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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Alex Cole Date of Activity: 11/11/17, 11/28/17 Faculty name: Mary OConnell

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be
specific about the purpose and your role):
I attended a Health Care Provider Basic Life Support (BLS) program associated with Carondelet
Health Network certified by The American Heart Association. I was given a BLS packet and
watched an educational video for the purpose to learn proper CPR and AED interventions. I
gained a certification in CPR and AED to perform life-saving interventions inside and outside
the hospital. I also attended A ICSAVE Bleeding Control Course. The class was Certified by
the American College of Surgeon Committee on Trauma with a mission of teaching the public
life saving interventions. My role was to learn about rapid trauma assessments for life threats,
how to control bleeds in the field, and MCI triage.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?
I attended the Health Care Provider Basic Life Support (BLS) program located at 350 North
Wilmot Tucson Arizona 85711. The program lasted four hours. I also participated in an
ICSAVE Bleeding Control Course located at The University of Arizona College of Medicine.
The course reviewed material and allowed for return demonstration for four hours.

Discuss the value of this experience to you.

The value of the BLS program is that I gained assurance in my CPR and AED capabilities. I had
already received this training course, but I was able to review my competence and gain confidence
by reviewing the material. I another value of the experience is that I renewed my certification
which allows me to work in a hospital. The value of the ICSAVE was gaining the knowledge on
how to conduct rapid trauma assessments, learning how to stop a life threat bleed, and how to
triage people based on their condition.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or
why not?
I would recommend the Health Care Provider Basic Life Support (BLS) program associated with
Carondelet Health Network for AED and CPR certification because it is associated with The
American Heart Association. The class is comprehensive and well-paced. I would highly
recommend the ICSAVE stop the bleed for healthcare providers and the general public. It is
extremely important for every community member to be knowledgeable on how to apply
tourniquets and stop critical bleeds if a tourniquet is not appropriate. The staff teaching the
course are educated on first response, demonstrate the material in an interactive manner, and
allow for hands on learning.
Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? yes Signature on validation of clinical hours
form obtained? no

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