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& Vocabulary

created by Ariel Wolfe

Chapter One

2.RV.1 Use words, phrases, and strategies acquired through conversations, reading
and being read to, and responding to literature and nonfiction texts to build and apply

2.RV.2.1 Use context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g.,
table of contents, headings) to determine the meanings of unknown words.

2.RV.2.2 Identify relationships among words, including common synonyms and anto-
nyms, and simple multiple meaning words (e.g., change, duck).

Paynter, D. E., Bodrova, E., & Doty, J. K. (2006).For the love of words: vocabulary in-
struction that works, grades K-6. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Polacco, Patricia. (1998). Thank you, Mr. Falker. New York: Philomel Books.
Thank You, Mr. Falker

! You will be reading this book with your teacher called

Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco.

! When youre finished with the book, you will take the
new words you learned from the book and apply them in
this chapter. Happy reading! (Hover over the picture for a
description of the book.)

Thank You, Mr. Falker
Word List

disability fault miracle

brilliant different talented

longed bounded

stumbling dumb

Guessing Game
! By using context clues and what you already know, guess
the meaning behind each of the vocabulary words.

disability dierent
_________________________ _________________________

brilliant bounded
_________________________ _________________________

longed dumb
_________________________ _________________________

stumbling miracle
_________________________ _________________________

fault talented
_________________________ _________________________

Defining the Words
! Learn each vocabulary word using the information
provided.Then, test yourself and come up with a synonym,
antonym and sentence for each word.

disability (n.)
physical/mental handicap
drawback, _______________________________________
ability, __________________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

brilliant (adj.)
very smart
talented, ________________________________________
dumb, __________________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

longed (v.)
to crave
aimed, __________________________________________
opposed, ________________________________________
sentence: ________________________________________
stumbling (v.)
to trip
fall down, _______________________________________
stand tall, _______________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

fault (n.)
to blame
weakness, ______________________________________
strength, _______________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

different (v.)
not the same
offbeat, _________________________________________
similiar, _________________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

bounded (v.)
closed off, _______________________________________
free, ___________________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

dumb (n.)
unable to speak
speechless, _____________________________________
talkative, _______________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

miracle (n.)
surprising event
marvel, _________________________________________
common, ________________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

talented (v.)
skilled, _________________________________________
unskillful, _______________________________________
sentence: _______________________________________

Describing Challenges

! Using the vocabulary you learned from the book,

complete these questions.

Describe how Trisha feels about herself using three

vocabulary words. ________________________________

Describe Mr. Falker using synonyms to the adjectives

Trisha used to describe him in a complete sentence.

Write a thank you note to a teacher/someone else who has

made a difference in your life. _______________________

Thank You, Mr. Falker Extra
What did Trishas grandpa put on her
book in the beginning of the story?

A. Honey
B. Syrup
C. Coee
D. Cottage Cheese

Check Answer

Meet Emily Hillstone
Emily Hillstone is a second grader with a moderate learning disability. We
were able to identify her with dyslexia at the beginning of the school year and
have been taking measures to be sure she excels in class as best she can.
One of the things Emily struggles with the most is reading and
understanding concepts behind it. She has trouble forming thoughts in
response to literature. As a result, she now is accompanied by an aid to help
her read/read to her and with any other additional questions or problems she
may have. Also, she now is provided with modified worksheets and this
customized curriculum to help with her disability.
In the customized curriculum, I have provided her easy-to-understand
instructions to follow along with a book Emily can relate to making it easier to
comprehend. I have provided her with pages that are graphic and have less
writing in a larger font and more white space in comparison to the rest of the

2.RV.1 Use words, phrases, and strategies acquired through conversations, reading
and being read to, and responding to literature and nonfiction texts to build and
apply vocabulary.

In this curriculum book, we discussed Thank You, Mr. Falker as our reading
material. We used vocabulary from the book for the lessons in this book.

2.RV.2.1 Use context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g.,
table of contents, headings) to determine the meanings of unknown words.

They had to use the dictionary definition and information provided to come up
with synonyms and antonyms and a sentence for a word they did not already know.
This challenged them to think critically.

2.RV.2.2 Identify relationships among words, including common synonyms and

antonyms, and simple multiple meaning words (e.g., change, duck).

Students had to come up with sentences using synonyms to their vocabulary

word to show their understanding.


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