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C. Camilo Galindo.

AEP Writing 1.1.

November 20, 2017.

Comparison and contrast between tradition in-person classroom education and online


In the world of today there are two ways to learn, one is attending to a classroom and the other is

having class on Internet. Twice options have differences in the way to learning.

One difference that students feel it is interaction, because attending classroom they can speak in

person with their classmates and instructors, differently from has classes on line because the

students just can speak for chat or using a web camera. Other difference is flexibility, so the

people who study on line don't have schedule and they can have classes in different hours, unlike

people who have class on a traditional classroom, they need to attend to the classroom at some

specific time to have a class. The third difference is feedback, usually students who are studying

in a traditional program receive feedback in class on real time and with their homework or

exams, differently from students who are studying on line receive every feedback in one time

when they post their homework or attend to exams on line. The fourth difference is the tools that

people use to study, in traditional education the students usually use just books and pens, unlike

studying on line because the people use a computer to have classes. In conclusion study in a

traditional classroom between study on line have many differences and it's possible to learn by

two ways just the mode to have advance it's different.

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