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Amount Spent:

Narative Report of the 2nd



I. Goal Reminder
II. Scheduled Activities
III. Progress of Implementation
1. Goal1
2. Goal2
3. Goal3
4. Goal4

IV. Encountered Difficulties/Solutions


The curent report issued in the second quarter of the partnership agreement between PPGLOBAL and
Womens Voice offers the opportunity to present the results of the first semester of implementation of
project activities, but also to considers the prospects for the remaining activities. Indeed, the project
Closing the Gap (CTG) is in its second quarter of implementation covering the period from April 1st to
June 30th , 2016.

This quarter was marked by the effective start of family planning activities in the three partner health
centers including Kossodo, Dassasgo and CBF. In this report, the activities carried out during the quarter,
the results achieved, the constraints and difficulties as well as prospects will be presented.

I. Goal Reminder

The main goal of CTG is to increase awareness on the access and the use of family planning services and
of the care after abortion.

II. Scheduled Activities

1. Meeting with district management teams for the effective implementation of project activities
2. Train 6 facilitators as trainers in PAC
3. Train 3 facilitators as PF trainers with a focus on CAP
4. Adapt the CTG mentoring program for the project Voix De Femmes
5. Give orientation to the mentors on the mentoring program
6. Organize a values clarification and attitudes transformation workshop (VCAT) led by PPGLOBAL for
project staff
7. Purchase of Project equipment and furniture (to keep the Voices of Women office)
8. Provide LARC and PAC service delivery equipment to 3 centers
9. Restoring service delivery rooms that are identified as requiring upgrades by rating
10. Furnish service delivery rooms
11. Reproduce and distribute PF and PAC guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
working tools to the 3 centers
12. Conduct a workshop on VCAT for 18 facilitators of 3 centers
13. Train 18 facilitators on FP focusing on LARC
14. Train 18 facilitators on the provision of PAC
15. Form 8 facilitators on the delivery of SAJ
16. Provide support for three centers to create and equip suitable corners to young
17. Provide 3 centers with FP and PAC products
18. Provide education and FP information services to clients accessing services including services other
than FP and PAC to 3 centers
19. Provide high quality of LARC to women aged 25 and over
20. Provide high quality PAC services, including contraception post procedure to women aged 24 years
and under
21. Making mentoring visits monthly (formative supervision, coaching and training on the job) to suppliers
in each center
22. Recruit and train 15 VSC 3 YPP attached to 3 centers for education and PF references with a focus on
23. Organize a workshop of LARC and CAP VCAT for 15 VSC and 15 YPP
24. Produce and distribute kits of health education and reference tools
25. Train VSC and YPP on data collection and report writing
26. Identify and train three head community volunteers as trainers in the sharing of information and
27. Once a month organize and hold theatrical performances and games in each site on market days
28. YPP run community health education sessions
29. Hold monthly meetings on update and project review with VSC and YPP

III. Progress of implementation

III.1. Objective 1: With the support of Planned Parenthood Global, strengthen the internal capacity of
Women Voice to manage the project and provide - via the institutions with which they works - quality post-
abortion care (PAC) and family planning services ( FP), with a focus on long-term reversible contraception
(LARC), including intrauterine devices (IUD)

III.2.1 Activities 1: meeting with district management teams for the effective implementation of project

Initially planned to be held with all the management teams, given the calendar differences, the meeting
was finally held with officials of each center. Three (03) aspects were selected as items to the agenda and
have been the subject of exchange.

These concern the management of contraceptives, the review of data collection tools, the motivation of
the facilitators.

- Concerning the management of contraceptives, the three centers have decided unanimously to make it
free for patients

- Regarding the data collection tools, the daily data collection form on health facilities has not received
the adhesion of responsible because of its heaviness. They suggest that this work be done by an

- Regarding the centers motivation, 150 000FCFA was adopted for the CMA Kossodo, 100 000FCFA for
CSPS Dassasgo and 50 000FCFA for the CBF.

Contraceptives will be redeemed at the public price at the Kossodo and Dassasgo centers and made
available to clients. For CBF, the products are provided by CTG.

The stock of contraceptives available in the centers was redeemed by CTG and this amounts is about
154,700 francs for Dassasgo, ............... .. for Kossodo and 50 000frs for the CVF.

III.1.2 Activity 2: 6 Train Facilitators as trainers in PAC

The training of trainers in CAP has not yet been carried out because the training guide had not been

III.1.3 Activity 3: Train 3 Facilitators as PF trainers with a focus on PAC

Same for activity 1

III.1.4 Activity 4: Adapt CTG mentoring program for Women's Voice Project

We have not yet received the CTG mentoring program

III.1.5 activity5: Orient mentors on the mentoring program

Mentors have not yet been identified

III.1.6 Activity 6: Organize a values clarification and transformation of attitudes workshop (VCAT) led by
PPGLOBAL for project staff

VCAT training took place from May 2nd to May 6th, 2016. It brought together the facilitators of the 3
centers and Women's Voice members. The budget for this training is $ .............

III.1.7 Activity 7: Project Purchase of equipment and furniture (to keep in the Voices of Women office)

The equipment was purchased

III.2 Objective 2: Strengthened the capacity of 3 centers to deliver PAC and PF including LARC with a focus
on DIUs as well as friendly services for young people.

III.2.1 Activity 1: Provide LARC service delivery equipment and CAP to the 3 centers

The budget allocated to this activity could not cover all the equipment to be acquired. The following
equipment has been purchased: 3 manual suction kits, 12 decontamination buckets, 3 buckets of medical
waste, 3 examination lamps, 3 pelvic models ....... the total amount is ...... ..

III.2.2 Activity 2: Renovate service delivery rooms that are identified as requiring upgrades by rating.

The renovation at the CBF is in the process. It remains water and electricity. An advance of ...... .. was
awarded to the contractor for the beginning of work and $ 644,280 FCFA was paid to SONABEL for the
installation of a power pole.

III.2.3 Activity 3: Furnish service delivery rooms

Equipment .

III.2.4 Activity 4: Reproduce and distribute guidelines PF and PAC, standard operating procedures (SOPs)
and working tools to the 3 centers

III.2.5 Activity 5: Conduct a workshop on VCAT for 18 providers of 3 centers

The workshop was held from 2 to 6 May 2016. It brought together 23 participants from the three centers.
The purpose of the workshop is to strengthen the awareness and motivation of the participants in the
provision of quality abortion services. The budget allocated for this purpose is 2,374,950 FCFA.

III.2.6 Activity 6: Training 418 facilitators on PF focusing on LARC

FP training with a focus on LARC was held from June 20th to June 24th, 2016. The objective of this training
is to update of the facilitators knowledge on all FP methods focusing on long-term methods. This training
was attended by 20 participants including 2 AJVLS. The budget allocated for this purpose amounted to
2,380,864 FCFA

III.2.7 Activity 7: Train 18 facilitator on the provision of PAC

18 facilitator of the 3 centers were trained on the provision of PAC. This training was held from May 16th
to May 20th 2016. The objective of this training is to enhance the skills of facilitator in client care after
abortion. The budget for this training is $ 2178 035FCFA

III.2.8 Activity 8: 8 Train facilitator on the delivery of SAJ

This activity has not been performed. The training guide has just been validated by CTG.

III.2.9 Activity 9: Provide support for three centers to be created and equip suitable corners to young

Televisions and DVD players as well as chairs and benches in the amount of ....... are available in the 3
centers. It remains to acquire offices, information material supports and the games room sets.

III.2.10 Activity 10: Providing 3 centers with FP and PAC products

(Quantities of contraceptives and the amount)

III.3 Objective 3: Deliver information and PAC quality services and PF-based on the center, including LARC,
including DIUs to women and young people of reproductive age.

III.3.1 Activities 1: Provide education and FP information services to clients accessing services including
services other than FP and PAC to 3 centers

- Number of clients receiving FP services and other information: ...............

- Number of clients receiving counseling: .........

III.3.2 Activity 2: Provide high quality of LARC to women aged 25 and over

......... .. Received the DIU; ............... .femmes Received implants and ............ ..femmes received SMT

The amount is ............... ..

III.3.3 Activity 3: Provide high quality PAC services, including post-procedure contraception, to women aged
25 and over

.......... Received high quality PAC services, including post-procedure contraception

III.3.4 Activity 4: Making monthly mentoring visits (formative supervision, coaching and training on the job)
to suppliers in each center

The activity has not yet been realized. We expect the CTG mentoring guide

III.4. Objective 4: Increase the capacity of community health volunteers (VSC) and youth peer educators to
provide information on referrals and to centers for PAC and PF including LARC.

III.4.1 Activity 1: Recruit and train 15 VSC and YPP attached to 3 centers for education and PF references
with a focus on LARC and PAC

The formation of VSC and YPP has not been made because the guide has just been validated by CTG.

III.4.2 Activity 2: Convene a workshop of LARC and PAC VCAT for VSC 15 and 15 YPP

Same as Activity 5

III.4.3 Activity 3: Produce and distribute kits to health education and reference tools

The activity will be carried out with the formation of VSC and YPP.
III.4.4 Activity 4: Training VSC and YPP on data collection and report writing

This activity will be carried out after the formation of VSC and YPP.

III.4.5 Activity 5: Identify and train three heads community volunteers as trainers in the sharing of
information and advice

Community volunteers will be identified after the training.

III.4.6 Activity 6: Once a month organize and hold theatrical performances and games in each site on market

The activity will begin after the formation of the young.

III.4.7 Activity 7: The YPP run community health education sessions

Same as activity 6

III.4.8 Activity 8: Hold monthly meetings for updates and project review with VSC and YPP

Same as activity 6.

IV. Difficulties / Solutions

- The funds allocated to purchases of certain movable and medico equipment were below market prices.
For this, we have not been able to acquire all the equipment provided. We propose to use the remaining
amount for this purpose to buy the necessary medico equipment.

- Regarding the data collection tools, daily collection form of health facility data has not received the
adhesion of responsible given its heaviness. They suggest that this work be done by an investigator.

- Awareness activities have not known a running start because PPJ and VSC committed to this task have
not been trained. We propose to make every effort to ensure their training as soon as possible.


The GTC project has had an effective start during this quarter. Family planning with emphasis on long-
term methods already knows a craze because of the word of mouth information. Youth training will
strengthen this craze. The different formations allowed providers to strengthen their skills in family
planning and care after abortion because many people were offering services without ever being trained.

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