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Slide 2- Turismo presentation - introduction

Slide 3
How was the Tourism of Portugal IP created?
By the merge of these 4 institutes
Portugal tourism Institute ex institution responsible for the tourism activity in Portugal
General-administration of tourism promote the national tourism, coordinate the local tourism
organization, regulate every activity and jobs related to the tourism sector.

Institute of tourism education- responsible for training and education of human resources in the
hospitality area.
Inspectorate General of Gaming audit and regulate the gambling market
These for institutes merged all into one the Turismo of Portugal, Public Institute in 2007.
Which is designated by the Ministry of Economy State secretary for tourism.

Slide 4
Missions and responsibilities of the Turismo de Portugal
Qualify and develop infra-structures for the tourism area, by managing financial resources and
using funds rightfully.
Besides tp is responsible for external and internal promotion of Portugal as a touristic destination.
TP is also responsible for the education and training of human resources
And finally, responsible for the audit and regulation of the game market. To prevent and punish
any illegal practices.

Slide 5
Video about the brand origins.

Director counsel we have the president, the vice president
The strategy and knowledge management that are responsible for the planning division
Then we have the business division which is made by these 4 dpts.
Demand Valorization Dept, which is responsible for studying the demand and anything
related to the tourism management plans, for example the land and territory management.
The financial support dept. which takes care of the market analysis, risks associated with
projects and its implementation. Apart from these responsibilities they are also in control of
the entrepreneurship and business development.
The sales support dept, which takes control of the promotion, communications, marketing
of the different regions in PT. And also the tourism teams abroad. We have 19 teams, in
19 diferent countries that work along with the respective embassies. Our main market, is
the brasil, spain, france, uk Italy and germany,
Then we have the secondary market, growing markets like china and Russia.
Then, we also have the education training dpt. Which represents the Turismo schools of
Portugal. Apart from the Lisbon school we have 11 more.
and finally we have the game commission which is responsible like I said b4 for the audit
and regulations of games.
*a part of the schools budgets comes from the profit of the games.
and last but not least we have the support division. Which is made by human resources,
financial and technological and legal dpt.

Slide 7
Turismo de Portugal is divided in 7 regions
Porto and North
Lisbon and vale do tejo
And then madeira e Acores

Each region has a public entity controlled by Turismo de Portugal, that is responsible for
anything related to tourism in that specific area. And in each of these regions we have a
private agency or association that works together with the public entity.
By having this kind of partnership, allows the regions tourism to grow more effectively and
faster since there is more synergy between the private and public area, and because there
is more money available for the promotion of the region.
also, each of these regions have a public entity, that it is responsible for the land and
territory management.

Slide 8-12
Videos and images

Slide 13
Other associations like: AHRESP which represent the hospitality and restaurant
Confederao do Turismo Portugues: encompasses all the tourism business
APAVT Association which includes the national travel agents and other
companies related to the tourism area, such as airlines, hotels and restaurants.

Other national entitys that are also associated

AICEP promote national companies in international markets
GEE - studies that national and international markets related to the area of
National Institute of Statistics any statistic data related to the Portuguese market.


CPLP / which includes countries like

- Brasil
- Angola
- Mozambique
ECT promote europe as a attractive tourism destination
European tourism unit commission promote dialogue and partnership
between the industry stakeholders.
World Tourism Organization

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