client, select Options > Lock Host Mouse and Keyboard or click
Lock Host. Performing this action again unlocks the keyboard and
Lock Host button

To blank the host computers screen, so that users at the host cannot
see actions being taken, select Options > Blank Host Screen or click
Blank Host. Performing this action again enables the host screen.

Blank Host button

To reboot the host computer from the client select Options > Reboot
Host or click Reboot Host. The remote session ends and the host
reboots. You must initiate another remote session to continue.

Reboot Host button To pause a remote session on the client screen, select Options > Pause
Remote Control or click Pause. Performing this action again enables
the client screen.

Pause button

Using the Client to Access a Host

Ending the session

To end a remote control session:
1. First, do one of the following:
Select File > End Session from the Session window.
Click End Session (at far left looks like two connectors
End Session button
linking) in the Session window.
2. Then do one of the following:
Close the Session window.
If you are in Full Screen mode, and Windows shortcut keys are
not being sent to the host, you can, alternatively:
Press Alt-F4 to end the session.
3. Finally, EMCRemote prompts you to confirm your request: Click
OK to complete ending the session.

144 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Two-Sided EMCRemote

This chapter explains how to set up and run an EMCRemote session

when an operator is present at both host and client sites:
Introduction ...................................................................................... 146
Who is in charge? ............................................................................. 147
Setting up a two-person session .................................................... 148
The Chat dialog box......................................................................... 151
File transfer progress indicators..................................................... 153

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session 145

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

A common use for remote control is to access the host computer
while you are away from the customers site. There are times,
however, when you may want to use remote control to communicate
or demonstrate a process with another person at a remote computer.
One example of this is the Customer Support Center, where someone
logs in to the host while you are at the customers site to troubleshoot
a problem.

146 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Who is in charge?
In every EMCRemote session there is a host computer, and a
computer that controls the host. Before starting a remote control
session, you need to decide which computer will host the session,
and which computer will control. This will determine how you
launch your side of the session. You must always have one client and
at least one host for a remote control session.

Note: If you decide to change roles in the remote control session, simply
disconnect and launch the other EMCRemote component.

The client computer

The client is the active computer. Typically, it places a call. The client
Has one or more Session windows; each Session window displays
the activities on a host system.
Can remotely control one or more host computers.
Can Chat with a host computer.
Can transfer files to and from a host computer.
Allows you to work on the client while you control one or more

The host computer

The host computer is the computer that has documents and programs
that the client wishes to access. The host computer:
Can observe the activities of only the host desktop.
Cannot control the client or initiate a file transfer.
Can Chat with the client.
Has an advanced security system.

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Setting up a two-person session

For a two-sided remote control session, each side must have a
licensed, installed copy of EMCRemote and a suitable connection

Starting the session

Once you have decided which side will be the host computer and
which side will be the client, launch EMCRemote on both computers.
You must begin with the host computer, then the client.

Preparing the host 1. Run the EMCRemote Host, as described in Host startup (first
time) on page 52 or Host startup (after the first time) on
page 66.
2. Review the hosts settings, if desired.
3. Make sure that the host windows status line says Waiting for a
call. If it does not, select Action > Wait for a call from the menu,
or click Wait for a call.
4. Wait for the client to call. If the host prompts with the
confirmation dialog, click Yes to allow the correct caller to log on.

Preparing the client 1. Run the EMCRemote Call Manager, as described in Client
startup (first time) on page 82 or Client startup (after the first
time) on page 92.
2. Verify that you have configured an address book entry for the
host, as explained in Call Manager configuration: Address
book on page 105.
3. Highlight the address book entry for the host, and select Action >
Place a call to a Host from the menu, or click Call.
4. Wait for the connection.

148 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Specific host security options

In addition to its other security features, EMCRemote includes two
special settings for two-sided remote control sessions.

Caller confirmation Caller confirmation displays a confirmation dialog box when someone
is trying to log in to the host computer. You can either grant or deny
the caller access, which gives you greater control over your system
(Figure 100 on page 149).

Caller confirmation
notifies you when a call is
coming in. It also allows
you to confirm or deny
access to your host.

Figure 100 Caller confirmation dialog box

To use caller confirmation:

1. Open the Host Settings dialog box by selecting Settings >
Security in the EMCRemote Host window.
See Host Settings: Security on page 169.
2. Select Prompt the user on this computer.
a. You can then specify the number of Seconds to wait for the
user to respond to the prompt (seconds you want the prompt
to remain visible). Keep in mind that the caller cannot log in
while the prompt is displayed.
b. You can also specify the action EMCRemote should take when
no one is there to answer the prompt. By selecting the
appropriate option button, choose:
Allow the caller to logon
Hang up

Note: If you select the Hang up option, be sure to disable this option
when you want to call in to your own computer. Otherwise, you
could set the computer as a host, leave, call in remotely, and have the
host hang up because you are not there to confirm your own access.

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Blanking the Blanking the connected computer blanks the Session window, so
connected computer neither person can see what action is taking place on the other
Occasionally, you may need to enter sensitive information while
someone else is remotely controlling your computer. In this case, you
may want to temporarily blank the screen while you type in
confidential information.

Note: Be sure to give ample warning to the caller before blanking his or her
screen. This command only blanks the Session window, but the user might
end the remote control session if he or she does not understand what is

To blank the connected computers screen:

In the EMCRemote Host window, click Blank Client or select
Action > Blank Client Screen.
Blank Client button In the EMCRemote Client window, click Blank Host or select
Action > Blank Host Screen.
To restore the Session window of the controlling computer, repeat
the action above.

Blank Host button

150 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

The Chat dialog box

If you need to converse with the person on the other side of the
remote session, you will find the EMCRemote Chat dialog box very
useful. It allows you to type simple messages in a small text screen.

Note: The EMCRemote Chat dialog box will not remain open if you reboot
the host computer at the end of the session.

Starting Chat To start a chat session:

sessions From the host You must be connected in a remote control
session. Select Action > Chat, or click Chat.
From the client You must be connected and have the Session
Chat button window open. Select Options > Chat With Host User, or click

Figure 101 EMCRemote Chat dialog box

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Ending Chat sessions

To end a chat session, click Exit to close the EMCRemote Chat dialog
box, from either the host or client (Figure 101 on page 151).
You do this because the EMCRemote Chat dialog box is running on
the host computer, and appears only on the controlling computer
through the Session window.

Chat logging
Your chat session is stored both at the client and at the host. See Chat
log on page 41.
To disable chat logging at the host, you can disable it through the
Host Settings: General tab. See

152 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

File transfer progress indicators

File transfers are always initiated and controlled by a client. During a
file transfer, progress indicators appear on both the client console
and, as of release 6.04, the host console. However, these progress
indicators have somewhat different features, as shown in Figure 102.

W Progress Indicator (on client)

(See File transfer options on page 139.)

Progress Indicator (on host) T

Figure 102 File Transfer Status windows (client and host examples)

The Host-side File Transfer Status window

Note that in Figure 102 (right-hand image) the host-side File Transfer
Status window differs from the client-side window. This should be
expected due to the subordinate role of the host and its
corresponding security requirements. The File Transfer Status
window on the host:
Cannot be used to control file transfer. There is no Start button to
intiate the transfer, nor a Cancel button to stop any current
transfer and return to a File Transfer window, as there is on the
client side.
Does not show the list of files in the (clients) transfer queue.
Remains the top layer even if its window goes out of focus, as it is
an (unexpected) message from the client.

File transfer progress indicators 153

Two-Sided EMCRemote Session

Can be closed or minimized if needed. However, once closed, the

window cannot be restored during the current transfer. If and
when another file transfer from the client side has reached the top
of (any) queue, the window will re-appear.
If a transfer cancellation is initiated on the client side, the host
window automatically closes.
See Figure 95 on page 138 for more detail on the client-side progress

154 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



This section provides detailed reference information about

Appendix A, Host Configuration Reference
This appendix provides details about the EMCRemote Host GUI
and other user interfaces.
Appendix B, Client Configuration Reference
This appendix provides details about the EMCRemote Client
GUIs, including the Call Manager GUI.
Appendix C, Host Audit Log Messages
This appendix lists the types, storage locations, and variables of
host log messages.

Host Configuration

This appendix provides details about the EMCRemote Host GUI and
other user interfaces:
Starting EMCRemote and the host................................................. 158
Host reference: Main window ........................................................ 160
Host reference: Application settings (Host Settings)................... 163
Host reference: Connection settings .............................................. 176
Host reference: Caller settings ........................................................ 181

Host Configuration Reference 157

Host Configuration Reference

Starting EMCRemote and the host

Windows Start menu The EMCRemote installation program provides a particular set of
functionality for the menu items.
Click Start > Programs > EMCRemote to see the available
EMCRemote menu items. (The Full version installation list is
shown in Figure 103 on page 158.)

Figure 103 Start > Programs > EMCRemote (shown for Full installation)

The Start menu items provide access as noted, and may include some
or all of the following, depending on your installation version:
EMCRemote Help (This is a WinHelp implementation.)
EMCRemote This option starts up the general-access splash
screen, shown in Figure 104 on page 159.
For a host, from the splash screen you can:
Wait for a call
Configure your host
Additional options allow client configuration and operation, if a
client was installed locally.
Uninstall EMCRemote Removes all components of any
versions of EMCRemote existing on your computer.
Convert Database (Client use only)
Place a call (Client use only)
Wait for a call Opens the EMCRemote Host main GUI
window. See Host reference: Main window on page 160.

158 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Figure 104 Splash screen (for Full installation)

Splash screen menu You can keep a splash screen (Figure 104 on page 159) running for
quick access to one of four action categories. This screen is invoked
by the EMCRemote item inside Start > Programs > EMCRemote:
Place a call (Client use only)
Wait for a call Opens the EMCRemote Host main GUI
window. See Host reference: Main window on page 160.
Configure To host (or local client) application settings. See
Figure 105 on page 159.

Figure 105 Configure EMCRemote screen menu

Host Configuration Reference

Host reference: Main window

When you start the GUI you will see this baseline window
(Figure 106 on page 160 and Figure 107 on page 160).
The first time the host is invoked, this window is active but initially
obscured by the Host Configuration Wizard.
Lock Client Mouse and Keyboard
Chat with a client Blank Client Screen Help Depending on your user
Configure Application Settings security level, caller setup
may or may not be available.

Wait for a call

Configuration mode

Figure 106 EMCRemote Host window: Dont accept calls

Operation mode

Figure 107 EMCRemote Host window: Waiting for connection

160 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide
Host Configuration Reference

Table 6 on page 161 explains the available commands.

Table 6 EMCRemoteHost menu bar contents (page 1 of 2)

Command Description
Clear Log Remove all entries from log file.
View Log Opens log in plain-text editor window.
View Diagnostic Log Opens diagnostic log in plain-text editor window.
Exit Shut down EMCRemote Host.
Action Bar Icon menu below menu bar.
Small Action Bar Use small icons in the display.
Large Action Bar Use large icons in the display.
No Action Bar Hide icon menu.

Note: All appropriate Action Bar commands are also available through the
menu bar.

Tool Tips
Status Bar Toggle between hide or show for status message bar at the bottom of the
main window.
Wait for a Call This is the hosts active state:Listening for and responding to incoming calls.
Place a Call
Note: Call out to EMC products is not currently supported.

Although EMCRemote Host ordinarily serves incoming calls, it may also

connect out. To initiate the connection, a destination specification window is
presented. For example, for TCP/IP, the window shown below appears:

Disconnect Disconnect EMCRemote Host from the current caller connection.

Chat Open and conduct a chat session.
Blank Client Screen Immediately stop sending host screen displays to current and future callers.
Lock Client Mouse and Keyboard Immediately prevent client mouse and keyboard input from being accepted
by the host.
Diagnostic Mode

Host Configuration Reference

Table 6 EMCRemoteHost menu bar contents (page 2 of 2)

Command Description
Callers Set up client user (caller) attributes, including login information and usage
Connection Set up connection attributes, including modem or TCP/IP settings.
General Settings indicating circumstances for restart; logging toggles.
Performance Change graphics behavior to improve graphics appearance or improve
information transfer efficiency.
Security Control scope of access by callers.
Logon Security Control type of login and limit login attempts.
Configuration Invoke master wizard to guide user and ensure all settings are populated.
Help Topics Invoke online help (WinHelp). This help system is the same on both host
and client, and covers both applications.
About EMCRemote Display the version of this software.

162 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Host reference: Application settings (Host Settings)

Access from home screen: Application settings (Host Settings)

The Host Settings application settings group is accessible through the
menu items identified in Figure 108 on page 163.

Settings menu (see

application settings group)

Depending on your user
Settings button
security level, application
(below menu bar) is for
settings may or may not be
application settings only

Figure 108 Menu items for Host Settings

The application settings options are arranged into four tabs within
the Host Settings dialog box. See Table 7 on page 163.

Table 7 Host Settings tabs

Tab Setting descriptions

General Settings in this group determine the hosts basic behaviors. For example, you can specify the hosts startup
actions, and whether the host will reboot after a remote control session ends.

Performance Settings in this group determine the graphical Windows elements that the host will transmit to the client as part
of the desktop. This can dramatically improve performance without detracting from the convenience of remote

Security Settings in this group determine the measures the host will take to protect your computer when a client has
logged in. You can choose to have the host lock its keyboard and mouse, or blank its screen, or have it prompt
you when someone calls.

Logon Security Settings in this group determine how the host will handle incoming calls and login attempts. For example, you
can enable the use of case-sensitive passwords and limit the number of login attempts per call. Use of RSA
security, for SLC or fob use, is specified here.

Host Configuration Reference

Host Settings: General

Menu: Settings > General (Figure 109 on page 164)
The Host settings dialog box, general settings tab is shown in
Figure 109 on page 164 and the settings are listed in Table 8 on
page 164.

Figure 109 Host Settings: General

Table 8 General options descriptions (page 1 of 3)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Computer Name HostName The name in this field will be displayed in the client window when a session is in progress.
Default: Computer name copied from system.
Start the host Host will automatically start up should you need to reboot the host computer during a session.
whenever your
service starts Note: For the most dependable remote control system, you should enable this setting.

Start Host Available only when Start the host whenever your service starts is available:
Application if it is If this checkbox is selected, the EMCRemote Host window will start the host application if it halts
closed... (for any reason) ...
... in [__] ... after this number of seconds.
seconds 10

164 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Table 8 General options descriptions (page 2 of 3)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Automatically Host will be ready to accept logins as soon as the Wait for a call button is selected.
wait for a call This setting is automatically enabled when Start host whenever your system starts is enabled.
when the host is
started Note: If you reboot your host computer from the client, the host should automatically be set in this
mode. Otherwise, after a reboot you will not be able to call in again.

Automatically If this checkbox is selected, the EMCRemote Host window will not be displayed while the host is
minimize while is in Waiting for a call mode or is connected in a remote control session. Instead, the window will
waiting for a call appear as a small icon (minimized). The type of icon depends on which minimize method is
selected in the When minimized list box.
Selection value is onand selection editing disabledwhenever Start the host whenever your
service starts is selected.
When Minimize to Allows you to select what the host icon will look like, and where it is located, when host window is
minimized: Tray minimized.
Minimize to Tray: Shows a small icon in the Windows task bar tray
Minimize to Taskbar: Shows a button on the Windows task bar
Active: When Automatically minimize while waiting for a call is selected.
Restart Windows reboots when remote session ends (based on condition option below).
Windows at end This option helps ensure a dependable connection in the event of remote hardware problems.
of session If, for example, the host system is unable to respond during a session, the host computer will
reboot as soon as the client hangs up. It is important to also enable Start the host whenever
your system starts so that you can call in again for a fresh start.
Save your changes often when this option is selected. Any unsaved work on the host
computer will be lost when Windows reboots.
Select one of two condition options as the restart trigger: Always, or If the connection was lost.
Always Windows reboots whenever a session ends this includes normal logoff as well as an abnormal
If the Windows will not reboot after a normal logout. It will reboot only when the connection is lost due
connection to problems with the host computer or the client.
was lost
Available only when ... in [__] seconds is available:
Restart Host Checkbox: Host can be forced to restart after one or both of the following settings:
... after [__] 10 A configurable number (between 1 and 100) of sessions
sessions or ...
... [__] 1000 A configurable number (between 100 and 10000) of port pings
Session Host Audit (or Event) log is PWHOST.LOG
Logging Location of host (and client) log is at the installation root, which by default is:
Options C:\Program Files\EMC\SymmRemote\
Viewing log from GUI: At EMCRemote Host window (main screen), select File >View Log.

Host Configuration Reference

Table 8 General options descriptions (page 3 of 3)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Log connections Host will record any user (Caller) logons or attempted logons into the log file.
Log file transfers Host will record any file transfers between host and client into the log file.
Log status Host will record status type messages to PWHOST.LOG. See Status messages on page 225.

Note: If you turn off (uncheck) Log status, you may be able to significantly reduce the log file
size without adverse effect. Contact EMC Global Services for more information.

Log chat Host will record chat sessions to HOSTCHAT.TXT

166 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Host Settings: Performance

Menu: Settings > Performance
The host's Performance settings determine the graphical Windows
elements that the host will transmit to the client as part of the
desktop. Several options (Figure 110 on page 167 and Table 9 on
page 167) are available to inhibit host graphics processing and
communication activity during connections, and in turn significantly
improve performance without detracting from the convenience of
remote control.

Figure 110 Host Settings: Performance

Table 9 Performance options descriptions (page 1 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Disable minimize animation Host will no longer display the minimize-window animations (activity lights) when a

window is minimized to the taskbar.
Disable full window drag Host will not display Windows full-window drag when a window is moved.

Note: This option is not currently operational.

Disable screen saver Host will not display the screen saver animation.
Disable desktop pattern Desktop pattern of the host will not be displayed, and instead it will look blank.

Host Configuration Reference

Table 9 Performance options descriptions (page 2 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Disable desktop wallpaper Desktop wallpaper (if any) of the host will not be displayed.
Scale bitmaps to 16 colors Display all host-originated bitmaps in 16 colors.
Boost process priority EMCRemote process priority will be raised above that of all other applications.

Note: Use this option with caution. If EMCRemote is always busy, other processes
cannot easily continue, and may even halt.

168 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Host Settings: Security

Menu: Settings > Security

Note: These settings may or may not be available, depending on the security
level of user.

These Security settings (Figure 111 on page 169 and Table 10 on

page 170) determine the measures the host will take to protect your
computer when a client has logged in. You can choose to have the
host lock its keyboard and mouse, or blank its screen, or have it
prompt you when someone calls.

Blanking and EMCRemote provides three different screen blanking methods to

locking support a variety of display adapters. You can click a Test button (on
each method, as needed) to see if the blanking method you have
selected works on the hosts display.
EMCRemote can lock the hosts keyboard and mouse so that no one
can access the host while you are using it. It can also blank the host
display to protect your valuable data during a session. Locking and
blanking do not affect the operation of the client in any way.

Figure 111 Host Settings: Security

Host Configuration Reference

Table 10 Security options descriptions (page 1 of 2)

Setting/Button Default Comments

On () or Off
Blank this screen on Caller can blank the host at logon.
Note: The host display will be hidden only during an active remote control session
make sure that you hide confidential information before you terminate the session.

Screen blanking method Method 1 Select from three methods of screen blanking. Your choice will depend on the video
drivers of the host.
Although (due to limited screen real estate) no method descriptions are provided, you
can test each method with the Test button at right.
Test [button] Allows you to test the screen-blanking option you have selected at left. A Screen
Blanking Test dialog box will appear if the screen blanking method is unsuccessful:

If all three methods are unsuccessful, Screen blanking is not available for the host.
Lock this keyboard and Caller can lock the host keyboard and mouse at login.
mouse on connection
Caller Confirmation
Prompt the user on this Host will attempt to notify the host user when a caller attempts to log in:
computer when
someone tries to log on

Enabling this checkbox allows you to access additional, dependent options with which
you can specify how individual calls will be confirmed (see below).
Seconds to wait for 15 Allows you to specify the amount of time the host will wait for Caller Confirmation
the user to respond to before processing the caller. The host's specific action is determined by the dependent
the prompt option you select (see below).

170 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Table 10 Security options descriptions (page 2 of 2)

Setting/Button Default Comments

On () or Off
Actions to take if the Mutually exclusive options:
user doesnt respond
Allow the caller to The host will allow the caller to log on even if there is no confirmation from the caller
log on within the specified time. This allows callers to log in to the host when the user is not
available to confirm the login.
Hang up The host will not allow a caller to log on without confirmation from the user. If the user
has not confirmed the log on in the time specified, the caller will be disconnected.
Master password [button] Opens the Master Password dialog box to set a password that must be entered before
one can access Host Settings and Caller Setup dialog boxes.
This ensures that your Host settings cannot be viewed or changed without the proper
password. See Master Password on page 172.

Host Configuration Reference

Master Password Menu: Settings > Security > Master Password

The Host Settings allow you to specify the keys that will open the
host to the calling client, and the privileges the client will enjoy. The
host allows you to further protect these keys by restricting access to
the Host Settings themselves with a master password (Figure 112 on
page 172 and Table 11 on page 172).
When you first install EMCRemote, the master password is
undefined. At that point the host does not prompt for this password
before it allows access to its settings. After you have specified this
password, however, the host prompts for it each time you access the
Host Settings dialog box.

Figure 112 Master Password dialog box

Table 11 Master Password dialog box

Setting/Button Default Comments

On () or Off
Master Password Type password string twice.
Confirm Password

172 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Host Settings: Logon Security

Menu: Settings > Logon Security

Note: These settings may or may not be available, depending on the security
level of user.

The Logon Security options determine how the host handles

passwords, and how it responds to failed login attempts. You can use
these options to enhance security and make it more difficult for
someone to gain access by experimenting with multiple login
usernames and passwords.
EMCRemotes default Logon Security settings are moderate. They
provide login protection, yet allow authorized users to recover from
honest mistakes with multiple login attempts. However, you can
tighten security at any time by allowing fewer login attempts or less
time to log on.
The lower the numbers you specify in the Validating Logons options
group, the more secure the host will be. Selecting a low number for
allowable failed attempts and lengthening the Re-enable logon time
will further tighten security. Click OK to save your settings.

Figure 113 Host Settings: Logon Security

Host Configuration Reference

Several options are available to select which security method will be

applied to validate users for EMCRemote access (Figure 113 on
page 173 and Table 12 on page 174).

RSA security For SLC-enabled hosts, this option is restricted: It is view only below
enabled hosts a certain (relatively high) level, and may be inaccessible entirely
below another level.

Table 12 Logon Security options descriptions (page 1 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
[Security Type]
Note: The three (leftmost) checkboxes below are mutually
exclusive. They work like a set of option (radio) buttons.

Use EMCRemote application security to The host will rely on EMCRemote's built-in security.
validate users
Make passwords case sensitive The host will handle all passwords as case sensitive. Otherwise,
upper- and lowercase letters are the same when validating
Use Windows NT security to validate If this checkbox is selected, a client can use any valid Windows
users NT/2000 user account, regardless of the Windows NT/2000 user
account privileges, to connect to the host. Use the Windows
NT/2000 User Manager on the host computer to configure a
Windows NT/2000 user account.
If the client connects using a Windows NT/2000 user account, the
client will have the EMCRemote privileges defined in the Default
Caller Properties window of the host's Caller Setup dialog box. To
view these settings, select the Settings, Callers menu item, and
then click the Default Settings button.
This checkbox is disabled in the Windows 98 host.
Use Account list to limit the validated The host will use the account list to limit the validated users.
Use RSA security to validate users Validates by using SLC or fob: The host will process an incoming
SLC and SLC password, or fob readout and PIN, to determine
whether access will be allowed on that basis.
If the host detects that the required RSA files are not present,
this option cannot be chosen.
When selected, the [Caller Setup Type]: Default Setup option
is not available.
[Caller Setup Type]
Use Default Setup for activity permission Allowed only for EMCRemote application or Windows NT
Use Individual Caller Setup for activity Allows multiple users

174 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Table 12 Logon Security options descriptions (page 2 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off

Validating Logons
Time allowed for logging minutes 3 This field specifies the number of minutes the host will allow a
caller to log in. The time specified must provide enough time to
complete the login, so be sure to specify a value that allows time
for a slower modem if necessary.
Logon attempts per call (1-99) 5 This field specifies the number of tries the host will allow a caller
to correctly type in the password. If the correct password is not
entered after the specified number of attempts, the host will
Disabling Logons Prevents guessing the password through repeated attempts.
Disable logons ... If this checkbox is selected, all logins will be disabled if a caller
... after __ failed attempts 20 fails to type a valid password within the specified number of
attempts. These attempts can span several calls. If this value is
lower than the value specified in Logon attempts per call, it will
override that value.
Re-enable logons after __ minutes 15 This field specifies the number of minutes the host will wait after
logins have been disabled before it begins to take calls again.
This feature discourages unauthorized callers from repeatedly
attempting to access the host.

Host Configuration Reference

Host reference: Connection settings

Access from home screen: Connection settings

To configure the communication devices, set up a connection path by
opening the Communication Devices dialog box. This dialog box is
accessible through the menu items identified in Figure 114 on
page 176.

Settings menu:
Connection settings

Set up Connection button

Figure 114 Menu items for Host Settings

The Communication Devices dialog box may be unavailable. To

access it under the following conditions, perform the identified
actions first:
If the host is currently connected to a client (as identified in the
Current Caller group box), disconnect from the client by selecting
Action > Disconnect.
If host is in Wait for a call mode, deselect Action > Wait for a

176 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Communications Devices: Modem

Menu: Settings > Connection > Modem
Left panel: Modem option + Set up Connection button
The Communication Devices dialog box is used to configure the
communication devices used by the host. Use the Modem tab
(Figure 115 on page 177 and Table 13 on page 178) to specify the
modem for a dialup connection.

Figure 115 Communication Devices: Modem

Host Configuration Reference

Table 13 Modem settings descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
[List box] List box of modems available.
ModemName Available modem identified by, for example, model name
If this is an upgrade, default setting is: [checked].
Settings [button] Invokes relevant Windows Control Panel settings.
For example, on Windows 2000:
Start > Phone and Modem Options (Modems tab > selected modem)
> Properties (Advanced tab > Change Default Preferences)
> ModemName Connection Preferences
Refer to Windows documentation.

Note: EMCRemote process priority will be raised above that of all other

178 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Communications Devices: TCP/IP Settings

Menu: Settings > Connection > TCP/IP Settings
or Left panel: TCP/IP option + Set up Connection button
Use the Communication Devices dialog box to configure the
communication devices. Use the TCP/IP Settings tab (Figure 116 on
page 179 and Table 14 on page 179) to specify the IP addresses for an
Internet connection. Click on the Get TCP/IP Address button to
populate the fields. If the host machine is configured for IPv6, both
the Local IPv4 Addresses and Local IPv6 Addresses fields populate.

Figure 116 Communication Devices: TCP/IP Settings

Table 14 TCP/IP Settings descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Local IPv4 Addresses LocalIPv4Address Previously captured from system. (This setting is not editable.)
Local IPv6 Addresses LocalIPv6Address Previously captured from system. (This setting is not editable.)
Get TCP/IP Address [button] Capture current IP address(es) to application, and confirm by populating fields above
Advanced [button] Invokes port-specification window (Figure 117 on page 180).
See TCP/IP Port on page 180.

Host Configuration Reference

TCP/IP Port Menu: Settings > Connection > TCP/IP Settings > Advanced
The TCP/IP port settings dialog box is shown in Figure 117 on
page 180 and the settings are listed in Table 15 on page 180.

Figure 117 TCP/IP Port

Table 15 TCP/IP Port

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Use Default TCP/IP Port
5414 This value is pre-set by EMC.
Specify TCP/IP Port
5414 This field can be edited.

Note: Edit this field only after consultation with your network administration.

180 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Host reference: Caller settings

Access from home screen: Callers settings

Settings menu:
Callers settings
Set up Caller button

Figure 118 Access Caller settings

Selecting this option (one of the two paths in Figure 118 on page 181)
brings up either the Caller Setup Default (Figure 119 on page 182
and Table 16 on page 182) or the Caller Setup Individual (Figure 120
on page 183) window (see pages following), depending on the Host
Settings configuration.

Host Configuration Reference

Caller Setup: Default

Menu: Settings > Callers
or Right panel: Set up Caller
The Caller setup, default settings dialog box is shown in Figure 119
on page 182 and the settings are listed in Table 16 on page 182.

Note: This tab is analogous to the individual users Caller Properties: General
dialog box (Figure 121 on page 185).

Figure 119 Caller Setup: Default

Table 16 Caller Setup: Default

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Access Code See Access code on page 44.
Password Sets up a password for use by remote access users connecting (as a default user)
Confirm password to this host.
Default Settings [button] Points to Default Settings. See Figure 121 on page 185.

182 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Caller SetupIndividual
Menu: Settings > Callers
or Right panel: Set up Caller
The Caller setup, individual settings dialog box is shown in
Figure 120 on page 183 and the settings are listed in Table 17 on
page 183.

Figure 120 Caller SetupIndividual

Table 17 Caller SetupIndividual

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Caller List
UserName Points to the user record for the named user. See the buttons below.
New [button] Creates a new user record, and opens it for editing.
Edit [button] Opens the selected user record for editing. For example, see Figure 121 on
page 185.

Host Configuration Reference

Table 17 Caller SetupIndividual

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Copy [button] Creates a copy of the selected user record, prompts for a new username for that
copy, and opens that copy for editing.
Delete [button] Removes the selected user record.
Default Settings [button] This button points to the same interface as that in the Caller Setup Default
window. Unlike the interface for a user-specific settings record, this default record
has no General tab for login information. See Figure 121 on page 185.

184 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Caller Properties: GeneralIndividual only

Menu: Settings > Callers > New | Edit | Copy > General
The Caller properties, general settings dialog box is shown in
Figure 121 on page 185 and the settings are listed in Table 18 on
page 185.

Note: This tab (Figure 121 on page 185) is analogous to the single-user
default Caller Setup dialog box (Figure 119 on page 182).

Figure 121 Caller PropertiesGeneral tab (Logon information)

Table 18 Caller PropertiesGeneral

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Description Descriptive name for this target device user account.
If you are editing a caller or working from a caller record copy, the Description is
already filled in. This value may be standardized check before editing it.
Logon Information Information required to log in to a target device as a designated user.
Access Code Fill in the access code if required for your user status. (Customers and TPM must
provide this code.) See Access code on page 44.

Host Configuration Reference

Table 18 Caller PropertiesGeneral

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Logon ID Account username.
Password, with confirmation repeat password, for target device user account.
Confirm password

186 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Caller Properties: PrivilegesDefault or Individual

Menu: Settings > Callers > New | Edit | Copy | Default > Privileges
Use the Privileges tab to identify those activities that are allowed, and
those that are not allowed, to this caller.

Figure 122 Caller Properties dialog box: Privileges tab

Note: For specific user (individual) Caller Properties, the General tab
(Figure 121 on page 185) is included. In Default Caller Properties, the General
tab is absent.

See Figure 122 on page 187 for the interface and default settings, and
Table 19 on page 188 for further notes about these options.

Host Configuration Reference

Table 19 Caller Properties: Privileges settings

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Caller is allowed to... These options correspond to manual operation of Session
window buttons and commands as noted.
Control this computer Unless limited by sub-options below, the user at client may use
the desktop displayed within the Session window as if it were
the host console.
Blank this computers screen If selected, the client has the permission to toggle on or off
blanking the screen at the host.
This action can be implemented at the client by selecting the
Blank Screen button from the client Session bar.
Lock this computers keyboard and mouse If selected, the client has the permission to toggle on or off
locking the keyboard and mouse at the host.
The action can be implemented at the client by selecting the
Lock Keyboard and Mouse button from the client Session bar.
Use shortcut keys If selected, the client has the permission to toggle on or off
using meta-keys (Ctrl-S) at the host from the client keyboard.
The action can be implemented at the client by selecting the
meta keys button from the client Session bar.
Transfer files to/from this computer If selected, the client has the permission to transfer files as

defined below.
Retrieve files from this computer If selected, the client has the permission to copy files from the
host to the client.
Send files to this computer (create, delete, If selected, the client has the permission to copy files from the
overwrite) client to the host, or delete files from the host.
Chat with this computer user If selected, the client has the permission to open and use a
Chat window through EMCRemote menu.
Execute process or command on this computer If selected, the client has the permission to open and use a
command or CMD window.
Reboot this computer remotely If selected, the client has the permission to reboot the host
Access the EMCRemote settings on this If selected, the client has the permission to view and edit host
computer Settings and Caller Setup interfaces.

188 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Caller Properties: TimeDefault or Individual

Menu: Settings > Callers > New | Edit | Copy | Default > Time
Use the Time tab (Figure 123 on page 189 and Table 20 on page 189) to
choose connection duration parameters, if desired, and set their
values. (Default: all Off.)

Figure 123 Default Caller Properties dialog box: Time tab

Table 20 Time tab settings

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off

Disconnect caller when no activity for (minutes) If used, default: 5

Maximum connection time per call (minutes) If used, default: 30

Maximum total connection time (minutes) (Not used)

Host Configuration Reference

Caller Properties: CallbackDefault or Individual

Menu: Settings > Callers > New | Edit | Copy | Default > Callback

Although the Callback function is an EMCRemote feature, it is not
currently supported by EMC Customer Service for use with EMC

Use the Callback tab to specify whether a connection is to be

substituted with a return call. The default setting is Off, with callback
parameters dimmed (Figure 124 on page 190 and Table 21 on
page 192).

Figure 124 Callback tab default

There are three callback function options:

Never call the caller back (the default option, shown in
Figure 124 on page 190)
Call back upon request
Always call back
If you select either of the latter two options, you must set callback
parameters (Figure 125 on page 191).

190 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Configuration Reference

Figure 125 Callback tab: callback on, modem

Figure 126 Callback tab: callback on, TCP/IP, port setting dialog box

Host Configuration Reference

Table 21 Callback settings notes

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Do not call this caller back
Call this caller back on request The calling client will request this during its connection request.
Always call this caller back
Call this caller back on request or
Always call this caller back
Delay before calling back (seconds) 20 If used, default: 20
Allow the caller to provide the You have a choice between providing fixed callback settings, or
callback information allowing the caller to set these in real time for the current call
Always use this information
Always use this information
Callback through: You can use either:
Modem a dial-up Modem direct connection, or
TCP/IP an Internet or modem (for example, SymmIP) TCP/IP connection.
Country Code
Area Code
Phone number
Use country code and area code If used, default:
TCP/IP Address
Use Default TCP/IP Port 5414 If used, the default is an EMC-specified port, currently 5414
Specify TCP/IP Port
Note: EMC recommends that you change this setting only upon the
advice of your network administrator.

192 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Client Configuration

This appendix provides details about the EMCRemote Client GUIs,

including those of the Call Manager:
Starting EMCRemote and the client (with Call Manager).......... 194
Client reference: Main window (Address Book mode)............... 196
Client reference: Application settings (Call Manager Settings) . 203
Client reference: Communication settings (Default) ................... 209

Client Configuration Reference 193

Client Configuration Reference

Starting EMCRemote and the client (with Call Manager)

From Windows Start The EMCRemote installation program provides functionality for the
menu menu items.
Click Start > Programs > EMCRemote to see the available
EMCRemote menu items. (The Full version installation list is
shown in Figure 127 on page 194.)

Figure 127 Start > Programs > EMCRemote (for Full installation)

The Start menu items provide access as noted, and may include
some or all of the following, depending on your installation
EMCRemote Help This is a WinHelp implementation.
EMCRemote This option starts up the general access splash
screen, shown in Figure 128 on page 195.
For a client, from the splash screen you can:
Place a call
Configure your client
Additional options allow host configuration and operation, if
a host was installed locally.
Uninstall EMCRemote Removes all components of any
versions of EMCRemote existing on your computer.
Convert Database If you have EMCRemote Client 3.06 or
earlier, you will need to convert your existing database
(Phonebook) using this program. See Uninstalling
EMCRemote on page 37.

194 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Place a call Opens EMCRemote Client Call Manager (main

client GUI). See Client reference: Main window (Address
Book mode) on page 196.
Wait for a call Host use only.

Splash screen menu You can keep a splash screen (Figure 128 on page 195) running for
quick access to one of four action categories. This screen is invoked
with Start > Programs > EMCRemote > EMCRemote.

Figure 128 Splash screen (for Full installation)

Place a call Opens EMCRemote Client Call Manager (main

client GUI). See Client reference: Main window (Address
Book mode) on page 196.
Wait for a call Host use only.
Configure Opens intermediate screen to access local client
(or host) application settings. See Figure 129 on page 195.

Figure 129 Configure EMCRemote screen menu

Client Configuration Reference

Client reference: Main window (Address Book mode)

When the Client GUI is started for the first time, or after having been
closed previously in the Address Book mode, or when Windows Start
> Programs menu is invoked, this is the baseline window that
appears (Figure 130 or Figure 131 and Table 22 on page 197).

Note: The first time the host is invoked, this window is active but initially
obscured by the Host Configuration Wizard.

Program Settings
(Equivalent to Settings > General)

Call an awaiting host

(Equivalent to: Action > Place a call
to a host)

Locked mode

Figure 130 EMCRemoteCall Manager: Initial screen

Create a New entry in the address book Delete address book entry Address book Entry Properties
(Equivalent to: Edit > New Entry) (Equivalent to: Edit > Delete Entry) (Equivalent to: Edit > Entry Properties)

Switch to Address Book mode Help

Switch to Dialer mode

Open mode

Figure 131 EMCRemoteCall Manager: Address book entries

196 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager menu bar Address Book mode

Table 22 Call Manager menu bar contents (page 1 of 2)

Command Description
Clear Log Remove all entries from log file
View Log Open log in plain-text editor window
Exit Shut down EMCRemote - Call Manager
New Entry Open Client Configuration Wizard to create new address book entry
Delete Entry Delete address book entry, with warning
Rename Entry Focus mouse on entry name for editing
Entry Properties Invoke the Logon, Connection, Security, and Callback tabs window
Replace String Open search & substitute string window
Action Bar Icon menu below menu bar
Small Action Bar Use small icons in display
Large Action Bar Use large icons in display
No Action Bar Hide icon menu

Note: All appropriate action bar commands are also available through the
menu bar.

Tool Tips
Status Bar Toggle between hide or show for status message bar at bottom of main window.
Dialer Opens direct dial screen
Call Book Opens Call Manager initial screen
Large Icons
Small Icons Viewing options for EMCRemote - Call Manager field of icons.
When you close the Call Manager, the active Address Book view will be
List preserved and used the next time the Address Book is opened.
Place a call to a After you select a connection icon in the Address Book and then select this
Host command, EMCRemote Initiates that connection.
Alternatively, you can:
Double-click the connection icon
Select the icon, then press key combination Ctrl-P

Client Configuration Reference

Table 22 Call Manager menu bar contents (page 2 of 2)

Command Description
Wait for a call This invokes the listening state, which is dormant until an incoming call arrives.
Alternatively, you can
Press key combination Ctrl-W
Configuration Invoke Client Configuration Wizard.
General Call Manager Settings: General (scaling; shortcut keys)
Connect Attempts Timing settings
Performance Change graphics behavior to improve graphics appearance or improve
information transfer efficiency
Dialing Properties Invoke Windows: Start > Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Dialing
Help Topics Invoke online help (WinHelp). This help system is the same on both host and
client, and covers both applications.
About EMCRemote Display the version of this software

198 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager body Address Book mode

Locked mode When locked, the Call Manager displays only the Open Dial
Directory icon in the upper left, as shown in Figure 130 on page 196.

Open mode When unlocked, the Call Manager displays two types of icons: the
Add New Entry icon in the upper left, and any previously created
entries to the right of and below the Add New Entry icon, as shown
in the example Figure 130 on page 196.

Client Configuration Reference

Client reference: Main window (Dialer mode)

When the Client GUI is started after having previously been closed in
Dialer mode, or if the Dialer icon is invoked from the desktop, this is
the baseline window that is opened (Figure 132 on page 200 and
Table 22 on page 197).

Figure 132 Call Manager: Dialer mode

Call Manager menu bar Dialer mode

The menu bar is the same as that in the Clients Address Book mode
(Table 22 on page 197) except that certain View menu options are not
available in this mode, and are display dimmed (grayed out), as
shown in Figure 133.

Figure 133 Call Manager: Dialer mode: View menu options

200 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager body Dialer mode

Refer to Table 23 for explanation of the fields and their operation.

Table 23 Call Manager Dialer body fields (page 1 of 2)

GUI group or field label Data type /units Values Default Notes
Connection Information
Modem Boolean (Selected, Uses telephone dial-up direct modem-to-modem
Option (toggle) button set
(vs TCP/IP) or On) (machine-to-machine) connection
[Phone number field] String Phone number of receiving modem
EMCRemote- valid Consists of the full dial sequence: any
telephone number automated switch board number, any area
characters (Empty) code(s), and the country code
(see list under Notes, at Allows only EMCRemote-valid telephone
right) number characters:
Select from drop-down (Up to 20 The 20 most recently entered (not necessarily
history strings) executed) values are included
TAPI Rules Determines full dialing string sent to modem
Location String (Not user editable) Label is copied from Windows Phone and
Modem settings
Use TAPI Rules (Unselected, Prepends the Prefix field to the Modem field for
Boolean Checkbox
or Off) dial string sent to the modem.
TCP/IP Boolean Uses TCP/IP protocols to connect within IP
Option (toggle) button set or Off) network, over the Internet, or over a SymmIP
(vs Modem) telephone connection
[Hostname/IP Address Character: (Empty) Address of EMCRemote Host server
field] IPv4 address format: Number syntax is checked by GUI
n.n.n.n (n: 0 - 255 decimal) If IPv6 address format is used,
IPv6 address format: EMCRemote automatically changes the
n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n (first) single longest contiguous sequence
(n: 0 - FFFF hexadecimal) of zeros to IPv6 compressed notation
Hostname (host.domain.tld) (::), as shown below.
Character Select from drop-down (Up to 20 The 20 most recently entered (not necessarily
history strings) executed) values are included

TCP Port Integer 1 - 65536 5414

Port number can be changed from EMCRemote
Character Select from drop-down (Up to 20 default of 5414
history strings)

Client Configuration Reference

Table 23 Call Manager Dialer body fields (page 2 of 2)

GUI group or field label Data type /units Values Default Notes

Connection Credentials Used when connection completion requires it

Logon ID Character Max = 512 character (Empty)
Password Character Max = 512 character (Empty)
Connect When fields are set, click Connect to execute
Button connection

202 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Client reference: Application settings (Call Manager Settings)

Access from home screen: Application settings (Call Manager Settings)

The Call Manager Settings application settings group is accessible
through either menu item identified in Figure 134 on page 203.

Settings menu (see

application settings group)


Settings button
(below menu bar) is for
application settings only

Figure 134 Menu items for Call Manager Settings

The application settings options are arranged into four tabs within
the Call Manager Settings dialog box. See Table 24 on page 203.

Table 24 Call Manager Settings tabs

Tab Setting descriptions

General The General settings are options that affect the remote control session once you have connected to a host.

Connect The Connect Attempts settings determine how EMCRemote will handle re-dialing a modem and how long it will
Attempts wait to connect over a network when connecting to a host computer.

Performance The Call Manager Performance Settings affect the speed of the remote control session. The default settings are
designed to be optimal for many computers, but you may be able to improve performance by experimenting with
these options.

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager Settings: General

Menu: Settings > General
The Call manager settings dialog box, general settings tab is shown in
Figure 135 on page 204 and the settings are listed in Table 25 on
page 204.

Figure 135 Call Manager Settings dialog box: General tab

Table 25 Call Manager Settings: General options descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Computer Name ExampleName The name in this field will be displayed on the client window when a session is in progress.
Default: Computer name copied from system.
Windows Scaling
Full screen on If this checkbox is selected, EMCRemote will display as much of the host desktop as possible in
connect the Session window. If the host desktop is already smaller than the client's display, you will see no
change. Otherwise, EMCRemote will remove the local toolbar, menus, and taskbar in order to
display as much of the host desktop as possible.
When used in conjunction with Scale the other computer's display to the session window, the
host desktop will cover the entire screen of the client.
Scale the other If this checkbox is selected, EMCRemote will adjust the proportions so that the entire host
computers desktop is displayed in the Session window.
display to the When used in conjunction with Full screen on connect, the host desktop will cover the entire
session window screen of the client.

204 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Table 25 Call Manager Settings: General options descriptions (continued)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Windows Shortcut Keys
Send to the If this option button is selected, Windows key combinations such as <Alt> <Tab> will be passed to
other computer the host computer.
Execute on this If this option button is selected, Windows key combinations such as <Alt><Tab> will be executed
computer on the client computer.

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager Settings: Connect Attempts

Menu: Settings > Connect Attempts
The Call manager settings dialog box, connect attempts setings tab is
shown in Figure 136 on page 206 and the settings are listed in
Table 26 on page 206.

Figure 136 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Connect Attempts tab

Table 26 Call Manager Settings: Connect Attempts options descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Redial The redial options are used if the modems do not connect on the first try, for example, if the line is
Redial Attempts 3 This field specifies the number of times EMCRemote will attempt to call if the modems do not
Redial Delay 30 This field specifies the number of seconds EMCRemote will wait before redialing in the event of a
(seconds) failed connection.
Network Connections
Maximum 30 This field specifies the number of seconds EMCRemote will wait while attempting to locate the
Search Time host computer on the network.

206 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Call Manager Settings: Performance

Menu: Settings > Performance
The Call Manager Performance Settings affect the speed of the remote
control session. The default settings are designed to be optimal for
many computers, but you may be able to improve performance by
experimenting with these options (Figure 137 on page 207 and
Table 27 on page 208).

Figure 137 Call Manager Settings dialog box: Performance tab

Client Configuration Reference

Table 27 Call Manager Settings: Performance options descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Bitmap Cache 4096K After you connect to the remote control host, EMCRemote stores some of the window information in
Size a cache. Then, if you activate the same window again, the information is used from the local cache
instead of transferring it again from the host. The cache is stored in memory, and is discarded when
you disconnect.
The Bitmap Cache Size determines how large the bitmap cache is on the client. If you have limited
RAM, you may want to lower the cache size setting. If the cache takes up too much room in
memory, Windows will slow down during sessions.
To change the Bitmap Cache Size, select the size you want from the drop-down list:
None | 256K | 512K | 1024K | 2048K | 4096K
Cached Fonts 16 If the host computer uses fonts that do not reside on the client, EMCRemote will download the
needed fonts from the host. The font cache stores those fonts locally to eliminate repeated font
transfers. The cache is stored in memory, and is freed when you disconnect.
The Cached Fonts setting determines how many host fonts the client will store in memory. The
default setting is 16 fonts. If you have limited RAM, you may want to cache fewer fonts. Having a font
cache that is too large can slow Windows during sessions.
To change the Cached Fonts setting, select the number of fonts you want to cache from the
drop-down list: 116
Text Quality High The Text Quality setting affects whether certain window text in the Session window will use local
fonts, host fonts, or a combination of both. This setting is independent of the Cached Fonts settings,
and affects only certain window fonts.
High quality uses the same fonts as the host, Low quality uses the local window fonts, and Medium
quality uses a combination of both.
The default setting is High quality, so that the Session window looks as much like the host desktop
as possible. Low text quality will yield a slight speed increase, but some of the window text may look
different than what you expect: Low | Medium | High
Data Default This setting determines the type of compression that will be used on the information that is sent
Compression between remote control computers. When data is compressed, there is less of it to send so
communication between computers is faster. However, it takes time to compress and decompress
the data before and after it is sent.
For best results use Maximum Compression for a slower connection with two high-powered
computers; do not use compression for a high-speed connection (like a network connection) with a
slower computer; use Light Compression if neither the connection nor the computer is high speed.
There is a fourth option, labeled Default data compression. Use this option is for use when you use
both a modem and a network card connection. It implements maximum data compression when the
modem and cable are in use, and no data compression when the network card is used.
You may want to test the speed difference by experimenting with different settings. To change the
Data Compression setting, select the compression rate you want from the drop-down list.

Note: The default compression setting will use maximum compression for modem and no
compression for TCP/IP connections.

208 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Client reference: Communication settings (Default)

Access from home screen: Communication settings (Default)

Default Settings Default communications settings are accessible only through the
Default Settings pop-up menu. You can view and edit these in either
a locked or an unlocked Call Manager, as shown in Figures 138
through 139 starting on page 209.

(1) Right-click the

Open Dial
Directory icon (as
(2) Select the sole
menu choice,
Default Settings

Figure 138 Default address book settings (Locked Call Manager)

(1) Right-click the

Add New Entry
(2) Select the sole
menu choice,
Default Settings
(as shown)

Figure 139 Default address book settings (Unlocked Call Manager)

Client Configuration Reference

Host Settings The communications settings for a particular host are accessible
(Properties) through one of the menu items identified in Figure 140 on page 210.

Properties from
pop-up menu on
Entry Properties button selected host icon
(below menu bar) applies to
selected host icon

Figure 140 Address book settings for a selected host

Default and host The communication settings options, both for Default and particular
settings tabs hosts, are arranged into four tabs within the Call Manager Settings
dialog box. See Table 28 on page 210.

Table 28 Properties Settings tabs

Tab Setting descriptions

Logon The Logon properties specify the information that will be sent to your host computer so you can log in
automatically when you use an Address Book entry. The lower portion of the panel contains settings for logging
your online actions.

Connection The Connection properties specify how the client will connect to the host. When one of the connections is
selected, the appropriate information fields are displayed.
The types of connections available are:
Modems: All modems identified by Windows appear in this list.
TCP/IP: Your TCP/IP connection, either with dial-up or network card, as defined in the Windows network
This option is usually selected if you want to call a remote control host that is on the Internet or on your
TCP/IP network.

Security The Security properties give you three different security tools, in addition to the security options that are preset
on the host computer.

Note: Although the Callback function is an EMCRemote feature, it is not currently supported for use with EMC

210 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Communication settings: Logon

Icon menu (selected host): Settings button > Logon
Menu: Edit > Entry Properties > Logon
Popup menu (from selected host): Properties > Logon
Popup menu (from Open Dial Directory or Add New Entry
icon): Default Settings > Logon
The Communications settings dialog box, logon tab is shown in
Figure 141 on page 211 and the settings are listed in Table 29 on
page 211.

Figure 141 Communication settings dialog box: Logon tab

Table 29 Communication settings: Logon tab options descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Logon Information
Note: These fields are inactive (gray) for Default Settings

Logon ID Type your logon ID as it is specified on the host computer. Your Logon ID is not case sensitive.
Password Type your password just as it is specified on the host computer. By default, the EMCRemote
Host does not consider the case of the password when you log in. However, if the host is set to
make passwords case-sensitive, you will need to precisely match the case of each letter.
Confirm Password This field confirms the Password field; both fields must match before you can exit the Logon
properties panel and save your settings.

Client Configuration Reference

Table 29 Communication settings: Logon tab options descriptions (continued)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Session Logging Activities
Log connections If selected, EMCRemote keeps a record of all logins / attempted logins to a remote host.
Log file transfers If selected, EMCRemote will keep a record of all file transfers between client and host.

212 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Communication settings: Connection

Icon menu (selected host): Settings button > Connection
Menu: Edit > Entry Properties > Connection
Popup menu (from selected host icon): Properties > Connection
Popup menu (from Open Dial Directory or Add New Entry
icon): Default Settings > Connection
The Communication settings dialog box, connection setings tab is
shown in Figure 142 on page 213 and the settings are listed in
Table 30 on page 213.

Modem selected TCP/IP selected

Figure 142 Communication settings dialog box: Connection tab

Table 30 Communication settings: Connection options descriptions

Setting Default Comments
On () or Off
Connection Information
If a modem is selected below: If you select a modem from the connection method list box, the Connection
Information group displays the items below.
Country Code
Area Code
Phone number
Use country code and area code If selected, Country Code and Area Code fields are available; otherwise not.
Properties [button] Invokes relevant Windows Control Panel settings. See Communications Devices:
Modem on page 177.
If TCP/IP is selected below: If you select TCP/IP, the Connection Information group displays the items below.

Client Configuration Reference

Table 30 Communication settings: Connection options descriptions (continued)

Setting Default Comments
On () or Off
TCP/IP Address
Advanced [button] See Communications Devices: TCP/IP Settings on page 179.
[Connection method]

214 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Communication settings: Security

Icon menu (selected host): Settings button > Security
Popup menu (from selected host icon): Properties > Security
Popup menu (from Open Dial Directory or Add New Entry
icon): Default Settings > Security
The Security properties give you three different security tools, in
addition to the security options that are preset on the host computer
(Figure 143 on page 215 and Table 31 on page 215).

Figure 143 Communication settings dialog box: Security tab

Table 31 Communication settings: Security options descriptions

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Lock Host keyboard and mouse while connected If this checkbox is selected, the host keyboard and mouse are
disabled as soon as you log in to the host computer. This option
will take effect only if the host grants you the right to lock the
keyboard and mouse. The privilege options are preset in the
host's Caller Profiles.
Blank host screen while connected If this check box is selected, the host screen will be blanked as
soon as you log on to the host computer. This option will take
effect only if the host grants you the right to blank the screen. The
privilege options are preset in the host's Caller Profiles.

Client Configuration Reference

Communication settings: Callback

Settings button > Callback
Popup menu (from selected host icon): Properties > Callback
Popup menu (from Open Dial Directory or Add New Entry
icon): Default Settings > Callback
The Communication settings dialog box, callback setings tab is
shown in Figure 144 on page 216 and the settings are listed in
Table 32 on page 216.

Although the Callback function is an available EMCRemote
feature, it is not currently supported for use with EMC products.

Figure 144 Communication settings dialog box: Callback tab

Table 32 Communication settings: Callback options descriptions (page 1 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Request that the other computer call back
Callback timeout (seconds): 60
Prompt me for the callback information when I connect
(Toggle pair)
Always use this information:
Callback through Modem Modem | TCP/IP

216 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Client Configuration Reference

Table 32 Communication settings: Callback options descriptions (page 2 of 2)

Setting Default Comments

On () or Off
Country Code
Area Code
Phone number
Use country code and area code
TCP/IP Address
Advanced [button]

Client Configuration Reference

218 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


Host Audit Log

This appendix lists the types, storage locations, and variables of the
host log messages:
Access messages ............................................................................... 220
File transfer messages ...................................................................... 221
Configuration messages .................................................................. 223
Status messages................................................................................. 225

Host Audit Log Messages 219

Host Audit Log Messages

Access messages
Table 33 on page 220 and Table 34 on page 220 list access messages of

Table 33 Audit log: Host access messages (Service Credential)

Location Message format

PWHost.log Access: Remote user %s:%s connected. Role - %s. Activity - %s.

%s: (1)= Client (2)= UserNumber (3)= Role (4)= Activity

Symmetrix log Connect Success: Remote user %s connected. Role - %s. Activity - %s.

%s: (1)= UserNumber (2)= Role (3)= Activity

Table 34 Audit log: Host access messages (Non-service Credential) (1 of 2)

Location Message format

PWHost.log Access: Remote user %s:%s connected.

%s: (1)= Client (2)= UserNumber

Access: Remote user %s:%s disconnected. Connection time: %s

%s: (1)=Client (2)=UserName (3)=Time as h:m:s

Access: Remote user %s:%s lost connection. Connection time: %s

%s: (1)=Client (2)=UserName (3)=Time as h:m:s

Access: Remote user %s:%s failed connection.

%s: (1)=Client (2)=UserName

Access: Remote user %s:%s attempted to auto login to Windows.

%s: (1)=Client (2)=UserName

Remote: Remote user %s:%s rebooted SP.

%s: (1)=Client (2)=UserName

220 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Audit Log Messages

Table 34 Audit log: Host access messages (Non-service Credential) (2 of 2)

Location Message format

Symmetrix log Connect Success: Remote user %s connected.

%s: (1)= UserName

Disconnect: Remote user %s disconnected.

%s: (1)= UserNumber

Connect Lost: Remote user %s lost connection

%s: (1)= UserNumber

Connect Failed: Invalid credential

Login Attempt: Remote user %s attempted to autologin to Windows

%s: (1)= UserNumber

Reboot: Remote user %s rebooted SP

%s: (1)= UserNumber

File transfer Table 35 on page 221 lists host file transfer messages of ConnectEMC.

Table 35 Audit log: Host file transfer messages

Location Message format

PWHost.log FileTrf: Remote user %s %s %s to %s

%s: (1)= UserName (2)=TransferCommand("renamed") (3)=SourceFile (4)=DestFile

FileTrf: Remote user %s %s %s

%s: (1)= UserName (2)=TransferCommand("deleted file", "created new file", "retrieved file", "deleted directory", "overwrote
existing file") (3)=SourceFile

FileTrf: %ld bytes copied successfully. Elapsed time: %s

%ld= Number of bytes %s=Time, as h:m:s

Host Audit Log Messages

Table 35 Audit log: Host file transfer messages (continued)

Location Message format

Symmetrix log Remote user %s %s %s to %s

%s: (1)= UserName (2)=TransferCommand("renamed") (3)=SourceFile (4)=DestFile

Remote user %s %s %s
%s: (1)= UserName (2)=TransferCommand("deleted file", "created new file", "retrieved file", "deleted directory", "overwrote
existing file") (3)=SourceFile

%ld bytes copied successfully. Elapsed time: %s

%ld= Number of bytes %s=Time, as h:m:s

222 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Audit Log Messages

Configuration messages
Table 36 on page 223 lists host configuration messages of

Table 36 Audit log: Host configuration messages (1 of 2)

Location Message format

PWHost.log Config: User role L%i is not authorized to change Caller settings

%s = Role Number

Config: Caller List settings are saved

Config: Caller settings are saved

Config: User role L%i is not authorized to change Application settings

%s = Role Number

Config: General Options are changed

Config: Performance Options are changed

Config: Security Options are changed

Config: User role L%i is not authorized to change Security Page

%s = Role Number

Config: Login Options are changed

Config: User role L%i is not authorized to change Login Page

%s = Role Number

Config: Application settings are saved

Configuration messages 223

Host Audit Log Messages

Table 36 Audit log: Host configuration messages (2 of 2)

Location Message format

Config: Device settings are changed

Config: User role L%i is not authorized to run new Caller Wizard settings
%s = Role Number

Config: Configuration Wizard settings are saved

Symmetrix log Caller List settings are saved

Caller settings are saved
Performance Options are changed
Security Options are changed
Login Options are changed
Device settings are changed
Configuration Wizard settings are saved

224 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

Host Audit Log Messages

Status messages
Table 37 on page 225 through Table 39 on page 226 list host status
messages of EMCRemote.

Table 37 Audit log: Host status messages

Location Message format

PWHost.log Status: Don't accept calls

Status: Insufficient memory to start EMCRemote
Status: Waiting for connection
Status: Remote user connected
Status: Remote user could not complete handshake
Status: Remote user authentication
Status: Remote user authentication failed
Status: Remote control session starting (Currently is not used)
Status: Remote control session active
Status: Remote control paused
Status: Connection lost
Status: Remote control session closed
Status: Remote control session ended due to inactivity
Status: Connect time allowed expired
Status: Preparing for callback
Status: Calling client. Waiting for a connection
Status: Intruder lockout active!
Status: EMCRemote unloaded
Status: EMCRemote loaded
Status: Remote user disconnected
Status: Remote user is not listed

Configuration messages 225

Host Audit Log Messages

Table 38 Audit log: Host status messages (Non-service Credential)

Location Message format

PWHost.log Access: Remote user %s:%s connected.

%s: (1)= Client (2)= UserName

Symmetrix log Connect Success: Remote user %s connected

%s: (1)= UserName

Table 39 Audit log: Host status messages (Service Credential)

Location Message format

Access: Remote user %s: %s connected. Role - SwSC/TS. Activity -

PWHost.log Reporting/Diagnostic
%s: (1)= Client (2)= UserNumber

Connect Success: Remote user %s connected, Role - SwSC/TS. Activity -

Symmetrix log Reporting/Diagnostic
%s: (1)= UserNumber

226 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide



A chat session
About EMCRemote client menu item 198 ending 152
About EMCRemote host menu item 162 logs 41
access code 44 starting 151
Action Bar client menu item 197 Clear Log client menu item 197
Action Bar host menu item 161 Clear Log host menu item 161
address book client
creating new entry 105 address book
editing existing entry 112 creating new entry 105
Replace String function 112 configuration application settings 93
address book entries configuration of connections 95
using with Call Manager 120 EMC product types 20
audit logs 41 installation
automatic restart 49 client-only procedure 29
session establishment 126
startup, after the first time 92
B startup, first time 82
Blank Client Screen host menu item 161 Client Configuration Wizard
blank host screen 42 checklist 82
clipboard, copying/pasting between computers
C 140, 144
Call Manager configuration
making calls with 119 client application settings 93
caller confirmation security feature 149 Client Configuration Wizard checklist 82
Caller Setup dialog box client connections 95
default 76 host callers 75
individual 77 modem connection on host
callers host 71
host configuration 75 Configuration Wizard client menu item 198
properties Configuration Wizard host menu item 162
default setup 76 Connect Attempts client menu item 198
individual setup 77 connection methods 22
Callers host menu item 162 Connections host menu item 162

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 227


data encryption 42 hang up, security feature 149
database password 91 Help Topics client menu item 198
default caller properties 76 Help Topics host menu item 162
de-installation host
see uninstallation 28, 37 application settings 163
Delete Entry client menu item 197 caller configuration 75
Details client menu item 197 configuration mode 160
devices disconnecting from 46
communication settings 98 EMC product types 20
Diagnostic Mode host menu item 161 main window 160
Dial Directory operation mode 160
locked password 44
default communication settings 95 reconnecting to 46
unlocking 96 restart 42, 46, 49
Dialer screen blanking 42
EMCRemote messages 125 startup, after the first time 66
Dialing Properties client menu item 198 startup, first time 52
Disconnect host menu item 161 Host Settings menu 163
host recovery 46
disconnection options 46
individual caller properties 77
E client-only 29
EMC product types full (host and client) 33
client computer 20 uninstallation 28
host computer 20 IPv6
EMCRemote Dialer messages 125 address format 201
Entry Properties client menu item 197
event log 41
F locking on host 42
file transfer 136
setting options 139
TurboTransfer option 139
LAN, connecting over 22
Full Screen button 134
Large Action Bar client menu item 197
Full Screen mode 133
Large Action Bar host menu item 161
Large Icons client menu item 197
G license key 28
General client menu item 198 List client menu item 197
General host menu item 162 Lock Client Mouse and Keyboard host menu item
global string substitution 161
address book entries 112 lock host keyboard and mouse 42
event 41

228 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


login Callers 162

security options 40 Clear Log 161
using the Service Credential system 121, 123 Configuration Wizard 162
validation 40 Connections 162
logins, validating 173 Diagnostic Mode 161
Logon Security host menu item 162 Disconnect 161
logon security options 173 General 162
logs Help Topics 162
audit 41 Large Action Bar 161
chat session 41 Lock Client Mouse and Keyboard 161
Logon Security 162
No Action Bar 161
Performance 162
master password 42, 68
Place a Call 161
setting 70
Security 162
Small Action Bar 161
Status Bar 161
About EMCRemote 198
View Diagnostic Log 161
Action Bar 197
View Log 161
Clear Log 197
Wait for a Call 161
Configuration Wizard 198
Host Settings 163
Connect Attempts 198
Delete Entry 197
connection 125
Details 197
EMCRemote Dialer 125
Dialing Properties 198
Entry Properties 197
connecting by 22
General 198
connection configuration on host 71
Help Topics 198
recommended speeds 22
Large Action Bar 197
Large Icons 197
Full Screen 133
List 197
Windowed 135
New Entry 197
No Action Bar 197
locking on host 42
Performance 198
Place a call to a host 197
Rename Entry 197 N
Replace String 197 New Entry client menu item 197
Small Action Bar 197 No Action Bar client menu item 197
Small Icons 197 No Action Bar host menu item 161
Status Bar 197
Tool Tips 197
View Log 197
Open Dial Directory icon 95, 209
Wait for a call 198
About EMCRemote 162 P
Action Bar 161 password
Blank Client Screen 161 database 91

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 229


host 44 login 126

master password 42 Session window
setting 70 customizing 133
passwords maximizing 134
master password 68 using 132
Performance client menu item 198 video resolution 133
Performance host menu item 162 settings
Place a Call host menu item 161 communication to device 98
Place a call to a host client menu item 197 host application 163
power management shutdown 35 locked
communication 95
Small Action Bar client menu item 197
Small Action Bar host menu item 161
remote control session
Small Icons client menu item 197
disconnection options 46
starting 118
client, after the first time 92
two-sided 148
client, first time 82
Rename Entry client menu item 197
host, after the first time 66
Replace String client menu item 197
host, first time 52
Replace String function 112
Status Bar client menu item 197
Status Bar host menu item 161
automatic 49
SymmIP properties
host 42, 49
modifying on Host 73
RSA security 40
SymmWin, running inside the Session window
Scale Screen button 134 T
TCP/IP properties
blank host 42
modifying on Host 73
screen blanking on host 42
This Account, FTP Pane field 201
screen blanking, security feature 150
Tool Tips client menu item 197
caller confirmation 149
license key 28
client access codes 44
data encryption 42
hang up option 149 U
keyboard locking on host 42 uninstallation 28, 37
locking mouse on host 42 upgrade
login options 40 full (host and client) 33
logon options 173
screen blanking 42, 150
Security host menu item 162
Service Credential
login 40, 173
login 121, 123
View Diagnostic Log host menu item 161
View Log client menu item 197
establishment 126
View Log host menu item 161
file transfer 136

230 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide


W Windowed mode 135

Wait for a call client menu item 198 wizards
Wait for a Call host menu item 161 Client Configuration Wizard 82
Windowed button 135 Host Configuration Wizard 53

EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide 231


232 EMCRemote Release 6.04 User Guide

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