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December 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

L6 The Agricultural

4 Week 14 5 6 7 8
L7 Neolithic Settlement, L7 Neolithic L8 Global L8 Global Patterns Discovery Education 3.2
Surplus, Specialization, and Settlement, Surplus, Patterns of of Early Human Mesopotamian Society
Social Institutions Specialization, and Early Human Settlement
Social Institutions Settlement

11 Week 15 12 13 14 15
U2 Review U2 Review Day Unit 2 Written Test Unit 2 Multiple Choice Test

18 Week 16 19 20 21 22
Discovery Education 3.3 Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Revolution
Mesopotamian Innovations & Revolution Project Revolution Revolution Project Project
Contributions Project

Ms. Arend
7th Grade Social Studies
Calendar is subject to change based on class pacing.

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