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Working with Bacteria

Blanca Antizar-Ladislao*

1811-5209/10/0006-0389$2.50 DOI: 10.2113/gselements.6.6.389

oil bioremediation is a complex and costly process that aims to restore renewed interest in creating labo-
contaminated sites to environmentally sustainable conditions using ratory-designed microorganisms
with superior catalytic abilities for
microorganisms. The process relies upon the ability of microorganisms use with recalcitrant pollutants.
to degrade organic molecules, but it also depends on the microorganisms The issue at stake is whether the
coming into contact with the contaminants, and the environment in the oppor t u n it ies prov ided by
synthetic biology will be converted
contaminated soil being conducive to the survival of the bacteria. A wide into more vigorous biological
variety of techniques have been developed to ensure that these latter two agents that once they are deliv-
constraints are overcome and to enhance contaminant biodegradation. Future ered to a target site for enhanced
bioremediation perform the
developments in bioremediation are likely to lead to a reduction in both the
clean-up with high efficiency and
energy used and the resulting pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. acceptable risks (de Lorenzo 2008).
Keywords : bioremediation, contaminated wastes, soil bacteria, sustainability But metabolism is not the only
a sp e c t of bior e me d iat ion.
Bioaugmentation may also involve
INTRODUCTION prior addition of biostimulation amendments to create
Bioremediation is defined as the acceleration of the natural favourable conditions for microbial activity. Additionally,
metabolic process whereby microorganisms alter and break a number of processes upstream (e.g. diffusion in solid
down organic molecules into other substances. In situ matrixes, bioavailability, weathering, abiotic catalysis of
bioremediation involves the placement of amendments pollutants) and downstream (e.g. stress, predation, compe-
directly into contaminated media, whereas ex situ biore- tition) of the metabolic process constrain the outcome of
mediation transfers the contaminated media to a selected the remediation.
site for treatment. Acceleration of the process is achieved
by adding amendments to stimulate contaminant biodeg- Bioremediation is one of the treatment technologies exten-
radation by indigenous microbial populations (biostimula- sively used at US Superfund sites. In fact, 12% of the in
tion). Amendments include air (oxygen), added by situ projects and 11% of the ex situ projects have used
bioventing; oxygen-releasing compounds, which keep the bioremediation (US EPA 2010). Table 1 presents the evolu-
contaminated media aerobic; and reducing agents, such as tion of the use of bioremediation during the last three
carbon-rich vegetable oil and molasses, which promote decades. The main in situ technology used more frequently
growth of anaerobic microbial populations. Bioremediation than bioremediation is soil vapour extraction (51%), while
partly overlaps a form of phytoremediation called phyto- ex situ technologies used more frequently than bioremedia-
stimulation, or plant-assisted bioremediation, which tion are stabilization/solidification (34%) and incineration
involves the stimulation of microbial and fungal degrada- (19%).
tion of organic pollutants by the release of exudates/
enzymes into the root zones, or rhizosphere (Tack and THE HISTORY OF BIOREMEDIATION
Meers 2010 this issue). Bioremediation is not a new concept: microbiologists have
Bioremediation can also be accelerated through injection studied the process since the 1940s (Zobell 1946). The first
of native or non-native microbes (bioaugmentation) into commercial use of naturally occurring microbes to safely
a contaminated area. Numerous attempts have been made and effectively clean up a toxic environmental disaster
to design genetically modified microorganisms for envi- occurred in the late 1960s following an accidental oil spill
ronmental release as agents for the bioremediation of in Cat Canyon (located in Santa Barbara, California, USA)
pollutants. However, these microorganisms do not behave after an oil pump shaft broke loose. The spillover went into
in a predictable fashion under conditions that are quite the drainage system, into a stream and eventually into the
different from the controlled ones of the laboratory. nearest drinking water supply. George M. Robinson, assis-
Recently, the onset of synthetic biology (i.e. the design and tant county petroleum engineer, treated the oil spill sumps
construction of new biological parts, devices and systems with bacterial cultures that he had isolated in home experi-
and the redesign of existing, natural biological systems for ments begun in the 1960s. The new treatment technology
useful purposes; Chopra and Kamma 2006) has led to of bioremediation grew out of these early studies on petro-
leum hydrocarbon degradation.
* Institute for Infrastructure and Environment One of the first scientific papers with a focus on the appli-
School of Engineering
cation of bioremediation was published in the 1980s (Sloan
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK 1987), when a 3 ha lagoon near Houston (USA) contami-
E-mail: nated with 20 million litres of organic chemical waste

E lements , V ol . 6, pp. 389394 389 D ecember 2010

Table 1 BIOREMEDIATION TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is currently receiving
BYFISCAL YEAR APPLIED AT US SUPERFUND SITES significant media attention. According to the latest US
government figures, this oil spill has become the worst
spill in US history, easily surpassing the Exxon Valdez envi-
Fiscal Year Bioremediation Treatment Technologies
ronmental disaster (Clark 2010). Unfortunately, lessons
In situ Ex situ Total learned from the Exxon Valdez oil disaster were difficult
1982-85 0 1 2 to apply to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, since there
are substantial differences between the two. The differences
1986 0 1 1
include the amount of oil spilled into the environment,
1987 1 0 1 the characteristics of the spill site and of the oil source,
1988 2 3 5 and the oils mode of dispersion. But what is clear is that
the use of dispersants that break down the oil, employed
1989 1 5 6
extensively in the Exxon Valdez oil spill, is not appropriate.
1990 3 2 5 Dispersants make the oil less visible but not less toxic. The
1991 1 1 2 main problem, however, is that oil treated with dispersants
is more likely to get past booms protecting critical shoreline
1992 4 8 12 because it is not floating as a mass on the water surface.
1993 4 3 7
Prior to the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, bioremediation
1994 5 4 9 was mainly applied to the treatment of contaminated soils
1995 4 6 10 (for example, resulting from leaking underground oil
storage tanks). Numerous commercial products have been
1996 6 6 12
developed for use as bioremediation agents, such as
1997 0 0 0 microbe-containing products derived from the biotech-
1998 6 5 11 nology industry and fertilizers. Many bioremediation
agents were used to clean up the Exxon Valdez spill.
1999 4 6 10
Particular attention was given to two types of fertilizers
2000 4 1 5 applied to contaminated shorelines in Prince William
2001 3 0 3 Sound: Inipol EAP22 TM, an oleophilic (strong affinity for
oil) fertilizer formulation, and CustomblenTM, a granular
2002 2 1 3
slow-release fertilizer (Lindstrom et al. 1991).
2003 1 1 2
2005 3 1 4
Microorganisms in general and bacteria in particular excel
2006 6 0 6
at using organic substances, natural or synthetic, as sources
2007 2 3 5 of carbon and energy. Microorganisms have coexisted with
2008 1 0 1 an immense variety of organic compounds for billions of
years; this has led to the evolution of enzymes capable of
Total 65 64 130
transforming many unrelated natural organic compounds
Total ex situ control technologies 19822008: 598 via many different catalytic mechanisms. The resulting
Total in situ control technologies 19822008: 537 library of enzymes serves as raw material for further
Source: US EPA 2010
evolution whenever a new chemical becomes available
(Dua et al. 2002).
(primarily industrial waste oils, acidic galvanizing wastes,
phenols, polychlorinated biphenols and metals) was treated Contaminants enter the global environment through
using bioremediation technologies based on the addition human activities, such as crude oil spillage, and from
of oxygen and nutrients. natural events, like forest fires. Annually, large inputs of
contaminants impact both aerobic and anaerobic environ-
Oil spills are among the major environmental disasters of
ments, such as aquifers, surface freshwater bodies, soils,
the 20 th and 21st centuries. Those that have attracted major
and terrestrial and marine sediments (Antizar-Ladislao
media attention include Amoco Cadiz off the coast of
2009). Organic contaminants are often classified as biode-
Brittany, France, in 1978; Piper Alpha in the North Sea in
gradable, persistent or recalcitrant, depending on their
1988; Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in
behaviour in the environment:
1989; Tricolor in the English Channel in 2002; and most
recently the Gulf of Mexico, following the explosion of Biodegradable: they undergo a biological
BPs Deepwater Horizon offshore rig on 20 April 2010. The transformation.
Exxon Valdez spill received, and still receives, major media Persistent: they do not undergo biodegradation in
attention, perhaps because of the large amount of money certain environments.
that Exxon Mobil, owner of the Exxon Valdez, has had to Recalcitrant: they resist biodegradation in a wide
pay for the clean-up operation (>$2 billion). Investigations variety of environments.
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) have concluded that the clean-up operation Bacteria can play a significant role in the mitigation or
following the disaster, which consisted mainly of pressure- removal of contaminants in the environment, both organic
washing, caused most of the damage to marine life. In fact, and inorganic. Their metabolism is dependent upon the
it was estimated that the oil spill and subsequent clean-up availability of electron donors and acceptors, essential
killed approximately 250,000 sea birds, 2800 sea otters, nutrients, and ions necessary for growth. Bacteria have
250 bald eagles and possibly 22 killer whales (Lomborg evolved a wide range of mechanisms for the uptake and
1998). Moreover, in areas that were not cleaned, life recov- transformation of contaminants, and also for their immo-
ered after 18 months, whereas cleaned areas took 3 to 4 bilization or mobilization (Antizar-Ladislao and Galil 2004,
years to recover (Paine et al. 1996). 2006).

E lements 390 D ecember 2010

Most of the information available on the biodegradation on Kuwaits desert soils indicates that biodegradation of
of organic contaminants concerns oxidative degradation, more than 60% of the total petroleum hydrocarbons
since aerobic culture techniques are relatively simple initially present could be achieved after 8 months of
compared with anaerobic culture methods. Also, aerobic composting in soil piles. By using a bulking agent (wood
processes are considered the most efficient and generally chips) and nitrogenphosphoruspotassium fertilizers and
applicable (Adriaens and Vogel 1995). Availability of oxygen by controlling the moisture content of the composting
can increase the growth rate and yield of aerobic organ- mixture, the biodegradation rate of heavily contaminated
isms. Aerobes have mono- and dioxygenases, which are desert soils from Kuwait was significantly enhanced
uniquely effective enzymes in the oxidation of hydrocar- (Rhykerd et al. 1999).
bons. The presence of oxygen, however, can suppress
Contaminated soils and sawdust were produced during the
anaerobic processes, such as the degradation of halogenated
repair and maintenance of machinery and as a result of
pollutants, through the inhibition of reductive dehalogena-
accidents during mining operations in the Atacama Desert
tion. In the case of hydrocarbon degradation, oxygen is
of Chile (Fig. 1a). Soils and sawdust have been used
rapidly depleted at heavily contaminated sites, resulting in
routinely as cheap, readily available sorbent materials after
anaerobic conditions (Donald and Freeman 1991).
spills of fuel oil, which consists of complex mixtures of
Anaerobic activity is widespread and has been reported
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Experiments on aged,
under nitrate-, iron-, manganese- and sulphate-reducing
contaminated mixtures of sawdust and soils have shown
conditions, as well as under methanogenic conditions
that more than 40% biodegradation of heavy hydrocarbons
(Foght 2008).
with initial concentrations in the range of 50,000
225,000mg kg-1 can be reached by 2 months of in-vessel
WHAT INFLUENCES BIOREMEDIATION? composting (Fig. 1b) (Godoy-Fandez et al. 2008).
The successful bioremediation of contaminated soils
depends on factors such as contaminant characteristics, Examples of bioremediation in extremely cold environ-
local climatic conditions, site hydrogeology, and the type ments have also been reported (Filler et al. 2008).
of technology used for bioremediation. Of these, the selec- Indigenous Antarctic bacterial communities have recently
tion and deployment of appropriate site-specific and been found to exhibit a high potential for bioremediation,
contaminant-specific bioremediation technologies are the even at low temperatures. Delille et al. (2009) reported that
only factors controlled by bioremediation professionals. temperature had only a limited influence on petroleum

The chemical characteristics of a contaminant play an

important role in determining its susceptibility to biodeg- A
radation. Hydrophobicity, as measured by the octanol
water partition constant (i.e. the ratio of concentrations of
a compound in the two phases of a mixture of octanol and
water at equilibrium) or the inverse of aqueous solubility,
is a key property that provides information about the
bioavailability of a given contaminant, with increasing
hydrophobicity leading to reduced bioavailability and
therefore susceptibility to biodegradation. Bioavailability
processes are defined as the individual physical, chemical,
and biological interactions that determine the exposure of
plants and animals to chemicals associated with soils and
sediments (NRC 2003). The concept of bioavailability has
recently attracted the interest of the hazardous waste
industry as an important consideration in deciding how
much waste to clean up. The rationale is that if contami-
nants in soil and sediment are not bioavailable, then more
contaminant mass can be left in place without creating B
additional risk (Diplock et al. 2009).

Other characteristics relevant to predicting the fate and

biodegradation of a contaminant include (1) its volatility,
which determines its distribution between air and water,
and (2) its charge, or polarity, which determines whether
the compound sorbs primarily to the inorganic or organic
soil fractions. Uncharged solutes will sorb mainly to the
organic fraction, while charged or highly polar molecules
will associate primarily with mineral surfaces of opposite
charge or polarity.

Extreme conditions, including temperature, salinity and

altitude, also influence contaminant biodegradation
(Antizar-Ladislao et al. 2007; Godoy-Fandez et al. 2008).
For example, desert mining soils, typically with a low
organic matter content, high mineral content and high
salinity, have been little investigated (Rhykerd et al. 1995; Mining activities in the Atacama Desert, Chile, which
Figure 1 have resulted in a legacy of wastes contaminated with
Mader et al. 1997). In situ landfarming, bioventing and
aged, heavy hydrocarbons (A). Environmental regulations in Chile
composting treatment technologies were implemented to require that special waste, such as that generated by mining activi-
treat more than 20 106 m3 of oil that accumulated in the ties, be contained in blue barrels and disposed of in a landfill dedi-
desert soil during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the early cated to special waste (B). Photos courtesy of D r. A. Godoy-Fandez
1990s (Al-Awadhi et al. 1996; Al-Daher et al. 2001). Research

E lements 391 D ecember 2010

degradation in Antarctic seawater. They observed a similar Bioremediation is an effective, continually evolving and
number of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms in improving technology for the management of a large
seawater samples treated at 4, 10 and 20 C. They also found variety of pollutants. One such improvement is the use of
that the addition of nutrients increased the rate of petro- enzymes produced from microorganisms, plants, and
leum biodegradation. animals in the removal of toxic compounds from industrial
waste-water streams. In most microbial bioremediation
BIOREMEDIATION STRATEGIES treatment technologies, toxic compounds are converted
AND THEIR POTENTIAL into non-toxic end products. This occurs via enzymatic
reactions which take place within or outside the cell by
An appropriate bioremediation strategy for treating a means of the secretion of intracellular or extracellular
contaminated site needs to consider three basic principles: enzymes. However the use of enzyme-catalyzed treatment
(1) biochemistry, or the amenability of the pollutant to has several limitations, such as its high cost and the poten-
biological transformation to less toxic products; (2) bioavail- tial formation of toxic residual products that remain in the
ability, or the accessibility of the contaminant to microor- aqueous phase. In addition, enzymes can be inactivated
ganisms; and (3) bioactivity, or the opportunity for permanently by the formation of various undesirable side
optimization of biological activity. Nevertheless, there are products during the treatment process (Aitken et al. 1994).
other factors that might slow down or even prevent biodeg- Landfarming is a bioremediation technology in which
radation. An example is an imbalance in the contaminated soils are mixed with soil amendments such
carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) ratio caused by high as soil bulking agents and nutrients; these amendments
carbon and low nitrogen levels following, for example, an are initially tilled into the earth, and the soil is subse-
accidental spill of hydrocarbons. An imbalance in the quently periodically tilled for aeration. Contaminants are
C:N:P ratio reduces the capacity of microbes to form viable degraded, transformed, and immobilized by microbiolog-
biomass using hydrocarbons as a carbon/energy source. ical processes and oxidation. Composting is an aerobic
Several remediation technologies have been developed to
clean up contaminated wastes and overcome the aforemen-
tioned limitations. We briefly review these below.
Biosparging is an in situ remediation technology that
utilizes naturally occurring microorganisms to degrade
organic contaminants within the saturated zone (Fig. 2a).
The rate of remediation is enhanced by injecting air into
the saturated zone. Bioventing is another in situ remediation
technology that uses indigenous microorganisms to biode-
grade organic constituents adsorbed to soils in the unsatu-
rated (vadose) zone (Fig. 2b). The activity of indigenous
bacteria is enhanced by inducing air/oxygen flow in the
unsaturated zone and, if necessary, by adding nutrients.

Biostimulation refers to the addition of specialized nutrients

to the contaminated site so that indigenous microbes that
are present in sufficient numbers and types are able to
break down the waste materials effectively. This accelerates
the naturally occurring biodegradation process under
favourable environmental conditions, such as appropriate
oxygen/air, temperature, pH, and water content conditions,
the addition/presence of suitable microbial populations,
and proper mixing. Bioaugmentation is a significant in situ
and ex situ treatment process in which indigenous microbes
are added to a contaminated site in order to eliminate toxic
contaminants (Bragg et al. 1994; Foght 2008).

Anaerobic biotransformation is used for the degradation of B

organic compounds that are resistant to aerobic bioreme- Low rate air injection
diation, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, polychlorinated
phenols and nitro-aromatics. Anaerobic treatment processes Monitoring points Monitoring points
produce much smaller quantities of biomass (Antizar-
Ladislao and Galil 2004). Moreover, anaerobic biotransfor-
mation of polychlorinated hydrocarbons is of particular Ground surface
interest in the bioremediation of contaminated soils and
groundwater, since dechlorination rates are generally faster
under these conditions. Substrate concentration, avail-
ability, temperature, pH, co-factor supply, concentration
of cells, viability of cells and type of operation are some
of the major factors responsible for successful anaerobic
biotransformation processes (Marschner et al. 2001). Air flow
Water table
Biological fixation occurs naturally when bioremediation is
connected to the development of microbes provided with
dual functions: contaminant biodegradation and nitrogen Schematic diagrammes illustrating (A) biosparging
Figure 2 and (B) bioventing. Sources: (A) redrawn from www.
fixation. Biological fixation is involved in nutrient cycles; (B) redrawn from www.afcee.
such as carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous to
maintain ecological balance. bioventing/index.asp

E lements 392 D ecember 2010

process in which organic materials are biologically decom- Table 2 COSTS OF SOME DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS IN NORTH AMERICA
posed. Conventional composting processes typically
comprise four major microbiological stages in relation to Cost Components
temperature: mesophilic, thermophilic, cooling and matu- Remediation Cost Capital O&M
Site Name
ration. During these stages, the structure of the microbial (Total) Costs Costs
community also changes, and the final product is compost.
Kelly Air Force Base, $333,936 $67,727 $188,209
Natural attenuation is the term used for all natural processes Texas
that are responsible for the remediation of pollutants in Beaches Laundry and $815,120 $40,000 $39,000
contaminated sites. Naturally occurring physical, chemical Cleaners, Jacksonville
and biological processes can transform contaminants into Beach, Florida
harmless forms or immobilize them in the subsurface,
Former Newark Air $131,900 $228,000
thereby reducing the concentration of contaminants in Force Base, Ohio
the environment.
Source: FRTR 2010
Each technology possesses inherent characteristics that
make it appropriate for application at a particular site; for through the addition of nutrient amendments. The nutrient
example, natural attenuation methods would be appro- amendment consisted of potassium lactate and denatured
priate for handling comparatively dilute waste streams. In ethanol to serve as a carbon and energy source to support
the last 20 years, significant research efforts have led to a the growth and activity of chlororespiratory microbes at
detailed process-based understanding of the ecological, the site. The factors that were included in the total cost of
biochemical and genetic bases of microbial contaminant the Newark Air Force Base project in Ohio included moni-
degradation, with a view to enhance microbial capabilities toring and injection wells and sampling events over 49
and design more effective bioremediation processes. months. This full-scale project was based on enhanced in
Most failures of bioremediation occur when introduced situ anaerobic bioremediation using a vegetable oil
organisms do not thrive in the natural environment or substrate. This provided the environment required for the
when they cannot access the contaminant. These failures dechlorination of ethenes, and clean-up goals were
can be due to a lack of nutrients, predation or parasitism, achieved in all treated locations.
competition, the immobility of introduced bacteria,
contaminant concentrations below threshold for organism NEW TRENDS IN BIOREMEDIATION
survival, or organisms feeding on alternative substrates. In 2006, a group of remediation professionals formed the
Furthermore, each contaminated site represents a different Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF). The mission of
set of physico-chemical and environmental conditions, and SURF is to establish a framework that incorporates sustain-
technologies that work at the laboratory scale may not work able concepts throughout the remedial action process while
in the field. This is often because laboratory experiments continuing to provide long-term protection of human
can be carefully controlled, while such optimal conditions health and the environment and achieving public and
may not be possible at the contaminated site. regulatory acceptance (SURF US 2009). Sustainable remedia-
tion is a term adopted internationally (SURF US 2009) and
COST encompasses sustainable approaches to the investigation,
Three site-specific examples of project costs are shown in assessment and management (including institutional
Table 2 (FRTR 2010). Factors contributing to the costs controls) of potentially contaminated land and ground-
include site type, type of contaminants, concentrations of water. Sustainable remediation is defined by SURF-UK as
contaminants, extent of the contamination, and any chal- the practice of demonstrating, in terms of environmental,
lenges that may occur during remediation. The factors that economic and social indicators, that the benefit of under-
were included in the total cost for the Kelly Air Force Base taking remediation is greater than its impact, and that the
project in Texas included microcosm testing, capital costs optimum remediation solution is selected through the use
for full-scale study, and operation and maintenance (O&M). of a balanced decision-making process (SURF UK 2009).
The technology implemented in this field demonstration To accomplish this, SURF embraces the following sustain-
project was bioaugmentation, tested to treat groundwater able approaches: (1) minimize or eliminate the consump-
contaminated with chlorinated solvents. This study indi- tion of energy or other natural resources, (2) reduce or
cated that the microbes added (KB-1 culture) were robust eliminate releases to the environment, (3) mimic a natural
and able to compete with, and survive among, the indig- process, (4) result in the reuse or recycling of land, and
enous microbial population. The cost estimate for the (5)encourage the use of remedial technologies that perma-
phased remediation plan at Beaches Laundry and Cleaners nently destroy contaminants.
at Jacksonville Beach, Florida, includes capital costs, The increasing awareness of sustainability within the reme-
construction costs, O&M costs, and monitoring costs. The diation industry has provided a new impetus not only to
treatment consisted of soil excavation and soil vapour develop new technologies but also to improve existing
extraction (SVE) to address volatile organic compounds techniques that are considered to be mature in terms of
(VOCs) in soil at the site. Enhanced bioremediation was their design, scope of use and cost. One way that bioreme-
the technology selected to remove VOCs in the ground- diation will evolve in the future to reduce its environ-
water associated with a large contaminant plume at the mental footprint is the minimization of energy
site. Excavation and SVE were included in the remedial consumption and maximisation of the use of renewable
design to accelerate the removal of mass from the source energy. Often the breakdown products of organic contami-
area. The SVE system was designed to address soil contami- nants include greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and
nation in the unsaturated (vadose) zone of the site and various oxides of nitrogen. Another future trend will there-
portions of the site that could not be excavated due to fore be the minimisation of emissions of pollutants and
building structural concerns and the shallow groundwater greenhouse gases during bioremediation.
table. In situ enhanced bioremediation was used to expe-
dite the bioremediation process in the dissolved phase
(down-gradient) portion of the contaminated area (plume)

E lements 393 D ecember 2010

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for the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Nature Technologies Roundtable, strated at hazardous waste site. Oil and
368: 413-418 Gas Journal 85: 61-65
Godoy-Fandez A, Antizar-Ladislao B,
Reyes-Bozo L, Camao A, Sez- SURF US (2009) Integrating sustainable
Navarrete C (2008) Bioremediation of principles, practices and metrics into
remediation projects. Remediation
Journal 19(3): 5-114
SURF UK (2009) A Framework for

gold This conference will take an all-embracing look at

goldfrom mineralogy, to geology, to ingots, to
Assessing the Sustainability of Soil and
Groundwater Remediation.
Contaminated Land: Applications in
Substance, coinage, to jewelryand at all stages of its Real Environments (CL:AIRE), London,
production and use. UK, Sustainable Remediation Forum
Significance, UK,
We will explore the contemporary focus on
and Symbol sustainable and environmentally conscious Tack FMG, Meers E (2010) Assisted
A 2-day conference extraction and the increasing use of reclaimed phytoextraction: Helping plants to help
in New York metal by contemporary artists in gold. We will us. Elements 6: 383-388
April 7 9, 2011 look at collections of gold throughout history US EPA (2010) Superfund Remedy Report,
and, looking beyond gold's role as a repository of 13th edition. Environmental Protection
value, we will consider its symbolism, and how Agency,
that has evolved over time.
Zobell CE (1946) Action of microorgan-
isms on hydrocarbons. Bacterial
Reviews 10: 1-49

For further information:

Initiatives in Art and Culture
Mary Lee Hu, Choker, 1991, Tel: 646-485-1952
18 Karat and 22 Karat Gold.
Photo courtesy: Facr Jewelry E-mail:
Art Gallery (Seattle). Online registration:

E lements 394 D ecember 2010

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